Klarna Tech Talk - Mind the Data!

Post on 08-May-2015

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Transcript of Klarna Tech Talk - Mind the Data!

Klarna Tech Talk:Mind the Data!Jeff PollockInfoSphere Information Integration & Governance

© 2013 International Business Machines Corporation 2

IBM’s statements regarding its plans, directions, and intent are subject to change or withdrawal without notice at IBM’s sole discretion.

Information regarding potential future products is intended to outline our general product direction and it should not be relied on in making a purchasing decision.

The information mentioned regarding potential future products is not a commitment, promise, or legal obligation to deliver any material, code or functionality. Information about potential future products may not be incorporated into any contract. The development, release, and timing of any future features or functionality described for our products remains at our sole discretion.

Performance is based on measurements and projections using standard IBM benchmarks in a controlled environment. The actual throughput or performance that any user will experience will vary depending upon many factors, including considerations such as the amount of multiprogramming in the user's job stream, the I/O configuration, the storage configuration, and the workload processed. Therefore, no assurance can be given that an individual user will achieve results similar to those stated here

© 2013 International Business Machines Corporation

Accelerated Pace of Change




© 2013 International Business Machines Corporation


Turn information into insights

Deepen Engagement with customers, partners and employees

Enable the agile business

Accelerate product and service innovation

Deliver enterprise mobility

Optimize IT and business infrastructure

Manage risk, security and compliance

Driven by Technology Innovations

1. IDC 2015 Market Opportunity 2. IDC & Other External Sources 2015 Opportunity 3. IDC 2015 Market Opportunity, excluding services 4. IBM internal analysis based on IDC data

Mobile Enterprise $36B2

Cloud and Optimized Workloads


Security Intelligence $38B3

Big Data Analytics $18B1

Categories Markets

© 2013 International Business Machines Corporation

Data-driven Technology = Data-driven Business

Volume Variety Velocity Veracity

Data at ScaleTerabytes to

petabytes of data

Data in Many FormsStructured, unstructured,

text, multimedia

Data in MotionAnalysis of streaming data to enable decisions within

fractions of a second.

Data UncertaintyManaging the reliability and predictability of inherently

imprecise data types.

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© 2013 International Business Machines Corporation

Data Fabric Helps Clients Build Smarter Businesses

Human Resources






Technology & ProductDevelopment

© 2013 International Business Machines Corporation

Type 1: Normal Batch

• Traditional high-volume runtime

Type 2: Micro-Batch

• Regular intervals for near-real time

Type 3: ELT (SQL or MapReduce)

• Push processing to the data

Type 1: Relational Views, SQL

• Models and Nicknames give layered views into

federated data

Type 2: XML Views, XQuery

• XML documents and XQuery query semantics for

data retreival

Type 3: Services APIs, SOA

• Data Services layer for SOA

Type 1: Consolidation

• Bring data from many sources and make it available to users in one

Type 2: Distribution

• Workload balancing

Type 3: Peer to Peer

• Continuous bi-directional synchronization

CDC Based / Always On

• Receive low-latency log-based replication from CDC and process through complex transformation with guaranteed delivery

Type 1: Message Broker

Advanced Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) with the

reliability of MQ

Type 2: B2B Appliance

• XML hardware acceleration for high-speed any-to-

any transformations

• Trading partner connectivity and support for key

industry standards like HL7, X12, and EDIFACT

Trigger a Data Integration Job

Launch data integration/ cleansing tasks through web service bindings

Complex Queue Transformation

• Guaranteed delivery from/to message queues for complex, heterogenous requirements

Queue-based Delivery

• Deliver log-based replicated changes to a message queue with guaranteed delivery

Big Data Processing (Hadoop, MPP DW), Metadata (Management, Lineage, Impact) and Governance (Glossary, Quality, Discovery etc)





Shop for Data Information Catalog

Universal place to begin looking for the business data you need

Canonical Data Services

• Always available application services with composite data views

Human-centric Data Stewardship and Data Curation

• Workflow managed enrichment of business data

Type 1: Simple Search

• Traditional keyword search

Type 2: Advanced Search

• Category and taxonomy search

Type 2: Faceted Navigation

• Active browse by value or schema

Type 1: Federated

• Access data via central registry

Type 2: Hub and Spoke

• Maintain source of truth

Type 3: Hybrid

• Leverages reference data, data by registry and local trusted data

Customer 360

• Total customer visibility with business data view and social data view – including Web sources

Search & Browse

Master Data

Data Fabric Access and Provision Data Seamlessly

Big Data Fabric

© 2013 International Business Machines Corporation 9

Smart Data is Integrated and Governed Data

Best Performance

Self Service Integration

Rapid Discovery

Single Platform

Unified Blueprints

Cloud Ready

Industry Focused Fastest ROI

Trusted Governance Confidence

Agile Frameworks Lowest TCO

© 2013 International Business Machines Corporation 10

Dynamic & LinearInstantly get better performance as hardware resources are added to any topology

On Demand CapacityAdd a new servers to scale out through simple configuration

Data PartitionedIn true MPP fashion (like PureData or Hadoop) data persisted in the data integration platform is stored in parallel to scale out the I/O.

Hadoop IntegratedPush all or part of the process out to PureData or Hadoop to take advantage of it’s scalability in ELT fashion.







Shared Memory


4-way Parallel 64-way Parallel

Uniprocessor SMP System MPP Clustered



Cleanse Enrich

Supported with DataStage MPP Grid or Hadoop clusters

Go Native – and Bring the Processing to the Data

© 2013 International Business Machines Corporation 11

3x 77%80%

Organizations with IIG outperform their



Organizations rated their decision making as good or excellent

Transform the Front Office Experience

EstablishTrusted Information

Organizations establish high or very high level of

trust in data

Value from Integration and Governance

© 2013 International Business Machines Corporation

Mind the Data (before it gets a mind of it’s own!)


© 2013 International Business Machines Corporation

Technology Innovation :1st Integrated Information Server Platform1st Data Governance Capabilities Built-in1st Mainstream Big Data ETL Platform1st Unified Data Domain MDM Solution1st Integrated Data Lifecycle & Archiving

10 of the top 10 global banks

25 of the world’s leading telecoms

17 of the top 20 Chinese financial services firms

5 of the top 6 global insurance providers

Top 3 global automobile manufacturers

3 of the top 5 global retailers

Proven Results – IBM Integration & Governance

Market Leadership:#1 ETL Market Share (IDC)#1 MDM Market Share (Gartner)#1 Data Quality Vision (Gartner)#1 in Integration Capabilities (Gartner)#1 Lifecycle Management (IDC)

Get Started with IBM Big Data

© 2013 International Business Machines Corporation

Get Started with Big Data – A Reference Architecture

© 2013 International Business Machines Corporation

IBM’s Big Data PortfolioSmarter Analytics / Business Analytics & Optimization

Information Server

MDM, Optim





Data Explorer

Industry Solutions• Financial Analytics

• Risk Analytics

• Threat & Fraud

• Workplace Analytics

• Customer Analytics

Business Intelligence

Performance Management

Content Management

Information Management Foundation

Client Services

Volume Variety Velocity Veracity


Performance Management

Content Analytics

Decision Management

Risk Analytics

Business Intelligence and Predictive Analytics


Information Integration and Governance




ComputingHadoop System


Sales Marketing Finance Risk IT Operations HR


Watson and Industry Solutions


Performance Management

Content Analytics

Decision Management

Risk Analytics

Business Intelligence and Predictive Analytics

ANALYTICSPerformance Management

Content Analytics

Decision Management

Risk Analytics

Business Intelligence and Predictive Analytics


Information Integration and Governance




ComputingHadoop System


Sales Marketing Finance Risk IT Operations HR


Watson and Industry Solutions

Sales Marketing Finance Risk IT Operations HR


Watson and Industry Solutions

© 2013 International Business Machines Corporation

Big Data Exploration Enhanced 360o Viewof the Customer

Operations Analysis Data Warehouse Augmentation

Security/IntelligenceExtension Understand confidence

Determine risk Establish master record Extent to all sources

Automatic data protection Mask sensitive information

High volume data integration Automatic data protection

High volume data integration Agile big data archiving and retrieval

Building Confidence with Top 5 Big Data Use Cases

© 2013 International Business Machines Corporation

Automotive manufacturer to build out global data warehouse

Need• Consolidate existing DW projects globally • Deliver real-time operational reporting • Integrate and gain new insights across all

data sources

Benefits• Single infrastructure to consolidate

structured, semi-structured and unstructured data

• Proven, enterprise-class capabilities that can be deployed quickly and are simpler to manage

Data Warehouse Augmentation

© 2013 International Business Machines Corporation

Financial service provider enables customer-centric cross selling


• Federated views of data on 20 million customers

• View data across 160 siloed systems


• Empowered agents

• Improved cross-selling to high value clients

Enhanced 360o Viewof the Customer

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IBM Big Data Industry Momentum

© 2013 International Business Machines Corporation