Kinnett Memorial Baptist Church · 2016-12-14 · Elijah and John the Baptist ... 2016 Week of...

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Transcript of Kinnett Memorial Baptist Church · 2016-12-14 · Elijah and John the Baptist ... 2016 Week of...

Kinnett Memorial

Baptist Church

Elijah and John the Baptist The Lord God had John the Baptist model himself after the prophet Elijah. John came in the power and the spirit of Elijah which was prophesied as he prepared the way of Messiah. John's home was in the wilderness as was Elijah's. Their dress was similar, their preaching was similar, and both predicted a judgment of fire. Both stood for truth and both were in conflict with the rulers of their day. Elijah and John were pointing the way back to God by calling people to obey God's commands. There are times when God has to speak forcefully and threaten judgment; these two prophets were in that mold. John and Elijah went through discouraging times in their ministry. Neither prophet saw a national revival in Israel. Yet both of these men were faithful to God and the call upon their lives. There is something this Christmas that makes me sit up and take notice. They believed the Lord and they saw and felt the climate and atmosphere which they lived. It was cold toward God and ignorant of God's instructions. You and I are living in the same days and you and I can expect the trails of the life of a Christian. But we are not to stand down! Do not allow your heart and mouth to become cold against the Lord. He came into this world to die for you and for me so that we can speak up and out for Him. Turn to the Lord today and thank Him for coming into this cold and darkened world just for you. Then turn to this world and tell them the Lord Jesus came here for them so that His glory would be seen and praised. He is worthy of all to be given to Him! For it all belongs to Him! This world came from Him, it is His, and it is coming back to Him! Hallelujah for that first advent, Christmas Day. I Love You, Pastor Don


Lottie Moon Christmas Offering 2016 Week of Prayer for International Missions December 4-11, 2016 “You have…heard about this hope in the message of truth, the gospel that has come to you. It is bearing fruit and growing all over the world, just as it has among you since the day you heard it…” Colossians 1:5-6 (HCSB)

“Your prayers and gifts to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering will help the gospel continue throughout the nations.” 100% of the money collected goes to sending and sustaining missionaries.

Gospel of John Booklet Share the Gospel this Christmas with family, friends, and neighbors. The booklets are great to hand out or send in Christmas cards, etc.

Booklets are located in the Sanctuary.

Children’s Corner December 4th 6:00 PM

Children’s Christmas Program

The children have been working very

hard and the program will bring a

message of hope for all.

Invite your friends, families and

neighbors to join you for this special


Olympian Club Ministry

December 7 6:45 PM

Christmas Party

Includes Snow Bingo and Gift Game

Children should bring a $1 gift

wrapped present that is suitable for a

boy or girl. The gift should be

like-able by a boy or girl.

Remember: Bring something you like.

Olympian Club continues…

December 14 6:45 PM

Movie and Snacks

December 21 6:45 PM

Children will be a part of the

Christmas service in the


Youth Corner December 11th 6:00 PM Youth Christmas Program

Teens for Christ is proud to present an original presentation,

“Alan, Did You Know?” A young teen boy crashes a youth

Christmas party. The teens witness to the young boy through song.

Come experience this touching story of salvation.

Adult Choir Christmas Music and Gifts Sunday December 18th 6:00 PM Church Candlelight & Communion Service Wednesday December 21st 6:45 PM WOL programs will resume December 28th . Christmas Day Worship Service 10:30 AM Regular Sunday Worship schedule will resume January 1, 2017.

Senior Adult/Frontrunner Ministries Graham Cinema Movie December 1st 9:30 AM CrossRoads Ministry December 5th 6-8 PM Christmas Celebration at the home of Sylvia Staley. Please let Sylvia know if you will be attending, and what food item you will bring by signing the sheet on the Welcome Center bulletin board. Senior Adult/Frontrunners Christmas Breakfast Celebration December 13th 8:30 AM Please bring a gift to give to the workers at the Restaurant, $5.00 or less, make it a nice gift, and wrap or place in a gift bag.

*Merry Christmas*

Up-Coming Events

Sermon Series “I PREDICT” Beginning January 1, 2017 “WE REMEMBER” Sunday, January 8, 2017 A look back to honor those who have “departed”. If you would like for your loved one to be remembered, please submit a photo of that person, with their name on the back. Please include their birth year and the year they departed. If you would like your photo returned please place your name on the back as well. All information due by December 4, 2016. Men’s Conference 2017 January 27-29 “God’s Hall of Fame”… A look at men who made an eternal difference in their service to the Lord Jesus! 2017 Summer Mission July 8th-15th Saint Martin It is not too soon to be praying for the team.