Kids in Print 2014 Edition

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Richland Library showcases the talents of young writers and artists in the Midlands through the annual publication Kids in Print.

Transcript of Kids in Print 2014 Edition

printkids in

2014 edition / Richland Library / Columbia, SC

“Morris Island Lighthouse” | Macey Coulter, Age 14


Amin, ChandniBeckner, SamanthaBokesch, OliviaBrabham, MaxBrown, Lucia Ruby StevickCantrell, MattieChen, EricChen, LaurenCook, MazieCoulter, MaceyCrick, HaileyDavidson, DanielDavidson, Mary KathrynDavis, NinaDubinsky, IsaacGunter, MicahHinson, ZackaryHughes, CharlotteHughes, SophieJackman, VictoriaJacobs, BrookeJones, JoshuaM’Iatamou, Kerf

Maltarich, ZuzuMaxfield, JulietteMcIlrath, BrennaMiller, BrantMiller, JuliaMotley, K’ShawnNelson, ClaireRobichaud, AndreaRobichaud, CloverRussell, CarlaSeiler, WolfgangStanley, BriannaStanton, JacksonStewart, DominikTollefsen, OlafVaranasi, SreyaVerwers, CarterVerwers, JonasWachtel, EleanorWalton, AlexanderWilliams, JerryanaWilliams, TimmazeWinslow, Alex

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printkids in

2014 edition / Richland Library / Columbia, SC

“Pink the Duck” \ Mary Kathryn Davidson, Age 13

2 | Kids in Print 2014

“Warm Snow” \ Mazie Cook, Age 15

Kids in Print 2014 | 3

On Perfection

This poemsays the same thing about youthat you said about me.

“But it doesn’t rhyme.”

It doesn’t have tofor it to mean anything.

Nina DavisAge 18

The Gap

She was scared ofbecominga genius.

Chandni AminAge 15

4 | Kids in Print 2014

Bus Stop

Red flashes by along withcity streetscity lightscity cars.Red city bus 20.Every morning, 7:42.

Halt! Kaubamaja. People get off, people get on.I am one of those people.Click! Doors shut.I am behind those doors.Up, up, up the hill.

Halt! Riiamäe. Stop one on our journey.People get off, people get on.I am not one of those people.Click! Doors shut.Around a corner. Wait for the light.Farther, farther, just a little bit farther…

Halt! Pepleri. Stop two on our journey.People get off, people get on.I am not one of those people.Click! Doors shut.Round, round, round the bend.

Halt! Silmakliinik. Eye clinic. Stop three on our journey.People get off, people get on.I am not one of those people.Click! Doors shut.I am still behind those doors.Straight going until traffic gets heavy.Round, round, round the traffic circle.Wait for pedestrians at the crosswalk.

Halt! Kuperjanovi. Our stop.7:48. School starts in twelve minutes. Better hurry.Squeeze off the crowded bus and into crisp air.

Pound! Pound! Pound! Run into the school yardStopping breathlessly at the large doors,flags welcoming above.

Pull! Swing! Ten more minutes.Still can make it.Jacket off, shoes off, indoor shoes on.

Plip! Plip! Plip! Run to class.Backpack off, books out, in seat.Mission Impossible starts to play over the loudspeakers.No one is surprised. That’s the bell.

Class starts.

Made it.

Lucia Ruby Stevick Brown \ Age 11

Kids in Print 2014 | 5

“Brisk Stroll” \ Jerryana Williams, Age 15

6 | Kids in Print 2014

From All Those Endless Summer Days

Do you somehow rememberHow we gazed up at the atmosphereAnd, how we watched the sunset go and fade awayAs I walk to the future, I look back at all those promisesFrom all those endless summer days

My shadowHides behind my smileBut when I had met you; you made my dayThe darkness, fades into the sunMy heart is filled up with your love

Do you remember that day?When you held onto my hand, so tight that nightDo you remember that day?when we gazed up into the starsDo you, remember that summer day?

Do you somehow rememberWhen you held onto my hand that dayWe vowed to love each other for eternitythat rose is still heretelling us that love is strongFrom all those endless summer days.

Micah GunterAge 14

Kids in Print 2014 | 7


The sunset is like gold.I watch it go down in the evening.It’s rare, valuable, and precious.I want to take it and be rich my whole life.

Wolfgang SeilerAge 11

8 | Kids in Print 2014

The Light

It’s dark,I can’t see anything

but I keep pushing on,breathless,

each step tentativemy blood beats a rhythm

th-thump th-thump th-thump.but there is something ahead

a flickera shine

comforting my woundsa feeble light

growing stronger by the secondthe light giving me strength

blinding,there’s laughter

I laughthere’s food

I eatthere’s light,

flowing into my bodyrepairing--



And I know,when I wake

what I must do,

I must find the light at the end of the tunnel.

Zuzu MaltarichAge 9

Kids in Print 2014 | 9

“As the Universe Sleeps” \ Victoria Jackman, Age 14

The Ether

In the ether, all your old, lost belongings can be found. It’s a strange place, and it’s everywhere at once. And occasionally, it’ll grab things. And because it’s everywhere, spit it out in a different place, thinking it’s the same place. Sometimes close, other times far off, but always lying like a child, telling us it’s our fault. Other old things, like your old Legos and third grade math notes, get torn apart or never make it out, trapped in the infinite void. In the ether, there’s a lost and found that got lost. In the ether, time and space are crooked, yet roughly tracking the steady progression in our world. It’s littered with things it engulfed, some large, some small. Very few beings have learned its pattern, sailing under grasping talons and dodging through the randomly ordered matrix. One man blasted in and carefully followed a bubble in the ether, where time had stopped. He turned the nebulous clouds of matter into toys. Then, when the calculations showed our date was the twenty-fourth of December, he dashed out, following the streams of slowed time. Using the joyful lights as a guide, he dashed from house to house, bending the ether through walls, and warping time to keep it night. In the ether, mystical things can happen. In the ether, even thoughts float around. It stores those ideas before they get onto paper, and the plans you and your friends had for Christmas. However, your thoughts aren’t alone. Sometimes, they get jumbled with other thoughts and make an incomprehensible blur. You forget. Other times, they make a funny, or ridiculous, or new idea. Other times, cunning strategies get infused with an evil motive. Then, there are the artists. They can intentionally mix ideas, or draw multiple people’s ideas together, and produce fascination results. Everyone gets a share of the ether. We all get a share of these thoughts—the funny, the evil, the radical. We all mix ideas along our own recipes, and sometimes combine our recipes into a meal. And that meal can help, amuse, or entertain many others. In the ether, creativity occurs.

Eric ChenAge 14

10 | Kids in Print 2014

“My Anime” \ K’Shawn Motley, Age 14

Kids in Print 2014 | 11

Anthony Spike: Time Agent

I got the clue that something was wrong when I visited Feudal Japan and found a Caucasian woman sitting on the Emperor’s throne. I confirmed that something was wrong when I was asked to bow down to the goddess. A few minutes later, I insulted the “goddess” and had to face her best samurai in combat. But, I’m getting behind of myself. I’m Anthony Spike, Chief Operative of the United States Time Security Agency. Our job is to make sure that our citizens don’t abuse their time-travel devices (TTDs) and stick within the recommended timelines. In addition, we screen all TTDs and make sure that they’re operating properly. Most of the time, it’s a pretty boring job – checking to make sure flux capacitors and chameleon circuits are working, planning out new trips to the Victorian ages, occasionally rescuing someone who got lost in the Dark Ages. This job, however, was special. About a month ago, one of our experimental TTDs was missing. It was shaping up to be one of the best personal TTDs since the iTime; it could safely transport you all the way to ancient Rome (traveling past your personal future, of course, was prohibited). It had been called the MyTime. Immediately the Agency was up in arms to find it, but it quickly became obvious that the thief had run back in time with the TTD. We had been running through history for a month, trying to find a discrepancy that would lead us to the culprit. After way too many hours spent working overtime, I had a lead. “So,” she said, as the last of her samurai left the room. “The TSA finally found me. How long has it been for you guys?” “It’s been 35 days since you stole the MyTime in Current Standard Time.” I replied, noting that she spoke with a flat Midwestern accent. Could’ve been Canadian, but this probably ruled out any foreign involvement. “How long have you been running?” “I’m not running. I’m enjoying myself.” She grinned showing small, perfect white teeth. “First, I went to Mesopotamia, then a respite for Queen Victoria’s diamond jubilee….” She trailed off. “I’ve been in Japan for around a month.” She had long dark hair that was artfully arranged upon her head, bright blue eyes, and spoke with a lightness that commonly belonged to teenagers, even though she couldn’t have been under 25. “Aren’t you supposed to say I’m under arrest? Standard procedure?” “I’m head of the field department. I make the procedures.” “Hmm. You look rather young for such a position.” “I could say the same about you.” “I am young.” She stood up and stretched. “I suppose you want to take me in?” “You’ve stolen private property, went outside the Standard Time Allowances, broke about fifty Code of Conduct laws, in addition to whatever you’re running from that made you want to steal the MyTime.” I allowed myself to smile. “Miss, I’m taking you in if I need to rewrite history to do it.” She held herself completely still for a moment, and I thought she might turn herself in. Then, she screamed something in Japanese, and her samurai warriors burst into the throne room, swords drawn. Now normally, the use of current weapons or technology in a past time is prohibited. But, as I said, I make the procedures. I slung the laser-guided tranq rifle from my shoulder and took down the closest attacker. My rifle was able to track every single opponent and take them down within seconds. In the midst I saw the girl run out of the room. I tore myself away from my attackers and ran after her. I chased her up a flight of stairs, up to a balcony overlooking the palace grounds. “Don’t move.” I barked and she froze. “I used a tranq gun on your samurai, but for you I’m using my standard-issue handgun. It’ll leave a few holes in you.” She quickly glanced over her shoulder and saw that what I was saying was true. “Now, you’re going to tell us where the MyTime is, and then you’re heading back to the year 2113 to face charges.” She suddenly whipped around, grinning, and I saw on her wrist a device that had been hidden by her sleeves – the MyTime. She smiled at me as she dematerialized. I fired my gun, and saw her grin dissipate for half a second as the bullet struck her in the stomach. She then disappeared. I lowered my gun and sighed. Had I hit her? Would I find her again? Where did she come from?Why did she need the MyTime? And most importantly, who was she? It was time to go back to the future – and to the drawing board.

Julia MillerAge 16

12 | Kids in Print 2014

“Eyes of a Demon” \ Brenna McIlrath, Age 13

Darkness: A Story Poem

I am setting up candles because the power blacked out.My brother is with me.One candle goes out and then another, until there is just one left. My brother and I are sitting very close to each other when the next and finalcandle extinguished.I feel around for my brother. I can’t find him.I whisper his name.Crying, shaking, breathing heavily, I call out his name, louder.Faintly, I hear his voice saying, “Help!”before the darkness takes over.

Jackson StantonAge 10

Kids in Print 2014 | 13

“Shadowed” \ Carter Verwers, Age 11

14 | Kids in Print 2014

Moonlit Hunt

We feel the wind through our fur,as we run through the woods.

The night is dark but the moon shines bright for us.We feel each other as we run,

We bark with delight.We see our prey-- it sees us too,

It runs but not for long.Soon our stomachs will growl no more, tonight.

The prey is swift,The hunt is on,

The pack is one,in the moonlight.

Brianna StanleyAge 11


Werewolves, come out at night,Attack small animals and humans

if you bother themVicious

if you learn to get on their good sidethey will do almost anything for you.

Joshua JonesAge 11

Kids in Print 2014 | 15

My Life in the Shadows

I lived in a world of shadows…

I was not alone in my world of shadows, though. I had 3 friends, a cat, a bee, and a bird; a lynx, a bumblebee and a swallow.

They were my only friends in my world of shadows, darkness, and despair.

People shunned us from society, laughed at us, and scorned us. We heard them mutter our names when we lurked in the shadows. The lynx… the bee… the swallow… and me, the human girl. They gossiped about me the most. I didn’t really care as long as my friends were with me.

One day, though, we parted and went our separate ways as we descended deeper into the shadows.

The quartet of the bumblebee, swallow, lynx, and human girl came to a close.

Then I was alone and I cried out to the shadows, Why did you take them from me?

I fell deeper and deeper into the inky abyss of the shadows.

I thought all hope was lost and I accepted my fate, falling free into the shadows.

But at the last moment, I heard the voices of my beloved friends calling my name, telling me not to give into the shadows.

Their voices gave me renewed strength.

I struggled against the shadows and I finally broke free from their clutches.

I looked up hoping to see them but all I saw was darkness. Then a surprising thing happened…

I was plunged into the light, the warmth and the joy of a flowing green meadow.

It would be a perfect paradise, if only they were here…

I see them again, my three dear friends. I see their surprised faces when we see each other and under the shining bright sun, we pledge our loyalty to one another, promising to stay together.

Here in this wonderland meadow, we will call this place home to the end of our days. Carefree and finally at peace, I have nothing to fear.

Andrea RobichaudAge 12

16 | Kids in Print 2014

“Aqua” \ Brooke Jacobs, Age 12

Kids in Print 2014 | 17



without light there would be no lifewithout life there would be no trees or grass or flowerswithout trees there would be no air.without air the world would start to crumble bit by bit and in timethere would be no more planets left, all that would be left are starswithout purpose anymore; no one could look at them so nothing wouldwork in our world again, and it would stay like that forever and ever until life was created again.

Max BrabhamAge 10

“Dragon Eggs (A Different Perspective)” \ Andrea Robichaud, Age 12

18 | Kids in Print 2014

“Instruments from All Over the World” \ Sreya Varanasi, Age 12

Kids in Print 2014 | 19

“The Ballerina” \ Lauren Chen, Age 10

20 | Kids in Print 2014

My Internal Symphony

Blue soars above me.Blue is water but it is also a violin.

Yellow fills me and covers me up.Yellow is the sun but it is also a clarinet.

Green is a friendly voice and walks by my side.Green is the grass and a big trombone.

Pink is round, fluffy, squishy, soft,Pink is love; pink is my harp.

Red is not pink and glares at me.Red is hate, a low viola.

Purple pulls my septet together with compassion.Purple is kind, wise and mellow like a cello.

White shows me the right thing to do.White is proud and fearless like a trumpet.

My eyes see colors,My ears hear music,My heart feels a symphony.

Eleanor WachtelAge 11

Love Love

Love Love is everywhere.Love Love comes.

Love Love goes.Love Love is good.

Mattie CantrellAge 6

“Chameleon” \ Alexander Walton, Age 11

Kids in Print 2014 | 21


I walk on the beach.I sit down.

I gaze at the beautiful waves – big ones and small ones like a

kaleidoscope.The water is a mirrored surface,

constantly changingdepending on the sun’s light,

the waves are green, sometimes blue,and from time-to-time, they are clear.

Isaac DubinskyAge10

22 | Kids in Print 2014

I Am a Book

I am a bookthe fingers of my owner ready to read methe hand flipping my cover

I am a bookthe songs of words inside memy pages bound to make me

I am a bookMy reader sitting on a chairon a sunny day where no clouds can be seen

I am a bookmy cover being flippedwarm, blue eyes on me

I am a bookthe end of my tale read after being closed,I am put back on the shelf to be read again

The End.

Max BrabhamAge 10

Kids in Print 2014 | 23

“A Day at the Library” \ Sophie Hughes, Age 7

24 | Kids in Print 2014


I see in my mind what I would like to write.

I touch the tip of the pencil; it almost breaks.

I hear the sound of my pencil as it soars overthe perfect lines on the paper.

I taste the lead in my pencil as I pause in my writing.

I smell the juiciness in my writing as I create the most detailed, delicious poem.

Juliette MaxfieldAge 9

Kids in Print 2014 | 25

A Collaboration Between a Teenager and Her Little Brother

It was a night black as sin, and she hurried from the castle with a dagger in hand. Then a big angry monster came and gobbled her up! The end.

AHEM! The monster, of course, was only a shadow cast by the trees and the stones. Now the princess continued, and she swallowed a pecan and died! The end.

Just then, another monster appeared. It roared, I love to eat little boys! Especially the ones who interrupt stories!

“I thought this was fiction!”

The monster reached for the little boy that broke the fourth wall and started to eat him veeeery sloooo-

Then the princess took her dagger and cut up the monster into little centimeters!

The princess is dead!

She coughed up the pecan and came back to life. After she finished decapitating the monster, she turned to the boy. “You are an ugly, slow minded little creature,“ she said.

“HEY! You can’t cross out my writing!”

“Who says so?”

The princess looked at the little boy, drew her dagger, and stabbed him in the heart. “I say so.”

The boy came back to life. “Who’s interrupting the story now?”

The princess continued on her way, racing to reach the docks before the arrival of the wizard’s guards. She could hear the wizard using powerful words of magic, and expected herself to be caught by some magic spell at any moment. The boy jumped out of the bushes and cast a spell that froze the wizard in his place. Then, big ugly guards with goat cheese breath came running out of the forest!

The princess saw a man running toward the boy, sword drawn. She jumped behind him and took him down, using her dagger. Then the boy, with his wand, made a barricade of fire-breathing doughnuts between them and the bad guys!

The princess and the boy ran to the docks, pushing people out of their way as they headed to the boat. The boy called to his sailors, who got the ship ready for their Captain. “Since when are you a Cap---never mind.”

The princess and the boy jumped onto the boat and cast off, sailing away from the wizard and his guards. We make a pretty good team after all, said the princess.

Bah! yelled the boy. Go walk the plank!

“Why you little—“

(At this point, the paper was torn without any hope of repair, and, alas, the story was discontinued.)

Julia and Brant MillerAges 16 and 9

26 | Kids in Print 2014

Writing with My Left Hand

Everything I know is a memory of a memory.I write with my left handbecause I know that’s how you stayed with me;my right hand holding your handand my left hand writing a listof things I’d have to remind you of later.

Nina DavisAge 18

Kids in Print 2014 | 27

The Power of Words

Neatly typed characters sit waiting on a page,waiting for human eyes to understand them,

an intricate pattern of characters createa word.

Words can be disconsolate,uplifting,

or even ireful,depending on how you ken the words.

One word can change the meaning, causing different emotions to arise.

Carefully selecting your wordsis the best way to let others know what you mean.

Words are tools that you can easily retrieve from your brain.Words on paper tell others what you think.Words are a form of silent communication.

Words are the most effective way to communicate.

The power of words can be amazing.Words can instigate people,

or it can cause lethargy.

This is the power of words.

Sreya VaranasiAge 12

28 | Kids in Print 2014

“Psalm Number One” \ Olaf Tollefsen, Age 18

Kids in Print 2014 | 29

“Fractured Peace” \ Zackary Hinson, Age 16

30 | Kids in Print 2014


Light swarms, shines, heats and boilsconstantly through the night.

The Northern Star guides with its burning soul,pulling us to an unknown heaven.

Samantha BecknerAge 10

“Rings of Light” \ Jerryana Williams, Age 15

Kids in Print 2014 | 31

The Star on the Tree

My Dad places the white-painted tin star on our tree.It was my Granny’s star;

a star that shone on every Christmas tree in my father’s childhood.My Granny is gone,

but her light shines on.

Alex WinslowAge 10

“The Nutcracker” \ Hailey Crick, Age 6

32 | Kids in Print 2014

I Am Like A Cat

I am like a cat.I wonder why everyone shouts all the time.I hear loud noises that make me flinch.I see an open door, and I want to escape.I want to be left alone to think. I am like a cat.

I pretend to be bigger than I am.I feel safe at home.I touch people too roughly sometimes.I worry that I am on my ninth life.I cry when I am hurt.I am like a cat.

I understand that I am picky.I say hello to my favorite people.I dream of a quiet nap in the sun.I try to be my best.I hope that I don’t rub people the wrong way.I am like a cat.

Claire NelsonAge 13

Kids in Print 2014 | 33

“A Summer Day” \ Charlotte Hughes, Age 10

34 | Kids in Print 2014


I am born with the arrival of Sweet Spring,Awaiting the arrival of beauteous flowers, baby buds, in my robes of pale green.

I feel the gentle warmth of the sun upon my frail bodyAnd the gentle tug of breezes upon my small frame.

I cling to the branch. I dare not leave it.

Strong Summer comes, and I grow stronger with it.I am surrounded by friends, and we chatter in the wind.

The heat bears down upon me, but I welcome it.I am wrapped in thick cloaks of emerald hue,

Holding the branch that is my reality.

Now it is Abhorrent Autumn.My garments of lush green are ripped from me;

My apparel is now a cape of bleeding flames and bruised light.The frigid gale pulls at me, screaming to let go.

I am robbed of the sun’s warmth with the shortening of days.The coldness presses down around me. My friends perish.

The gale’s unrelenting screams get louder. I am bleeding and burning in the cold.I give in to what was once a gentle breeze as I say farewell to the branch that bore me.

I am falling, carried by an airy carpet;Dying in macabre beauty.

Wanton Winter has possessed my world.The wind has stopped playing with my corpse ages ago.

My body is buried deep within a tomb of snowTo rot where no one sees it.

I see that icicles inhabit the branches, colder and crueler than us leaves.I pity them. They will die with less time among branches than I.

My reincarnation lies asleep inside them, soon to meet the world anew.The new leaf to come will live in false hope

As the seasons condemn it to meet the same fate as I.

Clover RobichaudAge 14

Kids in Print 2014 | 35


The reasonthe walls of your new place

are still white is becausethey haven’t been coloured

with memoriesyet. At least your carpet’s multicoloured

from your cats’ shedding. Kindagross to mention it butyour fingers are green

from all that smoking ofasparagus you’ve beendoing. A pack a day?

You’re an asparagus addict.White trails of incense travel

up the walls and banglesjingle on your frail wrists.

The noise we hear isfull of chants and

pleading because it’san unbroken ritual that

satiates the easily-angereddi. It’s our history, it’s who we

are and where we come from and why why why this all doesn’t doesn’t doesn’t

doesn’t exist.

Pumpkins line windows that areset on ice.

Chandni AminAge 15

36 | Kids in Print 2014

“Anubis” \ Kerf M’Iatamou, Age 15

Kids in Print 2014 | 37

Rashamad and the Silver Shells

Once upon a time, there lived a swan named Rashamad. The name Rashamad meant “one with bad temper.” One day, Rashamad decided to join the king’s royal army. Rashamad went to the king and asked him “Can I try-out for commander?” Sure enough, Rashamad got the job.

One day, Rashamad was walking by the shore and another swan walked over to him and gave him a silver shell. Rashamad asked, “Do you have more of these?”

The swan did not answer.

Rashamad yelled this time, “Do you have more of these?!”

The swan did not answer and without thinking Rashamad stabbed him. With guilt, Rashamad flew away for he knew the king would kill him.

The moral of the story is: Think before you do.

Jonas VerwersAge 8

38 | Kids in Print 2014

Less than, Greater than, or Equal To

We’re not less than, or greater than, we’re equal toListen up and don’t get it confused

We’re not less than, or greater than, we’re equal toLess than, or greater than, we’re equal toLess than, or greater than, we’re equal toListen up, and don’t get it confused

Now it’s a simple education you’ll be able to useWhen you work hard and stop thinking of shoes; bullying and acting like a foolSo, listen up and don’t get it confused

Stop thinking of bullying; It is so wrongCause God’s watching you like a brand new iPhoneI’m talking to you, so you better listenDon’t pick on people because they’re different

So if you don’t want this time to loseYou better, listen up, and don’t get it confused

Cause, we’re not less than, or greater than we’re equal to,We’re not less than, or greater than we’re equal toWe’re not less than, or greater than we’re equal toListen up, and don’t get it confused.

Timmaze WilliamsAge 11

Kids in Print 2014 | 39

“Power of Super Saiyan Goku” \ Carla Russell, Age 14

40 | Kids in Print 2014

Westward Bound – A Pioneer Family’s Life – The Diary of Abigail Smith, Age 10

August 18, 1846 So far it’s been about a week since we’ve left Missouri, and Ma and Pa are through the roof with exhaustion. Our rickety covered wagon has been close to turning over twice! The ride has been quite dangerous and travel has been tough since there are five of us. There’s Ma, Pa, Laura, my younger sister by two years, Charles who’s only three years of age, and me, Abigail. Since I am the eldest, I must do more chores than Laura and Charles combined. “Can you do the laundry, Abigail? Set the table, Abigail. Don’t let Charles play in that filthy creek!” This was all I heard most of the time. Only yesterday we had to cross part of the Missouri River! Our left wheel got stuck, and poor Pa had to climb into the river to help move our wagon along. The river had to be cold because Pa came up looking like the time when he and the other fathers dove into the lake during the winter for fun back at our home in Bulls Creek, Kentucky. Luckily, the river was shallow from the long drought they’ve had out here in the West. Little Laura couldn’t believe it hadn’t rained since we’d left Kentucky. For Charles, it was like a visit to the candy shop. He would sing while playing outside our wagon, “Little Charles can play today, for God has given us no rain.” Pa just laughed and told Laura to go play with him, while I had to help Ma make supper. Later, during supper, Pa told us we’d be passing through a small town to restock in two days’ time. Ma was overjoyed, and we spent the rest of dusk dancing along with Pa’s fiddle.

August 20, 1846 We hit a rock. Our wagon had been riding smoothly on the dirt path, and Ma was feeding Charles up on the bench seat with Pa. “John,” she said, “It’s getting rocky, so be careful.” “Don’t worry, Meredith,” Pa answered. It was right then when we hit that darn rock. I could feel our wheel spin out and roll off. Luckily, Pa was able to catch the open wheel space before the wagon fell over. He propped the wagon up to keep it from tilting. Ma frantically rushed over onto the dry flat prairie to help Pa. Laura, Ma and I struggled with all our might to pick up the broken wheel. Pa started to repair the wheel, but I knew we needed more than one man to do this. After lunch, I saw dust coming over the hill we had conquered right before we lost the wheel. A shape slowly started to appear. Ma screeched with joy. Another wagon! The wagon stopped before us and a young man stepped down from the bench seat. “What be the trouble?” the man asked gruffly. Pa shaded his eyes and replied, “Our wagon wheel has fallen off, sir. Will you help us repair it and put it back on?” “Why my wife and I happened to bring along an extra wheel. We’d be happy to get it off our backs.” Pa seemed to stop and think. “Well, thank you, sir!” Pa replied, smiling. “Meredith, go cook up something nice for this young man and his wife.” Ma nodded and disappeared back into the wagon. A few hours later, the new wheel was in place and we were all eating an early supper with the Abners, the nice man and his wife. I think Mrs. Abner was a little overwhelmed with all the food and such and Ma’s appreciation. The new wheel was just as big, but not quite as sturdy as our old wheel, so we had to remove some weight from the wagon. I willingly gave up my wagon box along with you, Diary. So long old friend!

Olivia BokeschAge 10

A Very Special Thank You...

Many people made this edition of Kids in Print possible and we each worked hard to make this publication the best yet. PrintSouth Printing / The families, teachers and school staff Programs and Partnerships / The Children’s Room, Main Virtual Services / Marketing and Communications / Teen Center

Kids In Print Selection CommitteeMorgan Ryan / Heather McCue / Ashley WarthenJennifer Naimzadeh / Sarah Shuster / Sherry Williams

“Bison” \ Daniel Davidson, Age 14

“Soldier’s Soul from Heaven” \ Dominik Stewart, Age 7