Key Tips To Pull A Women Online Right Now

Post on 29-Aug-2014

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The difference between me and most people using online dating sites is that the women eventually come to me and I meet them in person. And they have been quality women. Smart, funny, beautiful, dark, and very cultured. Some have even written into me saying that they're not looking for a relationship at all (they are) but read my profile, and wanted to tell me how wonderful it was and how they wish me the best of luck.

Transcript of Key Tips To Pull A Women Online Right Now


Welcome To The Online Dating GuideAfter reading a handful of threads on the Seduction University and the entire section on online dating experiences from the main page, I have come to the conclusion that a great deal of you have no clue what you're doing when it comes to utilizing online dating sites and personals. Not that you can be blamed, it's a different kind of jungle out there and I'm just now discovering what works after two years of falling on my face both online and in person. There's a lot of disinformation out there, and some of you are coming into the online dating realm with it. One of the worst assumptions out there is that you should take your time while meeting girls online. This is wrong, wrong, wrong, and I'll talk about it later. I'll talk about a lot of things. I'll be covering some major ground here in this online dating guide.

The difference between me and most people using online dating sites is that the women eventually come to me and I meet them in person. And they have been quality women. Smart, funny, beautiful, dark, and very cultured. Some have even written into me saying that they're not looking for a relationship at all (they are) but read my profile, and wanted to tell me how wonderful it was and how they wish me the best of luck. Last month I went on three dates with girls that contacted ME. One drove out from Tampa to see me, half a state away. It's the eighth of September, and I've already gone on two dates this month.

I can help you get that far using the internet, but from there you're on your own.

Online dating: A perfect idea on paperBut hey, so is communism. The system has its flaws.

Attention Hoes: The ratio of males to females on these dating sites is way out of whack. As a result, a lot of the woman that hang around for a long time on these sites are simply there to take in as much attention as they possibly can without really going anywhere with anyone. Some would say the women are overloaded with options and so they simply don't feel the need to pick anyone. That may be the case with some of the women on online dating sites, but don't let a few rotten eggs make you think the rest of the carton is no good. There are ways to screen these women.

No Rapport: No matter how much you talk to someone online, you're back at ground zero once you finally meet them in person. You have to build up value and comfort all over again, and with less material than you had before. This issue is side stepped easily as well.

Lady Could be a Dude: Yeah, well these are just the risks you take. In my experience, all of the women I've met have been very honest about who they are and used an up to date picture. Perhaps I'm recognizing red flags in online profiles that most of you are missing? I'll talk about the types of profiles I'm leery of.

Girl Could Have a Boyfriend: So could anyone else you attempt to pickup offline, and this doesn't seem to be a big problem to a lot of people here anyway. This has happened to me. It's not fun. After meeting a girl in person, you should expect her to be as open with you about her life as she would be if you originally met her in person. Remember: You


have as much a right to be wary of her as she does of you. You're qualifying HER. This has not changed.

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Dating Website Profiles: Know The BasicsThis is the backbone of your success with online dating and you're selling yourself short if you just churn it out, put it up, and leave it at that. Your profile should be an extension of you. It should be a reflection of your philosophies, your tastes in all things cultural, your sense of humor, your style, who you are, and what you're looking for. It has to have ENERGY, ENERGY, ENERGY! Be open, be honest, be cocky, yet funny. Show some attitude and swagger. show some heart. Show that you're human and genuine.

My online profile has had a lot of success where I've placed it because I've spent two years editing it. It's had many revisions and every few weeks I change a line or two. In this way, writing a profile is a lot like writing a poem, a book, or a short story: It's never finished. There's always room for improvement, and you should seek it out. There's always a little bit more, or a little bit less to say about yourself. You cannot afford for your profile to look like everyone else. Read men's profiles, and find out what clichés are used and then avoid them.

Every site has their own brand due to the different way the information fields are arranged.

One more thing: online dating sites and personals are often used as a crutch for the desperate man with no social skills. Remember: YOU ARE NOT THIS GUY! If you do not express this somehow in your profile, it will simply be assumed. You're not online because you're desperate, you're online because you're looking for someone with a distinct personality (which I am, personally) and possibly because you are a busy man who needs a more “streamlined” way to meet and qualify women. You're looking for someone with the right kind of energy. You're looking for someone who's tired of the club scene. You're online because you haven't met what you're looking for in real life, not because no one else would have you.

DO NOT be whiny and say "I'm using this site because all the women I meet in club suck." Do NOT be negative about the women you meet in your day to day life. A girl is more likely to assume the problem lies with you rather than the rest of the world. But don't forget, YOU ARE QUALIFYING THEM!

You can use the same profile on a variety of websites, so make it the best profile there is.

I recommend leaving an instant message screen name in your profile. A lot of people prefer to make first contact this way.



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Profile ClichésThese are not always written exactly the same as I will show you, but I see them all the time in one variety or another. Avoid them:

"I'm often shy at first but I'm very warm and friendly once you get to know me."

"I'm the most funny/interesting/weird/quirky person you'll ever meet!"

"I'm not very good at writing about myself" or "I'm never sure what to write for these things..."

"If you want to know anything more, just ask!" (Never. They will never follow up and ask. They have no incentive to. You tell them about yourself then and there, soldier.)



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How To Make A Perfect Online Dating Profile

1) Always put at least three pictures up, and these should obviously be your best looking pictures. Everyone puts their best picture up in their profile, and most of the time it succeeds at giving the false impression that they are better looking than they really are. However, when you post three or more great pictures, the women browsing your profile will just assume you are a good looking guy rather than just a guy with ONE good looking picture. Your first picture should be a face closeup, and the second should show your entire body. If you aren't in great shape, find a full-body picture that still looks pretty good, as just an “ok” picture of your body is better than no picture at all. The last thing you want to do is put in a lot of work, number close, meet the girl, and then have her give you a look like she was misled. Also, put pictures up that DHV (display high value). Mine consist of me posing with foreign children, as I gave them medical help on a trip I was on. This works very well.

2) Your profile needs to show that you have very high social value; so be witty, and be totally, completely, outlandishly unique. I'm a pretty good writer and a witty guy, so this part isn't really a problem for me. However, I know that some guys aren't the best at this, but you still need to somehow formulate a good profile. Get help from an English teacher if you have to. Also, use good grammar. It will make you sound more together and alternatively, attractive. Nobody is turned off by good grammar, but some ladies are very turned off by bad grammar.

3) Understand what type of girl you are after, and tailor your profile to that personality type. I like smart girls, so my profile shows how intelligent I am and that retards need not apply. Here's an excerpt from it: “I hope to eventually find someone who cares about sports, politics, the perfect ice cream flavor, current events, philosophy, old episodes of Saved by the Bell, religion, music, literature, the unintentional comedy of Keanu Reeves... get what I'm saying?”

4) Throw in as many conversation pieces as you can. Pop culture works well. In the above excerpt, I mentioned Saved by the Bell and Keanu Reeves. I've received TONS of e-mails from girls saying how they love/hate these things and what their opinions are on them. Dropping little pieces of info into your profile that will “hit home” with many women and provoke a response out of them is a very effective strategy to use in online dating. Nothing is better than having all of the women come to you.

5) Do not describe your personality, DEMONSTRATE it. You think that you are funny? Then actually BE funny in your profile description, don't just say that you are a funny guy. You think that you are smart? Then be smart, don't say that you are a smart guy. Girls HATE guys who just list qualities that they aren't backing up in their profiles or in e-mails, and all of the guys who fail at online dating all do it. Basically, don't tell her who you are, reveal it to her.

This should get you started. My next post will describe who to sarge. A hot girl online is not necessary a hot girl in real life. You need to be on the alert. Rock it out, gentleman.



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Picking Women On Online Dating WebsitesSo you've already created a witty, original profile that displays your high value with pictures of both your body and face, and included a kick ass description that demonstrates (not states) your personality type a positive traits. You could just leave it at that and hope the women will begin sending messages your way, but where's the fun in that when you've got thousands of hot women to browse through and choose from?

Now its time to figure out who to choose out of the masses, which can actually prove to be much more difficult that it appears to be at first glance. You really can't just browse through the profiles saying to yourself “I'd hit that” and always expect to get what her profile is promising. I've number closed at least 50 women on an online dating website and I wouldn't have even approached them unless they looked hot in their profile pictures. However, something interesting will happen when you see some of them in person; they look nothing like their profile pictures at all. Many times they'll look like the ugly sister of the girl that you thought you were supposed to meet!

Here are a couple of basic rules to follow that will help you to filter through the “fake hot chicks” and locate the ones that are worth spending your time pursuing:

1) Look for women that are following the exact same rules that you are following when it comes to posting picture: close-up face, followed by a full body-shot, then finally any of various pictures they want to use. The more pictures the better. Women are sneaky as all hell, and they will do anything they can to hide their true physique. A big thing they do is offer a full body shot but provide it in a full group picture where they are awkwardly bending or partially obscured by something else. When you see this, alarms should go off in your head because more times than not this is deliberate on her part to hide her true physique. If you are truly interested in the girl, enlarge the picture and study what little of her tummy is showing. I've found so many rolls this way I could start a bakery. And if you've got a single head shot only to work with, move on. Always remember: if a woman REALLY is hot, they will choose pictures that demonstrate that fact, not attempt to hide it. Anything that looks shady probably is.

2) If you are using a feature rich online dating website, always make sure to pay very close attention to how each woman describes her body type. “Full figured”, “more to love”, these are all obvious no's (unless you're into that sort of thing). However, what if she says "about average?” Guess what? Her idea of "average" and your idea of "average" is most likely very different. Her body is not attractive, and this rule has ALWAYS applied in my experience. Move on. That leaves things like “athletic” and “toned” and “slender” as the only applicable options. If you get athletic and toned, thats usually a good sign, but remain on the lookout since butch women with linebacker shoulders will choose this description also. This makes slender by far the best



description. If she's putting slender and is anything but, you have every right to call her out on it when the two of you meet in person. It's just ignorant and rude (and it does happen, unfortunately) to blatantly lie about what you look like on an online dating site. Small fibs you can let slide as long as the person looks at least mostly like what you were led to believe. However, if she says that she's thin and ends up weighting 150 pounds, that's just not cool.

3) Don't pay any attention to how much they exercise. They are lying most of the time. If she says that she goes to the gym four times a week, she is probably talking about the one week three years ago when she went four times. In reality she may go once a week, or twice per month for all you know. On the other hand, she could be telling the truth. Regardless, how often they say that they exercise is so unreliable it's best for you to just completely ignore it.

These rules sound simple, but they are important. It's awkward to meet someone for the first time and in 5 seconds realize that your value is so much higher than hers and you feel sick to your stomach, and embarrassed to be stuck on a date with them. Not to mention that you'll be extremely pissed off because of all of the time you wasted gaming her. For that reason, always keep the first date short (I do coffee) unless you are SURE she's hot and you will be satisfied. The last thing you want to do is waste money on a date with a woman you want nothing to do with.


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No One Is Messaging Me! What Should I Do?Have the basic rules of attraction changed for online dating? Not by much. It's still your responsibility to do the approaching, so be a man. You will be ignored, rejected, and burnt up, and usually there won't be a sound from any of it. You will be rejected not with a bang, but a whisper. Rather than lamenting this, take comfort in it. It's a lot easier to swallow than being rejected in person. Invest thought into your messages, but not emotion. Responses will be much more common than received messages, even if you've got a pretty good profile. Received messages will come in due time, but it often takes a while. You can't expect five messages in the first week just because you set up a profile and uploaded a few pictures. Usually they come quicker if you put up a new picture occasionally to arouse some interest from long-time members. If you're still having no luck, eyeball your profile and tweak it until it squeals.

In the meantime, you send out messages. Traditionally it is the man's job to approach the women, so the vast majority of women will expect alpha males to be actively pursuing them, and the lower status men to just sit around waiting for something to happen.

Man up and start contacting some women.

A good message will be roughly one short paragraph in length. Unless you're making a great joke or an interesting reference to something in her profile, anything shorter than that will come off as lazy. One of the biggest complaints women have with online dating sites are the short, boring messages they receive. Also keep in mind that a longer message can make you come off as desperate or appear as though you're trying too hard, so something right in the middle is your best options. Short and sweet, but long enough to be classified as a paragraph.

A message should do three things:

- Show appreciation for her profile and personality - Express common interest and/or similarities - Demonstrate that you are a high value man - Show interest, or at least that you are curious

While showing appreciation, be careful not to place her too high on any pedestal or to hit her with an array of compliments. Also, when you do compliment, you should rarely compliment anyone on their appearances. I would advise against it at all for the first



message in most cases. She knows that you're attracted, otherwise you wouldn't be writing. Besides, every AFC that has already contacted her has probably commented on her appearance. It's the last thing that she wants to hear. You should make comments about things in her profile, which will not only be much more unique since other guys don't do it, but also provoke a response from her.

When expressing common interests and similarities, you must demonstrate it, not “tell” it. What I mean by this, is that you should not say "Hey, I dig your taste in music. I'm also really into Incubus, The Killers, and Flogging Molly." That will seem fake and also as if you're trying to qualify yourself for her. Instead, say something like "Did you see Flogging Molly at the Florida Music Festival? They were here not too long back, they know how to put on a show. Up until the moment they were on stage, they were drinking with me and all their other fans. Good stuff!" Don't sound too excited; coming across with an attitude of "OMG WE LIKE THE SAME STUFF MEBE WE B SOLEMATEZ!1!!1?!!" will definitely scare her off.

When it comes to demonstrating that you are of high value, you can show value in many different ways. There is no one way to be a wonderful person. Quality is a way of life. You don't have to talk about the time you killed a lion with your bare hands. Simply write well, try your best to avoid typos, grammar errors, and use proper punctuation. An intelligent message with an intelligent profile will attract intelligent women. On top of that, be funny, be a smart ass, be interesting, and be experienced. You're a wonderful, well spoken, well deserving man. Show it, don't tell it.

Cement everything else with interest and perhaps some qualifying questions. Has she ever been to any of your favourite places? What are her favourite places? You both like Italian food, but you haven't found any good restaurants. Has she? Maybe you have some questions about the philosophy she was jabbering about. Ask.

Oh, and whenever you mention sex you're walking on eggshells. Mentioning it in the context of an over the top joke has proven safe.


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The Best Online Opener - HUGE Response RateProbably the most difficult part of online dating is the opener. Lots of guys say negging is the way to go, but I've developed my own theory on the subject. I was getting laid online before I knew the seduction community even existed, so all my material in this realm is original.

The most important thing you can do, no... the most IMPORTANT thing you MUST do is make the woman feel individualized. Her online day involves clearing her inbox of hundreds of e-mails from guys that are all similar, all begging, and all AFC's. You MUST stand out or you will fail, plain and simple. How? Well, she knows that most men simply send many similar letters out hoping to get a single response from one of the women. She's evolved to recognize and ignore these types of letters. So what's the trick to getting your message ever read and not thrown into the trash bin with the rest? Here it is:

Make her feel like she is better than the other girls online on a deep, intellectual and spiritual level. This must be done not from a needy or pedestaling stance, but instead give the vibe that you are just sick of the other women online and that she is a breath of fresh air. Doing it in this fashion will ensure that you do not lose any value in the process.

Girls compete against one another. We know this and use it in the field. Yet for some reason, I've never heard of anyone using it online. Over many iterations I have developed a canned opener that makes every girl genuinely believe that I have written her a touching, individualized compliment. It has an OUTSTANDING response rate. Though I won't post the whole thing, I'll post the main points, and you'll get the idea:

It begins with this:

"I read your profile and noticed something that I can't say about many girls on this website, you actually have a personality. Strike that and I'll take it one step further, you actually have a pulse."

That line catches her eye with both wit and originality. I go on to explain why she is different, and I even congratulate her for it. Though everything I'm writing is canned, she is oblivious and consequently touched. Then comes the humour:



"I've read vanilla profile after white bread profile on this website and came to believe I was dealing mostly with robots. And nobody wants to date a robot, they are made of metal and have claws."

The target will love this. In her response she'll assure you she isn't made of metal or has claws in some joke retort.

Close by asking her to check out your joke-laden profile. If she's interested, tell her to shoot you an e-mail back. You look forward to hearing back from her (say this, it shows confidence).

As of right now, this method of opening has proved to be the most effective out of anything that you'll find anywhere else. Use it liberally.

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Send A Good Second E-mail (With Example)As a continuation of my guide concerning my online method/theory, it's onto the second e-mail that you should send to your target. Just to make this guide a bit more interesting, I'm going to try something a little bit different for this one. I'm currently working on a few HB 8's on a dating website (at least they look that way, I'm always dubious, as stated in my last post), but for some of them I'm just about ready to send the second e-mail. So from now on, future sections of this guide will also contain my real-time game as it correlates to that post. It's very possible this specific target could go stale, as that happens often in the online gaming world. But who cares? It'll be fun and I really don't give a shit if things go sour. So anyway, if you read my opener post, I gave this target my canned opener. No changes from the standard e-mail I always send out. Here's the response I got with specific personal info omitted:

“So true, metal claws are not something I, personally, am looking for. Anyway, thanks for the note--you seem really interesting and I am pleased to find a profile that isn't devoted to love of the [sports team]. Hmmm [my grad school type]--that's pretty intense. How did you decide to follow that career path? How do I know that you wouldn't be judging my teeth if we ever met. Well, I hope you had a good weekend--mine was fabulous but far too short.”

As you can see, the target liked my opening e-mail. This is a typical response I get. The whole teeth bit concerns my profile, and the metal claws bit refers to my opener (I get something like that almost every time). Regardless, I have formulated a response to this e-mail and am currently waiting the mandatory few days to send the reply. Never, EVER, send a reply immediately, even if she does (she did, by the way). Wait at least two days. I'll probably wait 5 days or so, but that's more because I'm busy. Anyway, there are a few principles for the second e-mail that must be understood:

1) The second e-mail is the neg e-mail. You've hooked her in the first e-mail. Now its time to playfully tease her. Call it using push-pull theory if you like. There's a specific reason I don't neg in the opener, and if you are wondering just ask me personally (trying to keep this post from becoming a novel).



2) Do not neg too harshly until you know her better (ie send more e-mails). Your relationship is like a frail, delicate flower at this point. Don't shit on that flower, asshole.


So here's my response, once again personal details have been omitted and commentary added to explain my reasoning:

“Hey. Glad to hear back from you. To answer your questions, I decided on [profession] because I realized one day that the only way I could truly be happy was to inflict pain on people all day under the ruse that I was helping them.”

Opening joke, sarcasm always works well.

“But seriously, I went into it for a number of reasons that I won't get into here. In fact, I have been asked this so many times that I have a rehearsed "5 minute [my profession] sell" that I give people. No joke, in the end most people are re-evaluating their career paths and envisioning how great their lives would be if they involved [what I do].”

Try to not answer all of her questions directly. Hint that you have an answer, and that the answer is fascinating. Leave her wanting more. She'll have to meet me to find out the 5 minute sell, and thats already a conversation topic we'll have. Furthermore, this DHV's. People WANT to do what I do.

“Would I judge your teeth? I'm judging them right now...”


“Anyways, its my turn to ask the questions. But let me first warn you that each question is more devious than the last and in the end they will shatter your psyche and leave you a shell of your former self... or I just made them up on the spot. Take your pick.”

Totally canned neg. I used it every time. They seem to love it and it is often mentioned in her response. Sort of scares the target and gives you control, like you could actually break them down. Regardless, nobody else online is saying stuff like this to her.

“What's your idea of the perfect Saturday night? The perfect Sunday morning? Art museum? Real world kicking your ass yet?"

First two questions are good ones; ascertain what she likes in a playful way (and indirectly sexual with the Sunday morning comment). Last two are negs, and they'd make sense if you read her profile.

As you can see, my negs are playful, not harsh, but they are negs nonetheless. I have ended the e-mail with questions, but they are not the standard ones like, "What do you like to do for fun."

If she responds (which I think she will), I will attempt to move into building a rapport with e-mails. That will be the topic of the next section, and I will continue to give real-time examples concerning this particular target. Rock it out, gentlemen.


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Building Rapport With A Great Third E-mailAlright, so the example e-mail I used in the previous section is turning out to be a good one as she's giving me every opportunity to flex my technique. I received this response from her yesterday. To understand the context, you'll have to read my second post involving the second e-mail in my method if you haven't done so already:

“Hmmm my perfect Saturday night--that's not fair, there is no standard Saturday, but I love a dinner out, a few drinks, maybe a movie...that sounds so lame and standard, but I usually just go with whatever happens. The perfect Sunday morning is sleeping in to 10 and then having a delicious hot cup of coffee (I love the coffee from a little shop in the neighborhood I grew up parents indulge me by shipping it to me). Then there is this little antique store I like to browse to look at things that I could never afford. Then maybe some brunch with friends, and a lovely lazy afternoon. My favorite museum would have to be Musee D'Orsay in Paris (have you been?), seeing as how basically my favorite period is the entire Museum. And yes, the real world is beginning to kick my ass to a degree. How was your weekend? By the way in case you are wondering if I am a big loser who spends all night on match, the reason I am up is because my poor friend who is staying with my just had a drunk driver run into her parked car and totaled we are up now after dealing with that. Ugh.”

Couple of things to note from this e-mail: this chick is classy, or thinks she is. I'll be adapting my e-mail to that. Also, the ending is an excellent sign. She is qualifying herself to me and winning my approval. Everything is going good so far. Now, I have already shocked her with a unique opening, negged her to death in the second e-mail to show I don't particularly need her, so now its time to playfully build rapport. Here's my reply with commentary explaining my reasoning:

“They do say that e-mailing guys on dating websites is the best therapy for dealing with tragedy.”



Minor Neg, but it's funny and will work.

“Hopefully, that drunk's car is at least as totalled as your friend's is. My car was actually just rear-ended recently on ----- Ave. (aka Drag Race Ave., if you didn't already know). Despite driving a "souped-up" ride, the driver looked ridiculously scared after he hit me and my stare-down didn't help his mood. Luckily, everything was ok (thank God for bumpers), I gave him the thumbs up and he hopped in his car to speed off, probably to change his pants.”

Funny story told for three reasons: I relate to her, DHV (alpha'd that asshole), and it's humorous.

“My weekend was pretty good. Friday was spent drinking with friends at their condo, and Saturday was spent on my new mini-pub crawl I've found. There's a strip on --------- Ave. I've discovered that involves great food (Ethiopian, Mexican) and 3 great bars (not pound music into your skull bars) that makes living in [my city] seem just that much more classy.”

Proves I have plenty to do. Furthermore, I worded my "Pub Crawl" anecdote in such a way to imply I know my way around a city she is new to. This should score major points. I don't name the bars because I want her to ASK me about them (take an interest in me). I'm assuming she doesn't like loud bars (classy girls typically don't) and I'm peaking her interest to possible date venues. She'll never know about this great area unless I take her.

“I've never been to that Museum, though I've been to the Louvre (who hasn't). I spent a few days in Paris a few years ago and have wanted to go back since. In Paris, you think you've found the best bakery in the world until you turn the street-corner to find one better, and better, and better. Needless to say I spent my days there lounging in parks, drinking wine, and chomping on whatever I had just picked up.”

Shows I'm classy as well. I know how to have fun. Her question about that museum was a classy-girl's shit test. I've recognized it and passed it.

“Alright, I'm off to jog in the WH Reservoir. Let me know how your week is going.”

DHV's since women like men who are in-shape. Also named dropped another location for her to inquire about. This ending is key. We are building rapport, so I am done asking questions. We're like old chums now, so she should just tell me how her week is going. If I've played this right she'll have plenty to say.

My next e-mail will either continue to build rapport or number close. It depends on her response. Furthermore, as the e-mails continue, the time between e-mails will slowly decrease or will remain random. If she seems disinterested, she will not hear from me for a week or so, I will return to negging, etc. Also, it's very possible this will go stale, despite how good it's looking. That's why I always have at least 4 girls going at once (max is about 8, since it can get tough to keep track at that point).

I don't think any further analysis of my dialog with this chick will serve much of a purpose, so in the next section I'll move on to begin teaching you specific skills in detail.


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When & How To Ask Her To Meet In PersonVery shortly after making contact with her, and you don't.

A lot of failures with hitting it off properly with a girl online can be attributed to not asking a girl out correctly. This particular aspect of online dating is more complicated than you'd think.

Allow me to elaborate.

It appears the common belief is that you should take your time while courting someone online. This couldn't be further from the truth! I did this for a very long time and I can't tell you how many dates it lost me. You go for that invitation the moment you decide you like her and that she's at least worth the time to meet! Have a idea of what you want to do with her drawn up ahead of time, and shoot.

Let me share with you something that took me TWO YEARS to learn: women don't want to spend time online speaking with you. They really don't. Most of them aren't as concerned about the whole meeting strangers online thing as you think, and like most things, how they feel with you is very much up to how you act around them. Waiting a long time to mention meeting because you want her to feel safe is akin to saying "Hey, buckle up, I might get into a horrible car accident resulting in untold carnage" before a girl gets in your car. She may have considered that, but she doesn't want to hear it. The quicker you invite her out, the better. Since I've stood behind this maxim my online dating success has tripled.



Also, don't ASK her out, TELL her to go out with you. Try it, you'll be amazed at the results. "Maybe" and "I'm sorta busy" will turn into "OK".

Repeat after me: “Hey, you're pretty cool. I've been wanting to play racquetball and have been eyeballing the new recreation centre they just built. Let's go play.”

But before you say that, there's a very useful disclaimer you MUST USE! Pay attention! This is important. This one line will prove useful beyond words. It's magic.

Repeat after me: "Hey, I know we're both using an online dating site, but I'm really personable guy, and over the internet is no way to get to know someone..."

Followed by: “You're pretty cool. I've been wanting to play racquetball and have been eyeballing the new recreation centre they just built. Let's go play.”

What does this line do? For starters, in installs a sense of well, sense. Good common sense. Talking to someone online really is no way of getting to know someone. I've had nothing but agreements from girls here. If it didn't occur to them before they signed up onto a dating site, it will occur to them now. No matter how long you speak to someone, the chances of them actually being a 67 year old half-breed between a monkey and a man as well as a sea pirate as opposed a 23 year old graduate and surfer does not change one bit.

Time will only give a woman more time to start having doubts about who you are, it will rarely increase trust and a desire to meet you. In online dating, the clock is always working against you.

If you feel this is a bit too bold, or that a girl might be especially wary of meeting someone online, tell her to meet you at a public cafe or bookstore, and afterwards you'll continue your date elsewhere. Or sometimes it helps to end the "Personable Guy" line with a drop of your phone number. Tell her to call you. After you spend a few minutes on the phone (whatever feels right to you), then invite her out. Maybe even revise the "Personable Guy" line if it feels right to you. "Like I said, I'm a personable guy. I really don't care for hiding behind a computer or phone all day. I like to get out, so let's go out."

What activity should the invitation include?

The same old rules for normal dates apply here as well, but for the first date make sure you're inviting her out to something that can take place on any day of the week and is available throughout the day and perhaps night. A lot of girls do online dating because they have tight schedules, so while they may be impressed by your idea of taking her out to a Comedy Hypnosis dinner show, she will ultimately turn the idea down which leaves you fishing for new ideas on the spot. Have a few ideas in mind, and use which one you like best.


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Great DHV Storytelling During Online GameI've been really toying with my online dating style, and have been getting good results. Through the Seduction University and this website, I decided to emphasize the DHV story more in online gaming and have had great responses.

Now, I'll admit, this only works if you are a decent writer with a wide, descriptive vocabulary and an engaging imagination. If you have these qualities, at some point in your second e-mail launch into a DHV story (make it as funny as humanly possible) by saying something like, "Holy shit, you wouldn't believe what happened to me today." This story should be your own personal, re-used story. It will be true, but it could have happened a month ago, a year ago, or last week. It doesn't matter; say it happened that day. If you are good, she will respond by saying how funny you are and then relate the story to her own life. Next e-mail, same thing, new story. Two stories should suffice to get you comfort, some attraction, and help you stand out.

What these stories and exchanges do is make you interesting. All these crazy things are happening to you in the same week. Your life must be so spontaneous and fun! Not only that, it gives you topics to discuss that are more casual than asking, "What do you like to do for fun?" Also, you can almost always find a way to playfully Neg. I came up with a "joke-prostitute" neg which gets a good laugh. One girl told me the following at the end of my DHV storytelling e-mail:



“Anyways, I think you're ridiculously funny so I'll wait for your next crazy email to crack me up.”

She was trying to give me orders. Obviously, you never take orders. So I followed it with:

“Whoa, whoa, whoa. Yes, I'm funny, but my humour doesn't come on demand. You've made me feel so... dirty... like a joke-prostitute turning tricks on a street corner. “Five bucks for a knock-knock joke, ten for 'Man walks into a bar.' Whatcha need, baby?”

I followed it with another DHV story. I've since number closed this girl, had a good phone conversation, and will probably see her soon. Use it if you need it. Make her start pleasin' it.

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Online Neg Strategy That Works WondersI recently had somewhat of a breakthrough concerning online dating. I'm currently hooking up with a couple of girls, but a lot is never enough so I'm back to finding women online as I've been somewhat "busy" otherwise. Anyway, in the second e-mail, after you've sent your opener (check other sections of this guide for info on some great online openers), give the following response (let's say the girls name is Allie):

“Hey Al, you go by Al right? I don't know many shortenings of that name and I'd like to avoid typing that last "lie" as I'm a busy man. So until further notice, Al it is.”

Follow it up with a great DHV story about how "ridiculous your week has been" or something like that. I've field tested this three times so far, and each time its gotten a great response, and has shifted the girls into a much more comfortable state. This shows that you are beyond the "what do you like to do for fun?" bullshit questions and are instead being playful and having some fun teasing her, women are very attracted to this kind of behaviour. Also, remember that it really breaks the tension if you follow it with a funny DHV story.

Here's another example, I used it for a girl named Bree (and called her "B").



Here's her response:

“Okay, first to be discussed is this new 'B' nickname. I'm going to allow it on paper, because I see your point that B is just so much faster and convenient than B...R...E...E... However, when spoken, I'm gonna need you to spill out the whole thing. Think that's a good compromise? After all, it is only one syllable.”

Notice how she said “When spoken...”, which indirectly hints at the fact that she expects us to meet in person or at least talk on the phone in the near future. This is evidence of her expecting our relationship to escalate because my cleaver use of negs has made her become attracted to me. Essentially, her saying that was an IOI that let me know my game worked.

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Do We Really Need To Use Negs Online?Before we begin discussing the use of negs when going online to meet women, I think it's very important that we define what a neg is. Most people really are not sure what they are or have false ideas about what a neg is designed to do.

Neg: a negative verbal statement or physical action aimed at a woman in order to disqualify you as someone that is hitting on her. Although negative in a nature, a neg should never be offensive, degrading, or insulting.

The definition has not changed much in the past year at all. As you can tell a neg is basically a form of false disqualifier that prevents you from being seen as a potential suitor. This way we can come in under her protection shield (aka; bitch shield).

Negs are primarily to be used much more frequently on women of high calibre than on lesser women. Basically, the general rule is the hotter the woman, the more negs you should use. Now keep in mind that the traditional form of negs that are used offline are mostly used in night time environments, and on groups of women rather than single sets, because when there girls are out they are likely to be with their peer group of friends, since hot women are rarely found alone.



The ideas of Negs completely work around the idea of "perceived social value." Online is a little different because we aren't approaching a girl hanging out with her friends where she's the leader of her peer group. We are approaching this lady in her home when she's alone, online checking her messages.

The fact that she is an 8, 9, or 10 is not really a big factor. At home she's just another normal person with their insecurities and life's problems. When she's out with her friends she's a little different than the way she acts when she's home alone. I think most of you would agree with that.

Since we have established that at home her social value is temporarily disabled and she's alone with her own thoughts, are negs really needed at all? She's not sitting there as HB10 leader of her group of girls. She's sitting at home as Sarah in her pyjamas, chatting online.

Some PUAs may argue that negs are rarely needed in person, and almost never needed online. It's commonly known that a HB8 may need 2 negs in a social setting and a HB10 may need 3 up front in that same setting. However, with online game we have removed that setting so there is no need so neg her to lower her "perceived social value" unless you are just doing it to disqualify yourself as a potential suitor.

But wait... it's kind of hard to disqualify yourself as a potential suitor online when your actions dictate something else. In a club you can talk to everyone and disqualifying yourself that way. Online when you choose to message her amongst everyone else online, your actions indicate that you are interested in her.

So what is really the point of the neg in this instance? I guess there isn't one.

This is why I can see how some might think negs are almost never needed online. You don't need to lower her social value for reasons discussed. You also don't need to disqualify yourself as a potential suitor typically for reasons discussed. Why else would we use a neg?

Perhaps, some of you guys are using negs to treat bad behaviour. We reward good behaviour with IOI's and we shun bad behaviour with negs. Okay, I can see the point in that, but again it's rarely needed and arguably unnecessary.

Lastly, you have to consider that when you neg in person there are a lot of factors at play. She can hear the way you say it, your body language, and facial expressions. She can tell the neg is you being playful. Online she can't see or hear you she can only read what you wrote. Many times negs are interpreted as insults because she can't read your body language, so be very careful with how you word things. The use of emoticons like will help you deliver some form of body language with the neg to show you are being playful and not mean!

I believe you can now see why negs are rarely if ever needed when talking to women online. You can see that with the removed social atmosphere, and your direct action in contacting her most of the reasons we'd neg are now mute points. Unless you are using a neg strategy designed specifically to be used online (like the one located elsewhere in this guide) then you will do just fine online gaming without negs.


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Dating Women Online & Building ComfortBuilding comfort online means assuming that you already have it!

Part of the key to building comfort in online game is through teasing and the DHV story. Don't use online e-mail exchanges to ask a million questions about her. This does nothing to build comfort or attraction, and you are losing conversation topics for the eventual date. Instead, use DHV stories and teasing in order to build comfort. Treat her like an old friend or a bratty little sister, continue this mentality during the phone conversation, THEN treat her like a date once you actually see her. Examples of this in action:

Once I learn the HB's name, I'll begin the second e-mail with this line (say her name is Allison):

“Alli, I'm just letting you know that I'll be calling you Alli from now as that last "son" is just too much for me to type. I'm a busy man with things to do...”

This works for any girls name, just about, and it already makes you cock-funny, gives her a nickname (major comfort), and DHV's. Another great thing to do is role-play. This is an ESPECIALLY powerful comfort building tool. Chicks eat it up.



Remember, when you talk on the phone, there are a few things to remember to keep her from flaking:

1) Keep it short (5-10 minutes, 15 max).

2) Make sure your voice has higher energy than hers during the conversation (sound fun and exciting). However, be cautious not do talk too fast, you want to sound exciting, not excited. There's a big difference.

3) Know exactly where you want to go on the first date before you call. Girls like to be told all of this, dating is not a democracy. Even the most independent of girls LOVE men who take control of the date so she can sit back and relax. Also, take her to a place you can easily bounce from.

4) Keep an air of mystery about you. Never give her a straight answer. Maybe tell her you have a surprise for her or something like that (you can figure out the surprise later). All of this is meant to be enticing and to keep her from flaking.

Any more questions, just ask. I used to depend solely on online dating and did very well with it. I've been on at least 50 dates over a 2 year span. Most didn't go well (I didn't like the girl) and that's the final lesson: never put too much stock into anything online until you meet face to face. Everything is meaningless until you meet. By now, even if I'm going out with an HB 10 on a first date and I pulled her on an online dating site, I'm not nervous AT ALL since I expect nothing.

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Comfort Escalation Theory, Keep Moving UpThis concept is something that is not new to the seduction community at all, as it follows the same basic principles as kino escalation. I have taken the concepts from that and applied them neatly to online dating. Allow me to briefly explain the breakdown of the theory:

The Theory - The idea of comfort escalation theory is that you are going to have to make her more comfortable with you before escalating to different forms of contact with her.

What forms of contact do I have with her?

1) Email 2) Instant Messenger 3) Phone 4) In Person (end of online game)

Depending on the level of comfort that you seem that you have with your online target, you may or may not be able to skip some of these steps. These are in no way linear, meaning that you do not necessarily need to follow them in order. I have very frequently



gone from 1 to 3, 2 to 4, and even 1 to 4 in just a matter of a few messages. Just like you need to calibrate yourself in the field during offline game, you have to feel out the situation based on her statements, and how quickly she is responding to you. Once you've got a firm grip on where the interaction currently is, you'll then be able to determine how and when to escalate.

How do we become calibrated? This is done the same as you would "in field" in an actual venue. You will need to spend time doing more online game and talking to women through various forms of communication and you will be able to almost imagine her in front of you. Different women can be pushed faster than others, and all of them are different, which is why calibration and having an overall feel for her comfort levels is vitally important.

You need to realize that during comfort escalation, the forms 1, 2, and 3 (e-mail, IM, phone) of communication are very low risk to her in comparison to number 4 (in person). She can easily block your email, or IM screen name, and can screen her calls with caller ID as well. It is a luxury of modern technology, and is a blessing and a curse in your case for online dating; it's great because it makes electronic forms of communication risk free for women, so they are more open, but it also makes the jump from electronic to “real life” a big one. This is why a huge amount of comfort must be established in order to secure an in-person meeting with a woman that you've met online.

If you get shot down while attempting to escalate, never apologize for asking, it is the worst mistake that you could possibly make at that time. Simply go back to the form you were previously in and keep talking/writing her until you get another opportunity to escalate. Keep building comfort and attraction, then after a while you can try to escalate again.

This very theory is a large portion of my online game that I have done in the past. I write it here because I know many of you read this are looking for advice and ideas. This is one of the core ideas that I have about online game. I hope this bit of information helps you get the girl!

How To Win Back A Contact Gone Stale - 50% success rateUnfortunately, online game means that girls may stop talking to you at any time no matter how good your game actually is. The simple logic behind this is easy to get a grip on: they do it because it's easy, as the social pressures of cutting it off are very mild compared to “real life”.

However, this same logic should also give you comfort and make you not care much when it does happen, since the social pressures of getting ignored aren't that bad either in online dating. I'm never angry when this happens, and I'll even randomly stop talking to chicks also sometimes, so getting mad would kind of make me a hypocrite.

Everyone has the right to decide that you are not right for them, and so do you. But you also have the right to have one more chance to prove that their perception of you is wrong.

With that in mind, I decided to try to come up with an e-mail to send to a HB that hasn't


returned my last message in an effort to get her back into my mix. After much trial and error, this is what I've found works best, and with it I've been able to get about half the girls back. If a girl isn't answering you, wait at least two weeks and then send her the following:

E-mail Title: “I’m Phenomenal”

“The e-mail title pretty much says it all. If you have chosen to move on, that’s fine, but it really needs to be said that I'm absolutely spectacular. And if you are just waiting a really long time to write back then, well, let the power of my utter awesomeness guide your hands as you type: Dear Player87..."

I've field tested this a lot and it does work. However, it is important to note that unless you go out of your way to hold her interest in the next e-mail, (DHV, neg, the works), she'll start ignoring you again immediately. But this will at least give you a shot at bringing her back.

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Types Of Women To Avoid On Dating SitesProfiles with "Myspace Angles". If her only pictures are from top down, half of her side, down up, and a close up of her face, she probably isn't in the best of health. I have been wrong.

Profiles in which the girl looks like a professional model in each and every picture. The profile usually includes a short account of typical interests mixed in with raunchy interests. She probably isn't real.

Anyone advertising sex sex sex. They're either an ad-bot for a adult personals site or they're very, very unattractive.

Attention trollops. I mentioned these girls before, remember? A girl doesn't have to be an



attention hoe just because she declined your invitation out, but often at times the one's most resilient about meeting in person really aren't looking for anything worthwhile. They will waste your time. When dating online, ask someone out once, and move on. It's very easy to waste time on one person over the internet just to have that person stop responding to you.

Don't let this happen. Let my invitation method weed these girls out.

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Pacing In Online DatingI have posted my online methods recently, and I have had many very successful field reports involving meeting women online. I have given much advice that will help you all achieve online dating success. I feel like I've done very well in this aspect of my game, and as a result wanted to share everything that I've learned along the way with the world, which is why I have created this online dating guide. However, one thought kept running through my mind as I was pondering about the methods that surround dating online.

The one thought was the fact that so many men get caught up in the online part of online dating, such as setting up perfect profiles, sending great messages, etc... that they



forget that the ultimate goal is to meet these women offline and have a real relationship with them. Once that happens, a man can become addicted to the online game and become a keyboard jockey (or online dating jockey to be precise). When you get into that vicious cycle, it can have a huge negative impact on your offline game since you will be utilizing it so very little.

I realized after going out last weekend that I have neglected certain areas of my game. It's easy to run through the interest and attraction stages when a girl already has shown interest in you by replying to an ad or posting. By the time you meet her you are in trust/comfort already. Doing this too often will make you start forgetting how to build interest and attraction in the real world, since you've been handling it online on a regular basis.

It takes some real talent to be able to turn a complete stranger at a club into a close by the end of the night. By not having to do any offline opening, proper DHV, watching your body language, and actively being on the lookout for IOI's, IOD's and negs, you ultimately end up cheating yourself out of some much needed in-field experience. Even if you do a lot of online dating, the chances are still high that you will meet a woman that you really want to pull while you aren't sitting in front of your PC, so you need to be prepared for that as well.

I feel like I have lost part of my game over the past little while by getting into the bad habit of only using online dating as my primary way to meet women. Even though I know that I am becoming a true master of the online realm, I still feel that in the field is where the true masters are made, not from behind a computer screen.

Maybe in the future it'll be different, but that’s not the way it is today.

I challenge you on your computer now if you've been thinking of online dating, make sure you don't neglect going out into the field frequently. Make online dating something else you do to supplement your real world experience, like a side project. Make it something you do when you're bored, just too busy to go out, or just looking to a change of pace.

My point is: don't lose touch with your skills that you develop in the field by neglecting them simply because online dating is faster and at times easier. Obviously, the masters have learned this lesson already, and I just had to learn it the harder way.

Good luck out there!

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