Key Events in the Life of Jesus

Post on 24-Feb-2016

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Key Events in the Life of Jesus. The Paschal Mystery Course. Document # TX001340. Questions for Level 1: Easy. Q: Woman who says yes to God’s invitation to become the Mother of God A: Mary (of Nazareth) Feedback: Mary was a young woman, betrothed, but not yet married. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Key Events in the Life of Jesus

Key Events in the Life of Jesus

The Paschal Mystery Course

Document # TX001340

Questions for Level 1: Easy

Q: Woman who says yes to God’s invitation to become the Mother of God

A: Mary (of Nazareth)

Feedback: Mary was a young woman, betrothed, but not yet married.

Questions for Level 1: Easy

Q: Heavenly beings who announce Jesus’ birth

A: angels

Feedback: Jesus’ birth is announced to Mary, to Joseph in a dream, and to shepherds when he is born.

Questions for Level 1: Easy

Q: Number of Apostles Jesus callsA: twelve

Feedback: The Gospel of Luke says that these Twelve are chosen from among all of Jesus’ disciples.

Questions for Level 1: Easy

Q: Job or work of the brothers first called by Jesus

A: fishing

Feedback: Andrew and Peter and James and John are fishing when Jesus calls them.

Questions for Level 1: Easy

Q: Two items in the meal that feeds a crowd of five thousand men

A: bread and fish

Feedback: In another narrative, four thousand men are fed. These figures don’t include the women and children present.

Questions for Level 1: Easy

Q: A skin disease Jesus healed; those with this condition were outcasts

A: leprosy

Feedback: Jesus heals many other conditions, including blindness, lameness, and conditions that seem to be schizophrenia and epilepsy.

Questions for Level 1: Easy

Q: Meal Jesus eats with his followers before his arrest; the title of many artworks

A: the Last Supper

Feedback: Leonardo Da Vinci’s The Last Supper is the most famous of many depictions of this Passover meal.

Questions for Level 1: Easy

Q: The Apostle who betrays JesusA: Judas Iscariot

Feedback: Judas identifies Jesus to the guards with a kiss, the way a disciple would greet his teacher.

Questions for Level 1: Easy

Q: The Roman leader who washes his hands of Jesus’ death

A: Pontius Pilate

Feedback: Pilate questions Jesus, but Jesus refuses to answer him.

Questions for Level 1: Easy

Q: Roman method of death that Jesus suffers

A: crucifixion

Feedback: The Jewish religious leaders may have wanted Jesus dead, but it is the occupying Romans who execute him.

Questions for Level 2: Medium

Q: Three gifts received by the baby JesusA: gold, frankincense, and myrrh

Feedback: These gifts from the Magi signify Jesus’ kingship, priesthood, and sacrificial death.

Questions for Level 2: Medium

Q: The person who wants Jesus dead when he learns of his birth

A: King Herod (the Great)

Feedback: King Herod orders the death of all young children in Bethlehem, but Mary and Joseph escape to Egypt with Jesus.

Questions for Level 2: Medium

Q: A voice proclaims Jesus to be God’s Son during this ritual performed by John.

A: Baptism

Feedback: John’s Baptism signifies repentance, and he considers himself unworthy to baptize Jesus.

Questions for Level 2: Medium

Q: Age at which Jesus is found conversing with the teachers in the Temple

A: twelve

Feedback: Mary and Joseph lose track of him on a trip to Jerusalem. They find him asking questions of the learned teachers in the Temple.

Questions for Level 2: Medium

Q: Known as Jesus’ first miracle, it happens at a wedding

A: turning water into wine

Feedback: Jesus performs this miracle at the request of his mother.

Questions for Level 2: Medium

Q: Body of water on which Jesus walksA: Sea of Galilee, or Lake of Gennesaret

Feedback: The disciples were terrified when they saw Jesus walking toward them over the water.

Questions for Level 2: Medium

Q: Friend of Jesus who is restored to life after being dead for three days

A: Lazarus

Feedback: Jesus weeps when he hears of his friend’s death.

Questions for Level 2: Medium

Q: City Jesus enters triumphantly, where he cleanses the Temple

A: Jerusalem

Feedback: Jesus is greeted with palm branches, as a king.

Questions for Level 2: Medium

Q: The person who would normally wash the feet of guests

A: the servant or slave

Feedback: Before his death, Jesus washes the feet of his disciples to demonstrate that a leader should serve.

Questions for Level 2: Medium

Q: The early morning message the women receive and are to pass on to the disciples

A: He is risen!

Feedback: It is the women who first discover the mystery of the empty tomb.

Questions for Level 3: Difficult

Q: One of the three temptations Jesus faces before beginning his ministry

A: Turning stones into bread, leaping from a high tower to be saved by angels, or receiving great riches for worshipping the Devil.

Feedback: Jesus refutes Satan with Scripture passages.

Questions for Level 3: Difficult

Q: First Apostle to proclaim Jesus MessiahA: Simon Peter

Feedback: Jesus says Simon is Cephas, or Peter, the rock on which he will build his Church.

Questions for Level 3: Difficult

Q: Jesus’ childhood town, whose residents rejected him

A: Nazareth

Feedback: Jesus’ neighbors don’t acknowledge him as a prophet.

Questions for Level 3: Difficult

Q: Strictly observant religious group, whose members criticize Jesus

A: Pharisees

Feedback: The Pharisees especially disapprove of Jesus’ habit of associating with sinners.

Questions for Level 3: Difficult

Q: Friend of Jesus who criticizes her sister for sitting and listening to Jesus

A: Martha (of Bethany)

Feedback: Martha, busy preparing a meal, expects Jesus to reprimand her sister, but he says that Mary has chosen the better part.

Questions for Level 3: Difficult

Q: Public place where Jesus talks to a Samaritan woman; she then brings many to Jesus

A: the well

Feedback: The Samaritan woman proclaims Jesus the Messiah.

Questions for Level 3: Difficult

Q: Event when Moses and Elijah appear on the mountain with Jesus

A: the Transfiguration

Feedback: Only Peter, James, and John are present at this event, and Jesus asks them to tell no one.

Questions for Level 3: Difficult

Q: Garden where Jesus prays for hours before his arrest

A: Gethsemane, or the Mount of Olives

Feedback: Jesus begs to be spared a painful and humiliating death but finally puts his fate in God’s hands.

Questions for Level 3: Difficult

Q: Leader who orders Jesus to perform a miracle for him

A: Herod (Antipas, the Tetrarch)

Feedback: Herod Antipas rules in Galilee; he is a son of Herod the Great.

Questions for Level 3: Difficult

Q: Jesus’ fellow convicts, executed along with him

A: thieves, or revolutionaries

Feedback: One of the men expresses faith in Jesus, and Jesus promises him a place in Paradise.