kenesiyahmessenger Bible Calendar 2012 article

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Transcript of kenesiyahmessenger Bible Calendar 2012 article



Introduction 2. Jewish Calendar / Bible Calendar



History and Plain Facts 6. The 1967 Six-Day War .

Questions And Answer (FAQ) 11.

Commentary and Opinion 13.

News &Views 14.

5 Things that we Must

"… We must through many tribulations enter the kingdom of the LORD." Acts 14:22 “… We Must (therefore) serve the LORD until we arrive there." Exodus 10:26 “…We Must, therefore, give the more earnest heed to the things we have heard, lest we drift away.

Hebrews 2:1 “…We Must…"Yes! As you have said, so we must do. Ezra 10:12 Because “… We Must all appear before the judgment seat of Messiah, that each one may receive the things

done in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad. 2 Corinthians 5:10

By Chareokey

A Dying Church "A church that is doing nothing for the public is on its way to

the cemetery. All its members who are doing nothing are acting as pall-

bearers. All who are so busy with their own affairs that they have not

time to devote to the Lord's cause are making the mourning wreath.

The brother who says nothing at all is driving the hearse. The ones who are constantly drawing back when advance

moves are to be made are throwing flowers on the grave. The brother who is continually talking of the hard times in the

church is preaching the funeral sermon, and singing the burial hymns.

And thus lies the church buried, free from all cares, Brother, which of these acts are you performing?"

A faithful messenger Is Like the cold of snow in time of harvest to those who send him,

For he refreshes the soul of his Masters. Prov 25:13NKJV



T he Jewish calen-

dar is based on

three astronomi-

cal phenomena:

the rotation of the Earth about

its axis (a day); the revolution

of the moon about the Earth (a

month); and the revolution of

the Earth about the sun (a

year). These three phenomena are

independent of each other, so there

is no direct correlation between

them. On average, the moon re-

volves around the Earth in about

29½ days. The Earth revolves

around the sun in about 365¼

days, that is, about 12.4 lunar


The civil calendar used by

most of the world has abandoned

any correlation between the moon

cycles and the month, arbitrarily

setting the length of months to 28,

30 or 31 days.

The Jewish calendar, however,

coordinates all three of these astro-

nomical phenomena. Months are

either 29 or 30 days, correspond-

ing to the 29½-day lunar cycle.

Years are

either 12 or

13 months,


ing to the

12.4 month

solar cycle.

The lunar

month on

the Jewish

calendar begins when the first sliv-

er of moon becomes visible after

the dark of the moon. In ancient

times, the new months used to be

determined by observation. When

people observed the new moon,

they would notify the Sanhedrin.

The problem with strictly lu-

nar calendars is that there are ap-

proximately 12.4 lunar months in

every solar year, so a 12-month

lunar calendar is about 11 days

shorter than a solar year and a 13-

month lunar is about 19 longer

than a solar year. The months drift

around the seasons on such a cal-

endar: on a 12-month lunar calen-

dar, the month of Nissan, which is

supposed to occur in the Spring,

would occur 11 days earlier in the

season each year, eventually oc-

curring in the Winter, the Fall, the

Summer, and then the Spring

again. On a 13-month lunar calen-

dar, the same thing would happen

in the other direction, and faster.

To compensate for this drift,

the Jewish calendar uses a 12-

month lunar calendar with an extra

month occasionally added. The

month of Nissan occurs 11 days

earlier each year for two or three

years, and then jumps forward 30

days, balancing out the drift. In

ancient times, this month was add-

ed by observation: the Sanhedrin

observed the conditions of the

weather, the crops and the live-

stock, and if these were not suffi-

ciently advanced to be considered

"spring," then the Sanhedrin in-

serted an additional month into the

calendar to make sure that Pesach

(Passover) would occur in the

spring (it is, after all, referred to in

the Torah as Chag he-Aviv, the

Festival of Spring!).

Jewish Calendar / Bible Calendar

1st day of sa-





2010 MAR.16(Tu) MAR.29 (Mon) MAR.30-APR.5(Tu-

mon) MAY.23(Wed) SEP.23-29(Thu) SEP.30(Thu)

2011 APR.5 (Tu) APR.18 (Mon) APR.19-25(Tu-Mon) JUN.08(Wed) OCT.13-19(Thu) OCT.20(Thu)

2012 MAR.24(Sat) APR.6 (Fri) APR.7-13 (Sa-Fri) MAY. 27(Sun) OCT.1-7(Mon) OCT.8(Mon)

2013 MAR.12(Tu) MAR.25 (Mon) MAR.26-APR.1(Tu-

Mon) MAY.15(Wed) SEP.19-25(Thu) SEP.26(Thu)

2014 APR.1(Tu) APR.14 (Mon) APR.15-21 (Tu-Mon) JUN.04(Wed) OCT.9-15(Thu) OCT.16(Thu)

2015 MAR.21(Sat) APR.3 (Fri) APR.4-10 (Sat-Fri) MAY.24(Sun) SEP.28-OCT.4(Mon) OCT.5(Mon

2016 APR.9 APR.22 APR.23-29 JUN.12(Sun) OCT.17-23 OCT.24

2017 MAR.28 APR.10 APR.11-17 MAY.31(Wed) OCT.5-11 OCT.12

2018 MAR.17 MAR.30 MAR.31-APR.6 MAY.20(Sun) SEP.24-30 OCT.1





Numbering of Jewish Years The year number on the Jewish calendar repre-

sents the number of years since creation, calculated

by adding up the ages of people in the Bible back to

the time of creation. However, this does not neces-

sarily mean that the universe has existed for only

5700 years as we understand years. Many Orthodox

Jews will readily acknowledge that the first six

"days" of creation are not necessarily 24-hour days

(indeed, a 24-hour day would be meaningless until

the creation of the sun on the fourth "day").

Jews do not generally use the words "A.D." and

"B.C." to refer to the years on the civil calendar.

Instead, we use the abbreviations C.E. (Common

Era) and B.C.E. (Before the Common Era), which

are commonly used by scholars today.

The "first month" of the Jewish calendar is the

month of Nissan, in the spring, when Passover oc-


The names of the months of the Jewish calendar

were adopted during the time of Ezra, after the return

from the Babylonian exile. The names are actually

Babylonian month names, brought back to Israel by

the returning exiles. Note that most of the Bible re-

fers to months by number, not by name.

Months in the Jewish Calendar English Number Length Civil Equivalent

Nissan 1 30 days March-April

Iyar 2 29 days April-May

Sivan 3 30 days May-June

Tammuz 4 29 days June-July

Av 5 30 days July-August

Elul 6 29 days August-September

Tishri 7 30 days September-October

Cheshvan 8 29 or 30 days October-November

Kislev 9 30 or 29 days November-December

Tevet 10 29 days December-January

Shevat 11 30 days January-February

Adar I (leap years only) 12 30 days February-March


(called Adar Beit in leap



(13 in leap years) 29 days February-March

Days of the Jewish Week Other than Shabbat, the name of the seventh day of the week, the Jewish calendar

doesn't have names for the days of the week. The days of the week are simply known

as first day, second day, third day, etc. Sometimes they are referred to more fully as

First Day of the Sabbath, etc. Below is a list for those who are interested.

Transliteration English

Yom Rishon First Day (Sunday)

Yom Sheini Second Day (Monday)

Yom Shlishi Third Day (Tuesday)

Yom R'vi'i Fourth Day (Wednesday)

Yom Chamishi Fifth Day (Thursday)

Yom Shishi Sixth Day (Friday)

Yom Shabbat Sabbath Day (Saturday)

If any man think him-

self to be …


let him acknowledge that the things that I write … are of

the Lord. But if any man is ignorant, let him

be ignorant. 1 Cor14:37-38




In memory of the deliverance of the

children of Israel from Egypt. See exo-

dus 12, 34; Lev. 23; Deut. 16. Passover

is celebrated on 14th of Nisan (Ex.

12:1, 13:4) and is usually combined

with the Feast of unleavened Bread

which lasts seven days, from the 15th to

the 21st of Nisan.


Passover observed as the Lord's

Supper in which day our savior died representing

the lamb slain for thousands of years for the peo-

ple of Israel. The blood of Yahshuah represents

the salvation of Elohim to the world. John 1:29;

Matt. 1:21. Bread and the liquid of grapes symbol-

ically represent the body and the blood of

Yahshuah. Luke 22:16 -20. Done yearly on the

date the lamb was slain and eaten on 14th Nisan

to recall and pronounce the death of the son of

Elohim. I Cor. 11:23-31.


A seven day Festival commemorating the Suk-

kot, or booths in which the children of Israel dwelt

in the wilderness after leaving Egypt to the prom-

ised land. Building up booths was a sign of deliv-

erance and miracles performed by the Father in the

wilderness. Among other miracles, they were pro-

vided with food which they were to share in happi-



ness in the Spiritual manner: blessings are re-

vealed and not like that of manna from heaven and

water from the Rock. John 6:31-33. The spiritual

bread is the word of life from Messiah. John 1:1-2

and water as spiritual blessings of Messiah 1 Cor.

10:3-4; John 7; Rev. 7: 13-17. The commemora-

tion of building up of booths is now indicative to

how our souls are built so that we grow in Grace at levels of faith until we reach perfection - 2 Cor. 5:1-9;

Rom. 1:17; 2 Cor. 4:16.

The Purpose for Elohim giving us the Sabbath Question: Why did Elohim give us the Sabbath?

Some may say so we can rest, but this is not the purpose. Some may say so we can help others, but this is

not the purpose.

Answer: The purpose for Elohim giving us the Sabbath is so it can be a sign between Him and us.

Ezekiel 20:12,20, "Moreover also I gave them my sabbaths, to be a sign between me and them, that they

might know that I am the LORD that sanctify them. And hallow my sabbaths; and they shall be a sign be-

tween me and you, that ye may know that I am the LORD your Elohim.‖ continued to page 12


– The day of the First fruits. The

feast was commemorated in the

ancient times, where customary,

the priest was required to bless

the First fruits of the land - Lev.



Celebrated yearly at its fixed

date, Sivan, 6 - Acts 1:4; Acts 2:1

-2 where we are regarded as First Fruits in the

Spirit - James 1:18; Eph. 1:13-14 and is repeated

yearly in order that the fruits of repentance

should be blessed as that of our Lord, where one

hundred and twenty souls were blessed to pro-

duce much fruit which resulted in 3000 souls be-

ing saved in one day after Messiah was given

power like that of Melkizedek and is at the right

hand of the Father, continuing to offer spiritual

sacrifices Heb 7:17; John 15:1-5; Rom. 8:23, 26;

Acts 1:4, 4:4; I Cor. 3:9.

DAY OF ATONEMENT - In the bible

this is a day which Elohim commanded the

Hebrew people to observe with a total fast,

during which day the High Priest offered pre-

scribed sacrifices for the expiation of sin and

guilt (Le. 16:29; 23:27; Num. 29:7-11). Fire

sacrifices were required.


Messiah being the High Priest forever, the order

has changed over spiritually, such that one is

required to pray for forgiveness of sins ANY-

TIME to the Lord and not to wait until the day of

atonement - Rom. 12:1; 1 Pe. 2:1-5; John 1:7-

10; Heb 7; Heb. 9:13-15.

Faith and Doctrine



Faith and Doctrine THE WISE SHALL UNDER-

STAND In as much as our Saviour referred us

to this Abomination in connection with

his coming, and the end of the age, we go

back to the prophet Daniel, and find the

follow-ing. "Many shall be purified, and

made white, and tried; but the WICKED



but the Wise shall UNDERSTAND. And

from the time that the daily sacrifice shall

be taken away, and the abomination that

MAKETH DESOLATE set up, there

shall be a thousand two hundred and nine-

ty days. Blessed is he that waits, and

comes to the thousand three hundred and

five and thirty days. But go thou thy way

till the end be for you shall rest, and stand

in thy lot at the end of the days." Daniel

12:10-13. Here we have 1290 days, and

then it is extended to 1335, or 45 years


These days reach to the resurrection of

the dead, when Daniel will stand in his

lot. The key to a correct under-standing of

this period of days, (and many other such

prophetic periods), is "a day for a year."

See Ezekiel 4: 5, 6. Consequently we

have here a long period of 1335 years,

reaching from a definite starting place,

viz. "From the time the abomination that

maketh desolate is set up, which took

away the daily sacrifice here in Jerusa-

lem, from the Jewish worship.

The daily sacrifice was removed just

three times before it permanently ceased

to the pre-sent time.

The first removal was by Antiochus

Epiphanes 167-164 B.C.,

The second by Titus the Roman Gen-

eral 70 A.D., and

The third and last time, by the Mo-

hammedan, who erected their magnificent

temple of worship on the very spot where

both of the Jewish temples stood, one

being the temple of Solomon.

It would seem strange indeed if an

event of such magnitude would pass with-

out notice by the prophets of Elohim

many students of prophecy overlook this

most important event and some claim the

abomination is yet future. Be sure to care-

fully note the language of the prophet that

it is an abomination that is going TO

STAND in the Holy Place, and that make

it desolate. That is exactly what the Mo-

hammedans have done. They stood here

for 1290 years, and made the land deso-

late up to the year 1917 when Jerusalem

was taken from them.

Place this measuring rod 1290 years in

length; on the date of the Hegira when the

Mohammedan era was set up, and from

which event their calendar starts, and this

end will reach to 1912. This was the year

of the beginning of World War One, con-

fined to the Balkan countries, spreading

to a world war in 1914, which was the

beginning of the consummation, or the

consuming by war of the Gentile nations.

Now take the far end of our measuring

rod to the year 627 the memorable bat-

tle won by the Mohammedans

(Arabs) against their enemies which

were crushed, this end reaches to 1917

when they were defeated, crushed, and

driven from Jerusalem and the Holy

Land. This outstanding event fulfilled the

prophecy of Isaiah where he said, "As

birds flying the Lord would deliver

Yerusalem," Isaiah 31:4, 5.

The English army under General Al-

lenby ordered one hundred army airplanes

to fly over from the Egyptian air base and

as they approached Jerusalem the Mo-

hammedans struck with a sudden fright

and fled in confusion. Thus was the lan-

guage of the prophet most wonderfully

fulfilled, with Yerusalem delivered "as

birds flying." This was the year 1917 to

which your measuring rod pointed with

the far end on the date 627 when Moham-

med defeated the Roman army and put it

to flight, with no further opposition, and

the way cleared for the occupation of

Jerusalem and the Holy Places.

It is possible that later excavations

may change and correct some of these

dates of History, but Gabriel told the

TRUTH. We are very near their final end.

But there is an extension of this meas-

uring rod just 45 days or years. We are

now living in the last part of this period

which our Saviour tells us will NOT pass

away until ALL is fulfilled. Luke 21:32.

Gabriel calls this the waiting time, at the

end of which Daniel is to live again and

stand in his lot. It says, "Blessed is he that

waits, and comes to the 1335 days, Which

is just 45 more than the 1290.

Our Saviour also said "those days

shall be shortened for the elect's sake, and

no flesh would be saved if they were not

shortened." Matt. 24:22. He was speaking

of the "Abomination of Desolation'' spo-

ken of by Daniel the prophet (verse 15),

and of course the apostles, to whom he

was speaking, knew their scriptures, and

when this direct reference was made to

the prophet Daniel, and the "Abomination

of Desolation," they knew exactly what

days he referred to. It was no other days

than those spoken of in connection with

this Mohammedan power. Gabriel said

the "Wicked would not understand this

prophecy, but that the wise would," and it

is the same as that given by the saviour

when speaking of these days in Matt.

24:15. He said: "Whoso reads let him


As these days are to be shortened for

the sake of LORD's elect, and as we are

not told how much they are to be short-

ened, we are not able lo know the year of

the resurrection, when Daniel will stand

in his lot. Daniel 12:13.

We are in this waiting time spoken of

by Gabriel to Daniel, of the extension

period of our measuring rod from 1290 to

1335. We have an excellent chance of

being among the number of whom Gabri-

el said Blessed is he that waits and

cometh to the end of this period. Verse

13. Yes, it will be a blessing that no oth-

ers excepting Enoch and Elijah experi-

enced, being translated without tasting of

death. Paul' speaks of this thus, "Behold, I

show you a mystery; we shall not all

sleep, but we shall all be changed, in a

moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the

last trump: for the trumpet shall sound,

and the dead shall be raised incorruptible,

and we shall be changed." I Cor. 15:51,


It will be noted that the marginal dates

found at the top of the pages of different

Bibles vary just a little, and there may

also be found a difference in the dates

historians give of the different events

concerning the rise of Mohammedanism,

the capturing of Jerusalem and other

events, but this also is very slight, and

will not materially change the calcula-

tions set forth here. The date of the

"Hegira" the beginning of the Moham-

medan era, when this power that was to

STAND, and desolates the Holy Land, is

the same in all histories and encyclopedi-

as. This date 622, is definite. Hence it was

set up, or had its beginning at that point,

the same as the Messianic era was set up,

and had its beginning with the birth of




Synopsis of the war It‘s true that you have been hear-

ing about the above war for decades.

But most likely you have never

known what started what? Who did

what to who? Etc and etc. today I

would wish to torch briefly about

this war. From the Rebirth of Israel,

in the year 1948, and Following nu-

merous border clashes between Israel

and its Arab neighbors, Israel con-

sistently expressed a desire to negoti-

ate with its neighbors. In 1960, Israel

challenged Arab leaders to meet with

Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion to

negotiate a peace

settlement. Nasser

answered on Octo-

ber 15, saying that

Israel was trying to

deceive world opin-

ion, and reiterating

that his country

would never recog-

nize the Jewish


The Arabs

were equally ada-

mant in their refusal

to negotiate a sepa-

rate settlement for the ref-

ugees. As Nasser told the

United Arab Republic Na-

tional Assembly

March 26, 1964:

Israel and

the imperialism

around us, which

confront us, are

two separate

things. There have

been attempts to

separate them, in

order to break up

the problems and

present them in an

imaginary light as

if the problem of

Israel is the prob-

lem of the refugees,

by the solution of

which the problem

of Palestine will

also be solved and

no residue of the

problem will re-


The danger of Isra-

el lies in the very

existence of Israel as it is in the present and

in what she represents.(2)

The Palestinian Army-

Palestine Liberation Organization


PLO is a new weapon the Arab League decided to

introduce In 1963, in its war against Israel. The PLO

formally came into being during a 1964 meeting of

the first Palestinian Congress. Shortly thereafter, the

group began to splinter into various factions. Ulti-

mately, the largest faction, Fatah, would come to

dominate the organization, and its leader, Yasser Ara-

fat, would become the PLO chairman and most visi-

David Ben-Gurion

David Ben-Gurion served as the first

prime minister of Israel when the

country was created in 1948. Prior to

that time, Ben-Gurion had worked for

the creation of a Jewish state in Pal-

estine. In 1921, he had formed a con-

federation of Jewish workers in Pal-

estine that was the beginning of the

Jewish state, although it functioned

under British control. His deter-

mined efforts were rewarded in 1948

when Britain recognized Israel as an

independent state.

History and Plain Facts

The 1967 Six-Day War



ble symbol. All the groups adhered to a

set of principles laid out in the Pales-

tine National Charter, which called for

Israel's destruction.

The PLO‘s belligerent rhetoric was

matched by deeds. Terrorist attacks by

the group grew more frequent.

In 1965, 35 raids were conducted

against Israel.

In 1966, the number increased to 41.

In just the first four months of 1967,

37 attacks were launched. The targets

were always civilians.(3)

Most of the attacks involved Pales-

tinian guerillas infiltrating Israel from

Jordan, the Gaza Strip, and Lebanon.

The orders and logistical support for the attacks were

coming, however, from Cairo and Damascus. Egyptian

President Nasser‘s main objective was to harass the Israe-

lis, but a secondary one was to undermine King Hussein‘s regime in


King Hussein viewed the PLO as both a direct and in-

direct threat to his power. Hussein feared that the PLO

might try to depose him with Nas-

ser‘s help or that the PLO‘s attacks

on Israel would provoke retaliatory

strikes by Israeli forces that could

weaken his authority. By the begin-

ning of 1967, Hussein had closed

the PLO‘s offices in Jerusalem,

arrested many of the group‘s mem-

bers, and withdrew recognition of

the organization. Nasser and his

friends in the region unleashed a

torrent of criticism on Hussein for

betraying the Arab cause. Hussein

would soon have the chance to re-

deem himself.

2.Terror from the

Heights - Israel’s crea-

tion of a National Water

Carrier to take water

from the Jordan River; Another major cause of conflict

was Syria‘s resistance to Israel‘s

creation of a National Water Carri-

er to take water from the Jordan River to supply the coun-

try. The Syrian army used the Golan Heights, which tower

3,000 feet above the Galilee, to shell Israeli farms and

villages. Syria‘s attacks grew more frequent in 1965 and

1966, forcing children living on kibbutzim in the Huleh

Valley to sleep in bomb shelters. Israel repeatedly protest-

ed the Syrian bombardments to the UN Mixed Armistice

Commission, which was charged with policing the cease-

fire, but the UN did nothing to stop Syria‘s aggression —

even a mild Security Council resolution expressing

―regret‖ for such incidents was vetoed by the Soviet Un-

ion. Meanwhile, Israel was condemned by the United Na-

tions when it retaliated.

While the Syrian military bombard-

ment and terrorist attacks intensified,

Nasser‘s rhetoric became increasingly


In 1965, he announced, “We shall

not enter Palestine with its soil cov-

ered in sand; we shall enter it with

its soil saturated in blood.”(4)

Again, a few months later, Nasser ex-

pressed the Arabs‘ aspiration: ―[el] the

full restoration of the rights of the Pal-

estinian people. In other words, we

aim at the destruction of the state of


The immediate aim: perfection of Ar-

ab military might.

The national aim: the eradication of


Syria‘s attacks on Israeli kibbutzim

from the Golan Heights finally pro-

voked a retaliatory strike on April 7,

1967. During the attack, Israeli planes shot down six Syri-

an fighter planes — MiGs supplied by the Soviet Union.

Shortly thereafter, the Soviets — who had been providing

military and economic assistance to both Syria and Egypt

— gave Damascus false information alleging a massive

Israeli military buildup in preparation for an attack. De-



spite Israeli denials, Syria decided to invoke its defense

treaty with Egypt and asked Nasser to come to its aid.

Countdown to War On May 15, Israel's Independence Day, Egyptian

troops began moving into the Sinai and massing near the

Israeli border. By May 18, Syrian troops were prepared

for battle along the Golan Heights.

Nasser ordered the UN Emergency Force (UNEF),

stationed in the Sinai since 1956 as a buffer between Is-

raeli and Egyptian forces after Israel‘s withdrawal follow-

ing the Sinai Campaign, to withdraw on May 16. After the

withdrawal of the UNEF, the Voice of the Arabs radio

station proclaimed on May 18,

1967: As of today, there no long-

er exists an international emer-

gency force to protect Israel. We

shall exercise patience no more.

We shall not complain any more

to the UN about Israel. The sole

method we shall apply against

Israel is total war, which will

result in the extermination of

Zionist existence.(6)

An enthusiastic echo was

heard May 20 from Syrian De-

fense Minister Hafez Assad:

Our forces are now entirely

ready not only to repulse the ag-

gression, but to initiate the act of

liberation itself, and to explode the Zionist presence in the

Arab homeland. The Syrian army, with its finger on the

trigger, is united....I, as a military man, believe that the

time has come to enter into a battle of annihilation.(7)

The Blockade On May 22, Egypt closed the Straits of Tiran to all

Israeli shipping and all ships bound for Eilat. This block-

ade cut off Israel's only supply route with Asia and

stopped the flow of oil from its main supplier, Iran.

In 1956, the United States gave Israel assurances that it

recognized the Jewish State's right of access to the Straits

of Tiran. In 1957, at the UN, 17 maritime powers declared

that Israel had a right to transit the Strait. Moreover, the

blockade violated the Convention on the Territorial Sea

and Contiguous Zone, which was adopted by the UN Con-

ference on the Law of the Sea on April 27, 1958.(8)

President Johnson expressed the belief that the block-

ade was illegal and unsuccessfully tried to organize an

international flotilla to test it. At the same time, he ad-

vised the Israelis not to take any military action. After the

war, he acknowledged the closure of the Strait of Tiran

was the casus belli (June 19, 1967):

If a single act of folly was more responsible for this

explosion than any other it was the arbitrary and danger-

ous announced decision that the Strait of Tiran would be

closed. The right of innocent maritime passage must be

preserved for all nations.(9)

Escalation Nasser was aware of the pressure he was exerting to

force Israel‘s hand, and challenged Israel to fight almost

daily. The day after the blockade was set up, he said defi-

antly: "The Jews threaten to make war. I reply: Welcome!

We are ready for war."(10)

Nasser challenged Israel to

fight almost daily. "Our basic

objective will be the destruc-

tion of Israel. The Arab peo-

ple want to fight," he said on

May 27.(11) The following

day, he added: "We will not

accept any...coexistence with

Israel...Today the issue is not

the establishment of peace

between the Arab states and

Israel....The war with Israel

is in effect since 1948."(12)

This Pre-1967 War cartoon was Meant to show

how Nasser, being backed by Arab states, could

kicks Israel into the Gulf of Aqaba.( Al-Jarida

newspaper, Lebanon).



King Hussein of Jordan signed a

defense pact with Egypt on May 30.

Nasser then announced:

The armies of Egypt, Jordan,

Syria and Lebanon are poised on

the borders of face the

challenge, while standing behind us

are the armies of Iraq, Algeria,

Kuwait, Sudan and the whole Arab

nation. This act will astound the

world. Today they will know that

the Arabs are arranged for battle,

the critical hour has arrived. We

have reached the stage of serious

action and not declarations.(13)

President Abdur Rahman Aref of

Iraq joined in the war of words: "The

existence of Israel is an error which

must be rectified. This is our oppor-

tunity to wipe out the ignominy which has been with us

since 1948. Our goal is clear -- to wipe Israel off the

map."(14) On June 4, Iraq joined the military alliance with

Egypt, Jordan and Syria.

The Arab rhetoric was matched by the mobilization of

Arab forces. Approximately 465,000 troops, more than

2,800 tanks, and 800 aircraft ringed Israel.(15)

By this time, Israeli forces had been on alert

for three weeks. The country could not remain

fully mobilized indefinitely, nor could it allow its

sea lane through the Gulf of Aqaba to be inter-

dicted. Israel decided to preempt the expected

Arab attack. To do this successfully, Israel need-

ed the element of surprise. Had it waited for an

Arab invasion, Israel would have been at a po-

tentially catastrophic disadvantage. On June 5,

Prime Minister Eshkol gave the order to attack


The U.S. Position The United States tried to prevent the war

through negotiations, but it was not able to per-

suade Nasser or the other Arab states to cease

their belligerent statements and actions. Still,

right before the war, Johnson warned: "Israel will

not be alone unless it decides to go alone."(16)

Then, when the war began, the State Department

announced: "Our position is neutral in thought,

word and deed."(17)

Moreover, while the Arabs were falsely accus-

ing the United States of airlifting supplies to Isra-

el, Johnson imposed an arms embargo on the

region (France, Israel's other main arms supplier

also embargoed arms to Israel).

By contrast, the Soviets were supplying massive

amounts of arms to the Arabs. Simultaneously, the armies

of Kuwait, Algeria, Saudi Arabia and Iraq were contrib-

uting troops and arms to the Egyptian, Syrian and Jordani-

an fronts.(18)



Mercifully, On June 5, 1967, Israel was indeed alone,

but wonderfully its military commanders had conceived a

brilliant war strategy. The entire Israeli Air Force, with

the exception of just 12 fighters assigned to defend Israeli

air space, took off at 7:14 a.m. with the intent of bombing

Egyptian airfields while the Egyptian pilots

were eating breakfast. In less than 2 hours,

roughly 300 Egyptian aircraft were destroyed.

A few hours later, Israeli fighters attacked the

Jordanian and Syrian air forces, as well as

one airfield in Iraq. By the end of the first

day, nearly the entire Egyptian and Jordanian

air forces, and half the Syrians‘, had been

destroyed on the ground.

The battle then moved to the ground, and

some of history‘s greatest tank battles were

fought between Egyptian and Israeli armor in

the blast-furnace conditions of the Sinai de-


Jerusalem Is Attacked Prime Minister Levi Eshkol sent a message

to King Hussein on June 5 saying Israel

would not attack Jordan unless he initiated

hostilities. When Jordanian radar picked up a

cluster of planes flying from Egypt to Israel,

and the Egyptians convinced Hussein the

planes were theirs, he ordered the shelling of

West Jerusalem. It turned out that the planes

were Israel‘s and were returning from de-

stroying the Egyptian air force on the ground.

It took only three days for Israeli forces to

defeat the Jordanian legion. On the morning

of June 7, the order was given to recapture the Old City.

Israeli paratroopers stormed the city and secured it. De-

fense Minister Moshe Dayan arrived with Chief of Staff

Yitzhak Rabin to formally mark the Jews‘ return to their

historic capital and their holiest site. At the Western Wall,

the IDF‘s chaplain, Rabbi Shlomo Goren, blew a shofar to

celebrate the event.

A Second Exodus After Jordan launched its attack on June 5, approxi-

mately 325,000 Palestinians living in the West Bank fled

to other parts of Jordan, primarily to avoid being caught in

the cross-fire of a war.(19)

A Palestinian refugee who was an administrator in a

UNRWA camp in Jericho said Arab politicians had spread

rumors in the camp. "They said all the young people

would be killed. People heard on the radio that this is not

the end, only the beginning, so they think maybe it will be

a long war and they want to be in Jordan."(20)

Some Palestinians who left preferred to live in an Arab

state rather than under Israeli military rule. Members of

various PLO factions fled to avoid capture by the Israelis.

Nils-Göran Gussing, the person appointed by the UN Sec-

retary-General to investigate the situation, found that

many Arabs also feared they would no longer be able to

receive money from

family members

working abroad.(21)

Israeli forces ordered

a handful of Palestini-

ans to move for

"strategic and security

reasons." In some

cases, they were al-

lowed to return in a

few days, in others;

Israel offered to help

them resettle else-

where.(22) The net

result, however, was

that a new refugee

population had been

created and the old

refugee problem was

made worse.

The Stunning

Victory While most IDF units

were fighting the

Egyptians and Jorda-

nians, a small, heroic

group of soldiers

were left to defend

the northern border against the Syrians. It was not until

the Jordanians and Egyptians were subdued that reinforce-

ments could be sent to the Golan Heights, where Syrian

gunners commanding the strategic high ground made it

exceedingly difficult and costly for Israeli forces to pene-

trate. Finally, on June 9, after two days of heavy air bom-

bardment, Israeli forces succeeded in breaking through the

Syrian lines.

After just six days of fighting, Israeli forces were in a

position to march on Cairo, Damascus, and Amman. By

this time, the principal objectives of capturing the Sinai

and the Golan Heights had been accomplished, and Israeli

political leaders had no desire to fight in the Arab capitals.

Furthermore, the Soviet Union had become increasingly

alarmed by the Israeli advances and was threatening to

intervene. At this point, U.S. Secretary of State Dean

Rusk advised the Israelis ―in the strongest possible terms‖

to accept a cease-fire. On June 10, Israel did just that.

Continued to page 11



Questions And Answers (FAQ) QUESTIONS;- Does the Creator Have many dif-

ferent names?

Has He one for every language,

or has He just one name?

ANSWERS It is certain that the Mighty Creator does not

have these hundred different names? As are as-cribed to Him among all of the various languages of the world. The word "God" is only a title like the word "Father", The scriptures tell us that there are "Lord's many, and ‗Gods‘ many.

We all know that the word "father" is not the name of our earthly father, but He has a name. Just so has our heavenly Father Has a name, which is known in Israel, but considered too sacred to speak or write or print, only on special occasions. The children from the early grades all know His "name‖. "For Elohim will save Zion, and will build the cities of Judah that they dwell there and have it in possession. The seed also of His servants shall inherit it, and they that love His name shall dwell therein Psalms 69: 35, 36.

"His name is great in Israel. Psalms. 76: I. "Holy and reverend is His name." —

Psalms111: 9 What is His name, and what is His Son's

name? If you can tell? —Proverb‘s 30: 4. If the Creator did not have a name surely this

would be a strange scripture to be found in His inspired Word. In the prayer of David he said, blessed be His name forever". — Psalms 72:9, 20.

The prophet Isaiah in speaking of this very time when the Creator is bringing again Zion and re-storing the waste places about Yerusalem, He says, ―There fore my people shall know my name. There fore they shall know in that day that I am He that doth speak: behold it is I (Isaiah 52: 6 to 9)

Does the words ―My people‖ include you? Are you one of them? Then you too will know His name.

The Psalmist David again magnifies the im-portance of the Father's name during the time of the falling of the plagues and the time of great de-struction. He says: "Because he hath set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him. I will set him on high because he has known my name". — Psalms 91: 7 to 14.

Do you know His name? Do you want to be caught up in the appearing of the Master, and set on high?

The beloved Master repeats the importance of the Father‘s name in his prayer, where he de­clared His name to the faithful ones, and said: Holy Father keep in your own name those whom you have given me, that they may be one as we are". — St. John 17: 11. The Father‘s name is the He-

brew name of course and is found all through the excavations of ancient scripts and documents. It is the height of folly to deny this fact, but His holy Hebrew name must be used with extreme reverence and great reservation, much the same as in Israel today. – Editor.

Continued from page 10 The victory came at a very high

cost. In storming the Golan Heights,

Israel suffered 115 dead-roughly the

number of Americans killed during

Operation Desert Storm. Altogether,

Israel lost twice as many men — 777

dead and 2,586 wounded-in propor-

tion to her total population as the U.S.

lost in eight years of fighting in Vi-

etnam.(23) Also, despite the incredible

success of the air campaign, the Israe-

li Air Force lost 46 of its 200 fighters.

(24) The death toll on the

Arab side was 15,000 Egyp-

tians, 2,500 Syrians, and

800 Jordanians. By the

end of the war, Israel had

conquered enough territory

to more than triple the size

of the area it controlled,

from 8,000 to 26,000

square miles. The victory

enabled Israel to unify Je-

rusalem. Israeli forces had

also captured the Sinai,

Golan Heights, Gaza Strip

and West Bank.Israel now

ruled more than three-

quarters of a million Pales-

tinians — most of whom

were hostile to the govern-

ment. Nevertheless, more

than 9,000 Palestinian

families were reunited in

1967. Ultimately, more

than 60,000 Palestinians

were allowed to return.(25)

The 1967 Six-Day War



continued from page 4

Exodus 31:13-17, "…

Verily my sabbaths ye

shall keep: for it is a sign

between me and you

throughout your genera-

tions; that ye may know

that I am the LORD that

doth sanctify you. Ye

shall keep the sabbath

therefore; for it is holy

unto you: every one that

defileth it shall surely be

put to death: for whoso-

ever doeth any work

therein, that soul shall be

cut off from among his

people. Six days may

work be done; but in the

seventh is the sabbath of

rest, holy to the LORD:

whosoever doeth any

work in the sabbath day,

he shall surely be put to

death. Wherefore the

children of Israel shall

keep the sabbath, to ob-

serve the sabbath

throughout their genera-

tions, for a perpetual cov-

enant. It is a sign be-

tween me and the chil-

dren of Israel for ever:

for in six days the LORD

made heaven and earth,

and on the seventh day he

rested, and was re-


The Sabbath is the only

sign between Elohim and

His people. It is a sign

that we are his children.

When this passage speaks

of "the children of Isra-

el," it is speaking of Elo-

him's people. Literal

Jews are not Elohim's

people anymore. Bond-

servants of Messiah are

spiritual Israel or spiritual

Jews today (Romans

1:16; 2:28-29; 9:4-8;

10:12, 1 Corinthians 10:2

-4, Galatians 3:16,26-29,

Colossians 3:11), and this

sign applies to us.

On the contrary, for

those who do not keep

the Sabbath Holy, this is

also a sign. It is a sign

that one is not a child of


QUESTIONS;- What school

(seminary) did

you go to, and

what degrees

do you hold?

ANSWERS Actually many are eager for the answer of the above; at my side I‘m very enthusi-astic to inform you. Well, there's only one school mentioned in scripture, and that was a school of a ty-rant (Acts 19:9). And a "degree" and con-cept was not a scrip-tural one. Our re-sponse to this inquiry is this: in John 7:14-16, the same ques-tion was asked among those to whom Messiah Yahshua was preaching. Notice

that Yahshua did not attend any school of human understand-ing of the Word of Elohim. J o h n 7 : 1 4 - 1 6 , "...Yahshua went up into the temple, and taught. And the Jews marveled, saying, How knoweth this man letters, having never learned? Yahshua answered them, and said, My doctrine is not mine, but his that sent me."

The Jewish learning consisted in the knowledge of their own scriptures, and the traditions of their elders. In this learn-ing our blessed Lord excelled. As these branches of learning were taught at the Jewish schools, and

our Lord had never attended there, they were astonished to find him excelling in that sort of learning, of which they them-selves professed to be the sole teachers. The-se rulers knew well enough that He had not studied under any human teacher--an important admis-sion against ancient and modern attempts to trace our Lord's wisdom to human sources. He has never been instructed by doctors of the law. The Jews taught their law and tradition in celebrated schools. As Yahshua had not been instructed in those schools, they were amazed at his learn-ing

Questions And Answers (FAQ) QUESTION -

Most people think that the

word "God" is the real and

correct Name of the Heav-

enly fa­ther. Is it true?


As the person asking this ques-

tion knows only the English lan-

guage, those mentioned as "most

people", in the question may be

taken for granted as using the

English language. If they were

of the Norwegian tongue, the;

would ask if "Gud" were not

the correct Name; if of Polish

nationality, they would ask if the

word "Bog" were not His Name, an -

Spanish "Dios", the Greek

"Theos", etc,

(It was the English word re-

ferring to the heathens or Gentiles

worshipped, there-fore it was applied

to the Name for the Creator by the


We find the Christians

of different nations , all have their

national deities; the Flemish,

Goed; Dutch, Godt; Teutonic,

Guth; Danish and Swedish, Gut;

Norwegian, Gud - all be-ing varia-

tions of the English God. The

Slav Buch; Polish, Bog; Pol-

laca, Bung; Greek Theos; Lat-

in. Deus; Gallic, Diu;

French, Deu; Spanish, OiOos; Ital-

ian, Dio; Lapp, Judinal; Cretan,

Thios; and many other deities of

non-Christian nations are mentioned.

In the inspired Hebrew scrip-

tures we find that it, was the Elohim,

who created the heaven and the earth

and there is reference to God as we

find in the English Bible; in fact the

word God has been substituted all

through the scriptures for the titles

"Elohim", "Eloah", and in some cases

for the title: "Yah". — Psa. 68: 4.

We have the promise that the

Baal names will be taken from the

mouths of the people and they will

turn to the true Mighty one of the in-

spired scriptures. — Hosea 2:16-17,



There were different groups of the

Father‘s children (Church of Elohim)

two thousand years ago, according to

the records of the Gospel, just as there

are today.

The apostle John came across one

of these group, according to the fol-

lowing text;-

John answered to him

(YAHSHUA) saying , ―Master, we

saw someone casting out devil in your


US.‖ And we forbade him because


How similar is this to today‘s

conditions where one condemned and

forbid another because he ―FOLLOW


Dear reader, what the MAS-

TER said is exactly what He would

say today - and certainly this is what

He is saying : ― Do not forbade them,

for there no man can do a miracle in

my Name that can speak evil of Me.

For he that is not against us is on our

part. For who will give you a cup of

water to drink in my name, because


AH, surely I said to you , HE SHALL





of this carnal

conditions where

Apostle Paul men-

tioned The Apollo's

Cepha‘s and other groups, just

as it is today. He said in verse

8;- ― For we are laborers to-

gether with Elohim . You are

Elohim‘s husbandry , you are

Elohim Building ―For other foundation

no man can lay than that which

is laid, which is MESSIAH

YAHSHUA.‖ 1 Cor.3:9

Let every individual of any

group of Church of Elohim, - be

ready to change their attitude— and

remember that every Member among

each of them , if living according to

the Revelation 12 : 17 , is one of the





(I call these Priesthood’s Walls).

About this Elder and great Evangelist

Dugger said ; ― Let us pray that every

wall between them—that the enemy

erects shall crumble and fall.”

Commentary and Opinion We point out errors of man's ways, not because we are self-righteous, but be-

cause we are charged by our Lord to bring the Truth to bear against non-truth. When you're walking in accordance with the true spirit of the Word of Elohim, you are standing in Elohim's Truth and doing everything in Love. Regardless of what man may say, Elohim has instructed His servants, through His Spirit, to judge all things by His Word; because: "To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them." Isaiah 8:20,

"When you have elimi-nated all which is im-

possible, then whatever remains, however im-probable, must be the truth" Remember, we cannot use that which is impos-sible to determine the


you doing

anything in the

vineyard of the Master?

Ask yourself this questions;

what am I doing for Him? Am I

living for myself alone, or for

the eternal welfare of others?

Shall the great judge learn

when my task is through that

my life has gathered some rich-

es too?

Or shall, at the last,

it be mine to find,

that all I had worked

for, I had Left


There are others besides Ours

Theodor Herzl Writer and journalist Theodor Herzl, founder of modern politi-cal Zionism, published a pamphlet in 1896 advo-cating the establishment of a Jewish state. Herzl is considered one of the great influences on the formation of Israel.

Have Your inspiring comments Published here!

E– mail us at


14 14

Ahmadinejad rants and

raves his way through anoth-

er anti-Israel speech ―See how your enemies are astir, how

your foes rear their heads.‖ (Psalm 83: 2)

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmad-

inejad gave another maniacal speech last Sunday, raving at a large crowd

and through TV cameras to whoever

might be watching him elsewhere in the country.

He raged, "As God is my witness, the Iranian nation will not give a damn for

American or Israeli bombs, warships

and planes. They say all options are on the table. Well, let them rot

there. You yourself will rot.‖

He advised the West to "talk politely, and recognize the rights of other na-

tions, and cooperate instead of show-

ing teeth, and weapons and bombs. They should know they will

never prevail.‖ Silver-tongued Mahmoud Ahmadinejad speaking at

Columbia University, where he questioned the

Holocaust, reframed Israel's right to exist as a

question of Palestinian self-determination, while at

the same time insisted that Iranians love the Jewish

People. But on March 14, it was Ahmad-

inejad’s turn to answer tough ques-

tions as he appeared before the Ira-

nian Parliament for several hours of

abuse from opposition politicians in proceedings which were broadcast live

on the government‘s official radio

station. Opposition lawmakers demanded

explanations for his disastrous eco-nomic policies and even accused him

of making "illegal" cabinet and gov-

ernmental appointments. His answers only enraged his political opponents.

"Ahmadinejad's answers to law-

makers' questions were illogical,

illegal and an attempt to avoid an-

swering them. Courtesy of Chareokey

News &Views


Genuine Inspiration

We have girded on the armor,

And our banner is unfurled—

It's the standard of Mt. Zion,

And we'll face a frowning world.

We have on the only breastplate,

It's the shield of truth and right;

And the sword which we are using

Is mighty in the fight!

We are told to hold out faithful,-

By the grace of Elohim we stand,

And we'll work beneath this


Till we reach the promised land.

Our Captain — Judea's Lion;

Our weary hearts doth cheer,

He's the Holy One of Zion,

And tells us not to fear.


Every thing we can do through

Him Who strength us.

Shalom One and All,

Contention and Strife in Israel

& Middle East is what we will Review Today

―No weapon that is formed against you will prosper;

and every tongue that accuses you in judgment you

will condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of

the Lord, And their vindication is from Me,‖ de-

clares the Lord.‖ (Isaiah 54:17)

Last week, over 200 rockets were fired

into Israel from the Gaza Strip. The attack began

in the evening of Friday, March 9th, during Israel‘s

Shabbat (Sabbath).

During the four-day escalation, over 20

were killed in Gaza by Israel‘s pinpoint retaliatory

air strikes.

Although most of them were positively

identified as armed terrorists by their own ―terrorist

organizations,‖ civilians were injured since terror-

ists deliberately carry out their activities in civilian

areas, in an effort to create ―human shields.‖

Several were wounded in Israel, and extensive ma-

terial damage to buildings and facilities occurred on

both sides. My reader, can you imagine your city

having 200 missiles fired at it?

Yes, we are terrified here in Israel. Many

people including children have been wounded and

others live in constant fear. Many Israelis suffer

from shell shock.

If it were not for Israel’s Iron Dome

which shot down over 50 Grad rockets headed

for civilian populations, the death toll would

have been much higher in Israel.

Over one million Israelis were in the line of fire,

including 200,000 school children who were or-

dered to stay home from classes on the 11th and

12th. The fighting started on Friday evening,

when the Israeli Air Force received actionable intel-

ligence about the whereabouts of Zuhair al-Qaisi,

the leader of the militant Palestinian group called

Popular Resistance Committees (PRC), an active

Palestinian terrorist group responsible for over

10,000 rockets and mortar shells fired into Israel

since 2001.

Al-Qaisi was the mastermind behind sev-

eral strikes against Israel, including in 2011, a series

of bloody cross-border attacks involving a bus, a

private vehicle and an army patrol, and in 2006, the

kidnapping of IDF soldier Gilad Shalit in a cross-

border raid.

The Israel Air Force (IAF) hit Qaisi‘s vehicle with a

missile, killing him and his

deputy, Ahmad al-Hanani, a

terrorist who was recently

freed from prison in the

Shalit deal and deported to

the Gaza Strip.

The PRC and Islamic

Jihad responded with a large barrage of rockets, and

the ‗tit for tat‘ violence continued for several days.

The threat of missiles, rockets and other

terrorist acts have become the daily reality of life in

Israel. Iran continues to encourage and support the

activities of these terrorist organizations. Despite the ceasefire, the rocket attacks against Israel

have not ceased altogether. In fact, the only days without missiles

were March 17 and 18. On March 15, Hezbollah Secretary Gen-

eral Hassan Nasrallah praised the attacks, after Palestinians fired

another barrage of rockets into the Jewish State of Israel.

IDF Spokesman Brig. Gen. Yoav Mordechai told

reporters, "Iran finances Islamic Jihad and supports

it with weaponry. In these days, the Iranians are

supporting them and actively encouraging them to


―We will not allow this unbearable reality tao con-

tinue plaguing the lives of civilians in southern Isra-

el. No country in the world would allow this and

we will continue operating against every terror body

active in the Gaza Strip."

My reader, if this were happening

where you live, would you not insist that your

government stop it? Despite the ongoing violence, the Coordi-

nator of Government Activities in the Territories

(COGAT) continued to operate the Kerem Shalom

and Erez crossings into Gaza over the weekend,

allowing tons of food and medicine into the Gaza

Strip. Courtesy of Chareokey

Thanks be unto Elohim for this gift of Him, that is tremendous and unspeakable. 2 Cor 9:15 PRAISE HIS HOLY NAME !!

kenesiyahmessenger … a faithful messenger is health. Prov 13:17

is a non profit making project and is a volun-

teer work. Anyway we hope to receive some sup-

port from interested Individuals and groups who

appreciate this project. You may support us by

sending copies of any literature published by A. N.

Dugger (namely Mt. Zion Reporter and articles; the

Israeli Bible correspondence course, and his book-

lets). If you want, small donations are acceptable.

But only If you feel that such a ministry should be

supported by a true Disciple. If sending cash, do

not send more than you are willing to lose. Dona-

tions are gratefully accepted but NEVER solicited.

You are not pressured to do so but to send a gift is

only your voluntary choice.

Subscribe to +254 712 800030

"Iran is continuing its nuclear program uninterrupted. It is enriching uranium to levels higher than 20 percent, in bla-tant disregard to the demands of the international communi-ty," Israeli Prime Minister Net-anyahu’s statement said.