Kay Wilkinson – Universal Support Development Manager North East England Sharon Collins – TPAS...

Post on 24-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Kay Wilkinson – Universal Support Development Manager North East England Sharon Collins – TPAS...

Kay Wilkinson – Universal Support Development Manager North East EnglandSharon Collins – TPAS Associate Consultant

Welfare Reform Solutions Tree


True False

Let’s practice …

At lunchtime today, the Chancellor, George Osborne, began to announce the Government’s budget for 2015.

True False

Let’s practice …

Universal Credit aims to make the welfare system simpler by replacing six benefits and credits with a single payment if you are on a low income or out of work.

True False


In your teams …1. Read and discuss each statement2. Sort them into two piles

1. True2. False

3. Get ready to vote!

Is this true or false?

Quiz Question 1:

When I make my Universal Credit application online I can save it part way through and complete it later.

True False

Is this true or false?

Quiz Question 2:

From 3 August 2015 will I have to wait seven days before I can claim Universal Credit.

True False

Is this true or false?

Quiz Question 3:

Waiting days will affect all claimants.

True False

Is this true or false?

Quiz Question 4:

Universal Credit is paid monthly.

True False

Is this true or false?

Quiz Question 5:

The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) will offer budgeting and digital support to claimants.

True False

Is this true or false?

Quiz Question 6:

If I work on a flexible/zero hours contract and one week I work over 16 hours, I will have to stop claiming Universal Credit.

True False

Is this true or false?

Quiz Question 7:

I have to tell my landlord when I move onto Universal Credit.

True False

Is this true or false?

Quiz Question 8:

I can ask the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) to pay my housing benefit direct to my landlord.

True False

Is this true or false?

Quiz Question 9:

If I turn up late for a work coach interview without good reason my Universal Credit may be sanctioned.

True False

Is this true or false?

Quiz Question 10:

By April 2016 Universal Credit will be available to all single claimants across the UK.

True False

Answer sheets …

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