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Transcript of KATA PENGANTAR


A letter from the Best enemy

Death Street X

Hot District

South hell

9 December 2001

Dear, Mr Polise,

I want to ask sorry because I am the person who has burnt

your head office. OK! I burned it without any plan. My

(original) plan was to burn (merk) to kill some mosquitos

which disturb me. My plan changed when I found a chance to

burn your head quarter. One again, I want to ask sorry Mr

Polise about it.

Your (will) biggest enemy



Thank you. I say thank you…oh no..that is wrong. I write thank

you for everybody who had helped me make this Magz. I also

write thank you for the God. First, I want to say thank you for

my little brothers. I have two little brothers. I could write in

this magz because they didn’t disturb me. Do you know why

they did not disturb me? Of course you don’t know! They did

not disturb me because I could make them cry if they disturb

me. If they cried, they would not stop crying before my house

sank with their tears. Do you know the second reason? They

could not disturb me because I wrote my magz in my room. I

could write although they made a crowded because I had

closed my ears. I could not hear anything.

Second, I want to say thank you for all of mosquitos in the my

house, especially for mosquitos in the my room. They did not

disturb me while I was writing in this magz. But they would

attack me while I was sleeping. They bit my body. Oh that’s

wrong. They don’t have teeths. This is the right sentence, they

stung my body and absorbed my blood. But I was fortunate

because they only little creature. I could not fancy if they were

as big as my chicken. I think chicken is too small. This is the

right sentence. I could not fancy if they were as big as my

cock. If they were like my cock, maybe I have died now. One

again, I want to say thank you for them because they didn’t

disturb me. Do you know (the reason) why? I had killed them

before they could disturb me. I killed them with my own

hands. (Saturday, 09-02-02)


I didn’t kill them with fire or you can read, I didn’t burn them.

My God dislike if human being kill animals or the other

creatures use fire. Because fire is God’s Way to punish the

wrong people in the hell. God doesn’t want if human being

follow his way to punish the wrong people.

Sometimes, I didn’t kill them. I tried to make them go from my

room. If they didn’t want to go to from my room, I will kill

them. I didn’t have choice. Eventhough they are small, they

can disturb me. They also can make a bad voice when they

are flying. But now, they can not disturb me again because I

have an agreement with their leader. They could not attack

me again because if they attack me again, I would destroy

their habitats. They lay their eggs in the water so I would boil

the water if I wanted to drink it. If I didn’t boil the water, many

diseases would enter my body. I think, that sentences are

wrong. The sentences were not written in the agreement. This

is the right sentence. If they attack me, I will destroy their

eggs so they can extinct from my area. But I have to help

them too. If I don’t want, they can call king of the mosquito

from other galaxy. Then the king will kill me. But the king is

very very bad. He will kill all of earth’s mosquitos too. So I

have one score of them. If I am killed by their king, they are

killed too by their king. Sometimes they had some troubles

about their habitat. So I had to help them. I would search the

new habitat for them. I think they can be a best friend for me.

(Sunday, 10-02-02).


Third, I want to say thank you for Mr. Flood. He didn’t visit my

district. He could not disturb me because I was on the high

place. My house was standing on a high mount. But if God

wanted to make Mr. Flood visit me, I could not do anythings. If

Mr. Flood came to my district, maybe I could not write in this


Mr. Flood could bring anythings. My books, my bag, my radio,

my pens and maybe he could bring my house because my

house was made from wood. If he attacked my house, I could

not write because I only thought about my treasure. If he

came, I hope my house didn’t sink because my house has

seven floors but maybe I had to stay on the roof. Mr. flood

could not disturb me because I had a lot of preparation to

overcome him. I made many rivers around my house. The

rivers made Mr. Flood could not attack my house. I also made

my house could change to be a ship. The ship was very big.

So, once again I want to say thank for Mr. Flood. Eventhough

Mr. Rain always invited him to visit my house, Mr. Flood didn’t

want to disturb me (actually he could not disturb me) but Mr.

Flood visited some district that near my mount’s leg. When I

had known the news, I helped them instantly because they

always helped me when I was in troubles. I invited them to

stay in the my house. They were very kind. They didn’t disturb

me when I was writing in the my room. I didn’t feel sad

eventhough they could finish my foods. Do you know the

reason? I think you know it because I had told you. (Sunday,



Fourth, I want to say thanks to my (lovely) neigbours who

stayed near my mount’s leg. One day, I arrived from the city. I

had bought some tools for my writing. I bought a book, two

pens, a big book, and an egg. Maybe the egg wasn’t include

my tools because I needed it for my dinner.

Suddenly, my best car was broken. I could not go home. A

neighbour of mine invited me to come to his house. He hoped

that I could stay there during my best car was repaired. But at

that time, I had a big trouble. I only had one egg for my food

because they said that my best car had to repair for a week.

Or you can read that my car needed much time to be

repaired. But my neighbours were very very kind. My other

neigbours (also the own house that I stayed) prepared my

lunch, my dinner and my breakfast. They knew my favourite

foods. They prepared elephant’s leg soup, dragon’s eggs,

roast tiger and shark juice.

After I had breakfast or lunch or dinner, I went to a room

which was prepared for me. In the room, I wrote in this

bookmark for the magz. I did my writing without troubles. I

heard that the family which prepared my room was a big

troublemaker family. But they didn’t make any troubles when I

was staying in their house. My neighbours were very very

kind. Those were the reason why I invited them to stay in my

house when Mr. Flood visited their district.

After a week, my best car had been repaired. I could go home.

I said thank you for them because they had helped me. I will

never forgot their contribution. (Monday, 11-02-02)


Fifth, I want to say thanks for the mountain. The mountain

was named Skycraper. I think you have known the reason why

the mountain was named Skycraper. The mountain was very

very high. You can not see the top (from the moon) but if you

use some kind of telescope, you can see the top eventhough

you see it from the Pluto (that is fired from Planetes).

You need one hundred years (light) to get to the top, if you

are an ant. If you are an eagle or a falcon or a hawk, you can

get there faster. Skycraper was an active volcano but

Skycraper never made the Earth shook or you can read,

Skycraper never invited Mr. Earthquake. Mr. Snow always

stayed on the Skycraper’s Top. From the moon, Mr. Snow was

like a hat of Skycraper. Sometimes, Mr. Cloud visited Mr.

Snow. If they met, they made a beautiful scenery. Sometimes

Skycraper got bad thing. You know that Skycraper’s top side

almost touched the sky. That was the reason why Mr. Thunder

visited its top and made troubles there. But Mr. Thunder never

brought Mr. Fire with him.

Skycraper had fertile soil. I didn’t need any fertilizer when I

wanted to plant my plants. I had planted many kinds of plants.

They were apple tree, mango tree, grape tree, banana tree,

orange tree, and so on. I like fruits because they contained a

lot of vitamins.

You have to know that Mr. Drought never came to my district.

My district was very very wet. Skycraper also had a huge

forest. Many kind of animals lived there peacefully. All of the

animal were my friends. They were my best friends. Once

again, I want to say thanks for my mountain, Skycraper.

(Monday, 11-02-02)


Sixth, I want to say thanks for my best friends, all of the

animals in the Skycraper’s forest. They didn’t disturb me.

They also give me ideas for writing. One day, I didn’t have any

idea for my writing. Then I went to the forest. The forest was

named Green Jungle.

Do you know why? Because the forest’s colour was green.

Oke, I continued my story. After I got to the forest, I saw a lot

of trees. The trees were very very big. The trees were very

very high too. Then I entered the forest. I used my horse to

bring me into the forest. Finally I could meet my friends. They

were doing their daily activities.

I watched their activities one by one. But I didn’t see a friend

of mine, bats. I thought I forgot something. Mmmm. I thought I

remembered it. The bats were sleeping at daylight. I could not

see their activities at day except sleeping. After I run (actually

I didn’t run, I rode my horse that run with very high speed)

around the forest three times, I went to a lake. The lake was

named Charon. Then I took a rest there. My horse ate the

grasses when I was sleeping.

When I got up, I was very happy. My brain (not the name of a

laboratory mouse in an animation film) had worked again. I

found a lot of ideas after I dreamed my friends activities. Then

I went home to write in this magz.

Once again, I want to say thanks for my best friends. They

were spider, bat, jaguar, leopard, snake, elephant, tiger,

buffalo, lion, horse, firefly, etc. I am sorry reader, I can not

write all of their names in this magz because… I am sorry

(again) I can not tell you the reason. (Tuesday, 12 Feb 2002).


Seventh, I want to say thanks for my friends, especially the

fireflies. They could make light when the electricity system at

my house was died. Without their contribution, I could not

write because I could not see in the darkness. I could not do

anything in the darkness, except breath. But in the darkness, I

could do my best hobby, sleeping. Before I went to sleep, I

switched on my radio, so I would know if the electricity system

was life. I didn’t like using the candle when I was writing

because the candle could burn my hairs. It could make a bad


In my old house, I could not write when the electricity was

died but in my new home (Thunderz), I could write in this

magz. I could do it because the fireflies gave me a lighting. My

friendship with them started after I helped them. This is the


One night, I was lost in the forest. Suddenly they came. But I

didn’t know them if they were fireflies because their light were

died. Then they asked my help. They wanted their light were

lifr again so I burned their light with my match. After I did it, I

knew they were the fireflies. Then they helped me go home.

Thank you friends.

After that event, they always come to my home when the

electricity at my area was dead. They gave me lighting when I

was writing. After I finished my writing, I gave them food. They

liked my food. Once again I want to say thank you for my best

friend, the fireflies. (Wednesday, 13-02-13)


Eight, I want to say thanks to my home. My home had given a

lot of contribution for me. My house was like a man. He was

strong, high and open for anybody except the thief but my

house was not eternal or you can call it mortal.

My house had a name. I called it Thunderz. I had a reason why

I called my house with thunderz. When the day was raining,

the thunder always visited my house. Do you know why?

Because my house stood on a high place. Beside, my house

had seven floors.

I think that Thunderz was my best house. Before I had

Thunderz, I had a house in the city. Eventhough the house

was the biggest house in the world, I was not happy when I

stayed in the house. I could not do my writing. One thousand

of mosquitos always disturbed me when I wanted to start my

writing. But when I didn’t do anything, they didn’t disturb me.

It amazed me. I didn’t understand why they did it to me.

I also could not sleep (well) in peace because they always

attacked me, but after I used astronauts clothes (I borrowed it

from a friend of mine, Neil Armsostrong), I could dream in my


Thunderz also my protector. He protected me from Mr. Rain,

Mr. Flood, Tornado, lava, Storm, Strong wind and Mr. Snow. Do

you know why Thunderz can protect me from Mr. Snow?

Because Mr. Snow never invited my house. Although Thunderz

was smaller than the White Housenin the U.S.A, I was very

very happy when I was staying in the Thunderz. I could do my

writing and finish it without war versus mosquitos because I

had made an agreement with them. Thank you Thunderz.

(Wednesday, 13 February 2002)

PFTW 09: Mr. SNOW (09-11)

Ninth, I want to say thanks to Mr. Snow. I think you have

known him. He stayed on the top of Skycraper. Skycraper was

my mountain. Mr. Snow was very very kind. He didn’t disturb

me when I was writing. He had a little brother. His brother was

called Snogy. Snogy was very very naughty. He stayed at

city’s sky. When I was staying in the city, Snogy always

disturbed me. I could not do my writing. Maybe, because

Snogy was younger than Mr. Snow, Snogy could not do the

wise things. He always made troubles everywhere. But after I

moved to Skycraper, Snogy didn’t disturb me again. Maybe he

was afraid with his big brother.

Mr. Snow also protected me from Skycraper’s lava. You know

that Skycraper didn’t disturb me but sometimes he got

stomachache. If he got it, Skycraper could not control his lava

but Mr. Snow tried to waylay lava’s journey. So, the lava could

not touch my house. Thank you Mr. Snow.

Do you know how Snogy disturbed me? Snogy was very

strong. He could make a storm from snow and commanded it

to attack my house. That was the reason why I could not write

when I was staying in the city. When the season was cold or

you can call it winter, Snogy always covered my house with

his body. I could not go anywhere.

In the my old house, I also could not do my writing because

Snogy always disturb me. Snogy entered my old house and

made me freeze. I was frozen until the winter finished. OK!

Once again, I want to say thanks for Mr. Snow. Thank you

friend!! (Thursday, 14-02-2002)

MR BOMBER (10-11)

Tenth, I want to say thanks for Mr. Bomber. He has helped me

when I am getting a trouble. These are the story. At the day, I

was taking a rest on my island. I took a rest to search ideas

for my writing but I could not find them. Suddenly, a big wave

approaching me. I had a bad feeling about this wave. Then I

run quickly to avoid the waves. But the big wave was still

chase me. Finally, I got to the top of the highest mountain on

my island. The big waves could not approach me but I could

not go anywhere. I also could not call anyone because the big

wave had stolen my handphone.

After one day I stayed on the top of the highest mountain, I

saw a little ship. Finally, I knew that the little ship was had by

Mr. Bomber. I thought he saw me because he drove his ship

on my direction. He helped me. He also said sorry because he

was the person who had made the big wave. Then he made

an explanation.

He wanted to make an experiment. He wanted to try a new

bomb, bio bomb. He made the bomb from moon’s stones. He

got the stones from his friends (Mechadot, Diztro, Cino, Neo).

If his experiment worked, all of my animals in my island will

be life.

After explained to me, he started his last step. He could

control moon’s gravity. Finally, I could see my island again

and I saw all of my animals were still life. Then, I invited Mr.

Bomber to come to my house. Once again, I want to say

thanks for Mr Bomber. Someday, itsuka, we will meet again.!!

(Saturday, 09-03-2002)


Finally, I want to say thanks for anybody who had helped me.

I want to say thank you very much for them.

First, for Mr Stealer because he didn’t steal my writing. If he

stole my writing, I could not continue my stories, because I

needed my writing to find new ideas.

Second, for Mr Destroyer because he didn’t destroy my house

and my district (Skycraper, my neighbour’s house). He also

didn’t disturb me but even he gave me an idea when he was

starting to destroy the city. I could not tell you now but maybe

next time, I will tell you about it.

Third, for my friend, Nazurat. His activities gave me a lot of


Fourth, for my teachers. My teachers were human being. I

want to say thanks for them because they had teached me for

over twenty years. Because of my teachers, I can read, I can

write, I can count and so on. So, I don’t want if my teachers

feel sad when they hear that I (their pupils) become criminal.

Fifth, for my best enemy, Phantom, oh I am sorry, Ghost

Phantom. Do you know why I say thanks for him? Of course

not. This is the reason. Because he didn’t disturb me when I

was writing in this media or when I made this writing.

Sixth, for my pen.

Seventh, for Mr Publisher for publishing this media in this


Eighth, for Mr Millionaire because he was the person that gave

me a lot of money to make my dream comes true.

Ninth, for myself.

Tenth, fifty plus fifty is one hundred.

OK. This will be finished. Kore de kimari da…

OK!! If you don’t want my thanks, you can return it to me!

Domo arigatou. Terima kasih….

(Thursday, 21-02-2002)