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Kansas State University   




The Sustainability and Safety of Rural Transportation Systems and 


Prepared for  

The University Transportation Centers Program Research and Innovative Technology Administration (RITA) 

U.S. Department of Transportation 400 Seventeenth Street S.W. Room 3103 

Washington, D.C. 20590  


University Transportation Center Department of Civil Engineering 

Kansas State University 2118 Fiedler Hall 

Manhattan, KS 66506‐5000 Telephone: (785) 532‐5862 

Fax: (785) 532‐7717  

January 25, 2006 Revised July 25, 2007 

Exhibit I: Mission and Goals of UTC Program 


To advance U.S. technology and expertise in the many disciplines comprising

transportation through the mechanisms of education, research, and technology transfer at

university-based centers of excellence.


1. Education: a multidisciplinary program of course works and experiential learning that

reinforces the transportation theme of the Center.

2. Human Resources: an increased number of students, faculty and staff who are

attracted to and substantively involved in the undergraduate, graduate and professional programs

of the Center.

3. Diversity: students, faculty and staff who reflect the growing diversity of the U.S.

workforce and are substantively involved in the undergraduate, graduate and professional

programs of the Center.

4. Research Selection: an objective process for selecting and reviewing research that

balances multiple objectives of the program.

5. Research Performance: an ongoing program of basic and applied research, the

products of which are judged by peers or other experts in the field to advance the body of

knowledge in transportation.

6. Technology Transfer: availability of research results to potential users in a form that

can be directly implemented, utilized, or otherwise applied.


Exhibit II: Strategic Plan 


I. Program Overview.................................................................................................................. 2 A. Glossary ........................................................................................................................ 2 B. Center Theme................................................................................................................ 3 C. Director’s Summary...................................................................................................... 5

1. Current Status.................................................................................................... 5 2. Vision for the Future......................................................................................... 6

II. Program Activities .................................................................................................................. 8 A. Research Selection ........................................................................................................ 8 B. Research Performance ................................................................................................ 15 C. Education .................................................................................................................... 18 D. Human Resources ....................................................................................................... 23 E. Diversity...................................................................................................................... 26 F. Technology Transfer................................................................................................... 27

III. Management Approach........................................................................................................ 31 A. Institutional Resources................................................................................................ 33

1. Faculty Resources ........................................................................................... 34 2. Office Resources............................................................................................. 35

B. Center Director............................................................................................................ 35 C. Center Faculty and Staff ............................................................................................. 36

1. Multiparty Arrangements................................................................................ 38 D. Matching Funds .......................................................................................................... 38

IV. Budget Details........................................................................................................................ 40 A. Format ......................................................................................................................... 40 B. Grant Year................................................................................................................... 40 C. Salaries........................................................................................................................ 40 D. Scholarships ................................................................................................................ 42 E. Expendable Property, Supplies, and Services............................................................. 42 F. Permanent Equipment................................................................................................. 42 G. Travel .......................................................................................................................... 43 H. Other Direct Costs....................................................................................................... 43 I. Facilities & Administrative (Indirect) Costs............................................................... 43

V. Kansas State University’s UTC Advisory Committee....................................................... 45 VI. APPENDIX A........................................................................................................................ 47

A. Research Selection ...................................................................................................... 47 B. Research Performance ................................................................................................ 47 C. Education .................................................................................................................... 47 D. Human Resources ....................................................................................................... 48 E. Technology Transfer................................................................................................... 48

VII. Approval Letter for Use of Matching Funds................................................................ 49 VIII. Director’s Résumé........................................................................................................... 50



A. Glossary The following terms and acronyms are used throughout this plan.

FTA: Federal Transit Administration

KDOT: The Kansas Department of Transportation

KSU: Kansas State University

K-TRAN: Kansas Transportation Research and New-Developments Program (KDOT)

KU: The University of Kansas

LTAP: Local Technical Assistance Program

NCEES: National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying

PI: Principle Investigator

RFP: Request for Proposal

RITA: Research and Innovative Technology Administration

TASK: Traffic Assistance Services for Kansas

TRB: Transportation Research Board

UMR: University of Missouri at Rolla

USDOT: United States Department of Transportation

UTC: University Transportation Center


B. Center Theme The theme of this Center is The Sustainability and Safety of Rural Transportation

Systems and Infrastructure. This theme is selected to complement the mission and direction of

Kansas State University and to meet the needs of the Kansas Department of Transportation and

the rural transportation community as a whole. Research at Kansas State University’s UTC will

also fill a national need—although the demand for addressing rural transportation is recognized,

no UTC specifically focuses on the sustainability and safety of rural transportation systems and

infrastructure in the context of a declining and aging rural population.

The need for addressing rural transportation safety is great. Forty-two percent more fatal

crashes occur in rural parts of the United States than on busy stretches of highways through cities

and suburbs. Indeed, rural roadways, which account for more than half of the 8.2 million miles

of roadways in the United States, have the highest rate of fatalities per vehicle mile traveled—

more than six times that of urban interstates. While only about forty percent of all vehicle miles

are traveled on rural roads, about sixty percent of the traffic accident fatalities occur on rural

roads. When adjusted for miles traveled, the fatality rate from traffic accidents on rural roads is

nearly two and a half times greater than the fatality rate from accidents on urban roads. Clearly,

with longer response times due to their inherent rural nature, with more severe crashes and with a

higher likelihood of rollovers, rural transportation safety remains a significant problem.

However, these safety issues should not be viewed in a vacuum and must be viewed in

the context of a decreasing and aging rural population. By 2020, there will be as many retired

people as there are children. At the same time, the rural areas in the Great Plains have continued

to depopulate. These factors, when combined, will compound economic stresses, further limiting

financial resources available for rural transportation infrastructure and safety.

Limited transportation resources—combined with an inherent desire for a safer

transportation system—require an innovative approach to rural transportation issues. Primarily,

this requires a focus on the economic and community sustainability for rural transportation;

transportation resources will have to go further and do more than ever before.


Increasing transportation safety saves more than just lives—in 1999, the cost of traffic

crashes and the associated injuries and deaths was estimated at more than $230.6 billion.1

Although transportation safety issues are constantly being addressed, much of the attention and

funding is directed towards higher-class roads, such as Interstate Highways and the National

Highway System. According to the General Accounting Office, while rural roadways account

for seventy-seven percent of all lane-miles, only forty-one percent of highway program funds

were spent on rural roads.

As financial limitations will continue to play a significant role in rural transportation

infrastructure and safety, it is increasingly critical that every transportation dollar be put to its

best use. As a focus of its research, Kansas State University’s UTC will focus on managing

transportation with regards to the effects of an aging and decreasing rural population. This

research will consist of high-impact areas that affect rural transportation and safety—focusing on

infrastructure preservation and monitoring, improving information and decision support systems,

impaired driving, as well as seatbelt usage. For example, the increased response time for

emergency vehicles due to a decreasing rural population will be a focus issue.

Finally, the Center will focus on rural transportation issues related to terrorist threats and

actions against hazardous materials carriers. Rural transportation systems not only support

motorists and rail traffic, but also continue to carry the majority of the nation’s food supply. The

safety and security of the nation’s food supply will also be a focus that is directly related to rural

transportation infrastructure and safety.

1. Blincoe, L.J., “The Economic Impact of Motor Vehicle Crashes,” National Highway Transportation Safety Administration, Washington, DC, 2002.


C. Director’s Summary In forming a strategic plan, it is critical to understand the history of research and

educational efforts at Kansas State University and have those efforts placed in context. Positive

changes are difficult to make and impossible to measure absent a reference to the current status

of research, education, and technology transfer at Kansas State University.

1. Current Status 

In the past, the majority of Kansas State University’s transportation research was funded

by K-TRAN, a cooperative transportation research program between the Kansas Department of

Transportation, Kansas State University, and the University of Kansas. Much of this research

focused on the immediate needs of KDOT, such as highway work zone safety, and material and

design analysis. While Kansas State University routinely participates in the research of K-

TRAN, it has not had the financial resources to address other research areas that are also critical

to rural transportation. Indeed, financial limitations have prevented research of the depth and

breadth required to make major improvements to rural transportation research.

Dispersed expertise has also been a historical roadblock to transportation research in

Kansas. While the Kansas State Board of Regents governs six state universities, including

Emporia State University, Fort Hays State University, Kansas State University, Pittsburgh State

University, Wichita State University, and Washburn University, no single university in the

Kansas system has a strong, interdisciplinary transportation program. Working with the Mid-

American Transportation Center (MATC) at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, which has been

designated the Region VII UTC, Kansas State University has begun working with the University

of Kansas, the University of Missouri-Rolla and Lincoln University of Missouri to multiply our

strengths in transportation research and education. Additionally, Kansas State University’s UTC

will draw on the resources of the other State universities in Kansas.


The sparsity of the Midwest’s population also presents unique challenges to collaboration

in research, education, and outreach. Just as the members of the Mid-American Transportation

Research Center, which has been designated the Region VII consortium, are distributed widely,

so are the faculties’ expertise. Challenges exist in bringing students, researchers and instructors

together. One of the initial efforts spawned through the collaboration with MATC has been the

initiation of shared courses in the transportation engineering curriculum through interactive

classrooms and distance learning. Perhaps the most valuable to the transportation community

and students—both graduate and undergraduate—will be the offering of a depth and breadth of

transportation-related courses never offered by any single university of the Consortium


2. Vision for the Future 

Through a collaborative effort—not only among Region VII Consortium members, but

the rural transportation community as a whole—Kansas State University’s UTC will develop a

prominent research program capable of addressing both the long-term and short-term needs of

rural transportation. Kansas State University’s UTC will link together researchers, educators,

students, and engineers in the field to an extent that will allow the full use of their combined

transportation experiences. This gestalt effect—a creation of a unified concept greater than the

sum of its parts—will help grow rural transportation research exponentially.

These goals will allow research at Kansas State University to support the national

strategy for surface transportation research. By focusing also on graduate and undergraduate

education, Kansas State University will help increase the number of Americans prepared to

design, deploy, and operate the complex transportation systems of the future. Finally, by

focusing on outreach, the practical application of research will be not merely a desire of research,

but the goal.

The vision of the center is not only to address the long-term transportation needs of rural

Kansas, but identify those problems shared by Kansas’ and other states’ rural communities.

Identifying and addressing the solutions to the problems that have the greatest impact—where

the greatest difference can be made—is the vision of Kansas State University’s UTC.


By the end of the grant, Kansas State University’s UTC anticipates having a well-

established rural transportation research center capable of dynamically addressing current and

future rural transportation needs. The program will be capable of offering education, outreach,

and research at a level not previously achievable by combining the experiences, research

abilities, and expertise of all of the Region VII Consortium members as well as those qualities

from other Kansas universities. It is further anticipated that there will be strong local and

nationwide involvement in the National Transportation Forum initiated as an internet bulletin

board resource for transportation professionals.

Finally, at the end of the grant period, Kansas State University’s UTC will have expanded

its faculty and staff capabilities while enhancing undergraduate and graduate education. The

purpose of an institution of higher learning is exactly that—to educate. Kansas State

University’s UTC will work to involve students and engineers in the field with research efforts in

an endeavor to maximize the benefits of Kansas State University’s UTC to the global




The activities outlined below focus on establishing a research, education, and outreach

program that maximizes the effectiveness of Kansas State University’s UTC. The combination

and interlinking of research, education, and outreach are considered essential and to be made in

the context of a diverse array of students, faculty, and staff capable of addressing dynamic

research and educational needs.

A. Research Selection  Research Selection Goal: An objective process for selecting and reviewing research that

balances multiple objectives of the program.

1. Baseline Measures. Historically, transportation research selection at Kansas State

University has focused on the immediate needs of KDOT. Although faculty members provide

K-TRAN research proposals in addition to responding to K-TRAN’s requests for proposals,

research projects were primarily limited to addressing those immediate, practical needs of

KDOT. Accordingly, research in other deserving areas was limited because of either the lack of

immediacy of the need or the attenuated nature of the benefit received. Because of this, much of

the research work consisted of applied research and hence limited its ability to be published. As

part of Kansas State University’s UTC’s goals, it is desired that the number of both advanced

and practical research be increased, and that the balance between advanced and practical research

be improved. Baseline measurements for research selection in Appendix A, Baselines 1 and 2.

2. Research Selection Program Outcome. Kansas State University’s UTC’s selection

process will be designed to improve rural transportation safety and infrastructure in rural areas in

a holistic manner. While focusing on practical applications of research, the selection process

will be dynamic, responding with flexibility and fairness to proposals. All faculty members will

be encouraged to submit proposals and engage in multi-discipline and multi-institutional



3. Planned Activities. The selection process will include external peer review at the

initial stages of the project selection as well at final selection of the projects. Efforts will be

made to inform researchers and potential researchers of the goals of USDOT and KDOT, as well

as other research needs identified by the Advisory Committee. Informing faculty, staff, and

students of USDOT- and KDOT-identified needs is considered critical to both rural

transportation research in general as well as the appropriateness of Kansas State University’s

transportation research as a whole.

The selection process begins through the solicitation of proposals from faculty members

throughout the K-State system. Proposals will be accepted with provisions on areas of interest,

format, review method, and reporting obligations, as outlined below. This will include

informing the researchers of the importance of the needs of USDOT and KDOT and encouraging

contact with those agencies. It is believed, due to the complex nature of the research topics, it is

best to provide one-on-one interaction between those most affected by the proposed research and

the researchers themselves. Accordingly, personal contact with KDOT, USDOT, and industry

will be encouraged in developing the proposals. This encouragement will be enforced inherently

through the research selection process by the Advisory Committee.

The areas of interest that would contribute to the sustainability and safety of rural

transportation system center around five general themes:

1. Outreach

2. Rural Transportation Safety

3. Intelligence, Knowledge, and Information Systems in Transportation

4. Advanced Modeling of Pavement and Subgrade Systems

5. Infrastructure Preservation/Renovation

These topics were adopted through the Civil Engineering faculty, in consultation with

KDOT, local governments, and industry, as being the most issues affecting rural transportation.

While general in nature, these themes represent the strengths of the K-State faculty as well as the

physical infrastructure of the department.


The Center Director will then organize the proposals, including budget estimates, and

forward them to the Advisory Committee. The Committee will be given two weeks to review

the material before the Committee meets. The Committee will then discuss the proposals in

depth, asking for clarification or modifications on the proposals. The Committee will then vote

by ballot, ranking the proposals in terms of intellectual merit and the impact of the research on

the transportation community. The proposals will then be funded in order of their prioritization.

The Committee will be provided with updates of the projects as they progress. The

Committee, which was chosen to represent the broad interests of the transportation community,

will review the progress and final reports to ensure the goals of the UTC, RITA, and USDOT are



Figure 1. Research Selection Procedure.

Request for Proposals

Center Theme Faculty Expertise

Revise or Expand Proposals

Advisory Committee

Final Proposals

University Infrastructure

Draft Proposals

KDOT / K-TRAN Identified Needs


Required Activities. The criteria for proposal evaluation will be developed by the

Advisory Committee to ensure fairness and promote the goals and interests of the UTC program,

KDOT, USDOT, and the transportation community as a whole. External peer review is

considered critical, and will involve, whenever possible, experts in the specific areas of research

being addressed. This strategy will allow research to change dynamically to address subtle needs

identified by the peer review process.

The Advisory Committee is essential to the effectiveness of the UTC. The Advisory

Committee consists of members of government, industry, and law enforcement. The Advisory

Committee members are shown in Section V.

The Advisory Committee will not merely approve or disapprove projects, but have the

authority to place conditional approval on a research project, which would be funded only as

modified by the Advisory Committee. This allows the peer-review process to not be merely

reactive, but proactive in beneficially revising research objectives and goals so that the maximum

benefit can be achieved through each individual project. This also assures research projects

address specific needs rather than merely general ones.

The Advisory Committee will also be made aware of the specific goals of USDOT and

specifically the Federal Transit Authority (FTA) within USDOT. Specifically, rural transit

issues will be a focus, as the increasingly-elderly population requiring transit services will

increase with an overall decreasing rural population. Because of this, the specific FTA research

goals will be emphasized to the Advisory Committee:

• Provide Transit Research Leadership • Increase Transit Ridership • Improve Capital & Operating Efficiencies • Improve Safety & Emergency Preparedness • Protect the Environment & Promote Energy Independence.


The theme of rural transportation was chosen specifically to affect rural transportation

needs rather than transportation in general. For example, while transit issues will be considered

of paramount importance, the focus of research will be limited to the rural aspects of transit.

Specifically, one research topic identified by KDOT and the Riley County Area Transportation

Agency to be of high priority is that of “Improving the Usage of Demand Response Transit

Services in Rural Kansas.” While safety is another focus area, it will also be limited to a rural

focus; a need identified by KDOT and law enforcement in Kansas is the research topic,

“Promoting Center Line Rumble Strips to Increase Rural, Two-lane Highway Safety.”

Transit inherently becomes a critical need not because of the benefits of transit globally,

but because of the needs of an aging population in rural areas. Seniors are particularly sensitive

to losing mobility and independence—aspects of transit that, while associated with transit, are

more related to a focus on rural transportation. Dr. Coon has been elected to the Riley County

Area Transportation Agency Board of Directors and has developed an internship program for an

undergraduate student in the development of their Long-Term Strategic Plan.

Finally, research results will be required to be submitted for publication in peer-reviewed

journals whenever practicable. This will provide a retrospective analysis of the appropriateness

of the research and its suitability to its stated goals.

Recommended Activities. Kansas State University’s UTC believes in affecting

transportation in the most positive ways possible. Accordingly, the national transportation needs

identified by USDOT and its Operating Administrations are considered to be of paramount

importance. Two primary areas at this time are Advanced Research and Congestion



Advanced Research. RITA defines Advanced Research as “research that involves and

draws upon basic research results to provide a better understanding of phenomena and develop

innovative solutions—sometimes referred to as exploratory research—in order to convey its

more fundamental character, its broader objectives, and the great uncertainty in expected

outcomes compared to problem-solving research.” Clearly, this is the most effective way to

address rural transportation issues, whose inherently-complex nature requires research be done in

collaboration with KDOT, whose depth of experience in rural transportation is significant.

Furthermore, Kansas State University’s UTC has partnered with other regional entities, including

its Region VII partners, to increase its ability to perform Advanced Research and develop

practical applications of that research.

Congestion Chokepoints. Due to its rural nature, Kansas does not have the traditional

Congestion Chokepoints typically found in more urban states. Congestion Chokepoints,

however, are present as limited paratransit and rural transit systems are unable to meet the needs

of the elderly in Kansas. Accordingly, the unique Congestion Chokepoints that exist in Kansas

are the result of reduced access to transportation and a lack of supply with ever-increasing


Additionally, the need to address traditional Congestion Chokepoints is recognized, and

faculty teaching transportation courses will be encouraged to discuss these issues. Congestion

Chokepoints affect not only drive times, but also affect fuel consumption and drivers’

perceptions of the transportation system. These issues are critical to an understanding of

transportation systems, and, consequently, research projects that involve traffic flow and capacity

will address Congestion Chokepoints.


4. Performance Indicators. As Kansas State University’s UTC develops, it is anticipated

that the number of projects and researchers will increase, as will the number of disciplines

involved in each project. As part of their education, undergraduate and graduate students will

become more involved in research as more opportunities for projects develop. Identifying

performance will be measured in several ways. First, it will be measured by the retrospective

analysis of research reports by the Advisory Committee. The Advisory Committee, chosen to

represent the needs of USDOT, KDOT, and the transportation community as a whole, will assess

the appropriateness and performance of research performed by Kansas State University’s UTC.

Second, Kansas State University’s UTC will track performance indicators that can be objectively

measured, including the number of proposals received, the number of projects awarded, the total

budgeted costs, the number of PIs, the number of graduate and undergraduate students involved

with research, the number of degrees obtained, and the opinions gathered through surveys

performed on Kansas State University’s UTC’s bulletin board website

B. Research Performance  Research Performance Goal: An ongoing program of basic and applied research, the

products of which are judged by peers or other experts in the field to advance the body of

knowledge in transportation.

1. Baseline Measures. The baselines for publications and presentations are shown in

Appendix A, Baselines 3 and 4.

2. Research Performance Program Outcome. Kansas State University’s UTC

anticipates improvement in several areas during the course of the UTC grant period. First, it is

anticipated that the quantity of scholarly activities will increase dramatically with targeted

funding aimed at producing practice-ready research results. It is the belief of Kansas State

University’s UTC Director that the purpose of research is to produce practical results—even with

advanced research—and disseminate those results as widely as possible. With this focus, both

publications and presentations will increase in both quality and quantity.


Second, increasing the number of researchers involved in transportation research will be

encouraged. This will involve interdisciplinary and inter-institutional efforts, focusing on

bringing as many diverse viewpoints, abilities, and areas of expertise to the research pool as

possible. Encouraging interdisciplinary research will both broaden and deepen the transportation

research performed by Kansas State University.

Third, the number of graduate and undergraduate students involved in transportation

research will increase. As a result of the availability of increased funding for research, both

undergraduate and graduate students will become more actively involved in research projects.

Furthermore, because of the enhanced course offerings to be shared between the Region VII

Consortium universities, students will have a true opportunity to experience a breadth of courses

in transportation. Previously, graduate students in transportation quickly exhausted all of the

transportation courses available at any of the Consortium universities. With expanded

offerings—and indeed improved course alternatives—Kansas State University will be able to

attract and retain more and better graduate and undergraduate students to research in the area of


Finally, faculty will be encouraged to leverage funding received from the UTC with other

outside funding sources. Locating and securing funding sources for future projects will be

critical to the Center’s future. Accordingly, the Director will work with faculty members in

securing these funding sources.

3. Planned Activities. All research conducted with UTC funding will be subjected to

external, merit-based peer review. Indeed, Kansas State University’s UTC Advisory Committee

was selected specifically to address the needs of USDOT, KDOT, industry, and law

enforcement. The Advisory Committee will be involved at several levels during the process.

First, the Advisory Committee will be involved in selecting the projects for funding. The

diverse nature of the Advisory Committee, as shown in Section V, page 45, ensures that research

proposals will receive sufficient scrutiny. Research proposals will be accepted from all

Engineering faculty members and specific needs will be solicited from the Advisory Committee.

Accordingly, not only will the proposals be peer-reviewed before approval, the proposals will

also inherently be reflective of the needs of the transportation community, USDOT, and KDOT.


Efficient Collaboration on Transportation Research. Second, faculty will be

encouraged to partner throughout the University and with other Universities in the Region VII

consortium. This includes partnering outside the Civil Engineering department, to include the

broader social and psychological issues that underlie many of the rural transportation needs. It is

considered critical that every proposal consider the ramifications of the rural population and how

to better address those needs.

Transportation research at the Region VII Consortium universities will also be a

collaborative effort, reducing redundancy and allowing for the most efficient use of faculty

resources and expertise. Transportation expertise is spread throughout the Midwest, both at the

Region VII Consortium universities and throughout Kansas. A primary goal of Kansas State

University’s UTC will be to capitalize on research performed throughout the world and bring

that information to faculty, students, and engineers in the field. A coordination of research

efforts and sharing of unique faculty abilities will be a primary focus of Kansas State

University’s UTC. Efforts to reach out to involve faculty members with expertise from other

universities will be a goal and an expected outcome of Kansas State University’s UTC as part of

the Region VII Consortium.

Second, research papers and reports will be provided to the Advisory Committee. This

ensures quality control as the research process is occurring. It is not the intent of the Advisory

Committee to micromanage research, but to be actively involved so that faculty research most

closely matches with current needs. The reports provided will also include quarterly progress

reports, so that the Committee will be able to provide feedback on an ongoing basis.

Finally, final reports and papers will be provided to the Advisory Committee and

considered when reviewing future proposals for funding. This will include not only the progress

and final reports being provided to the Committee, but will also include tabular values for each

researcher, indicating whether progress reports were filed on time, benefits of prior Center-

funded research in terms of saved dollars, as well as the final budget totals for each of the

previous projects. Although prior results do not guarantee future success, this will allow the

Committee to best target resources to meet the needs of the transportation community.


4. Performance Indicators. The UTC will encourage faculty members to publish work

as widely as possible. As a condition of each research project funded, quarterly reports will be

obtained from each of the projects’ principal investigators. These reports, combined with final

research reports and papers, will be made available on the Center’s website. This information

will be tabulated and presented to the Advisory Committee for assistance in determining the

direction and effectiveness of research efforts. Additionally, the Center will publish brochures

and newsletters informing the transportation community of the availability of the Center’s


C. Education Education Goal: A multidisciplinary program of coursework and experimental learning

that reinforces the transportation theme of the Center.

1. Baseline Measures. The Kansas State University’s Transportation Education Program

Baseline Measures are shown in Appendix A as Baselines 3 and 4. While Kansas currently has

two schools with transportation programs, Kansas State University and KU, neither program

offers the desired number of transportation engineering courses. Currently, even master’s level

students exhaust the transportation curriculum before completing their degrees. Accordingly,

increasing the breadth and depth of Kansas State University’s transportation education program

is considered critical to the Center’s success.

2. Education Program Outcome. Kansas State University envisions a multiple-

disciplinary transportation education program consisting of courses offered by Kansas State

University, KU, and UNL. By sharing courses, which was initiated by the MATC Region VII

Consortium, the Center anticipates tripling the transportation courses available to both graduate

and undergraduate students. Additionally, new courses will be introduced, including courses on

transportation safety and accident reconstruction and analysis. Transportation safety and

materials courses will increase in both number and in depth, as will the ability to offer

operations-focused courses.


Additionally, the Center will offer to host visiting students, such as working with the

Fulbright Program, to increase the exposure of researchers and students at Kansas State

University to the broadest possible backgrounds and perspectives. Drawing on transportation

concepts from other countries—and their corresponding experiences—will prove invaluable to

the educational program at Kansas State University.

3. Planned Activities.

Required Activities. The Center’s research activities will involve both graduate and

undergraduate students in order to make the benefits of research as wide-ranging as possible. It

is considered critical to the students’ education that they be exposed to transportation as an

active, hands-on field. Accordingly, students will be encouraged to not only participate in

research, but to publish scholarly articles, as well. This benefits students and faculty, as well as

the transportation community as a whole.

Planned Activities. Education activities will also include developing training materials

and courses, developing the internet-based National Transportation Forum bulletin board, and

presenting at professional transportation seminars.

Discussions with KDOT and local governments have noted educational gaps

corresponding with the election cycles of local government officials. Specifically, after each

election, new county commissioners and city officials are responsible for negotiating complex

construction contracts for transportation infrastructure, which have neither the background nor

the resources to appropriately deal with those issues. Working with General Counsel of KDOT,

a plan is being developed to offer support for these officials while forming these contractual


Drs. Coon and Hossain have begun work creating a Rural Pavement Preservation

Initiative to inform local governments on best pavement preservation methods. Specifically,

these programs will focus on smaller rural counties that do not have county engineers to offer

ongoing technical expertise related to pavement preservation.


Enhanced Access to Research and Experience to Engineers and Researchers.

Although a significant amount of research and experience exists on transportation, much of this

information and experience is not shared with engineers in the field. While KU, through its

LTAP program, performs significant outreach and training to local engineers, specific topics go

unaddressed. Particularly, individual engineer’s needs and questions are not addressed to the

extent now possible through the use of technology. Kansas State University’s UTC will initiate a

National Transportation Forum bulletin board on the internet, allowing engineers throughout the

United States—and indeed the world—to communicate on transportation issues. The bulletin

board will be hosted at Kansas State University and dynamically respond to the transportation

community’s needs.

The National Transportation Forum will address one of the most critical needs of rural

transportation—the lack of institutional knowledge in rural areas. For example, fewer than half

of Kansas’ counties have county engineers. These counties contract engineering services, which

limits ongoing access to information for immediate engineering needs. Quite simply, without a

county engineer, county transportation personnel must resort to either best judgment or

contacting their engineering consultant, who will bill for the time incurred. The National

Transportation Forum will act as a repository for knowledge, especially in these rural counties,

where institutional knowledge is at a premium.

The National Transportation Forum will differ from bulletin boards hosted by other

entities, such as ITE and ASCE, in several ways. First, the National Transportation Forum will

focus on providing existing and developing research answers to engineers in the field. Kansas

State University’s UTC will offer a course where students will perform research in order to

answer questions posed on the bulletin board that are either complex or too time-consuming for

other engineers and researchers to answer easily. A graduate student will be responsible for

monitoring the bulletin board, and questions that are not answered by other engineers promptly

or appear to require a greater amount of research will be researched and answered by the

graduate student.


An example of anticipated interaction would be a local maintenance worker in a small

town wanting to know the best seal coat for a given application. Instead of relying solely on

vendor information, a student in the course will research the subject, summarize the available

information, and post it in a format so that not only the maintenance worker can immediately use

the information, but so that future readers will also have access. This will create institutional

knowledge that is sorely lacking in many small, rural communities as well as provide the

students with a significant breadth and depth of knowledge through performing research and

obtaining resources to answer difficult questions. This will also benefit rural communities who

frequently do not have engineering staff on hand to answer difficult technical questions.

Secondly, the National Transportation Forum will focus on bringing all areas of

engineering and the sciences together. Faculty from other disciplines will be encouraged to

participate as individual subject experts on the Forum. This will provide a “policing” of the

forums for appropriate content and relevance, as well as providing an opportunity for experts to

participate in their areas of specialty with engineers in the field. Additionally, a Transportation

Hotline may be added if sufficient interest exists.

The National Transportation Forum, which will be hosted at http://transport.ksu.edu. The

software package gForum has been donated by Gossamer Software to host the Forum, and

Kansas State University Computer Services has recently installed the program and corresponding


Coordinated Transportation Education Across Campuses. First, a collaborative

effort will increase the number of transportation courses available to students desiring a broad

and in-depth education in transportation engineering. Communication, trust, and school pride

are factors that will need to be addressed in order for this effort to succeed. While previous

efforts were made to share courses between KU and Kansas State University, these efforts were

not long-lived. Accordingly, Kansas State University’s UTC will act as a liaison between the

Consortium schools, fostering long-term relationships that allow for the sharing of academic

resources that will benefit the students and faculty at all of the institutions.


It is also considered critical that faculty be available to give presentations to K-12

educational programs. These students, some of which will be future transportation engineers,

need to be enticed into the transportation research arena. One of the best ways to attract the best

and brightest students is to pique their interests while they are still in high school. Outreach to

high schools, in the form of presentations and classes, will also be encouraged by faculty to

enhance interest of students in transportation-related careers.

Student of the Year Award. The UTC will also choose an outstanding undergraduate

student of the year in transportation engineering. This will be achieved through nominations by

faculty, staff, and students and then voted upon by the Kansas State University Civil Engineering

faculty. This will be done in collaboration with the selection of the Eno Transportation

Foundation Leadership Development Conference, where the Faculty will name an outstanding

graduate student to participate. It believed that separate awards for both graduate and

undergraduate students—and recognizing those efforts independently—is critical to the

differentiation between student classes. Quite frankly, it is difficult to convince quality

undergraduate students to continue their educations when employers offer significant amounts of

money for the student’s immediate entry into the workforce. Recognizing graduate students—

and singling out those students for specific recognition—will reinforce what faculty members

have long known: the life-long benefits of a graduate education are significant, both to the

students and to the profession as a whole.

The Center’s Student of the Year Award will include a $1,000 cash award and the Center

will also pay for the student to attend an award ceremony in Washington, DC, during the annual

winter meeting of the Transportation Research Board.

4. Performance Indicators. Performance Indicators 5 and 6 are anticipated to increase as

the availability of graduate-level courses increase. Through a shared effort with other

universities, graduate and undergraduate students will have a more direct involvement with

research activities, as well. It is desired to increase not only the number of students involved in

transportation, but also the quality of that education. Finally, through outreach efforts, the

Center anticipates recruiting more high school students to participate in transportation

engineering and related careers.


D. Human Resources Human Resources Goal: an increased number of students, faculty, and staff who are

attracted to and substantively involved in the undergraduate, graduate, and professional programs

of the Center.

1. Baseline Measures. A lack of funding—and the lack of a synergistic relationship to

overcome that lack of funding—has historically crippled the ability of transportation faculty to

increase in number, as shown in Baselines 3 and 4. Due to a limited budget, corresponding to

the relatively-limited number of students enrolled in the transportation engineering curriculum,

few courses transportation courses are offered. Accordingly, fewer graduate students were able

to be recruited for the transportation engineering program. In order to recruit high-quality

transportation graduate and undergraduate students, there must be a high-quality program

capable of attracting those students. In order to accomplish this goal, a synergistic relationship

between the consortium universities will allow Kansas State University’s transportation program

to grow in both the number and quality of both its graduate and undergraduate students.

2. Human Resources Program Outcome. By the end of the grant, Kansas State

University’s transportation program will have increased in the number of courses available,

allowing graduate students to fill their schedule of courses with coursework more appropriate to

transportation engineering.

3. Planned Activities. The Center plans to build upon its own successes—as graduating

students enter the workforce, the prestige of Kansas State University’s transportation program

will be enhanced. Coupled with increases in publications and presentations, more students will

become interested in transportation-related courses. This will allow more students to take

transportation-related courses in which they are interested.

Required Activities. There are no specific activities required of all Centers.

Planned Activities. The Center will engage in the active recruitment of graduate and

undergraduate students, deepening the resource pool available to faculty to perform quality

research and offer more diverse experiences to students by allowing a more hands-on approach

to education.


Recruitment of Undergraduate Students. Obtaining quality graduate students first

requires the development of a successful recruiting program to encourage undergraduates to

enter the transportation field. Frequently, students in upper-level engineering courses have

already begun to specialize in their engineering courses and even first-year students have decided

what courses interest them. Accordingly, it is considered critical that undergraduate students be

recruited through efforts in high schools.

Increasing Kansas State University’s outreach in high schools will serve several

purposes. First, valuable information can be relayed to students, including safe driving and

transportation safety. Second, students’ broad interests will be addressed and their relation to

transportation research, including the other fields of civil engineering—structures (bridges),

geotechnical (materials, pavement design and evaluation), water resources (water flow and

abatement), and environmental (runoff and transportation efficiency). Additionally,

transportation engineering’s connection with human factors, as will statistics, actuarial science,

accounting, and the myriad of other disciplines will be addressed.

The diverse nature of transportation engineering will be the focus of the Kansas State

University’s outreach program. A mobile truck, donated by FHWA’s Turner-Fairbanks

Highway Research Center, will be remodeled to allow high school students to observe

transportation research firsthand. This project will also highlight Kansas State University’s UTC

and transportation program, in general.

Additionally, undergraduate financial aid will also be offered in the form of fellowships,

research assistantships, and internships. Programs of cost-sharing will be examined in low-

income areas previously not able to afford offering internships to students. Additionally,

underserved areas will be examined for research projects of students in order to reduce

transportation costs and increase accessibility to traditionally-underserved areas.


Recruitment of Graduate Students. A transportation program must build on not only

faculty experience and education, but upon the undergraduate students it educates. The

institutional knowledge offered by undergraduates choosing to continue to earn an advanced

degree is critical to successful research programs. Accordingly, undergraduate students will be

actively involved in research with the intention of attracting those students into the graduate

curriculum. However, enthusiasm in research is not sufficient to attract or retain quality graduate

students; financial incentives, including covering the costs of graduate students’ tuition, will also

be included as a recruitment tool.

Recruitment of Non-Traditional Students. Non-traditional students, including county and

state engineers and consultants, will also be pursued as students. These engineers have

significant experience that can be shared with both undergraduate and graduate students.

Working in teaming projects, such as senior design or with collaborative efforts with faculty

research projects, these engineers will add depth and breadth to the experiences of both students

and faculty.

Outreach Activities. Outreach will consist of an active faculty taking part in science fairs

as advisors, through greater professional and community involvement, through availability to the

media to answer transportation-related questions, and through career-day presentations and

involvement at high schools. Traditionally, transportation engineering has been a “catch as catch

can” field of engineering; proactive development of transportation-related educational activities

will serve to highlight the true difficulty—and multidiscipline nature—of transportation

engineering. Transportation engineering truly requires individuals with diverse interests in fields

such as psychology, environmental planning, and law. Exposing students to transportation

engineering’s inherent diverse nature is critical to the outreach of the Center.

Additionally, the National Research Forum bulletin board will serve to interlink

thousands of individuals interested in transportation-related issues. It is believed that the wide-

ranging benefits of this outreach program will also serve to pique the interests of those

previously not familiar with transportation engineering.


4. Performance Indicators. The Center will track the Performance Indicators 7, 8, and 9,

as set forth in the Appendix. The diverse and broad nature of the Advisory Committee will assist

the Center’s effort to focus on industry’s and government’s needs for high-quality, well-trained

engineers. The Advisory Committee will be focused on growing the transportation program at

Kansas State University, not only in size, but in quality and its ability to affect to society as a


E. Diversity Diversity Goal: Students, faculty, and staff who reflect the growing diversity of the

United States workforce and are substantively involved in the undergraduate, graduate, and

professional programs of the Center.

1. Baseline Measures. Because of privacy concerns raised by grantees who received

UTC Grants, RITA no longer requires the reporting of Baselines regarding diversity.

Nevertheless, Kansas State University’s UTC is particularly concerned in ensuring a diverse

workforce and recognizes that growing the diversity of its educational, research, and outreach

programs will affect more people in a greater way. Accordingly, diversity will be considered

whenever appropriate in the decisions of Kansas State University’s UTC and its Advisory


2. Diversity Program Outcome. The faculty of Kansas State University considers it

critical that the program represent the diverse nature of the growing diversity in the United

States. Accordingly, the faculty will make every effort to involve minorities and women,

particularly Kansas’ under-represented Native American population, in the Center’s activities.

3. Planned Activities. The Center will work with Kansas State University’s Office of

Affirmative Action to identify underrepresented groups and what can best be done to serve those

groups. The Center will also offer its services in the form of faculty presentations and outreach

to minority communities. Specifically, the Center will advocate expanding successful pre-

existing recruitment programs at Kansas State University, such as partnerships with Historically

Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) that bring in ethnically-diverse graduate students.

Additional partnership programs include Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSIs) and Tribal

Colleges, enhancing the availability of diverse graduate students in areas related to transportation

research and education.


4. Performance Indicators. Because of privacy concerns raised by grantees who

received UTC Grants, RITA no longer requires the reporting of Performance Indicators

regarding diversity. Kansas State University’s UTC considers enhancing diversity critical to its

success and will make efforts to improve diversity in an ever-diverse workforce and population.

F. Technology Transfer  Technology Transfer Goal: Availability of research results to potential users in a form

that can be directly implemented, utilized, or otherwise applied.

1. Baseline Measures. One of the most important focuses to the Center will be that of

technology transfer. Professional development and exposure of faculty and students to real-

world problems is critical to both faculty and students, for both their educational and

professional careers. Conversely—and more important—is that the research efforts at the

Center, as well as the educational activities of the University, must match the needs of the

transportation community. Accordingly, technology transfer is considered critical to the success

of the Center. The baseline measures for technology transfer are shown in Baselines 10 and 11.

2. Technology Transfer Program Outcome. It is the Center’s belief that technology

transfer depends on a broad-based, multiple-media operation. Quite frankly, performing quality

research and writing accurate reports is no longer a sufficient method for informing those

affected by that research of the research results. Accordingly, technology transfer at Kansas

State University’s Center will focus not only on research reports, but increasing the number of

workshops, professional development seminars for continuing education credits, expanding the

offerings of short courses and seminars directed towards practical practice, and enhancing the

number of “update” courses, informing transportation professionals of advances in technology

and research as well as changes in laws and codes.

That is not to say that research publications will not be a heavy focus of the Center.

Publications in professional and refereed journals will be of paramount importance and increase

over the term of the grant. Publication and citation in refereed journals affects every other aspect

of the Center’s goals—they affect education and recruitment of both graduate and undergraduate

students, not only from the standpoint of program prestige, but also in the suitability of the



The Center will also have a hands-on, practical approach to transportation education.

The Center will also sponsor the American Concrete Institute’s (ACI’s) concrete certification

courses, frequently required for testing of pavements and other concrete structures. This will

help students, as it will allow them to obtain summer employment as a concrete technician, a

skilled occupation. Furthermore, it will provide local teaching of the certification courses to

surrounding concrete workers and engineering technicians, as well. Furthermore, licensed

engineers will be encouraged to take the courses to enhance their skills as transportation

professionals. Information on ACI’s certification process can be found on their website at


Asphalt pavement certification will be another opportunity for interaction, outreach, and

technology transfer. Kansas State University currently collaborates with the Kansas Department

of Transportation in offering Superpave courses. The Superpave courses are currently taught by

Kansas State University faculty (Dr. Mustaque Hossain) and the ACI courses will be taught by

Drs. Robert Peterman and Brian A. Coon. This will allow a dynamic interchange of information

between transportation researchers and asphalt and concrete workers “in the field.”

The Traffic Assistance Services for Kansas (TASK), which has been providing highway

safety training programs since 1980, will also be used for outreach and its efforts enhanced.

These forums provide not only a method of dispersing information, but in gathering information

from those with a vested interest in rural transportation issues.

Increased Awareness of Rural Transportation Issues. Kansas State University’s UTC

will also involve the public and legislators by informing them of rural transportation research and

needs. It is critical to involve these individuals because of the effects of the transportation on

their lives. Outreach from Kansas State University’s UTC will also involve offering resources to

schools in the form of speakers and to media outlets to make rural transportation a topic of

discussion publicly.


Shared Benefits of Experience and Research through a National Transportation

Forum. The National Transportation Forum bulletin board’s benefits are manifold. First,

engineers will save significant time and resources by sharing information rather than duplicating

research efforts. Instead of an engineer “surfing the web” to find the answer to a question,

information can be located in one source. Second, links will be made to all of the UTC member

schools in order to share information and increase visibility for research performed by all UTC

members. Finally, the research and educational benefits of truly sharing information on a global

scale are significant. Reducing redundancy minimizes costs, enhances other research, and puts

ever-scare transportation research resources to their most-efficient use.

Finally, as discussed above, the National Transportation Forum on the Center’s website

will allow for interaction between and among transportation researchers and engineers in the

field. This will allow for the sharing of vast quantities of information and allow for the

enhancement of graduate and undergraduate educations through their interactions with the


3. Planned Activities.

Required Activities. The Center will provide an up-to-date webpage located at

http://transport.ksu.edu. This webpage will exceed the reporting requirements laid out in RITA’s

“Reporting Requirements for University Transportation Centers (UTCs).” The Center will also

participate in meetings of UTC and/or DOT experts on high-priority topics and provide expert

advice to DOT on technical and/or educational topics. As discussed above in Technology

Transfer Program Outcome, the Center will continue to be more reactive to industry needs

through its technology transfer program, opening a two-way stream of communication,

identifying needs and resources in the transportation community.


The Center will also provide Center Newsletters to the transportation community,

available in electronic and paper form for those who request a hardcopy. It is believed that

information should be in the form most appealing to the individual users and that no single

technology transfer methodology is appropriate in every situation. Accordingly, the use of

Portable Document Format (PDF) documents will maximize the information interchange while

responding to requests for printed material, as well. Finally, the Center will begin making PDF

documents of previous research reports performed by Kansas State University and making those

documents also available on the Center’s website; it is believed that previous research should be

made as available as current research, and that the additional effort to PDF such documents is

small compared to the relative benefit created through their enhanced availability.

4. Performance Indicators. Performance Indicators 10 and 11 will be used, as set forth

in Appendix A. The number of presentations, research papers, continuing education courses

taught, as well as the interaction on the National Transportation Forum bulletin board will

provide feedback as to the success of the Center. Furthermore, all project proposals will be

required to contain a technology transfer plan and the report results will be posted and linked to

on the Center’s website. It is the belief of the Center that outreach and technology transfer must

be planned from the very beginning of each project.



From an organizational perspective, the Center will reside in the College of Engineering

as part of the Department of Civil Engineering. The Director and Associate Director will

formulate the operating policies and administrative procedures not currently addressed by

Kansas State University’s administrative policies. These policies and procedures will then be

approved by the Advisory Committee. The Center Director will serve as head of the Center,

acting as a liaison between the consumers of transportation research. This includes identifying

relationships with County Engineers, rural transit associations, and other organizations with

vested interests in rural transportation issues. Additionally, the Director will guide the outreach

and technology transfer of the Center in order to coordinate those efforts with LTAP and other

organizations in order to achieve the best dissemination of research and information possible.

The Associate Director will assist in the augmentation of research funding to further the

goals of the UTC. Primarily, this will focus on the identification of rural transportation needs

where funding is insufficient and develop methods to meet those needs. Additionally, the

Associate Director will serve as the liaison between the University’s research partners, including

MATC and the other MATC Region VII Consortium member institutions, and K-TRAN. This

ensures a coordination of research efforts and a consistency in Center policy. The Center’s

management structure is shown in Figure 2.

The Advisory Committee’s membership was selected to match the diverse nature of the

transportation community. Members include USDOT and KDOT representatives, leaders from

the asphalt and concrete paving industries, principals and partners in transportation engineering

consulting firms, a representative of the county engineers and public works, as well as law

enforcement. The Advisory Committee was chosen specifically for their diverse nature and their

ability to perform peer review of research proposals as well as reviewing the final research

project results and reports.

While the Advisory Board will not have direct control over expenditures, it will

recommend such expenditures compatible with the goals of the Center. As with any subdivision

of Kansas State University, the Center will be subject to audit according to the Board of Regent’s



Figure 2. Organizational Structure of Kansas State University’s UTC.


Advisory Board Associate Director

C.E. Faculty Researchers

Other Faculty Researchers

Administrative Assistant

Research Technicians Undergraduate Students

Graduate Students

MATC / Region VII Institutions




A. Institutional Resources Kansas State University has extensive educational and outreach resources, including

laboratory facilities and classrooms, as well as a significant research infrastructure. This

includes the Environmental, Environmental Remediation, Geotechnical, Geoenvironmental,

Structures, Pavement & Materials, and Surveying Laboratories.

Additionally, Kansas State

University’s Civil Engineering

Department is the home of the Civil

Infrastructure System Laboratory (CISL),

which performs pooled fund testing for

Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, and Nebraska.

Fourteen different experiments have been

run, including exposing pavements to

fatigue loading of 2,000,000 cycles.

Superpave courses are also taught at Kansas State University, including laboratory

facilities for a Hamburg Wheel Tester to identify pavement designs susceptible to rutting or

stripping. Fatigue testing of asphalt beams is shown below.


1. Faculty Resources 

Currently, the majority of Civil Engineering faculty is involved in transportation research

at various levels. This includes transportation planning, operations and safety faculty (Drs. Brian

A. Coon, Sunanda Dissanayake, Robert Stokes) and transportation materials faculty (Drs.

Mustaque Hossain, Hani G. Melhem, Jacob M. Najjar, Robert J. Peterman, and Hayder A.

Rasheed), as well as other Civil Engineering faculty in areas related to transportation issues (Drs.

Alok Bandari, Asad Esmaeily, Alexander P. Mathews, Dunja Perić, Steve Starrett, and David

Steward) and Industrial Engineering faculty (Dr. Malgorzata J. Rys). It is believed that a broad-

based approach to transportation issues is required, as transportation issues frequently encompass

multiple areas of civil engineering. The Civil Engineering faculty at Kansas State University is

diverse in both skills and experience and will be able to partner with other departments with

experience in human factors, psychology, and economics.

Dr. Sunanda Dissanayake. Dr Dissanayake has been an Assistant Professor in Civil

Engineering at Kansas State University since August 2002. She obtained her Bachelors Degree

in Civil Engineering from University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka in 1990, Masters in Engineering

from Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand in 1993, and PhD in Civil Engineering

from University of South Florida in 1999. She specializes in Transportation Engineering with

emphasis on Traffic Engineering and Highway Safety. She has completed a number of research

projects in the areas of safety of special population groups, traffic operational and safety

evaluation of highway facilities, and access management. She is an expert in crash data analysis

and statistical modeling of crash data. Some of her current externally funded research projects

include Effects of not Wearing Safety Belts on Injury Severity, Highway Safety Issues of Older

Drivers, Speed Limit Related Issues on Gravel Roads, and Economic Impacts of not Wearing

Seat Belts. She also is the Co-principal Investigator of several other on-going projects such as

Developing a Statewide Truck Trip Management System, Rural Transportation Initiative

Supporting Agricultural Transition and Sustainability, Development of a Comprehensive Rural

Transportation Safety Research Program for the 21st Century, and Evaluation of the Effects of

Longitudinal Construction Joints on Traffic Operations.


Dr. Robert W. Stokes. Dr. Stokes has over 25 years of experience in general

transportation planning and applied transportation research. Currently a Professor of Civil

Engineering at Kansas State University, he teaches undergraduate and graduate level courses in

highway design, transportation planning, land development, traffic engineering and engineering

economics. Prior to joining the faculty of Kansas State in 1991, he was the senior transportation

planner for the city of Rapid City, South Dakota, and the Program Manager of the Urban

Mobility Program at the Texas Transportation Institute, Texas A&M University. During his ten

years at the Texas Transportation Institute, he was responsible for designing, implementing and

monitoring a number of applied transportation research projects under the sponsorship of local,

regional, state and federal highway and public transportation agencies. Dr. Stokes has extensive

experience in the design and implementation of urban, rural and intercity transportation planning

studies; highway design, planning and operations; traffic engineering; design and operation of

turning lanes; traffic safety; and transit planning, design and operations.

2. Office Resources 

The Department of Civil Engineering has provided office space for the director and made

available office resources sufficient to operate the center. Extensive library facilities, computer

facilities, and other technology-based resources have also been made available for use by the


B. Center Director  Kansas State University’s Center Director is Dr. Brian A. Coon. Dr. Coon is an

experienced transportation researcher, earning the Transportation Research Board’s 2007

Practical Paper Award for research on guardrail runout lengths. A licensed attorney and

professional engineer, Dr. Coon offers a breadth and depth of knowledge beneficial for not only

transportation research, but outreach and education, as well.


Dr. Coon serves on the NCEES Mechanical Engineering Exam Committee, which writes

the national licensing exam for Mechanical Engineers. Dr. Coon has also served as

Representative in the Iowa House of Representatives, where he served on the State Government,

Technology, and Judiciary & Law Enforcement Committees. He also served as the Vice-Chair

of the Administration and Regulation Appropriation Committee, overseeing a budget of over $96

million. Additionally, Dr. Coon was a Fulbright Scholar in Linköping, Sweden, where he

worked with the Swedish Road and Transport Institute.

C. Center Faculty and Staff Currently, a majority of the Civil Engineering department is actively involved in

transportation research at some level. Individuals known at this time to be devoting more than

fifty percent of their time include Drs. Brian A. Coon, Renee Slick, and an administrative


As a result of funding made available by the UTC grant, Dr. Renee Slick will be joining

the Center as Associate Director and the Department of Civil Engineering as Research Associate

Professor. Dr. Slick is an industrial / organizational psychologist specializing in driver training

and education. Dr. Slick has worked with the Department of Defense in developing programs to

examine driver safety and has extensive experience with novice and teen drivers. Dr. Slick holds

a doctorate in psychology as well as an MBA. This skill set makes her uniquely qualified to

examine the human factors associated with elderly drivers as well as continuing research on

driver education of younger motorists in communities that, due to their rural nature, do not have

the facilities or resources to train drivers in to drive in an urban environment.

Additionally, Dr. Slick has performed work with driving simulators that may offer rural

communities better opportunities to train young drivers to better handle urban driving situations

in a cost-effective manner. Finally, Dr. Slick will increase the outreach potential of the Center

through her experience in education and psychology and their effects on effective learning.


An administrative assistant will also be hired as a direct result of the UTC grant. This

position will be responsible for general administrative tasks, including the updating web pages

with up-to-date progress reports, the organization of final reports and ensuring their availability

and distribution, as well as the coordination of other administrative aspects of the Center. This

position will also be responsible for the direct mailing and assembly of newsletters, fliers, and

other media created by faculty for distribution. Finally, this position will coordinate the mobile

laboratory vehicle which is to be renovated under the UTC grant so that transportation students

will be able to give presentations and demonstrations at science fairs and other appropriate



1. Multiparty Arrangements 

Kansas State University is the sole recipient and manager of its Tier II UTC funding

under SAFETEA-LU, and no multiparty arrangements are required. As partnerships in Center

programs and research arise, K-State will abide by established legal and contractual guidelines

for those partnerships in coordination with the K-State Office of General Counsel. For research

program partnerships and subcontracting of research awards, established contracting guidelines

will be followed in coordination with the K-State Office of Sponsored Programs. At this time,

no outside parties have responded to our calls for proposals as subcontractors to K-State faculty

PIs. If these proposals are accepted in our peer review process this will result in sub-grants.

Kansas State University is a member of the Region VII Consortium of Universities,

including the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, the University of Kansas, the University of

Missouri-Rolla and Lincoln University of Missouri. The primary resources for the UTC grant

will be concentrated at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, and Kansas State University’s UTC

will augment its research funding sources from internal University funding, K-TRAN, and

funding from SAFETEA-LU.

D. Matching Funds  The grant funds in the UTC Grant Agreement as authorized by 49 U.S.C. 5505 or 5506

are subject to a one-hundred percent non-Federal match. Matching funds will come from a

variety of sources, including KDOT, Kansas State University, and the Kansas Legislature.

Specifically, K-State will provide matching funds through time-release of faculty specifically for

research and outreach.

1. Eligibility as Matching Funds.

Matching funds, which may be cash or in-kind, will serve to accomplish the program

objectives and the purpose of the grant. Furthermore, these matching funds will be fully

documented and carefully accounted for in the Center’s records. The rules governing the use of

in-kind and cash contributions as matching funds and are set forth specifically in the most recent

revision of OMB Circular A-110.


2. Special Rule for the UTC Program.

All matching fund use will conform to 2 CFR 215, including funding allowed under

section 503, 504(b), or 505 of 23 USCA. These sections refer to the technology deployment,

local technical assistance, and state planning and research programs managed by the Federal

Highway Administration.


IV. BUDGET DETAILS  Although the Center will receive a multi-year grant, for which this multi-year Strategic

Plan was developed, RITA will make such funding available in annual increments in the

amounts authorized under 49 U.S.C.A. 5338, 5505, or 5506 (subject to availability of funding).

The itemized budget for the first year of the Center’s operation is found in Exhibit II.

It is noted that the amount of Federal funding stated in the Grant Agreement is matched

by non-Federal funding. None of the Federal funding is pass-through funding from the Federal

government and is compliant with the Grant Agreement.

Finally, it is noted that, as of the date of this proposal, no UTC funds have been

expended. The Director and Interim Director’s transportation and stay at CUTC events, the

housing and startup costs of the Director, and the costs of developing the Strategic Plan were

borne by Kansas State University.

A. Format The Center Budget Plan presents line items using the cost categories indicated in Exhibit

B, Instructions for Preparing a UTC Strategic Plan. The Center Budget Plan includes

attachments showing the calculations by which the line items were derived. Because the

research projects have not yet been selected, many of the costs have been estimated.

B. Grant Year The beginning and ending dates of Kansas State University’s Grant Year are August 1,

2007, through May 31, 2008. This period will be reflected in the Center’s Budget Plan and

Financial Status Reports, and the Center understands that future funding awards under multiyear

grants will be made at approximately the beginning of the Grant Year, or as soon thereafter as

funding is available.

C. Salaries Center Director. Funding for a total of 2080 hours (1.0 FTE) is requested for the Center

Director, who will coordinate all Center activities.


Center Associate Director. Funding for a total of 520 hours (0.25 FTE) is requested for

the Center’s Associate Director for Research, who will coordinate research activities. This

position will be dedicated not only to coordinating research at Kansas State University, but also

assisting researchers in coordinating research nationwide.

Other Faculty and Staff Salaries. It is anticipated that thirty percent of the overall budget

will be dedicated to faculty and staff salaries on future research projects selected by the Advisory


Student Salaries. It is anticipated that forty-five percent of the overall budget will be

dedicated to student salaries, both undergraduate and graduates, on future research projects

selected by the Advisory Committee.

Other Personnel. Funding for an administrative assistant/technician for 2080 hours (1.0

FTE). This position will fill two roles. First, the individual will assist the Center Director and

Associate Director with their duties, including coordinating research proposals, performing web

page updates, and assisting in outreach, such as the Newsletter and coordinating speaking events.

One of the web page update duties will involve making certain all faculty publications not

restricted by copyright, as well as all research reports, are posted on the Center’s website.

Further, the individual will begin converting previous research into electronic format so that it is

more readily available.

Fringe Benefits. The following fringe benefit rates were used when developing the

budget and are effective for the period August 1, 2006 through July 31, 2007. The current

Kansas State University policy on Fringe Benefits can be found at http://www.k-

state.edu/research/preaward/fringe.htm and is shown in Table 1.


Table 1. Fringe Benefit Rates.

Full Time Employees Students

Unclassified Classified

Enrolled ≥ 6 hrs. andemployed <

0.5 time

Not Enrolled

or enrolled < 6 hrs.

GRA/GTA Enrolled ≥ 6 hrs and employed =

0.5 time FICA 7.65% 7.65% N/A 7.65% N/A

Retirement 8.50% 5.77% N/A N/A N/A Members Life &

Disability 1.00% 1.00% N/A N/A N/A

Unemployment 0.15% 0.15% N/A 0.15% N/A Workman's

Comp 1.059% 1.059% 1.059% 1.059% 1.059%

Health Insurance 13.091% 21.821% N/A N/A 3.891% Sick/Annual

Leave 0.55% 0.55% 0.55% 0.55% 0.55%

Total 32.0% 38.0% 1.61% 9.41% 5.50%

D. Scholarships A portion of the Center funding may be used to provide student scholarships that are not

compensation for labor. These scholarships are subject to the limitations set forth in Section

III.5 of the General Provisions of Grant Agreements for UTCs. This also applies to honorary

award programs such as the UTC Student of the Year Award.

E. Expendable Property, Supplies, and Services Materials & Supplies. A total of $20,000 is requested for expendable supplies, primarily

for education and outreach about the Center and the maintenance of the Center’s website and the

National Transportation Forum bulletin board website.

F. Permanent Equipment 


A written (hard copy or e-mail) request will be submitted to RITA for approval prior to

the purchase of "permanent equipment" that has a unit acquisition cost of $5,000 or more. Unless

otherwise requested by the Grantee, all legal rights to equipment purchased with UTC funds

shall vest in the Grantee upon acquisition. The Center recognizes that permission is not required

for the purchase of “Expendable Property, Supplies, and Services” which is a category that

includes such tangible items as expendable office and laboratory supplies and services such as


G. Travel Travel expenses will be provided to increase the number of technical committees,

outreach activities, and other activities designed to enhance the transportation research field. No

travel is planned to any destination outside of the United States and its territories. If such travel

is sought, written permission will be obtained from RITA, per Section III.4 of the General

Provisions, prior to the initiation of such travel.

H. Other Direct Costs  Publication & Dissemination. A total of $10,000 is requested to fund technology

transfer, publication costs, support distribution of the Center’s materials, and for the expenses of

publishing in professional journals.

I. Facilities & Administrative (Indirect) Costs  Facilities and Administrative (F&A or “indirect”) Costs are those incurred for common or

joint objectives and, therefore, cannot be identified readily and specifically with a particular

project or program. Facilities and Administrative Costs are negotiated through Kansas State

University and can be found at http://www.k-state.edu/research/preaward/indirect.htm.


Table 2. Kansas State University's Facilities and Administrative Costs.

Research Instruction

(Educational Services)

Public Serv. (Ext. Div. & Cont. Educ.

& Other)

Branch Experiment

Stations On Campus

Facilities Costs 20.0% 20.0% 10.5% 11.5% Administrative Costs 26.0% 26.0% 26.0% 26.0%

Total 46.0% 46.0% 36.5% 37.5% Off Campus

Facilities Costs 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Administrative Costs 26.0% 26.0% 26.0% 26.0%

Total 26.0% 26.0% 26.0% 26.0%


V. KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY’S UTC ADVISORY COMMITTEE Richard McReynolds Director of Research Kansas Department of Transportation 2300 SW Van Buren St. Topeka, KS 66611-1195 (785) 291-3841 dick@ksdot.org

Paul Malir President TranSystems 2400 Pershing Road, Suite 400 Kansas City, MO 64108 (816) 329-8700 pjmalir@transystems.com

J. Michael Bowen, ex officio Kansas Division Administrator Federal Highway Administration U.S. Department of Transportation 6111 SW 29th Street, Suite 100 Topeka, KS 66614 (785) 228-2544 j.michael.bowen@fhwa.dot.gov

W. Michael Lackey Assistant Secretary of Transportation State Transportation Engineer Kansas Department of Transportation, Retired 3713 West 30th Terrace Topeka, KS 66614 (785) 273-1189 mlackey@cox.net

James Jones Executive Director Kansas Asphalt Pavers Association 2813 SW Westport Plaza Dr Topeka, KS 66614 (785) 271-0132 jjkapa@aol.com

E. Dean Carlson President Carlson Associates 2309 SW Mayfair Place Topeka, KS 66611 peon1@swbell.net

Edward J. Mulcahy National Officer Transystems Corporation 2400 Pershing Road, Suite 400 Kansas City, MO 64108 (816) 329-8600 emulcahy@transystems.com

Robert Thorn Partner Finney & Turnipseed, L.L.P. 2001 SW Pembroke Lane Topeka, KS 66604 785-235-0474 bthorns@cox.net

Leon Hobson Director of Public Works Riley County, Kansas 110 Courthouse Plaza Manhattan, KS 66502 785-537-6330 lhobson@rileycountyks.gov

Herman Jones Director of Administration Kansas Highway Patrol 122 S.W. 7th Topeka, KS 66603 (785) 296-6800

Matt Ross Executive Director, Missouri / Kansas Chapter American Concrete Pavement Association 10707 Barkley Road Suite A Overland Park, Kansas 66211 (913) 381-2251 mross@moksacpa.com

Keith Browning Director Douglas County Public Works 1242 Massachusetts Lawrence, KS 66044

Joanie Roeseler, ex officio Region 7 Director Federal Transit Administration 901 Locust Street, Suite 404 Kansas City, MO 64106 (816) 329-3920 joan.roeseler@dot.gov


Exhibit II: University Transportation Center (UTC) Budget Plan Name of Grantee: Kansas State University Grant Year 8/1/07 thru 7/31/08 (Date) (Date)

CATEGORIES Budgeted Amount Explanatory Notes

Center Director Salary $90,000 Faculty Salaries $176,000 Administrative Staff Salaries $35,000 Other Staff Salaries $10,000 Student Salaries $201,885 Staff Benefits $109,649

Total Salaries and Benefits $622,534 Scholarships / Tuition $54,000 No F&A Costs Permanent Equipment --- No F&A Costs, $5,000 or more Expendable Property, Supplies, and Services $20,000 Less than $5,000 is considered expendable Domestic Travel $35,000 See Section IV.G Foreign Travel --- --- Other Direct Costs (specify) $10,000 See Section IV.H

Total Direct Costs $119,000 F&A (indirect) Costs $118,465

Total Costs* $859,999 Federal Share $429,999 Matching Share (if applicable) $430,000 KDOT/K-TRAN ($430,000) * Includes Federal and Matching Shares


VI. APPENDIX A Baseline Measures for KSU’s UTC

Below is data for the most recently completed academic year for Kansas State University.

A. Research Selection 1. Number of transportation research projects selected for funding: 7

1a. Number of those projects that you consider to be: basic research 2 ,

advanced research 1 , and applied research 3 . Projects may be included in

more than one category if applicable.

2. Total budgeted costs for the projects reported in 1 above.

$631,160 from all sources

B. Research Performance 3. Number of transportation research reports published: 9

4. Number of transportation research papers presented at academic/professional meetings:


C. Education 5. Number of courses offered that you consider to be part of a transportation curriculum.

Report courses shown in the university course catalog as being offered, whether or not they were

conducted during the academic year being reported.

Undergraduate: 10

Graduate: 11

6. Number of students participating in transportation research projects. Count individual

students (one student participating in two research projects counts as one student).

Undergraduate: 11


Graduate: 19

D. Human Resources 7. Number of advanced degree programs offered that you consider to be transportation-


Master’s Level: 1

Doctoral Level: 1

8. Number of students enrolled in those transportation-related advanced degree programs.

Master’s Level: 10

Doctoral Level: 4

9. Number of students who received degrees through those transportation-related

advanced degree programs.

Master’s Level: 10

Doctoral Level: 3

E. Technology Transfer 10. Number of transportation seminars, symposia, distance learning classes, etc.

conducted for transportation professionals. 17

11. Number of transportation professionals participating in those events. 764