Kansas Center for Solar Energy Researchsolarenergy.ku.edu/epscorReview2010.pdfJoined NSF-REU and...

Post on 29-Jul-2020

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Transcript of Kansas Center for Solar Energy Researchsolarenergy.ku.edu/epscorReview2010.pdfJoined NSF-REU and...

29  research  groups  from  Kansas  research  universi4es    (KU  –  15,  K-­‐State  –  10,  W-­‐State  4)    

in  biology,  chemistry,  engineering  and  physics  Plus  a  broad  collabora4on  na4onally  and  interna4onally    

Kansas Center for Solar Energy Research Nanotechnology for renewable Energy(NRE) www.solarenergy.ku.edu - Judy Wu, KU (PI) - Jun Li, K-State (co-PI) - Francis D’Souza, W-State (Co-PI)


Postdocs and Graduate Students

23 posters presented

Poster award winner: Lina Zhao, Caitlin Rochford and Guowei Xu

Joined NSF-REU and NRE-REU Program Keith Hohn, Larry Erickson, Jun Li, Francis D’Souza, Belinda Sturm, Judy Wu

Field trip to wind farm Student poster symposium

In collaboration with the Pathways, recruited Haskell student Michael Dunaway to NRE REU 2010

Undergraduates attending NRE annual review

NRE-Outreach to community

Originally published at: http://www2.ljworld.com/news/2009/oct/03/students-soak-water-lesson/ Students soak up water lesson

4th An n u a l Ch e m is t ry Sym p o s iu m Ka n s a s Sta t e Un ive rs ity

Ch e m is try, Ch em ica l En g in e e rin g & Ph y s ic s

For: Current (2009-10) High School Sophomores, Juniors & Seniors and Community College students in Kansas with strong interest in chemistry, physics, and related sciences and as well as interested teachers or sponsors.*

On: Thursday, April 15 8:30 am – 9:00 am Registration (Breakfast Included) 9:00 am - 3:00 pm Symposium Events (Lectures, Lunch, and visits to different laboratories and demonstrations). At: Kansas State University; The Hemisphere Room (Hale Library) Why: To provide an opportunity for motivated students to inquire and learn about

various aspects of energy–related issues and energy–related activities at K-State.

Enroll by e-mail to ryszard@ksu.edu and khem@ksu.edu

Enrollment Due: March 15th

NO COS T TO PARTICIPATE; a free breakfast, lunch, and T-shirt will be provided

Student Name: ___________________________ Home Address: ___________________________

E-mail: ____________________ Cumulat ive GPA: _______ Composite ACT Score (if available): _______

Class: Soph __ Jr __ Senior __ Community College __ T-Shirt Size: S M L XL

Current School: __________________________ Interested in: Chem____ Chem. Eng . ____ Phys._____

High school students Terry Han, Richard Lu and Jonathan Gregory spent summer 2010 on solar Robot in Judy Wu’s lab

Prof. Belinda Sturm

Prof. Ryszard Jankowiak