KangaNews April 2015

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Australian Association of Hong Kong KangaNews April 2015

Transcript of KangaNews April 2015

KangaNewsa great mate in Hong Kong

April 2015

www.ozhongkong.comKANGANEWS | APRIL 20152


LOOKING AHEAD | MAY 2015These dates maybe subject to change


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ChatterboxClub Lunch Book Club

Shenzhen Homewares SMB LunchMorning Tennis

Spring LunchMorning TennisMahjong




Morning Tennis

Morning Tennis





Shenzhen New Fabric Market Golf


Spring Lunch

Stu Belden

Mitch Birks

Andrew Hawkins

Danielle McAuley

Diane Maree Riachi

www.ozhongkong.com APRIL 2015 | KANGANEWS 3


Cover picture:Image courtesy Australian War Memorial DEADLINE | MAY 2015

Advertising Booking Deadline15 APRIL

Advertising Material Deadline20 APRIL

Newsletter Material Deadline17 APRIL

DESIGN AND PRODUCTIONTesswick Communications CompanyRm 1903 Alliance Bldg., 130 - 136 Connaught Road C., H. K.

T: (852) 2136 3680F: (852) 2136 3698E: joemc@netvigator.com

New Members 2

Looking Ahead (MAY 2015) 2

Regular Events 4

Who’s Who 5

President’s Message 7

Thank you to our contributors 7

Charity News 8

From Your Consulate - General 9

Member Benefits 2015 10

Past Events: Trivia Night, Night At The Races, SMB, Lunch Club, Chatterbox 14

Book Club 19

Beauty Tips 21

What’s Happening In Hong Kong And Around 22

Expat Corner 23

Hong Kong Musings 24

Out & About 26

Calendar: APRIL 2015 27

Upcoming Events: Day 28

Upcoming Events: Night And Weekend 37

Meet Ainslie Young 40

Member Notice 42

Property 43

Healthy Eating, Aussie Style 44

Healthy Habits 45

Sports Report 46

Travel Tips 49

Australian International School Hong Kong 50

The Valley Vet 51

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BOOK CLUBSecond Wednesday — lunch or dinnerContact: Susan Cooney | 9094 2756

CHARITY WORKThe Society for the Relief of Disabled Children12 Sandy Bay RoadPokfulamContact: Pommi Kaur | 2819 3050 |pommikaur@srdc.org.hk

CHATTERBOX COFFEEFridays 10:00 –11:30 amWagyu CafeShop 12 & 14, G/F, Regal Court, Wing Fung Street,Wan Chai (next to Pacific Place 3).Contact: Ainslie Young|events@ozhongkong.com

DRAGON BOATFor all enquiries please email sports@ozhongkong.com

SMB LunchSecond Tuesday of the monthContact: Michael Madigan | 9384 2407.

SUNDOWNERSQuarterly - the next one will be on Wednesday 18 March.Contact: The office on 2530 4461

MUMS AND BUBSMeet fortnightlyPlease note Mums and Bubs is on a break from April through JuneContact: Leah Spies | events@ozhongkong.com

THE CLUB Monthly lunch at a different private members club each month. Held second Wednesday of the Month Contact: Julie Armstrong | events@ozhongkong.com

LADIES GOLFFirst Monday of the month at Kau Sai Chau. Mondays and Thursdays (handicap required) at Deepwater Bay.Contact Adrian in the office | office@ozhongkong.com

MAHJONGMondays 10 am – 1 pmDynasty Court Function RoomMid-Levels$80 members$130 non-membersContact: Christine Scullion | events@ozhongkong.com

NETBALLFor all enquiries please email sports@ozhongkong.com

TENNISTuesdays 9 – 11 amWong Nai Chung Tennis Centre$40 members $60 non-membersContact: sports@ozhongkong.com

Are you tying the knot?Have you tied the knot?

Do we hear the patter of little feet?PLEASE SEND IN YOUR NOTICE AND PHOTO TO:


www.ozhongkong.com APRIL 2015 | KANGANEWS 5

2015 | WHO’S WHO


VICE-PRESIDENTIvy Wong Stevens | 9754 1194

TREASURERJohn Rasheed | 2238 7138

SECRETARYWarwick Jones | 9859 3226

FINANCE SECRETARYEleanor Coleman | 9885 2192

GENERAL COMMITTEEEileen Haley | 9222 5586Roque Hammal | 9502 2886Rochelle Howie | 6391 4878 Joan Leong | 2849 6989Wendy List | 9454 2985 Joanne Reed | 6908 4449 Adrian Ryan | 6609 7924Suzanne Sadler | 9772 2577Ian Whitton | 9727 0864

PAST PRESIDENT EX-OFFICIOJennifer Ferris | 9104 4417


SOCIAL COMMITTEE CHAIRDee Longe | sc@ozhongkong.com

VICE CHAIRTo be confirmed

TREASURER Kylie Reid | scaccounts@ozhongkong.com

SECRETARYManuela Guthrie | events@ozhongkong.com

SOCIAL COMMITTEE | events@ozhongkong.comJulie ArmstrongSuelin Billingham Leah SpiesLiz WalshAinslie Young

The Australian Association office is open Monday to Friday. However, if no-one is there please leave a message which will be answered as soon as possible.

The views expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily those of the committee.

Images are the property of the Association and may be used on our website and for promotional purposes, this includes images of children from our events. If you do not want your children to be featured please contact the office.

AUSTRALIAN ASSOCIATION OFFICEUnit 11A, Shelley Court, 21, Shelley St, Midlevels, Hong KongT: 2530 4461 | F: 2530 4497 | E: office@ozhongkong.comwww.ozhongkong.comOffice Hours: 9 am – 5 pm

Office: T: 2530 4461 | E: office@ozhongkong.com

Membership Coordinator, Adrian Ryan: T 6609 7924 / 2530 4461 | E: membership@ozhongkong.com

Sports Coordinator, Rosh Julian:T: 6274 5869 | E: sports@ozhongkong.com

Partnership Marketing Manager: T: 9859 3226 | E: marketing@ozhongkong.com

KangaNews Editorial, Carolyn Bickerton: T: 9022 4860 | E: kanganews@ozhongkong.com

Advertising, Carolyn Bickerton: T: 9022 4860 | E: advertising@ozhongkong.com


Located in Kowloon Tong, the Australian International School Hong Kong (AISHK) is a leading Reception to Year 12 international school with a

reputation for outstanding academic performance. AISHK is the only school in Hong Kong to provide an Australian curriculum run according to the Southern

Hemisphere calendar.


Our mission is to provide a world-class international environment where students, through active participation, achieve their personal best and graduate as skilled, influential and

responsible international citizens.









www.ozhongkong.com APRIL 2015 | KANGANEWS 7

Hello,Last year at this time, I spoke of my own childhood recollections of Anzac Day. Those memories were based on marches I watched, marches I joined and dawn services I witnessed at the hand of my grandfather, Alexander George McDougall. Alec, as Nana called him, served in the Middle East and New Guinea with the 2nd AIF. He was, like almost all diggers of the time, a volunteer. I’m sure many of you have similar memories. Some of you have yourselves been members of our country’s military.

Anzac Day has become firmly entrenched in our national psyche as the day we mark the poorly planned, terribly executed and frighteningly

tragic Gallipoli landings. This year, as we mark the centenary of what is generally agreed to be a turning point in the early history of our nation, there will be an overwhelming focus on our young World War I heroes who committed the ultimate act of patriotism. Rightly so.

But on Anzac Day we also shouldn’t forget others who have also been prepared to lay down their lives in the name of Australia. Men and women like Alec McDougall were mostly volunteers – but sometimes not – prepared to do whatever it takes in their service of country. Whether or not you agree with the politics of Australia’s involvement in any conflict or other military action or role, it’s my opinion that these young Australians deserve our respect for their willingness to act in our interests.

I’m pleased that, with other members of the Support Australia Group of Australian organisations in Hong Kong, the Australian Association is making possible the ability to watch, as a community, the live dawn service from Gallipoli on the 100th anniversary of the wartime action that gave birth to the Anzac legend.

After this year’s Anzac Day commemoration at the Hong Kong Cenotaph, I hope you will bring your whole family to Cyberport to join with others as we pay respect to the original Anzacs, and to all of those who have followed them. Check the details in this edition of Kanga News, or on our website. I hope to see you there!

Gavin McDougall.


Thank you to our contributorsThere is a team of diligent members and friends who prepare the regular articles in KangaNews. We would like to acknowledge them (in alphabetical order):

John Batten Hong Kong Musings | James Carlile Dragons Report | Ceri Silk Beauty Tips | Deborah Dewey Healthy Habits | Susan Cooney Book Club |Grace Ghattas Travel Tips | Karen Buckley Expat Corner | Brigitte McNamara AISHK | Lloyd Kenda Valley Vet |Pommi Kaur and Celina Yang Charity News | Rosh Julian Netball and Dragon Boat Updates | Gavin McDougall Australian Consulate General | Phil Hargrave Property | Judy Morris Healthy eating, Aussie style|Members of the Social Committee for the photos and event updates.

www.ozhongkong.comKANGANEWS | APRIL 20158


www.ozhongkong.com APRIL 2015 | KANGANEWS 9


Australian Consulate-General23rd Floor, Harbour Centre25 Harbour Road, WanchaiTel: 2827 8881Fax: 2585 4457Email: enquiries.hongkong@dfat.gov.auOur website: www.hongkong.china.embassy.gov.au

Consular & Passports OfficeMon to Fri: 9am – 4pm to lodge, until 5pm for passport collection.Tel: 2827 8881Consular and Passport enquiries Email: consular.hkng@dfat.gov.auwww.passports.gov.au

Notarial Acts: Wed only 9am – 1pmCertified copies, witnessing signatures, document authentication.Fees apply, check the website.

Visas & Citizenship Office24th Floor, Harbour CentreMon to Fri: 8.30am til 12.00noonHotline: 2585 4139 (Mon to Fri: 9:00am to 11:00am, 1:30pm to 3:30pm)Fax: 2585 4459 www.immi.gov.au

Austrade24th Floor, Harbour CentreMon to Fri: 8:45am – 5pmTel: 2588 5300Fax: 2827 4145Email: hong_kong@austrade.gov.auwww.austrade.hk

Education SectionEmail: hongkong@studyinaustralia.gov.auwww.studyinaustralia.gov.au

Travel Advicewww.smartraveller.gov.au

Don’t forget:• Check our website for the list of services available for

Australians• Also available from our website are

- Australian passport and visa forms - Passport, Australian visa and documentation

authentication fees - Details of when passport officers will visit Macau - Public holidays observed by

Consulate staff• Remember, passports take 10

working days to process• Australians living in or visiting

Hong Kong and Macau are encouraged to register at www.orao.dfat.gov.au. The information is used only in cases of emergency.


It goes without saying that Anzac Day is our most important and revered national day of commemoration. This year, marking the centenary of the tragic landings at Gallipoli will hold special significance.

The passage of time means that there are no longer any of Australia’s original World War I heroes alive. Their spirit is kept alive by the commemorations which are now held around the world, as well as at national monuments and at roadside plinths across Australia. Rather than fading in significance as time passes, Anzac Day is being embraced more than ever. The recognition of this important event in our history continues to capture the hearts and imaginations of Australians from all generations, wherever in the world they may be.

Here in Hong Kong, the morning service at the Cenotaph offers the opportunity for all Australians and New Zealanders to reflect on the legacy of the Anzacs and those who’ve followed in their footsteps as defenders and peacekeepers in the world’s trouble spots, some of which even today have Australian men and women serving abroad.

I’m especially pleased this year to see Australian groups in Hong Kong, including the Australian Association, cooperate to provide the community with an opportunity to come together to watch the Centenary Anzac dawn ceremony from Gallipoli.

If, as some people believe, the Anzacs helped to define what it is to be Australian, then the most enduring of those characteristics would have to be mateship. The collective spirit of Australian and New Zealand community groups in Hong Kong in presenting this event at Cyberport is a clear example of this durable trait. I hope to see many of you there.

For those of you who may be travelling over the Anzac Day weekend, check the website of the Australian Embassy, High Commission or Consulate in the country of your travel to discover what Anzac Day activities will be taking place close to you.

Stay safe and see you next month.

Paul Tighe, Consul-General.

www.ozhongkong.comKANGANEWS | APRIL 201510


Carry your current membership card with you to take advantage of these great savings.

Please note, some discounts may not be available against already discounted offers such as set lunch, happy hour or ad hoc specials, or available on public holidays.

Please check www.ozhongkong.com for full terms and conditions, and confirm with the venue prior to ordering.

BARS & RESTAURANTSAva 20% off F&BHotel Panorama, 8A Hart Ave, Tsim Sha TsuiT: 3550 0388 www.hotelpanorama.com.hkAzure 15% off F&BLKF Hotel by Rhombus, 33 Wyndham St, Lan Kwai FongT: 3518 9330 www.azure.hkthe BELLBROOK bistro oz by laris offer 10% off F&B2/F, 77 Wyndham Street, Central T: 2530 1600The Boathouse 10% off on a la carte food and drinks menu with min. spend of $300 88 Stanley Main Street, Stanley T: 2813 4467BOMBAY DREAMS, Indian offer 10% off F&B 4/F, 77 Wyndham Street, Central T: 2971 0001Bouchon Bistro Francais offer 10% off F&B 49 Elgin Street, Soho, Central T: 2525 9300Bulldog’s Bar and Grill 10% on all F&B (excluding happy hour).G5 & UG15, Tsim Sha Tsui Centre, 66 Mody Rd, Tsim Sha Tsui. T: 2311 6993Café Deco Pizzeria 10% off on a la carte food and drinks menu with min. spend of $300 Shop 3-4, G/F., Tower 125, 11 Po Yan St, Sheung Wan T: 2559 4100Café Siam 10% off F&B (excluding happy hour).2-3/F., The Plaza, 21 D’Aguilar St, Lan Kwai Fong T: 2851 4803 Shop 2412, The Grand Canal Shoppes, St. Marks Square,The Venetian Macau Resort Hotel. T: 853 2882 8469www.cafesiam.com.hkCaramba Mexican Cantina 10% off F&B (excluding happy hour).26-30 Elgin St, Soho. T: 2530 9963.Discovery Bay Plaza, Discovery Bay. T: 2987 2848www.caramba.com.hkCARNEVINO offer 10% off F&B 5/F, LHT Tower, 31 Queen’s Road, Central T: 2352 7700Cecconi’s Italian offer 10% off F&B 43 Elgin Street, Soho, Central T: 2147 5500

Chicha 10% discount up to four guests onlyG/F, 26 Peel Street, Central, Hong KongOpening hours: 12pm-3pm, 6pm-late EverydayPhone or Text Bookings: 9637 7701 E: chicha@conceptcreations.hkCoyote Bar & Grill 10% off food only.114-120 Lockhart Rd, Wanchai. T: 2861 2221.www.coyotebarandgrill.comCRAFTSTEAK, Open Fire Cooking offer 10% off F&B 29 Elgin Street, Soho T: 2526 0999 The Dog House 10% off f&b. Not valid on Set lunch or Happy Hour.Shop A3, G/F Hay Wah Building, 72-86 Lockhart Road, Wanchai; T: 2861 0351 www.thedoghouse.hkDon Gilato 10% on F&B (excluding happy hour).St Mark’s Square (by the Grand Canal) U/L, The Venetian Macao Resort HotelFlutes 15% discount on all drinks27 Elgin St, Soho T: +852 2810 0005Fogo Samba Churrascaria Brazilian Steak House10% off F&B (excluding happy hour).Shop 2412, Grand Canal Shoppes,Venetian Macau.T: (853) 2882 8499. www.fogosamba.comForbes 10% off all food and beveragesG/F., 36 Forbes St, Kennedy Town T: 2974 9588 FRITES 10% discount up to 4 guests onlyQUARRY BAY: G/F Oxford House, TaiKoo Place, 979 King’s Road, Island East, Hong Kong. Bookings: 2250 5188fritesqb@conceptcreations.hkWANCHAI: Shop 6, 1/F, Causeway Centre, 28 Harbour Road, Wanchai. Bookings: 2877 2422friteswc@conceptcreations.hk glo 15% off F&BHotel de Edge, 94-95 Connaught Road West, Hong Kong T: 3559 9988 www.hoteldeedge.com.hkGrand Central Bar & Grill10% off F&B (excluding happy hour).Shop R001, 3/F., and Roof, Elements, 1 Austin Rd West, TST T: 2736 4888 E: info@grandcentralhk.com Havana Club 10% off F&B (excluding happy hour).4/F, 21 D’Aguilar Street, The Plaza, Lan Kwai Fong, Central, T: 2851 4880The Jockey 10% on F&B (excluding happy hour).33 Wong Nai Chung Rd,Happy Valley. T: 2572 2266 www.thejockey.com.hkLil’Siam Soho 10% off F&B (excluding happy hour).G/F 38 Elgin Street, Soho. T: 2868 4445. www.lilsiam.com.hkLUPA by Mario Batali offer 10% off F&B 3/F, LHT Tower, 31 Queens Road Central T: 2796 6500MANZO Italian Steak House offer 10% off F&B Shop 1104, 11/F, Times Square, 1 Matheson Street, Causeway Bay T: 2735 3980 Marlin 10% off on a la carte food and drinks menu with min. spend of $200 56 D’Aguilar Street, Lan Kwai Fong, Central T: 2121-8070MAYTA Peruvian Kitchen & Pisco Bar offer 10% off F&B 3/F, Grand Progress Building, 15-16 Lan Kwai FongT: 2816 9018

www.ozhongkong.com APRIL 2015 | KANGANEWS 11


McSorleys Ale House. 10% off F&B (excluding happy hour).55 Elgin St, Soho. T: 2522 2646. W: www.mcsorleys.com.hkDiscovery Bay Plaza, Discovery Bay. T: 2987 8280Shop 1038 Grand Canal Shoppes, Venetian Macau.T: (853) 2882 8198Nahm, Vietnamese & Thai offer 10% off F&B Shop 1045, 1/F, Elements, 1 Austin Road West, Kowloon T: 2810 7575Nomads 10% off on a la carte food and drinks menu with min. spend of $300 55 Kimberley Road, Tsim Sha Tsui T: 2722 0733OLIVE, Greek & Middle Eastern, Soho offer 10% off F&B 32 Elgin Street, Soho T: 2521 1608Pickled Pelican 10% off on a la carte food and drinks menu with min. spend of $300 90 Stanley Main Street, Stanley T: 2813-4313Pulp 10% off on a la carte food and drinks menu with min. spend of $200 G/F and 1/F, 55 Wyndham Street, Central T: 2868 6026Pure Bar + Restaurant 10% off food only.2/F Kinwick Centre, 32 Hollywood Rd, Soho. T: 8199 8189 www.pure-dining.comThe Quarterdeck Club 10% on all F&B (excluding happy hour). G/F, The Fleet Arcade, Fenwick Pier, 1 Lung King St, Wan Chai. T: 2827 8882SOHO SPICE, Vietnamese & Thai offer 10% off F&B 47 Elgin Street, Soho T: 2521 1600 SOUVLA 10% discount up to 4 guests only1/F Ho Lee Commercial Building, 40 D’Aguilar Street, Central, Hong Kong, Phone & Text Bookings: 9285 8846souvla@conceptcreations.hk Sugo Sushi 10% discount on all purchases G/F, Hop Hing Building , 30 Gilmans Bazaar, CentralT: 2259 5151E: info@sugosushi.com.hk |www.sugosushi.com.hkStormies 10% off on a la carte food and drinks menu with min. spend of $300 Shop R005, Elements, Kowloon MTR Station, Kowloon T: 2196 8098TAKU. 10% off F&B (excluding happy hour).35 Elgin St, Soho. T: 2545 9966. www.taku.com.hkTAPEO 10% discount up to 4 guests onlyCENTRAL: G/F, Au’s Building,15 – 19 Hollywood Road, Central, Hong Kong. Bookings: 3171 1989tapeo@conceptcreations.hkSAI WAN HO: GA01-03, G/F Lei King Wan, Site A 55 Tai Hong St, Sai Wan Ho. Bookings: 2513 0199tapeo2@conceptcreations.hkTop Deck 10% off on a la carte food and drinks menu with min. spend of $200 Top Floor, Jumbo Kingdom, Shum Wan Peir Drive, Wong Chuk Hang, Aberdeen T: 2552 3331VI COOL offer 10% off F&B Shop 2101, Level 2, Gateway Arcade, Harbour City, Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui. T: 2735 7787

Wildfire 10% off on a la carte food and drinks menu with min. spend of $200 2 Knutsford Terrace, Tsim Sha Tsui T: 3690 15982B-07, G/F, 45 Tai Hong Street, Lei King Wan (SOHO East) T: 2261 2999

ON THE HARBOUR Hong Kong Yachting Free drinks package valued at $5,000 for 20 people on Jungle Jane or Tarzan boat bookings on weekdays or evenings. T: 25260151 E: sales@hongkongyachting.com W: www.hongkongyachting.comSaffron Cruises 10% off boat rental (excluding f&b).T: 2857 1311. www.saffron-cruises.com

HEALTH & BEAUTYairplay 10% off all services7/f, w place, 52 wyndham st., central T: 2641 9888www.airplaybar.comBalance Health 5% off all treatments (exclusive of packages); 50% discount for first-time clients for our Tai Chi classes2705, 27/F Universal Trade Centre,3-5 Arbuthnot Road, Central. T: 2530 3315.www.balancehealth.com.hkBayside Dental 15% off all dental care servicesG/F Unit 1, Office Block 1, 92 Siena Avenue, Discovery Bay North T: 2987 0855http://www.baysidedentalhk.comChirocare Chiropractic Centre 15% off all chiropractic services; 10% off massage, traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture.Unit A, 16th Floor, Lokville Commercial Building, 27 Lock Road, TST, Kowloon. T: 2490 3978 F: 2498 7966 E: drjosephwong@gmail.comW: www.chirocare.com.hkColour Me Beautiful 10% discount to members for any Colour Me Beautiful Colour, Style or Makeup Consultations Contact: Ella van Westendorp |ella@ellarik.comT: 64310028 www.colourmebeautiful.hkDazhk (Hairdresser) 15% off all full price services and 20% off for all newcomers2/F., 86-90 Wellington St, Central T: 3956 3668E: d@dazhk.com W: www.dazhk.com Deborah Dewey $300 off a package of 3 regular hypnotherapy sessions. 10% off all full priced ‘retox to detox’ menu. www.deborah-dewey.com62087321 |info@deborah-dewey.com Diestel & Partners (Dentists) 15% off all dental care services.1914 Melbourne Plaza, 33 Queen’s Rd, Central.G/F, Office Blk 1, 92 Siena Ave, North Plaza, Discovery Bay T: 2522 2099 www.diestelandpartners.comGlow 10% off all full price services.9/F Parker House, 72 Queen’s Rd Central.Tel: 2525 5198.E: glow-spa.net W: www.glow-spa.net

www.ozhongkong.comKANGANEWS | APRIL 201512


The Hairdressers Ltd 20% off all full fare servicesMonday to Saturday10am – 6pm. Cannot be used with any other offer. Valid membership card must be shown and inform staff on booking.7F Abdoolally House, 20 Stanley St, Central. T: 2973 0512 www.thd.com.hkDrs Bobby Hsia & Sandeep Jain Dental Clinic15% discount on all dental care servicesFlat A, 17/F, Johnson Centre,13 Hau Fook Street, Tsim Sha Tsui (MTR Tsim Sha Tsui exit B2) Kowloon T: 23676268 / 23685958 Hong Kong Optometric Services Ltd 10% off fixed priced items and 30% off selected priced items for all glasses, sunglasses and lenses. Comprehensive eye exam for $350. Suite 1003, Wing On Central Building, 26 Des Voeux Rd, Central. T: 2537 9219E: info@hkos.hk W: www.hkos.hkHYPOXI 10% discount on all treatments (not inconjunction with any other offers).8/F EuBank Plaza, 9 Chiu Lung Street, Central.T: 2537 6637E: dr@thebodybuddies.com W: www.hypoxi.com.hkIyara Beauty 15% off any body massage or facial at Iyara Ship Street, Prince’s Terrace and Hollywood Rd; 20% off any hair treatment at Hollywood Rd during weekdays (excl public holidays. Advance booking is required & mention the offer when booking 53 Ship Street, Wanchai. T: 2545 8637.www.iyarabeauty.comJAB Mixed Martial Arts Studio Casual Classes - $150 (usually $200), with the first class being free + An extra one month free membership with every 12 month membership5/F Kimley Commercial Building, 142-146 Queens Rd, Central. T: 2851 6684.E: admin@jabmma.com W: www.jabmma.comKinesiology Asia 10% off Kinesiology Consultations and $100 off Learning Enhancement and SportsEnhancement packages. 201 Ivy House, 18 Wyndham St, Central. T: 6114 8871 E: kinesiologyasia@gmail.comwww.kinesiologyasia.comLavar Hair Removal - 20% off any treatment. 13/F, One Lan Kwai Fong, Central | T: 2915 0918 www.lavar.com.hk | www.facebook.com/lavarhkMindful Eating 10% off STOP Self-Sabotage Eating with The Mindful WayTM private sessions or group AdventureShopsTM. Complimentary 30 min “Get your pre-pregnancy weight back” health coaching consultation.T: 9610 8530E: juliehealthcoach@gmail.com W: www.mindfuleatingHK.comSmith & Jain Dental and Implant Practice15% off all dental care services. 703 Century Square,1 D’Aguilar Street, Central. T: 2526 2383.E: cheriesandeep@hotmail.com

Tala’s Hair 10% discount on all full price hair services. Member card required. 50% discount for client referralsG/F No 56 Po Tung Rd, Sai Kung. T: 2335 1694www.talashair.comTsim Sha Tsui Chiropractor Centre 10% off initial Chiropractic consultation and Examination;• 50% off initial consultation and examination for

family members who come in for the check up in the same week.

• $100 voucher for in-clinic ergonomic products (Pillows and backrest).

Room 1201B, 12/F, Hong Kong Pacific Centre, 28 Hankow Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, T: 2721 3999 E: Info@tstcc.hkW: www.tstcc.com.hk

HOMEAsian Artworks Gallery 10% VIP discount. Repulse Bay. Online shop, plus new gallery open Tuesday and by appointment E: enquiries@asianartworks.com.hkwww.asianartworks.com.hkBaby Batches 10% off all baby hampers and productsT: +61 2 9797 4988 www.babybatches.com.auJervisBay Barbecues 5% off barbecues (non-sale items) & 10% off other products (non-sale items).T: 2656 4429. www.jervisbaybarbecues.com12/F Horizon Plaza, 2 Lee Wing St, Ap Lei ChauLife’s A Breeze 15% discount upon presentation of Member’s card. (not available in accessories and products already on sale.)Contact: Jennifer McBride - jennifer@lifesabreezehk.comT: 25724000 www.lifesabreezehk.com

LIFESTYLEReady Flowers 20% discount - on-line code to obtain discount is HKOZS888 T: 2540 5711 W: www.readyflowers.com.hk

HOTELS & HOLIDAYSFlight Centre Complimentary return Airport Express ticket per Association member per booking.T: 2830 2866 E: enquiry@flightcentre.com.hkwww.flightcentre.com.hkQantas Discount of $200 Adults and $150 Children on return tickets from Hong Kong to Australia plus extra baggage allowance:first/business class up to 3 pieces of luggage each up to 32kg, premium economy class up to 2 pieces of luggage each up to 23kg, economy class 1 piece of luggage each up to 30kg ex HK to Aust only, and $100 Adults and Children on Qantas Holidays. Cash or cheques only, credit cards not accepted.T: 2822 9000 (flights)T: 2737 6798 (holiday packages)

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Hotel Bonapate 10% off ‘Best Available Rate” when booking on line.11 Morrison HIll Rd, Wan Chai T: 3518 6688www.hotelbonapate.com.hk Hotel LKF 10% off ‘Best Available Rate” when booking on line; 15% off F&B at Azure Rest Slash Bar33 Wellington St, Lan Kwai FOngT: 3518 9333 www.hotel-lkf.com.hk Hotel Panorama 10% off ‘Best Available Rate’ when booking on line; 15% off F&B at AVA Rest; 15% of buffet at Cafe Express; 15% off cakes at Sweet Corner8A Hart Ave, Tsim Sha TsuiT: 3550 0388 www.hotelpanorama.com.hk Hotel Pennington 10% off ‘Best Available Rate’ when booking on line13-15 Pennington St, Causeway BayT: 3970 0688 www.hotelpennington.com.hkMira Moon Hotel 20% off best available rates388 Jaffe Road, Wanchai, Hong KongT: +852 2643 8888www.miramoonhotel.com

FASHIONROSARINI 20% off regular priced items. Ho Lee Commercial Bld, 8D, 40 D’Aguilar Street, Central T: 2526 1036 / 2526 8836. Oceanic Industrial Bldg, 14/F., Unit 12, 2 Lee Lok St, Ap Lei Chau T: 2526 1036E: info@rosarini.com W: www.rosarini.comSerenity Fair An additional 10% off total purchases over $2000 (excluding discontinued sale items)Unit 409 Stag Building, 148 - 150 Queen’s Road CentralAdeline Ma: 2886 3912 www.serenityfair.com

SERVICESDHL (local & international freight) 25% discount off published tariff for using DHL Express Worldwide service with weight up to 30kg. The offer is only for drop off shipments to DHL express Centres, pickup service will not be provided. Membership card must be presented. Drop off only to DHL Express Centres. T: 2564 8315. www.dhl.com.hkEnterprise Global Limited (IT support) 10% off normal retainer & hourly rates and 5% off any hardware or software purchase. T: 3102 8077. www.enterpriseglobal.comHolistic Business Consulting Complimentary expatriate checklist for tax planning. 15% off depreciation reports from our preferred supplier to maximise deductions on your Australian rental property.Contact: Tommy Ip - tommy.hbc@gmail.comT: +852 6901 8136 www.myoztax.comNAB Private Wealth Advisory free initial consultation and preferential rates for investments, plus 25% discount on the cost of preparing a financial plan , including superannuation advise32/F., Hysan Place, 500 Hennessy Rd, Causeway BayT: 3185 0125 www.npwasdvisory.com

Servcorp 1 month rent-free for Serviced Offices for deals of 6 months or more; 3 months at half price for Virtual Offices for deals of 6 months or more; 25% off rental of meeting & video-conferencing facilities. These offers are applicable for all Hong Kong Servcorp locations: Two IFC, Central; HK Club Building, Central; One Peking Road, TST. Contact: Anki Li. T: 2251 1888.E: ali@servcorp.com.hk W: www.servcorp.com.hkVillage Holdings Ltd [Insurances] 10% discount on your usual annual premiums for the following insurance products – Home, Fire, Helper, Golf, Travel, Motor, BusinessContact: Liam Morarjee: 2893 5718 www.villageholdingshk.com

SPECIALITY FOOD & WINEChicken on the Run 10% discount at the shop & freedelivery on catering orders. Shop A No 1 Princes’ Terrace, Midlevels. T: 2537 8285. www.chickenontherun.comIl Bel Paese (authentic traditional Italian shop). Members must present their cards 10% discount on orderis of HKD$300 and above. Not applicable to catering, hampters, done in and paid events. Cannot be used with any other discount card or promotional offers. www.ilbelpaese.com.hk23 Sing Woo Rd, Happy Valley. T: 2868 2818.G/F 85 Caine Rd, Midlevels. T: 2549 8893.G/F 25 Queen’s Rd East, Wanchai. T: 2804 2992.The Burlington, 51-53 Hennessy Rd, Wanchai. T: 2528 2200.Shop 1 & 2, Wilton Place, 68 Bonham Rd, Pokfulam.G31 & 32A, G/F, Block C, DB Plaza, Discovery Bay, Lantaumeatmarket.hk 10% off orders over HKD500.T: 8135 1394. www.meatmarket.hkThe Meatery 5% off on all purchases $100 and over. Free delivery available form the shop. G/F., 23B Mosque St, Midlevels Escalator (before Robinson Rd) T: 2698 8886 E: midlevels@themeatery.hk

SPORTING ACTIVITIESGolf Hideaway 10% off golf simulator charges and 10% off venue charges. 5/F 659 King’s Road, Quarry Bay.T: 2561 2005. www.golfhideaway.comSideway Car Club 10% discountLG/F, 1-2 Chancery Lane, Central,T: 2523 0983 www.sidewaysdrivingclub.netTour Spin Golf 10% off our golf lesson programs, 15% off our golf holidays and 10% off equipmentT: 2522 6366 E; kim@tourspingolf.comtourspingolf.com

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As a child,

Rosemary used to

talk all the time.

So much so that

her parents used

to tell her to start

in the middle if

she wanted to

tell a story. Now

Rosemary has just

started college and

she barely talks

at all. And she definitely doesn’t talk about

her family. So we’re not going to tell you

too much either: you’ll have to find out for

yourself what it is that makes her unhappy

family unlike any other. Rosemary is now an

only child, but she used to have a sister the

same age as her, and an older brother. Both

are now gone - vanished from her life. But

there’s something unique about Rosemary’s

sister, Fern. So now she’s telling her story; a

looping narrative that begins towards the

end, and then goes back to the beginning.


Taken from www.themanbookerprize.com


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Some things we haven’t changed in 50 years…Like making time for everyone

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Summer is coming and it’s time to get beach body ready. Hair removal can be a major concern for many people. Some of the most popular forms of temporary hair removal (which require regular maintenance); include shaving, waxing, tweezing and using depilatory creams. For a more permanent result, where you can expect extended periods of no growth between sessions, and after a course the majority of hair may not grow back; then you can opt for laser/IPL or electrolysis.

Electrolysis is a method of removing individual hairs from the face or body, where an electric current is applied with a very fine needle-shaped probe into each hair follicle to destroy the root. It does eventually kill all types of hair growth, even very blonde & grey hairs as it is not dependent hair colour. However as each hair is treated individually it is very time consuming, and you have to truly be committed, because you will need anywhere from 15 - 30 sessions.

Laser and IPL Intense Pulsed Light is the most popular type of permanent hair reduction as you can treat multiple hairs at a time and therefore large areas can be treated in less time.

How Does It Work? Laser / I.P.L (an intense pulsed – light) uses a red light wavelength (which is attracted to the pigment in the hair), at high intensity in order to create enough heat to destroy the hair follicle. The hairs then fall out in the next 2 – 3 weeks. The heat works to disable the hair follicle cells that are responsible for the growth of the new hair, and over time the hair does not grow back. The amount of treatments varies with each client, but you will likely need 6 or more treatments.

What Areas Can Be Treated? Any areas of the face, except very close to the eye, and body can be treated with intense pulse light. The darker the hair, the richer the pigment

(melanin) and the better the result. Light brown and fine hairs are more difficult to eliminate, very blonde and grey cannot be treated.

Does It Hurt? For most people there is virtually no pain. However the feeling of the treatment is extremely variable from one person to another; it depends on the concentration of melanin in the skin and the size and density of the hair.

What Should I Expect After The Treatment? In most cases there are no negative visible effects. Therefore the treatment does not interfere with normal activities. In some cases redness may appear, but this should disperse within 24 hours. Hair is detached from its nourishment but it still remains in its sheath, and then falls out in the next 2 – 3 weeks. Shaving, NOT waxing, is recommended between treatments. It is also advisable NOT to have any heat or sun exposure prior or within 48 hours of the treatment; or to excessively sunbathe during the course of treatments.

Jay Tsui - Senior Therapist Glow Spa - Health, Hair & Beauty


www.ozhongkong.comKANGANEWS | APRIL 201522

Date What Contact Additional InformationMarch 21 - April 12 Cavalia www.hkticketing.com Big Top, Cetnral

HarbourfrontApril 2-5 Smurfs save Spring www.hkticketing.com Lyric Theatre, HKAPAApril 3 Good Friday

April 4 The day following Good Friday

April 6 The day following Ching Ming Festival

April 7 The day following Easter Monday

May 1 Labour DayMay 15 - June 7 The Sound of Music hkticketing.com Lyric Theatre, HKAPA

May 25 The Birthday of the Buddha

June 20 Tuen Ng Festival

June 20 Dragon Boat races, Stanley www.dragonboat.org.hkfor information on the Aust Assoc team please email sports@ozhongkong.com

July 1 Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Establishment Day

September 28 The day following the Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival

October 1 National DayOctober 21 Chung Yeung FestivalDecember 25 Christmas Day



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In my quest to adapt to my “child” free life in Hong Kong, I have taken the very brave (silly?) step of getting a Running Coach. I have never in my life had a trainer; I have always been the one training others. I enjoy the challenge of watching my clients get fitter, stronger and more confident. I like being the one calling the shots and telling them what to do. Their puffing, panting and pained expressions inspire me to push them that little bit further. No pain no gain…right??

Well now the shoe is on the other foot. Twice a week I am voluntarily putting my hand up for 2.5 hours of intense training. I have been a runner since I was in my late teens, but I have never really pushed myself. Every training program I have ever followed has included hill repeats and speed sessions. For some reason my eyes glaze over when it comes to those days and I find myself adding long slow runs instead. Occasionally I will throw in a treadmill tempo session. I will run a bit faster for a couple of minutes, but when my heart rates starts getting up over my comfortable 140 bpm, then I reduce the speed and recover. I don’t want to hurt too much after all.

My trainer however, has very different ideas to what level of pain I need to feel. This week we did a stair session. After a very enjoyable 4km warm up, (which was run at my pace), we then did some stretching and yoga. This part of my session is great, but alas it doesn’t last.

I have decided all trainers have a sadistic side (yes, even me). Not being content with the steep steps near my apartment, my trainer found the steepest, longest set of stairs I have ever seen. When I stood at the bottom and looked up, I couldn’t see the top! Surely he wasn’t serious? I found out very quickly that he was!

The first few sets, we walked up slowly, getting my legs used to the climbing. We then did a few sets running up the stairs taking them one step at a time. Obviously not content with my

gasping for air and burning legs, my trainer then made me leap up the stairs two at a time and repeat it four times. I felt like a very unfit mountain goat.

By this stage I was a lather of sweat. My legs were like jelly and my heart was beating so loudly I could barely hear the next set of instructions. The locals walking VERY slowly up the same set of steps were giving me sympathetic looks and shaking their heads.

When my trainer said, “so now we have done our stair warm up, its time to get serious”, it was almost the undoing of me. Are you allowed to cry in a training session? I’m sure I have never pushed my clients to that point, and if I have I sincerely apologise.

There was nothing else for it, I couldn’t give in, I had to dig deep and find the strength to continue. By the end of the session I had worked harder than I ever had before. I had pushed my body to new limits and once I had cooled down, recovered and could breathe again, I felt great.

Each training session I do, I am stepping outside my comfort zone and I am beginning to feel the difference. I’m learning that I am capable of more than I thought, and that my body will adapt to the load I put on it. It is empowering and encouraging…perhaps you can teach an old dog new tricks!.

There is a great quote by Neale Donald Walsch,

“Life begins at the edge of your comfort zone”

I think he has hit the nail on the head. We are all capable of greatness, and it’s only by pushing the boundaries that we discover what we can achieve.

Have a think about how you can step out of your comfort zone today. You might be surprised at what you find there.

(However if it’s a long, steep set of stairs, then walk away very quickly!)

Karen Buckley Strive Lifestyle Coaching

Certified Life Coach/Fitness Consultant Ph: 6299 0766


www.ozhongkong.comKANGANEWS | APRIL 201524


Spring Workshop is an arts space anomaly in

Hong Kong. It is entirely self-funded and has

a strict lifetime of five years, after which it will

close. Their current exhibition is an excellent

starting point to visit the many galleries now

located in Wong Chuk Hang.

Time itself is under the spotlight in Spring’s

Days push off into nights exhibition of nine

artists tackling the “stillness” of time and the

slow diurnal duration of life. Appropriately, a

performance developed by Scandinavian

artists Elmgreen & Dragset, held at daily

set times during the exhibition, shows four

young male teenagers sitting at desks in a

secluded room writing a diary in longhand.

It is almost an antediluvian activity, and

the performance is marked by life itself:

fruitful action, routine, boredom, thought,

fidgetiness, and finally the relief of escape

from imposition.

Magdalen Wong’s Sunrise, Sunset is a

successfully simple depiction of day’s start

and end. Metres of rolls of gold tape are

adhered above a window. The rolls slowly

unravel downwards, some unrolling slower

than others; catching the hesitancy of last

light, and the inevitability of day’s brief end

repeating again.

Life’s simple activities invariably fill our time.

Moyra Davey’s set of 25 photographs

capture commuters writing on New York’s

subway trains. These writers, balancing

books and papers, are caught in thought, or

possibly inwardly frantic trying to quickly jot

an idea or to meet a deadline. The resulting

photographs are folded into envelopes

and mailed to friends around the world

reinforcing the transportability and physicality

of time over distance.

Olga Chernysheva’s Screens of five filmed

sequences in Russia are beautifully leisured

“portraits” of life: oblivious to the artist’s

camera, a man exercises alone; villagers

casually chat together while eating snacks.

These videos linger over the mundane, life

without drama, outside any spotlight or

fame: how most people spend their time.

John Batten

▲ Spring Workshop Days push off into nights

Until 26 April 2015 see:


www.ozhongkong.comKANGANEWS | APRIL 201526

Hello to all our members and friends of the Australian Association.

I am happy to be able to re-join the Social Committee, after a rather

challenging few years.

Caroline Carson as previous Chair, has done an amazing job, so I have rather

big boots to fill, but I am up for the challenge!!

I hope to meet as many of you as possible during my time as Chair, at all the

different events we have planned, throughout the year.

I am very excited as April is not only the beginning of Spring, but also the re-launch of a

number of things, namely our long awaited swing into the 21st century with our new Website,

Facebook page, electronic KangaNews and Australian coffee morning re-location.

With the summer heat, a more convenient location for everyone will be “Wagyu Cafe”, Shop

12 & 14, G/F, Regal Court, Wing Fung Street, Wan Chai (next to Pacific Place 3). We welcome

anyone who wants a good coffee, a chin wag and for newbies to HK, it’s the launch pad for

information and meeting new friends.

The new location will start after Easter, Friday April 10 … ( there will be no Chatter box coffee

morning on Good Friday 3 of April).

Please join us for some fun, with events scheduled by “clicking” on the event calendar on the

web page for further details.

Our next Club lunch April 8, takes us to Italy, with “Cipriani’s” in the old China Bank Building.

We are shopping in China, in Shai Bu April 16, for fabulous materials – come and see three

very large buildings full of beautiful materials, and embellishments.

Wednesday 22 April, we have our Photography walk in Diamond Hill, at the gorgeous Li Chin

Nunnery and Gardens.

Bring your friends and family if visiting HK, it’s a good experience for them and gives you a

break from playing tour guide.

Till next month….

Dee Longe

Chair, Social Committee


www.ozhongkong.com APRIL 2015 | KANGANEWS 27

APRIL 2015 | CALENDARBOOKING FORM can be found at www.ozhongkong.com and click on Event Booking Form icon on the calendar















































































































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BOOKING DEADLINES: THE CLUB: Cipriani’s Old Bank of China Building – 6 April; SHOP CHINA: Shai Bu Fabric Area – 13 April; PHOTOGRAPHY WALK – 20 April;LOTUS PAINTING WORKSHOP – 30 April; THE CLUB: The Kee Club – 8 May; SHOP CHINA: Home-wares shopping in Shenzhen by Coach – 8 May

www.ozhongkong.comKANGANEWS | APRIL 201528

THE CLUB: Cipriani’s Old Bank of China BuildingWednesday 8 April

Hong Kong has many private clubs which are members only; each month we dine at a different private club, so you to enjoy the experience of these clubs. On June 22, 2003 David Tang and Giuseppe Cipriani, established Cipriani Hong Kong, a private members’ club, to offer a quintessence of the best Italian food and drinks, style and service. In the marvelous history of the Cipriani family who are dedicated to serve, and serve the best. Cipriani Hong Kong continues the same time honored traditions that makes each experience so sought after today.

Time: 12.30 pm to 2.30pm

Location: Cipriani’s 12 Floor, Bank Street, Old Bank of China Building, Central , Hong Kong.

Cost: Pay on the day, cost depending on menu choices Non Members extra $50

Booking: Go to www.ozhongkong.com and click on the event link or via the calendar. For any questions contact Julie Armstrong | events@ozhongkong.com

Booking Deadline: Monday 6 April 2015 Numbers are limited

Payment: Please Pay Cash on the day Cancellations 24 hours before will be charged and the money donated directly to charity

GOLFThursdays 9, 16, 23 and 30 APRIL

Every Thursday and the first Monday of each month (unless it is a public holiday).

Please contact Adrian | office@ozhongkong.com for more information.

MUMS AND BUBSPLEASE NOTE there is no baby group from April through June


www.ozhongkong.com APRIL 2015 | KANGANEWS 29

CHATTERBOX – Friday mornings 10-11.30amFridays 10, 17 and 24 APRIL

Wagyu CafeShop 12 & 14, G/F, Regal Court, Wing Fung Street,Wan Chai (next to Pacific Place 3).

Chatterbox is our casual coffee morning get together, perfect for both newcomers to Hong Kong and also to catch up with old friends. No need to book, just turn up and enjoy some great coffee, maybe a treat and a chat. Each session is hosted by a member of the Social Committee so there will be someone to meet and greet you and introduce you to others if it’s your first visit. If you have particular questions about life in Hong Kong, we’ll be able to help answer them or at least point you in the right direction

For any questions email Ainslie | events@ozhongkong.com


MAHJONGMondays 13, 20 and 27 APRIL

Did you know that a winning hand in mahjong actually contains 14 (or 17) tiles? And that the goal is to make four or five melds (also depending on the variation) and one pair, or “head”?

It may sound complicated, but it isn’t and we will have you playing like a pro in no time.

Beginners are welcome. Come and join in the fun.

Time: 10 am – 1 pm

Where: Dynasty Court Function Room, 23 Old Peak Road, Mid-levels

Cost: Members: $80 / Non-Members: $130

Contact: Christine Scullion | events@ozhongkong.com

MORNING TENNISTuseday 14, 21 and 28 APRIL

Come for a hit and giggle or if you want a “work out” we can do that too. We are looking for anyone that can hit a ball, preferably over the net. You need to be available on Tuesday mornings from 9 am until 11 am. We are the tennis group for you if you:

• don’t want to commit to competition but want a hit of tennis.

• enjoy a little chat.

We have two courts booked every week.

If this interests you, please come along to tennis.

When: 9–11 am

Cost: Members: $40 / Non-members: $60

Contact: sports@ozhongkong.com

Weather: Please contact the HK Tennis Centre on 2574 9122 if weather doubtful.

Rachel is stepping down as the coordinator of our tennis and so we are looking for a replacement. Please contact Rosh via the office if you would like to help.


www.ozhongkong.com APRIL 2015 | KANGANEWS 31



April’s lunch is on Tuesday 14th. Whether you are a regular or have never been to one of our lunches before, come and enjoy the company in a relaxed setting.

Time: 12:15pm (the pub opens at 12 noon) to whenever you need to leave

Venue: Delaney’s Irish Pub, 18 Luard Road, Wanchai

Cost: Pay for food and drinks on the day

Booking: Not required, just show up

For more information on SMB events or to make suggestions for future events contact Michael Madigan on 9384 2407.

SHOP CHINA: Shai Bu Fabric AreaThursday 16 APRIL

The Bad News is that sadly, the Fabric Market on Level 5 of the Commercial Centre at Lo Wu has closed. The good news is that we have now had to venture out to Shai Bu to the Fabric area, and it is well worth the extra effort to get there…….. Fabrics Curtains, Bedspreads, Accessories, it’s all here. Pick out your fabric from the massive, multi-shop selection spread over several floors, across two buildings. Everything from Sheers, Knits, Denim, Silks, Satins and everything in between. Very few shop owners speak English, so have some phrases written in Mandarin. So come on this tour and have some fun and discover a new area of Shenzhen.

Time: 10.00 am to 5 pm

Location: Meet at Admiralty Station, Exit (A). Inside the station near Café O & the ticket machine

Cost: $100.00 Members $200.00 Non Members

Bookings: To register, please go to www.ozhongkong.com. Click on the link for this event through the Event

Booking Deadline: Monday 13 April 2015

What to Bring Your Passport with China Visa and Octopus Card. Your HK ID for quicker transition through the border. RMB (Yuan cash) as there may or may not be ATM’s working on the day Bring some Lunch and Water. There is a McDonald’s and a KFC if required.

Age Group: This is an over 18 year olds event only.

Further Info. If you have any questions please email Julie Armstrong | events@ozhongkong.com

Australian Federal Budget 2014Australian Treasurer Joe Hockey presented his first Federal Budget to Parliament on the 13th May 2014.

The Budget has been very poorly received in Australia as it is the “tough medicine” that the Liberals promised to deliver in order to fix the “budget crisis” that has seen Australia’s

Government debt spiral from nil in 2007 to over A$300 billion now.

Ironically, this fixing of the budget was one of the main platforms that saw the Liberal party get re-elected with an overwhelming majority in the lower house. Sadly in the election, the incoming Government failed to secure a majority in the Senate that would allow ease of passage of legislation.

The Labour Government had made many significant funding announcements in their past few budgets that had yet to begin, leaving the incoming Government with many tough choices. These spending decisions saw Australia lead the world in Government spending increases and were based on overly optimistic revenue forecasts that have been proven incorrect in each of Labor’s six budgets delivered while in office.

Instead of discussing the past misfortunes, public opinion has turned to debate as to whether a there is even a need to repair what may not be broken. The basis of the argument that Australian Government finances rests around the value of Australia’s debt as a proportion to GDP which remains among the lowest in the world at just over 30%.

The argument from the opposition parties, which now include the Palmer United Party which will soon hold the balance of power in the Senate, is that this is very low so the government should continue to run deficits and increase the debt even further without any concern.

This was clearly the attitude of the past Labour Government who set records in the level of annual budget deficits and accumulation of debt during their brief 6 year tenure. The below table shows the budgetry position of the past 12 years in Australia.

For the record, Australia’s past peak debt was approximately A$96bn in 2002 and under the leadership of then Liberal Prime Minister John Howard and his Treasurer Peter Costello this was paid off entirely in 2007. This debt level was the result of over 100 years of nation building and was created by both sides of the political fence when Australia had no infrastructure, fought in two world wars and dealt with numerous crisis while still creating an enviable lifestyle and label as the “lucky country”.

It seemed impossible in 2002 to consider that the debt could ever be paid off, but somehow this was achieved and it was a proud moment in the countries rich history. Being debt free gives any country the real chance to plan its own future and not be beholden to financial interests or global uncertainty. This was clearly evident in the fact that Australia, more than any other country, came through the Global Financial Crisis of 2007-08 relatively unscathed.

Being debt free allowed the new Rudd Government to spend its way out of recession and keep the economy moving when others were falling into recession. Had Australia been deep in debt at that time perhaps a totally different outcome would have occurred, hence the fact that the books were in such good order proved to be a decisive protective element in an otherwise dangerous financial world.

Given the debt has now increased so rapidly in such a short period of time is why the new Liberal Government feels there is a crisis and wants to take remedial actions to remedy it. They were concerned that the debt was due to escalate further to a very uncomfortable level, almost A$700bn by 2022 with no action, and have made a series of unpopular decisions and cut backs on spending promises of the last Government. This is proving a very tough headline for the Government to sell.

For almost 15 years, the Australian public has been used to some form of Budget handout, be it lower tax rates, allowances, rebates or improved

services. Sadly this year that cycle of handout comes to an end as a tightening of the purse strings now occurs.

However, given the public backlash, many of the announcements in this Budget are genuinely at risk of not becoming law as they will struggle to pass the required legislation through the Senate and carful negotiation and compromise may be required in order to achieve their desired outcomes.Some of the key announcements in the budget include:• Introduction of a Budget Repair Levy of 2% of any taxable income above

A$180,000pa for the next 3 years only.• Removal of the Mining Tax & Carbon Tax.• Medicare Co-Contribution payment which will initially go to fund the

creation of a A$20bn Medical Research Fund.• Re-introduction of the indexation increase on Fuel Excises with new funds

dedicated to road infrastructure.• Deregulation of University Fee Structures and increase to University Loan

interest rate to reflect the cost of Government borrowing.• Freezing of increases and thresholds for many Government Welfare

payments that usually increase with inflation.• Removal of almost A$80bn of forward funding promises to the State

Governments for Health & Education initiatives of the previous Labor Government.

• “Work for the Dole” rules for recipients of Unemployment benefits requiring them to either undertake training, education or controlled work duties together with more stringent qualification rules.

These are but a few of the announcements and perhaps the more contentious ones at that.

Australia now faces a great test in how it reacts to this budget.

Do we want to continue an “Era of Entitlement” or create a stable platform that safeguards our countries financial future and allows is the ability to afford to support those in need from a strong financial footing.

It is easy to forget that the past 2 decades saw the Australian Governments finances generally on the improve on a regular basis, and this allowed us to increase support, lower taxes and enhance the services in the community for the benefit of all Australians.

This position of improvement is not the current trend, with massive budget deficits and escalating Government debt being the norm of the past 6 years.

The softening of Government revenues has been the reason that the Labor Party has claimed it has not been able to achieve its past Budget Forecasts, and a slow economy and contracting mining sector played a large part in that.

The most important aspect of this budget was to try the delicate balance act of protecting the needy, having everyone contribute to the repair effort while ensuring the economy had the opportunity to expand.

The last point seems to have been lost on the general public and media, as should the economy expand then the Government revenues improve and then there is more funds to start the historical level of generosity that Australians have grown accustomed to.

Now is not the time to complain, that should have been done when the massive budget deficits were being recorded and the debt jumped ever higher. Now is the time to let the new Government do what they said they would need to and let them move forward with conviction.

Let us not forget that when in the Budget forecasts of last year, the final budget presented by Labor Treasurer Wayne Swan, the expected deficit was A$18bn and this had ballooned out to a staggering A$49.9bn when the final numbers came in. During this time the economy was in good order, not in recession and Government revenues actually increased 3.5% to a record inflow of A$363.5bn, yet we still blew the forecast significantly due to rises in expenditure, If this is acceptable, then we have set a dangerous precedent.

Whether they are wrong or right will be for history to judge, but stopping them before they start could be a bigger problem indeed. We will monitor the passage of Budget measures with great interest.


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Australasian Taxation Services Pty LtdLevel 24 Onfem Tower, 29 Wyndham St Central, Hong KongTel: +852 3571 8700 Fax: +852 3571 9210Web: www.smats.net Email: hk@smats.net

Steve Douglas is the co-founder and Managing Director of Australasian Taxation Services (ATS), established in Singapore in 1995. ATS provides specialist taxation services to people of any nationality investing in Australian property, as well as Australian expatriates living overseas. Areas of specialisation include the Australian taxation aspects of property investment, as well as expatriate and migration planning.ATS

www.ozhongkong.com APRIL 2015 | KANGANEWS 33


LOTUS PAINTING WORKSHOPA unique painting experience for hesitant artists

Date to be announced following positive registration of interests

This is an unusual experience where a beautiful piece of personalized artwork is virtually guaranteed.

The unique lotus canvases are handmade and shipped in from Bangkok.

Two panel canvases (40x90) and all other painting materials are provided for this half day experience. With the support and guidance of the painting coaches this workshop is easy and relaxing and no experience is required.

Cost of the course is $1650 - $1700 which is more than our normal courses but is for a half day course not available elsewhere in Hong Kong and will enable you to product a substantial piece of artwork of which you can be proud.

Time: To be announced, but likely to be end of April beginning of May

Location: Crafters Club, Sheung Wan near to MTR and Central

Cost: $1650 Members/$1700 Non Members

Booking: Please click here to register your interest. There is no further commitment at this stage

Deadline: 30 April

What to bring: No additional equipment or materials are needed.

www.ozhongkong.comKANGANEWS | APRIL 201534


PHOTOGRAPHY WALK: Diamond Hill Nunnery and GardensWednesday 22 April

Photography walks with Karin Bremer are open to all levels of expertise. Whether you have just bought a new camera and need some guidance on how to get started or if you would like to discover new features on a camera you have had for a while, we will visit a place in Hong Kong that will give plenty of opportunities to enhance your photography skills. At the nunnery we will focus on composition techniques and optimum settings for capturing this unique Hong Kong location. In the gardens we will experiment with aperture and shutter speed settings to achieve different creative outcomes.

Time: 10.00-12.00pm

Location: Diamond Hill

Meeting Time: 10.00am at Admiralty MTR Exit A, inside the station, near Café O & ticket Machine

Cost: Member $350 NON Member $400 Plus share of taxi cost on the day (if using)

Booking: To register please go to www.ozhongkong.com and click on the link on the home page or through the Events Calendar. If you have any further questions please email Kylie Reid | events@ozhongkong.com.

Booking Deadline: Monday 20 April 2015

What to Bring: Camera and charged/spare battery.

SHOP CHINA: Home-wares shopping in Shenzhen by CoachTuesday 12 May 2015

Home-wares is made up of approx. 6 large buildings of several floors made up of items such as crockery, cutlery, glassware, silk flowers, bedding, furniture, pillows/throws, decorative items, kitchen utensils, rugs, lamps, etc etc. (You must have a valid China visa for this trip)

Time: 9am -6pm (meet at 8.30 for prompt 9.00 coach departure)

Location: Central Pier 4 (this is a convenient location for the coach to stop and also for anyone coming from DB)

Cost: Members $350.00 / Non Members $400.00

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Payment: Via below link

Booking : Go to www.ozhongkong.com and click on the event link or via the calendar. For Questions contact Julie Armstrong |events@ozhongkong.com

Booking Deadline: Wednesday 8 May 2015

What to Bring: Your Passport with China Visa Your HK ID, for a quicker transition thru the border. RMB (Yuan), as there may or may not be ATM’s that are working. A large suitcase or trolley device,for easier handling of your purchases. Pack a lunch, as there may or may not be any coffee shops/lunch venues. Also, it will be quicker, so you don’t waste valuable shopping time.

Age Group: This is an over 18yrs old event only.

Further info: Please email events@ozhongkong.com

THE CLUB: The Kee ClubWednesday 13 May 2015

Hong Kong has many private clubs which only members can enjoy. This month we are going to the Kee Club. Discreetly situated in the heart of Central, KEE Hong Kong is an exclusive private members club which offers a cozy and homely atmosphere for their members to get away from the hustle and bustle of Hong Kong.

KEE Hong Kong is made up of distinctively opulent rooms tailored for art and wine appreciation, fine dining and mingling. This luncheon will be an intimate experience

Time: 12.30pm to 2.30pm Meet in the restaurant

Location: KEE Private Members Club Hong Kong 6/F, 32 Wellington Street, Central, Hong Kong. Phone 2810 9000

Cost: Pay on the day, cost depending on menu choices Non Members extra $50

Booking: Go to www.ozhongkong.com and click on the event link or via the calendar. For any questions contact Julie Armstrong at events@ozhongkong.com

Booking Deadline: Friday 8 May 2015

Dress : Smart Casual

Payment: Please pay cash on the day, exact amount is appreciated. Cancellations 24 hours before will be charged and the money donated directly to charity


SHOP CHINA: Shai Bu Fabric AreaThursday 21 May 2015The Bad News is that sadly, the Fabric Market on Level 5 of the Commercial Centre at Lo Wu has closed. The good news is that we have now had to venture out to Shai Bu to the Fabric area, and it is well worth the extra effort to get there…….. Fabrics Curtains, Bedspreads, Accessories, it’s all here. Pick out your fabric from the massive, multi-shop selection spread over several floors, across two buildings. Everything from Sheers, Knits, Denim, Silks, Satins and everything in between. Very few shop owners speak English, so have some phrases written in Mandarin. So come on this tour and have some fun and discover a new area of Shenzhen.Time: 10.00 am to 5 pmLocation: Meet at Admiralty Station, Exit (A).

Inside the station near Café O & the ticket machineCost: $100.00 Members $200.00 Non MembersBookings: To register, please go to www.ozhongkong.com.

Click on the link for this event through the Event Booking Deadline: Monday 13 April 2015What to Bring: Your Passport with China Visa and Octopus Card.

Your HK ID for quicker transition through the border. RMB (Yuan cash) as there may or may not be ATM’s working on the day Bring some Lunch and Water. There is a McDonald’s and a KFC if required.

Age Group: This is an over 18 year olds event only.Further Info: If you have any questions please email

Julie Armstrong | events@ozhongkong.com

www.ozhongkong.com APRIL 2015 | KANGANEWS 37


Sundowners Cinema


Aust r

a l ian Associa

tion of Hong Kong


Date: Wednesday 15th April 2015Time: Doors Open 6PM Film screens from 7:30PM

Member Price: $150 includes 2 drink coupons

Non Member Price: $250 includes 2 drink coupons

The Wombat Hole, Australian Consulate-General24/F Harbour Centre, 25 Harbour Road, Wanchai

mainevents@ozhongkong.com www.ozhongkong.com

The 1981 film starring Mel Gibson and Mark Lee, by Academy Award nominated director Peter Weir.

Marking the Centenary of Anzac Day, we return to the Wombat Hole and present a special screening of


www.ozhongkong.comKANGANEWS | APRIL 201538


www.anzaccentenary.gov.au, www.awm.gov.au/commemoration/anzac, http://ww100.govt.nzMembers of the public may lay a wreath according to the order of service

Grappa’s Cellar - $180/$100 (2-11 years old) +10% Cash Only Bookings Essential: 2521 2322LG/F, Jardine House, 1 Connaught Place, Central, Hong Kong

Dot.Cod Restaurant - $218/$148 (3-11 years old) + 10% Bookings: 2810 6988Clipper Lounge (Mandarin Oriental, Hong Kong) - $318/$208 (3-11 years old) + 10% Bookings: 2825 4007

Café Causette (Mandarin Oriental) - a la carte. Bookings: 2825 4005

6:15 am, The Cenotaph, Chater Road,Central

Anzac Day

To be followed by Gun�re Breakfast

Saturday, 25 April 2015









Anzac Day 2015 - KN.pdf 1 20/03/2015 12:53:32 PM

www.ozhongkong.com APRIL 2015 | KANGANEWS 39


25 APRIL 20159:00am to 2:00pm

VENUEPodium, Level 4,

Cyberport, 100 Cyberport Rd, Hong Kong

Live BroadcastAnzac Day Dawn Service

from Anzac Cove, Gallipoli proudly supported by


Aust r

al ian Associa

tion of Hong Kong


1 0 0 Y E A R A N N I V E R S A R Y

anzacday@ozhongkong.com www.ozhongkong.com

Anzac Lunch Bu�etPrompt Restuarant Le Meridien Hotel

Podium Level$288 +10% service charge

Guests can mention “ANZAC” to make a reservation at 2980-7417

Anzac Sausage SizzleCourtyard Podium Level

Le Meridien Hotel$30 each

Cash Bar BeerBeer & Soft Drinks Available

Buy 1 Get 1 Free Drink

by GlassPSI Bar Le Meridien Hotel

12pm - 3pm

FREE EVENTPlease register online at www.ozhongkong.com for further information

www.ozhongkong.comKANGANEWS | APRIL 201540


1. How long have you been in Hong Kong? Since November 2014.

2. Where do you live? Kennedy Town.

3. How have you found the Association? After arriving I attended many social committee events and I found everyone extremely welcoming and helpful. I am excited to see what 2015 will bring for the Association… and to see how I go with Dragon Boat racing!

4. What was your introduction to the Association? The first Friday of my new life in Hong Kong I made the effort to attend Chatterbox! I was very grateful to see friendly faces and gain some valuable insight into life in this dynamic city.

5. How long have you been on the social committee? January 2015.

6. What do you organise on the committee? I am coordinating Chatterbox coffee mornings and helping to fill the social calendar with fun and exciting events for our members!

7. What would you change if you could? The horrendous banking system in Hong Kong!

8. What was life like before Hong Kong? Manic! I was working full time in Marketing and Business Development in Sydney, travelling around Asia for business whilst running my own designer handbag label.

9. Six famous people to dinner - who are they and why? Oprah Winfrey and Arianna Huffington, as they are two extremely wise and intelligent ladies. Seth Godin, so I could pick his brain about all the wonderful marketing books he has penned. Ky Hurst, famous Aussie Ironman, who I’ve had a crush on since I was a teenager! Miranda Hart, the star of comedy TV show ‘Miranda,’ to lighten the mood. Finally I would invite my husband James so he could share the experience with me!

10. Tell us something we all need to know about you! I’m now a travel and lifestyle blogger + aspiring life coach! You can check out my blog at www.startingwitha.com (Shameless plus, I know!).

New location starting March 2015Shop 613A, Level 6Ocean Centre, Harbour CityTsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong2730 4760

www.ozhongkong.com APRIL 2015 | KANGANEWS 41


English/Japanese/Korean/Thai Business Executive InterviewersMRops is a leading market research company, which prides itself on a fantastic working environment and excellent remuneration.We are currently seeking experienced & motivated market research interviewers to contuct interviews over the phone with absolutely no selling art all.Whilst this job is viewed as a casual position, there is an attractive hourly rate $77 - $91 + 20% bonus with the anticipation that you would be available to work a minimum of 20 hours per week.In applying for this position you will need• To be Native English/Japanese/Korean or Thai speaker• To have basic computer operation skillsPlease forword your resume to Nasim Hayat via email on: Nasim.hayat@mrops.com

1. How long have you been in Hong Kong? We moved February 2014

2. Where do you live? Mid Levels and loving it!

3. How have you found the Association? The Association has been great. Everyone had been really welcoming and it’s lovely to hear so many Australian accents all in one place!

4. What was your introduction to the Association? I met with Janine Furlong (previous Social Committee Secretary) after randomly meeting her mother at the Rocks in Sydney! We hit it off and she introduced me to the Association.

5. How long have you been on the social committee? January 2015

6. What do you organise on the committee? At this stage I am concentrating on getting the Facebook page up and running! Make sure you ‘like’ it if you haven’t already - https://www.facebook.com/pages/Australian-Association-of-Hong-Kong/121603307895532

7. What would you change if you could? The weather at the moment! Where is the sun?!

8. What was life like before Hong Kong? Pretty full on! In the year before we relocated, we moved home, sold property, I changed jobs and careers, got married and I had appendicitis! Not to mention we were both working full time!

9. Tell us something we all need to know about you! I’m really enjoying volunteering with Hands on Hong Kong (http://handsonhongkong.org/), from working with toddlers or packing 1200 hot meals for those in need. I am glad to be giving back to the community. I also document my time here through my Facebook page - https://www.facebook.com/justlandedhongkong and blog https://justlandedhk.wordpress.com.

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With the Autumn property market coming to an end as we approach Easter – the Melbourne property market has reignited and it is hot. With the auction clearance rate edging 80% each Saturday in March and with many houses selling in excess of the vendors most optimistic expectations, the property market is defying other areas of the economy. From personal and anecdotal evidence the market is being fuelled by foreign buyers and in particular the Chinese. In certain areas the Chinese appear to be winning the battle and are the successful purchasers and seem to have very deep pockets. This has had a knock on effect where as a result of recent sales, neighbouring properties have suddenly appreciated in valued considerably. There is no better example than the Scotch College Hill area in Hawthorn where a phenomenal result was achieved for a Victorian Villa in Kembla Street, Hawthorn which sold for well in excess of $1 million over the reserve. Some two days later a 1980’s two storey house in Kooyongkoot Road followed suit and sold for $5,085,000 well over its $4 million reserve and substantially over the price range of $3.5 - $4.0 million quoted. The trend continued with the sale of another Victorian villa on an awkward block of land which sold for $4,705,000 where the Council valuation was in the vicinity of $3 million. This trend is apparent not only in the inner south eastern suburbs of Melbourne but also the inner south, the inner north and also some bayside precincts.

Agents are having a field day and as one bayside agent commented “If they miss out on one property the next one would be dearer” The same agent said “The market has turned again and there is now a new battlefront where buyers are trying to negotiate prior to properties being released to the market. Buyers are trying to get to the agent before and find out what is coming up. They want to know what the vendor’s selling price is now so they can be the only person negotiating”. Although this may sound novel, qualified buyers and buyers advocates tend to know which

properties are coming on the market prior to them being advertised on the internet and an agent is unlikely to deal solely with one person at the exclusion of other buyers as an agent’s role should be to attain the best price for the vendor and this is usually achieved with competition.

The following results show that the market is strong and is verging on a boom market:

Howard Street, Brunswick, a single fronted timber cottage sold for $881,000 with a price range of $730,000 - $800,000. There were 4 bidders at the auction.

Little Walker Lane, Clifton Hill, a warehouse styled 4 bedroom home sold for $1.56 million with a price range of $1.3 - $1.4 million.

Norfolk Road, Surrey Hills, a dated 5 bedroom home on a 929 sqm block sold for $1.92 million with a price range of $1.5 million plus and was on the market at $1.7 million.

Fraser Street, Malvern, a new and substantial town house sold for $3.69 million with a price range of $3 million plus. There were seven bidders.

Monaro Road, Kooyong, a substantial family home on a 1480 sqm block sold for $4.5 million which was a reasonable price given that the owner had been chasing over $5 million in late 2014 when it was first marketed.

Orrong Road,Toorak a substantial and well renovated 1930’s house sold for $4,680,000 with a price range of $4 million plus. There were 4 bidders at the auction.

Finally the most incredible result in my opinion to date in this market was the sale of a 2 storey single fronted derelict house on Beaconsfield Parade Middle Park which could only be described as a new house site which sold for $4.51 million against a reserve of $2.75 million.

Philip Hargrave Philip@mbadvocate.com

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Australia is the world’s fifth largest producer of salt and much of it is used for chemical production or manufacturing. However, fine table salts are produced in the Wimmera and Murray River regions of Victoria.

There is distinct difference between the flavor of sea salt and the inland salt from Victoria’s ancient Pink Lake, but pinpointing exactly what it is, is quite subjective and makes for good round the table debate! That aside, the salt and the region have an interesting history.

The Pink Lake is located a few kilometres west of the township of Dimboola, on the Wimmera plains of Western Victoria. It can be easily accessed from the Western Hwy that runs between Melbourne and Adelaide. Dimboola is also the setting for the Jack Hibberd play and the subsequent film of the same name, Dimboola. The famous Australian artist, Sydney Nolan, also painted in the region while on armed service duty’s during the Second World War. The first harvesting of the salt dates back to the 1860s and ruins from early commercial harvesting can still be found in the scrub around the lake.

Only in recent years has commercial operations re-commenced and this is through a co-operation with the local Barengi Gadjin Land Council and Mount Zero Olives. Mount Zero and the lake’s traditional owners have been working together to hand harvest a small amount of salt from the lake each year.

The lake is fed by natural salt aquifers and each summer dries out to reveal a bed of salmon coloured pink salt. Analysis of the salt shows that there is a concentrated store of natural mineral nutrients - rich in calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sulphur, iron, manganese, zinc and copper as well as being rich in beta carotene. This complexity of minerals provides a complex, well rounded flavour - dissimilar to many sharp tasting refined salts.

To add extra interest to the natural Pink Lake Salt flavour, Mount Zero Olives has introduced a range of salt blends available in grinders or as ready to go crushed salt. The blends include, Chilli, Sea Kelp, Australian Native Pepper, Glenelg River Herbs and of course one with their own roasted Kalamata olives! The salt is also available in its simple natural form.

Some of the salts are just making their way into the Hong Kong market and along with other innovative and healthy foods from Mount Zero can be found at the following retail outlets: The Meatery Midlevel Shop, Organic 21, Page One Concept Store, IPC Food Lab, Butchers Club Shop, Organic Footmark and these online stores: meatmarket.hk, Deli Delight eShop, Health eShopping , OrganiCorner, South Stream Seafoods and HKTV Mall.

Over the coming months Cooee Foods will be partnering with our retailers to showcase cooking techniques to these wonderful Australian flavours. Stay tuned to Cooee Facebook, Kanga News for dates.

Judy Morris cooee@cooeefoods.com www.cooeefoods.com


Western Victoria’s Pink Lake Salt

▲ Pink Lake Salt Hand Harvesting

▲ Barengi Gadjin Land Council & Mount Zero Team

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Is natural birthing in vogue again? HypnoBirthing is a natural birthing technique that can help with managing pain, but it is not for all mothers. However, it is a technique that has been slowing gaining popularity, especially in the USA, United Kingdom and Australia. You can now find HypnoBirthing practitioners in all four corners of the world and for a small minority of mothers this technique encourages natural birth.

So, what exactly is HypnoBirthing and can it deliver a calmer and easier birth for mothers? HypnoBirthing teaches mothers to be confident about birthing her baby by letting go of her negative unwanted fears and worries whilst encouraging her to understand how her birthing body works which is ultimately designed for birthing. The five sessions encourage the expectant mother to be calm, thus preventing the release of stress hormones, cortisol and catecholamine, which can slow down or even stop the natural flow of labour. Instead HypnoBirthing is about positive thinking, visualisation and important breathing techniques that all help to change the mind’s physiology. The three breathing patterns that are taught help mothers to stay calm and centred, so that during intense surges they are able to stay focused and relaxed. When mothers are in this frame of mind endorphins and oxytocin hormones are released and intensify to naturally help the mother through active labour. Furthermore, this also goes along way for baby too as mother’s breath is vital in helping to give more oxygen to him on his journey in to this world. A lot of mothers report their babies come out looking pink and healthy rather than purple. Also tearing is often not reported or to a minimum so that mothers can avoid episiotomy. Something most mothers dread and wish they could have avoided because of postpartum perineal pain that can take up to a month or longer to heal.

What kind of mother and partner are drawn to HypnoBirthing? To some extent it comes down to working out what suits each individual and a lot of mothers want a natural birth but do not always know how to go about it or how to trust in their instinct. HypnoBirthing helps with these two main factors. However, even if a mother does have to have a caesarean section the whole HypnoBirthing experience can truly help as one mother reported, “I was the calmest mother on the ward”. Even when a mother wants a natural birth it is important to know when to let go of the birth plan and the course teaches mothers to be flexible as well as educated on all options in birthing by making them mindful of their choices. The goal is to find out what suits each mother and be open as births can be unpredictable. Elective C-section is an easier option for doctors as it only takes an hour and the time can be fixed. The caesarean section in private hospitals in Hong Kong is 50 to 90 per cent, which is staggering! It is not that this is alarming but in most cases unnecessary in the absence of special circumstances and complications. The World Health Organisation suggest that about 12 per cent of women should have a caesarean, however, this number has significantly grown from when this surgical procedure was first performed by a European gynecologist in 1881. The small minority of HypnoBirthing couples are growing and helping to change social stigmas regarding birthing by bringing it back to nature in a hospital setting. A midwife with over 40 years of practising midwifery in London, New York and Shanghai, who supports HypnoBirthing births sums up our modern day dilemma, “Women have been giving birth for thousands of years, unfortunately, with today’s modern technology, we are treating birthing as a medical procedure. It’s time to bring it back to nature”. Having a natural birth can be that extra gift with a special delivery.

Deborah Dewey, D.Hyp. Hypnotherapist & Detox Diva

6208 7321 www.deborah-dewey.com

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The growth of AFL and the increasing number of organisations operating towards its success in Hong Kong is becoming more and more evident. Highlighted in the previous 2 articles in the Kanga News of 2015, the once baron landscape has been filled by the likes of AFL ASIA, SCAFL, Auskick and the Vikings Masters Team, of which all complement and build upon the 25 year legacy of the national team, the Hong Kong Dragons. Over the last decade, as these organisations have began to gain traction, the participation levels of those playing any form of AFL in Hong Kong has expediently increased. This can only be seen as a positive for both the game of AFL and the Australian expatriate community living in Hong Kong.

The prospective AFL player in Hong Kong can begin his or her budding career at the tender age of 4 at any of the 5 Auskick locations and continue to build their skills and knowledge of the game until their graduation from the program at age 16. By this time they will have obtained the attributes befitting of a Hong Kong Dragon and have the opportunity to play in the SCAFL and be selected to tour and represent the national side at tournaments. After 40-50 years of touring this great region ones mind and body is likely to be ready for a less physical version of the game; this is were the Masters level Vikings come into their own with non-contact trainings and regular ‘9 games’.

The unrelenting growth of AFL in this great part of the world represents a unique opportunity for Hong Kong to cement itself as a leader of AFL within Asia and showcase to the world a successful model for AFL outside of Australia. This leadership is something our organisations can not achieve by acting alone. The coming years will require an increase amount of cooperation to ensure the limited resources available here in Hong Kong for AFL are utilised to their fullest extent. It is important that the sport of AFL, being the national sport of Australia, incorporates all 90,000 Australian Expatriates here in Hong Kong not just those playing the sport itself. The close relationship that HK Dragons has had with the Australian Association has long demonstrated this and we look forward to the association being part of this exciting growth.

One of great initiatives about to go live in 2015 is the Fire-breather Newsletter. This will be a quarterly publication distributed online and via email bringing together all facets of AFL here in Hong Kong. The Newsletter will feature insights into the happenings of each organisation as well as highlighting the increasing number of joint playing and social functions. Be sure to keep an eye out for the Q1 edition in your inbox’s!






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The standard of netball continues to improve throughout each league match and as individual teams have gotten closer throughout the season. The Aussies have been working hard in the three

leagues that we play in which have been fun and challenging throughout the year. The year is coming to an end very soon and it is great to see the spirits still at a high.

The teams current positions don’t reflect the progress and successes they have achieved so far this year and as Lawrence Peter Berra said ‘It ain’t over ‘til it’s over’...

Dragon boating has kicked off with our registration night down at The Roger Room who kindly hosted another Aussie Event with great promotion drinks on the night! We had a good turn out on the night turning

The Roger Room into another Aussie head quarters. We will definitely look at going back for another session.

I would also like to thank Ivy Wong-Stevens, Adrian Ryan, Eleanor Stormonth, Eileen Haley and Sharon Julian for helping on the run up and on the night.

I would also like to thank HuNu Activewear for being a sponsor for our 2015 Dragon Boat Team, more photos to come!

The paddlers have had their first session on the water which went really well which was celebrated at the Pickled Pelican thanks to the Cafe Deco Group.

The ball has started rolling with Dragon Boating, if you would like to know more about it please contact Roshan Julian | sports@ozhongkong.com

Roshan Scribe

Our current positioning on the league table; Magpies - Division 4 in 7th Place Geckos - Division 5 in 3rd Place Cockatoos - Division 6 in 7th Place

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Does Premium Economy justify Premium Price?

Hello and I’m welcoming myself back to the AA travel page after three months of travelling to and from Australia and Shanghai over both New Year celebrations.

The Chinese are wise: they know that although we try to get it right at the start, we may need to refresh for February and begin again. So here we go…

These refreshed eyes and ears of mine have been noticing significant changes in the way we travel.

Although Cathay Pacific (CX) were awarded best airline by Skytrax, over the years clients will also opt for Singapore Airlines (SIA) as a consistent, reliable favourite. And as well as Turkish Airlines (TK) and Eva Air (BR) now SIA and ANA (based in Japan) have joined the Premium Economy party.

At a glance, here are the stats for SIA Premium Economy:

• SEAT WIDTH - 18.5 – 19.5 inches

• SEAT PITCH - 38 inches

• SEAT RECLINE – 8 inches

• No. of SEATS on the A380 – 36

• No. of SEATS on the B777-300ER – 28


• PERSONAL ENTERTAINMENT – 13.3 inch screen

• Other amenities: noise cancelling headphones, additional storage space, calf-rest and foot bar, in-seat reading lights, cocktail table, power outlets, USB and better food.

Speaking to those who have returned from travels over the Australian summer and CNY holidays, premium is worth the extra. Some can upgrade using points, based on availability (CX), but when you must have that extra comfort for long haul journeys, definitely pay to upgrade so you can guarantee your seat.

Yes, although this will cost more, it’s going to be in line with CX revenue-based accrual system for the Marco Polo Club whereby tier points will be awarded to travelers who pay for premium seats or purchase the most expensive economy fares available. This is similar to the recent BA Executive Club changes.

So the answer to the question is yes, it is justified. And like I always say, sometimes, the experience will outweigh the expense.

Safe and happy travels,

Grace grace.ghattas@flightcentre.com.hk

Flight Centre

Winning by competingCompetition is a good thing. It’s about finding out how well we can do something under pressure. It’s about challenging our personal bests. It can be about working together with others to accomplish a goal. We compete to succeed; to be the best we can be.

AISHK competes in many international and local sport organisations. These include ACAMIS, SDRC and AISA, among others, where we compete against teams from all over Asia, from countries such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, Singapore and China. In local competitions like HKSSF, ISSFHK, HKRU & HKNA, AISHK both hosts and plays at away games all over Hong Kong.

The popularity of sports at AISHK is evident, with record numbers of students participating in soccer, touch rugby, netball, swimming and other sport related extra curricular activities. Many students have enjoyed great success in competitions over the years, most recently in sports such as basketball and rugby. AISHK has seen a growth of interest in gymnastics, the sport having large numbers of students of varying ages happy to be active and enjoying physical activity.

As part of the evolving AISHK sports program, the school has strived to enhance its coaching depth and expertise. Professional coaches provide our students and teachers with the best possible chances to develop their individual skills and reach their potential. Dedicated and committed teachers on staff, as well as very accomplished and experienced parents take an active part in our program through coaching school teams. With this commitment to sport, our teams can only further improve in the future.

AISHK looks forward to participating in and hosting many upcoming domestic and international sports tournaments. These include ISSFHK, SDRC and AISA. The ACAMIS soccer tournament, to be hosted by AISHK in April, will see over 100 students from competing schools participating. They are to be hosted by AISHK families, as part of the friendly competitive spirit and community aspect of the tournament.

2015 inter-house soccer tournament at AISHK









www.ozhongkong.com APRIL 2015 | KANGANEWS 51

“Doctor, when should I make the decision to put my pet to sleep? What do I look out for? When will I know? Is she suffering?”

For any caring pet owner it is never an easy decision to make, but the decision to euthanise a pet comes with a load of emotional baggage. In my younger days (and I still see it in young, inexperienced vets) I was quick to deem an owner cruel to let their pet “suffer” rather than allow a quick painless death by injection. I was also adamant not to euthanise a seemingly healthy dog - but there are times when this is necessary and the decision to do this (although never easy) is made when you take the time to get the full history.

I have learnt over the many years of experience never to judge someone on making this irreversible decision to end their pet’s life. I don’t know all the family background of the pet owner. I may not know the owner’s religious beliefs. I don’t know the full relationship of the pet with the owner or the rest of the family. Why do some owners seemingly blatantly let their pet suffer? Sometimes the pet is the “last living connection” with a family member eg a deceased spouse’s companion, a pet that was a constant source of love and support when someone was undergoing cancer treatment. The pet may have been the first “child” of a couple’s relationship, the last reminder of a lost partner. There are many reasons why people try to “hold on”. Sometimes it just takes some time and understanding to learn the background and realise the emotional connection this pet has with the family.

The decision to euthanise a pet may be an easy and obvious decision by an unemotional third party, but this decision can be so clouded with emotion by a pet owner that they are unable to decide. There is often an enormous amount of “feelings of guilt” when an owner decides to euthanise. Am I doing this too early? Will it get better? What if we try…?? Right through to terrible anguish afterwards and the owner feeling guilty that maybe they did indeed make the decision too late and let their beloved pet suffer for too long. It is an emotional roller-coaster and often the vet is dragged along for the ride! “Do gooder” friends, neighbours and Facebook posters all may have an opinion, which can make the owner’s decision even

harder still. The vet may be abused for being heartless at even suggesting such a procedure as euthanasia and then abused for being heartless at letting the pet suffer and not euthanising earlier. Yes, sometimes we get it from both sides! I can’t imagine what it must be like for doctors discussing “switching off life support” with family members in human hospitals! It is a delicate tightrope and taking time with owners can help everyone come to the best solution in the pet’s best interest.

As a vet, what I do know is objectively and scientifically if the pet is suffering, what the chances of it are to make a recovery (complete or functional) and the quality of life for the pet. Quality of life is a very subjective assessment for a pet- of course there are the obvious situations, but there are often some borderline cases eg a dog with paralysis of the hind legs- it can’t walk, but there is no pain. If there is an owner who takes meticulous care of the dog- keeping it clean, assisting with toileting, feeding correctly and the dog is indeed eating, drinking, urinating and defecating normally and shows signs of excitement and affection for the owner, then this dog does have a great quality of life albeit non conventional. That dog does not need euthanasia! However if there is a pet with severe renal failure- no longer able to eat unassisted, vomiting persistently, and non ambulatory, then we know the pet is suffering and is not going to get better and the best option is euthanasia. This seems like an easy decision, but maybe the true owner of the pet is overseas and won’t be back for a few days to say goodbye…what to do? In these situations intensive supportive treatment maybe instigated ensuring the pet is not overtly suffering and “kept alive” for the owner to say goodbye. Some might say this is cruel but if handled correctly it may not be and enables the owner to see the pet and say goodbye. My view is never judge unless you are in that person’s shoes!

Of course the pet’s welfare is my number one priority but it is imperative to listen and work with the pet owner to ensure “the time is right”. When handled correctly and compassionately a “right time” can be found.

Dr Lloyd Kenda BSc(Psych) BSc(VetBiol) BVMS(Hons) MRCVS

MACVSc(SASurgery)Valley Veterinary Centre
