June 2016 Newsletter · participate in our formal WEB (Where Everybody Belongs) orientation which...

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Transcript of June 2016 Newsletter · participate in our formal WEB (Where Everybody Belongs) orientation which...

Panther The

2200 South 5th

Avenue, Sioux Falls, SD 57105 June 2016

Patrick Henry



Main Office









From the Principal…

As the year winds down, I reflect on how quickly another year has

come and gone! We have enjoyed many successes throughout the

school year with students excelling in their academics and extracurric-

ular activities at the local, state and national level! We truly have an

amazing student body! None of this success would be possible without

the support of you, the parents. Thank you for scheduling appointments and

vacations around the school calendar to minimize absences. Most of all, thank you

for supporting and working collaboratively with all of us to make your child’s

educational experience as meaningful as possible!

We are sending 390 amazing 8th grade students to our local high schools and

preparing to welcome 390 6th graders. We look forward to the challenge of meeting

the needs of each one of our new students. We believe that Patrick Henry is a special

place. We hope that all of you find it to be nothing less than a great experience as


Incoming 6th graders may choose to get a jump on the middle school experience

by participating in one of our Running Start sessions this summer. A registration form

for Running Start is in this issue. We request that all incoming 6th grade students

participate in our formal WEB (Where Everybody Belongs) orientation which will be

held on August 25th, from 8:25am - 12:30pm. Students should line up outside the

main door and will be led in to the building for the orientation. Our Panther Preview

Day and PST for students and parents will be held during the afternoon and evening

of September 1st. More specifics on these events will be in the summer newsletter!

Have a restful and safe summer!

Darryl Walker, Principal

June 3rd - Last Day Of School for Students

Summer = Construc.on Galore!

By: Dr. Brian Maher, Superintendent

Summer may offer a brain-break for students in the Sioux Falls School District but ask any

of the 24,000 children who a>end our schools each day and most will tell you summer vaca?on

isn’t long enough. While parents might disagree, our crews in the Opera?onal Services

Department share the thinking of students on this par?cular topic!

The summer of 2016 will be a busy one! When the final bell rings on Friday, June 3rd

, our

dedicated custodians and the local companies we hire to help with new construc?on, renova?ons and maintenance

will kick their work into high gear knowing every minute of summer break is valuable.

Punch-list items will be checked off one by one at the new Sonia Sotomayor Elementary in prepara?on of its

opening in the fall. Staff for the Spanish Immersion Program will move from three loca?ons – Rosa Parks

Elementary, Robert Frost Elementary and classrooms on the north side of the Instruc?onal Planning Center - to

provide a more efficient educa?on under one roof.

Not long aEer the last runner crossing the finish line at the State Track Meet at Howard Wood Field

demoli?on and construc?on will begin on a new field house. The long-awaited project consists of four locker

rooms, two restrooms, showers and training rooms, dressing areas for coaches and officials, a conference room,

maintenance and storage areas. The project also upgrades the stadium’s sewer system and field/track ligh?ng.

The playground at Anne Sullivan Elementary will get a complete rebuild while play structures at John F.

Kennedy, Terry Redlin and Susan B. Anthony will also undergo changes to increase accessibility for the children with

disabili?es who a>end school at these loca?ons.

Add to those projects the laundry list of others, such as roof repair and replacement, masonry work, floor

and ?le upgrades, HVAC needs, landscaping, security fencing, pain?ng, waxing and just general cleaning at 35

buildings across the city and you can see why our crews need every minute of summer!

As if all that work isn’t enough, custodians and crews will be working around the many educa?onal

enrichment programs going on in our schools over the summer like Kids Inc., elementary and high school summer

school, Driver Educa?on classes, band prac?ces, and much more!

The Sioux Falls School District prides itself on having well-maintained facili?es. We know a safe, welcoming,

and comfortable learning environment is an important element in student success so we vow to use every minute

of summer break to get your child’s school ready to welcome them back on Tuesday, September 6th


Running Start

Headed for middle school?Headed for middle school?Headed for middle school?Headed for middle school?

Join us this summer and get aJoin us this summer and get aJoin us this summer and get aJoin us this summer and get a

Patrick Henry Middle School is providing a summer program designed especially for incoming sixth graders.

Our four-day session will help your child gain confidence for the middle school transition. Students will:

♦ Find out about the middle school concept - teams

♦ Learn middle school rules and expectations

♦ Learn their way around the building (in a stress-free summer setting)

♦ Tour the school library, get helpful tips on how to do research at the middle school level

♦ Meet the office and administrative staff

♦ Enjoy team-building activities and make new friends

♦ Practice opening combination lockers

♦ Tour the cafeteria, get familiar with lunchtime logistics


Session I: Monday through Thursday, 8:00 to 11:45 August 1-4 No longer available

Session 2:Session 2:Session 2:Session 2: Monday through Thursday, Monday through Thursday, Monday through Thursday, Monday through Thursday, 12:15 to 4:00 August 112:15 to 4:00 August 112:15 to 4:00 August 112:15 to 4:00 August 1----4444

Session 3: Monday through Thursday, 8:00 to 11:45 August 8-11 No longer available

Session 4:Session 4:Session 4:Session 4: Monday through Thursday, 12:15 to 4:00 Monday through Thursday, 12:15 to 4:00 Monday through Thursday, 12:15 to 4:00 Monday through Thursday, 12:15 to 4:00 August 8August 8August 8August 8----11 11 11 11

Session 5: Monday through Thursday, 8:00 to11:45 August 15-18 No longer available

Session 6: Monday through Thursday, 12:15 to 4:00 August 15-18 No longer available

Sessions are filling up fast. Please feel free to call on availability (367-7639)

Cost: $49.00

Session 1 Session 2 Session 2 Session 2 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4 Session 4 Session 4 Session 4 Session 5 Session 6 (circle one choice) StudentName______________________________________________________________________________________

School Attended in fifth grade _________________________________________________



Cell Phone ___________________________ Other Phone _____________________

Return $49.00 payment to: Return $49.00 payment to: Return $49.00 payment to: Return $49.00 payment to: Patrick Henry Middle SchoolPatrick Henry Middle SchoolPatrick Henry Middle SchoolPatrick Henry Middle School 2200 S. 5th Ave.2200 S. 5th Ave.2200 S. 5th Ave.2200 S. 5th Ave. Sioux Falls, SD 57105Sioux Falls, SD 57105Sioux Falls, SD 57105Sioux Falls, SD 57105

June 3rd is the last day of school. Medica?ons in the Health Office must go

home that day or may be picked up by a parent on June 6th. This applies to

all medica?ons – those given daily, those given only as needed and those given in case of

emergencies. They can go home with your child, but they do not always come to get

them as requested. Please check with your child when they return home that last day of

school. If your child does not bring them home, stop in the office on June 6th to get the

medica?ons. If not picked up, these will be destroyed as we cannot keep them over the

summer for the next year.

Nurse Heidi 367-7639

**Please remember that new medica?on sheets with orders, parent signatures and

doctor signatures are required again in the fall.

From the Nurse’s Desk

Notes From the Choir Department

The Spring Choir Concert was held on Thursday, May 5 in the Lincoln High School Auditorium.

The 6th grade choir performed beginning at 5:30 and the 7th

grade and 8th

grade choirs

performed beginning at 6:15. AEer receiving parent feedback, we have decided to move the

concert ?mes back to the later ?me slots for next year’s concerts.

Keep singing this summer!

Roosevelt High School hosts a middle school show choir camp August 8-11. Cost is $75.00.

More informa?on and online registra?on is available on their website at:


Summer Singers is a program offered through Sioux Falls Parks and Recrea?on. Rehearsals are

Tuesdays through Thursdays, June 14-21 at Edison Middle School. Cost is $30.00. Mrs.

Spencer has registra?on forms or you can register online at h>ps://register.siouxfallsparks.org/


As always, if there are any ques?ons, please do not hesitate to contact

Mrs. Spencer at: Jennifer.Spencer@k12.sd.us or Mrs. Stadem at


Private Teachers

Middle school is a great ?me for students to

be taking lessons from a private teacher. If

you are interested in a private teacher,

please contact one of the band directors.

Percussion S.ck Bags

Percussion students will once again be

asked to provide a s?ck bag. You will be

receiving a le>er some?me this summer

regarding specifics. If you do not already

have a s?ck bag and would like to get one

sooner rather than later, please contact

one of the directors.

Electrify Your Music!

Next year’s Winter Concert will

involve all middle school music

students throughout Sioux

Falls. Mark Wood -

of Trans-Siberian Orchestra

fame - and his band, will be

working with the students the

week of December 12 in

prepara?on for a huge concert

on Saturday, December 17th at

the Denny Sanford Premier

Center. Stay tuned for more





This past year, Patrick Henry had 23

students accepted into the SD Middle

School All State Band; once again the

highest number in the state. We highly

encourage students to try out. These

audi?ons involve prac?cing and performing

selected scales and etudes specific to their

instrument. The audi?ons are recorded at

PHMS (in most cases) in November and

early December. They are then submi>ed

to be judged. Results are posted in January.

Those who are selected prepare special

music for an All-State concert in Huron on

the first Saturday in March. Audi?on music

is now available. If your child is interested

in trying out and has not yet received the

audi?on material from us, you may visit

sdmea.net and print it off yourself. If you

have any ques?ons, you may email one of

the band directors. We check our email

regularly during the summer.

Summer Prac.ce Record

It is very important to keep playing throughout the summer. PHMS students are given extra credit in the fall for summer practice records. Make your own practice calendar marking your summer practice hours, have it signed by a parent/guardian, and bring it in the first week of school. Keep practicing!

Greetings from the library!

I am so excited to announce that one of our students’ favorite authors, April Henry, is

coming to Patrick Henry next September! She is a best-selling mystery author. Our students

particularly enjoy these books:

When an impulsive carjacking turns into a kidnapping, Griffin, a high school

dropout, finds himself more sympathetic to his wealthy, blind victim,

sixteen-year-old Cheyenne, than to his greedy father.

Told from various viewpoints, Gabie and Drew set out to prove that their missing

co-worker Kayla is not dead, and to find her before she is, while the police search

for her body and the man who abducted her.

Waking up with no memory in a cabin occupied by two men debating whether to

kill her, Cady is forced to flee for her life as she searches for answers. Eventually,

she is aided by a young man named Ty and has to wonder what his true motives

are as well.

While helping the Portland County Sheriff's Search and Rescue Team to seek a

missing autistic man, teens Alexis, Nick, and Ruby instead find a girl’s body and

join forces to find her murderer, forming an unlikely friendship along the way.

If your student(s) are interested in attending her session next fall, please encourage him or

her to read at least one of Ms. Henry’s books this summer. There will be some sort of short

form to fill out to indicate they are interested in listening to this exciting author. More

information about April Henry can be found on her website


I would like to thank our PTA for funding her visit to Patrick Henry. The PTA does so many

things to help our students and staff here, and I’m sure if you would like to help offset this

latest expense they would appreciate your donation! In addition to PTA, funding is being

provided by the South Dakota Humanities Council and the South Dakota State Library


Please encourage your child to continue to read over the summer. It’s so important they keep

their reading level close to where it is now and not slide backward. Thank you for everything

you do to support your child in their educational endeavors! Enjoy the summer and I look

forward to seeing all our great students again next fall! Mrs. Nelson, Cybrarian

Patrick Henry Bingo

A book with more than 300 pages


A book you loved when A book you loved when A book you loved when A book you loved when you were youngeryou were youngeryou were youngeryou were younger




A book chosen be-

cause of the cover


A book recom-A book recom-A book recom-A book recom-

mended by a mended by a mended by a mended by a



A book whose author

has the letter “N” in

their name


Read 30 minutes straight OUTSIDE


A non-fiction book


A book with a A book with a A book with a A book with a

one word titleone word titleone word titleone word title


A magazine or newspa-per article


A bo�� ba�e �� ���� st���


Read Any




A funny book


A poetry book or verse A poetry book or verse A poetry book or verse A poetry book or verse novelnovelnovelnovel


Get a public library librar-ian’s signature

Librarian signature:

A mystery bookA mystery bookA mystery bookA mystery book


A book set in a different A book set in a different A book set in a different A book set in a different countrycountrycountrycountry


Read Any



A fantasy bookA fantasy bookA fantasy bookA fantasy book


Read with a flashlight





Read Any



A scary bookA scary bookA scary bookA scary book


A book with a number in A book with a number in A book with a number in A book with a number in

the titlethe titlethe titlethe title


Name: __________________________________________ Grade in 2016-17:________________

Enjoy summer reading and earn a breakfast party while you read and play BINGO. Choose books to read at your

reading level, and use each book ONLY ONCE on the BINGO sheet. Write the ?tle of each book you read in the

matching square and have a parent or guardian sign at the bo>om. See back page for reward and other


Patrick Henry Summer Reading BINGO Program

Even though school is ending for summer break, that doesn’t mean reading needs to end, too.

Research shows that children who con?nue to read during the summer maintain or improve their

reading skills and perform be>er in the fall when school resumes. To promote summer reading,

we are encouraging students to par?cipate in our Summer BINGO Reading Program. We also

recommend visi?ng any of the Siouxland library branches in Sioux Falls and par?cipa?ng in their

summer reading programs.

Students who par?cipate in the Summer Reading BINGO Program must complete at least one

square (in addi?on to the free space) from the BINGO form and hopefully complete a BINGO

(five across, down or diagonally including the free space). Students should choose books at their

interest and reading level or from the suggested list on this page. In the fall, students comple.ng

a BINGO will be invited to a “Summer Reading Party.” Donut holes and juice will be provided and

a drawing will be held for addi.onal prizes. Students covering ALL squares (blackout) will be

entered into a drawing for a $25 Barnes & Noble giI card.

Suggested Authors: Suggested Titles:

Gordon Korman Enclave - Aguirre

Ben Mikaelsen Ruins of Gorlan - Flanagan

Louis Sachar Selec�on - Cass

Erin Hunter The Enemy - Higson

Mary Downing Hahn Running Dream - Van Draanen

Margaret Haddix Legend - Lu

Carl Deuker Michael Vey - Evans

Teri Terry Drums, Girls & Dangerous Pie - Sonnenblick

Mike Lupica Girl Stolen - Henry

Carl Hiassen Fallout - Strasser

Ally Carter Chasing Lincoln’s Killer - Swanson

Kenneth Oppel Half a Chance - Lord

Michael Sco> There Will be Bears - Gebhart

Dean Hughes Crossover – Alexander

Sarah Dessen Fish in a Tree - Hunt

Lauren Myracle Coun�ng by 7’s - Sloan

Wendy Mass Rule of Three - Walters

D. J. MacHale A Night Divided - Nielsen

Joseph Delaney How They Croaked - Bragg

Cassandra Clare Small as an Elephant - Jacobson

Patrick Henry Athle.c Informa.on

For the 2016-17 school year the Sioux Falls Schools will have the parents/guardians

complete the athle.c par.cipa.on packet online. Parents/guardians will need to go to

the district website to fill out the health informa.on form and the athle.c

par.cipa.on packet online for students to par.cipate in athle.cs for the next school

year. This form used to be blue in color and will need to be filled out online this

summer. When comple.ng your online registra.on, it will ask you if your son or

daughter would like to par.cipate in sports next year. If you click yes, it will take you to

the athle.c form online to complete. Parents/Guardians will NOT be able to complete

this part un.l summer. ATI will let parents know what date online registra.on/annual

updates will open. All informa.on will be found on the Sioux Falls District Website.

To print a paper copy go the District Website at www.sf.k12.sd.us and hover your

mouse over STUDENTS at the top of the page. In the student menu, select ACTIVITIES ,

at the boMom of the page in red you will find the packet named ACTIVITIES/ATHLETICS

PARTICIPANT PACKET 2016-2017. When you open the packet it will be yellow.

Complete and return to Mr. Andersen. He will be available during Panther Preview Day

to answer any ques.ons. These forms should be filled out by the fall. Your child will

not be able to prac.ce or par.cipate in any athle.cs if the online packet is not



FACS cluster students visited the Person farm near Hartford to

find out where their food comes from.

Garden club will meet Tuesdays this summer, from either

9:00-12:00 in the morning, or 5:30-7:30 in the evening

(weather permitting). We will meet at the Northeast

entrance of PHMS. If you would like to help work and

harvest the produce, join the Garden Club. Stop by the

counseling office to sign up! All are welcome.

Becca Erikson Rebecca.erikson@k12.sd.us

Ms. Veenis Karyn.veenis@k12.sd.us


PHMS Mentor Program

We would like to take this time to thank the parents of PHMS for your donations to help make the PHMS Mentor Program a success. In the fall we hosted a breakfast before school to familiarize the Mentors/Mentees. On May 26, we will host our annual Bingo and Root Beer Float end of school year party for the Mentors/Mentees. Without your continued support, we would not be able to successfully host these events.

Thank You to ALL who donated

gift cards and/or food for

Staff Appreciation Week!

The week was a success! The

staff loved the food & each

staff member received a gift


Thanks for helping make this

week possible,

Valerie Mickelson &

Becky Brost

Staff Appreciation co-chairs

PTA News and Notes

M o n T u e W e d T h u F r i















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LUNCH MENU June 2016

Patrick Henry Middle School SFSD



People with disabili.es may contact the building

principal or site administrator at least 72 hours

before the event to obtain reasonable

accommoda.ons needed to par.cipate in district

programs or ac.vi.es. If the principal or site

administrator is unable to address the request,

concerns should be referred to the Supervisor of

Health Services at the Instruc.onal Planning Center.


Sioux Falls School District Mission

To educate and prepare each student to

succeed in a changing world.

WHS Summer Reading Lists

All students going into grades 9-12 have required summer reading. I am Ms. Smith, the librarian at

Washington High School. Your student received a copy of the list on May 25th, but if they lost it, please go

to my website at h>p://teenreadingrocks.weebly.com/whs-reading-lists.html to find your student’s summer

reading op?ons. Copies of books from all the lists will be available in the library, and many of the books can

be accessed as eBooks from Overdrive. The lists indicate which books are on Overdrive.

WHS Summer Library Hours & Events

This summer, the WHS Library will be open on Wednesdays from 12:00-4:00 pm from June 8th



and Warrior Day, Aug 24th

, from 8:00-3:00. Every Wednesday, we will also have events at 2:00 at either

the WHS Library or the Oak View Public Library. The schedule of events will be available at h>p://


WHS & Oak View Library – Summer Events for Teens – 2:00 on Wednesdays, June-July

June 8th

– Smart Smoothies @ WHS

June 15th

– Henna Art @ OVL

June 22nd

– Beau?ful Braids @ WHS

June 29th

– Paracord Bracelets@OVL

July 6th

– Sweet Book Share @ WHS

July 13th

– Taste Off @ OVL

July 20th

–Mini Golf @ WHS

July 27th

– Quidditch @ OVL

July 29th

– Lock-In @ 7:00pm - WHS

WHS & Oak View Annual Summer Lock-In

The WHS Library and Oak View Library are once again collabora?ng to host a summer reading

challenge. WHS students who read five or more books over the summer will be able to a>end the

WHS Library Lock-In on July 29th

at 7:00 pm to July 30th

at 7:00 am. During the lock-in, student s will be

playing games, watching movies, reading, and ea?ng a colossal amount of food. Students must stop in the

WHS Library to share the five books they have read with Ms. Smith and get a signed parental consent form .

To receive weekly text or email messages about summer library hours and events, text @whsreads to

81010 or (424)322-7977 or send an email to whsreads@mail.remind.com

Welcome to the WHS Library Incoming 9th Graders!Welcome to the WHS Library Incoming 9th Graders!Welcome to the WHS Library Incoming 9th Graders!Welcome to the WHS Library Incoming 9th Graders!