June 2013 Half Time!bhscouts.com.au/Newsletters/Newsletter-June2013.pdf · Joeys At Jott..... 11...

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Transcript of June 2013 Half Time!bhscouts.com.au/Newsletters/Newsletter-June2013.pdf · Joeys At Jott..... 11...

Half Time!

Well that’s half way through the year already, but no rest for our leaders.

This is the busy time of the year for camps, especially scouts who have

their major Region Camp and SSS camps. These camps are the chance

for the scouts to show what they are made of. They have to set up their

own camp, cook their own meals and do all that fun stuff scouts for

which scouts are renown.

With a significant increase in scouts, we have been busy purchasing

equipment. Over $10000 has been spent on equipment since the start of

last year and there is still more to be purchased. To support the purchase

of this equipment we have had a couple more Bunnings BBQs which

were quite successful. We could do with some more help at these events

though. We had a couple o new faces but in general it seems to be the

same people offering to help each time. We have another Bunnings BBQ

coming up in August, so feel free to offer your services!

We had out Annual Report Presentation on May 31st. Cr Greg Betts,

Michael Hart MLA and Regional Commissioner Bob Campbell were our

special guests. We had a few parents attend but for a group of our size,

it was disappointing we did not have more. On the night we present

what has been achieved for the year, both from the committee point of

view and the individual sections. It’s not a long night and it’s well worth

hearing what everyone has been up to and to show your support for

their work.

We also held a working bee. It was good to see a number of parents

and youth members attend. Thank you very much for all your hard work

on the day. We started at 9am and most people were gone by 12pm.

With a lot of people we managed get a lot of work done in three hours!


Jeff Butterworth (Numbat)

June 2013


Half Time! ......................................... 1

Working Bee .................................... 2

Mitchell Masia ................................. 2

Queenslander!!!.............................. 2

Anzac Day ....................................... 2

Thank You Hinterland Mowers ..... 3

Getting Started Vouchers ............. 3

Presentation of International Scouting

Award ............................................... 3

New Facilities .................................. 4

Solar Power ...................................... 4

Working Bee .................................... 5

Region Camp 2013 ........................ 5

Joeys ................................................. 6

Cubs ................................................. 7

Wednesday Scouts ........................ 8

Thursday Scouts .............................. 9

Venturers ........................................ 10

Rovers Crew .................................. 10

Joeys At Jott .................................. 11

Contacts ........................................ 12

Burleigh Heads

Scout Group

32 Stephens Street

Burleigh Heads.

PO Box 69

Burleigh Heads Q 4220



Phone 07 55 350 744

Mobile 0416 257 093

Burleigh Heads Scout Group

Working Bee

The working bee was a great success. We had a number of parents

attend (don’t worry there is always room for more!) and we powered

through a number of jobs.

Camp Kallaroo walls scrubbed down - upstairs and downstairs

Camp Kallaroo bathrooms cleaned, towel racks removed and

rust cleaned up.

Den bathrooms cleaned up

Timber surrounds of BBQ areas sanded/varnished

Entrance ceilings cleaned and red poles painted. Ceiling came

up better but still needs a paint.

Gardens cleaned up.

Camp Kallaroo freezer seals cleaned up.

Sprayed for bindis and garden weeds.

Gazebos checked for tears and broken poles.!

Outside sinks cleaned.

Coat of oil on the BBQ tables.

A very BIG thank you to all those people who attended!

Mitchell Masia

One of our young cubs, Mitchell Masai, sufferered a stroke in May. When

we found out we started a collection to raise some money. Thanks to the

generosity of our members, we raised $375! This has been sent on to

Mitchell and will go towards Mitchell’s medical expenses. Mitchell also

suffered a broken ankle during his initial physiotherapy, which has been a

further obstacle to his recovery. However, an email from his mum, June

24th, says that the cast is off and that with a lot of physiotherapy and

occupational therapy, he is starting to regain control off his left side.

Sounds like his mum and dad have been very impressed with his bravery

and desire to get home! We wish him all the best in his recovery.


No, not the mighty Maroons but tents! With a strong growth in scout

numbers, we needed several new Queenslander tents. These are the old

style canvas tents for which you need to lash your poles and tie your own

ropes. They are excellent for the scouts to practise their skills. However,

they are not cheap, costing $2000 each. Thanks to successful fundraising

over the last few months, we were able to afford two new ones.

Anzac Day

As usual there was a good turn up at Anzac Day. Scouts had a sleepover

at the den and attended Burleigh dawn service, while the Venturers had

a sleep over at Gecko Hall and attended the Currumbin dawn service.

All sections met at the den and walked down to Burleigh where they

marched to the morning service.

It’s the one event of the year where we get all sections together and it

was good to see so many people!

Getting everything shiny at the working bee

Putting up the Queenslanders!

Laying wreaths at Anzac day.

Under the shelter at Anzac Day

Burleigh Heads Scout Group

Thank You Hinterland Mowers

Ask and ye shall receive. Galah was bemoaning the fact that they could

really use a chainsaw for cutting up firewood for camps. One of the

scout dads works at Hinterland Mowers at Nerang and organised a

donation of a chainsaw for the Burleigh Scouts. Top effort and much


Getting Started Vouchers

The Queensland Government’s Getting Started scheme provides

vouchers of $150 to families to meet sporting costs. Scouts is an eligible

organisation! A number of our members obtained these vouchers in

January to go towards term fees. The next round of vouches is available

starting July 1st. Further details at the website:

Presentation of International Scouting Award

On 17 March 2013 at the Gold Coast Region Scouts breakfast held at the

Gold Coast Arts Centre, Region Commissioner Bob Campbell presented

Burleigh Heads Venturer Ryan Kidd with the International Explorer Award,

a belt buckle that can be worn in place of the standard belt buckle on

the uniform belt.

The International Explorer Award can be earned by any member of

Scouts Australia who travels to an international Scouting event overseas

and participates in two of the following activities:

1. Service (minimum 4 hours)

2. Camping (minimum 1 night)

3. Training (minimum 1 complete day)

4. Attend at least three meetings (minimum 3 hours)

Three reports or presentations must be completed within 12 months of

returning from the international Scouting event.

See http://international.scouts.com.au/main.asp?iStoryID=19933165 for

more information.


As we all know, scouts grew very quickly! In some cases, a pair of boots

may have only been worn once or twice. Starting next newsletter, we will

start running ads for any items/equipment you may wish to sell. Send us

the item details, price and contact details and hopefully you will be able

to sell them!

Ryan Kidd being presented his award

by BobCampbell.

The belt buckle given for the award.

Burleigh Heads Scout Group

New Facilities Last year the committee, under direction of

group leader Roland, investigated possible

extensions to the den. A number of items were


- A new shed to store trailers and equipment.

- Covered area next to BBQ

- Covered car park near Stephen Street


We were considering using money set aside

from when the den was redeveloped in 2007 to

pay for these items. However, the committee

decided to apply for a grant from the the

Queensland Government’s Gambling

Community Benefit Fund. Earlier this year we

were notified that we were successful in

receiving a grant of $24,000! You can imagine

we were quite excited to hear we were


We have now entered the next phase of

obtaining branch and council approvals. We

are hopefully we will see the new items by the

end of Term 3.

Solar Power

Another extension to the den that was

considered was solar power. Fortunately, we

submitted paperwork to secure the 44c rebate

before the cut off last year. Given that we

received a grant for the facilities described

above, we were able to access the

development funds leftover from when the den

was redeveloped in 2007 to pay for a solar

system. Last week a new 6kW system was

installed at the den, just in time for the June 30

cut off. We hope that we will save $2000-$3000

each year in electricity costs leading to

substantial savings in the coming years.

The development plan for the new facilities.

6kW of solar power generating goodness

Burleigh Heads Scout Group

Working Bee

Region Camp 2013

Burleigh Heads Scout Group


Joeys HOP!

The term just past has been as eventful as ever with Joey numbers also

increasing to include some new joeys who are always welcome.

A couple of events this term were fully attended, with every single joey

present with their family, which is an awesome show of commitment to

the Joey spirit of participation and enjoying time together with other


Some specific events included the Anzac parade through downtown

Burleigh to show our support and commemorate the returned soldiers

from so long ago. At this Anzac parade we were honoured to have the

Rovers assist the Joeys in decorating wreaths which were laid at the

memorial. Big thanks to Rovers there.

Another big event was the JOTT (Joeys on the trail) at Springbrook. We

were joined by our Joey buddies from Nerang and were pretty nervous

huddled in a rain shelter wondering if we had enough raincoats to go

around. Luckily Echidna had many to spare and a few umbrellas as well

so off we went in the light rain. The leaches loved it! I think nearly every

poor joey found out what leaches are on this hike. Anyway Springbrook is

always a beautiful walk and the waterfalls were flowing with all the rain.

Oh, did I mention the leaches...

The next big event for the term was the Rail Museum and Queens Park,

again with the Nerang Joeys, and including a sleepover at the Ipswich

den. The den's rather rustic charm included a resident possum with baby

possum that lived in an annex of the den. The rail museum was a really

good day for the historical content regarding QLD rail's steam train

heritage which included close up behind the scenes tour of the rail

workshop where the blacksmiths still work on maintenance and

restoration of the working steam trains that are kept there. Other

activities included damper making and stock whip cracking all of which

had the Joeys highly engaged and entertained.

Tree planting at federation walk was also well attended and many

hands saw the work finished in record time this year. We also made a

point of visiting the previous site where we planted the year before

which was doing well. I think the organizers were well impressed with the

group's (not just joeys) efforts as we were with their hospitality and most

delicious fruit platter laid on with the sausage sizzle. Thanks to the parents

there for a great turnout.

Last of all I have to mention a very recent night at the den where we

dusted off the stage to host the "Joeys Have Talent Show". The joeys were

asked to perform and act for the rest of the joeys and parents. All

performances were well received by our studio audience of joeys and

parents. We were treated to several solo piano performances, a group

of drummers, and several skits and stand up comedians. A special

mention to Ross though for his solo singing performances of not one but

two national anthems - Australia fare and the Scottish anthem.

We are looking forward to another exciting term 3.

Joeys with Rovers at Anzac Day

Getting ready to march.

Talented drumming!

Ross singing his heart out!

Burleigh Heads Scout Group


Term 2 has gone fast again

We have been meeting with White Wolf Pack this term

We would like to welcome James Batho to assist Baloo

We all met at the Den on Saturday afternoon to go to our first Night Howl

event for the Gold Coast Region. While Tas , Baloo and the other parents

helpers were getting lunch, Crow was head of everyone until Tas got a

phone call from Crow and she could not find us so we waited for her. We

arrived at the campsite and put up out tents

The event started at 6pm. Our teams started at 8:45pm and 9:00pm. We

finish the bases at midnight

The next day on closing parade we were told the top five places:

James Team 3rd

The Best Six (Baloo Team) 5th Tas Team 11th

Well done to both Packs

We did a pack camp at Guanaba. Tas and Baloo setup on Friday. We

stayed Friday night and Saturday morning it was too cold to get out of

the tent. Chloe did her Grey Wolf walk with Magpie on Saturday

afternoon. The Cubs were all tired so they went to bed early. Sunday was

a sleep-in for everyone. We packed up the campsite and headed back

to the Den

Thanks for the Parents for helping us on both camps this term

On our last night of term we went to Putt Putt.

I would like to thanks the parents for supporting both Packs this term

Good Hunting


Joeys admiring the model railway

Damper is always good!

That’s a big mob of Joeys!

They have lots of old stuff in Mueseums

Burleigh Heads Scout Group

Wednesday Scouts

Wednesday Scout Troop has been full speed ahead this term. Troop

council decided the theme for term two was Scout Skills with a few fun

activities. The program was run by the Scouts and they managed to

keep the Troop engaged, job well done. The Scouts participated in wide

games, Anzac Day, navigation, camp fires, cooking with different

methods, badge work, fitness and preparation for Region Camp. The

Rovers came along for one night and ran a program, the Scouts loved it.

All of these activities are great for the youth to learn from their peers with

guidance from the Scout Leaders. We have two Scouts attending the

World Scout Jamboree in Japan.

Two Scouts completed their Leadership Projects this term.

Congratulations to Karly and Stephen, many thanks to those Scouts who

participated, it seems like you all had a great time. Both Karly and

Stephen were solely responsible for organising an overnight camp for 6-8

Scouts with limited adult supervision. Some of the younger Scouts that

participated were awarded their pioneer level patrol activity badge,

well done.

Jamboree on the Trail (JOTT) was a great success. Unfortunately we had

a change in venue due to track closure. Thanks to Thursday Scouts we

joined them on the Daves Creek Walking Track at Binna Burra. It was a

great experience we walked approx 12km, pretty good effort. Scouts

have received a JOTT blanket badge.

Anzac Day was a great success Scouts attended an overnight sleepover

at the Den. We had 27 scouts attend the Dawn Service and 22 attend

the parade on the same day. We were very fortunate to have a current

serving Soldier come and have a chat with the Scouts, big thanks to

Galah for organising it.

Region Camp was a little wet, but the Scouts soldiered on. This was the

first competition camp that the Wednesday Troop has attended. We

had 4 patrols total of 27 Scouts participate, great effort. The Scouts were

responsible for their own camp sites. They were expected to pitch their

own tent and kitchen fly, do all of their cooking, hygiene and

construction of gateways. The Leaders were very proud of the effort the

Scouts put into the camp. Patrol Leaders were challenged on this camp

and it was good to get feedback about their experience. We want an

open door policy so the Scouts feel comfortable chatting to the Leaders

about their experiences, good or bad. Overall the Red Back Spider

Patrol came home with the award for Cooking, congratulations. All

patrols received great positive feedback from the judges and advise

was given about improvements needed for the future. We have SSS

over the School holidays and our Scouts are already organising their

menus and construction ideas.

Karly is working towards her Scout Medallion and her last challenge

needed is to complete a three day Green Level hike. During the school

holidays she will be undertaking this challenge, we wish her all the best.

Thank you to all of our parents for your support during the term we can't

function without your help with transport to and from events. Big thanks

to the families who assisted with taking some of the gear home from the

Region Camp, huge help. Thanks for participating in fundraising events

and the working bee it is great see our families involved from the

Wednesday Troop.

Karly’s leadership project

Getting ready for JOTT

It’s a bit wet!

Ready to march at Anzac Day.

Masterchef scouts!

Burleigh Heads Scout Group

Congratulations to Yabbie for completing his Leader Training this term.

We now have three qualified Leaders.

See you all next term, keep up the great work.

Wednesday Troop Leadership team

Thursday Scouts

Term 2 has been both busy and successful with a very good programme

organised by our senior youth members at our last troop council.

We started off the term with a games night and in the second week we

had a great combined night with the Wednesday night troop on the eve

of ANZAC day with a sleepover before the ANZAC day dawn service.

In the third week we had an “Around The World” theme night which the

scouts really excelled in and enjoyed. This included each patrol selecting

a country and performing a set of cultural and language activities for

their chosen country, this was very entertaining for the leaders and was

my personal highlight for the term.

Other activities for this term have included:

-ANZAC day Dawn and Parade services.

-“Springbrook Rescue” environmental day assisting with weeding on a

piece of national heritage land.

-JOTT hike (Jamboree on the Trail).

-Police visit at the den.

-Two scout’s leadership activities.

-Regional camp (huge!). Burleigh Meerkats won the cooking award in a

tie with the Redbacks patrol from our Wednesday troop. The Meerkats

patrol included: Emma (PL), Bella (APL), Mitchell, Adele, Thomas, Billie

and Mia....simples.

We are now focused on the SSS camp so the recent scout nights have

been “at the business end of scouting” and have focused on camping

skills and camp preparation.

Also, one of our senior scouts Morgan is doing an Adventurer level hike at

the end of this term, thanks to Magpie for his efforts there.

Our numbers have grown again and are now at 30 youth members in

the Thursday Night Troop. We have three leaders and also have Magpie

in the wings for the hiking and other adventurous activities assistance.

That wraps it up!

Bullant (Allan Gillespie)

The Beast from Region Camp!

Region Camp dress up

Panther patrol gateway

Hawk Patrol gateway.

Yabbie takes on Robin Hood

Burleigh Heads Scout Group


This Semester in Venturers we have been busy with camps such as May

Venture and our ANZAC Day sleepover. The Anzac Day sleepover was

our first camp this semester because unfortunately all our previous

camps had been rained out or delayed. Despite this, our first camp was

quite successful and I am sure those of us that participated all enjoyed

ourselves. We awoke early on Anzac day to join in the ANZAC service at

Elephant Rock and afterwards many of us participated in the Burleigh

Service with the rest of the Group, as well as some venturers who hadn’t

been able to make the ANZAC Day Sleepover.

In May we, unsurprisingly, went off to partake in May Venture. This camp

was a regional camp between numerous groups up at the Woodstock

Evolve campsite. While we only had a small group on this camp is was

still very enjoyable participating in events such as mine sweeper and

watching the iron gut challenge (but maybe not so enjoyable if we were

in the challenge). As well as this, three of us went to Operation Archer.

Archer is a night hike, similar to Nighthawk, but only for venturers.

Unfortunately, we had a small turn out for this camp due to uncertainty

over the date. This camp in second term had been postponed since the

start of the year due to bad weather and this had cause the confusion

but we did manage to get a team in. Overall, this semester has been

very exciting and we are looking forward to another great term where

we will resume our Wednesday night meetings.

Rovers Crew

The start of our year has been filled with birthday celebrations with a kid’s

party themed night for Sam and Gemma’s birthday and a onesie party

for Laura’s. The crew have also been busy with visiting the joeys to make

the ANZAC day wreaths that were laid on ANZAC day and helping out

with region camp clean up at Wednesday night scouts. We have

included visits to other sections in our calendar so please look out for our


One of the major events on the rover calendar each year is the annual

St George’s Rover Ball. The ball is a social event for the rovers and a

chance to recognize those within the section that give a lot of their time.

Sadly Burleigh Rovers were not awarded anything this year but Gold

Coast Rovers were awarded the “Region Pride” award for always

supporting the region and attendance at SEQ events.

Other weekly activities the crew have done are; Giant Monopoly, Yoga

and a Card Night.

Upcoming events include Drive in movies, night fishing and going to see

Brisbane Gangshow

The 14th World Moot is being held in Canada in August and two of our

rovers; Sam and Laura, are very excited to be a part of the Australian

and New Zealand Contingent. The girls are also spending time in the US

before and after moot and are away for a total of 8 weeks. Good luck

on your travels girls!

We now have 4 crew members and are working on recruiting a few

more! If you know anyone that is 18-25 years old and loves to have fun

and go on adventures, send them our way :)

Sam and Gemme birthday candles.

Laura’s onesie crew birthday party.

Laura, Gemma and Sam at St

Georges Ball 2013.

Sam, Kyle and Laura playing giant


Our visit to Wednesday scouts.

Burleigh Heads Scout Group

Joeys At Jott

Burleigh Heads Scout Group


Thursday Scouts

Aaron: Their Service - Our Heritage

Adele: Scout Craft, Their Service - Our Heritage

Amit: Their Service - Our Heritage

Bella: Their Service - Our Heritage

Billie: Art Proficiency, Explorer Water Safety, Their Service - Our Heritage

Camryn: Their Service - Our Heritage

Cara: Scout Craft, Their Service - Our Heritage

Curtis: Their Service - Our Heritage

Dean: Their Service - Our Heritage

Dylan: World Scout Environment

Emma: World Scout Environment, Their Service - Our Heritage

Ethan: Their Service - Our Heritage

Jason: Scout Craft,Their Service - Our Heritage

Mason: World Scout Environment, Their Service - Our Heritage

Max: World Scout Environment, Their Service - Our Heritage

Matthew: Pioneer Water Safety, Music Proficiency, Their Service - Our Heritage

Mia: Their Service - Our Heritage

Morgan: World Scout Environment, Their Service - Our Heritage

Owen: Their Service - Our Heritage

Thomas: Their Service - Our Heritage

Quinn: Their Service - Our Heritage

Zane: Explorer Emergencies, Their Service - Our Heritage


Group Leader Roland Franz 0450 656 093 gl@bhscouts.com.au

Assistant GL Anthony Watt 0420 980 256 agl@bhscouts.com.au

Chairman Jeff Butterworth 0411 116 380 chairman@bhscouts.com.au

Secretary Karen Johnson secretary@bhscouts.com.au

Treasurer Rose Way 0414 166 471 treasurer@bhscouts.com.au