July September 2018 YAIY Beacon 1 · of the rich young ruler? (Matt.19:21). ... This man's wealth...

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Transcript of July September 2018 YAIY Beacon 1 · of the rich young ruler? (Matt.19:21). ... This man's wealth...

July ‒ September 2018 YAIY Beacon 1

2 July ‒ September 2018 YAIY Beacon

Volume 12 Number 3


STATEMENT Our mission and purpose is to reach people around

the world with the message of the revealed personal

Names of Yahweh and His Son Yahshua the Messiah,

as well as teaching the salvation truths that have been

neglected for centuries.

This magazine, YAIY Beacon, is published quar-

terly by Yahweh’s Assembly in Yahshua, 2963 Co. Rd.

233, Kingdom City, MO 65262.

This magazine is sent free of charge, made possible

through the tithes and offerings of those who desire to

see the light of truth shine in our day.

© 2018 Yahweh's Assembly in Yahshua



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Live streaming of Sabbath

Services at 1:30 CST

Cover: courtesy of dreamstime.com

An Investment of a Lifetime 3

... and Far Beyond By Elder Donald R. Mansager (deceased)

Lean On Me 6 By Brother John Illgen

History — The Key to Coming 11

Events! — Part 1 By Elder Ralph Henrie (deceased)

Atonement: Past and Present 17

By Elder David Brett

Question and Answer 21

Revealing The Truth TV Schedule

Inside Back Cover

July ‒ September 2018 YAIY Beacon 3

Aside from being the one and only salvation

guide, the Bible is a history book - the greatest

of all time. It gives the true account of creation

and the Creator and a history of faithful Abra-

ham and his progeny, both in the Old and in the

New Testaments. Beyond that, though, Scripture

teaches us about our Creator Yahweh.

From the Word we also learn about the physi-

cal world. But the Bible is a message of the spirit

as well. As we read Scripture, we sense, below

the surface, a moving of the heart's emotions.

We receive a depth of understanding beyond the

physical. The Bible's words are spirit, and they

are life!

Each time we read or study the Bible, we can

sense a profound change coming over us. Our

thinking ascends to new heights; Yahweh's Spirit

works with ours, prompting us to seek higher

levels, to a plane that takes us beyond the physi-

cal, material realm. We enter a kind of twilight

zone, approaching an awe-

some celestial sphere we have

never encountered before. We

become acutely aware that we

are approaching the threshold

of the spiritual where Yahweh

is reached and where He com-

municates with us.

By reading His Book, we

grasp, in a small measure, the

fullness and depth of His

power and majesty. He teaches

us His truth through His Word.

Dealing with Selfishness The Bible renders unembel-

lished accounts of its heroes

just as they are; successes with

blemishes and hopes with

shattered aspirations. Always

hovering over the scene is the concept of a lov-

ing, forgiving Almighty. He is Yahweh, One

Who willingly extends His tender mercies to all

who will turn from their wicked ways and follow

Him with a full heart. Readers of Scripture often

are unaware of the virtues of giving, receiving,

and reciprocating. Spiritual values are learned

through physical acts. A deeper comprehension

of our purpose in life is gleaned from considera-

tion of spiritual aspects of Yahweh's methods in

dealing with humans. Being good custodians of

what Yahweh has given us is one aspect of this

spiritual acquisition. It includes much more than

the tithe.

The basic problem with carnal mankind eve-

rywhere is selfishness. All good things come

from Yahweh, Who provides everything we

need to live and Who has given us life itself. The

Bible subtly relates Yahweh's giving something

to mankind and expecting us to use it wisely.

Gifts He gives include

property, family, wisdom,

possessions, liberty, freedom,

and longevity of life. These

are given, expecting they will

bring glory to Yahweh, while

the use of them will benefit

the recipient.

We should all feel a deep

responsibility for anything

Yahweh has given us. We

must learn to be accountable

and have such a deep respect

for His creation that we in

return always feel obligated

to Yahweh as the owner of

everything we have.

Merely fulfilling the re-

quirements of the law but

lacking the spiritual under-

4 July ‒ September 2018 YAIY Beacon

standing for doing it, is not

pleasing to Yahweh. This is

what our Savior was trying to

explain when He extended the

dimension beyond a quoted

maxim of law with the preface:

"But I say unto you ... "

We Are Given a Trust Our perception or attitude

toward Yahweh and His laws

must be one of deep respect

with a keen desire to please

Him. He is the owner of all and

expects us to show our gratitude

by giving Him the best that we

have, the firstfruits of our in-


Honor Yahweh with your

substance, and with the

firstfruits of all your increase,

Proverbs 3:9.

The writer of Proverbs goes

on to explain the wonderful

blessings that follow when hon-

oring Yahweh with what we


The firstfruits are the best of

the crop. The later yield doesn't

measure up to the fruit that

first appears in spring. This is

the produce that belongs to

Yahweh (Num. 28:26) and

giving of those firstfruits hon-

ors Yahweh so that we, in re-

turn, receive His blessings,

His good things. He expects

us to give from the best that

we have.

The first, the best, whether

it be efforts, waking moments,

wages, whatever ... He is wor-

thy of our best. Firstfruits

may be assumed to be a tenth

or tithe, but Proverbs does not

mention how much. It may be

more than a tenth.

That which dominates our

mind, the greater part of our

waking moments, determines

most of our activities. Our secu-

lar world has enticements all

around us, night and day. We

often fantasize and dream of a

better life here on earth through

obtaining more and more crea-

ture comforts.

Dreaming of a better life is

something many turn to often

for solace and comfort, relaxa-

tion and enjoyment. It is what

some think on most, lost in a

dreamy, wishful wonderland.

Whatever occupies most of our

thinking controls our subcon-

scious and motivates our ac-

tions. Yahshua said to all of us:

For where your treasure is,

there will your heart be also,

Luke 12:34.

The Old Testament reveals

that Yahweh had turned His

earthly creation over to man as

a trust. Man was to manage the

earth with its flora and fauna

and to govern himself. Yahweh

continues to be the owner, but

has placed man in charge. We

recognize His sovereignty when

we return to Him a portion of

the increase of our labors.

The New Testament empha-

sizes the spiritual application of

Yahweh's laws far above satis-

fying any physical desire. We

are to develop the proper atti-

tude as we grow and mature in

the stature of the Savior.

Keeping His laws out of

mere obligation is not pleasing

to Yahweh. We are to compre-

hend His purpose, His goals,

His loving and tender mercies.

He sent His Son to teach a

deeper spiritual aspect of His

truth so that we perceive things

from His viewpoint ― to think

like Him, act like Him, and

walk in His very footsteps.

Your Treasure in Heaven Yahweh reveals to us that

our goal in life is beyond this

mundane civilization and soci-

ety. There is a fantastic world

ahead, and we are invited to

be participants in it. We must

realize we are being tested to

reveal our ultimate intentions.

What is it that prompts us

to seek Yahweh's truth which

is found in His Bible? To

some it is mere curiosity at

first. The Bible is a fascina-

tion for some, yet it can be-

wilder and mystify. It holds a

perplexing attraction that de-

mands further investigation.

Yahweh owns all things.

During the three score and ten

years He has allotted us, we

July ‒ September 2018 YAIY Beacon 5

appropriate from His earth

those things we need to survive:

The earth has Yahweh given

to the children of men, Psalm

115: 16b.

Yahweh has made a way for

us to take some of our assets

and reach beyond this mundane

world into the next. We can turn

some of our resources into in-

vestments in the everlasting

Kingdom. "Lay up for your-

selves treasures in heaven," our

Savior said in Matthew 6. But

how do we do that?

Help Someone Find Truth The Bible likens our life to a

vapor. Our 70 allotted years are

soon gone. The things we pos-

sess, the goods we have, the life

we live, and we ourselves will

soon pass from the scene. It is

possible to turn some of our

transitory, tangible, capital into

eternal gain. The world's goods,

much like the grass that today

is, and tomorrow is gone, if

handled properly, can become a

permanent investment that will

endure throughout the ages.

All too often our earnings

are spent on material goods that

perish and soon disappear.

Those things we desire, the

things we treasure, the posses-

sions we covet now will not

last. A house or home in which

we live may endure for a few

generations, but eventually who

lived there will be forgotten.

We can, however, invest in a

house that will endure forever.

That house is the household, the

family of Yahweh. Our tithes

and offerings can make the dif-

ference as to whether or not

someone comes to a saving

knowledge of the Messiah

Yahshua, and becomes a son or

daughter of the Most High and

lives forever in the Kingdom.

What could be more important?

What better use can we make of

our brief time on earth than to

use our personal resources to

help others?

Yahshua said,

Lay not up for yourselves

treasures upon earth, where

moth and rust doth corrupt, and

where thieves break through

and steal: but lay up for your-

selves treasures in heaven,

where neither moth nor rust

doth corrupt, and where thieves

do not break through nor steal,

Matthew 6:19 - 20.

Giving - the Bible Way Are we to understand, then,

that we should give everything

we have to the ministry? Or do

we turn all we own over to the

poor, which Yahshua demanded

of the rich young ruler?

(Matt.19:21). No other individ-

ual was asked to divest himself

of his wealth. This man's wealth

happened to be his greatest ob-

stacle. He apparently worshiped

his wealth, and our Savior gave

him an option: its your wealth

or its Me. Choose.

Rather than giving away all

that we possess, Scripture does

demand of all of us that we

manage our resources well, and

to be good stewards of all that

we have.

This means that we do both.

We manage carefully what we

have, and give away some of

our resources in a way that

pleases Him. The proper han-

dling of our goods and the

Scriptural investing of what we

have is the work of Yahweh.

The focus of the New Testa-

ment is investing in the

"spiritual realm." That invest-

ment begins in the Assembly,

with those who are doing the

work of the ministry.

Paul's inspired understand-

ing in this regard is found in 1

Corinthians 9:3 - 14

Mine answer to them that do

examine Me is this, Have we not

power to eat and to drink?

Have we not power to lead

about a sister, a wife, as well as

other apostles, and as the breth-

ren of the Master, and Cephas?

Or I only and Barnabas, have

not we power to forbear work-

ing? Who goes a warfare any

time at his own charges? Who

<see Investment page 10>

6 July ‒ September 2018 YAIY Beacon

I'm one of those people who, when I get a

song stuck in my head, it just stays there. Right

now, a popular song from the early 70's, "Lean

on Me" by Bill Withers, keeps going through my

mind. I hum the melody and sing a line here and

a line there. There's a lot of wisdom in that song

and it made me think of how we are to relate to

one another as believers in Messiah.

We live in a culture where self-reliance and

rugged individualism are viewed as traits to be

admired and consequently those who need help

are viewed as weak and dependent, sometimes

even as parasites.

Givers Everybody feels good about helping someone

"less fortunate" or in need. In fact, Yahshua ad-

monishes us that the sheep on His right hand will

be those who are feeding the hungry, clothing

the naked, taking in strangers, visiting the sick.

For I was an hungered, and ye gave Me

meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave Me drink: I was

a stranger, and ye took Me in: naked, and ye

clothed Me: I was sick, and ye visited Me: I was

in prison, and ye came unto Me, Matthew 25:35

- 36.

Receivers What about the other side of that equation?

What if we are the one who is in need? For eve-

ryone, everyone who feeds the hungry, there

must be someone who needs food and will ac-

cept the gift. For everyone who visits the sick,

there must be someone who is ill and will accept

the visit and encouragement. Just as we can hide

our lamp (good works) under a bushel (Let your

light so shine before men, that they may see your

good works, and glorify your Father which is in

heaven, Matthew 5:16), we can also hide our

needs because of embarrassment or pride.

Sometimes people will say "I don't want to

burden anyone" or "I'll be OK, I'll get by."

Bill Withers had some important advice for

believers when he wrote:

Lean on me, when you're not strong

And I'll be your friend

I'll help you carry on

For it won't be long

'Til I'm gonna need

Somebody to lean on.

This is what Yahshua was talking about when

He said:

Come to Me, all you who labor and are bur-

dened, and I shall give you rest. Take My yoke

upon you and learn from Me, for I am meek and

humble in heart, and you shall find rest for your

beings. For My yoke is gentle and My burden is

light, Matthew 11:28 - 30.

Givers and Receivers Each of us are both givers and receivers of

assistance. If we receive something from some-

one we are also a giver. We are giving our

brother or sister the opportunity to serve.

Sometimes brethren have the mistaken atti-

tude of refusing what they view as charity, be-

lieving that accepting charity makes them de-

pendent or weak. The "pride of the poor" is

viewed by some as noble and self-reliant, but is

it really? The song continues:

Please swallow your pride

If I have things you need to borrow

For no one can fill those of your needs

That you won't let show

Pride Pride's a tough one for many of us.

Most of us, when we think of prideful people

July ‒ September 2018 YAIY Beacon 7

we think of those who boast

about wealth or they flaunt

some physical attributes like

outward beauty or strength to

draw attention to themselves.

As believers, we think we

would never behave that way,

the way that people in the world


Is it possible though that we

are still struggling with pride

and that it manifests itself in a

more subtle way? All of us have

human nature that we battle and

sometimes we believe our be-

havior may be righteous, but if

we take a closer look at our-

selves, it may be stubbornness

and pride.

The Importance of the

Assembly The first century assembly

set us a tremendous example:

And all those who believed

were together, and had all in

common, and sold their posses-

sions and property, and divided

them among all, as anyone

might have need. And day by

day, continuing with one mind

in the Set-apart Place, and

breaking bread from house to

house, they ate their food with

gladness and simplicity of

heart, praising Elohim and hav-

ing favor with all the people.

And the Master added to the

assembly those who were being

saved, day by day, Act 2:44 –


People gave, people ac-

cepted help as they had need.

What if those who had need

were too proud to ask for help?

What if they wouldn't accept

help when it was offered?

Sha'ul (Paul) admonishes us:

And let us be concerned for

one another in order to stir up

love and good works, not for-

saking the assembling of our-

selves together, as is the habit

of some, but encouraging, and

so much more as you see the

day coming near, Hebrews

10:24 – 25.

Being concerned for one an-

other begins when we worship

and break bread together. When

we have regular worship and

fellowship and meals with one

another, we learn about each

other and how we can help and

serve. We can also begin to

trust one another when we need

help and to allow a brother to

share our burden, without fear

of being judged. We can put

aside that feeling of self-

consciousness and embarrass-

ment about our own struggles.

Isn't that really just pride, when

it comes right down to it? We

can't really develop that trust

with the brethren, if we stay

home and keep the Sabbath by

watching a service on the inter-

net. We might gain a lot of bib-

lical knowledge, or learn the

nuances of Hebrew words. But

what about putting that knowl-

edge to work with our relation-

ships with each other? That's

why we're commanded (not

suggested) to assemble together

for worship. We really need

personal contact with each


Yahshua set us an example

of service when He taught us to

wash one another's feet. How

could we do that if one would

not allow us to serve them?

When we're in regular contact

with each other, the barriers

come down and people are

more readily willing to accept

help. Consequently, if we're the

one needing the help, we feel

more comfortable accepting the


Kěpha (Peter) said to Him,

“By no means shall You wash

my feet, ever!” Yahshua an-

swered him, “If I do not wash

you, you have no part with

Me,” Yochanan (John) 13:8.

When Yahshua explained

what He meant by washing the

disciples feet He said:

So when He had washed

their feet and taken His gar-

ments, and sat down again, He

8 July ‒ September 2018 YAIY Beacon

said to them, “Do you know

what I have done to you? You

call Me Teacher and Master,

and you say well, for I am. Then

if I, Master and Teacher, have

washed your feet, you also

ought to wash one another’s

feet. For I gave you an exam-

ple, that you should do as I

have done to you,” Yochanan

(John) 13:12 - 15.

The example goes both ways

though. Not only are we to

wash one another's feet (serve

each other), we are also to al-

low our feet to be washed

(accept the service of another).

Accepting the gift of service

from a brother is as much of an

act of service as the gift itself.

Would we want to deny a

brother or sister a chance to be

of service? When we are in

regular fellowship with each

other though, we can begin to

trust one another that the ser-

vice offered is from the heart

and not meant to exalt oneself

or belittle the one receiving it.

Isn't that why sometimes people

don't want to accept help? They

feel like the one offering it just

wants to feel superior to them,

or they feel less righteous for

needing the help. When we're

meeting at a minimum every

Sabbath, hopefully more fre-

quently, we get to know one

another on a deeper more per-

sonal level. We see that we all

have trials that we're struggling

with. We all have sins that we

are battling to overcome. These

trials and sins manifest them-

selves in different ways in dif-

ferent believers but we all have

them. When we see that in each

other, we are then moved by

YAHWEH's Spirit to try to

help. Sometimes that help might

be for physical needs, or prayer

for healing or to overcome a


Confess your trespasses to

one another, and pray for one

another, so that you are healed.

The earnest prayer of a right-

eous one accomplishes much,

Ya'akov (James) 5:16.

If we say that we have no

sin, we are misleading our-

selves, and the truth is not in us,

1 Yochanan (1 John) 1:8.

The Song Continues: You just call on me

brother, when you

need a hand

We all need somebody to

lean on

I just might have a prob-

lem that you'll under-


We all need somebody to

lean on

Lean on me, when you're

not strong

And I'll be your friend

I'll help you carry on

For it won't be long

'Til I'm gonna need

Somebody to lean on

[Proverbs 17:17 A friend

loves at all times, And a brother

is born for adversity.]

You just call on me

brother, when you

need a hand

We all need somebody to

lean on

I just might have a prob-

lem that you'll under-


We all need somebody to

lean on

[Proverbs 27:17 Iron is

sharpened by iron, and a man

sharpens the face of his friend.]

If there is a load you have

to bear

That you can't carry

I'm right up the road

I'll share your load

Our need may not be a

physical one, maybe it’s a spiri-

tual battle we're fighting alone.

Some people are battling to

overcome hurts and scars they

suffered as children or as adults

who made a lot of mistakes be-

fore they were called. Some

people are battling loneliness

and isolation. Some people are

battling sins like pornography

or coveting or bitterness or an-

ger. Sometimes people are too

proud to let a brother or sister

help them through that. When

we begin to trust each other

though, that's when the real

healing can take place as Al-

mighty Father Yahweh brings

us all together as the Body of


For I say, through the favor

which has been given to me, to

everyone who is among you, not

to think of himself more highly

than he should think, but to

think soberly, as Elohim has

given to each a measure of be-

lief. For as we have many

members in one body, but all

members do not have the same

function, so we, the many, are

one body in Messiah, and

members each one of one an-

other, Romans 12:3 – 5.

And may the Elohim of pa-

tience and encouragement give

to you to mind the same thing

July ‒ September 2018 YAIY Beacon 9

among one another according

to Yahshua Messiah, that with

one accord and with one mouth

you may glorify the Elohim and

Father of our Master Yahshua

Messiah. Because of this, be

friendly, and bear one an-

other’s burdens as Messiah

also brought us close to the

glory of Elohim, Romans 15:5 –


For, brothers, you were

called to liberty. Only do not

use this liberty for an opening

to the flesh. But through love

serve one another, Galatians


We All Are A Work In

Progress At different times in our

walk we may have different

gifts and different needs. Look

at our teacher, the apostle Sha'ul

(Paul). He was a man who

thought he had everything; po-

sition, power, prestige and

knowledge. In an instant, he

became blind and helpless and

needed to be led by the hand to

safety. Our trials may not be

that dramatic, but they can be

just as debilitating.

Someone who is just being

called into the truth, may need a

lot of help at first. If they are

wise and humble, they will ac-

cept help from brethren who are

more established. Often times,

those Yahweh calls are people

who are broken, and hurt and

need help physically as well as


For look at your calling,

brothers, that there were not

many wise according to the

flesh, not many mighty, not

many noble. But Elohim has

chosen the foolish matters of the

world to put to shame the wise,

and Elohim has chosen the

weak of the world to put to

shame the strong. And Elohim

has chosen the low-born of the

world and the despised, and the

ones that are not, that He might

bring to naught the ones that

are, so that no flesh should

boast in His presence. And of

Him you are in Messiah יהושע

(Yahshua) Who became for us

wisdom from Elohim, righteous-

ness also, and set-apartness and

redemption, that, as it has been

written, “He who boasts, let

him boast in YAHWEH,” 1

Corinthians 6:26 – 31.

Almighty Father Yahweh

doesn't expect us to stay this

way though. He has big plans

for us and He expects us to

grow. Just as our brother and

teacher Sha'ul (Paul) didn't stay

blind and helpless, we are to

make progress in this spiritual


But grow in the favor and

knowledge of our Master and

Savior Yahshua Messiah. To

Him be the esteem both now

and to a day that abides. Aměn,

2 Peter 3:18.

So, as an example, it may be

that we find ourselves as some-

one who has just learned that

the Scriptures teaches us to tithe

on our income. Our human na-

ture and prideful self might be

tempted to think, "I can't do

that!" I already have too much

month at the end of my pay-

check. But, one who is wise,

might confide in a brother or

sister who has been through this

trial before and ask for help.

“How can I possibly do this?

How did you do it?” They

might find that brother is able to

help them prioritize their spend-

ing, maybe help them find a

better paying job, or a way to

reduce expenses. Certainly the

brother could pray with us

about it.

Many times, Yahweh blesses

our efforts and provides a way

for us. As we are obedient to

Him, and we step out in faith

and strive to be a part of the

body, YAHWEH is able to help

us according to His will.

And in the same way the

Spirit does help in our weak-

nesses. For we do not know

what we should pray, but the

Spirit Himself pleads our case

for us with groanings unutter-

able. And He Who searches the

hearts knows what the mind of

the Spirit is, because He makes

intercession for the set-apart

ones according to Elohim. And

we know that all matters work

together for good to those who

love Elohim, to those who are

called according to His pur-

pose. Because those whom He

knew beforehand, He also or-

dained beforehand to be con-

formed to the likeness of His

Son, for Him to be the first-born

among many brothers. And

whom He ordained beforehand,

these He also called, and whom

He called, these He also de-

clared right. And whom He de-

clared right, these He also es-

teemed. What then shall we say

to this? If Elohim is for us,

who is against us? (Romans

8:26 – 31).

10 July ‒ September 2018 YAIY Beacon

Therefore, let us come boldly

to the throne of favor, in order

to receive compassion, and find

favor for timely help, Hebrews

4:16 .

And to Him who is able to

do exceedingly above what we

ask or think, according to the

power that is working in us, to

Him be esteem in the assembly

by Messiah Yahshua unto all

generations, for ever and ever.

Aměn, Ephesians 3:20 – 21.

Almighty Father YAH-

WEH's desire for us is to live

with Him throughout all eter-

nity. He desires that we come

together as His children and be-

come the place where He can


So then you are no longer

strangers and foreigners, but

fellow citizens of the set-apart

ones and members of the house-

hold of Elohim, having been

built upon the foundation of the

emissaries and prophets,

Yahshua Messiah Himself being

chief corner-stone, in Whom all

the building, being joined to-

gether, grows into a set-apart

Dwelling Place in יהוה

(Yahweh) in Whom you also

are being built together into a

dwelling of Elohim in the

Spirit, Ephesians 2:19 – 22.

And I appeal to you, broth-

ers, by the Name of our Master

Yahshua Messiah, that you all

agree, and that there be no divi-

sions among you, but that you

be knit together in the same

mind and in the same opinion,

1 Corinthians 1:10.

When we lean on each other,

when we support one another,

when we come together as an

assembly, we are doing what

Almighty YAHWEH has cre-

ated us to do: To love one an-

other, to serve one another, to

be served by one another, and to

share one another's burdens and

trials, to grow together. So lean

on me and let me lean on you.

Together, we'll be in YAH-

WEH's Kingdom.

Brother John Illgen

<from Investment page 5>

plants a vineyard, and eats not

of the fruit thereof? Or who

feeds a flock, and eats not of the

milk of the flock? Say I these

things as a man? Or says not

the law the same also? For it is

written in the law of Moses, you

shall not muzzle the mouth of

the ox that treads out the corn.

Does Elohim take care for

oxen? Or says He it altogether

for our sakes? For our sakes,

no doubt, this is written: that he

that plows should plow in hope;

and that he that threshes in

hope should be partaker of his

hope. If we have sown unto you

spiritual things, is it a great

thing if we shall reap your car-

nal things? If others be partak-

ers of this power over you, are

not we rather? Nevertheless we

have not used this power; but

suffer all things, lest we should

hinder the Good News of Mes-

siah. Do you not know that they

which minister about holy

things live of the things of the

temple? And they which wait at

the altar are partakers with the

altar? Even so has Yahweh or-

dained that they which preach

the Good News should live of

the Good News.

In Malachi, the prophet is-

sues a sobering chiding of those

who allowed the work of Yah-

weh to suffer for personal gain.


Will a man rob Elohim? Yet

you have robbed Me. But you

say, Wherein have we robbed

You? In tithes and offerings.

You are cursed with a curse: for

you have robbed Me, even this

whole nation. Bring all the

tithes into the storehouse, that

there may be meat in Mine

house, and prove Me now here-

with, says Yahweh of Hosts, if I

will not open you the windows

of heaven, and pour you out a

blessing, that there shall not be

room enough to receive it,

Malachi 3:8 - 10.

The economic principle of

Scripture is simple: Put Yahweh

first, and He promises that His

blessings will be returned many

times over.

Simply put, worship is more

than service of the lips. It in-

volves doing and sharing, and

putting Yahweh foremost in our


The question is, do we wor-

ship "me" first and Yahweh sec-

ond (or not at all) by our unwill-

ingness to return a tenth part of

what is rightfully all of His to

begin with?

Let Him not charge us of

robbing the Most High of His

portion. To do so is theft of the

HIGHEST proportions.

Elder Donald R. Mansager


July ‒ September 2018 YAIY Beacon 11

To understand the prophecies of the coming

beast government foretold in Daniel and Revela-

tion, we must go back and restudy world history.

The Bible's central focus is always on Israel and

the nations that surround her. Yahweh gave His

chosen people the land of Israel. And Yahshua

will set up His millennial government at Jerusa-


This two–part study on prophecy begins with

Habakkuk, the ancient yet space-age prophet.

Classed by Bible scholars as one of the minor

prophets, there is nothing minor about the book

written by Habakkuk. It is evident that he was a

highly educated and devout man. Habakkuk

wrote in classical Hebrew, in a beautiful style,

and eloquent rhetoric. The message is clearly for

our time, although it was written 600 years be-

fore the Messiah's birth.

Habakkuk raises the age-old question (Hab.

1: 3 - 4), why the wicked are allowed to oppress

and persecute the righteous. Why do those striv-

ing to be obedient suffer? Furthermore, why

does Yahweh punish His own people at the

hands of others who are far more wicked?


Habakkuk 2:4 is quoted three times in the

New Testament: Romans 1:17, Galatians 3:11,

and Hebrews 10:38, where it is read that “... the

just shall live by his faith." This was the source

of the rallying cry of the Reformation, "Faith

alone!" It must be noted here, however, that the

word "alone" was added by the reformers. Be-

lieving is not enough. We are to act on the faith

we have to show we believe in it.

The Hebrew word translated “faith” is

emuwnah, Strong's Hebrew Dictionary No. 530,

which means either firmness, security or faith-

fulness. The only meaning Habukkuk evidently

had in mind by emuwnah, which does not con-

tradict other Scriptures, is faithfulness.

"The righteous will live by his faithfulness"

has a different connotation from "the righteous

will live by his belief or trust in the Messiah."

The New Testament writers also grasped this

vital truth and elaborated on this truth. Belief

and trust in the Messiah enhances the faithful-

ness of the righteous. Faithfulness to what?

0 Yahweh, how long shall I cry, and You will

not hear! Even cry out unto You of violence, and

You will not save! Why do You show me iniquity,

and cause me to behold grievance? For spoiling

and violence are before me: and there are that

raise up strife and contention. Therefore the law

is slacked, and judgment does never go forth: for

the wicked does compass about the righteous;

therefore wrong judgment proceedeth, Habak-

kuk 1: 2 ‒ 4.

Clearly, the believer is to develop faithfulness

to Yahweh's law! Habakkuk did not go up on the

ramparts to watch for the coming Messiah. He

watched what was going on among the nations

and compared what he saw with that which Yah-

weh told him so that he might understand how

he should respond.

Habakkuk's Prophecy on Target

With that background, let us climb up a spiri-

tual rampart and look around. Will our views be

similar to the situation described by Habakkuk?

Here's what we see:

• Crime, violence, disregard for the law

and authority and a perversion of justice,

Habakkuk 1:3 - 4.

• Reverence of business that borders on

worship, Habakkuk 1:15 - 17.

• All those things in Habakkuk chapter two

for which Babylon will be judged.

• Hypocritical worship of Yahweh in

which mere lip service is proffered as

described in Matthew 15:7 - 8; and van-

The Key to Coming Events! — Part 1

12 July ‒ September 2018 YAIY Beacon

ity, disobedience, covet-

ousness, unthankfulness,

unholy, lovers of pleas-

ure more than lovers of

Yahweh, 2 Timothy 3: 1

- 5.

These are not natural times.

Very few people even pay lip

service to Yahweh today. The

influence of the religion of the

Bible continues to wane year

after year and the morality of

our nation and the world contin-

ues ever downward. Surely is

being fulfilled the warning of

the Messiah in Matthew 24:33

that when we see all these

things come to pass, that the

return of Yahshua is even at the


Bible students studying

prophecy and who have learned

the lesson of the fig tree know

that the culmination of the age

is near. Many others in all lev-

els of our society can also see

the signs of the coming end of

the age.

Environmentalists are con-

cerned over the pollution of our

air, the rivers and lakes, and of

the earth itself. The loss of the

rain forests, acid rain, and

drought make us aware that the

precarious balance of nature is

breaking down. There may not

be sufficient time to correct

these mistakes. Scoffers and

skeptics are becoming increas-

ingly concerned about what

they see coming on this earth.

Overpopulation, the threat of

nuclear war, upset weather, and

incurable diseases are but a few

concerns of science.

Christians are convinced

they will not be deceived by the

Man of Sin into worshiping the

beast and receiving its mark.

But a bigger question we must

ask is, have they been deceived

already? Have they been lured

into a misunderstanding of the

message given us by the proph-


Are the beasts in Daniel to

be equated with those in Reve-

lation? Extreme care must be

exercised that we do not be-

come adamant in our position

relating to prophecy, thus fail-

ing to recognize the Man of Sin

and where this prophecy fits

with the end-time beast in the

Book of Daniel.

In the first year of Belshaz-

zar king of Babylon Daniel had

a dream and visions of his head

upon his bed: then he wrote the

dream, and told the sum of the

matters. Daniel spake and said,

I saw in my vision by night, and,

behold, the four winds of

heaven strove upon the great

sea. And four great beasts came

up from the sea, diverse one

from another. The first was like

a lion, and had eagle's wings: I

beheld till the wings thereof

were plucked, and it was lifted

up from the earth, and made

stand upon the feet as a man,

and a man's heart was given to

it. And behold another beast, a

second, like to a bear, and it

raised up itself on one side, and

it had three ribs in the mouth of

it between the teeth of it: and

they said thus unto it, Arise, de-

vour much flesh. After this I be-

held, and lo another, like a

leopard, which had upon the

back of it four wings of a fowl;

the beast had also four heads;

and dominion was given to it.

After this I saw in the night vi-

sions, and behold a fourth

beast, dreadful and terrible,

and strong exceedingly; and it

had great iron teeth: it de-

voured and brake in pieces, and

stamped the residue with the

feet of it: and it was diverse

from all the beasts that were

before it; and it had ten horns. I

considered the horns, and be-

hold, there came up among

them another little horn, before

whom there were three of the

first horns plucked up by the

roots: and, behold, in this horn

were eyes like the eyes of man,

and a mouth speaking great

things, Daniel 7:1‒ 8.

Bible Beast and Empires In the Bible, beasts usually

symbolize nations or empires.

First, Daniel saw a lion with

eagle's wings.

Evidently this combination

represented a union of earthly

and spiritual power, and was

actually used by the Babyloni-

ans as the emblem of their em-

pire. They considered Babylon

to be such a union.

Next, the bear with bones in

its mouth apparently symbol-

ized the same Medo-Persian

empire depicted by the ram in

Daniel 8:20. The Medo-Persian

empire overthrew the Babyloni-

ans and ruled the Biblical world

until the rise of the Greeks.

The third was the four-

winged leopard with a bird on

its back must symbolize the

same Grecian empire as the four

-horned goat in Daniel 8:21 -

22. The Grecian empire split

July ‒ September 2018 YAIY Beacon 13

four ways upon the death of its

first king, Alexander, with his

four generals dividing up his

empire among themselves.

The Roman Empire over-

threw the part of the Greek Em-

pire that ruled over Judea.

Therefore, the terrible fourth

beast must symbolize the Ro-

man Empire.

While the Bible verifies

these identifications of the

beasts in Daniel's prophecy, no

hint of time is given us. To gain

some idea of the relationship of

time involved, consider a few

facts from the history of the em-

pire not dealt with in the Bible.

The Roman Empire began its

conquest of the Grecian Empire

by defeating the Macedonians

in 197 B.C.E. The Romans did

not conquer the Seleucid divi-

sion of the Grecian empire,

which ruled over Judea, until

the Roman General Pompey

defeated Aristobulus II at Jeru-

salem in 63 B.C.E. ‒ 134 years!

Thus, the establishment of the

Roman Empire took place over

a longer period of time than any

of· the earlier empires.

Two Legs — Two King-

doms Daniel 2:31 ‒ 45 reveals the

metal man of Nebuchadnezzar's

dream with the head of gold,

arms of silver, belly of brass,

legs of iron, and feet of iron and

miry clay.

From verse 38, we learn that

Nebuchadnezzar, king of Baby-

lon, is the head of gold. The na-

tion of Babylon is symbolized

by the first beast, the lion with

eagle wings. It follows, then,

that iron legs of the image must

symbolize the same kingdom as

the fourth beast, the Roman


The prophecy of the fourth

beast does not imply that the

Roman Empire became a di-

vided kingdom, but the two legs

of the image and Daniel 2:41

strongly imply this.

The Bible does not give us

details of the split of the Roman

Empire into the eastern division

and western division shortly

after Emperor Constantine

made Christianity the imperial

religion of Rome. Constantine

died in 337 C.E. and the eastern

division of the empire became

known as the Byzantine Empire

about 467 C.E. Eastern Christi-

anity became Greek Orthodox

Catholicism. Western Christian-

ity remained Latin Catholicism,

called the Roman Catholic


In the late 11th century a no-

madic people known as the Ot-

toman Turks surged west from

Turkestan and overwhelmed the

Persians of Iran and the Mus-

lims of Iraq. The Turks became

Persian in culture, Islamic in

religion, and fanatical about

uniting the world into one Is-

lamic government.

As Shiite partisans, the

Turks came to look upon their

conquest as a "jihad" (holy war)

against unbelievers. They con-

quered the Byzantine Empire in

1453 and by 1513 had pushed

their Muslim conquest of

Europe almost to Vienna, Aus-

tria. Ottoman emperors saw

themselves sitting on the throne

of the Caesars and ruling all the

lands once ruled by the Roman

Empire. This was true in the

east. In the west, Europe re-

mained under the rule of the

popes of Rome and the German

kings of the so-called Holy Ro-

man Empire.

The two legs of iron repre-

sent this Holy Roman Empire.

A normal foot has five toes, and

the two feet, ten toes. The fact

that the feet are smashed by the

rock that becomes Yahweh's

Kingdom implies that an east-

west division of nations sur-

vives until the Messiah's return.

If this is true, the ten toes

cannot symbolize a revived Ro-

man Empire consisting of the

ten Common Market countries

of western Europe. The implica-

tion is that the ten toes symbol-

ize a loose confederation of five

western nations and another

loose confederation of five east-

ern nations.

It just so happens that, as we

approached the end of the 20th

century, that there were five

major Christian nations of

Western Europe that are totally

or partially within the bounda-

ries of the ancient Roman Em-

pire of the Caesars. There are

also five major Islamic nations

that are totally within the

boundaries of the eastern divi-

sion of the old Roman Empire.

They are: Christian — Italy,

Germany, France, Spain, and

England; Islamic — Turkey,

Syria, Iran, Iraq, and Jordan.

If our understanding of

prophecy is correct, one foot is

anchored in Rome, which is

dominated by Christians, while

14 July ‒ September 2018 YAIY Beacon

the other foot is in Constantin-

ople and is Muslim.

What more significant un-

derstanding of the iron and clay

mixture could there be than the

fact that these ten nations are a

mixture of races, languages,

traditions, customs and back-

ground, yet the nations of each

division fundamentally unite in

culture, religion, and economy.

The western nations are basi-

cally Grecian in culture and

Christian in religion. The east-

ern nations are essentially Per-

sian in culture and Islamic in

religion. The nations within

each division have at times been

at war with each other, yet

many prelates of the various

religious factions within these

nations are at work attempting

to unify the religion with each

division — Roman Catholicism

in the west, Shiite Islam in the

east. The Shiite Muslims today

are reactivating the very "jihad"

fanaticism that pushed Roman

Catholicism to the brink of ex-

tinction. Daniel prophesies of

these nations and governments:

And of the ten horns that

were in his head, and of the

other which came up, and be-

fore whom three fell; even of

that horn that had eyes, and a

mouth that spake very great

things, whose look was more

stout than his fellows. I beheld,

and the same horn made war

with the saints, and prevailed

against them; until the Ancient

of Days came, and judgment

was given to the saints of the

Most High; and the time came

that the saints possessed the

kingdom. Thus he said, The

fourth beast shall be the fourth

kingdom upon earth, which

shall be diverse from all king-

doms, and shall devour the

whole earth, and shall tread it

down, and break it in pieces.

And the ten horns out of this

kingdom are ten kings that shall

arise: and another shall rise

after them; and he shall be di-

verse from the first, and he shall

subdue three kings. And he

shall speak great words against

the Most High, and shall wear

out the saints of the Most High,

and think to change times and

laws: and they shall be given

into his hand until a time and

times and the dividing of time.

But the judgment shall sit, and

they shall take away his domin-

ion, to consume and to destroy

it unto the end. And the king-

dom and dominion, and the

greatness of the kingdom under

the whole heaven, shall be

given to the people of the saints

of the Most High, whose king-

dom, is an everlasting kingdom,

and all dominions shall serve

and obey Him, Daniel 7:20 ‒


Many Bible scholars and

commentators assume that the

ten horns and the ten toes are

different symbols for the same

thing. But in Daniel's vision of

the beast with ten horns, there

are actually eleven horns and

only eight of them survive until

the Messiah's return. If the ten

horns and the ten toes symbol-

ize the same thing, why the dif-

ference in the visions?

History Through Dark

Glasses Many people don't believe

anything apart from what the

Bible says. Such people,

though, believe without ques-

tion interpretations of Bible

prophecy founded upon a

knowledge of the history of na-

tions. They fail to realize that

there can be no understanding

of the prophets without figura-

tively standing upon the ram-

parts and watching what is go-

ing on among the nations and

comparing what is seen with

what the prophets said.

Traditional understanding of

Bible prophecies was conceived

since the Protestant Reforma-

tion by Bible scholars who were

ignorant of ancient history be-

yond what the Bible relates.

They possessed a very limited

knowledge of the history, or

even current events, of the na-

tions outside of Europe in their

own day.

In the past century, histori-

ans, archaeologists, anthropolo-

gists, pathologists, sociologists

and linguists have brought to

light an astounding amount of

knowledge, not only of ancient

history, but also about what oc-

curred among the nations be-

tween the Testaments and since

Yahshua' s resurrection.

Most Bible scholars of the

Reformation were probably as

learned for their time as the

prophet Habakkuk was for his

time, and would have been

stunned by a revelation of their

ignorance of history. Just as

Yahweh told Habakkuk that he

wouldn't believe what he is told,

most people today will not be-

lieve New Testament prophe-

cies that the knowledge of for-

merly hidden things will re-


July ‒ September 2018 YAIY Beacon 15

John wrote in Revelation 2:


He that has an ear, let him

hear what the Spirit says unto

the assemblies; To him that

overcometh will I give to eat of

the hidden manna.

What does Yahshua mean by

the expression "hidden manna"?

Read Exodus 16:15.

Yahshua tells us in John

6:35 that He is the Bread of

Life. (The Hebrew word

"manna" means "what is it.")

Even though Moses said it was

bread, we know that it was not

literally bread but a miraculous

food sent from Yahweh to feed

His people.

No one can conquer or over-

come the world without having

eaten of the Bread of Life.

Knowledge of Yahshua the

Messiah has not been hidden

since the resurrection. "What is

it" that has been hidden? Wis-

dom? Solomon wrote,

The fear of Yahweh is the

beginning of wisdom: and the

knowledge of the holy is under-

standing, Proverbs 9:10.

Reverence for Yahweh and

the knowledge of the Holy One

have been ignored or rejected,

but not hidden. Anyone who

studies the Bible can find "what

is it" that has been hidden from

mankind - understanding of his-

tory! This must be the hidden

"what is it" (manna) in Revela-

tion 2:17.

If there are any lingering

doubts in your mind, consider

this: why do footnote references

in the Bible that deal with

prophecies refer to the action of

kings and nations? Also, why

would the editors of the New

International Version of the Bi-

ble be inspired to insert a chro-

nology of history chart before

the title page?

What difference would

knowledge of ancient history

make in our understanding of

prophecy, especially New Tes-

tament prophecy? Let me give

you a brief look at a couple of


Yahweh brought Abraham

out of Ur of the Chaldees and

promised to give him and his

descendants possession of the

land of Canaan, Genesis 11:31;

15:5 ‒ 7, 13 ‒ 21; Galatians


Is there any question about

Abraham's descendants' being

heirs to the land destined to be-

come the Kingdom of heaven

on earth?

Babylon — A Long and

Sordid Past We are to come out of Baby-

lon. Why? Lest we become par-

takers of her sins, Revelation

18:2 ‒ 5. Is that the reason Yah-

weh brought Abraham out of

Ur? A look at the history of

Babylon will tell us something

about this that the Bible doesn't.

Historians, archaeologists,

and linguists have determined

that the civilized life we know

began in a region between the

Tigris and the Euphrates rivers,

known as Mesopotamia, about

5,000 years before the birth of

the Messiah, Genesis 10:8 ‒ 12

and 11:1 ‒ 1.

Alexander Hislop tells us in

his book, The Two Babylons,

that Nimrod is the Biblical

name for "Ninus." Ninus was an

Assyrian king. Inscriptions of

his name are the most ancient

ever to be unearthed by archae-

ologists. The inscriptions state

that Ninus or Nimrod was the

first king ever to engage in wars

with his neighbors.

The inscriptions also verify

the fact that Ninus subjugated

all of Mesopotamia (meaning

"land between the rivers") to his

rule. He built the city of Nine-

veh in Assyria as the seat of his

government and he built the city

of Babylon in Mesopotamia.

Legend has it that Ninus (i.e.,

Nimrod) was the ruling king

during the building of the tower

of Babel, Gen. 11:4.

The Assyrians so admired,

even revered, Ninus and his

queen that they elevated them to

the status of gods after their

deaths. This was long before

Abraham's time.

The Chaldeans moved into

the region of Sumer in southern

Mesopotamia about 3,000 years

before the birth of the Messiah.

These people were strong

enough to not only resist Assyr-

ian domination but also to free

the Akkadians, which Genesis

10:10 tells us were among the

first people conquered by the


The Chaldeans and Akkadi-

ans remained racially and lin-

guistically distinct, but became

one people culturally and so-

cially in a political union pow-

erful enough militarily to drive

out the Assyrians and establish

an empire known as Babylonia

in lower Mesopotamia.

The Assyrian Empire re-

mained intact in northern Meso-

potamia and for centuries under

16 July ‒ September 2018 YAIY Beacon

various Assyrian kings warred

with the Babylonians in at-

tempts to regain dominion over

the area.

The people of city states

ruled by the Akkadian-

Chaldean people, now known as

Babylonians, preferred the tyr-

anny of the Assyrians to the

even more tyrannical rule of the

Babylonians. They often sided

with the Assyrians and even

openly rebelled against the


"Divine" Right of Kings During these troubled times

a Babylonian king named Na-

ram-Sin (se-un) moved his

throne from the city of Babylon

to Ur of the Chaldeans and de-

clared himself to be a god.

Naram-Sin, Babylonian king

of Ur, is the first king known to

historians to have proclaimed

himself to be a deity. And this

was probably less than half a

century before Abraham was

born at Ur. Now the vassal

kings of city states ruled by

Babylonian kings apparently

found it expedient to claim they

ruled their domain by divine

right of deity. To them, of

course, the deity who granted

the right to impose rule was the

Babylonian king.

Except for the pharaohs of

Egypt, the cult of king worship

was not widely adopted outside

of Babylon. But, the kings of

the ancient near east, who were

not under Babylonian rule,

seem to have latched onto the

idea of ruling by the divine

right of the "gods." The "gods"

these kings had in mind, of

course, were not deity at all,

only figments of the imagina-

tions of men.

It is interesting that the idea

of "the divine right of kings"

has come down to us from a

Babylonian king who ruled

Babylon over 4,000 years ago.

One has but to look at the his-

tory of Europe to find rulers

who assumed this prerogative

and note their dismal record.

After Abraham was born,

there arose another king who

ruled Babylon from Ur of the

Chaldeans, Ur-Nammu. This

king promulgated the first writ-

ten law code in all history. This

law code became the basis for

the most famous law code in all

history — the law Code of

Hammurabi, king of Babylon

about 13 centuries after Ur-

Nammu of Ur.

Ur was the most important

cult center of the moon deity,

Nanna-Sin in southern Mesopo-

tamia. Terah at this time moved

his family, including Abraham,

from Ur of the Chaldeans to

Haran of the Assyrians, which

was at that time the most impor-

tant cult center for the moon

deity in northern Mesopotamia.

Revelation 18:4 says we are

to come out of Babylon lest we

become partakers of her sins.

Yahweh doesn't tell us why He

brought Abraham and therefore

his descendants out of Ur and

Haran, but even this sketchy

summary of recently revealed

history of ancient Babylon can

hardly leave any question as to

why. Yahweh's reason must

have been the same reason He

commands us to come out of

her — to prevent us from par-

ticipating in Babylon's sins.

The world will witness a

universal deception that will

entrap most. Paul warned in a

prophetic message to us,

Let no man deceive you by

any means: for that day shall

not come, except there come a

falling away first, and that man

of sin be revealed, the son of

perdition; who opposes and ex-

alts himself above all that is

called Elohim, or that is wor-

shiped; so that he as Elohim sits

in the temple of Elohim, show-

ing himself that he is Elohim, 2

Thessalonians 2:3 ‒ 4.

During the time of the end

foreshadowed by Habakkuk's

prophecy, the man of sin will do

exactly what the Babylonian

king Naram-Sin did before

Abraham was born. He will ex-

alt himself above all of man's

false gods: the Lord, Allah,

Krishna, Buddha, and all others

and demand to be worshiped as

the true Mighty One, 2 Thessa-

lonians 2:3 ‒ 4.

Next Part: What are the

beast, the horn, the abomination

in the temple, stars, and a

woman dressed in scarlet, and

what do they all mean in terms

of future events coming on this


Elder Ralph Henrie (deceased)

July ‒ September 2018 YAIY Beacon 17

In this modern age, so many are so busy with

life that they cannot see what the purpose for life

really is. When we look at the past and present,

we see some similarities, but also some differ-

ences. To comprehend the present more fully,

we need to first understand the foundation which

has already been set.

Also the tenth day of this seventh month shall

be the Day of Atonement. It shall be a holy con-

vocation for you; you shall afflict your souls,

and offer an offering made by fire to Yahweh.

And you shall do no work on that same day, for

it is the Day of Atonement, to make atonement

for you before Yahweh your Elohim. For any

person who is not afflicted in soul on that same

day shall be cut off from his people, Leviticus

23:27 – 29 NKJV.

Like the weekly (7th Day) Sabbath, we keep

this as a day of rest from work, but since this

was done under the Levitical Order, we don't

offer sacrificial offerings by fire.

We see under the Melchizedek Order in

Messiah, that we still keep this day set apart, but

we offer rather of our increase and of ourselves.

See our free booklets entitled, The Temple

Tenth and Orthodox Believers.

It's wonderful to think of Yahshua as our

High Priest in the heavenly realm. Is He inter-

ceding for us, as the high priest would intercede

on the peoples behalf in the past? If Satan is ac-

cusing us, which Scripture says he does, day and

night, Yahshua is then, no doubt, interceding for


We'll all be amazed to see just how much

goes on in the spirit realm, once we are changed

ourselves and can witness all of it.

Kept: Past, Present, and Future And any person who does any work on that

same day, that person I will destroy from among

his people. You shall do no manner of work; it

shall be a statute forever throughout your gen-

erations in all your dwellings. It shall be to you

a Sabbath of solemn rest, and you shall afflict

your souls; on the ninth day of the month at eve-

ning, from evening to evening, you shall observe

your Sabbath, Leviticus 23:30 – 32 NKJV.

We afflict our souls, as commanded. On the

10th day we fast, from sunset of the 9th to the

sunset of the 10th. In the New Covenant (Acts

27:9), we find this actually referred to as "the

Fast." No water and no food. Harder for some

than others. And, of course, we do the best we

can, given health issues and the like.

This Day is serious, however, as we've read,

"any person who does any work on that same

day, that person I will destroy from among his

people." Why is it so important? Why is it

needed? Because it's part of the process that

Yahweh set forth from the beginning for the rec-

onciliation of Himself and Israel and all of man-

kind in general. It's foundational.

For us, it is somewhat symbolic of the sacrifi-

cial death of Yahshua Messiah. It also points to a

prophetic atonement process in the coming

Kingdom, in which Atonement will be kept after

His return.

You shall then sound a ram’s horn abroad on

the tenth day of the seventh month; on the Day of

Atonement you shall sound a horn all through

your land. You shall thus consecrate the fiftieth

year and proclaim a release through the land to

all its inhabitants. It shall be a jubilee for you,

and each of you shall return to his own property,

and each of you shall return to his family, Leviti-

cus 25:9 – 10 NASB.

There have been a lot of studies and interest

about Daniel's Timeline (found in Dan 9:24 —

27), and the Jubilee years, and the Messiah's re-

turn. I'm sure there will be more interest and

more dates offered in the months and years


In the meantime, we can point to Yahshua

Who actually spoke about proclaiming a release

to the prisoners and quotes the first part of Isaiah

chapter 61.

18 July ‒ September 2018 YAIY Beacon

How do we understand this

release in our own lives? Cer-

tainly, we are forgiven of our

past sins, but is that it? Not at


Obedience to The Father What did Yahshua teach?

Aren't we to follow in His foot-

steps? Yes, and in doing so, we

submit to Yahweh. Remember

what Yahshua said about Who

is good?

“Why do you call Me

good?” Yahshua answered.

“No one is good — except Yah-

weh alone,” Mark 10:18 NIV.

Yahshua was submitting to

Yahweh fully. He didn't sin, so

one would think that Yahshua

was good, also. "Good" meant

excellent in all quality and char-

acter, the very core nature of

Yahweh is eternal life itself. A

very good thing. Yahshua took

the opportunity to give honor to

Yahweh and allow people to

know where goodness truly

comes from. The source of all

life and goodness: Yahweh.

Mankind is at fault, how-

ever, and is in need of a Savior.

For there is not a just man

on earth who does good and

does not sin, Ecclesiastes 7:20


Yet, we do see that with de-

termination to study and follow

Yahweh's Holy Word and espe-

cially with Yahweh's Spirit im-

parted, one can be blameless

and faithful.

Perfect? No, but certainly

following a righteous path with

continued growth with perfec-

tion in mind. The path is Yah-

weh's way, His Holy Word,

which was also seen lived out in

the Messiah.

The Apostle Paul was said to

be blameless (Acts 24:14, 16;

25:8), but how was he able to

be blameless? By the Spirit of

Yahweh, which he also ac-

knowledged was in the breth-


Now I myself am confident

concerning you, my brethren,

that you also are full of good-

ness, filled with all knowledge,

able also to admonish one an-

other. Nevertheless, brethren, I

have written more boldly to you

on some points, as reminding

you, because of the grace given

to me by Yahweh, Romans

15:14 – 16 NKJV.

He recognized the forgive-

ness received and also the Spirit

within, and he wanted to en-

courage the brethren to also be

blameless with the goodness

afforded to them by Yahweh

and Yahshua. Essentially, hav-

ing received Atonement and

being brought into a right rela-

tionship with Them.

With all of that said, we do

make mistakes; we do continue

through a process of refinement,

maturing and growing, as we

follow the written Word, and

Yahshua, in the Spirit. We un-

derstand more and more, with

our character and integrity im-

proving and growing.

We are being worked with,

and Yahweh's Spirit is allowing

us to have true belief and

works, in the Name of Yahshua,

the only begotten Son of Yah-

weh. In learning about Atone-

ment, we are to consider how it

was done in the past, but with a

spiritual approach to it today.

Blood and Water Purify There were a lot of purifica-

tion rites under the Levitical

Priesthood, which had to be

done with blood and water.

Even the altar of incense had to

be purified.

It says in Exodus 30:10


Aaron shall make atonement

on its horns once a year. With

the blood of the sin offering of

atonement he shall make atone-

ment for it once in the year

throughout your generations. It

is most holy to Yahweh.

In Revelation, there are ref-

erences to the smoke of incense

along with the prayers of the

saints rising to Yahweh. In fact,

the prayers of the saints are lik-

ened to bowls of incense.

Some assemblies will use

incense as a type of symbolic

purification and holiness rite,

and they will also burn candles,

which, a couple verses before

verse 10, actually does talk

about "trimming the lamps,"

which is another study in itself.

We don't do these things in

Messiah, except in the spiritual

sense. For example, letting our

light shine and viewing our

prayers being like incense to


In the Levitical Order, things

were very particular, and had to

be done exactly as commanded

or death would result. We find

during Atonement, a good chap-

ter to cover is Leviticus 16.

Let's consider some of the ac-

tions taken in it.

Now Yahweh spoke to Moses

July ‒ September 2018 YAIY Beacon 19

after the death of the two sons

of Aaron, when they had ap-

proached the presence of Yah-

weh and died. Yahweh said to

Moses: “Tell your brother

Aaron that he shall not enter at

any time into the holy place in-

side the veil, before the mercy

seat which is on the ark, or he

will die; for I will appear in the

cloud over the mercy seat," Le-

viticus 16:1 – 2 NASB.

As you may recall, Aaron's

sons had brought in strange fire

(Lev. 10:1), and that was cer-

tainly not allowed. The fire was

to be taken from the coals from

the altar (Lev. 16:12), but they

evidently got it from some-

where else. The result of that

transgression (sin, 1 John 3:4)

was that they died. How impor-

tant is it then for us to listen

carefully, and to do what we're


Symbolism, Types, and

Antitypes Moses is listening very at-

tentively at this point, and has

to relay what Yahweh is telling

him to tell his brother Aaron,

the assigned high priest and Le-

vite for the Temple worship.

Aaron shall enter the holy

place with this: with a bull for a

sin offering and a ram for a

burnt offering. He shall put on

the holy linen tunic, and the

linen undergarments shall be

next to his body, and he shall be

girded with the linen sash and

attired with the linen turban

(these are holy garments). Then

he shall bathe his body in water

and put them on, Leviticus 16:3

– 4 NASB.

Should we take things this

far today? How far do we go?

What Covenant was in the past,

and what Covenant are we in

today? Any changes (Heb.

7:12)? Are we not able to dis-

cern type from antitypes? That

is, something in the past which

points to something in the fu-


When you search the Inter-

net you'll find a few "Levites"

and "high priests" (at least that

must be what they're trying to

look like) who are wearing what

appear to be Levitical priestly

garments. These are for the Le-

vite priests, but the thing is

we're seeing those who are pro-

claiming the Messiah are wear-

ing these things, and they are

most likely not Levites. It does-

n't really matter. We are to put

on the Messiah, not Levitical

articles of clothing.

Ritual purification washings

(today being called miqve'oth)

are also popular among some.

Yet, the reason for these was so

the temple (tabernacle, at that

time) was not defiled. You read

of this in Leviticus 15:31. We

know why they were done, at

that time. They were a type of

purification before Yahweh, to

be justified before Him. Today

there is only one immersion

needed in Messiah.

Continuing, and reading fur-

ther in Leviticus 16:5 – 6

NASB, it says,

He shall take from the con-

gregation of the sons of Israel

two male goats for a sin offer-

ing and one ram for a burnt of-

fering. Then Aaron shall offer

the bull for the sin offering

which is for himself, that he

may make atonement for him-

self and for his household.

Two goats, a ram, and a bull.

Each having significance, but

we'll really want to take a look

at the two goats.

He shall take the two goats

and present them before Yah-

weh at the doorway of the tent

of meeting. Aaron shall cast lots

for the two goats, one lot for

Yahweh and the other lot for the

scapegoat, Leviticus 16:7 – 8


There is some symbolism we

can surmise from this when we

think about the two opposite

forces, such as Yahshua the

Messiah and Satan the devil.

Satan is often considered as the

scapegoat or goat of removal

(H5799, azazel), while Yahshua

the sin offering for all the peo-

ple and for all their sins.

This is one thing that is dif-

ferent about Atonement over

Passover. Passover was an indi-

vidual atonement. The actual

Day of Atonement was for all

of the people, collectively.

Further we read, in Leviticus

16:15 – 16 NASB,

Then he shall slaughter the

goat of the sin offering which is

for the people, and bring its

blood inside the veil and do

with its blood as he did with the

blood of the bull, and sprinkle it

on the mercy seat and in front

of the mercy seat. He shall

make atonement for the holy

place, because of the impurities

of the sons of Israel and be-

cause of their transgressions in

regard to all their sins; and

thus he shall do for the tent of

20 July ‒ September 2018 YAIY Beacon

meeting which abides with them

in the midst of their impurities.

While this sacrificial goat

appears to fit with Yahshua's

sacrifice for us today, it's inter-

esting that the other goat seems

to also have some symbolism

which could be related to the


Then Aaron shall lay both of

his hands on the head of the live

goat, and confess over it all the

iniquities of the sons of Israel

and all their transgressions in

regard to all their sins; and he

shall lay them on the head of

the goat and send it away into

the wilderness by the hand of a

man who stands in readiness,

Leviticus 16:21 NASB.

The problem with this being

related to the Savior is that this

goat is not killed right away,

even though it would eventually

die. This, then, is more closely

related to Satan. Notice here

how the hands of a man, who

stands in readiness, takes the

goat away. Now take a look at

Revelation, to see a similar


Then I saw an angel coming

down from heaven, holding in

his hand the key to the bottom-

less pit and a great chain. And

he seized the dragon, that an-

cient serpent, who is the devil

and Satan, and bound him for a

thousand years, Revelation 20:1

– 2 ESV.

This angel evidently stood in

waiting to lay his hands on Sa-

tan to take him away. This is

very similar to what we saw in

the Atonement account of the

past, even though we can think

of the one goat as a covering for

us even today.

We see this was more appro-

priate in the Passover than in

Atonement for us, the Passover

providing individual atonement.

Interestingly enough, in Exo-

dus 12:5, a goat in place of the

lamb could be used if the indi-

vidual family was too poor to

afford a lamb.

Prophetically, we see Atone-

ment not yet completely ful-

filled. Today, we observe

Atonement more for under-

standing of what is ahead in the

future for all of Israel, but also

because the Appointed Time

still stands as a commanded

gathering and annual Sabbath.

Annual Sabbaths are said to

be forever (Lev. 23), with no

end. Today, they are kept with-

out the blood of animals; today,

it is with different sacrifices and

offerings, the "calves of our

lips" (Hos. 14:2), for example.

Life is in the Blood But Yahweh demonstrates

His own love toward us, in that

while we were still sinners,

Messiah died for us. Much

more then, having now been

justified by His blood, we shall

be saved from wrath through

Him, Romans 5:8 – 10 NKJV.

Why blood though? What is

the significance of blood in all

the sacrifices, both Levitical

and for us now in Messiah,

through His one sacrifice?

The Israelites, evidently, had

this question among them-

selves, so Yahweh tells them

and us WHY it is needed:

For the life of the flesh is in

the blood, and I have given it to

you upon the altar to make

atonement for your lives, for it

is the blood that makes atone-

ment for the life, Leviticus

17:11 TS.

When we get into the New

Covenant writings, we see clari-

fication as to how Yahshua's

blood is so much better, be-

cause we, now, receive of the

Spirit from Yahweh which does

far more than we could hope.

Entering the Holy of Ho-

lies In Hebrews 9:7 – 8 NIV, it


But only the high priest en-

tered the inner room, and that

only once a year, and never

without blood, which he offered

for himself and for the sins the

people had committed in igno-

rance. The Holy Spirit was

showing by this that the way

into the Most Holy Place had

not yet been disclosed as long

as the first tabernacle was still


While some translations

don't say ignorant sins, the un-

derlying word does actually in-

dicate ignorance. And this is

evidently what the author un-

derstood about the Atonement

offering. Even though Leviticus

chapter 16 indicated all sins,

and repeated, as such, the con-

text of the whole of Scripture

has to be considered, and that is

exactly what the author here is


Knowing the prophesied

Messiah had come, the author

of Hebrews explains all those in

Messiah no longer have to go

<see Atonement page 22>

July ‒ September 2018 YAIY Beacon 21

Can the angels see Yahweh's face? Yes,

you've read it yourself. They can also,

no doubt, hear His voice. It is us who

In part, 1 Corinthians 12:3 says: “no

man can say that Yahshua is Sover-

eign but the Holy Spirit.” My ques-

tion is: What translation is used here

and what other scriptures imply that Yahshua

is referred to as SOVEREIGN?

The translation is given in the first page

as the Authorized Version, but the

"Lord" part was changed to say

"Sovereign." "Master" would have also

worked. These Titles also work for Yahweh, but

One which definitely does not work for both is

"Ancient of Days." That Title is exclusive to the

Father only (see Daniel's "vision," Dan. 7:9 -

22). Other verses that come to mind, which

would indicate the Sovereignty of the

Son, would be areas which tell us that every

knee will bow to Him (Isa. 45:23 - 24; Phil.

2:10), that He will be called Yahweh our Right-

eousness (Jer. 33:15 - 16), and He will be wor-

shiped sitting on the throne in the Kingdom

(Rev. 3:21). Yet, we know the Ancient of Days

does not come down until everything is purified

(Rev. 21:1 - 3). Both will be the Temple at that

time (Rev. 21:22 - 23). Currently, we already see

Light from The Light (Psa. 36:9).

In part, Matthew 18:10 says: “angels

in heaven continually see the face of

My Father Who is in heaven. My

question is: Since the angels in heaven

are in the spirit realm as is Yahweh, can they

see the face of Yahweh?

cannot see His face (1 Tim. 6:16), nor have ever

heard his actual voice (John 5:37). However, we

can and do see and hear (in the members and in

the written Word) the Representative, and we

also follow Him Who is leading us to eternal

life. We firmly believe and declare it was

Yahshua representing Yahweh all the way back

to Adam and Eve (Gen. 3:8 - 18); to Noah (Gen.

6:13 - 21); to Abram (Gen. 12:7 - 8), to Moses

(Exod. 33:20), etc. For further clarification, see

Did the Savior pre-Exist? http://www.yaiy.org/


I just finished reading your enhanced


on your site. It is very enlightening

and I am richly blessed. A question I

want to ask is from Yahshua’s statement in

Luke 24:39 “for a spirit hath not flesh and

bones, as ye see me have.” What was He refer-

ring to here as spirit with no flesh and bone? I

believe all dead people are in the grave.

All dead people are in the grave, ex-

cept for Yahshua. It's interesting He

should mention His hands and feet,

that is where the nails would have been. How-

ever, there was no blood anymore. Spirit only

was allowing Him to live; proof of life eternal

after death, from the One Who did die and yet

not see decay (Psalm 16:10). He was showing

this to the disciples and explained to them that

He is indeed the One the Scriptures spoke about

(v. 44 - 48). He is the only One resurrected to

eternal life at this time (Acts 13:32 - 39), but

there will be first fruits at the appointed time (1

Cor. 15:23)...the time of His return.

22 July ‒ September 2018 YAIY Beacon

through the purification proce-

dures or ritual blood sacrifices

anymore under the Levitical


This is an illustration for the

present time, indicating that the

gifts and sacrifices being of-

fered were not able to clear the

conscience of the worshiper.

They are only a matter of food

and drink and various ceremo-

nial washings—external regula-

tions applying until the time of

the new order, Hebrews 9:9 –10


The New Order, which he is

speaking of, is the Melchizedek

Order. The one, in which, those

in Messiah abide.

But Messiah, having become

a High Priest of the coming

good matters, through the

greater and more perfect Tent

not made with hands, that is,

not of this creation, entered into

the Most Set-apart Place once

for all, not with the blood of

goats and calves, but with His

own blood, having obtained ev-

erlasting redemption. For if the

blood of bulls and goats and the

ashes of a heifer, sprinkling the

defiled, sets apart for the clean-

sing of the flesh, how much

more shall the blood of the

Messiah, Who through the ever-

lasting Spirit offered Himself

unblemished to Elohim, cleanse

your conscience from dead

works to serve the living Elo-

him? (Hebrews 9:11 – 14 TS).

While we see what Atone-

ment was like in the past, we

also see what it is for those of

us in Messiah, accepting His

position as High Priest and rec-

ognizing that we have Him as a

Mediator today before the Al-

mighty Father.

We've been granted the abil-

ity to serve and obey Yahweh

as He desires, with clean hearts

which love Him and do His

will. We are no longer seen as


It makes us consider our role

in life and what we need to be

doing now. Yahshua also makes

that clear to us:

And whosoever will be chief

among you, let him be your ser-

vant: Even as the Son of man

came not to be ministered unto,

but to minister, and to give His

life a ransom for many, Mat-

thew 20:27 – 28 KJV.

Let's consider what this day

of Atonement is for us today, in

Messiah, and not just what it

meant in the past.

We close here with Hebrews

10:21 – 24 NKJV,

And having a High Priest

over the house of Yahweh, let us

draw near with a true heart in

full assurance of faith, having

our hearts sprinkled from an

evil conscience and our bodies

washed with pure water. Let us

hold fast the confession of our

hope without wavering, for He

Who promised is faithful. And

let us consider one another in

order to stir up love and good


The time is now to be

cleansed from our past sins, to

walk in newness of life. If you'd

like to know more about the

Holy Days of Yahweh, please

order your free booklet from us

entitled Biblical Holy Days.

Elder David Brett

<from Atonement page 20>

Ruach (Hebrew) is spirit in the Old Tes-

tament, and pneuma (Greek) is spirit in

the New. Both are often translated

“wind.” We cannot see wind (air in motion), but

we can see what it does. Spirit is the air we

breathe and thought of as the “breath of life.”

Yahweh gives life and takes it away. In the res-

urrection, Yahweh’s Set-apart Spirit will be

Why were the children of Israel for-

bidden to eat a kid seethed in his

mother’s milk? Deut. 14:21.

The mother’s milk was to give life to

the kid, not make the milk an instru-

ment of death. Some scholars contend

that it is next to impossible to boil milk

with a kid.

Ecclesiastes 12:7, Acts 7:59 and Luke

23:46 use the word spirit as a part of

man that returns to Yahweh at death.

What is that spirit?

given to the firstborn which will make them im-

mortal. Spirit is looked upon as energy or force

and has various meanings, including the Holy


July ‒ September 2018 YAIY Beacon 23

24 July ‒ September 2018 YAIY Beacon


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