Julia RYBALOVA Career counsellor, Eesti...

Post on 02-Mar-2020

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Transcript of Julia RYBALOVA Career counsellor, Eesti...

“Online counselling”

Julia RYBALOVACareer counsellor, Eesti Töötukassa, Estonia

Eesti TöötukassaPES Estonia





Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund (EUIF)

...is an independent public body

tripartite management (social partners and government)

Founded in 2001 to administer unemployment insurance

since 1 May 2009 also in the role of PES

Central office and 15 regional offices over 700 employees

EUIF: main activities

Work Ability Assessment

July 2016

Work Ability Benefit

July 2016

Employment Services and Active Labour Market Measures

Unemployment Benefits

Preventive Measures

May 2017

Career Counselling

• provides assistance and support in planning your career and in making decisions on educational and employment choices

• meant for both employed and unemployed jobseekers / otherinterested parties

• career counselling takes place in all EUIF offices

Ways of contact:

• personal visit to EUIF office

• online counselling (for those who are employed and others notregistered as unemployed)

- contact over Skype

- contact by e-mail

Online Counselling (1)

• the aim is to offer a flexible way of

interaction with EUIF, focused especially on the need of employed


• career counselling is provided in Estonian, Russian and Englishlanguages;

• relevant documents can be signed by using digital signature(ID card or Mobile ID);

Online Counselling (2)

• started in 2015

• e-mail counselling: 1918 interactions

• Skype counselling: 113 sessions

• each year, the number of contacts is constantly increasing

How is online counselling carried out?

• Skype counselling: appointment can be made through self-service(by choosing a suitable date, region and language)

• E-mail counselling:

- clients can leave their questions on EUIF website or byaddressing any career counsellor directly (contact details are provided on EUIF website)

- answers arrive within 3 days

What are the most common topics at careercounselling?

• analysing work opportunities (professional development, career

change, obstacle at work, etc.)

• analysing studying opportunities

• coping with a lay-off notice

• coping with stress at work

• testing

What are the advantages of onlinecounselling?

• fast

• flexible (counselling takes place at the

time suitable for the client)

• personalised (may involve video conversation upon the client’swish)

• clients may contact any career counsellor

all over Estonia

• no need to attend the office to sign documents

• free of charge

Thank you!
