JSF 2.2

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New Feature Review of JSF 2.2

Transcript of JSF 2.2

Copyright © 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. I1

JSF 2.2 New Featuresin ContextEdward Burns@edburns Consulting Member of Staff, Oracle

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My plan for your time investment

How is JSF still relevant?

JSF 2.2 Big Ticket Features: in Context– 1055 Stateless Views: Context: Performance

– 1090 HTML5 Friendly Markup: Context: Markup Evolution

– 730 Flows and 1142 Resource Library Contracts: Context: Multi-tenancy and Modularity

Other features: Context free

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The following is intended to outline our general product direction. It is intended for information purposes only, and may not be incorporated into any contract. It is not a commitment to deliver any material, code, or functionality, and should not be relied upon in making purchasing decisions. The development, release, and timing of any features or functionality described for Oracle’s products remains at the sole discretion of Oracle.

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JSR 127

– JSF 1.0 11 March 2004

– JSF 1.1 27 May 2004 JSR 252

– JSF 1.2 11 May 2006

– JSF 1.2 Maintenance Release 119 December 2006

– JSF 1.2 Maintenance Release 2 13 June 2008

– JSF 1.2 Maintenance Release 3 25 August 2008

Where is JSF in its Lifecycle?JSR Timeline JSR 314

– JSF 2.0 1 July 2009

– JSF 2.1 16 July 2010

– JSF 2.1 Maintenance Release 2 22 November 2010

JSR 344

– Started 14 April 2011

– Early Draft Review released 8 December 2011

– Proposed Final Draft 14 Mar 2013

– Final June 2013http://bit.ly/JavaEE7WrapsUp

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How Can JSF Still Be Relevant?Abstractions Endure

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Is JSF Really That Old?

JavaOne 2001technical keynote

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Restate the Scope of JSF

Separate Component Semantics from Rendering Allow components to “own” their little patch of the UI

– encode/decode

Well defined lifecycle: Inversion of Control

UI Logic Substantially on Server

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Unofficial usage tracked athttp://bit.ly/RealWorldJsfLinks2

or google RealWorldJsfLinks

JSF Used on Every Continent

Real World JSF Links

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What’s Hot Now?

HTML5 native applications– JavaScript MVC frameworks


Dan North, thought leader– “The Browser is Dead…”

http://bit.ly/DanNorthBrowserIsDead PDF http://bit.ly/DanNorthBrowserIsDeadVideo YouTube

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Dan North’s Assessment of What’s Hot Now

Technologies– Graphics: 2D and 3D + transforms

– Client local storage

– Sever Sent Events: Web Sockets

– Ecmascript

Techniques– Everything is asynchronous

– Don’t page template, just use the DOM (jQuery)

– No UI state on the server

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Dan North’s Assessment of What’s Hot Now

Use standards…– W3C standards

– JCP standards? JSON JSR-353 WebSocket JSR-356 JAX-RS JSR-339

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So why are these things hot now?

Flashy results? Maintainability? Better runtime performance potential for better user experience? Wider reach?

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So why are these things hot now?

Flashy results?– This is a component library concern. Many component libraries have very

flashy components.

– Abstractions endure

Maintainability? Better runtime performance potential for better user experience? Wider reach?

JSF responses

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So why are these things hot now?

Flashy results? Maintainability?

– JavaEE/JSF was designed for large teams of corporate developers producing code that needs to stick around long after said developers have moved on.

– For example, emphasis on statically typed technologies

Better runtime performance potential for better user experience? Wider reach?

JSF responses

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So why are these things hot now?

Flashy results? Maintainability? Better runtime performance potential for better user experience?

– With any technology, including the HTML5 native approach, it is possible to produce a poorly performing user experience. The question is how hard is it to produce a decently performing one.

– Stateless JSF is a step in that direction.

Wider reach?

JSF responses

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So why are these things hot now?

Flashy results? Maintainability? Better runtime performance potential for better user experience? Wider reach?

– JSF was designed for client device independence

– HTML5, while growing, is still not at the least common denominator level

– Being able to support IE 6 is sometimes still important

JSF responses

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So why are these things hot now?

Flashy results? Maintainability? Better runtime performance potential for better user experience? Wider reach?

JSF responses

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In reality, many approaches can co-exist

JSF for one class of developers/users HTML5 native for another Re-use in the application tier

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Where is JSF in its Lifecycle?Implementation Status

Oracle Mojarra JSF 2.2.0 is in GlassFish 4.0, which requires JDK7 It will also run on GlassFish 3.1+, which requires JDK6 It will also run on Tomcat 7 (but you must bring your own CDI if you

want to use CDI dependent features such as Faces Flows)

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My plan for your time investment

How is JSF still relevant?

Big Ticket Features: in Context– 1055 Stateless Views: Context: Performance

– 1090 HTML5 Friendly Markup: Context: Markup Evolution

– 730 Flows and 1142 Resource Library Contracts: Context: Multi-tenancy and Modularity

Other features: Context free

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JSF 2.2 Big Ticket Featuresin Context

Issue numbers relative to JSF JIRAhttp://jsf-spec.java.net/issues/

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New to JSF?

JSF 2.0 was a blockbuster release– Facelets

– Composite Components

– Ajax

– Resource Libraries

2.0 Big Ticket Feature Review

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1055 Stateless JSF

Kinds of state in a JSF app– UIComponent state

– Model tier state

– Persistence tier state

What is state?

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1055 Stateless JSF

Kinds of state in a JSF app– UIComponent state

– Model tier state

– Persistence tier state

What is state?

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1055 Stateless JSF

Kinds of state in a JSF app– UIComponent state

– Model tier state

– Persistence tier state

Context: Stateless is important mostly as performance concern– See http://bit.ly/LeonardoJsfPerformance Leonardo Uribe’s paper

– Much can be done in the way you use JSF to reduce statefulness

What is state?

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1055 Stateless JSF

Leverage existing API Biggest gain for smallest change

– Expose existing UIComponent transient property on f:view<f:view transient=“true”>

– Spec changes in Restore View Phase, ResponseStateManager

Be advised– Must be on outer-most <f:view> in Facelets inclusion

– View scoped managed beans will not work if the view is marked stateless

JSF 2.2 approach to stateless

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1055 Stateless JSF

Automatic state management is a key value-add of JSF– Differentiates it from RESTful

Pros– Can be lazy with your UI,

Why is this important?

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1090 HTML5 Friendly Markup

This is a JSF page

The best part of Wicket comes to JSF

<!DOCTYPE html><html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns:myNS="http://xmlns.jcp.org/jsf”><form myNS:id="form"> <input name="textField" type="text" myNS:value="#{bean.text1}" /> <input type="submit" myNS:id="submitButton" value="submit" /> <p>submitted text: #{bean.text1}.</p></form></html>

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1090 HTML5 Friendly Markup

JSF Views are written in a View Declaration Language (VDL). The standard Facelet VDL is an XML application with two kinds of

elements– HTML Markup

– JSF Components

HTML Markup is passed through straight to the browser JSF Components take some action on the server, during the lifecycle

Let’s get back to basics

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1090 HTML5 Friendly Markup

Before JSF 2.2– JSF tags hide complexity of underlying HTML+script+css+images

– JSF “Renderer”: encode: markup to browser decode: name=value from browser

<html>…<my:colorPicker value=“#{colorBean.color2}” /><my:calendar value=“#{calendarBean.date1}” />


Context: Missing feature in browser? Write a JSF component.

Let the elegance of HTML shine through

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1090 HTML5 Friendly Markup

With JSF 2.2– Pure HTML+script+css+images in the JSF page

– JSF Renderer handles decode from browser Leverage the strength of the JSF lifecycle Leverage the expressiveness of HTML5

<html>…<input type=“color” jsf:value=“#{colorBean.color2}”/><input type=“date” jsf:value=“#{calendarBean.date1}” />


Context: New feature in browser? Use “pass through elements”

Let the elegance of HTML shine through

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1090 HTML5 Friendly Markup


Let the elegance of HTML shine through

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1142 Resource Library Contracts730 Faces Flows

Allow composing a JSF app as a collection of modules

– Faces Flows modularize behavior

– Resource Library Contracts modularize appearance

Well defined contract for each

Modularity and Multi-tenant capability

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1142 Resource Library Contracts 730 Faces Flows

Two new concepts in JSF 2.2– Resource Library Contract

– Faces Flows

What’s going on here?

Builds on facelets concepts

Builds on navigation concepts

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Resource Library ContractsFacelets Review

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Resource Library ContractsFacelets Review

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Resource Library ContractsA Contract is Born

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Resource Library ContractsLoading Conventions

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Resource Library ContractsLoading Conventions

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Resource Library ContractsLoading Conventions

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Resource Library ContractsLoading Conventions

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Resource Library ContractsLoading Configuration

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Resource Library ContractsLoading Configuration

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Resource Library Contracts

Resource Library Contract– Convention

Available contracts discovered at startup All of them are made available to the application Assumes there are no naming collisions

– Configuration faces-config.xml <resource-library-contracts> element

– Controls which parts of the app are allowed to use which contracts contracts attribute in <f:view>

– Declares that this view is only able to use these named contracts

Modular Appearance

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Faces Flows

Standards are for Standardizing, Not Innovating ADF Task Flows Spring Web Flow Apache MyFaces CODI

Architectural Pedigree

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Flow Concepts

Can be “called” from any place in the application Single entry point Input parameters and return values Well defined interface contract

– Internal implementation details hidden

New flowScoped for flow local storage New @FlowScoped CDI annotation: automatic activation/passivation

Hint: Think of a flow like a Java method

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Flow Navigation

Navigation is no longer just between pages Navigation is now between flow “nodes” Information Hiding comes to JSF. Welcome to 1972! Multiple node types:

– View

– Method Call

– Switch

– Flow Call

– Flow Return

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Flow Navigation

Flow represented at runtime by instance of javax.faces.flow.Flow

JSF 2.2 authoring experience


– Builder

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730 Faces Flows 1142 Resource Library Contracts

Two new concepts in JSF 2.2– Resource Library Contract

– Faces Flows

Each builds on the packaging scheme in JSF 2.0– A special directory in the web app root

/contracts /flows

– A special location in the Classpath /META-INF /contracts /META-INF/flows

What’s going on here?

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730 Faces Flows 1142 Resource Library Contracts

Two new concepts in JSF 2.2– Resource Library Contract

– Faces Flows

Each builds on the packaging scheme in JSF 2.0– A special directory in the web app root

/contracts /flows

– A special location in the Classpath /META-INF /contracts /META-INF/flows

What’s going on here?

Useful during development

Useful during deployment


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1142 Resource Library Contracts


Explore the contracts aspect of flow_and_contract and scrumtoys demo

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730 Faces Flows

Standards are for Standardizing, Not Innovating ADF Task Flows Spring Web Flow Apache MyFaces CODI

Architectural Pedigree

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730 Faces Flows

Can be “called” from any place in the application Single entry point Input parameters and return values Well defined interface contract

– Internal implementation details hidden

New facesFlowScope for flow local storage New @FlowScoped CDI annotation: automatic activation/passivation

Hint: Think of a flow like a Java method

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Navigation is no longer just between pages Navigation is now between flow “nodes” Information Hiding comes to JSF. Welcome to 1972! Multiple node types:

– View

– Method Call

– Switch

– Flow Call

– Flow Return

730 Faces FlowsNavigation

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Flow represented at runtime by instance of javax.faces.flow.Flow

JSF 2.2 authoring experience


– Builder

730 Faces FlowsNavigation

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Flow Definition

Name of the flow Where does the flow start? Input values Optional initializer & finalizer

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Flow Definition

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730 Faces FlowsSpec challenge

Ensuring the feature works well with the existing JSF features– POSTback based navigation: <h:command{Button,Link}>

– GET based navigation: <h:{button,link}>

Navigation rules– Was one level

– Now is a stack

– “return” case was tricky

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My plan for your time investment

How is JSF still relevant?

Big Ticket Features: in Context– 1055 Stateless Views: Context: Performance

– 1090 HTML5 Friendly Markup: Context: Markup Evolution

– 730 Flows and 1142 Resource Library Contracts: Context: Multi-tenancy and Modularity

Other features: Context free

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Other Features

• Medium Sized• Small Sized

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Medium Sized Features1. 1042 ViewActions

2. 869 CSRF protection

3. 949 ClientWindow

4. 802 File Upload

5. 763 CDI injection of JSF artifacts

6. 599 Programmatic Composite Component creation

7. 594, 703 FacesComponent enhancetments

8. 479 UIData implements Collection

9. 1001 Composite and Java components in the same library

10. 533 Programmatic faces-config

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1042 ViewActions

JSF 2.0 introduced <f:metadata>– Use with <f:viewParam>

JSF 2.2 introduces <f:viewAction>– Use inside of <f:metadata>

– Use along side of <f:viewParam>

Like a button that clicks itself– Can cause navigation

– Can choose the lifecycle phase

UIViewAction component sits behind <f:viewAction> tag.

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869 Cross Site Request Forgery Protection

What is Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF, pronounced SEE-surf)?

– http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cross-site_request_forgery

– Trick the browser into sending requests that the user did not actually intend to initiate

JSF Is Not Just for POSTback Anymore

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869 Cross Site Request Forgery Protection

How does JSF protect your app against this attack?

1. It already does and always has!POSTback is a virture. JSF 2.2 just makes encryption of the view state on by default

2. New <protected-views> section in faces-config

View Token – When rendering a non-POSTback link or button

Referer [sic] and Origin headers

JSF Is Not Just for POSTback Anymore

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949 ClientWindow

JSF finally has framework level support for the many different ways a UIComponent tree can be rooted

– Browser tab

– Browser window

– Browser pop-up

– Portlet

– …

New class javax.faces.lifecycle.ClientWindow– A client window is always associated with exactly one UIViewRoot instance

at a time, but may display many different UIViewRoots during its lifetime.

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949 ClientWindow

FacesServlet now must call Lifecycle.attachWindow() Lifecycle.attachWindow()

– Takes no action unless feature is enabled

– Looks for incoming client window

– Creates one if not present

– Stores it on the ExternalContext

How does it work?

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802 File Upload Component

For the benefit of Apache Tomcat users, JSF has always chosen to lag one Servlet version behind the Java EE umbrella spec in which it is included

Why so long?

Included JSF Version

Included Servlet Version

Minimum Servlet Version for Included JSF

J2EE 1.4 1.1 2.4 2.3

Java EE 5 1.2 2.5 2.4

Java EE 6 2.0 3.0 2.5

Java EE 7 2.2 3.1 3.0

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Final spec has “Ajax” and non-Ajax support “Ajax” can be XHR level 2 or hidden IFRAME

<h:inputFile id="file"            value="#{fileUploadBean.uploadedFile}">   <f:validator validatorId="FileValidator" />          


802 File Upload ComponentUsage

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@ManagedBean@RequestScopedpublic class FileUploadBean {  private Part uploadedFile; // getter/setter  public String getFileText() {    String text = "";    if (null != uploadedFile) { try {      InputStream is = uploadedFile.getInputStream();      text = new Scanner( is ).useDelimiter("\\A").next();      } catch (IOException ex) {}    }      return text;



802 File Upload ComponentUsage

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public class FileValidator implements Validator {

  @Override public void validate(FacesContext context, UIComponent component, Object value) throws ValidatorException {

  Part file = (Part) value;

  try {

    InputStream is = file.getInputStream();

    text = new Scanner( is ).useDelimiter("\\A").next();

  } catch (Exception ex) { throw new ValidatorException(“”, ex); }

  if (!text.contains("JSR-344")) {

    throw new ValidatorException(new FacesMessage("Invalid file”);



802 File Upload ComponentUsage

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763 CDI Injection of JSF Artifacts

All Common Annotation and CDI Annotations must work in– ELResolvers

– Factories

– JSF singletons (ResourceHandler, StateManager, etc)

– ActionListeners

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599 Programmatic Component Creation

Application.createComponent()– Used to create UIComponent instances given component-family, etc

ViewDeclarationLanguage.createComponent()– Used to create UIComponent instances given tag library URI, tag name,

and optional attributes

– Equivalent to using the tag in a page

– Designed for use with composite components

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594, 703 FacesComponent enhancements

@FacesComponent added in JSF 2.0– Allows declaring a UIComponent to the runtime

JSF 2.2 adds new attributes (with sensible defaults)– createTag causes a facelet tag handler to automatically be created

– namespace declares the tag library namespace in which the tag handler will reside

– tagName declares the tag name

– value now has a default behavior

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479 UIData supports Collection

Prior to JSF 2.2, UIData only supported – Arrays

– java.util.List

– java.sql.ResultSet

– javax.servlet.jsp.jstl.sql.Result

JSF 2.2 adds– java.util.Collection

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1001 Composite and Regular Components

Prior to JSF 2.2, was not possible to have both kinds of components in the same tag library

Now it is.

Both in the same tag library

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533 Programmatic faces-config

New class javax.faces.application.ApplicationConfigurationPopulator

Is a java.util.ServiceLoader service Has a populateApplicationConfiguration() method

– Gets passed an “empty” DOM Document

– You can populate it as if it were a regular faces-config.xml file.

– It gets put in with the rest of the discovered faces-config files.

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Other Features

• Medium Sized• Small Sized

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Small Sized Features

1142 “reset button” API 766 Events from the Flash 1134 “role” passthrough attribute 1050 Ajax delay 1085 httpOnly cookie support

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The preceding was intended to outline our general product direction. It was intended for information purposes only, and may not be incorporated into any contract. It is not a commitment to deliver any material, code, or functionality, and should not be relied upon in making purchasing decisions. The development, release, and timing of any features or functionality described for Oracle’s products remains at the sole discretion of Oracle.

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