Journalists who exposed social and economic evils; inspiring Reform Teddy Roosevelt gave them the...

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Transcript of Journalists who exposed social and economic evils; inspiring Reform Teddy Roosevelt gave them the...

Journalists who exposed social and economic evils; inspiring ReformTeddy Roosevelt gave them the nickname

Lincoln Steffens: Shame of the Cities looked into the slums of Philadelphia

Upton Sinclair: The Jungle examined deplorable conditions in The meat packing industry

Jacob Riis: photographed the poor and child workers

Ida Tarbell: exposed the corrupt business practices of Rockefeller and Standard Oil; inspired government to Challenge monopolies and trusts

National Association for the Advancement of Colored


FOUNDER: W.E.B. Dubois

MISSION: To fight against discriminationIn society

CURRENT STATUS: Still a leading CivilRights Organization today

She was an activist who fought for women’s rights

Won them the right to work 10 hours a day and 6 days a week

Florence Kelley -- A Woman of Fierce Fidelity

This granted women suffrage

FAMOUS WOMENElizabeth Cady Stanton

Susan B. Anthony

Carrie Chapman Catt

He believed blacks

should be patient

and work blue

Collar jobs to gain

Economic status

He founded

theTuskeegeeInstitute in Alabama

Progressive nurse, she believed in birth control

Believed that giving women Access to birth control gave them more power and independence

Founder of the Planned Parenthood

Reforms to clean up political machines of the cities: City Manager and Commission Systems

Places educated experts in charge of the city; made decisions based on planning and welfare of the people

Allowed the people to directly vote for and choose candidates in elections

Took power away from the political parties and gave more power to people

Allows voters to remove certain elected officials from office if they are not performing


Led to the creation of the Food and Drug Administration

Inspired by Upton Sinclair’s book The Jungle

First African American to graduate from Harvard

Found the NAACP

Believed blacks deserved their equal rights immediately and they should get their

rights through increased educational opportunities

Progressive governor of Wisconsin

Took on the political machines

Fought for state reforms for example: referendums, recall, and initiative

•Allowed voter to directly introduce a law for other voters

to decide upon

•If the introduced law is voted on then this process is called the


•Roosevelt’s domestic policy

•Busts Trusts and Monopolies

• Restores competition, conservationism

And advocates for the rights of

workers and common people

•1902 settled the coal miners strike by sending it to


•Arbitration: a conflict to be decided by an independent party

•The first time government took the side of the workers in a labor dispute

•Made Roosevelt wildly popular

•Allowed citizens of the U.S. to

directly elect their own senators

•Gave more say in government

to the common person

•Industrialization and expansion were wreaking havoc on the environment

•Theodore Roosevelt and friends John Muir and Gifford Pinchot set aside huge tracts of wilderness for protection

•Allowed the federal government to tax workers income

•It was passed as a way for government to raise money…thus

providing more services to American citizens

•He was the third progressive president

•Famous for his leadership during WWI and

his moralistic leadership

•He passed the Underwood Tariff, Workman’s

Compensation, and the Federal Reserve Act

•Began in New Jersey

•Allowed workers payment if they suffer a job related injury

•Provides a safety net for workers and encourages owners to improve dangerous conditions

•Lowered the tariff (tax on imports) to allow foreign companies to sell their products more easily in America

•With increased competition the trusts and monopolies were forced to lower their prices

•This act strengthened the Sherman Anti-trust Act

•Made trusts illegal and allowed workers to strike and boycott as long as it was peaceful

•Goal: restore competition to economy

•Prohibited the manufacture, distribution

and sale of alcohol in America

•Starts the Prohibition Era!!!

•Showed that progressives were moralistic

and often religious in nature

•Law passed by congress in 1906 which gave the

Interstate Commerce Commission power to set

maximum railroad rates

•Agency established to regulate freight rates

•Established the Interstate Commerce Act

in 1887

• Conservative president eager to maintain the status quo (keep things the same)

•Alienates progressives

•Leader of the Socialist Party of America 1901

•Mission: Historic mission of the working class to

•do away with capitalism and institute a classless society

•Wanted a society in which workers controlled both the government and the means of production

•Divided the country into 12 districts each with a federal reserve bank

•All national banks were required to become members

•Stands as Woodrow Wilson’s greatest domestic achievement.

•Located in Chicago

•Adams vowed to help the poor

•Lobbied for schools, public parks, and better garbage collection