Journalism 2.0

Post on 06-May-2015

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The first lecture for the Digital Journalism Workshop at Ithaca College

Transcript of Journalism 2.0

Journalism 2.0Digital Journalism Workshop

Effective learning

read, learn, comment

create your own

good old e-mail

Interesting times

What have you heard about news industry? (Romenesko)

Current trends

News is becoming a service

What journalists must supply?

News story is never finished (updates)

No media monopoly

Several Web news sources

Every story becomes a Web site Project for Excellence in Journalism

Current trends

Journalists provide “tools” that help users utilize information

List of Web links




Project for Excellence in Journalism

Current trends

Experiments and innovations (that is where you come in)

Current trends

Less and less people read newspapers

BUT more and more people consume news

Traditional and new media sources

70 percent of Americans use the Internet for news

Current trends

Percent of Population Ever Going Online

Project for Excellence in Journalism

Going online

Newspapers and information

supply and demand


consumers empowered

Going online

Most of newspapers’ expenses have nothing to do with news or editorial content

It is MUCH CHEAPER to produce news online

Enormous opportunities for journalists

Means to survive

Jeff Jarvis (

customers are in charge

people are getting together online

mass market is dead and replaced by mass of niches

conversation is the key

from scarcity to abundance


Blogs, blogs, blogs

Wiki journalism

Collaboration between journalists and audience

Community involvement

Dialogs and discussions

Getting news ideas

A news story is never finished

Mobile web

Bringing Internet into the real world

3G network (faster)

iPhone, BlackBerry, Google Phone (always with you)

Produce and publish multimedia content anywhere

Consume multimedia content anywhere

QR codes

Bar Codes did not really take off (maybe wrong time)

QR Codes have a great potential

New forms of media

Semantic web

Completely new meaning of the information online

New level of data analysis

New level of news reporting



It is all about YOU

Customizable news

Segmentation of (loyal) audience

My NY Times


Web 3D

Broadband Internet Access and Net-Neutrality

Faster data transmission

Second Life

Google Earth

Web 3D

Image by Jason-Morrison

Social media

“Three in four U.S. online adults now use social tools to connect with each other compared with just 56% in 2007.”

•Forester Research Image by Matt Hamm

Social media

Going global

The Web is global




Image by fLeMmA

Going global

"The fact that more than three-quarters of the traffic to Google, Yahoo!, and Microsoft is now coming from outside of the U.S. is indicative of what a truly global medium the Internet has become."

• Bob Ivins, managing director of comScore Europe

Going global

Fourteen of the top 25 U.S. Web sites enjoy a large international audience

more visitors outside of the U.S.

FUTURE reporting means GLOBAL reporting

But it also means going hyperlocal (huh?)

Hyperlocal reporting

From community to neighborhood

Relevant news

Smaller audience


Mobile GPS

mobile devices (PDAs)

Location, Location, Location

Relevant information and news