Jordan A. Stace

Post on 21-Jan-2015

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Transcript of Jordan A. Stace

The Deadliest of Deadly!

Will Go In Body

Will Eat Your Body

Doctors Medicine


It is assumed that early human ancestors generally had parasites, but until recently there was no evidence to support this claim. Generally, the discovery of parasites in ancient humans relies on the study of feces and other fossilized material. The earliest known parasite in a human was eggs of the lung fluke found in fossilized feces in northern Chile and is estimated to be from around 5900BC. There are also claims of hookworm eggs from around 5000BC in Brazil and large roundworm eggs from around 2330BC in Peru. Tapeworm eggs have also been found present in Egyptian mummies dating from around 2000BC, 1250BC, and 1000BC along with a well preserved and calcified female worm inside of a mummy.



Protozoa Roundworms

The Protozoa parasite are single-celled organisms. They can attack any single cell. They also duplicate themselves in your body the same way virus or bacteria do. Theses parasites can be found in the blood and the nervous system. A well known disease cause by a blood parasite is malaria. Tuberculosis is also caused by a blood parasite that lives in white blood cells. The different species of Protozoa can enter you body in many different ways. They can be transmitted by insects or through water. There are also many Protozoa's that can enter your body by undercooked meat.

These are parasitic worms that can make there way into your body as eggs if you eat infected or undercooked meat. Roundworms can also be ingested by drinking infected water. They hatch and live in your intestines stealing the food and nutrients. Roundworms can be white or pink. The most common of Roundworms Pinworms, Hookworms, and Whipworms.

The Flukes are a type of parasitic worm that are oval shaped but flat. Flukes can be found various organs such as liver or organs and sometimes in the blood. The blood Flukes travel through different organs in the body and are especially dangerous because they can infect the brain and spinal cord.

This category of parasites include those that are insects. The common insects are fleas, lice, ticks, and mites. These parasites infect you by burrowing into your skin or sucking your blood like lice do.