Joomla 1.5 Template Tutorial

Post on 18-Nov-2014

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This Jooomla templating tutorial was written to help a novice create their own Joomla 1.5 template. This tutorial aims to keep template development for Joomla free by using free and/or open source webdev tools. If you found this tutorial helpful, please rate it and leave a comment. Feedback is always nice.

Transcript of Joomla 1.5 Template Tutorial


The only thing more difficult than learning to make Joomla templates is writing a

tutorial that endeavors to teach a complete noobie how to do so for free. The difficulty in

writing this tutorial resides in the fact that teaching is easy to those who have the knack.

For the rest of us, teaching is a chore. The difficulty in learning to create a Joomla

template from scratch lies in the complexity of the information currently available. This

tutorial aims to rectify that situation. Sadly, it will not be able to cure my poor writing

skills. Hopefully you will survive my scribbles long enough to understand how it all


This tutorial began as a thread on my web host’s forums which I shall now

shamelessly plug. I wanted the thread to be something

that the reader could grow with and see my progress over time. However, the inherent

limitations of a forum were much too much to overcome. I have not given up on the

idea of writing a tutorial of this nature, and over the course of this document I will take

my best stab at doing it all over again with screenshots and hopefully some nerd humor

( I think nerd humor may be an oxymoron).

There are a few tools that you will need to get started:

• Graphic Design - Paint.Net can be found at

• WYSiWYG HTML - KompoZer can be found at

NOTE: KompoZer is also available as a Portable Application at The portable version of KompoZer will allow you to

edit your template on nearly any computer running Windows.

• Content Management System - Joomla 1.5 can be found at:

• Joomla Template Snippet Library - JTT can be found in the Joomla extensions

directory at:

• Lorem Ipsum Generator - I use to generate sample content for

my template until the PHP Joomla code makes the template dynamic.

• Any webhosting account with PHP v.5 or greater where you can install Joomla Shameless Plug Alert:

By no means are these tools the absolute best way to go when building a Joomla

template and I am not trying to convert anyone. In fact, I do believe that there are much

better ways to go if money is no object. However, I chose to go this route because every

tutorial I read when learning this for myself was pricey when considering the webdev

tools required. Joomla itself and a very good many of the available templates and

extensions are free. There is no reason why there shouldn’t be a tutorial written so that a

noobie can follow along for free too. That being said, free software does come with

certain handicaps that we will discover along the way and find ways of overcoming them

as they rear their ugly heads.

What are Content Management Systems, and more importantly, Why Joomla?

Content Management Systems (CMS) are the backbone of many news and e-

commerce sites that we all use. One of the most successful CMS driven websites is Now we can't exactly have's CMS, but that doesn't mean

that Content Management is beyond the reach of web admins with slightly less successful

business plans.

What makes these systems so attractive is the way they present new information.

Before CMS, web pages were static. Every time new information needed to be

presented, that information had to be built into a new page on a website. With the

advent of CMS, content could be dynamically generated and new information could be

presented on the fly. This is accomplished by splitting the site into three distinct pieces:

the wire frame, the style sheet, and the data. The wire frame is the basic information that

tells the web browser how to process the information it is getting. The wire frame in

PHP based CMSs, is found in the index.php file. The style sheet is a Cascading Style

Sheet (CSS) that defines the appearance of the page. Finally the database stores the data

that the CMS will present through the wire frame and style sheet. The advantage of

splitting the site into three distinct pieces is that the duties of each are confined within

themselves and can be more easily maintained or modified.

There are more Open Source CMSs than I care to consider. Thankfully, other

people have the time and determination to attempt to catalogue them. provides and extensive list of free CMS options listed

alphabetically. They have nearly one hundred options. The question is not where you

should start, but why I am a huge fan of Joomla!

Yes, it’s true. I am an unashamed Joomla fanboy. I have tried other CMS

systems, but nothing offered the wealth of plug-ins and extensions as those offered on the

Joomla web page. I was simply overwhelmed by the options available. Then you see the

forums where so much support is available. I have posted questions there and had

answers within hours. Basically, the price was right and the support structure was there to

support my first foray into CMS. Once I had my first Joomla installation up and running,

I was hooked. Setting up a site was so easy. Getting plug-ins and extensions working

was a breeze. I have never looked back. Since I am such a Joomla fanboy I would

suggest that it be your first choice for CMS too. Now that the question of why I chose

Joomla has been answered, we can move forward with the template tutorial.

Taking over the world AKA: Devious Plan “A”

The first place to start in any webdev project is to have a good plan. In the case of

creating a template, the plan is, more often than not, actually a picture. In this case, I have

created what is possibly the most boring and plain picture possible. The point of this

tutorial is to teach you how to make a Joomla template; not a pretty Joomla template. You

can see the masterpiece for yourself in Figure 1.

Figure 1

As you will see, it is a very simple two column fixed width template with a header

image. You could also make a fixed length template, but your site would be

unnecessarily constrained. You can use the graphic design package of your choice to

make your really simple Joomla template. I used Paint.NET. It is a free graphic design

package. Just be aware that it does require the .NET framework to run.

As with any well organized webdev project, file organization is just as important

as having a plan. In the case of Joomla templating, the accepted file structure for

template construction is as follows:

• TemplateTut (or the name of your template)

o CSS o Images

See Figure 2 for a look at my file structure.

Figure 2

The template that we will be building together here will be a pure CSS driven

template. That means no tables. Tables belong in dining rooms and banquet halls; not in

your template. Since this template will be so simplistic, we will not have a bunch of

images to load. Really the only images we will need are the header image with possibly

one or two background images that should be around 1k in size. These small images will

not noticeably increase the template load time, though. The menu, along with the rest of

the site's content, will be dynamically generated by the CMS.

You will notice that the header image is surrounded by a thick black border;

however, we really only need three sides of the border in our header image. The left right

and top borders will need to be saved. The rest can be cropped off. The rest of the colors

and borders will be generated throughout the CSS file. So go ahead and crop out the

header image as I did in Figure 3

Figure 3

In the second section of this tutorial we discussed the question of “What are

Content Management Systems”. In that discussion, we covered the three basic pieces of

a CMS; the wire-frame, the styling, and the database. In this section we have discussed

the development of our plan and the organizational structure of the template. Now we

have a piece of the structure of the template we need to put it in its place. The wire

frame of our template (the index.php) will be in the root directory of our template (i.e.

...\TemplateTut\index.php), the CSS file will be in the CSS sub-folder, and the header

image we just cropped out of our mockup will go in the Images sub-folder.

Gold Diggers and Mozart Using KompoZer

I am going to have to assume that you have already downloaded KompoZer and

delve into the more complicated part of building a Joomla template. Joomla templates

begin in much the same way as any static HTML page. Basically we are going to build

an HTML page with a linked CSS file and then add the PHP bits that make it work as a

template in Joomla.

To begin, we will need an index.php file in the Template Tut folder. Since

KompoZer doesn't officially support PHP files, we will have to trick it into doing what

we want. Open KompoZer. When you open KompoZer, you will be presented with a

new blank page that you will need to save as a PHP file. Click on File then "Save As".

In the Save As dialog box, you will notice that KompoZer wants to save everything as an

HTML file. In the “Save as Type” drop down menu, choose "All Files" as seen in

Figure 4. Now you can save as a PHP file. In order for this all to work properly, the

file must be named index.php. There are no exceptions to this that I am aware of, so just

do it and don't complain.

Figure 4

Once your blank PHP file is saved, we can get started. In an earlier post, I said

that we would be making a purely CSS driven template which means NO TABLES. If

there are no tables, we must use CSS to create divisions in the page. I know that tables

are easy and many of you may have been using tables successfully for years, but there

are advantages to divs that tables cannot compare. Divs provide the possibility for

source ordering. Source ordering is important for SEO, but it is also important for

creating sites that are accessible to handicapped visitors who use screen readers. We

are not going to cover SEO or accessible website design in this tutorial, but I think we

can all agree that it is best to start off right than have to go back to be beginning again

when those issues become important.

One great thing about KompoZer is that it provides a CSS editor right there in its

user interface. Before we can get started with coding our index.php, we need to create

our divs in our CSS. Since there isn't a CSS file yet, we need to create one. The easiest

way to accomplish this is to open Wordpad and save the document to your

TemplateTut/CSS folder as TemplateCSS.css. Once you have your blank CSS file in the

CSS folder, you go back to KompoZer. In KompoZer's menu bar, you will see an icon

that looks kind of like a painter's palette. I have circled it in Figure 5. That is the menu

icon for the CSS editor. Click it and lets get started making our divs.

Figure 5

When you open the CSS editor, you will see the CSS Stylesheets window. CSS is

a very versatile structure for changing the look of the content of your website. While it is

possible to use CSS right in the code of your index.php file, we want to keep our CSS file

as a separate file from the index.php. This allows us to easily modify the CSS without

having to look through all of the code in our index file. By default, the CSS Editor wants

to use an internal stylesheet. Refer to Figure 6 for a screenshot. There are two types of

stylesheets; internal and linked. What we want is called a "Linked Stylesheet". A linked

stylesheet is a stylesheet that is in a file separate from the PHP code. In the top left

corner of the CSS Stylesheets window, you will see another painter's palette icon. Click

it and you will see that there are several options to choose from. Since it is what we

want, a linked stylesheet will be the obvious choice. By this point, you may have noticed

that we already have a stylesheet; but it is an internal stylesheet. Feel free to delete the

internal stylesheet at will as we don’t need it. Deleting stylesheets is easy. Simply select

the unwanted stylesheet and click the red “X” icon in the menu bar. It will be the fourth

icon from the left.

Figure 6

Once we choose the linked stylesheet option, we will be presented with the New

Linked Stylesheet dialog. Once again look at Figure 6. Since we have already created a

blank CSS file, we will want to choose that file for ourselves by clicking on the "Choose

File" button. Once we have clicked on the choose file button we can surf our site structure

to the TemplateTut/CSS folder and select our TemplateCSS.css file. To make the linked

CSS file be linked in the index.php file, click the "Create Stylesheet" button.

There is one quirky thing about KompoZer’s CSS editor that takes a little getting

used to that you will need to know now. KompoZer’s CSS editor does not save changes

to your CSS file until you click ok. If you click Cancel or the red “X” in the top right

corner or the Cancel button in the bottom right hand corner, all of your CSS work will be

lost. If you want to keep your changes and exit, always click the OK button. If, at some

point you want to delete a stylesheet or any single element of a stylesheet, select the sheet

or element in the "Sheets and Rules" panel and click the red x in the menu bar.

In order to create a new div in our stylesheet, we need to once again click on the

painter's palette icon and choose the Style Rule option. This will present us with a few

options as seen in Figure 7. A div is essentially an element with a specified ID attribute.

Conveniently for us, the CSS editor has included this option. It is the third one on the

list. When we select that option, the # sign appears in the text box below the options.

Enter the name of your first div. In the case of the most simple and boring Joomla

template possible, we will be naming the header as our first div. Once you have entered

the name of your first div, (i.e. #header), click the Create Style Rule button. You will

need to perform that step for each div you need for your site. In the case of our site, we

will be creating four divs and one style applied to all elements of a class:






When you are done creating your divs, it will look something like what I have attached in

Figure 8.

Figure 7

Figure 8

Now here we could just start styling our divs, but we wouldn't be able to see our

progress. However, if we take this moment in time to setup our divs in the index.php file

we will be able to see the changes happen as we make them. To exit the CSS editor and

return to KompoZer, click the OK button.

Finally we have reached the point where we can do some actual coding of our

Joomla template. The default view for KompoZer is the "Normal" view. To add the divs

to our source code, we will need to switch to the source tab at the bottom of the

KompoZer window as seen in Figure 9. The div tags will be located between the body

tags. For example:



<div id="header">



Figure 9

Inside those two lines of code between the body tags, we have just created the div

where our header image will be displayed. If we wanted to at this point, we could return

to Cascades and style the header div and begin to see some progress on our template.

However, while I've got you in the mood to make sweet code together we should just

finish out declaring our divs for one another in the index.php

One neat thing about divs is that we can nest one div within another div. We are

going to do just that by placing our left and right divs INSIDE the container div. This

technique would work with any div. To my knowledge, there is no limit on the number

of divs that can be nested in this way. Nesting divs is easy if you keep in mind the order

in which the divs should be closed. Check out the example:


<div id="header">


<div id="container">

<div id="left">


<div id="right">



First we declared the header div; then closed it. Next we declared the container

div. However, since we want to nest the left and right divs INSIDE the container div, we

didn't close the container div. Instead, we declared the left div and closed it then declared

the right div and closed it. Since we declared the left and right divs and closed them

between the open and close div tags for the container div, the left and right divs are

INSIDE the container div. If you want to see how that looks, just click on the HTML

Tags tab at the bottom of the KompoZer window or take a look at Figure 10. You will

see five tags; the body tag and four divs. However, two of the divs will appear INSIDE

the borders of the container div.

Figure 10

Style You’ll know when you’ve got it

As it stands right now, our Joomla template doesn't look like much. Essentially, it

is all substance and absolutely no style. That is where the stylesheet re-enters the picture.

If you recall, we created a linked stylesheet in the CSS editor and defined some style rules

that are our divs. However, we didn't apply any styling to any of our divs. That leaves

our template even more boring than our plan. We can't have that, now can we. First we'll

add just a touch of panache to our header div. Essentially all we will do to the header div

is add a background picture and set the dimensions of the div. The background picture is

our header image, and the dimensions of the div will be the exact same size as our

background image. This is the longest segment of this tutorial so if you want to take a

break, now would be the time to do it. Go ahead and stretch your legs, or continue if you

are a nerdy glutton for punishment.

If you haven't already done so, re-open KompoZer and open your index.php file.

Before we begin styling the divs, we will need some sample content in the left and right

divs. This content will only be filler text and we will be deleting it when we start

Joomlatizing the template. However, if we were to continue without adding any static

sample content to the divs we wouldn’t be able to view our changes as they occur. Our

changes would take place, but our preview would be the header image and nothing else.

For this, I will use to generate sample content for my template

until the PHP Joomla code makes the template dynamic. The site itself is pretty self

explanatory. If you choose not to use Lorem Ipsum text, you can use any plain text placed

between paragraph tags in the div where you want the text to appear. You will need to be

in the source tab of KompoZer to add the sample text to the divs. The left div will

contain our menu and the right div will be the body of our page where the actual content

will be displayed. Now that we have a very raw template with some sample content we

can get started styling our divs. Open the CSS editor so that we can start applying our


We will click on the header div in the Sheets and rules panel of the CSS editor to

add a background image to the header div. Next we will look at the panel on the right

hand side of the CSS editor. We haven't spent any quality time there yet, but from this

point until we begin adding the PHP code that makes a template a Joomla template we

will be here most of the time. If you noticed the tabs in the right hand panel in the CSS

editor, you probably clicked on a few to see what they held. The tab labels are pretty

descriptive. If you want to control the background appearance of a div, you would define

those parameters in the Background tab. Let’s go there now and define the background

image of the header div. In the background tab, we could define a color but in this case

we want to assign an image to the background. Click the choose file button and surf on

over to the Template Tut/Images folder and select the header.jpg file that we cropped out

of the plan earlier in the tutorial. That will be the header image for our template. Since

our div is going to be resized to be exactly the dimensions of the header image, we don't

want the image to be "tiled". Now the image is in the header div, but we can't see all of it

because the header div isn't sized properly.

Move over to the Box tab and look for the Width and Height text boxes to re-size

the div. There we can set the dimensions of the div in several different units of measure.

Since pictures are measured in pixels, we will be setting our div dimensions the same

way. The header image is 754px * 179px. Set the width of your div to 754px and the

height to 179px. If you click on OK to exit the CSS editor, you will see that the header

div now has a header image and is sized to perfectly fit the image. As you can see in

Figure 11, the header div is now styled.

If we preview what we have so far, we see that the template is positioned off

center on the left hand side of the page. However, it is not a situation without a remedy,

but the two major web browsers handle centering the template on the page in different

ways. Contrary to what a person may assume; Microsoft’s Internet Explorer doesn’t

handle this task in a standards compliant way like most other web browsers. In order to

“fix” this centering issue, we will have to fix it using both a compliant method and a non-

compliant method.

Figure 11

Since Internet Explorer doesn’t properly interpret CSS we will have to trick it into

working properly. Open the CSS editor and we will style the body tag. The fix is quite

easy for IE. Open the CSS editor to style the body and select the “Text” tag and set the

text alignment to “Center”. Now when you preview the template in IE you will notice

that the template is now centered, but all of the text is center aligned as well. We will re-

align the text as we style each of our divs.

To center the template as it is displayed in Firefox, we will use the standards

compliant method. The two methods do not conflict with one another so there will be no

further worries about having our template display properly once the IE patch and the CSS

standards compliant method are applied. Re-enter the CSS editor and we will be styling

the “header” div and the “container” div by setting the left and right margins in the “Box”

tab to “Auto”. Once that is done for the header and container divs, preview it in Firefox

to bask in the glow of a job well done and prepare to begin styling our nested divs.

In the header div, we used a background image. The background image had a

thick black border around the left, top, and right, but no border along the bottom. To

recreate that border and the remaining borders as seen in our plan, we will style the

container div to have a thick black border. There is a selection of choices here. We can

set up the borders to be the same on all four sides or we can have different line styles,

weights, and colors depending on the side of the div and our personal preferences. In this

case our preference is that the border to be solid and black with a line weight of 2 pixels.

We could make the border wrap all the way around the Container div, but since we will

be applying a background image to the container that includes the border, we will only

apply borders to the top and bottom of the Container. Re-enter the CSS editor and select

the container style rule in the left hand pane of the CSS editor. Now choose the

“Borders” tab in the right hand pane of the CSS editor and setup your borders as

described. We will also want to set the fixed width of the Container in the Box tab of the

CSS editor at the same width as our Header, which if you recall, was 754 pixels. Click

OK to exit the CSS editor and you will see that now the header image appears the same as

it does in our plan with a border around all four sides.

Next we add the simple background image. Basically, we could use CSS to

define the background color of our nested divs. This would help keep our template size

down, but the template would eventually begin to show some white space as we massage

the size of the divs to suit our needs. In order to do this, we need a very small section of

the plan. Crop out a one pixel tall strip of the plan that is the complete width of the plan

and save it to the images folder of the template. Now define that image as the

background of the container image.

Now that our container is styled, we can move on to the divs nested within the

container div. The left div will contain our menu and the right div will be the body of our

page where the actual content will be displayed. We will start with the left div. Re-enter

the CSS editor and select the left style rule to begin.

As you will see in Figure 12, our plan shows a simple two column fixed width

template. In order to make a two column template we defined two divs in our wire frame

where we will display the content assigned to each of those columns. The left div will be

the area where Joomla will display its menu. Since simple menu systems do not require a

lot of space, we will style this div as a narrow strip down the left hand side like we

originally planned.

Figure 12

Let’s set up the size and positioning of the left div first by re-entering the CSS

editor, selecting the left div and choosing the Box tab. The width of our menu bar in our

plan is 176 pixels if you include the border. However, we created our border with CSS

when we styled the container. With that consideration, we need to style the left div at

174 pixels wide. We also need to consider that the current position of the left div covers

up the border of the Container div with text from the left div. To solve this problem we

need to add a two pixel margin which will move the left div two pixels to the right and

reveal the border that was lurking beneath it. We also need to define the text color of the

menu items in the left div. Each of the menu items in the div are actually links. Links

can be styled in much the same way as any other item on your page. However, since we

only want to style the links in the left div, we will need to create special styling rules for

the affected links.

As you can see in Figure 12, the menu links are a light blue Arial Black font at about 15

points in size. We can style all of these features, but we need to create new style rules

that define the style of links in the left div. To do this, click on the small painter’s palette

in the top left corner of the CSS editor and select “Style Rule” to create a new style rule.

Since styling links is not a basic CSS rule, we will need to create a custom rule for each

state of a link. Select the “Custom Style Rule” radio button to begin. In the text box

below, click the down arrow to select “a:active”. Once it is selected we will need to

make sure that this style rule affects only links in the left div. To do this, simply insert

“#left” before “a:active”. The rule for active links will then be specifically for links in the

left div.

Enter the various tabs in the “#left a:active” style rule to style the links in a manner

you find pleasing. You will need to keep in mind that since the background to the div is a

dark color, you may need to choose a light color for the text so that it is easily read. Once

the new style rule is completed, remember that you must do the same thing for each of the

other three link states: a:link, a:hover, and a:visited. If you don’t, the link will revert to its

default style when the link state changes. There is just one more element to style in the

left div, but we will get to that after a brief interruption in the form of styling the right div.

Follow similar guidelines for defining the CSS elements of the left div for the

right. Since our fixed width of the template is 754 pixels and we want our right div to fill

in the empty space on the right hand side of our template, we will need to define our right

div to be 578 pixels wide. This will use all of the available space for our right div. That

element will be a good starting place for styling our right div in the Box tab of the CSS

editor. If you preview your template now, you will notice that the right div shows up

below our left div. The reason for this is that CSS wants to display everything in a

particular hierarchy. Specifically, if one div is declared before another in the source of

our wire frame; it will display above the divs declared below it in the source. This is

easily resolved. Simply return to styling the left div and enter the Box tab. There set the

float option for the left div to be a left float. Now CSS knows that the empty space to the

right of the left div is available for use and will allow content from the right div to flow

around the left. However our content now flows around the left div as seen in Figure 13.

Figure 13

In some situations that effect may be desirable, but in our template plan we want

to see the left hand div extend for the full length of the page. What we need to do is

define a left hand margin to the right div so that the content of the right div clears the left

div. Since we want the content of the right hand div to clear the content of the left div,

we will require a minimum margin of 176 pixels to be set in the Box tab of the CSS

editor. Now our content clears the left hand div, but it completely fills up the empty

space. This may not be desirable depending on your design preferences. I prefer to show

a little skin around the content. It just looks better to have a little empty space around the

edges. To accomplish this, I add a little extra margin and set the margin to 185 pixels to

add that pleasant empty space. However, that shifts the entire div to the right beyond the

fixed width of the template. Decrease the width of the div in the Box tab of the CSS

editor to bring the div to size. Our left and right divs have one more bit of styling to have

defined before we can call it styled. If you notice that all of the text is center aligned in

the left and right divs; that is a side effect of the non-standard CSS styling we applied to

fix the template centering issue in IE. To fix this, simply set the text align in each div to

align to the left. Now you can preview your work in Firefox or IE to see your


What we now have is an HTML template that will function as a Joomla template

once the PHP bits are added. Go ahead and play with the styling to see if there are any

extra little bits of CSS that you want to see in your template. CSS is a very versatile

framework for styling the content of your site and is better in some ways than using

rollover gifs or Flash to get graphic effects on your site because it keeps the overall file

size of your template low and the site load time low too. Once you are done tweaking

your CSS styling of your template we be finished with KompoZer and begin adding the

bits that make this template a Joomla template. We’re almost there!

Joomlatizing Your Template Or “Let there be Joomla!!!!”

In the introduction to this tutorial, we discussed the fact that free software often

comes with functional limitations not found in commercial alternatives. If you recall, we

saw one limitation in KompoZer in that it doesn’t natively support PHP files. It is here

that we find another limitation of KompoZer. KompoZer, in an effort to make HTML

easy, manages the header information of your page for you. While this is a very useful

option for beginners who only wish to use HTML, it can’t be turned off for those of us

who wish to do a bit more than HTML. If we were to change the header, KompoZer

would automatically reverse the change. Since we do need to change the header, it is

here that we bid a fond farewell to KompoZer. She served us well. Since we have

abandoned our trusty KompoZer, you may be wondering how we will continue without

an HTML editor. We’ll simply use a text editor like Wordpad. I know it seems like an

awful step backward, but it really is the best way to move forward while keeping our

Joomla template project free. Open your template folder and right click on the index.php

file. Select the “Open with . . .” option, and select “Wordpad” from the pop out menu.

Once you have opened our wire-frame in Wordpad, you will notice that the source is

simply bloated. The bloat comes in the form of the sample content we included. Since

the sample content is only a sample, and Joomla will be dynamically providing the

content of our site; we can delete it. Delete the paragraph tags and everything between

them. Now our wire-frame looks like this:


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"



<meta content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" http-equiv="content-



<link rel="stylesheet" href="CSS/TemplateCSS.css" type="text/css">


<div style="text-align: center;" id="header">


<div style="text-align: center;" id="container">

<div id="left">


<div id="right">




If you haven’t already gotten the Joomla 1.5 Template Toolbar yet, you will need

to get it because you won’t be able to move forward without it. You can get it here: The version I used in writing this tutorial was version

0.8.4. You will also need to have the latest version of the .NET Framework from

Microsoft. The Joomla 1.5 Template Toolbar (JTT) is a code snippet program. It places

a selection of code on your clipboard so that you can paste it in your code. Open JTT,

your index.php file in Wordpad, and lets get started. You can see the JTT user interface

in Figure 14.

Figure 14

Click on the “Insert Module” button and you will see that there are loads of

options from which to choose. The first bit that we want to select is the “Header”. Once

you have it, you can paste it over the header information of your index.php file. Your

index.php file will now look like this:





* Brief Info



defined( '_JEXEC' ) or die( 'Access to this location is RESTRICTED.' );


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"


<html xmlns="" xml:lang="<?php echo $this-

>language; ?>" lang="<?php echo $this->language; ?>" >


<jdoc:include type="head" />

<link rel="stylesheet" href="templates/_system/css/general.css"

type="text/css" />

<link rel="stylesheet" href="templates/<?php echo $this->template

?>/css/template.css" type="text/css" />



<div style="text-align: center;" id="header">


<div style="text-align: center;" id="container">

<div id="left">


<div id="right">




<div style="text-align: center;" id="container">

<div id="left">


<div id="right">





The header information is the part of the index.php file that tells a web browser

how it should interpret the code in the body. In this case, the header file tells the browser

that it is a PHP file based on XHTML 1.0 Transitional. As in any code snippet library,

the default code is not always going to be exactly what you want and you may need to

either modify your site to suit the code, or modify the code to suit your site. In this case,

the code snippet includes links to two CSS files. Since we only have one CSS file, we are

going to delete the extra one and your code will now look something like this:





* Brief Info



defined( '_JEXEC' ) or die( 'Access to this location is RESTRICTED.' );


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"


<html xmlns="" xml:lang="<?php echo $this-

>language; ?>" lang="<?php echo $this->language; ?>" >


<jdoc:include type="head" />

<link rel="stylesheet" href="templates/<?php echo $this->template

?>/css/template.css" type="text/css" />



<div style="text-align: center;" id="header">


<div style="text-align: center;" id="container">

<div id="left">


<div id="right">




<div style="text-align: center;" id="container">

<div id="left">


<div id="right">





Now that the header is set up, we can set up the code for our divs. We will be

setting up a simple module position in the left div, and a simple component position in

the right div. Click on “Insert Module” again and choose “Left (Simple)”. You will

want to paste this bit of code between the div tags for the left div. It should look

something like this:


<div id="left">

<jdoc:include type="modules" name="left" style="" />


You will want to follow the same procedure to paste the code for the right div,

except this time you will choose “Main Body”. Your code will look like this:


<div id="right">

<?php if($this->params->get('showComponent')) : ?>

<jdoc:include type="component" />

<?php endif; ?>


However, we are going to delete some of it because our template is super simple

and the first and last lines of the code are not necessary. If we were going to create a

more complex template, we may want to keep the code depending on the required

complexity of the site. However since we really only want to make a very simple

template that works; the extra code will only serve to make things more complicated. In

the end, our code should look like this:


<div id="right">

<jdoc:include type="component" />


It may be a bit hard to believe, but that is all the code that is absolutely necessary

for a Joomla template to work. Next let’s work on our delivery.

It’s not Pizza Hut . . . but it is delivery.

Every Joomla template is wrapped up in a zip file. Inside that zip file are all of

the folders and files that make up your Joomla template. There is one required file that

we have not yet discussed. The XML file is a file that tells Joomla what type of file is to

be installed. Essentially it describes the template to Joomla. Fortunately, JTT offers a

solution for that too. Click the “XML Editor” button to open the XML Editor. See

Figure 15.

Figure 15

Select all of the files in the Template Files section then click on the “Add Files”

button. Surf to the folder where the TemplateTut folder is located and click OK. The

XML Editor in JTT will scan the folder and add the files and their file structure and add

them in the Template Files section. Now fill in the blanks in the Template Info section of

the XML Editor. Now that the XML file is complete, click create and save it in the

TemplateTut folder. The file structure of your first Joomla template is complete. All that

remains is to Zip the contents of the TemplateTut folder and install.

Note from the author:

While this Joomla template is very simple, it should serve as a basis for your

continued learning regarding Joomla templating. This tutorial was written with the focus

of using free software in order to make Joomla templating accessible to everyone who

has a MS Windows XP or higher based computer. It is my sincere hope that you have

learned something worthy of sharing with a like minded friend.

I would like to thank Pop for proof reading this and turning me on to Cascading

Style Sheets. You aren’t a Joomla fanboy yet, but I’m working on converting you. Big

thanks go to S-Fraz for being my guinea pig and testing the tutorial. Last but not least, I

will thank my web host with one more shameless plug

Happy Joomlaing!
