Joining groups in linked in

Post on 21-May-2015

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Transcript of Joining groups in linked in

How to Join a Group on LinkedIN

So this is the main (or “Home”) screen when you log on to LinkedIN. You can access your groups from any page, but, for acclimation purposes, I'll start from here.

From the navigation bar at the top, hover over “Groups.” You can use this button on nearly any page to find groups or review the groups you are already (or hope to be) a part of.

Once you've hovered over “Groups,” located on the navigation bar at the top of the screen, you can see a few different options. Though you can also select “Groups Directory” if you choose, for purposes of this demonstration, select “Groups You May Like.”

Here's what should come up when “Groups You May Like” is selected. Since many of these pages look alike, the title is the only sure way of orienting yourself.

So this page is handy because it a) generates a list of groups that may interest you based on your profile, b) allows you to search the group directory by keyword, and c) links to the form for creating a group if a suitable group cannot be found.



It's always a good idea to look through these groups to see if they interest you. They should be fairly narrowed, as in a group from your city or a group from your niche industry. Joining a general therapy group would not meet your needs.

Most likely, you will have to search through the groups to find one that caters to your professional interests.

Here is an enlarged version of Web page section B from slide six. In here, you will enter in keywords that would be helpful in finding a network group. Good keywords include “Christian therapy,” “Kansas Christian,” “Christian psychology,” “Christian Counseling,” and so on. Try a variety of keywords to ensure that you have conducted a thorough search. When done, click on “Search.”

After clicking the blue “Search” button, results will be listed by relevancy in the middle of your screen. These are the results for “Christian psychology,” as you can see. To join a group, select the blue “Join Group” button. The “Similar groups” link above the “Join Groups” button can also be used to find groups that are relevant to your professional interests.

After clicking the blue “Join Group” link, you will receive a message indicating that your request has been successful.

Here is the message again, slightly magnified. Sorry for the poor resolution.

To view your groups, go back to the navigation bar at the top of the screen and hover on “Groups.” From there, select “Your Groups.”

From here, you can see a) the groups that you have requested to join and the groups that you are a member of, and b) your status in that group. To visit the group, click on the title of the group.



Issues and Problems: I have joined a group by mistake. How to I withdraw myself from

the group?

To solve this problem, go back to the navigation bar at the top of the screen and hover your mouse over “Groups.” From there, select “Your Groups.”

This is the page you'll see. Now, scan the page for the group that you'd like to remove.

Finally, click on “Withdraw request.” After doing this, you will not be considered for membership, nor will this group show up on your “Groups” page.

Issues and Problems: I have joined a group that I am interested in, but have not received

a response. It has been a few days.

To view all of your groups, both the groups you are officially in and groups that are pending approval, return again to the “Groups” link on the navigation bar at the top of the page. Then select “Your Groups.”

You will again see this page. Now scan for the group that you are interested in checking up on.

Click on the “Send message” link. You will be directed to a page with a text box so that you can send a message to the administrator of the group so that you can inquire about your membership. As well, if you click on the group page link (as indicated by the arrow), you may find a message on the group's home page as to why your membership is pending.

That's it! Now you can

View your groups (both pending and active)Search for groups that reflect your professional

interestsJoin those groups

View your status within the groupWithdraw membership

Contact a group administrator to follow-up on group membership status