John Cabot

Post on 15-Jun-2015

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Transcript of John Cabot

John Cabot Giovanni Caboto was born in Italy. When he grew up he became a merchant sailor in Venice, Italy.

John CabotLike other seafaring traders, he traveled the seas to buy spices, silk, precious stones, or metals.

John CabotAt that time, the Far East was the place

where all of the traders wanted to go, because that was where they could buy the spices and other items that people

in their own country wanted.

John CabotCabot had heard of Christopher Columbus' voyage, and like other people of his time, believed that Columbus had really found a shorter route to the Far East.

John CabotHe didn't know what we know now, that Columbus had discovered America instead.

John CabotSo Cabot wanted to make a voyage like the one Columbus made, and maybe find an even shorter route.

John CabotHis idea was to sail farther north, where the distance would be shorter.

John Cabot Unfortunately, his own country of Italy wasn't interested in exploring.

John CabotThey were already the leaders in the Far East trade and were happy with things the way they were.

John CabotSo, like Columbus, Cabot decided to try another country.

John CabotIn about 1495, Cabot, his wife, and their three children moved to the seaport of Bristol, England.

John CabotIn England he began using the name John Cabot.


John CabotEngland was interested in exploring.

John CabotBoth King Henry VII and the English merchants hoped to find a shorter trade route, especially one that was not controlled by the Italian traders.

John Cabot

They decided to sponsor Cabot's


John Cabot

Cabot's first voyage, in 1496, was not successful.

John CabotBad weather and disagreements among the crew forced them to turn back.

John CabotIn 1497, Cabot set out again, with one small ship called the Matthew, and a crew of only 18 men.

John CabotThey sailed a northerly course and landed somewhere along the East Coast of Canada, maybe in Newfoundland, maybe in Labrador, maybe in Nova Scotia, maybe in Maine.

John CabotThere is a big controversy about where Cabot actually landed, and we don't have much information available to solve the disagreement.

John CabotAs far as we know, Cabot never kept a detailed ship's log like Columbus did.

John Cabot

 Like Columbus, he too thought that he had sailed all the way around to the Far East.

John CabotWhen he returned to England, the King and the merchants were happy with what he had found, even though it wasn't spices and silks.

John CabotHe brought back knowledge of the world's geography that helped mapmakers draw new and better world maps.

John CabotHe also brought stories of a new type of riches.

John CabotHe told of sea life so rich that you could scoop up a whole bucket of fish at one time.

John CabotThe king rewarded Cabot with money and the chance to go on another expedition.

John CabotIn 1498 Cabot set out again. This time he took five ships.

John CabotOne ship had problems and turned back early.

John CabotThe other ships continued on their route. Sadly, they were never heard from again.

John CabotBy 1500, ships from England were

crossing the ocean to fish off the banks of Newfoundland, thanks to

Cabot's discoveries.

John Cabot

Cabot's son, Sebastian, became an expert mapmaker.

John CabotSebastian also continued his father's tradition of exploration, making voyages of discovery of his own.