Joel Schlessinger MD FAQ - Sunburn

Post on 31-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Joel Schlessinger MD FAQ - Sunburn

Joel Schlessinger, MD



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When skin is exposed to intense sunlight, it can burn quickly. After just 10 minutes, skin begins to defend itself with an inflammatory reaction, signaling that cells are being damaged and are in need of repair. This reaction is what gives sunburn its red appearance. Blood also rushes to the damaged area to assist with the healing process, rendering skin warm to the touch long after the initial burn. In the later stages of a sunburn, skin peels as a way to rid itself of damaged cells that could prove cancerous or otherwise dangerous to the body.

Not only are they painful and unsightly, the damage from a sunburn is lasting. A person’s risk for skin cancer more than doubles after they have suffered five sunburns, and signs of photo-aging, such as fine lines, wrinkles and dark spots, may manifest down the road.

What happens to skin during a sunburn?

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The main symptom of sunburn is reddened skin that may feel tingly and warm or hot to the touch. Severe sunburns may be accompanied by blistering, swelling and flu-like symptoms such as fever, headache, nausea and general weakness. Burns almost always result in peeling several days after initial sun exposure, and skin may grow itchy and dry.

What are the symptoms of sunburn?

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Sunburn can affect anyone of any age or skin color, and anyone who steps outside is at risk for developing one. However, the following individuals are especially at risk:

• Those with fair skin tones

• Those who live or visit places with high altitude or intense sunlight

• Those who take certain medications such as Accutane

• Those who use potent anti-aging ingredients such as hydroquinone and retinol

Who is at risk for getting a sunburn?

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While it’s best to avoid sunburn altogether by wearing a high-quality sunscreen and taking other measures to protect yourself from harmful rays, mistakes can happen. If you find yourself or a family member suffering from sunburn after a day outdoors, follow these steps to help minimize damage and expedite healing.

What are the best ways to care for a sunburn?

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Though a sunburn can take 4-6 hours to develop, it’s possible to notice skin reddening while you are still exposed to the sun. In this case, go indoors immediately and take the recommended dosage of ibuprofen. This will help with pain, swelling and redness and have an anti-inflammatory effect. Continue taking ibuprofen as directed for the next 48 hours, and drink plenty of cold water to stay hydrated and help regulate temperature. If you have spent the day outdoors, keep an eye on skin for the remainder of the day to be sure you have not developed a sunburn.

1. Go indoors and take ibuprofen.

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Taking a cool bath or shower will help regulate an elevated body temperature and it will work to soothe and comfort skin. If cleansing, do not use a washcloth, loofah or any exfoliating formulas. This will help you avoid irritation.

2. Take a cool bath or shower.

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Never pick at flaky skin or blisters. A moisturizing gel or lotion can soothe skin and help minimize redness and peeling. Be sure to use a breathable, lightweight formula and avoid applying too much since heavier creams can trap in heat and cause skin to be redder longer. We recommend LovelySkin Aloe Vera Soothing Skin Relief Gel and derma e Vitamin E Intensive Therapy Body Lotion.

The Skin Cancer Foundation also recommends applying a hydrocortisone product, like FixMySkin Healing Body Balm Unscented with 1% Hydrocortisone, to the affected area for one to two days to alleviate pain, itching and discomfort.

3. Apply a moisturizing product.

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Luckily, most sunburns may be treated at home, even when they are accompanied by blisters. However, there are certain circumstances that require medical attention. If blisters cover more than 20% of the body or if you experience fever and chills, seek a physician’s care immediately.

4. Be honest when you assess the damage.

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View your sunburn as a learning experience and a way to get to know your skin’s needs. Next time you’re outdoors, you can apply sunscreen more evenly and more often, cover up with protective clothing, seek shade and take Heliocare, a sun protection supplement that can help strengthen skin against damage.

5. Vow to do better next time.


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