Jesus promised a helper, counsellor, an advocate:... the Holy Spirit [the Spirit of truth]

Post on 27-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Jesus promised a helper, counsellor, an advocate:... the Holy Spirit [the Spirit of truth]

Jesus promised a helper, counsellor, an advocate:

. . . the Holy Spirit

[the Spirit of truth]

A gift of the Holy Spirit is faith

• “by my own reason or strength, I cannot believe”

• “But the Holy Spirit has called me through the gospel, enlightened me with his gifts and sanctified and kept me in true faith”

[Luther’s Small Catechism]

The Holy Spirit comes to us through

• the word• sacraments • confession and absolution• “mutual conversation and consolation of brethren”

(Luther, cited in Hanson, 1999, p. 66).

The Holy Spirit comes to us through Baptism

• we are born anew • we take on a new identity as a child of God• we are washed clean from sin, our old self is drowned and a new person is born• Luther stressed the ongoing nature of our baptism • It is not a one-off event in our lives - Baptism has meaning for us everyday • “through daily repentance” we “arise” each day a new person

The Holy Spirit comes to us through God’s word

• The word is not simply information. It is:• God’s written word in Scripture• the person Jesus• a spoken message• hymns • the creeds • liturgy

The Holy Spirit comes to us through the Lord’s Supper

In this meal we • commune with God• receive Jesus’ body and blood • benefit from the life-giving nourishment it provides • our sins are forgiven • our faith is strengthened

The Holy Spirit transforms our lives

The Holy Spirit

• transforms our worldview • changes our perspective of the world and the people in it • influences how we respond to circumstances, challenges, and other people

The Holy Spirit transforms our lives

This will be seen in:• how we live out our vocations • how we respond as husband or wife, as a parent to our children, as a child to our parents• our conversations with others• how we conduct ourselves in our work environment• how we drive when behind the steering wheel of a car• how we wait in a long queue at the supermarket check-out

The Holy Spirit transforms our lives

Our lives will reflect more closely the fruit of

the Spirit – that is love from which flows:• joy• peace• patience• kindness• goodness• faithfulness• gentleness• self-control

(Gal 5:22-23)

The Holy Spirit transforms our lives

This love will be seen as:

• Compassion• Kindness• Humility• A desire to “bear with

[others] and forgive . . . grievances” (Col 3: 12-14)

Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.

[Acts 2:38]

There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work.

[1 Corinthians 12:3-6]

Joan Scriven is acknowledged for the preparation of this resource