Jesus' commands

Post on 29-May-2015

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Those of Jesus' commands that seem to have some continuing applicability, from the Gospel of Luke. See

Transcript of Jesus' commands

Love your enemies.

Do good to those who hate you.

Bless those who curse you.

Pray for people who mistreat you.

When your jacket is pulled off you,

offer your shirt.

When you are slapped, offer your other cheek.

Give to everyone who asks of you.

When someone takes somethingof yours, don’t demand it back.

Treat others as you’d like to be treated.

Love people who don’t love you.

Do good to people who hurt you.

Lend without expecting a return.

Be compassionate as God is compassionate.

Do not judge.

Do not condemn.


If you want to follow me, leave your self behind,

daily take up your cross and come with me.

Don’t care for your own safety but

be lost for my sake, and you’ll be safe.

Treat the least among you as the greatest.

Do not fear those who can only kill

your body and after that do nothing.

Have no fear – God values you highly.

Be on your guard against greed of any kind.

Don’t be anxious about your food and clothing.

Set your mind on the kingdom, and everything else will

come to you as well.

Sell your possessions and give in charity.

Use wallets that don’t wear out.

Be ready for the coming of the Son of Man.

When you give a party, invite outcasts and people who can’t

invite you back.

Use your money to win friends for yourselves, so that when money is a thing of the past you may be received into an eternal home.

If you divorce and remarry you commit adultery.

Forgive endlessly.

The highest among you must be like the youngest,

the chief of you like a servant.

Proclaim forgiveness of sins to all nations.