Jessica Brown, New England Biolabs Foundation, and IUCN-WCPA ...

Post on 02-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Jessica Brown, New England Biolabs Foundation, and IUCN-WCPA ...

Jessica Brown, New England Biolabs Foundation, and IUCN-WCPA Protected Landscapes Task Force

- with contributions from Grazia Borrini-Feyerabend and Ashish Kothari

Rice Terraces of the Philippines Cordilleras

Why stewardship? •  Worldwide, conservation strategies are

becoming increasingly bio-regional. •  New approaches to protected areas—based

on inclusive approaches, partnerships, and linkages.

•  Growing understanding of the link between nature and culture—landscapes shaped by human culture as well as the forces of nature.

Protected Area An area of land and/or sea especially dedicated to the

protection and maintenance of biological diversity, and of natural and associated cultural resources, and managed through legal or other effective means.

Indigenous Peoples’ and Community Conserved Areas and Territories -- ICCAs

“…natural and modified ecosystems including significant biodiversity values, ecological services and cultural values voluntarily conserved by indigenous peoples & local communities through customary laws or other effective means…”

three defining characteristics of ICCAs

•  Specific indigenous peoples or local communities (sedentary or mobile) are closely “concerned” about an area (related to it culturally and/or because of livelihoods)

•  Such communities hold power de facto -- if not also de jure -- in deciding, implementing & enforcing management decisions

  The voluntary management decisions and efforts of such communities achieve conservation results— although their main intention may not be necessarily related to conservation.

Sacred lake, Indian Himalaya

Chizire sacred forest, Zimbabwe

Sacred crocodile pond, Mali

Forole sacred mountain

Borana/ Gabbra Ethiopia/ Kenya

Paruku Indigenous PA, Western Australia

Caribou crossing

site in Inuit territory, Canada

Alto Fragua Indi-wasi National Park, Colombia

Wetlands in Qashqai mobile peoples’ territory, Iran

Lubuk Larangan river, Mandailing, Sumatra, Indonesia Coron Island ancestral domain, The Philippines

Temporarily and/or permanently forbidden sites (manjidura), Bijagos biosphere reserve , Guinea Bissau

Local marine reserves,


Jardhargaon forest, Indian Himalaya

Natural Community Reserves & Pastoral Units of Ferlo, Sénégal

Parc Jurassien Vaudois, Switzerland

Qanats, Central Asia

Community forests, India and Nepal

Community forests, Thailand / Malaysia

Kheechan village, Rajasthan, India

examples from India

El parque de la papa (“Potato Park”)

Southern Peruvian Andes

“meeting points” of conservation, livelihood security and empowerment/ rights of indigenous peoples and local communities… in unique ways for unique contexts…   ICCAs conserve a huge range of ecosystems, habitats and species, maintain ecosystem services, and provide biodiversity connectivity in the landscape/ seascape

 ICCAs are the basis of livelihoods for millions of people, securing resources and income

  ICCAs can play a crucial role in securing the rights of Indigenous Peoples & local communities to their land & natural resources through local governance

enhancing resilience in the face of global change

  ICCAs are the foundation of cultural identity for countless indigenous peoples and local communities throughout the world

  ICCAs are based on rules and institutions “tailored to the context”, (bio-cultural diversity), usually skilled at adaptive management and capable of flexible, culture-related responses

  ICCAs are often built on sophisticated collective ecological knowledge and capacities, including sustainable use of wild resources and maintenance of agrobiodiversity, which have stood the test of time

  ICCAs are typically designed to maintain crucial livelihood resources for times of stress and need, such as during severe climate events, war and natural disasters…

  ‘Development’ -- mining and fossil fuel extraction, logging, tree plantation, industrial fishing, sea dredging, large-scale grazing, agriculture, water diversions and drainage, urbanisation, major infrastructure (roads, ports, airports, mass tourism…)

  Expropriation of community land (nationalisation, privatisation, state-governed protected areas…)

  Land encroachment and unauthorised resource extractions (poaching, stealing…)

  Active acculturation of ICCA communities (formal education, evangelisation, publicity …)

  War, violent conflicts and movements of refugees   Inappropriate recognition by governments   Taxes and other unbearable fiscal burdens   Divisions and conflicts created by political parties &

projects   Air and water pollution and invasive species.   Climate change (natural disasters, sea level rise…)

threats & challenges

The Consortium

core members

•  Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact Foundation (IPO, Asia) •  Centre for Sustainable Development & Environment (NGO, Iran) •  Corporacion Ecozoica (NGO, Colombia) •  Forest Peoples Programme (NGO, UK) •  Fundación para la Promoción del Conocimiento Indígena (IPO Central America) •  Fundacion Urundei (NGO, South America) •  Global Diversity Foundation (NGO, UK) •  Indigenous Peoples of Africa Coordinating Committee (IPO, Africa) •  Kalpavriksh (NGO, India) •  Newen Mapu (IPO, South America) •  Philippine Association For Intercultural Development (NGO) •  Quebec-Labrador Foundation (network of NGOs, USA and Canada) •  Sand County Foundation (NGO, USA) •  World Alliance of Mobile Indigenous Peoples (IPO, global)

+ TGER/ TILCEPA/ TSL (+ Friends of Nature (NGO, China)– possibly to join...)

Indigenous Peoples organisations (IPOs) & local community organisations and NGOs

1.  analyse status, threats, needs and opportunities of ICCAs in specific regions and countries

2.  facilitate exchange of information and experiences on ICCAs and their values

3.  enhance capacity of IPs and communities to deal with challenges, meet local needs

6.  promote appropriate forms of recognition of and support for ICCAs, through full implementation of CBD, UNDRIP, IUCN Guidelines, etc. on a country-by-country basis

To promote the recognition and appropriate support of ICCAs, at national and international levels

programme goal and objectives/ activities

5.  facilitate engagement of IPs and local communities from ICCAs at main policy events (e.g. regional and international forums);

6.  develop global guidance (e.g. IUCN Guidelines for Protected Areas Legislation) on the base of concrete ICCA experience and needs

7.  develop processes & protocols for inclusion of ICCAs in the WCMC/UNEP Global Database of Protected Areas;

8. explore the relationship between ICCAs and climate change mitigation and adaptation, including the potentialities and threats posed by relevant financial mechanisms (e.g. REDD); support appropriate relevant action Please consult: