Jenna pauly

Post on 22-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Jenna pauly

Genetically Modified Food

By Jenna Pauly

What are GM Foods?

Genetically modified foods, or GM foods: Foods that have been modified by scientist and its genes have been changed or a new gene was injected into it.

Example: A banana would not be the way it is today without genetic modification. They would have seeds and oddly shaped.

Not Modified Genetically Modified

Why GM Foods?We genetically modify food to:

Protect against pests or pesticide

Add nutrients that it may lack

Help it thrive in different or harsher environments

Protect it from disease

The banana is genetically modified to resist a bacterium called Xanthomonas musacearum( BXW) and given extra nutrients to help as a food source in places such as Uganda and East Africa. Video about GM bananas

Types of GM FoodsBesides the Banana, other foods such as:



Soy beans

And others

Are also genetically modified. Most of the foods we consume are genetically modified. About 60% of processed foods contain genetically modified ingredients. How do they come to be modified?

GM Process

The Process for GM has 8 steps and begins with:

1. Isolation of the gene(s) of interest- A chromosome is used to identify the gene(s) responsible for the desired trait in

the organism. Example: the Xanthomonas musacearum

2. Insertion of the gene(s) into a transfer vector- The desired trait is put into the plasmid.

3. Plant transformation-The plasmid contained inside A. tumefaciens cells transfers the plasmids and new gene into the plants chromosomes.

GM Process6.Verification of transformation and characterization of the inserted DNA fragment- Tests are done to determine the number of copies, if intact, and doesn’t interfere with other genes. These tests are done to see if the gene is functional.

7. Testing of the plant performance- Here we see or test and see if the resulted plant grown in a greenhouse has acquired the favored traits and if it has any unwanted characteristics.

8. Safety assessment- Now more test carried out to see plants performance. Environmental safety assessments and other Safety assessments.

GM Process The next steps are to differentiate between the modified plant cells and the cells not containing the trait after the transfer.

4. Selection of the modified plant cells- Selectable marker genes are used to to favor the growth of the cells containing the trait as apposed to the non-transformed cells.

5. Regeneration into whole plants via tissue culture- In this step they take explants (plants/cells) onto media containing nutrients that sprk development of cells that form plantlets that once rooted are put in pots controlled in environmental conditions.

GM Process

Visual of the process simplified

Cons of GM FoodAlthough GM foods may seem like a great idea to some

people, to others they feel its wrong.

Might cause other species to have unknown diseases

Insects could become nonresistant to the natural pesticides

Fear that the transfer of genes between two unrelated species can transfer allergens making people sick

Some people believe GM is messing with nature and its wrong to mess with it

Pros of GM Food

People still continue to grow and eat GM foods

Farmers don’t need to spray plants

Production of crop is greater with less seed, cutting cost

Banana in particular are sterile and GM helps it defend itself against the changes in its environment because it can’t reproduce and evolve.

Able to resist disease to prevent major damage done to them

Increased to make healthier adding more nutritional value for people who are mal nourished

The End