JavaScript - Programming Languages course

Post on 24-Jun-2015

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Transcript of JavaScript - Programming Languages course



Yoav Rubin,



A little bit about myself

Graduated from the CS faculty in 2001

Started to work in IBM research – Haifa about a year before that In the domains of visual programming

environments, end user development, cloud computing

Extensive usage of Java and JavaScript

Source: If applicable, describe source origin



The language of the web

Web applications Mobile applications

Dynamic language

Dynamic typing Dynamic binding No compilation till execution time


How would you summarize JavaScript in one sentence:

Everything is dynamic

Code simplification

Exactly what web apps developers need(because the web is a hostile platform, and the mobile web is even worse)



Type system

Prototypes and inheritance

Functions as first class citizens


Dynamic binding

What will we cover


JavaScript type system



Number – a 64 bit (a.k.a double) No integer

String immutable No char

Boolean Objects

Array Function

Unit types null undefined NaN


Type system

Strongly typed (loose definition) With clear coercion rules

== , != a comparison without type coercion ===, !== a comparison with type coercion4 == ‘4’; //true4 === ‘4’ // false

The type of a variable can be determined using the ‘typeof’ operator

Dynamic typing The type is not declared

var a = 3; // number Changing the variable’s content changes its type

a = ‘s’; // string Type rules are enforced at runtime


Everything is a boolean

Strongly typed, but still…

Everything in JavaScript has its boolean interpretation Usually referred as ‘truthy’ and ‘falsy’

These values are interpreted as false when needed: 0, “”, null, undefined, NaN, false Everything else is true

What is it good for ?


Everything is a boolean – what is it good for?

Part of an ‘if’ statement All of the following statements are equivalent

If(a != null)If(a) If(a !== null && a !== undefined && a !== ‘’ && a !== 0 && a !== NaN && a !== false)


Everything is boolean – what is it good for?

Logical and (&&) Receives two operands If the first operand is truthy, then returns the second

operand’s value Otherwise returns the first one

Sometimes called the guard operator

var val;If(obj){ val = obj.methodCall();}else{ val = obj;}

var val = obj && obj.methodCall();


Everything is boolean – what is it good for?

Logical or (||) Receives two operands If the first operand is falsy, then returns the second

operand’s value Otherwise returns the first one

Sometimes called the default operator

var val;If(possibleVal){ val = possibleVal;}else{ val = defaultVal;}

var val = possibleVal || defaultVal;


Objects are objects

An object is a collection of things (fields) Data (members) Functions (methods)

A set of mappings between a name of a field (key) to the field (value), done using one of these ways:

anObject.fieldName = 3;anObject[“fieldName”] = 3;

(*)these lines are usually equivalent Just like a hashmap (without hash value and rehash)

The mapping can be changed in run-time It is possible to replace a method with another method

Still, there is a way to extend objects based on other objects (note - not classes)


I’ll have what she’s having – prototypal inheritance


The prototype

The prototype is an object Just like any other object Each object can act as a prototype

Each object has a prototype This is a hidden link

Created when the object is created Cannot be changed

The prototype itself can be changed Just like any other object


The prototype – when is it used?

Inheritance - using functionality declared elsewhere

On access to a field of an object WHEN this field is not part of that object The object’s prototype is accessed for that field And then the prototype’s prototype This goes all the way till the prototype of Object

A nice metaphor for it is that an object is a transparency placed on top of its prototype


name: “Jeff”

age: 32

job: “barber”

title: “Mr”

The prototype (pType)

The object (theObject)

theObject.age; // 32

pType.age ++;

name: “Jeff”

age: 33

job: “barber”

title: “Mr”

The object (theObject)

The prototype (pType)

theObject.age; // 33

delete theObject.age; // nothing happens

theObject.age; // 33

delete pType.age; // no more age field

theObject.age; // undefined


name: “Jeff”

age: 32

job: “barber”

title: “Mr”

The prototype (pType)

The object (theObject)

theObject.age; // 32

theObject.age ++; // value read from pType, added to theObject

name: “Jeff”

age: 32

job: “barber”

title: “Mr”

age: 33

The object (theObject)

The prototype (pType)

theObject.age; // 33

delete theObject.age; // no more age member in theObject

theObject.age; // 32

delete pType.age;

theObject.age; // undefined



One of the most important attributes of OO languages

JavaScript’s objects are not rigid enough to provide single-morphism

There are JavaScript toolkits that add this functionality to the language The most renown for it is the “Dojo Toolkit”

20(From the tyranny of the compiler)




Functions are objects

Have members e.g., length (the number of arguments in the function’s

declaration) Have methods

E.g., toString (returns a string containing the function’s signature and body)

Are first class citizens Can be sent as arguments to a function Can be returned as a return value from a function

Can be executed


function add(a,b){

return a+b;


add.length;// 2

add.toString(); // “function add(a,b){return a+b;}”

Functions are objects


More about functions

Can be defined within another function

In that case the inner function knows of all the things defined within the outer function

This is called closure

What is it good for?


Write a function that calculates the fibonacci value of a number


Classic solution

function fib(n){

if(n < 2)

return n;

return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)


fib(10) results in 177 calls to the fib function


Solution with closure

function fastFib(n){ var memo = [0,1]; var fib = function(n){ var result = memo[n]; if(result === undefined){ result = fib(n-1) +fib(n-2); memo[n] = result; } return result; } return fib(n); }fastFib(10) results in 19 calls to the fib function

This pattern is nicknamed memoization


Functions - what else is dynamic

Every time a function is executed it has a built in array-like variable called ‘arguments’ It holds the set of arguments sent in the function call arguments[i] is the i-th argument in the function call

This is needed since the function’s signature is just like road signs in Rome Recommendation only

It is valid to call the function with either more or less arguments then in its signature


Functions – arguments vs length

func.length > arguments.length The last (func.length - arguments.length) have

the value of undefined func.length < arguments.length

The last (arguments.length - func.length) are accessible only from the arguments variable

func.length == arguments.length No problem


Functions – what’s ‘this’

Every time a function is executed it has a built in variable called ‘this’

‘this’ points out to the context in which the function would run The context is bound to the function The binding is done in run-time

The binding is dependant upon the way the function was called There are 4 forms a function can be called


Function call forms

Method form

Function form

Apply form

Constructor form


The method form

The function is a field of an object

The call is written in the following way: theObject.FuncName();

The ‘this’ variable points out to theObject


The function form

The call is written in the following way: funcName();

The ‘this’ variable points out to the global object

This call form makes the usage of helper function within other function to be sometimes tricky


The apply form

Each function has a function called ‘apply’

Receives two arguments An object that would act as the ‘this’ variable

when the function is executed An Array that would act as the ‘arguments’

variable when the function is executed

The call is written in the following way: funcName.apply(thisPtr, [newArgs]);


The constructor form

Constructors are the only element in JavaScript that starts with capital letters Though this is just a convention

Used to create and initialize a specific object The ‘this’ variable points out to a newly created object

If the function has a field called ‘prototype’ then this field is the prototype of the created element

This call is written in the following way: var newMyObj = new MyObject();


Constructor form – an example

function AA (name, title) { = name;

this.title = title;


AA.prototype = {‘height’:3};

var a = new AA(“John”, “Mr”);

function AA (name, title) {

this = {};

this.linkToPrototype = AA.prototype || Object.prototype; = name;

this.title = title;

return this;

};// “John”

a.title; // “Mr”

a.height;// 3

The code Behind the scenes of the constructor

The result


Call forms “The binding is dependant upon the way the function was called”

var obj = {};obj.f = f;obj.f();

obj.a; // 3

f(); // now there’s a global variable a whose value is 3

var newObj = new f();newObj.a;// 3

var str = ‘xyz’;f.apply(str,[]);str.a;// 3

function f(){this.a = 3};

Method form

Function form

Constructor form

Apply form


What about access rights?

There are no access rights in JavaScript Everything is public, there is no such thing as

‘private’ The various function execution forms simply

deflate this important concept

However, it is possible to mimic a private access right for a field in an object

Done using closure


function Counter(){

var count = 0;

this.getValue = function(){ return count ;};

this.increase = function(){count ++;};

this.decrease = function(){count --;};

this.setValue = function(newVal){count = newVal;};

}var c = new Counter();



c.getValue(); // 6

c. count; // undefined







Anonymous functions

Functions doesn’t have to have an identifier

They can be anonymous

Becomes very useful when combined with immediate execution of the function


Write a function that receives an array of objects and sets their showIndex

method to show their index in that array


Bad solution


for(var i=0,l=objs.length;i<l;i++) {

objs [i].showIndex = function(){

alert(i); }



What will be alerted?


Good solution


for(var i=0,l=objs.length;i<l;i++) {

objs[i].showIndex = ( function(t){ // a function that returns a function, t here is a local variable

return function() {// this function sees the local variable ‘t’ of the red function


} })(i); // executing the red function




“Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler”

Albert Einstein


What happens when things are too simple

(the dark side of JavaScript)


Two scopes

In JavaScript there are two scopes only

The global scope The function scope

No block scope


Global as the default scope

The default scope for variable definition is the global scopefunction (){

var a = 3; // local variable

b = 4; // global variable


Whenever a function is executed in the function form, ‘this’ points out to the global scope And the function form is the simplest one => the one

most novice developers would use unwittingly It is very simple to pollute the global scope


Semicolon insertion

You don’t have to write semicolon at the end of a code line

The run-time compiler does it for you This may lead to errors that are hard to find

function f1 (){ return {val: 4};};

function f1 (){ return; {val: 4};};

var a = f1(); // undefined

What the developer wrote Behind the scenes of the function

The result


The ‘with’ keyword

Define a scope for a block Intended to be used as a short hand

a.b.c = a.b.d +a.b.e;






a = b


if(obj.a === undefined){

if(obj.b === undefined){

a=b;// two global variables

} else {

a = obj.b; // a is global, b is not

} else {

if(obj.b === undefined){

obj.a=b; // b is global , a not

} else {

obj.a = obj.b; // both not global



a\b (exist in obj) - +

- a=b; // two global variables a = obj.b; // a is global, b not

+ obj.a = b; // b is global, a is not obj.a = obj.b; // both not global

The ‘with’ keyword


Bitwise operators

JavaScript supports bitwise operators: & , |, ^ , >>, << , >>>

But JavaScript have only 64 bit number type

No integer

Bitwise operators are used for faster, close to the hardware computations

In JavaScript this is not the case


Numerical calculations

All calculations in JavaScript are floating point calculation 10 / 3 = 3.3333333333333335 Simply put – erroneous when the decimal

point is involve 0.1 + 0.2 = 0.30000000004


The utility parseInt

ParseInt(stingValue, radix)

Strings that start with 0x are treated as hexadecimal

Strings that start with 0 are treated as octal based

parseInt(“08”) and parseInt(“09”) returns undefined Used often when parsing dates


Remember this ?

Imperative With prototypes (object-based, but not object-

oriented) Functions are first-class entities Has lambda functions With closures Is weakly typed Has dynamic typing Has dynamic binding


Thank You