JavaScript Library Showdown

Post on 19-Mar-2016

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JavaScript Library Showdown. Rob Larsen 4.30.2009 | @ rob_react Who is this Guy Anyway?. 10+ years HTML/CSS/JavaScript all day Principal Presentation Engineer at Cramer - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of JavaScript Library Showdown

JavaScript Library Showdown

Rob Larsen4.30.2009 | @rob_react

Who is this Guy Anyway?• 10+ years HTML/CSS/JavaScript all

day • Principal Presentation Engineer at

Cramer• PAST: AdvisorTech, Compete, Demandware, Boston's Weekly Dig,

Gillette, Museum of Science, Boston, PC Connection, State Street, Webex

History• I remember when dHTML was “cool”



History• And then it wasn’t


History• And then it was actually cool, but

we stopped mentioning dHTML

Photo by Martin Kliehm ( )

Perspective• Front end performance

• Library agnostic

What Libraries?• “By the book” JavaScript• “What I Would Normally Do” (small library

with basic x-browser features and nothing else)

• Dojo• jQuery• Prototype/Scriptaculous• YUI

How Will They Be Compared?

• Simple Tasks• Performance (Page render &

execution)• Code Base • Documentation/Overall Presentation• Anecdotes

What Tasks?• Fire a function when the DOM is loaded• That function attaches a click event to an

HTML element• When clicked, a function fires that:• Grabs an RSS feed from Reddit and writes it

into a UL• Grabs a JSON feed from

and writes it into a UL• Creates an IMG, inserts it into the document

and Fades it up from 0 opacity.

*• “Not Science” the numbers are for

discussion, not for library turf wars• Get it done• Shallow, not deep• Obvious answers- didn’t phone a


Exciting?•Heck Yeah.

Photo by laverrue ( by ortizmj12 (

Let’s Look at Some Code


<head> <title>JavaScript</title> <script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/base.js"></script> <style type="text/css" media="screen">

@import url("../_assets/styles/screen.css"); </style>

</head> <body>

<div id="container"> <h1>Tell me about <a

href="" id="make-it-so">JavaScript</a></h1>

<div id="twitter"> <!—tweets go here--> </div> <div id="feed"> <!—reddit goes here--> </div> <div id="image"> <!--image goes here--> </div>

</div> </body> </html>

Add Load Event/ Add EventJavaScriptfunction init() {

document.getElementById("make-it-so").addEventListener("click" , results, false);}window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", init, false);Dojodojo.addOnLoad(

function() { dojo.connect(dojo.byId("make-it-so"), 'onclick',

results) }

);jQuery$(document).ready( function() {



Add Load Event/ Add EventJavaScriptfunction init() {

document.getElementById("make-it-so").addEventListener("click" , results, false);}window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", init, false);Dojodojo.addOnLoad(

function() { dojo.connect(dojo.byId("make-it-so"), 'onclick',

results) }

);jQuery$(document).ready( function() {



Add Load Event/ Add EventPrototypedocument.observe("dom:loaded", function() {

$("make-it-so").observe("click" , results, false);});YUIfunction init() {

YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(YAHOO.util.Dom.get("make-it-so"), "click", results, this); };YAHOO.util.Event.onDOMReady(init);

Add Load Event/ Add EventWIWND//Dean Edwards ( init() { if (arguments.callee.done) return; arguments.callee.done = true; if (_timer) clearInterval(_timer);

//demoaddEvent(document.getElementById("make-it-so"), "click" , results );

//end demo};if (document.addEventListener) { document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", init, false);};//*@cc_on @*//*@if (@_win32)(function () {

try {document.documentElement.doScroll('left');

} catch (e) {setTimeout(arguments.callee, 50);return;


})();/*@end @*/if (/WebKit/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) { // sniff var _timer = setInterval(function() { if (/loaded|complete/.test(document.readyState)) { init(); // call the onload handler } }, 10);};window.onload = init;

Get JSONJavaScript/WIWNDvar twitterJSON = document.createElement("script");twitterJSON.type="text/javascript";twitterJSON.src="";document.body.appendChild(twitterJSON);Dojodojo.xhrGet( { url: '../json.php?url=;count=10', handleAs: "json", load: function(responseObject, ioArgs) { writeTwitterSearchResults(responseObject) }

});jQuery$.getJSON("../json.php?url=;count=10", writeTwitterSearchResults );

Get JSONPrototypeNew Ajax.Request('../json.php?url=;count=10', {

method:'get',requestHeaders: {Accept: 'application/json'},onSuccess: function(transport){

var json = transport.responseText.evalJSON(true);

writeTwitterSearchResults(json); }


XHRJavaScriptgetData : function() {

var data = new XMLHttpRequest();data.onreadystatechange = function(){

if ( data.readyState == 4 && data.responseXML != null) { reddit.parseIt(data.responseXML); }


"../feed.php?url=", true);data.send(null);

}Dojodojo.xhrGet( {

url: '../feed.php?url=', handleAs: "xml", load: function(responseObject, ioArgs) { reddit(responseObject)


XHRjQuery$.get("../feed.php?url=", reddit );Prototype

new Ajax.Request("../feed.php?url=", {

method: 'get',onSuccess: function(transport) {


});YUIvar callback = {

success:reddit }; var request = YAHOO.util.Connect.asyncRequest('GET', "../feed.php?url=", callback);

Remove ElementJavaScripttwitterDIV.removeChild(document.getElementById("twitter-list"));WIWNDtwitterDIV.innerHTML="";Dojodojo.destroy("twitter-list");jQuery$("#twitter-list").remove();Prototype$("twitter-list").remove();YUItwitterDIV.removeChild(YAHOO.util.Dom.get("twitter-list"));

Add Element, Fade UpJavaScriptvar image = {

insert : function(){if (document.getElementById("fadeMe")) {

document.getElementById("image").removeChild(document.getElementById("fadeMe"));}var newImage = document.createElement("img");newImage.src=


},fadeUp : function() {

var fadeImage = document.getElementById("fadeMe")if ( < 1 ) { + .05;var callback = function() {



Add Element, Fade UpDojovar newImage = document.createElement("img");newImage.src= "/web/samples/presentation/_assets/images/javascript.jpg";newImage.setAttribute("id","fadeMe");;dojo.byId("image").appendChild(newImage);dojo.fadeIn({ node : "fadeMe" , duration : 3000 }).play(); jQuery$("#image").append("<img id='fadeMe' src='/web/samples/presentation/_assets/images/javascript.jpg' style='display:none' />");$("#fadeMe").fadeIn("slow"); Prototype$("image").insert(new Element("img", {"src" : "/web/samples/presentation/_assets/images/javascript.jpg", "id" :"fadeMe", "style" : "display:none"}));$("fadeMe").appear({ duration: 3.0 });

Add Element, Fade UpWIWNDvar image = {

insert : function(){if ($("fadeMe")) {


/*@if (@_win32)var style= "filter:alpha(opacity=0)";

@else @*/ var style="opacity:0"; /*@end

@*/$("image").innerHTML="<img src='/web/samples/presentation/_assets/images/javascript.jpg'

style='"+style+"' id='fadeMe' />";image.fadeUp(0);

},fadeUp : function(count) {

var fadeImage = $("fadeMe");count = count + 5;if (count < 100 ) {/*@cc_on

/*@if (@_win32) ="alpha(opacity="+ count +")";

@else @*/ (count/100);

/*@end@*/var callback = function() {



Add Element, Fade UpYUIvar image = {

insert : function(){if (YAHOO.util.Dom.get("fadeMe")) {

YAHOO.util.Dom.get("image").removeChild(YAHOO.util.Dom.get("fadeMe"));}var newImage = document.createElement("img");newImage.src= "/web/samples/presentation/_assets/images/javascript.jpg";newImage.setAttribute("id","fadeMe");;YAHOO.util.Dom.get("image").appendChild(newImage);image.fadeUp(0);

},fadeUp : function(count) {

var fadeImage = YAHOO.util.Dom.get("fadeMe")count = count + 5;if (count < 100 ) {/*@cc_on

/*@if (@_win32) ="alpha(opacity="+ count +")";

@else @*/ (count/100);

/*@end@*/var callback = function() {




Let’s Look at Some Numbers

Pure JavaScript (the numbers)

Load Time in ms (Internet Explorer 7 webPageTest) 0.644Load Time in ms (Internet Explorer 7 webPageTest) CACHED 0.59Average Execution Time (Firefox) in ms 104.678Approximate # of Calls 56YSlow Score 88Lines of Code Written 107minified size (KB) 3.23Works (out of the box) in Internet Explorer 7? No

Pure JavaScript (anecdotal)• The Good: • Light. Fast. Standards based

• The Bad:• More verbose. API awkward?

• The Ugly:• Doesn’t work in 65% of the browsers


WIWND (the numbers)Load Time in ms (Internet Explorer 7 webPageTest) 0.759Load Time in ms (Internet Explorer 7 webPageTest) CACHED 0.586Average Execution Time (Firefox) in ms 106.666Approximate # of Calls 84YSlow Score 88Lines of Code Written 94minified size (KB) 8.44Works (out of the box) in Internet Explorer 7? N/A

WIWND(anecdotal)• The Good: • Light. Fast. Handles “big” x-browser

stuff. Fun (for me)• The Bad:• Not clever / less convenient.

• The Ugly:• Lots of heavy lifting. Lots.

Dojo (the numbers)Load Time in ms (Internet Explorer 7 webPageTest) 1.75Load Time in ms (Internet Explorer 7 webPageTest) CACHED 0.748Average Execution Time (Firefox) in ms 307.07Approximate # of Calls 5200YSlow Score 85Lines of Code Written 77minified size (KB) 96

Works (out of the box) in Internet Explorer 7? No (fade up


Dojo (anecdotal)• The Good: • Easy to pick up. HTML to include

GZipped/CDN version right on download page

• The Bad:• Slower. No JSON+Callback functionality.

Need to learn to think in “Dojo”• The Ugly:• Documentation

jQuery (the numbers)Load Time in ms (Internet Explorer 7 webPageTest) 1.34Load Time in ms (Internet Explorer 7 webPageTest) CACHED 0.717Average Execution Time (Firefox) in ms 190.521Approximate # of Calls 1500YSlow Score 84Lines of Code Written 53minified size (KB) 57.5

Works (out of the box) in Internet Explorer 7?

No, middle block is


jQuery (anecdotal)• The Good: • Easy to pick up. Fast, succinct code.

Chaining is fun. Solid documentation.• The Bad:• No JSON+Callback functionality. Need to

learn to think in “jQuery.” CDN link not promoted.

• The Ugly:

Prototype/Scriptaculous (the numbers)

Load Time in ms (Internet Explorer 7 webPageTest) 3.349Load Time in ms (Internet Explorer 7 webPageTest) CACHED 1.423Average Execution Time (Firefox) in ms 394.045Approximate # of Calls 7000YSlow Score 49Lines of Code Written 74minified size (KB) 88.6Works (out of the box) in Internet Explorer 7? yes

Prototype/Scriptaculous (anecdotal)

• The Good: • Feels more like JavaScript. Deep.

• The Bad:• No JSON+Callback functionality.

Promoted code is not minified. Slowest of the libraries.

• The Ugly:• “Blototype.” Reading documentation was

like being punched in the face.

YUI (the numbers)Load Time in ms (Internet Explorer 7 webPageTest) 1.145Load Time in ms (Internet Explorer 7 webPageTest) CACHED 0.621Average Execution Time (Firefox) in ms 116.956Approximate # of Calls 120YSlow Score 88Lines of Code Written 105minified size (KB) 69Works (out of the box) in Internet Explorer 7? No

YUI (anecdotal)• The Good: • Fast. Incredible documentation. CDN +

single file functionality. Deep bench of advanced functionality. JSON+Callback functionality.

• The Bad:• Limited, generic effects. Leaves more

basic work than other libraries. • The Ugly:•

All the Numbersjavascript wiwnd dojo jquery prototype yui

Load Time (Internet Explorer 7 webPageTest) 0.644 0.759 1.75 1.34 3.349 1.145Load Time (Internet Explorer 7 webPageTest) cached 0.59 0.586 0.748 0.717 1.423 0.621Execution time (firefox) 104.678 106.666 307.07 190.521 394.045 116.956approximate # of calls 56 84 5200 1500 7000 120YSlow Score 88 88 85 84 49 88Lines of Code Written 107 94 77 53 74 105minified size (KB) 3.23 8.44 96 57.5 88.6 69Works (out of the box) in Internet Explorer 7? No N/A

No (fade up fails) no yes no

The Results• If forced (for public consumption)• jQuery

• If forced (the app division)• YUI

• If forced (the Palm Pre/webOS edition)• Prototype