Jav a Sc r ip t and CSS f o r G eo g raphers · Grid Layout Grid Garden A Complete Guide to Grid...

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Transcript of Jav a Sc r ip t and CSS f o r G eo g raphers · Grid Layout Grid Garden A Complete Guide to Grid...

JavaScript and CSS for GeographersPatrick Arlt, Allison Davis & Nate Bedortha

Slides: http://bit.ly/2PLJft4

This talk is all fundamentals.

First, Some NotesLots of supplemental info in these slides.

Designed to help you keep learning beyond this talk.

Pretty much everything is a link.

Slides: http://bit.ly/2PLJft4

Web Development is Hard

It's ok to feel overwhelmed

Good news: you're more equipped than you think!

Scripted with ArcPy?

Scripted with Python?

Con�gured an app?

Used Arcade?

A quick note on web servers

HTML, CSS, and JS all go in your web server

Install > Terminal/Command Line/Windows Bash/Powershell

For fast prototyping use or

How to set up a local web server


npx http-server .

CodePen StackBlitz

HTML<!DOCTYPE html><html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <title>Hello!</title> <!-- <link> (CSS) goes here --> </head> <body> <!-- Content (more html) goes here --> <h1>Welcome</h1> <div>Here's some unstyled content.</div> <!-- <script> (JavaScript) goes here --> </body></html>

Try it in CodePenMDN's HTML docs and guides


html, body, #map { margin: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; }

Where does CSS go?

Inside a .css �le that is loaded with a <link> tag.

Inside a <style> tag.

Inside an element’s style attribute. ⚠

<link href="my-css-file.css" rel="stylesheet" />

<style> /* Put CSS here*/</style>

<p style="color:blue;">Blue text!</p>

What does CSS look like?

html, body, #map { margin: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; }

The "C" is for CascadingStyles cascade into the �nal styles for the HTML elements that match their


Browser and user styles<link rel="stylesheet"><style> tags

Style attributes <div style="...">

CSS Speci�cityWhen properties collide speci�city determines which property wins.

1. Rules with !important2. Inline styles <div style="...">3. <style> and <link> tags

4. Selector speci�city1. #id-attribute - <div id="...">

2. .class-attribute - <div class="...">

3. div - <div>

Let's inspect some CSS

Right click on something you want to change click "Inspect Element"

Explore a Storymap

Let's Build an App!


Where does JavaScript go?

Inside a <script> tag.

Inside a .js �le.

In your browser's Right click > Inspect Element > Console tab

( ) ( )

<script> /* Put JS here*/</script>

<script src="app.js"></script>

DevTools console

, , & Variables arithmetic comparison logicconst dogName = "Bunsen"; var year = 2020; let skyBlue = true; year++; // 2021 year--; // 2019 "high" + "five"; // 'highfive' // logical 'and'true && skyBlue; // true// 'or'true || false; // true// 'not' !skyBlue; // false

MDN's First Steps JavaScript guideTry it in CodePen

functionsfunction dogYears(age) { return age * 7; }

dogYears(3); > 21

age => { return age * 7; }; age => age * 7; // these are the same!

and Arrays[] objects{}var dogs = ["Ginsburg", "Bunsen"]; dogs[0]; // 'Ginsburg' dogs.push("Spot"); dogs.length; // 3 dogs.map(dog => dog.toUpperCase()); // ['GINSBURG', 'BUNSEN', 'SPOT']

let dog = { name: "Ginsburg", age: 4, ageInDogYears: function(age) { return age * 7; } }; dog.name; // 'Ginsburg'

Try it in CodePen

JavaScript Patterns

JavaScript is Asynchronous

JavaScript is single threadedRuns one function in its entiretyThen run the next functionThis is the "Event Loop""Callback functions" de�ne thing that happen later

Event Loop and Callbacks Demo


Promises represent values that will be set in the future.

i.e. I Promise to be a useful value in the future.

function processResponse(response) { return response.json(); } function doSomethingWithUser(user) { console.log(user); // prints a bunch of user info } function anyErrors(error) { console.error("what have you done!", error); } let user = fetch("https://randomuser.me/api/") .then(processResponse) .then(doSomethingWithUser)



The and HTMLJavaScript can interact with your HTML. The HTML on your page is

represented by the DOM (Document Object Model).

Select HTML elementsListen for events & user interactionsChange HTML elements



The future! You will encounter this more often.

JavaScript Modulesimport { something } from 'some-file.js';


AMD Modules (JS API)

require is a fancy way of adding <script> tags to load code on demand.

require([ "esri/Map", "esri/views/MapView", ], function (Map, MapView) {

// Map and MapView have been loaded! });


~120 lines of CSS, ~30 lines of JS.

Lets �nish our app

Tools & Frameworks

Don't jump into tools

The JS API is MORE then enough for simple mapping appsAdd tools when you KNOW you will bene�t from using themToo many tools === Lots of complexity to manageDon't touch tools until you feel limited

Types of tools

Modules - Formats for splitting up and sharing codeCompilers - Transform code often adding extra featuresBundlers - Combine modules and other assetsFrameworks - Architecture and structure for large apps/teams

Examples of tools

Modules - JS Modules, AMD, CommonJS, CSS ModulesCompilers - Babel, TypeScript, SASS, LESSBundlers - WebPack, Parcel, RollupFrameworks - React, Angular, Vue, Ember, Dojo, Tailwind, Bootstrap

Node JS and NPM

- Run JavaScript on a server or desktop. Build web servers, APIsand CLI tools.

- Package manager and distribution system for JS code. Analogousto Pip or Conda in Python.

Node JS


Learn Node JS at NodeSchool

Development tools

Set up your local dev environment: Prototype with , or

Do I have a web server running?CodePen JSBin StackBlitz

Visual Studio CodeChrome Developer ToolsFirefox Developer ToolsArcGIS JS CLI

Slides at http://bit.ly/2PLJft4