Jared Taylor: Racialist Anwar al-Awlaki

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Transcript of Jared Taylor: Racialist Anwar al-Awlaki

8/21/2019 Jared Taylor: Racialist Anwar al-Awlaki

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Jared Taylor, the leader of the Council of Conservative Citizens, really the White Citizens Council,who the Jewish Defense Organization was after for years, inspired Dylann Storm Roof to commitmass murder yet you don't see the Blacks trying to burn down his home, 2705 Green Holly SpringsCt Oakton, VA 22124 like they burned Baltimore. This is what the moron, who set back his owncause, wrote:

The event that truly awakened me was the Trayvon Martin case. I kept hearing andseeing his name, and eventually I decided to look him up. I read the Wikipedia articleand right away I was unable to understand what the big deal was. It was obvious thatZimmerman was in the right. But more importantly this prompted me to type in the words“black on White crime” into Google, and I have never been the same since that day. Thefirst website I came to was the Council of Conservative Citizens.There were pagesupon pages of these brutal black on White murders. I was in disbelief. At this moment Irealized that something was very wrong. How could the news be blowing up the TrayvonMartin case while hundreds of these black on White murders got ignored?

Jared Taylor had this to say about the AME event:

Spokesman for Council of Conservative Citizens Available to Speak to Media aboutDylann Roof and Charleston church killings. In a manifesto widely attributed to DylannRoof, he cites the Council of Conservative Citizens ( C of CC) as the organization thatfirst drew his attention to black-on-white crime. C of CC spokesman, Jared Taylor,welcomes media inquiries about the council’s positions and how they relate to DylannRoof. The C of CC unequivocally condemns Roof’s murderous actions. However, thecouncil stands unshakably behind the facts on its website, and points out the dangers of denying the extent of black-on-white crime. Every year, there are about 500,000 violent,

interracial crimes. Of these, about 85 percent are committed by blacks against whites.

For the past 3 years the JDO determined it was fruitless to try to stop Taylor from holding his AMREM conference as the year before the B lack community didn't show up and the MontgomeryBell State Park authorities refused to bar the Shockleyites from the park. Jared Taylor reported:

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The 13th American Renaissance conference–the fourth at Montgomery Bell State Parkin Tennessee–was held over a brilliant spring weekend and reflected the growing energyand momentum of our movement. There was record attendance, while the lifeless effortsof a small band of protesters only underlined their impotence in the face of our determination. It was a weekend of camaraderie–old friendships renewed and new onesestablished–built around a series of informative and inspiring speeches.

 A handful of protestors picketed the annual American Renaissance conference Friday afternoon atthe Montgomery Bell State Park inn and conference center. American Renaissance, aka AmRen, isknown for advocating white separatism and supremacist policies, but labels its views as “racerealism.” The organization produces a magazine and a website, which states there are genetic andbiological differences between whites and non-whites. AmRen takes particular issue with culturaldiversity. Montgomery Bell State Park is hosting AmRen’s annual conference this weekend for asecond consecutive year. Four protestors with the Coalition to Shut Down AmRen, and two picketerswith the Anti-Nazi Klan Coalition chanted against AmRen’s views Friday afternoon outside the park

inn. They also displayed placards remonstrating fascism and racism. “AmRen, Amren. Rich andrude. We don’t like your attitude,” shouted Coalition to Shut Down AmRen protestors. Park rangersstood vigi l in front of the inn to keep the peace. The rangers warned a young demonstrator not to useprofanity after he flipped off a man taking his photograph. Nathaniel Berman, a Jewish cantor at aNashville temple, and his spouse represented the Anti-Nazi Klan Coalition. “We don’t want your white supremacist trash in our state,” Berman exclaimed over a bullhorn.

Two groups with opposing views are ready to square off this weekend in Dickson County. Virginia-based American Renaissance, which also goes by AmRen and labels its views as “race realism,”will kick off its conference at Montgomery Bell State Park today while protesters prepare to hold aconference of their own. It is the second year in a row AmRen has held its conference at the park.Dorsey Malina, a spokeswoman for protest group Not in Our State, said she couldn’t believe it. “Werealize they have as much right to free speech as anyone else,” she said, adding that camouflaginghate speech as free speech is wrong. Not in Our State plans a “counter conference” featuring 18speakers at the park today. Topics include “Hybrid Vigor: Biochemically Deconstructing the Notionof Racial Purity,” “Race, Class and Power” and “Connecting the ‘Isms’: How Racism, Sexism,Heterosexism & Speciesism Intersect.” AmRen’s conference will run through Sunday. Topics include“Facing the Future As a Minority” and “Off-shoring, Mass Immigration and American WageStagnation: Why Education is No Solution.” The Southern Poverty Law Center calls AmericanRenaissance a hate group with a white nationalist ideology. It calls the group “a self-styled think tankthat promotes pseudo-scientific studies and research that purport to show the inferiority of blacks towhites — although in hifalutin language that avoids open racial slurs and attempts to portray itself asserious scholarship.” Jared Taylor, founder of AmRen, disagrees with the label: “We’d prefer to livein a nation with a majority of people like ourselves. It doesn’t mean we hate anybody else, it meansthat that’s our preference.”


Neo-Nazis KKK group plan kill Jews and kill Blacks Racist meeting at MONTGOMERY BELLSTATE PARK April 5 – 7, 2013 at it’s indoor lodge conference center. One man at this meeting afew years ago entered the Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC trying to kill Jewish children and

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shot and killed the Black guard. Neo-Nazi DAVID DUKE, speaks at these meetings about killingJews and Blacks! PRESS RELEASE. Permit denied for anti-Klan demonstration in Memphis!


FRIDAY APRIL 5, 2013 12 NOON SHARP Montgomery Bell State Park 1000 Hotel Avenue Burns,TN Loud-legal-lawful

Sponsored by the Anti-Nazi Klan Coalition (206) 984-6038STOP NAZIS AND KLANFACEBOOK – Anti-Nazi Coalition Rally in Tennessee Also Montgomery Bell Park Commentsand sign a petitionat No Public Facilities for Racists


JDO DEMANDS THAT JEWS RISE UP TO STOP A PLANNED NEO-NAZI KKK HITLER WASRIGHT, JEWS TO THE OVENS BOMB SYNAGOGUES, KILL BLACKS MEETING. The neo-NaziKKK white supremacist hate meeting is supposed to take place near Nashville Tennessee atMontgomery Bell Park.The State ownsthis park and you can call them up to demand they cancel(615-797-3101). The neo-Nazi KKK group is run byJared Taylor who runs the neo-Nazi KKK group American Renaissance. STOP THE NEO-NAZI KKK MEETING PLA NNED NEAR NASHVILLE


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BOYCOTT NO MORE RENTALS FROM JEWS OR OTHERS!!! Robertson’s conscience is in hiswallet!!! He personally is renting the neo-Nazis KKK for the "Hitler was right Jews to the Ovens bombsynagogues meetings! We will never forget a year ago one of Jared Taylor's neo-Nazi followers whowent to those meetings shot up the Holocaust Museum in Washington trying kill Jewish children therethat day. Instead the neo-Nazi member of Jared Taylor's group missed killed innocent Black guard.Enough neo-Nazi terror and enough Jewish Cowardice!! 6 Million Jews Never Again!!!


From: Cantor Berman [jewishdefensecantor@gmail.com]

Sent: Sunday, April 07, 2013 6:25 PMTo: Ferrell HaileSubject: Insurance Bonds for Hate groups should be required in TN

The Honorable Senator Ferrell Haile,

I am sure you had an opportunity this weekend to read about the White Supremacist, Neo-Nazi, KKK AM REN convention held at Montgomery Bell State Park.I had worked for months with the NAACP,Churches , Jewish Organizations and universities, to protest Jared Taylor and AM REN.This groupis listed as a Militant Hate Group in numerous States in the United States. This is the 2nd year thatMontgomery Bell State Park has hosted them for their annual Hate Conference.Our organization,applied and received permits for a protest rally which we held this past weekend. I am completelyaware of the rights of groups to speak their peace under the 1st ammendment, and legally, there isnothing that Montgomery Bell could have done to cancel this conference. I spent many hours

speaking with Max Fleischer, the Tennessee State Attorney regarding our options to have thisconference cancelled, and had our attorneys in New York looking at the lawful ways to stop thisconference from happening. In the past, our organization has stopped Taylor and AM REN innumerous states due to the fact that he was using hotels, so he decided to come to Tennessee,using a State facility, and one which DOES NOT REQUIREa security insurance bond. ( Fleischer has emailed me and told me that Tennessee is one of the few states that does not require a bond ).Being a HATE GROUP and a MILLITANT GROUP, in a State Facility, is unacceptable and presentsa clear and present danger to public health and safety. This could cause damage to the facility,which at the present time has no insurance bond paid for by AM REN. I am asking you to pleaseconsider a law requiring HATE GROUPS, MILL ITANT GROUP S & TERROR GROUPS to purchasea security insurance bond when renting a State Facility here in Tennessee. Many colleges anduniversities require bonds when groups rent their facilities. By doing so, AM REN will have to coughup over $20,000. for a 1 million dollar security bond the next time they come here. That will STOPTHEM in their tracks as they do not have that kind of funds. I am listing 2 links regarding this pastweekend at Montgomery Bell, as well as our Press Release giving you information on AM REN.There were young children there this weekend with their parents for a nice weekend in the parkasking their parents what are Nazis KKK etc.....not a very good welcome to a Tennessee State Park.I hope you consider our thoughts in this matter, or possibly other alternatives that can be legislated tostop AM REN and other groups of hate such as them, in coming to our State.

American Renaissance Party


 All, Regarding the live web-stream, we’ve run into serious difficulties beyond our control.

We’ve decided not to go into details at this time, but you can use your imagination… Ithas become impossible to web-stream. We are, however, able to film the conference inHD, and we are going to make the videos available to everyone online shortly. I speak for everyone involved with NPItv when I say that it pains us not to deliver what we promised— namely, a live web-stream on the two days of the event and a available downloadshortly thereafter. We hope that we can make it up to everyone who paid for the web-stream — i.e. everyone who purchased the conference before the publishing of thismessage at 2:30 PM (EST) on Saturday, Feb. 5 — by sending them free DVDs of theconference, on top of the download. We will also offer them gift certificates granting 20percent off books in the Washington Summit Publishers library.To all those expecting thelive web-stream, please accept NPItv’s sincerest apology. We are dedicated to offeringlive web-streams. This terrible experience has taught us how to avoid such difficulties inthe future. Sincerely yours, Richard Spencer [Head Maggot]



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Dear Conference Registrant,

I am very sorry to inform you that the AR conference scheduled for February 4 through 6 must becanceled. Despite strong assurances that it would not submit to pressure, the hotel with which wehad initially contracted has broken its contract with us. We have investigated many possiblealternative venues but have not been able to find one. There is evidence that at least one electedCharlotte official was working behind the scenes to deny us a venue, and our legal counsel is lookinginto grounds for action against the city. We are deeply sorry for the great inconvenience this causesyou, and I apologize to you personally. As the head of the publication that organized this conference,the fault is entirely mine. At your instruction we will, of course, refund all registrations and banquetfees. Many of you will have bought non-refundable air tickets. Generally, the amount spent on suchtickets can, for a period of a year, be used to buy a different ticket on the same airline. However,most airlines then deduct $150 from the amount that can be spent to buy the new ticket. If you boughta non-refundable ticket, please send us proof of purchase and we will send you a check for $150.We do not want anyone to suffer financial loss because of this cancellation. We have heard thatbecause of the impending storms, some airlines are offering full refunds on “non-refundable” tickets.This offer may not apply to tickets for February 4, but it may be worth inquiring. We are consideringalternative models for future American Renaissance conferences. Again, please accept mysincerest apologies. We greatly value your continuing support, and deeply regret that we will not beseeing you on February 4. Warm regards, Jared Taylor 

Charlotte City Councilman Warren Turner, Charlotte City Councilman Patrick Cannonand theNAACP plus other anti-racist groups have had the meeting of the American Renaissance Partycancelled. Councilman Turner sent out an email to all of the hotels in Charlotte informing them to alert

the police if AmRen booked space with them. Councilman Cannon also advised these hotels to bein compliance with the law. When the Airport Sheraton Hotel checked its convention bookings itfound that AmRen had booked under a different name for the dates in question. The Sheratonreturned the deposit that the Shockleyite scum had put down to reserve the meeting room where theNazi meeting was to be held. JDO is warning other hotels in the area to be on the lookout for anyonewho tries to book for the same dates. JDO believes preaching racial inferiority can lead to lynchings,cross burnings and murder and mayhem. JDO knows that the neo-Nazis will be demoralized whenthey find out this convention, like the Virginia and DC conventions were cancelled last February. TheStormfront Nazis and David Duke show up at these events because they believe these so-calledintellectuals give their views legitimacy. Who are these morons to determine who is intelligent andwho is not? One day one group can be on top the next day untermenchen. This group used to haveJewish members but they walked out when David Duke pranced into the AmRen meeting. It is aslippery slope for any Jew to embrace racism.



The JDO has been made aware that a collection of Jew-Hating and racist neo-Nazi & KKK are tryingto hold a meeting in a hotel in Charlotte, North Carolina. This collection of neo-Nazis and KKK andneo-Nazi skinheads who hate Jews, Blacks, Latinos, Asians, all minorities tried holding a meeting inVirginia and D.C. last year at a hotel and JDO got it cancelled. NOW JDO HAS JUST


know! The Hilton Hotel and the Dunn hotel have banned AmRem.

 According to a document from the Arizona Counter Terrorism Information Center (ACTIC) whoseexistence was confirmed by David Denlinger, a commander of ACTIC the document in question (firstattributed to DHS) “contained errors and overstated the link” between mass murderer JaredLoughner and American Renaissance but none-the-less linked him to to this racist group.

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Why the Jewish Defense Organization is Launching a Boycott of theCrowne Plaza Hotel for Allowing a Neo-Nazi Convention

The news articles and tv have reported heavily in the Washington and Virginia area that JDO islaunching a boycott against a local hotel the Crowne Plaza Dulles located in Herndon Virginia for daring to rent for a neo-nazi convention. It is true that JDO has launched and is continuing thisimportant boycott and the effect is more than just local but national on various hotels across the USthat have been asked by assorted Neo-Nazi and KKK misfits to rent for Jew-Hating and racist hatefests of the future, will think a million times over if they hear or read that not only were there angrydemonstrations at this local Crowne Plaza run by a not well despicable sleaze for rent named DavidWelliver but the Jews and others angry as well brought that Hotel to its knees with the additionalweapon of boycott, meaning getting all potential customers to cancel ever using that hotel in thefuture.First, no greater justice can be done to the owners and management of the Crowne Plaza

Dulles than financially wrecking them ! This means effort and letting everyone also know the ownersand managers names like Tony Rocks the real owner of the hotel who owns a construction company Allen & Rocks. This campaign is specifically aimed at Crowne Plaza Dullles, and its "rent to theNazis" manager David Welliver, who with glee and arrogance rented knowingly and eagerly to aband of neo-nazis that has hosted Nazi KKK pig David Duke speak about the "evil Jews" at itsconventions. The neo-nazi that runs this group is one Jared Taylor. When JDO launched itscampaign 8 weeks ago thousands called, and cabled Welliver to cancel this upcoming neo-naziconvention. Well, he allowed the neo-nazis in anyway. The only conscience someone like Welliver and Crowne Plaza Dulles has are its pockets, and if we financially wreck the hotel through a serious

boycott every hotel will remember what JDO did to Welliver and his once proud hotel punished andbrought to financial ruin by reaching out and getting every possible customer to cancel any partiesplanned there. B'SD

Why the Jewish Defense Organization is Lauching aBoycott of the Crowne Plaza Hotel Dulles for Allowing a

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Neo-Nazi Convention

by Mordechai Levy J.D.O. National Director 

The news articles and tv have reported heavily in the Washington and Virginia area that JDO islaunching a boycott against a local hotel the Crowne Plaza Dulles located in Herndon Virginia for daring to rent for a neo-nazi convention. It is true that JDO has launched and is continuing thisimportant boycott and the effect is more than just local but national on various hotels across the USthat have been asked by assorted Neo-Nazi and KKK misfits to rent for Jew-Hating and racist hatefests of the future, will think a million times over if they hear or read that not only were there angry

demonstrations at this local Crowne Plaza run by a not well despicable sleaze for rent named DavidWelliver but the Jews and others angry as well brought that Hotel to its knees with the additionalweapon of boycott, meaning getting all potentail customers to cancel ever using that hotel in thefuture.First, no greater justice can be done to the owners and management of the Crowne PlazaDulles than financially wrecking them ! This means effort and letting everyone also know the ownersand managers names like Tony Rocks the real owner of the hotel who owns a construction comapny Allen & Rocks. This campaign is speciafically aimed at Crowne Plaza Dullles, and its "rent tol theNazis" manager David Welliver, who with glee and arrogance rented knowingly and eagerly to aband of neo-nazis that has hosted Nazi KKK pig David Duke speak about the "evil Jews" at itsinventions. The neo-nazi that runs this group is one Jared Taylor. When JDO launched its campaign8 weeks ago thousands called, and cabled Welliver to cancel this upcoming neo-nazi convention.Well, he allowed the neo-nazis in anyway. The only conscience someone like Welliver and CrownePlaza Dulles has are i ts pockets, and if we financially wreck the hotel through a serious boycott everyhotel will remember what JDO did to Welliver and his once proud hotel punished and brought tofinancial ruin by reaching out and getting every possible customer to cancel any parties plannedthere.


The owner of the hotel where the Nazis are going to hold a meeting refuses to stop it. The man whomade this decision, David M. Welliver can be reached at (703) 502-8757 / (703) 502-0498 / (703)502-8757. A neo-nazi white supremacist group that has given platforms and works with long timeleader of the neo-nazis and KKK groups David Duke has booked a prominent hotel near Wash DCfor its vicious anti-Semitic and racist message to be heard. In fact this group very recently had smalltime Hitler David Duke give a speech about the Jews. This neo-nazi outfit is called the American

Renaissance and is run by neo-nazi admirer Jarred Taylor. In fact enemy of 

the Jews Taylor is bringing other notorious neo-nazi misfits to his plannedconvention in February. Taylor works closely against Jews and other minorities and has collaborated with neo-nazi leaders like Don Black whoran the KKK and currently runs a vicious vile neo-nazi website called"Stormfront" which is loaded with threats to try and wipe out the Jews in America and supports terror attacks on Jews, and Blacks and other minorities. "Jared Taylor’s David Duke Neo-Nazi KKK helping anti-Semitic

racist meeting must be cancelled," said David Cohen JDO spokesman.


DAVID WELLIVER -General Manager or call David Welliver - 703-674-0440

VERONICA DAVIS-Senior Sales Manager 

MELISSA GETER-Sales Manager 


The company that manages Crowne Plaza is Coakely - Williams its Vice President & contact man isK. Sawatsky can be called at 301-614-8803 emailed at ksawatsky@cwhotels.com

Below is another brand new name to call & e mail 8 hours a day!! It is owned by Tony Rocks of Allen& Rocks. ( a construction company). If Tony Rocks rents to the neo-nazi KKK types then JDO willlaunch a boycott of his construction company!!! ALL EN & ROC KS-owner- Tony Rocks (owns

Crowne Plaza) 703-556-4000


JARED TAYLOR 2705 GREEN HOLLY SPRINGS CT OAKTON, VA 22124 (703) 716-0930 or 0932.

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Wednesday, December 26, 2007Hotel rebuffs JDO efforts Manager: We're not defined by our customersWednesday,

December 26, 2007

by Debra Rubin Editor 

 As the Jewish Defense Organization steps ups its efforts to force a Herndon hotel to cancel aFebruary convention for an organization that has been described as a white supremacist hate group,the hotel manager says he has no intention of complying, noting that his facility is not associated withits customers' messages and he's "just trying to pay the rent."

The JDO earlier this month initiated a campaign urging individuals to contact the Crowne PlazaDulles Airport Hotel in an effort to force the hotel to renege on its rental contract with AmericanRenaissance, a Web site and magazine that describes itself as promoting "racial-realist" thought.

Last week, the JDO added the hotel's management company, Coakley & Williams in Greenbelt, toits contact list, along with a building contractor it claims owns the hotel. WJW could not confirmownership, but hotel manager David Welliver said a number of investors are involved.

The JDO ‹ a self-described militant group ‹ also is calling for a boycott of the hotel if the meetingtakes place.

 American Renaissance is published by the New Century Foundation, directed by Jared Taylor anddescribed by the Southern Poverty Law Center as a white supremacist hate group "dressed up inthe prose and appearance of academia," according to Mark Potok, who directs the center'sintelligence project.

The Anti-Defamation League describes American Renaissance as "promoting pseudoscientific andquestionably researched and argued studies to validate the superiority of whites."

Taylor once wrote in his publication: "Blacks and white are different. When blacks are left entirely totheir own devices, Western Civilization ‹ any civilization ‹ disappears."

The JDO is an offshoot of the Jewish Defense League, which the Montgomery, Ala.-based SPLChad also characterized as a hate group.

The Jewish Community Relations Council of Greater Washington has provided Welliver withinformation about American Renaissance, according to Ron Halber, JCRC executive director, whosaid "we wanted to let him know the distasteful people who are going to use the facility."

He said any further JCRC action is under discussion, but the agency would not call for the hotel tobreach its contract.

Welliver said he has received several calls urging him to cancel the February event as well as callspraising him for not doing so. In an interview last week, Welliver said that some of the oppositioncalls have been "violent" and do not help the protesters' cause. Taylor, meanwhile, "has been nothing

but decent," he added.

"I care that there are so many people that are passionate and have angst and anxiety about this, butI'm not involved in this," Welliver said, maintaining that the hotel is "completely unconnected to our customers and their beliefs, or whatever they do for a living."

Instead, he added, the establishment evaluates its clientele "based on economics."

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 Asked if he could imagine an instance in which the hotel might turn away an already-booked guestfor noneconomic reasons, Welliver said, "I can envision if you got the kind of people you really onlysee on the 11 o'clock news, dangerous or nasty people capable of violence."

Like Welliver, David Friedman, the ADL's Washington-area director, criticized the JDO's tactics."This is an incident in which you have an extremist group attempting to have a boycott of a hotel toprotest another extremist group," he said.

The JDO, he added, "is only raising the risk that people are going to act out in ways that are going tohurt innocent people or people involved in the hotel."

Halber ‹ along with Welliver and Friedman ‹ cited American Renaissance's right to freedom of expression.

"I don't think you defend the interest of the Jewish community by denying the rights of others tospeak," Halber said. "In the end, that will backfire."

JDO spokesperson Dave Segal countered that "Freedom of speech is meant for sane people withdifferent opinions, not insane people getting people killed. Freedom of speech stops when hatespeech begins."

Segal also said: "When Nazis are allowed to talk, they get more and more recruits."

Potok said American Renaissance has never been associated with violence, although some of theleading "neo-Nazis and white supremacists regularly attend their meetings."

Both the ADL and SPLC say that although Taylor generally avoids anti-Semitism, AmericanRenaissance is divided, according to Potok, "over whether it's only black people wrecking the worldor whether Jews are behind it."

In 2006, Taylor said that Jews have a valuable role in the work of the American Renaissance, and helamented that a participant at a previous conference had denounced "Jews as the historic enemy of the European people."

He also wrote: "Some people in the AR community believe Jewish influence was decisive indestroying the traditional American consensus on race. Others disagree."

Nevertheless, Friedman pointed out that there is little debate regarding the perceived threat posedby Jews among people "that are attracted to the American Renaissance."

Interviewed on Friday, Taylor said he was shocked that his name and home phone number appear on JDO's Web site, but has not received calls from protesters.

He compared his beliefs that the United States should be a white-majority country with Israel's desireto remain a Jewish nation with a Jewish majority.

When it was pointed out that the United States was not founded specifically as a white nation, hecountered that the first citizenship law "specified that only free white people can be naturalizedcitizens" and that it is "revisionist history" to say anything else about the nation's founding.

 As for Jews, Taylor said, "I think Jews have an important role in the United States and Jews arewhite as far as I'm concerned."

Zvi Schoenberg, head of Gesher Jewish Day School in Fairfax, said the meeting has been a topic of 

conversation in Northern Virginia's Jewish community. "People are not happy about it, even thoughthey don't feel an immediate threat," he said. "I think it's pretty outrageous that this is happening inour community."

For his part, Alexandria's Paul Friedman, a member of JCRC's Northern Virginia commission, wouldlike to see the conference canceled.

"I believe in free expression, but that doesn't require any particular company to provide a forum,"said Friedman, a lawyer.

Content © 2007 Washington Jewish Week

Herndon hotel will not cancel controversial


Gregg MacDonald David Welliver, General Manager of the Crowne Plaza hotel in Herndon, says that despite

extreme pressure from a Jewish group, he has no plans to cancel a controversial convention scheduled to take

 place at his hotel in February.

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The biannual New Century Foundation convention is organized by Oakton resident

Jared Taylor, who calls himself a race realis t and publishes American Renaissance

magazine, which he has done for nearly 20 years. The 2008 convention will takeplace Feb. 22-24 in Herndon.

Taylor is a Naz i pig, Jeff Adler, spokesman for the Jewish Defense Organization, amilitant group not affiliated with the Jewish Defense League, sa id in a phone


Taylor has invited David Duke and other neo-Nazis to speak at his convention.They hate Jews and they hate blacks and these are neo-Nazis, there's no doubt

about it, Adler said. We hold this convention every two years in February at ahotel near the airport, and we have done so since long before immigration everbecame an issue in Herndon, Taylor said when asked why he chose Herndon as the

2008 locale. If [the JDO] are looking for Nazis they are barking up the wrong tree.We have two Jewish speakers scheduled to speak this year and we always have

Jewis h participants. I t hink that our first year, half the participants were Jewish.

There is nothing the slightest bit Nazi about American Renaissance. We simplybelieve that diversity is not a strength but instead leads to tension and

divisiveness. Taylor also said that rather than inviting David Duke, he has actually

asked the former presidential candidate and self-professed white supremacist tostay away.

Yes, David Duke has attended despite being asked to stay away, but it's like if 

you have a restaurant and David Duke eats t here, does t hat make you a neo-Naz i?Taylor said.Adler's answer is an emphatic yes. He has begun a campaign, called

Operation Nazi-Kicker to prompt the Crowne Plaza hotel to cancel the meeting of hate.

I see no reason to breach our agreement with that client, Welliver said in

response to the effort. We do not discriminate or judge clients and that is not howwe go about evaluating pieces of business . That's real life, I am not in the

position to give an opinion. Business does not have an opinion. I am just trying to

pay the rent. I am just a lowly hotel guy trying to get through the day. Welliverdid say however, that security will be increased during the convention and that

local law enforcement has been notified of the situation. I am just going to have

faith that there are more reasonable honorable, decent people out there thanthere are kooks, he said.

Convention Draw s CriticismBy Rebecca Plevin

Observer Staff Writer

A Jewish o rganization is waging a campaign to s top the monthly magazine

American Renaissance's February convention at the Crowne Plaza Dulles Airport

hotel in Herndon. The magazine bills itself as being the "premiere publication of racial-realist thought," according to its Web site. The Jewish Defense

Organization, a group that fights anti-Semitism and trains Jews in self-defense

techniques, began this week calling Washington, D.C., area Jewish groups, Hillelorganizations and local synagogues to urge people to contact the hotel and

request that the meeting be cancelled, said Jewish Defense Organization

spokesman Jeff Adler. "People are very upset about this," Adler said . "People donot want this Nazi meeting to happen."Adler said he was encouraging people to,

"flood the hotel, let the highest levels of the hotel know, this Nazi meeting must

be stopped."The group called its effort "Operation Nazi-Kicker" and listed thephone numbers of the hote l management on its Web site, www.jewishdefense.org.

"I think it's totally illegitimate to try to sabotage someone's meeting," said JaredTaylor, editor of American Renaissance. "I cannot think of words st rong enough to

condemn that." Taylor said trying to shut down another group's meeting flies

against the American values of freedom of speech and democracy. "They would bevery happy in Stalin's Soviet Union," he said. The American Renaissance

convention will cover the themes of race and immigration, Taylor said. The event

will feature speakers such as J. Philippe Rushton, a professor at the University of Western Ontario, who is the author of the book "Race, Evolution and Behavior,"

and Paul Gottfried, a professor at Elizabethtown College in Pennsylvania, who is

the author of "Conservatism in America: Making Sense of the American Right,"according to the publication's Web site ."What we talk about is entirely legitimate

and in accordance with history, morality and human nature," Taylor said. "We have

abso lutely nothing to be ashamed of." David W elliver, general manager of the

Crowne Plaza , did not return calls by The Observer's deadline on W ednesday night.


Freedom Of SpeechAmerican Renaissance conference sparks protests from Jewish group.

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Mirza Kurspahic

December 12, 2007

A conference planned for February of 2008 at the Crowne Plaza Dulles Airport hotel

in Herndon is drawing attention as a New York-based Jewish organization is

demanding that the hotel cancel it. The group claims the conference will entertainanti-Semitic and anti-minority lectures and comments.

"We don’t believe that N azis have the right to speak," said Jess Adler, a

spokesman for the Jewish Defense Organization (JDO). "We don’t let them speak,we don’t le t them grow," said Adler. His group, numbering around 4,000 in the

U.S., is calling on people to call the Crowne Plaza to get the conference cancelled.

American Renaissance, an Oakton-based magazine in its 19th year of publication,is the conference organizer. Jared Taylor, the magazine ’s edi tor, said JDO is wrong

in its assertions about the conference. "They are grievously uninformed," said

Taylor. He sa id he has never heard of JDO and said A merican Renaissance focuseson examining racial issues. "The focus is to investigate problems of race and

immigration, not just in America, but worldwide," he said.

The repeating series of riots in France are an example of problems the publication,and its conferences, examines, sa id Taylor. He sa id the people announced to

speak at the conference come from international academia. "They are all very wellinformed people," said Taylor. "In fact, two of our speakers are Jews."

ADLER DISMISSED Taylor’s claim about the Jewish speakers at the conference,saying that some speakers could be unaware of what they are getting into.

According to Adler, scheduled speakers have walked out from previous conferences

organized by Taylor when they realized the purpose of those conferences. Adlersaid area residents alerted JDO about the conference, prompting the effort to

cancel it. He said previous Taylor-organized conferences have given a platform to

people such as David Duke, a Louisiana politician, whose Web site claims he hasdedicated his life to freedom and heritage of European American peoples. Adler

said a similar JDO effort managed t o cancel Duke’s own conference at a Richmond

hotel last year."They must be great believers in freedom of speech," said Taylor about JDO. "I

think they should be ashamed of themselves" for attempting to cancel the

conference. He said JDO ’s effort is "utterly contemptible" and asked, "Is this a wayyou run a democracy?" Taylor said that as long as the conference is a legal

gathering, there should be nothing wrong with it. "They sound like Nazis to me,trying to shut down this conference," said Taylor. "We are exchanging views, t hat’s

what democracy is about."

Adler said it is important to stop such meetings, because they can lead to more.

"Hitler started with six people in a beer hall," he said. "Freedom of speech endswhen bigotry begins."

AD LER DR AW S his information about potential racists, anti-Semites and white

supremacists from the Alabama-based Southern Poverty Law Cente r. The center

was es tablished in 1971 as a small civil rights law firm. The center’s W eb file lis tsTaylor as a person to watch. It also states that Taylor’s conferences are well

attended and have international reach.

Booth Gunter, the public affa irs director at the Southern Poverty Law Center, saidpeople listed on the center’s Web pages are labeled after going through an

internal evaluation. "It’s a judgment about their public statements and also their

activity," said Gunter.The American Renaissance conference is scheduled for Feb. 22 to Feb. 24 at the

Crowne Plaza Dulles Airport hotel in Herndon. The American Renaissance Web site

states that the conference will "discuss the forces that will determine our future."It adds that the speakers and guests are "undeceived, outspoken and committed

to the defense of W estern Civilization."A phone call to the hotel’s general manager was not returned.


Jewish Group Wants Hotel To Halt'Neo-Nazi' Conference

POSTED: 4:02 pm EST December 13, 2007UPDATED: 4:28 pm EST December 13, 2007

HERNDON, Va. -- A Jewish activist group wants a Herndon hotel to cancel an

upcoming conference organized by a white nationalist group based in northernVirginia.

The conference for the New Century Foundation and its American RenaissanceMagazine is scheduled for Feb. 22-24 at t he Crowne Plaza Dulles Airport hotel.

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'); } //-->

The Jewish Defense Organization called the foundation a "neo-Nazi" organization

and said that it has worked with white supremacist and former presidential

candidate David Duke.

The hotel's general manager did not return calls seeking comment.

The magazine and 13-year-old foundation were created by Jared Taylor, an Oaktonresident who calls himself a "race realist" and advocates an end to immigration

and all laws forbidding discrimination.

Copyright 2007 by The Associated Press.


White Nationalist Group's Meeting PromptsProtest

Jewish Defense Organization Urges Herndon Hotel to Halt 'Neo-Nazi' Conference inFebruary

By Fredrick Kunkle

Washington Post Staff Writer

Thursday, December 13, 2007; VA03

A militant Jewish group is pressing a Herndon hotel to halt an upcomingconference organized by a white nationalist group based in Northern Virginia.

The Jewish Defense Organization is calling on supporters to push the Crowne Plaza

Dulles Airport  hotel into canceling a Feb. 22-24 conference for the New CenturyFoundation and its American Renaissance Magazine. The Jewish group calls the

foundation a "neo-Nazi" organization and says that it has worked with whitesupremacist and former presidential candidate David Duke.

"The reason we want it stopped is these are neo-Nazis. There's no question," said

Jeffrey Adler, a spokesman for the Jewish Defense Organization.

David Welliver, the hotel's general manager, did not return calls seeking comment.

The magazine and 13-year-old foundation we re created by Jared Taylor, an Oaktonresident who calls himself a "race realist" and advocates an end to all immigration

and all laws forbidding discrimination.

In a te lephone interview last week, Taylor, 56, said that genetics is the overridingreason for differences in intelligence between the races and that this accounts for

inferior test scores by blacks compared with whites, and by whites compared with


He also argued for an end to affirmative action and other efforts to close the

"achievement gap" between white and black children, saying these are politicallycorrect but ultimately useless attempts to overcome innate differences between


Taylor also disavowed any association with neo-Nazi organizations and decriedefforts to close down the conference.

"It seems that if anybody is a Nazi in this group, it's the ones trying to force theother group into silence," Taylor said. "Frankly, I find the behavior of these people

truly contemptible."

Taylor said about 250 people are expected to attend the conference. Protestersrallied when the biennial American Renaissance Conference last met, in Herndon in

March 2006. Last March, a Canadian university rescinded its invitation for Taylor to

speak, saying threats by protesters raised the concern that the university wouldhave to spend a lot of money on extra security.

Adler, the Jewish Defense spokesman, said his o rganization would call on o therJews to boycott the hotel if the conference goes on. The group's Web site and

telephone number also urge callers to protest to hotel management.

"We're a militant self-defense group," Adler said. "The bottom line is, the hotelhas to know that there will be big, ugly demonstrations."

He s aid it was important to combat groups such as New Century Foundation before

they reach a wider audience.

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"The bottom line is , every time the Nazis get their message out, they receive new

people," Adler said.

Adler denied that his group was infringing on the organization's rights to free

speech and assembly.

"That's what Hitler  said, that some people tried to silence him," Adler said. "Thereality is, Hitle r started with a handful of followers, and Jews said, 'Let him speak.'

The fruits of free speech for Nazis was Auschwitz  and 6 million Jews dead. Anti-

Semitic words lead to anti-Semitic action."

Both organizations have been labeled by civil rights organizations as extremists.The Southern Poverty Law Center calls the New Century Foundation a "hate group"and Taylor a "white supremacist."

No Free Speech for Nazis!

The Jewish Defense Organization is demanding that the Crowne Plaza Hotel cancel

an upcoming neo-nazi connvention scheduled in February. JDO swung into actionas soon as the JDO Intelligence Unit was tipped of about this upcoming hatefest

against the Jews and otgher minorities. A neo-nazi white supremacist group thathas given platforms and works with long time leader of the neo-nazis and KKK

groups David Duke has booked a prominent hotel near Wash DC for its vicious

anti-Semitic and racist message to be heard. In fact this group very recently hadsmall time Hitler David Duke give a speech about the Jews. This neo-nazi outfit is

called the American Renais sance and i s run by neo-nazi admirer Jarred Taylor. Infact enemy of the Jews Taylor is bringing other notorious neo-nazi misfits to hisplanned convention at the Crowne Plaza Dulles .. Taylor works closely against Jews

and other minorities and has collaborated with neo-nazi leaders like Don Black

who ran the KKK and currently runs a vicious vile neo-nazi website called"Stormfront" which is loaded with threats to try and wipe out the Jews in America

and supports terror attacks on Jews, and Blacks and other minorities. "Jared

Taylor’s David Duke Neo-Nazi KKK helping anti-Semitic racist meeting must becancelled," said David Cohen JDO spokesman. The JDO has repeated it over and

over, "no free speeech for Nazis!" JD O has always pointed out that the "fruits of 

freedom of speech for Nazis" was Auschwitz, Bergen Belsen, Treblinka and BabiYar, and 6 Million murdered Jews. The acorns of free speech for Nazis grew into

the oak trees of Auschwitz. Hitler started with 6 members in a beer hall in Munich.Then as the economy went Kaput in Germany 6 became hundreds and thousands

and millions voting for Nazi Party candidates. In fact noted author and expert on

the Nazis W illaim Shirer mentions this in hisbook that when the Naz is started, andheld small street meetings in Germany they were considered laughing stocks.

In fact one Jewish Miltant leader Zev Vladmir Jabotinsky founder of the militant

Jewish Self-Defense Organization came to Germany’s and urged his folowers inGermany and Austria, to repel before Hitler was even in power any attempt by the

Nazis to march with violence. In Austria where a number of young Jews had

trained in guns and boxing and self-defense, after Nazi attack at the University of Vienna on Jews walking about the campus by Nazi thugs in the early 1930’s before

the Nazis came to power it was Jabotinsky’s version of militant Jewish Self-

Defense Organization, there called Betar that went Nazi hunting one day and beatevery Nazi they found walking around the campus in uniform. Make no mistake the

Naz i attacks there stopped for a while. In Germany and America Jabotinsky’s menand Jewish youth tried breaking up in the early 1930’s in cooperation with the

Jewish W ar Veterans various Nazi groups attemting to come to power. Make nomistake that when Jabotinsky went to Germany giving speeches about hispredicting the Nazi Party of Hitler would one day rise to power and try to make a

Hoocaust sgsisnt Europe’s Jews he proposed 2 things to stop this. One was

emergency Aliyah immigration by German Jews and of Europe’s Jews to pre-stateIsrael. Two that German Jews for amred trained self-defense units to protext

themselves as well as make a total war on Hitler and his " not in power yet"

Nazis. The German Jews laughed that the Nazis would never come to power andthat Jabotinsky was a madman. They would always point out tat Germany (lie

America today) is a democracy and Jews are accepted in the universities, were

professors, doctors, lawyers and had influence. THey would point out that theforeign minister was W alter Rathenau a Jew.

Several years later in 1929 a depression hit Germany and suddenly as Nazisstarted winning elections, holding huge monster "Death to the Jews" meetings. By

1933 the Hilt er was elected chancellor, and the German Jews woke up to the fact

the Nazis were "not a jole anymore." In fact as the dark clouds of the Holocaustenveloped them many probably asked why didn’t we go after the Nazis early on

when they were a small group of several hundred. In fact Hitler actually makes

reference to this on hisdiary where he states openly tht when the Nazi Party hadits first meeting and about 50 potential recruits came to a meeting. Hitler says

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that if the Jews had physically broken up that first meeting then the Nazi Party

would have been destroyed!

In America today neo-nazi groups are growing across the country blaming the Jew

for Americas ills. They are not 7 members like when Hitler started but close to a

million have voted for Nazi candidates. Do we Jews forget that Nazi pig DavidDuke was elected to the Louisiana State legislature and when he ran for governor

received 650,000 votes almost 70% of whites in that state? The Nazis are huge,

and so is the KKK, and the threat speaks for itself. Do we Jews dare close oureyes to the danger when neo-nazis have done numerous atttacks on Jews

including shooting 6 Jews leaving synagogues not long ago? Or bombing that neo-

nazis did to synagogues from coast to coast? Or shooting a Jewish talk show hostdead named Alan Berg in Denver? Or the neo-nazis having guerilla warfare camps

where they teach assorted nazis lie the skinheads how to spill Jewish blood,

Heaven Forbid? Or the recent violet attacks on Jewish professors at ColumbiaUniversity at their offices by hard core neo-nazis? It was for this reason that JDO

launched a 3-pronged effort to prevent a repeat of history, and prevent a

Holocaust or any attack on Jews here in the US.

Starting in the 1980’s JDO wrecked many a neo-nazi or KKK rally. JDO also

galvanized many Jews at huge JDO meetings, many at hotlines and synagogues toenroll in our assorted legal gun training and be part of the JDO Security Team and

guard synagogues and Jews from attack from neo-nazis or other assorted Jew-

Haters. JDO also launched a new action called "Operation Nazi-Kicker!" to getNazis fired from their jobs,evicted from their homes, and run out of their meeting

places like hotels. JDO urges angry Jews to call the hotel just like we are doing

with the Crowne Plaza and flood them with calls alerting them that there wil be aboycott of the Crowne Plaza Dulles or wherever if they do not cancel the planned

Nazi meeting. We will teach Crowne Plaza that we Jews will make sure there is a

price to pay for welcoming Holocaust seeking neo-nazis.


One's name is Weisberg, and lives in NYC. He sent us this email -

Dear Sir:

I see you are trying to organize a disruption of the upcoming American

Renaissance meeting. This is a serious mistake and you are hurting Jews.

Le t be abso lutely clear. I am Jewish, a strong hard-line supporter of Is rael, anAI PAC benefactor, and so on and s o on. My mother fled Poland in 1938 and she

left behind most of her family. I raised both my children Jewish. On the other side,I've written for the AR publication and at tended several meetings.

You have it all wrong. I'd estimate that there are more than a dozen Jews who

regularly attend AR meetings, several who speak at them, and so on. I know Jared

Taylor personally and have invited him to eat at my house (and served Kosherwine, to boot).

There is a Nazi element there--the Storm Front--and Jared is trying his best to getrid of them. But, t here are also anti-Semitic elements at most major universities--

this is a sad fact of modern life.

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If you persist in doing what you plan to do, this will be a shanda for the Jews.

Cheap thrills, at best. It will only strengthen the few remaining crackpots who

openly hate Jews.

Please re-think you strategy. I've taught politics for 35 years, including strategy,

and this is a terrible idea. There are better ways to fight the enemy.Best,


Robert W eissbergProfessor of Political Science-Emeritus

University of Illinois-Urbana

99 Battery Pl. apt 28ANew York, NY 10280

212 945 1964

917 843 2292rweissbe@uiuc.edu  

Did the students and faculty of University of Illinois-Urbana know that Weissbergwas a Jewish racist? Did he deliberately give B lack students low grades to "prove"

his own cockamaimee theories that Blacks are geneti cally inferior. JDO demands

that the university review the grades he meted out to detect any pattern thatmight emerge. Now Weissberg is trying to weasel his way out saying, "I don't go

to meetings and have advised others to do the same." Before he was thrust into

the Spotlight he said it was okay for Jews to attend and speak at these meetings,"You have it all wrong. I'd estimate that there are more than a dozen Jews who

regularly attend AR meetings, several who speak at them, and so on." DEMAND AN


Bruce D. Nesbitt African American Cultural Center

708 South Mathews

Urbana, IL 61801Phone: (217) 333-2092

Fax: (217) 244-1660

E-mail: aacp@uiuc.edu

He has a college degree even a PHD, but no true Jewish self-esteem. In fact he

reminds us of those self-hating Jews, also traitors to the Jews who back wannabeHitler Lyndon Larouche. They would write long screeds lying and denying that

Larouche was an anti -semite ! They, like Robert We isberg could list every bit of 

suffering (some of their) parents went through before and during the Holocaust. Oreven better they could tell you what synagogue they were "Bar Mitzvad" at. B ut in

reality both they, the self-hating Jewish zombies of Larouche, and Weisberg of 

Jared Taylor group had the same lines in defense of the anti-semitic honcho theywere defending. To really know what Jared Taylor's is read the report below and

you can see quotes from some of those Jews who le ft Taylor. They admit that it

became a "neo-nazi convention"! In fact these are also the lying defenses of thoseother traitors to the Jews "Neturei Krakpot" who attended with want to be Hitler

David Duke the same "Holocaust is a Hoax" conference. These same sounding lies

were peddled after JDO and others Jews blasted "Neturei Krakpot" publicly. They,like liar Weissberg also claimed the confrence they attended (in Iran) was not

anti-semitic and only a "few anti-semites were present". Sounds just like

Weisberg's lying letter where he lied for neo-nazi sympaythizer Jared Taylor!

JARED TAYLOR-Friend of the Neo-Nazis

There are numerous members of assorted neo-nazis at Jared Taylor’s meetings asdocumented below. What neo-naz i admirer Taylor does not want known is re his

own Holocaust denial made in st atements to some conservative, who then blasted

Taylor. Addit ionall y, Taylor does not tel l those Jews he tries get ting money andsupport out of are his secret support meetings with known neo-nazi misfits like

Don Black.

Long time KKK & neo-nazi misfit leader and Stormfront founder Don Black and neo-

Nazi David Duke go back to the 1970s, when Black was Duke's Alabama grand

dragon in the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. Today, Black is married to Duke's ex-wife and a father figure to Duke's two daughters. Intelligence Report states,

W hen conservative author Dinesh D'Souza a ttended one of Taylor's American

Renaissance conferences, he bumped into David Duke, former Klansman andcurrent neo-nazi, chatting wi th Taylor. Another Klan sta lwart is Don Black, whose

neo-Nazi Web site, Stormfront.org, is a clearinghouse for extremist literature.

Black gained celebrity in 1981 when he was arrested as he boarded a boat forDominica where he and nine other mercenaries planned to overthrow that

predominantly black island's government and install a white colonial junta. Potok,whose group occasional infiltrates Taylor's gatherings, sent me a photo of Don

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Black sitting at Jared Taylor's kitchen table, a beer in hand.

Virtually all those who denounced anti-Semitism and "Nazis" had no suchcompunctions when it came to peop le of color, particularly blacks. Herschel E lias,

for instance, told the Intelligence Report that as a Jewish substitute teacher in

public schools near Philadelphia, "I'm very disappointed with black people. Blackkids are the worst kids." But he added that he now saw the conference as a "Nazi


But Taylor, who operates in a world that is peopled with anti-Semites as well asblack-bashing "white nationalists ," also tried to have it both ways. Atlanta lawyer

Sam Dickson, for instance, has been invited to speak at every one of Taylor'sbiannual conferences -- despite a long history of Holocaust denial that includesmembership on the editorial board of The Barnes Review, a journal that

specializes in that topic. Joe Sobran, a columnist fired from the National Reviewfor his anti-Semitism and repeat author for the Holocaust-denying Journal of 

Historical Review, gave a speech on Jewish power at Taylor's 2004 conference. Don

Black, the former Klan leader who runs the neo-Nazi Stormfront web forum, hasattended many conferences and visited Taylor's home. Another attendee and old

Taylor pal, Mark Webe r, heads up the Holocaust-denying Institute for Historical


The list goes on. In separate interviews with the Intelligence Report, numerous

"academic racists" complained of the neo-Nazi element at the conference.

• Michael Levin, a Jewish philosophy professor at the City University of New York

who has spoken four times at American Renaissance conferences, said that therewas "anti-Semitism among members of AR" and that this was part of the reasonhe did not attend the 2006 edition. (However, Levin still plugs hi s black-bashing

book, Why Race Matters, in ads in American Renaissance.)

• Paul Gottfried, a humanities professor with Jewish ancestry at Elizabethtown(Penn.) College, spoke to the conference in 1998 and has published in American

Renaissance. But he said he is dismayed at the current situation. "I cannot

imagine any advantage to anyone to have these people there," he said

Battle of Words

The bigges t threat to Jared Taylor's denying act has always been David Duke, theformer leader of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan who has also been a convinced

neo-Nazi since his teens. Duke, who came close to winning a campaign for

Louisiana governor in 1992, was for years a celebrity on the radical right. Still,Taylor has sought to discourage Duke from attending his American Renaissance

conferences ever since Duke crashed the first one in 1994. But even in years when

he didn't enter the hall, Duke was often found outside, talking to participants. Butnow on David Duke’s website are open words of praise to Jared Taylor calling him

a fellow "white patriot". Additionally David Duke aide Don Black long time leader

of neo-nazi and K KK outfits has had numerous secret meet ings with Taylor, atTaylors Virginia home.

It wasn't jus t Duke, eit her. Over the years, more and more participants at Taylor'sconferences were Duke allies -- most notably, Don Black and supporters of Black's

Stormfront website, including Stormfront moderator Jamie Kelso.

This year, the Duke/Black/Kelso crew was la rger than ever. In an interview with

the Intelligence Report, Kelso said that he had organized a contingent of some 75Stormfront supporters to come to the conference. And these supporters were the

most enthusiastic members of the 300-strong audience, standing and applaudingeach speaker after receiving the signal to do so from Kelso. They were also not

the only anti-Semites present. Others, not affiliated with Stormfront, includedKevin Alfred Strom of Virginia, leader of the neo-Nazi National Vanguard group;

Ha l Turner, a neo-Naz i radio hos t from New Jersey; and David Pringle of A laska,

the former membership coordinator of the neo-Nazi National Alliance.

As a result, the Duke-Hart clash, which occurred on the last day of the conference,

rapidly assumed epic proportions, spinning out across the entire radical right. Just

days late r, Duke published an essay on the conference, express ing deepadmiration for Taylor as a man with the courage to tell the truth on race. But he

went on to say that non-white immigration and a host of other ills "all have been

driven by Jewish extremists in their relentless search for supremacy." Hart, Dukeadded tartly, had risen "in an almost perfect Jewish caricature and started to

scream at me."

From London, Nick Griffin, a conference speaker who also heads the whites-only

British National Party, denounced those who see behind every evil some kind of 

"world-Jewish conspiracy." Griffin's BNP, which harshly attacks Muslims and other

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British minorities, made this May -- a success that Griffin thinks would be

undermined by neo-Nazi at tacks on Jews. I n his essay, Griffin suggested that Jews

are a natural ally in the ba ttle against Islam.

Lawrence Auster, a former American Renaissance speaker who also is a man with

Jewish ancestry, chimed in on his own blog, describing Duke as "a major Jew-haterand an attention hog" and asking Taylor how he could be so "naïve as to allow

Duke to attend a t all." Another poster to Auster's site added, "It is imperative that

neo-Nazis be asked to leave AR. ... European-Americans need to be assured theycan affirm themselves and still be decent human beings."

JARED TAYLOR: Views on the Holocaust

In A pril 2007, a correspondent asked Taylor, "the myth of the Holocaust is a

millstone around the neck of any nascent white nationalist movement. Where do

you stand on this? Did they genocidally wipe out 6 million Jews or did they not?"Taylor's one line reply: "I’m not an expert on the subject, and it is not one into

which I have looked." Subsequent to this, Lawrence Auster learned of Taylor's

statement on the issue and an Internet debate ensued. Taylor further posted onthe Internet that he did not have an opinion on t he six million figure, in the same

way that he did not know how many people died in the Armenian massacres, or

how many American soldiers died during W W II . Auster (who has spoken at anAmerican Renaissance conference sponsored by Taylor) and his supporters argued

that such a stance was akin to Holocaust denial, and that this was not surprising

given Taylor's close and longstand ing friendship with Mark Weber, editor of theHolocaust-denial publication and former editor of the neo-Nazi publication.

Protests planned for controversial convention in Herndon

By Gregg MacDonald

A controversial convention scheduled to begin Friday at a Herndon hotel will go on

as planned despite opposition from various groups, including a protest rallyplanned for Saturday morning.

David Welliver, General Manager of the Crowne Plaza hotel in Herndon, told TheTimes that despite extreme pressure, he has no plans to cancel the event, which

will take place Feb. 22-24.

The biannual New Century Foundation/American Renaissance convention isorganized by Oakton resident Jared Taylor, who calls himself a "race realist" and

publishes American Renaissance magazine, which he has done for nearly 20 years.

"Taylor is a Nazi pig," Jeff Adler, spokesman for the militant group Jewish Defense

Organization, told The Times in November. Upon hearing about the convention,

Adler began a campaign, called Operation Nazi-Kicker, to prompt the Crowne Plazahotel to cancel what he called the "meeting of hate." He also said a physical

protest was not out of the question.

"If [the JDO] are looking for Nazis they are barking up the wrong tree,” Taylor saidin response.

The Southern Law Poverty Center, renowned for tracking and investigating hate-groups, lists Taylor on its W eb site as one of “40 to watch” but says while “Taylor

projects himself a s a courtly presenter of ideas that most would describe ascrudely white supremacist,” one thing that separates Taylor from the pack is “hislack of anti-Semitism.” 

However, an unflattering report published by Taylor's New Century Foundation

titled “Hispanics, a statis tical portrait,” caught the attention of El Pueblo Unido, aLatino empowerment o rganization.

The organization coordinated its own phone campaign to the Herndon hotel'smanagement.

 “The goal is to drive the supremacis ts from the hote l they have prepared thei r

conference in,” said Ricardo Cabellos in an email. “Should the phone campaign notwork, we will pursue an organized protest with union friends during the event.” 

A post this week on the Web site of international grassroots activist networkIndependent Media (indymedia.org), encourages protestors to meet in Herndon's

Chandon Park on Saturday morning to stage a protest march to the hotel.

 “We wi ll then converge at the hote l to protest, confront and disrupt the racist hatespouted by t he AmRen National Conference,” it says.

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 “So what can we expect,” wrote Taylo r on the Web si te VDARE about expected

protests. “Perhaps a dozen shaggy, braying throwbacks to the 1960s who will

divert conference-goers and pass ing motorists alike with quaint slogans andeccentric attire. Nothing could be more edifying than the contrast between the

detritus on the sidewalk and the crisp, good manners in the conference hall.” 

Police are prepared for a little bit more. Fairfax County Police 1st Lt. Andy Hill of 

the Reston District station said he is familiar with American Renaissance and its


 “We've had prote sts of this event in the past in Fairfax County,” he said. “There

has been some history of some minor disruptions but nothing of a largemagnitude.” 

Nonetheless, police have developed an operational plan.

 “We are going to have some extra se curity present,” Hil l sa id. “Jus t a so ftdeployment in the event that the hotel management needs anything from us. We

are good to go with that.” 


Times Community © 2007 | Fairfax Times


T he American Renaissance convention has been cancelled at the Best WesternCapitol Skyline Hotel. Stop calling and emailing. PRESS RELEASE We are still angry

with the manager there but we are going to let it slide as we have bigger fish to
