Japanese - COSCOM Weather

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Transcript of Japanese - COSCOM Weather

Tenki Yohoo Study practical Japanese by reading the weather forecast in Japanese language. (practicaljitsuyo-teki)

- Information about each prefecture administrative divisions of Japan: Tokyo-to, Hokkaido, Osaka-fu, Kyoto-fu and remaining prefectures 1: news; gossip; (military) intelligence; 2: information (data contained in characters, signals, code, etc.)

Japan consists of 4 main islands, Hokkaidoo, Honshuu, Shikoku and Kyuushuu

Hokkaidoo Nippon no

ichiban kita no ken, shizen ga kirei Fuyu wa takusan yuki ga tsumoru Honshuu Honshu (largest of the four main islands of Japan) 1: state; province; county (UK); department (of ancient China); 2: continent;

Aomori prefecture - Honsh no ichiban kita no ken, O matsuri no `nebuta' ga ymei,

Fuyu wa yuki ga takusan tsumoru

Shikoku Kyuushuu Fukuoka prefecture (Kyuushuu) hill; height; knoll; rising ground Dazaifu ni aru

tenmang wa gakumon no kamisama, Hakata no rmen ga ymei In Dazaifu Tenmangu is a God of learning, Famous Hakata ramen dazaifu (under the ritsuryo system, governmental office with jurisdiction over

Kyushu, Iki and Tsushima) Tenmangu shrine (shrine dedicated to Sugawara no Michizane's spirit) 1: shrine; 2: palace; imperial residence; 3: (Honorific or respectful language) member of the imperial family; 4: (Archaism) temple

(Weather forecast - Tokyo) FILE 6-12 Rainy days are less likely, also because of the rainy season

1: change; alteration

"-tari (-tari) suru " tari (-tari, -tari) (fp) doing this and that

"-tari (-tari) suru "has several usages. The main one is to choose several examples among many possibilities.

In addition, "-tari (-tari) suru/da " is used to indicate repetition of actions or conditions, using words that are opposites. File 6-05

(Kanto region ) (tsuyu iri iri=enter so entering rainy season) (influence - )

influence; effect

Kanto region (inc. Tokyo, Kanagawa, Saitama, Gunma, Tochigi, Ibaraki and Chiba prefectures) 1: area; locality; district; region; province; The name Kant literally means "East of the Barrier." The name Kant is nowadays generally considered to mean the region east () of the Hakone checkpoint (). 1: entering; 2: setting (of the sun); 3: containing; content; audience; 4: income;

5: beginning verb + koto turns the verb into a noun. Lesson 31 Base 3 + koto ga dekimasu

Koto ga dekimasu is a long one, and is added to the plain (Base 3) form of a verb to simply show ability to do that verb. But first, in order to make this lesson as uncomplicated as possible, let's take a look at each part. First is koto. No, this is not the well-known instrument of Japanese classical music. This is the mundane koto that gets lots of daily wear and tear changing Japanese verbs into nouns. Well, it really doesn't change the verb, but is added after the verb so that it can be used like a noun. In English, we add ing to make a noun out of a verb, like reading in the sentence I like reading. (Remember studying "gerunds" in school?) Anyway, in Japanese we do the same thing by adding koto after a plain verb form. Like our ing, koto has no practical use by itself. If you have to have a translation, "the thing of" is

probably the closest you can get. Better than all this talk would be an example. Watch carefully: yomu (to read) + koto (the thing of) = yomu koto (the thing of reading; reading as a noun [gerund]), as in:

Watashi wa yomu koto ga suki. (I like reading.)

The literal translation of the above example would be "I like the thing of reading; I like reading as a thing to do."

FILE: 512 (Weather forecast - Tokyo) 2011516 - 2011522

level of humidity

decline; hanging down; good feeling; feeling good 1: hold; or motsu

1: change; alteration

sense; idea; thought; feeling; desire; concern; attention; care (just) making sure; just to be sure folding (desk, chair) - ori bend tatami - fold

may; might; perhaps; may be; possibly

Tenki Yohoo (Weather forecast - Tokyo) 2011/05/16 - 2011/05/22

Senshuu wa sui-yoobi to moku-yoobi ga ooame deshita. Shuumatsu wa harete shitsudo ga sagari, kimochi ga ii tenki deshita. Konshuu wa daitai harete ii tenki deshoo. Demo shuu no hajime wa tenki ga kawari yasui soo desu. Nen no tame ni oritatami no kasa o motte itta

hoo ga ii kamo shiremasen. Kion wa heinen yori takai hi ga ooi deshoo. Tokyo no saitei-kion wa 14-do kara 18-do. Saikoo-kion wa 21-do kara 27-do gurai deshoo.

FILE: 511 2011509 - 2011515

first half

second half; latter half

comencing with; including

Tenki Yohoo (Weather forecast - Tokyo) 2011/05/09 - 2011/05/15

Gooruden Uiiku no zenhan wa ii tenki deshita ga, koohan wa kumori ya ame ni narimashita. Konshuu wa shuu no hajime to shuumatsu ni haremasu ga, sono hoka wa ame ga furi yasui deshoo. Kion wa heinen yori takai hi ga ooi deshoo. Tokyo no saitei-kion wa 14-do kara 18-do. Saikoo-kion wa 19-do kara 26-do gurai deshoo.

Tenki Yohoo (Weather forecast - Tokyo) 2011/04/25 - 2011/05/01

Senshuu wa zenpanteki ni kion ga hikukute, kaze ga tsuyoi hi mo arimashita. Mata do-yoobi wa ichinichijuu ame deshita. Konshuu wa senshuu yori kion ga agatte, atatakai hi ga ooi deshoo. Shuu no nakaba ni wa ame ga furi soo desu. Koohan wa hareru koto (thing or ing, clearing) ga ooi deshoo. Tokyo no saitei-kion wa 10-do kara 15-do. Saikoo-kion wa 20-do kara 23-do gurai deshoo.

(Weather forecast - Tokyo) 2011425 - 2011501

Vocabulary agarimasu to go up, rise agatte te form of agarimasu

ame rain arimasu to have / to be at, exist deshoo (-deshoo) (fp) expressing conjecture; should be, must be, I believe / asking an agreement or making a confirmation like a tag question do (-do) degree, centigrade do-yoobi Saturday furi stem of furimasu furimasu to fall, to rain (ame ga), to snow (yuki ga) gurai about, approximately haremasu to clear up (weather, suspicion, feeling) hareru root form of haremasu hi day, date hikui

low hikukute te form of hikui ichinichijuu all day long kara from kaze wind kion (air) temperature konshuu this week koohan latter half koto (-koto) (fp) forming a noun phrase mata also nakaba midterm ooi many, a lot saikoo-kion highest temperature

saitei-kion lowest temperature senshuu last week shuu week soo (stem + soo desu) (fp) expressing one's impression, it looks Tokyo Tokyo tsuyoi strong, powerful yori comparative pattern, more than, less than zenpanteki generally, all in all (fp) : Functional Pattern FILE: 411 WEATHER APRIL 2011 HEAR AUDIO UNDER COSCOM

Senshuu wa tenki ga yoku, kion ga 25-do gurai made agatta hi mo arimashita. Sakura ga mankai ni natte totemo kirei deshita. Konshuu wa senshuu ni kurabete sukoshi kion ga hikuku narimasu. Ka-yoobi to nichi-yoobi wa ame ga furi soo desu. Sono hoka wa daitai hareru deshoo. Tokyo no saitei-kion wa 8-do kara 12-do. Saikoo-kion wa 18-do gurai deshoo.

yoi, ii good - (temperatura), (warm) kyon air temperature

- do degree agarimasu - to go up, rise - full, fulfill mankai full bloom narimasu to become

1: to compare; to make a comparison; to change into; to convert to; to transform; 1: small quantity; little; few; something; 2: little while;

1: least; lowest; worst; 2: nasty; disgusting; horrible; yuck!


1: the most; the extreme (adj-i) low (height, tone, rank, degree, cost, etc.); short

, 1: (Abbreviation) High (abbreviation of "High School" following a school's name); (Prefix) 2: high

Vocabulary agarimasu to go up, rise agatta ta form of agarimasu ame

rain arimasu to have / to be at, exist daitai roughly, nearly, almost deshoo (-deshoo) (fp) expressing conjecture; should be, must be, I believe / asking an agreement or making a confirmation like a tag question do (-do) degree, centigrade furi stem of furimasu furimasu to fall, to rain (ame ga), to snow (yuki ga) gurai about, approximately haremasu to clear up (weather, suspicion, feeling) hareru root form of haremasu hi day, date hikui low

hikuku ku form of hikui hoka else, other, another ii good, nice, fine kara from ka-yoobi Tuesday kion (air) temperature kirei pretty, beautiful, clean konshuu this week kurabemasu to compare kurabete compared with made till, until, to, end at, close at mankai full bloom narimasu

to become natte te form of narimasu nichi-yoobi Sunday saikoo-kion highest temperature saitei-kion lowest temperature sakura cherry blossoms, cherry tree senshuu last week sono that (object) soo (-soo desu) (fp) I heard, they said, he said sukoshi a little, a few, a bit tenki weather Tokyo Tokyo yoku ku form of ii