JAPAN (Some information about Japan)

Post on 22-May-2015

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Transcript of JAPAN (Some information about Japan)

  • 1. JAPAN

2. 377,950 The Most Northern Point*513,115 Capital The Most TOKYOEastern Point The Most SouthernThe Most PointWesternPoint 3. 12813 4. MichikoAkihito 5. Mr. Shinzo Abe Mr. YoshihikoAso- Mr. Taro Noda26 24 Yukio Hatoyama 25558 Mr. Mr.Naoto Kan 2 8162551 162553 2 2554 26 2552 2554 2552 2553 6. Osechi 7. Sumo 8. Ukiyo-e 9. BunrakuNohKabukiRakugo 10. Samurai & NinjaSamurai NinjaSamurai Ninja 11. GeishaGeisha 12. Pop Culture 13. Manga 14. Animation 15. Cosplay 16. Idols (J-Pop)