Jan - March 2013

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Sikkim Insight is a quarterly news magazine .

Transcript of Jan - March 2013

R.O. No. 563/IPR/DIS/12-13Dated 8/1/13

Editor Tshering Chopel Sherpa

Honorary Contributor Nita Nirash

Senior Correspondent Anoop Rai

Special Correspondent Omi Gurung

Photographer Bimal Bantawa

Design by CONCEPT, Siliguri conceptslg@gmail.com

Printed at Darpan Publications Pvt. Ltd., Siliguri

Owned, Published and Printed by Tshering Chopel Sherpa Nop Goan, Pakyong East Sikkim - 737106 e-mail: tshopel_sikkiminsight@yahoo.co.in Tel: 03592-257393, 9832043213, 8670661101

Visit us at www.sikkiminsight.com

Cont ents



Enough Is Enough! Let’s Speak Up



Sikkim Lepcha youth association carries the

cleanliness drive programme52








- Tshering Chopel Sherpa

“To call woman the weaker sex is a libel; it is man’s injustice to woman. If by strength is meant brute strength, then, indeed, is woman less brute than man. If by strength is meant moral power, then woman is immeasurably man’s superior. Has she not greater intuition, is she not more self-sacrificing, has she not greater powers of endurance, has she not greater courage? Without her, man could not be. If nonviolence is the law of our being, the future is with woman. Who can make a more effective appeal to the heart than woman?”

- Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi

In a country where we worship goddess, it is unfortunate and saddening to talk about rape cases occurring here. Everyone knows that brave girl today who lost her life in the recent inhuman act at Delhi is all set to open the eyes of our policy makers towards the transformation of their views on the protection of women. All her sufferings and her unfortunate death should not go in vain and this can be possible only when our policy makers arrive with a proper justification for women. She has become an inspiration for other women and she deserves a rightful place in history.

From this issue we begin with a hope of a society which will respect women. We have started with an exclusive section for women “SHE” which will cover all women related issues and other relevant features on them as we believe that every woman has a voice which counts. This has become a must today keeping in view the increasing crimes against women in our country.

Our cover story is based on the recent Delhi inhuman act and also in Sikkim where we have witnessed some rapes cases just recently and earlier. We have also compiled the bizarre remarks made by some of our politicians on women and most importantly the views of women from different sections of life on the recent issues of rape and crimes against women and also their suggestions in building a healthy atmosphere for women. We have also taken an exclusive interview with the Chairperson of Sikkim Women Commission, Mrs. Subhadra Rai in regard to the recent rape cases of Delhi as well as of the state. Further we look forward to have new appropriate reforms in the women protection laws against rape or any other crimes in order to create a safe environment for women in our country. In this regard there should be stronger laws and stringent punishment for rape and other crimes against women.

On the other side we have a success story on two Self Help Groups of Sikkim where women have proved that they can if they have a will and this is of course an inspiration for other women also.

We look forward to have feedback from our readers so that we can enhance the contents of our magazine as more from the readers’ point of view.

We wish all our readers a Very Happy and a Very Prosperous New Year 2013.

cover story

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Today, NIRBHAYA is in a safe place and at peace; the brave heart fought the battle against rape with great courage, dignity and inner strength. Her fight has awakened ‘WE- THE PEOPLE’ writes OMI GURUNG.Do you remember Nihar hair oil ad? Vidya Balan clad in green saree walks up to little doctor saheba and little collector sahib with cups of chai and gently reminds the boy “Ladies first”. Every time I watch this ad I simply smile. But the recent news of Delhi gang rape and back home Pakyong gang rape made me think again what kind of society are we living in? Do we want our kids to grow up in a society where many men ill treat women? 2012 was a year when many Indian women took centre stage in various walks of life. Indian Boxer MC Mary Kom made India proud winning the bronze medal in 2012 Summer Olympics. The year also saw Vidya

Balan, Bipasha Basu, Kareena Kapoor and Sridevi becoming the champions of change by carrying films on their more than able shoulders and establishing that actresses are more than just a glamour quotient in a male dominated industry.However, 16 December 2012 was one of the darkest days in Indian history. The gang rape and murder of 23-year-old girl caught authorities and political parties flat-footed, slow to see that the assault on a private bus had come to symbolize an epidemic of crime against women. It was condemned by the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women who called on the Government of India and the Government of Delhi “to do everything in their power to take up radical reforms, ensure justice and reach out with robust public services to make women’s lives more safe and secure”. The gang rape provoked protests and rare nationwide debate about violence against women in India.

Enough Is Enough! Let’s Speak UpA woman prays for Indian rape victim.

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On 16 December 2012, a female physiotherapist was brutally gang raped by five men and a teenager on a moving bus in Delhi and died thirteen days later while undergoing emergency treatment in Singapore for brain and gastrointestinal damage from the assault. The 23-year-old girl from India’s urban middle class, who had recently qualified as a trainee physiotherapist in a private Delhi hospital and her 28-year-old male friend, a software engineer, were walking home after watching a film at a shopping mall in south Delhi. Late evening, she and her friend boarded a bus where the only other passengers were four men and a teenager who were friends of the driver. Later her friend grew suspicious when the bus deviated from the supposed route. When he intervened, they locked the door and taunted her, provoking an initial scuffle. The attackers then beat her friend with a metal rod, knocking him unconscious, before turning on the girl who had tried to come to his defence.

At one point, the bus driver gave the wheel to another of the accused and dragged the woman by the neck to the back of the vehicle and forced himself upon her. The other five then took turns raping her and also driving the bus through the busy streets of the capital. The woman was raped for nearly an hour before the men pushed a metal rod inside her, severely damaging her internal organs, and then dumped both her and her friend on the roadside, 8 km (5 miles) from where they had boarded it. Robbed of their clothes and belongings, they were found half naked, bleeding and unconscious later that night by a passerby, who alerted the police.

She was taken to Safdarjang Hospital, received multiple surgeries, and was placed on mechanical ventilation. On 26 December, she was moved to Singapore for further treatment, where she died on 29 December.


Banwari Lal Singhal MLA, Rajasthan.

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Alwar (Urban) legislator Banwari Lal Singhal wrote a letter to Rajasthan Chief Secretary C. K. Mathew, demanding a ban on skirts as school uniform.

“A ban on skirts as uniform in schools to keep girls away from men’s lustful gazes. Skirts should be replaced by trousers or Salwar-kameez.”Banwari Lal ji it’s not about clothes but mindset. You should change your thoughts for sure.

Rape Cases that shocked the state in 2012

August 2012: A 59-year-old villager from Melli

allegedly raped a 30-year-old deaf and dumb woman.

November 2012: A 13-year-old boy allegedly raped

5-year-old girl in West district.

November 2012: Two school girls were allegedly

raped by two youths in a moving vehicle along

Pelling-Geyzing road in West District.

December 2012: A 14-year-old girl was allegedly

raped by four men in Pakyong.

February 2013: A 17-year-old girl was allegedly

raped by four men in Gangtok in Innova Car.

SHOCKED SIKKIMAs the nation was mourning the death of India’s daughter Nirbhaya on 29 December; next morning Sikkim woke up to the news of another heinous act of minor gang-raped in Pakyong. The 14-year-old girl was allegedly raped by four men on December 27. The victim had gone to nearby forest with goats for grazing where she was sexually assaulted. At a time when India was fighting against injustice to women, Pakyong gang rape incident raised several questions that we need to answer.Is Sikkim a safe place for women? Who is to be blamed for increasing injustice towards women in the state? Did we not learn a lesson from Delhi gang-rape case? Sexual offences against women in Sikkim increased in 2012. According to police records 33 rape cases were registered in 2012 while the number of rape cases in 2011 was 16.

CHAUVINISTIC COMMENTSIt’s time we take action to stop sexist remarks. These words by our politicians stung and raised issues about how women continue to be perceived and addressed in our country.

Abhijit Mukherjee MP from Jangipur.President Pranab Mukherjee’s son landed in a controversy over his description of women protesters in Delhi against the gang-rape incident, sparking a massive outrage.

“Those who are coming in the name of students in the rallies, sundori mahila (beautiful women), highly dented and painted, giving interviews in TV and showing off their children, I wonder whether they are students at all. What’s basically happening in Delhi is something like pink revolution, which has very little connection with ground realities.”When such words come from the member of the FIRST FAMILY of India, what more can we expect? You did take back your words and asked for an apology but you also proved the world many things about you.

We still live in a society where sons are viewed as a blessing, daughters a scourge. Gender right is as important as poverty alleviation.The sexually assaulted women are often blamed for the crime, forcing them to keep quiet and discouraging them from reporting it to authorities for fear of exposing their families to ridicule. There exist several untold and unheard stories of Nirbhayas in our society. Men in our society have to change their mindset to end crimes against women. We live in the world’s biggest democracy where our voices do count. Child abuse, domestic violence, eve teasing, molestation and rape... Enough is enough! A very simple thing that we (men and women) can do is to raise our voices. Raise your voice now against the ill treatment of women before women are forced to take drastic steps. (The writer is a special correspondent of SIKKIM INSIGHT)

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“While I may sound despondent, I have not given up being sanguine. The debate of awarding serious punishment to rapists and violators of women’s sanctity has been shoved onto a long bench endlessly. Being a responsible Indian Citizen and a female, I would like to suggest the following. I see laws as falling within the following categories- 1. Precautionary law2. Damage Control Law

With regard to the former, I believe India needs to attract and recruit the right people for performing the duties of the police force. Expansion of the police force and extensive as well as ongoing training needs to be imparted to new and old recruits. Our streets should

be inundated with policemen who we can trust with our law. We are the government’s customers and I hope they take a leaf out of management’s books on delighting its customer.Laws on conducting fair and just rape complaint investigation within a prescribed time frame should be introduced with immediate effect. Laws on awarding punishments to culprits of established rape cases should be of the strictest and harshest degree. There should be no ado then on carrying out the sentences on the culprits.Lessons need to be taught by the citizens and the makers/protectors of law without any further procrastination. India’s daughters have suffered hard and suffered long enough. If this horrific incident does not make us act now then I am afraid we never will!!!Gunjan Pradhan B-Tech (NIT, Silchar) MBA (MGSM, Sydney)


AGAINST RAPE “As a physiotherapist, a woman and Indian citizen; I demand strictest possible punishment! All the six people should be castrated. Death penalty is too less a punishment. Her father sold their land and mortgaged their house for her educational expenses. Nirbhaya had just completed her studies, like any girl she too had dreams and hope. Government should ensure us that such brutal act will never take place again.”Dr. Rani Akoijam (MPT Musculo Skeletal)

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If you want to send us your views, comment, opinion and feedback on Recent Rape Cases; you can write to us at


“Today, when we watch several rape cases occurring in our country despite of Delhi gang rape case; Yes! We women feel unsafe and fear is always there. Government must do something to stop it. Government is our only hope. I think women police officer must handle such case as they can understand what we feel. Men at many times are insensitive to our problems. May be because they do not undergo what we face and have to confront with.”Bimla Rai, House Wife

“The government failed to properly execute many laws enacted for safety of women. Many more rape cases are occurring daily all over the country. We have to stop this. Though there is a provision of punishment for those criminals but in my opinion death imprisonment or life imprisonment is not the solution. If we want to remove such crime from our society we should educate the masses and create awareness to make our country a crime free state and every girl child should be taught self-defense technique.”Sabina Gurung Advocate

“As a student and being a female, I feel unsafe in my country. It is not just about the capital but mindset of men in everyplace is the same. Everywhere we girls are being targeted and blamed. We are one family and India is our home. During our school days we were taught we all Indian are brothers and sisters. Is it just words spoken with no real meaning? I can’t even think of how much the victim suffered. I pray and hope no such act will ever take place in the world again.”Anju,Student from Sikkim studying in Delhi

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These pictures were taken at recently held Gangtok Rally on 31st December, 2012.

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These pictures were taken at recently held Pakyong Rally on 5th January, 2013.


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‘A 3 years child raped’, ‘A Medical student gang raped and thrown out of Bus, in Delhi’, ‘A 13 years old raped in Pakyong’ and the story is repeated every next day! It appears very strange how all of a sudden such incidents have started increasing, when both the Union and State Governments have a separate Department with ‘Women Empowerment’ tag. We heard and read about lots of noise about Women’s Lib (Women’s Liberation) in the 70’s, then the movement transformed to Women Empowerment. Now that after three decades women feel they share equal status in all aspects, it is noticed that their place in the society is deteriorating, globally. We see women occupying the highest positions in the government and the private offices, but when it comes to our society they are treated like objects once again. Are we heading towards the Dark Age of civilization? What is the reason? We often wonder. Sikkim is the most peaceful state with lesser crime so far, but when it comes to rape, we often come across news about old women, or married and even kids being raped, these days. In this connection, Sikkim Insight brings you the opinion expressed by Subhadra Rai, Chairperson, Sikkim Women Commission, speaking in the light of her experience since 2006 in the capacity of head of the Commission.Sikkim Insight: Recently a 13 years old was raped in Pakyong and a 23years old medical student was also gang raped and alleged to have been thrown out of the Bus in Delhi when she was travelling with her friend, what do you have to say on such incidents?SR: Pakyong incident victim is a teenager. I had gone to Pakyong to see her. She could never have imagined that she would suffer that fate, even her family also did not know. The Delhi incident was a tragedy, but we, students and even men woke up. We have lost a soul but not our voice!SI: Do you think people with some psychological

problems rape women?SR: No, it is not psychological problem. All of them are normal. When they are taken to Police, they immediately ask for lawyers. They ask for other necessities also. So it can be said, that they are not having respect and right attitude towards women, that is all. The men treat women like sexual objects.SI: Time and again, we come across authorities at centre issuing ‘Advisory’ to girl students, about not going out alone at night and the type of dress to be worn by girl students, what is your opinion about it?SR: Men have to be taught. How can you stop women from going out at night? No use telling women not to go out after it is dark. They also have to work and go out at night sometimes. As far as Dressing up is concerned, even the babies and minors have been raped, so the question related to clothes does not arise.SI: It was earlier decided not to disclose the name of Delhi victim, do you support withholding of such victim’s name?SR: Had she lived, there would have been possibilities of people pinpointing at her, but now that she is dead the name has been disclosed. Otherwise, the name should not be disclosed. Once it is done we always tend to accuse the victim. So in a way withholding the name is okay.

- Nita Nirash


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SI: At times we hear of victim being asked to marry the one who subjects her to rape in some of the states. What is your opinion about it?SR: Rapist should be punished and he should not be married to the concerned girl.SI: So many agencies, NGOs and others who matter in the civil society have been pressurizing the govt. for a death penalty to the criminals of Delhi gang rape crime, does it look justified to you?SR: In Delhi case death penalty should be there. Keeping in view the brutality shown by a gang of 6, hitting the girl and her friend with iron rod and throwing them allegedly naked on the road, there should be a strict punishment for this and the guilty should be hanged to death.SI: Coming back to happenings in the state, we had never even heard of such incidents here earlier or say about 40 to 35 years back. What do you think could be the reason behind rapes taking place in Sikkim in this era?SR: Yes! It was not there in earlier times, could be due to less population, people knew each other and there was less influx. Actually, it is due to mentality of only looking at women with sexual intentions that such things are taking place. Those who only think on these very lines become rapists.Talking of what happened in Pakyong recently, the girl was cheated out. She did not know God will do this to her. The matter was really desperate. The victim is still in school. It was the shock to her life. Lady police personnel have been handling her very properly. It is a sensitive matter and has to be taken in that light. Due to the way she has been treated by police she could narrate her story. I feel men have to be taught. The hill women should not be advised against going out in the dark at night.SI: Do you find existing law sufficient for discouraging crime?SR: The existing law is not sufficient, otherwise there would have been fear of the law. The victims are traumatized for whole life, criminals roam freely. This implies that the law is not sufficient.SI: What message would you like to convey today?SR: We have to lay stress on education as it gives us a healthy environment!

A delegation of senior State Government officials led by Member of Parliament, Rajya Sabha, Shri Hishey Lachungpa called on His Holiness the Dalai Lama at his official residence at McLeodganj, Dharamshala in Himachal Pradesh to invite His Holiness for the inauguration of the Tathagatha Tsal at Rabong in South Sikkim in March 2013.The delegation led by Shri Hishey Lachungpa to invite His Holiness on behalf of the state government and on the behest of Chief Minister Shri Pawan Chamling comprised of Ecclesiastical Secretary Shri T. Gelek, Principal Chief Engineer-cum-Secretary, Public Health Engineering Shri T.B. Rajalim and Chief Engineer Buildings and Housing Department Shri C. Zangpo.During the meeting, His Holiness has consented to visit the Tathagatha Tsal (Buddha Park) for the inauguration from 24 to 26 March 2013.The newest pilgrimage and tourist attraction also called the Sakyamuni Project during its project construction phase had been given the new name of Tathagatha Tsal by His Holiness earlier. He has also visited the project site in the past and has also stayed and held teachings there.The inauguration is slated for 26 March and His Holiness will hold a teaching at the venue.The delegation of officials led by Shri Lachungpa also called on Chief Minister Shri Pawan Chamling at Mintokgang and apprised him of the acceptance of the invitation by His Holiness to come for the inauguration.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama has consented to visit the

Tathagatha Tsal

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December 22, 2012, New Delhi: The state Chief Minister Shri Pawan Chamling was awarded the Diamond State Award by Lok Sabha Speaker Mrs. Meira Kumar in a glittering awards ceremony held in New Delhi which was attended by Chief Ministers of various states, Ministers of the states, Members of Parliament from both houses of Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha and prominent politicians and bureaucrats and other eminent personalities. Goa and Uttarakhand were declared second and third runner up in the

category of Best Small States.

Sikkim was declared as best state in the country in the category of small states in overall achievements and the state was also declared best state in the country in citizen security, environment and water and sanitation categories.

While Speaking on this occasion Sikkim Chief Minister Shri Pawan Chamling said that the state has commissioned regular study on glaciers in Sikkim Himalayas. The eminent environmental scientists have found that glaciers are not

receded in our Himalayas. He said that the state has instituted Glacier and Climate Change Commission headed by eminent scientist Mr. Hasnain of the Country. He said that the people of the Sikkim breath fresh air from clean environment and as a Himalayan State Sikkim has contributed substantially towards environment and water security for the entire region and the Country through short-term and long-term conservation programs launched at the State level. He said that the state has with the launch of Harit Kranti Varsha in 1995-96,

Sikkim has been declared as Best Small State in the country

Chief Minister Shri Pawan Chamling receiving award from Lok Sabha Speaker Mrs. Meira Kumar.

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many on-going green programs including massive afforestation under Ten Minutes to Earth program, Green Mission, Smriti Ban, and blanket ban on grazing, ban on use of plastics, ban on killing of wild animals and introduction of Environmental Studies in schools which has resulted in increase in forest cover from 43% in 1994 to 46% at present .

Sikkim Chief Minister Shri Pawan Chamling said that all development programs in the state centre around the eco-city concept to promote clean and green environment. He said that Sikkim State was rated as the Greenest State through popular vote instituted by the prestigious Centre for Science and Environment, New Delhi in 1999. Sikkim has been rated as “most sustainable Under various parameters like reducing pressure on environment and state’s responses to maintain their environment. The govt. has adopted a very scientific approach towards solid waste management, regulate water usages and discourage encroachment.

Sikkim Chief Minister Shri Pawan Chamling said that the state has also been honoured with the first Nirmal Rajya award in December 2008 for achieving total sanitation coverage in Sikkim. In order to conserve water sources, the govt. has undertaken innovative programs like dhara-vikas to protect water springs and water sources.

While speaking on citizen security, Sikkim Chief Minister Shri Pawan Chamling said that Sikkim is the most peaceful State in the country as people live closest to

the nature and the Sikkimese people are, by nature, peace loving and god-fearing. Over the last 20 years, The state, have provided complete safety to its citizens and that sense of hatred and bad feeling as witnessed in other parts of the country is not prevalent in Sikkim. He added that as a border state Sikkim is shouldering a very responsible task by remaining constantly vigilant to see that unrest in the neighbouring State and the neighbouring countries do not spill over into the State.

Sikkim Chief Minister Shri Pawan Chamling said that However, insecurity in terms of personal safety is acquiring a very dreadful dimension globally. The shooting incident in the US school and the recent incident in the capital city reflect urgency for further improving security and the apparatus available for weaker sections. We need to think very seriously about it. This concerns us too as women are not home makers only but leaders in their own right. Recently, we have concluded elections under the Panchayati Raj System in Sikkim. Fifty percent of seats were reserved for women and they have been elected to the post of Sabhapati, Adhayakshya, Up-adhayakshya in Gram Panchayats and Zilla Panchayats. That means, we have effectively brought about positive change under what you call social engineering. Sikkim Chief Minister Shri Pawan Chamling said that in Sikkim Gods and Goddess resides where they are worshipped. The deities of Sikkim have constantly blessed the people which is absolutely necessary as in the absence of Gods and Goddess not residing in Sikkim , the negative

feelings and thoughts would vitiate the peaceful ambience as noticed elsewhere .

Sikkim Chief Minister Shri Pawan Chamling said that under health sector, citizens have access to free health facilities. The govt. stress on preventive measures. Sikkim was the first state in the country to provide for free Hepatitis B vaccination for infant population. Under the Chief Minister’s Comprehensive Annual and Total Check-up for Healthy Sikkim (CATCH) program, the health check-up for each citizen is undertaken annually at designated centres across the State. Launched on 26th August 2010, we have covered over 50 percent of our population under this program to compile the health profile of our citizens.

The multi-specialty 575-bedded Hospital is under construction in Gangtok a state govt. plan to locate own Medical College in the premises to facilitate higher medical studies in Sikkim. He said that the overall life expectancy of the Sikkimese people have increased by over 3 years during the last eighteen years.

Shri CB Karki minister Rural Management and Development Department, Shri PD Rai Lok Sabha MP, Shri Hishey Lachungpa MP Rajya Sabha, Shri PL Subba MLA, Shri KN Rai Political Secretary to Chief Minister, Shri RS Basnet Principal Secretary to Chief Minister, Shri Arvind Kumar Principal Resident Commissioner, Shri ML Nagar Dy. Residential Commissioner etc. were also present on this occasion.


In 1971, the Central government set up the North Eastern Council by an Act of Parliament. The Council is an advisory body and may discuss any matter in which the north-eastern states have a common interest and advise the Central Government as to the action to be taken on any such matter. This was done so as to take care of economic and social planning of these states and to take care of inter-state disputes.The members of the council included seven States of the North East India (Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland and Tripura) with their chief ministers and governors representing them. The NEC act was amended in 2002 to add Sikkim in its fold and restructure it as the regional planning body for the North Eastern Region. Sikkim became the 8th member of the NEC. The head quarter of the council is situated in Shillong, and functions under Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region, Government of India. The States in the NER have been benefited greatly ever since the formation of NEC in 1972.

Sikkim, the second smallest in area and least populous state of India is known for its beautiful floras, majestic mountains and breathtaking panoramic view of green lush valley. Today Sikkim is a new booming travel destination and a home of adventure, trekking and sightseeing. With its unique culture and natural landscape, Sikkim no doubt has a potential to be a picture of perfection and pristine purity.Since 2002, NEC has been instrumental in the development process of Sikkim. It has played a significant role in formulating economic and developmental policies keeping in mind its unique geographical location, strengths and deficiencies, hopes, and aspirations of the people of the region. As on date more than 112 schemes and projects have been sanctioned by the NEC accounting to Rs 433.83 crores. Sikkim today, is a well known entity in North Eastern Region and the leader as far as tourism sector is concerned. The beautiful State has hosted one plenary meeting of the NEC in the year 2003 and the 4th Sectoral Summit on Tourism in the year 2007.

North Eastern Council & its role in Sikkim

Meetings held by NEC enables its members to voice their concerns, share their successes and formulate strategies to address problems that affect them. It is also an opportunity to interact and get a feel of the other states of the NER.India’s North Eastern region is an amalgamation of diverse culture which is rich in tradition and heritage. It stretches from the foothills of the Himalayas in the eastern range and is surrounded by Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, Nepal and Myanmar. However, troubled by history and geo-politics, the North East has remained one of the most backward regions of the country. So the “NER Vision 2020” was formulated.

Vision 2020People of the North East Region have an ambitious vision; by 2020 they aspire to see their region emerge peaceful, strong, confident, and ready to engage with the global economy. They would like to march on the path of economic, social and cultural progress towards prosperity and well-being, to participate in governance and determine the allocation of public resources and public services they receive. Political empowerment in evolving responsive governance would help to achieve social and economic empowerment as well. They want to banish poverty and illiteracy and ensure that every family in the region has the opportunity to live a healthy and secure life with dignity and self-respect. Moving away from the dependency syndrome, people in the region would like to acquire the capability and self-confidence to shape their own destinies. They would like to enjoy their freedoms – freedom from hunger and poverty, the freedom to exercise choice in their avocations, income-earning and spending decisions, and political, economic and social freedoms without fear. They would like to enjoy peace and achieve sustainable progress and prosperity.North Eastern Region Vision 2020 rightly emphasises that the region lags behind the rest of the country not only in terms of per capita income but also in several other development indicators. It states that: People do not have access to basic services in adequate measures. The standard development indicators such as road length, access to healthcare, and power consumption in the region are below the national average. The literacy rate in the region is high, but the slow pace of industrialisation and limited capacity

of the population to engage in productive economic activities means a high rate of unemployment and underemployment.The problems of the region are not merely confined to lagging income levels, but extend to the process of development itself. A top-down development planning strategy has not involved people in designing and implementing the strategy and, not surprisingly, the relationship between public spending and service delivery outcomes has been tenuous.

Projects CompletedThe following are some of the major projects that have been completed in Sikkim by NEC:• Remodelling and augmentation of HT &LT Power

supply and distribution system at Pakyong Bazaar East Sikkim at a total cost of Rs 228.00 lakhs- completed in March 2009.

• Upgradation and existing 3.3 KV system 11 KV system at Gangtok at a total cost of Rs 318.00 lakhs – completed June 2008.

• Providing distribution reservoirs and distribution for main trunk line for Namchi WSS at a total cost of Rs 432.76 lakhs- completed in 2007-08.

• Providing furniture (Bench and Desks for the schools located in rural areas of Sikkim) at a cost of Rs 340.00 lakhs – completed in 2007.

• Replacement of Ringyang suspension bridge on Soreng – Sombaria Road at a total cost of Rs 332.02 lakhs completed in 2007.

• Renovation and upgradation of PHCs and PHSCs at a total cost of Rs 404.00lakhs- completed in 2006-07.

• Surface improvement drainage and protective works on Namchi Rong Road from km 1st to 13th at a total cost of Rs 498.60 lakhs –completed in 2006.

• Support for purchase of Road machineries at a cost of Rs 376.00 lakhs- completed in 2005-06.

The council has to its credit a lot of achievements and projects sanctioned for the State of Sikkim in Transport and Communication sector i.e. Roads and Bridges. However other sectors like Tourism, Health, Human Resource Development, Sports and Youth Affairs, Information and Technology, Agriculture and Allied cooperation are lacking. The major strength

of NER is in Culture, Sports and Music, Floriculture and Horticulture; the state needs to take advantage of these strengths. Due to the long process of sanction and the longer route adopted as per the Government of India norms

for release of resources to the State, the sanction of the number of schemes have been reduced which is a concern. NEC funding is based on 90% grant and 10% loan. The total allocations during the 11th Plan period are as follows:

State-wise Release of Funds during the 11th Five-Year PlanState 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 TotalMeghalaya 50.53 31.60 45.86 59.50 41.51 229.00Mizoram 50.70 44.06 28.56 47.24 75.81 246.37Assam 100.19 135.61 108.07 79.16 48.48 471.51Nagaland 42.95 38.56 34.20 51.27 85.51 252.49Manipur 27.19 28.54 14.34 46.70 39.86 156.63Tripura 20.84 36.33 46.50 37.31 49.03 190.01Arunachal Pradesh 43.62 66.38 92.58 115.04 106.00 423.62Sikkim 34.92 41.26 26.86 34.34 53.68 191.06

Total 370.94 422.34 396.97 470.56 499.88 2160.69

ConclusionRecognizing the north- east as a special region, the Centre has been consistently forthcoming in providing the much needed financial support to establish developmental infrastructure in the region. With the right policy and right approach, the NEC can play a crucial role in planning, sourcing and utilization of funds for the betterment of its member.

R.O. No. 449/IPR/PUB/DIS/12-13Dated 15/9/2012

(` in crores)

- Nita Nirash

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20 % people still to enrol for Adhaar Card in SikkimGangtok, 6th January: The Union Govt. has initiated a new scheme of transferring the benefits, better known as the Direct Cash for the citizens throughout the country. An Adhaar enabled payment mechanism has been introduced. According to Secretary, Directorate of Economics, Statistics, Monitoring & Evaluation, S.D. Tshering, “Only 20% people are left and the Directorate is doing it now. We are going to hold Adhaar & Account Camps in each Block Development Office. The concerned bank employees, DESME and Block Development Office, would start the process of enrolling people for Adhaar and open their accounts then and there. This has to be finished within January’13.”

However, the long queue in the DESME from morning till evening, at present indicates that the public has understood the importance of possessing Adhaar card now. Those able to reach upto counter have been successful in obtaining a date for completing the process. Most of the persons who filled up their forms have been called in August 2013, as informed by a citizen.

The 10 schemes linked to Adhaar enabled accounts for cash transfer to the beneficiaries are there. Besides, the direct subsidy cash for LPG also would be sent to Banks.

Adhaar card process was started in Sikkim in March 2011, only. The Chief Minister and Governor also got their Cards made.

Zero tolerance to unemployment: Livelihood School for retail managementGangtok, 26th December: Tackling unemployment is a global challenge. Sikkim, also has been facing this challenge since a long time. The most impressive and effective policy measure undertaken by the state,

is the new system related to vocational education, known as Capacity Building & Upgradation of Skills. Sikkim, has already established 41 Livelihood Schools, aiming at self reliance among youth and preparation of skilled human resource.

One such Livelihood School, in the heart of the town is running under Roshan Chettri, MD. The school, is preparing young boys & girls, for professions like Retail Management and Primary Teacher’s job. The accommodation, computers and salary of the staff is paid by the business partners of govt. i.e. Regal Institute of Management Studies Pvt. Ltd. Here with public pvt. partnership employable manpower is getting ready for specialized jobs.

When interacted with, Nima Choden Lepcha,a young trainee from North Sikkim, said, “I joined the Livelihood School, after graduating from Govt. College Tadong. I am interested in teaching as a career. We will be given placement by the Institute. Though I am from Singhik, I am ready to serve anywhere, even outside the state.”

According, Punam Chettri, Principal, LHS, the under trainee candidates pursuing Primary Teachers’ Training course have theory as well as practicals, here. To begin with they have Theory classes, followed by practical classes after 3 months from the starting of course. The full course is of 6 months duration only.

When asked about her experience about all that she is dedicated to, Punam, said, “If these courses could be for a longer duration, it would be of great help for us to complete more. It takes almost three months for changing their attitude only. The students are good and can be moulded, with effort.”

Ameet Raj, building skills in spoken English language, was full of pity for every fresh batch of students, when asked to comment about the language skills, they come with to the Institute, he said, “They have been definitely neglected in their school days. Teachers, in schools, specially rural areas should bear more individual responsibility, towards the students.”

The Retail Management students, 54 in number, all looking very serious about their studies, were mostly undecided about their future course of action. If the PanchayatS could only make them aware about what and how of it.


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Bhandari talks to MP Rajya Sabha: opposes proposed repeal of companies ACT, SKM 1961Gangtok, 6th January: Sikkim Pradesh Congress Committee President, Nar Bahadur Bhandari, who has been opposing the passing of the repeal of Registration of Companies Act, 1961, wants it to be undone. The Bill no. 121-c of 2011, has been passed by the Lok Sabha, on 18th December’12.

Former Chief Minister, N.B. Bhandari, claimed that he has discussed the issue with M.P. Rajya Sabha, Hissay Lachungpa, during a social gathering, here, when he happened to meet him. He said that MP has also been informed that the Bill will be opposed. The MP has almost agreed to it, according to Bhandari. Bhandari, has in the meantime asked all the opposition parties in the state, who have formed an alliance called DAS to oppose it within the state and at national level too.

Bhandari ,has been opposing the Bill ,on the ground that changing any Old Law of Sikkim, at this juncture, when so many years have passed after merger, tantamounts to violation of the Article 371F (k) of the Constitution. According to him,” The Pradesh Congress is facing humiliation and embarrassment due to the bill voted for in Lok Sabha. And if the Congress Party, here has to be consolidated or saved, immediate reconsideration and stalling of the repeal needs to be done.

A memorandum to this effect is being dispatched to UPA Chairperson, Sonia Gandhi, also.

Karma Bhutia & Bhupen Rai Gold Medalists-Archery-2012 to participate at national levelGangtok, 14th December: Karma Bhutia and Bhupen Rai, the winners of Archery Championship-2012, will be representing Sikkim at the 33rd Sahara National Level Archery Championship, at Chennai. They will be accompanied by 4 other archers who have won Silver, Bronze and 2 selected on the basis of their performance. The National Championship would be held in Anna Malai, beach, as announced by the Chief State Coach Archery. The selection was done

earlier on culmination of a coaching camp followed by Championship Tournament, in Gangtok.

At the day long State level Archery Championship, organized by the Sikkim Archery Association, Gangtok here on 9th December, out of 30 participants winners and two others were selected to represent state at Andhra Pradesh. At Paljor Stadium, Minister, Transport, Public Health & Engineering,Thinley Tshering Bhutia graced the occasion as the chief guest. The minister who is also the President of the Association, gave away Gold medals to those securing first place, Silver for second place and Bronze for third place & certificates. Certificates were given to participants also.

In the Compound division, Karma Lodey Bhutia (JE with the Power Development Corporation) was given first prize, Gyaltsen Lachungpa - second and Norden Bhutia - third. In the Recurve division, Bhupen Rai (South) was given the - first, Pema Ongyal (East) - second and Dev Raj Rai (South) –third prize.

Nathan Hall welcomed as new chief coach of USFCGangtok, 11th December: Bhaichung Bhutia’s United Sikkim Football Club family has a new member. Nathan Hall, an Australian has joined as the Chief Coach of the Club. He was offered ceremonial scarves (Khadas) and was presented a United Sikkim Jersey with other outfit, by Arjun Rai, Senior Manager, of the team, at Sports complex, Paljor Stadium, here.

Speaking on the occasion about the task ahead, Nathan, said, “It is a new challenge, exciting to help the team to remain in I-League. It has taken a long time for I-League to come here. Our team is going to be very competitive. Bhaichung has been in touch with me. This time things have not been going very well. The season has not gone very productive. We have a lot of work to do. My goal is to have better results. We have failed on four occasions to win points in the home matches. We will start winning on home ground first.”

He said, further, that he has talked to the players of United Sikkim Foot Ball Club and has told them that he will be giving his 100% and would expect the

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same from everyone in the team. Flaws are there, all are knowing about those.

Nathan Hall, 27 years new coach has been appointed till the end of the ongoing Football season, by Bhaichung Bhutia,CEO cum player of the team. He has worked in 4 countries so far. He was offered to join USFC, just when his tenure with Mungthung United, a Thai team had expired. He has come from Bangkok to make USFC do its best.

Padam Chettri re elected uncontested president BJP Sikkim UnitGangtok, 19th December: Padam Chettri, has been elected unopposed President of Sikkim unit of Bhartiya Janta Party, here. This is going to be his second term. His new tenure would be for three years period, only.

Kiran Ghai, National Vice President, BJP, who was here as observer for the election to Presidentship of BJP, Sikkim unit, announced the uncontested return of P. Chettri and congratulated him. “The BJP, Sikkim Unit has to be further strengthened. In 2014 public will vote for BJP at the Centre and we would be having one member certainly from Sikkim, in the Parliament,” she added. Kiran Ghai, who is also a member of Bihar Legislative Council, criticized the UPA govt. at the centre and highlighted alleged corruption and alleged scams. Their failure to control price hike, rapes and rotting food grains, was also criticized.

Padam Chettri, President for second consecutive term, said “I have always been confident that Politics is the thing I have to do in life. I had never envisioned to be the State President of my Party, but had always thought of working with full dedication to it. I was entrusted with the responsibility of Presidentship in 2009 for the first time. My ideas and thoughts are focused on working for Party and have not changed. We have been working hard according to our political strategies, but some weakness occurred here and there. We missed certain things due to technical part. We are going to have a stronger Committee with members, giving more value to work.

Kagyed Dances performed by monks at Sangag Rabtenling MonasteryGangtok, 12th December: The annual KAGED Dance Festival, concluded here, at Sa Ngag Rabtenling Monastery (Enchey). The annual Gutur Puja and masked dances supported by the committee members of the monastery were held for two days.

The devotees who had assembled in the premises of the monastery offered fruits and grains, with money to the deities. Prominent among the visitors included, Minister, Tourism, Bhim Dhungel. The day was marked by the masked dances performed by the monks. The dances performed by the monks depicted peaceful and wrathful deities. It is believed by the Buddhists, that ‘those devotees who witness the dances with faith & devotion will be freed from the fear and suffering experience while passing through the stage between death and new birth.’

Towards the end effigies of evil were burnt to ward off evil, finally.

National Awardee Thanka Artist Lahrippa Ganden’s Last JourneyGangtok, 4th January: Lahrippa Ganden Lama, known as Lahrippa, which means Artist, among all his neighbours, in Tathangchen, has been laid to eternal rest. All his friends, well wishers and one time colleagues bade him a tearful goodbye at his residence at Tathangchen. The Speaker, Sikkim Legislative Assembly, K.T. Gyaltsen, Minister for Health, D.N. Thakarpa, MLA Dorjee Namgyal, former MLA, Kunzang Namgyal were also present with others who marched upto Dicheling for his cremation. Khadas were offered to his body before the funeral procession started and some on the way to Dicheling also.

Kunzang Sherap, an Octogenarian, also an art lover, said that “the Lahrippa would be really missed for his beautiful Thankas. He always used to paint Thankas for me, whether it was on the birth of our children or other ceremonies. He will remain eternally in this world through his Thankas.”

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Lahrippa Ganden Lama, was suffering from Cancer since last few months. He died on 31st December’12, in Apolo hospital, Delhi, where he was undergoing treatment. Lahrippa, has left behind his wife, a daughter and a son.

Lahrippa, has left behind a rich heritage of Thanka painting style, which he practised till a couple of years before his death. He also created a number of experts in the Traditional Art of Thanka Painting, while serving as an Instructor for the Art, in Palden Thondup Institute of Cottage Industries, Gangtok, now famous as Directorate of Handloom & Handicrafts. His students are now self dependent and have engaged themselves in Thanka Painting cum selling. He has created so many Thankas and exhibited that it is difficult to count them.

Earlier, the Chief Minister Pawan Kumar Chamling, also visited the residence of the second National Awardee in Thanka Painting from Sikkim (1989) Ganden Lama, to pay him floral tributes and offer Khada (ceremonious scarf).

Prakash Gupta Successfully Cycles it to Gangtok as part of fund raising against PolioGangtok, 14th December: Rotarian, Prakash Gupta, who reached Gangtok town yesterday on his mountain bicycle all the way from Kalimpong, at 6 pm, is only 40 years old. Prakash a resident of Kalimpong, mostly resides in Siliguri due to his business. He will be participating in the Rotary District Conference today in the Manan Kendra, late in the evening. He was welcomed with his team near Manan Kendra, with ceremonial scarves (khadas). Inspite of freezing cold winds, he appeared to be in high spirits and delighted to have successfully completed his mission to collect funds by adventure cum awareness generation about Protection from Polio.

Interacting about his trip to Gangtok, Prakash Gupta, said, “We want to raise a bit of fund for Polio. Rotary has done so much for Polio, the last inch is left. There is a huge requirement of funds so, Cycling was thought of. Another reason for my cycling for all this distance is the fact that India is Polio Free, but there is lot to do. So I basically had an awareness drive. We distributed pamphlets all the way from Kalimpong to Gangtok.

Rongli, 10 December: The Gram Panchayat Level Cooperatives for celebration of International Year of Cooperatives, 2012 organized a Cooperative Awareness Rally from Rongli Bazar to Kholatar Community Center on Sunday.The rally was flagged off by the Ex Zilla Adhyaksha (East) KN Pradhan, Rongli Cooperatives Department Deputy Register Binod Kumar Gurung, Assistant Register Cooperatives Society Phadung Bhutia, Inspectors Bimal Rai and Pradip Lama and was participated by different Cooperatives Societies of Rolep-Lamaten, Chujachen, Dalapchand, Rongli, North-Regu, Premlakha and Lingtam Phadamchen Gram Panchayat Units.On the occasion of celebration of International Year of Cooperatives, 2012 here at Rongli Community Center Programme chaired by chief guest Ex Zilla Adhyaksha (East) KN Pradhan along with Lingtam Territorial Zilla member Palu Sherpa, Sikkim State Cooperative Union (SICON) Executive officer Bijoy Pratap Subba, representatives of Chartered Account Gangtok Sonam Karki, Audit Officer Kamal Pradhan and all officials and staff of Rongli Sub-Division Cooperatives Department, Managers, President and members of different Cooperative Societies attended.Welcome speech was given by Deputy Register cum State Awardee Binod Kumar Gurung, while ARCS Phadung Bhutia, Staff of Chartered Accountant Sonam Karki, SICON Executive Officer Bijoy Pratap Subba spoke on Income Tax, aim and objectives of all Cooperativs Societies. Vote of thanks was given by Inspector Bimal Rai.

Rongli Cooperative Department observed International Year of

Cooperatives, 2012

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Gangtok, 10th January: A meeting on crime against women and weaker sections of the society was held here at Chintan Bhawan.

The meeting was chaired by Shri Karma Gyatso, Chief Secretary, State Government of Sikkim and was participated by Chairpersons of State Commission for Protection of Child Right, State Commission for Backward Classes, State Commission for Women, State Social Welfare Board, OBC Welfare Board, Juvenile Welfare Board, Additional Chief Secretary, Director General of Police, Secretary Labour , Secretary, Welfare Department, District Collectors, Superintendents of Police of all the four districts, representative from State Legal Services Authority, HRDD and public prosecutors.

At the outset the Chief Secretary while welcoming the members in the meeting informed the gathering about the meeting held on January 4 at New Delhi between the home ministry, and the Chief Secretaries and Director General of Police of all the states wherein the participants suggested that punishment for gang rape should be higher and there should be an amendment to the Juvenile Justice Act to lower the age to 16 years and grading should be based on the magnitude of offence. He also informed that the participating states also suggested that the crime prevention is the most important thing and there should be zero tolerance for petty offences as the offender can escalate in crime ladder and especially for cases under section 509 of IPC, which deals with

Meeting on crime against women and weaker sections of the society

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sexual harassment of women. Further stressing on the meeting held at New Delhi the Chief Secretary added that the states have also suggested that cases needs to be registered as and when women reach a police station. Recording of information should be only by women and if necessary by audio/video recording. Medical practitioner who examines a rape victim must be a woman. Police protection for the victim till the trial ends should be given. The participating states have also suggested that fast track courts are necessary and court procedure should prevent humiliation of the victims and character assassination must be stopped. There should be no adjournments once trial starts with day to day hearing. Right of the victims should be defined. Judges and prosecutors should be women. Discretion in grant of bail for heinous offences should be removed and prosecutor should be of the choice of the victim. During the meeting held at New Delhi, the Chief Secretary said that the centre has pointed out that accountability of police is essential and gender sensitization needs to be made a part of the curriculum, if not done in police training schools and colleges. Awareness programmes are necessary. Expansion of civil police is necessary and reluctance of women to join should be reduced by reserving posts for them in police. Deputy Superintendent of police should be the nodal officer for crime against women in every district. One additional Director General of Police should be designated as nodal officer in every state. The chief Secretary during the meeting urged everyone to be very serious on this issue and cooperate with each other to prevent such types of crimes in the state.

The meeting which was actively participated discussed threadbare on the crimes on women and strategies to eliminate Crime against women/children in the state. The meeting which was actively participated by all the Chairpersons of the various commissions and Boards outlined the necessity of awareness programmes and counselling from the village level. The Chairpersons also suggested for the identification of vulnerable areas and sensitization of the people of such areas. Establishment of one all women police station, posting of at least one woman police personnel in every police station were also suggested during the meeting. The meeting also suggested that as almost all the labour are coming from outside proper registration of the labour should be done by the labour department. The meeting also discussed that

substance abuse and alcoholism is one of the main reasons behind such crimes proper mechanism and legal procedure has to be adopted to prevent substance abuse and alcoholism. Engaging the children in positive way through various extracurricular activities will also keep them occupied thereby preventing negative thoughts in their mind, it was suggested. The Chairpersons of various commissions and boards while appreciating the cooperation rendered by the state police during such crimes suggested that people friendly policing plays a pivotal role in encouraging the victims to be more open with the police whenever such crimes occur. Establishment of Forensic Lab in the state will also help in speeding the trial process it was suggested in which the Director General of Police informed the meeting that the Regional Forensic Lab will be functional by February 2013.

Representative from State Legal Services Authority Smt Matilda Rai informed the meeting that the SLSA is clearing all the cases speedily with regard to the victim’s compensation scheme and also conducting various awareness programmes with welfare officials, commissions and police officials. She further informed that free legal aid is also being provided to the victims of such crimes.

The Additional Chief Secretary, Smt R. Ongmu during the meeting said that the government is fully aware of the problem and has taken steps for welfare and protection of the women and children and the weaker sections of the society. In this regard she sought report from the District Collectors about the activities of the various committees set up by the government to look into the matters relating to crimes against women and children.

The District Collectors and the Superintendent of Police also highlighted about the activities taken up at the district level on this issue.

The Chief Secretary while concluding the meeting appreciated the way in which every participant showed their concern against such crimes in the society. He said that substantial and concrete opinion came out in the meeting which shows the commitment of the society towards this issue. He further thanked all the participants for attending the meeting which he said is a step taken by the state administration to prevent such crime from our society. - IPR

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We live in a society and every society has its norms and values we adhere to. Society has utmost right to demand subservience from its members, but some of its members like the drug addicts do not conform to social reckoning. As a result social deviance occurs. Collectivity of individuals created society over a long period of time; likeness and differentiation, Inter-dependence, Co-operation and conflict are all attributions of a functioning society. Most of drug dependence is norm less; it is a state of detachment from existing social norms or rules. It is been observed that all non-users comply to the norms of their respective groups unconsciously. Thus, ordinarily people do not obstinate and do what is expected from them by society. This ensures smooth functioning. But this is not always the case. The social behavior of an addict is such that it creates an avenue wherein existing social norms contradict each other or face collapse, general public feel estranged from their own fellows who are into using drugs. This is a state when there exists lesser consensus or a lack of certainty on values and goals. The users have little commitment to shared norms, and lack societal guidelines for personal contact; and are inclined to pursue their private preferences without regard to the interest of the society as a whole. Subsequently, society is threatened

with disorganization which leads to scenario called anomie.

IMPACT OF STEREOTYPINGIt is also true that all nations, cultures and civilizations have not only formed their own stereotypes but even expected the young ones to follow them. The bottom line is , are all addicts pretty much the same or what lies at the other side of a coin? Is stereotyping the solution to eradicate this menace, do we venture out, the pattern of drug consumption, are these afflicted ones did by their choice or were just hapless individuals who had no choice; were these people victim and product of their environment, did they had access to equality of opportunity, was counseling available or was it due meagerness of emotional asylum. Stereotyping a suffering user reinforces the

notion that addicts are all criminals alike, these images implies that they are forever destined to remain on the margins of real society. Anyone who understands or studies the social development of a recovering substance dependant person knows that attitudes, values and self-esteem are well developed in their recovery process. At these vulnerable moments what they see and hear from the mainstream society about them ,either, it helps them or demolishes them psychologically; they figure out how the world works and who they are and what is their worth. They fall victim in the snare of stereotyping and ultimately seek refuge in drugs to overwhelm their sense of desolation. These recovering users; in order to sustain and perpetuate themselves towards normal life need allegiance and



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care from the kinsfolk and society around its ambit .How person gets addicted is not a sole simple, easy, conventional presumption. It has several diverse strands that intertwine and influence each other and unfold into a lethal disease: it is not a mere disease but a family disease? For example if an individual he/she gets addicted it is imminent that his /her family is also coerced into the woe.

THE ACTUAL NUMBERS OF DRUG-DEPENDANTSIt was found that alcoholics outnumbered drug dependants in Sikkim according to the latest survey of registered substance users who came for treatment(de-addiction program) in six rehabilitation centers established across Sikkim namely; S.R.C.( Sikkim Rehabilitation Centre)Nimtar 32 No Middle Camp with 1675 patients since 2002, Hope Foundation Namchi 872 patients 2003 onwards, Jagruti ,near Palzor Stadium, with 570 from 2004,Sanjeevani,Namchi 190 since its inception 2009,Serenity Home, lower Sichey,945 from 2004,and Mirikai, Aho Ranipool,97, 2010 onwards, which unravels a total of 4379 numbers of registered users who sought treatment against 607688 number of people according to 2011 census. And to let the cat out of the bag, the number is alarmingly low if assessed with the gross population of Sikkim, the ratio figure is much higher ,it is learnt. Because for instance; if a person registers as a patient in X rehab and after three years he/she relapses then it is more likely the individual might seek treatment in Y rehab which implies same person’s data being registered and

counted twice in the aggregate . There are often occasions where users go for treatment in three to four de-addiction centers in addictive period. The exact number is however, much higher predicts counselors and recovering users (voluntary organizations) which form the back bone in providing services of; awareness programmes, de-addiction camps, managing rehabilitation centers and providing free counseling.

CASE STUDIESAn anonymous recovering drug user from Vajra is of the opinion that it was due to severe parental dysfunction that he choose drug to overpower his intrinsic insecurities. Having no parents he was deprived of oneness, detached, and unsociable. He pointed that he was quite adept in playing cricket but there seem no one to volunteer him with decent cricket kits to represent Sikkim under-15 in the year 2000 even after selection. Drowned in sheer agony, he saw, others equipped, and had family as well as psychological support which left him bereft. When asked

why he didn’t ask for help? He replied hearing the dreaded word “no” was his daily affair.”It is apparent his enthusiasm for life was in a real jolt. He is clean for last four years and is studying through correspondence course and is looking forward to seek career in NGO to spread the message to mass especially young one’s vis-à-vis to the detrimental effects of drug abuse.”A person from Aho Ranipool laments that his social life did not live up to expectation in his early teens in hindsight .First he tried drugs to satisfy his curiosity and soon followed with chain of similar events like most would; it started from cigarettes to marijuana and to substance he recalls it made him feel machismo .He never realized the revelation of using drugs to feel great and tarnishing his and family’s image. Being a son of an alcoholic he was infuriated with his father’s despotism and bellowing, it ended up with several scuffles and at last he turned vagrant and his education went wasted into tatters. He takes the blame for being repulsive over petty issues and not

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being able to bury the hatchet with his father, from his experience it was due unavailability of timely intervention of counseling and dirtiness of awareness between his family and him that resulted into this fiasco. Now a days he is clean for last eight years and serving in NGO as counselor to solve the addict society conundrum.

A LEAP INTO FAITHKeeping in view the harmful consequence of substance abuse .In June earlier this year, Government of Sikkim initiated OST (Opoid Substitution TherapyI), targeting both the oral users as well as IDUS(Injecting Drug Users) to restrain the spread of HIV and drug abuse, under the aegis of NACO (National Aids Control Organization) and SSACS (Sikkim State Aids Control Society).When a patient first starts the programme the initial prescription of doses are usually high in accordance to the physical craving of the patient gradually when the craving reduces so does the dose, the programme and the fruition of the patient is strictly observed by the doctor, in case of discontinuation of the course period i,e one full year the patient is liable for termination of the therapy. So far there are 34 number of registered OST patients and majority of them are recuperating very well, in fact the family response has been very encouraging several spouses bring their patient, one of the vital aspect of the project is it is legal and in parallel with DOTS, scrutinization is very strict. Intervention programme is paramount in the backdrop of drug related problems in contemporary Sikkim because these programs are

a success in their state’s of origin: programmes such as NSP(Needle and Syringe programme) and OPD and buprenorphine are recognized internationally as key elements of an effective response to HIV among people who inject drugs, including prison in-mates; its benefit is manifold it reduces HIV checks crime .Central Asian countries –Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan,Tajikistan,Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan-differ with regard to HIV prevalence and the extent of their responses to HIV. In these countries, HIV epidemics driven predominantly by unsafe drug-injecting and sexual practices. Buprenorphin curbs the spread of HIV and to ensure more efficient drug dependence treatment options. Efforts to scale-up harm, reduction and OST programmes in Central Asia have been expanding since 2002 since its inception by Kyrgyzstan. In the need to scale-up comprehensive services, and OST, for people who inject drugs has been endorsed internationally, including by experts who took part

in the Yalta summit (2008), by the United Nations (WHO,UNODC, UNAIDS,2008),and in the Vienna Declaration(2010).Truly drug addiction is disease and has taken proportion. It is undeniable fact that addiction is a great disadvantage in life and almost impossible to imbibe spirit to uproot the menace. The situation needs immediate remedial action by way of containing the evil influence of the present trends of drug abuse. This can be done by conducting effective awareness parameters such as, promulgation on the detrimental effect of drug usage, its long term psychological impact both on the users and non-users and do not hide addiction s from counselors and peer educators of all the above mentioned rehabs who all meticulously researched to provide data.

The article is written by a former drug addict based in Gangtok who has been rehabilitated and recovered.

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The Central Tibetan Schools Administration (CTSA) is an institution born out of the vision of two great visionaries, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru and His Holiness the Dalai Lama. CTSA not only has a transnational character but it’s an institution that is engaged in the preservation and development of Tibetan history and culture. When His Holiness the Dalai Lama alongwith his followers came to India in 1956, he showed his deep concern for education of Tibetan children in India. The then Prime Minister of India Shri Jawahar Lal Nehru and His Holiness the Dalai Lama visualized the need of special schools for the Tibetan children. In order to provide the Tibetans children living in India with modern education, the Government of India established Central Tibetan Schools by a Resolution of the Government of India, Ministry of Education (Now Ministry of Human Resource Development) in 1961 and registered it under the Societies Registration Act XXXI of 1860.The first school was set up at Mussoorie on 3rd March 1960, with 50 students on roll. Later on CST, Darjeeling and CST, Bylakuppe were established in 1961. The Tibetan School Society was duly registered under the Society’s Registration Act on 5thSeptember’1961. Later, its name was changed from Tibetan Schools Society to Central Tibetan Schools Administration (CTSA). Initially, CTSA started three residential schools in Mussoorie, Shimla and Dalhousie and later on strived for setting up such schools in other Tibetan settlements. In 1965, the total number of students was 5600, amongst which 4359 were boarders and 1241 day scholars. Though these schools mainly cater to the needs of Tibetan community, local Indian Children to the extent of 10% are also admitted from Class VI onwards. The success story of the fifty years of Central Schools for Tibetans is also the success story of India’s educational policy planning and its implementation. The Central Schools for Tibetans (CTS) have made a visible impact in every sense of the word. The main objectives of the CTSA is to preserve and foster the Tibetan culture engulfing its heritage, identity and

ethnicity in the Indian soil along with facilitating and providing modern hi-tech scientific education to the Tibetan children, to ensure and improve their overall development and equipping them to face the challenges of the ever changing world.Today there are nine Senior Secondary schools (six residential and three day schools), five Secondary day schools and seven middle schools, seven Primary Schools and thirty four Pre-Primary schools under CTSA.Student strength in 1960 was 50, in 1965 - 5600; in 1980 - 9637; in 1990 - 10493; in 2000 - 10240; in 2010 - 8988 and in 2012 is 8671.All such schools are duly recognized and affiliated to CBSE, adhering to the syllabi, curriculum and examination pattern of CBSE framework. The academic performance has shown near 100 percent success in class X and near 90% pass in Class XII. This academic success also reflects the advancement of young Tibetans who have taken to formal education with zeal. The alumni of CTSA have created a niche for themselves in all spheres of life. Schools are equipped with modern facilities and devices for quality education. They possess modern computers, video conferencing gadgets and have resource centers where interactive classes are conducted. Each school has provision of play field equipment, staff quarters and multipurpose halls. Students of CTSA schools are performing excessively well in academics, co-curricular activities, games and sports.From the year 2000 onwards, CTSA is receiving an annual grant of Rs. 6 crores, under Plan Budget every year for construction and repair of infrastructure i.e. classrooms building, hostels, playfields, boundary walls, staff quarters, multipurpose hall etc. With this budget, a substantial infrastructural development has taken place, there are 345 staff quarters, 45 school buildings, 29 play field and 7 hostel blocks. An ongoing process to build the best possible infrastructure in all schools under CTSA.

(PIB Feature)

50 years of central tibetan Schools Administration

Vinod Shankar Bairwa

The newly elected Zilla Panchayat Adhyakshas and Up- Adhyakshas of all four districts of the State called on H.E. Shri Balmiki Prasad Singh, the Governor at Rangpo Raj Bhavan Winter Camp on 11th December, 2012. They were accompanied by the Secretary of the Rural Management & Development Department.In a long conversation with the newly elected public representatives, His Excellency the Governor advised them to strive towards securing all- round inclusive development in the State. He exhorted them to avoid polarization of society on political lines. He also called upon them to work in a free and fair manner towards provision of

services to the common people.His Excellency specifically dwelled upon issues of Health and Education. With regard to north Sikkim, he expressed his concern over cases of some children not going to schools. His Excellency also indicated his idea of instituting of a Governor’s Gold Medal for the Zilla Adhyakshas and Zilla Up- Adhyakshas if he/or she succeeds in ensuring 100% enrolment of children in Schools in his/her district. The Governor also expressed concern over the connectivity issues facing north Sikkim, and assured that they are being looked into at the highest levels.

Newly elected Zilla Panchayat Adhyakshas and Up- Adhyakshas

calls on the Governor

His Excellency with the newly elected Adhyakshas and Up- Adhyakshas (Photo by IPR)

www.sikkiminsight.com30 www.sikkiminsight.com30 January-March, 2013

Secondary Education is a crucial stage in the educational hierarchy as it prepares the students for higher education and also for the world of work.In this backdrop, the ongoing scheme of ‘Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan’(RMSA) is being implemented in the state of Sikkim, since 2009 with the following objectives as stated hereunder;



The SPO/ RMSA, Sikkim stands committed to implement the scheme effectively and in consonants with the spirit of the framework of the MHRD guidelines.

R.O. No. 568/IPR/PUB/DIS/12-13Dated 9/1/13

qTo ensure quality education available, accessible and affordable to all young persons of age group 14-18 years.

qTo ensure social and gender equity in the age group 14 to 18.qTo ensure universal access of Secondary Education by 2017(GER 100%) and Universal retention by


The “rashtriya Madhyamik shiksha Abhiyan” (RMSA) entails a series of components with wide range of coverage to ensure quality infrastructural facilities and quality Class room teaching-learning environment. The major components as envisaged in the scheme that are being taken up by the State of Sikkim during the current academic year are as follows:

qConstruction of Civil work in both Secondary and Sr. Secondary Schools.qProvision of Science equipment and Furniture to schools.qProvision for Sports equipments.qTraining of School heads and teachers.qExposure activities for Students.qGuidance & Counseling services in Schools.

She started her journey from a small rented room in 2009 against all odds and today she successfully runs Creative Self Help Group along with her team. Meet Laxmi Rai, President of Creative Self Help Group, the group manufactures noodles under the brand name “Sikkim Kanchan Products” and retails in Sikkim, Kolkata, Delhi and Bangalore. Today she has a team of 10 members (6 female, 4 male) and the group owns 2 vehicles (Van, Commander).It certainly was not an easy smooth ride for her. “I used to carry noodles in doko (woven bamboo basket) and travel from one place to another. It was a tough task to win hearts of people, mainly the shop keepers. Many laughed on us but few good hearts did give wings to my dream” she says with tears rolling down. With a smile she further adds “The problem did not end there, it was just a beginning. We started receiving several complaints from customers on our quality. It was obvious, as a new venture we could not compete with brands that have been making noodles from several decades. People compared our noodles with those made in Kalimpong.”Creative SHG is supported by Sikkim Rural Development Agency, Rural Management and Development Department, Govt. of Sikkim. It was with their support and encouragement; the team could confront challenges with confidence and overcome

them creatively. Laxmi with a happy heart (we could make out from the tone of her voice) says “SRDA conducted several training programmes for us on marketing and quality control. It also financially supported us and helped us to get bank loans. They also provided us with a machine which has been a boon to us”. Priced at Rs 20 (Non-Veg Noodle) and Rs 18 (Veg Noodle), they have also sold their products at several exhibitions held in Sikkim, Delhi and Kolkata.Laxmi and her team also conducts training program on noodle making for interested candidates free of cost. The duration may vary from 1 week - 1 month. At present, the group only manufactures noodles but in future they want to try their hands in Organic vermi composting. Due to poor infrastructure, her team has to face several problems uncalled for. She shares her experience “On February 2010, the roofs of her manufacturing unit was blown away by wind and sometimes due to incessant rain we have to halt our work as water pours in. If Government could help us provide better infrastructure under RPMC. We could do wonders and employ many youth”.

Laxmi feels that youth of Sikkim must work hard for better tomorrow. “Nothing comes for free; to earn money you will have to work with dedication and passion.”


Laxmi Rai, President and Binod Lepcha, Treasurer of Creative SHG

If you can dream about it, you can make it happen! Sikkim Insight brings you story of two women who followed their dream and made it a reality.

Noodles ready to be retailed

www.sikkiminsight.com32 www.sikkiminsight.com32 January-March, 2013

Who: Laxmi Rai (President, Creative SHG)What: Started Creative Self Help GroupWhen: In 2009Where: Namcheybong, Pakyong.Why: A passion to do something on her own and for the welfare of her village.How: With the help of Binod Lepcha (Treasurer), Lhakit Lepcha (Secretary), Uttam Chettri (Advisory) and aid of Sikkim Rural Development Agency.

On the same boat is Thiley Ongmu Bhattarai from Rongli. President of Deep Jyothi Self Help Group. She began her journey by selling Phaley (traditional Sikkimese bread) from home, which later gave birth to Deep Jyothi Self Help Group on 22 August 2008. The self help group today is a team of 10 members (8 female and 2 male) and manufactures mouth watering bakery items like cake, pastries, cookies, biscuits, bun, bread and many more. Soft spoken Thiley was inspired from a program on TLC, where her idol Catherine (International Bakery Expert) taught her several baking techniques. Before she formed the group, cake lover Thiley visited and analyzed several bakery stores in Darjeeling, Kalimpong and Kolkata and adapted the best for her products. Her dream would have not taken shape without the support and encouragement of Sikkim Rural Development Agency, Rural Management and Development Department, Govt. of Sikkim. “Government has helped us financially and morally. They have encouraged us by providing workshops and training programmes and giving us platforms to showcase our products” her team members says.

Today, the group owns D.J. Bakery store at Rongli Bazaar and they retail under the brand name “D.J. Bakery”. The popularity of D.J. Bakery was not over-night-thing. The team brainstorm on every product from time to time and every member has a vital role. Be it taste, look or packaging, they work together to deliver the best. The team has also conducted several bakery workshops for unemployed youth of Sikkim.However, D.J. Bakery products are only available at Rongli. “We receive several orders from other places in Sikkim and even from other states but due to lack of infrastructure we can’t take up the orders. At present we have only 1 machine which can feed 6 baking trays. So it is not possible to manufacture at a bigger scale. Further the power cut delay our baking process”, Thiley explains. A D.J. Bakery product no doubt has a high quality standard, if not on quantity.The team feels if Government could provide better state-of-the-art infrastructure, they could satisfy the taste buds of thousands and also help empower the local youth.

Who: Thiley Ongmu Bhattara (President, Deep Jyothi SHG)

What: Started Deep Jyothi Self Help Group

When: In 2008

Where: Rongli Bazaar.

Why: Her love for baking and to empower women.

How: With the help of Radhika Gazmer (Treasurer), Kharka Maya (Secretary) and aid of Sikkim Rural Development Agency.

Team members of Deep Jyothi SHG

Bakery products by DJ SHG

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New Delhi, December 27, 2012: Sikkim Chief Minister Shri Pawan Chamling requested the union govt. to sanction a new national highway from West Bengal to Sikkim to provide reliable physical connectivity to the state. While speaking in the National Development Council meeting at Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi, Sikkim Chief Minister Shri Pawan Chamling demanded 120 km long new national highway from Sevoke in West Bengal to state capital Gangtok to strengthen transport network to ensure balanced regional development of the state. He told that the state is solely dependent on national highway 31 A and its state highways to interlink growth centres and social needs of the people and demanded the strengthening of transport network to

attract investment from big corporate houses, promote tourism and economic activities in the state. He demanded the widening and improvement of existing national highway and construction of two lane from upcoming greenfield airport at Pakyong to Gangtok. He demanded central funding for constructing intermediate lane connectivity to all marketing centres and strengthening of major district roads in the state. Sikkim Chief Minister Shri Pawan Chamling said that state has 8000 MW hydro electric potential out of which 3774.50 MW potential will be harnessed during the 12th five year plan and added that transmission network will be strengthened for evacuation of power to national grid and other regions of the country for sale of surplus electricity from the state. He said that

Sikkim Chief Minister Shri Pawan Chamling in National Development Council Meeting in Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi.

Sikkim demands new National Highway from West Bengal to Sikkim

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tourism and hospitality sector has emerged as fastest growing industry in the state and added that state aims to attract 50 lakh tourist annually by the year 2017 through well executed tourism strategy, better planning, aggressive publicity and strengthening of tourism infrastructure in the state .He said that about seven lakh Indian and 21000 international tourist visited the state in the year 2010.He said that state will be developed as leading domestic and international tourist destination by promoting eco tourism and village tourism during 12th five year plan . He said that religious and cultural tourism will be promoted in big way in the state and added that new tourism infrastructure mega projects worth several hundred crores like construction of sky walk at Bhaleydunga, development of rope ways to the statue of Guru Padmasambhava, the sleeping Buddha Statue at Singik in north Sikkim will be commissioned during the 12th five year plans in the state and added that construction work of statue of Lord Buddha at Ravangla in north Sikkim has been completed.

Sikkim Chief Minister Shri Pawan Chamling requested the union govt. to release the remaining fund of Rs 720 crore out of Prime Ministers package of Rs 1000 crore sanctioned as one time relief package for reconstruction and rehabilitation for earth quake victims. He said that the state has so far received Rs 280 crore and urged to release the remaining assistance at the earliest.

Sikkim Chief Minister Shri Pawan Chamling said that entire population of the state will be covered under chief minister’s comprehensive annual and total check up (CATCH) programme by the year 2013 and added that so far 50% population of the state has already been covered under the programme. He told that construction work of 575-bedded multi speciality hospital at Sichey busty has been completed and added that around 735 crore will be spent on construction, furnishing and medical equipment of the hospital which is likely to be commissioned by the year 2014.He said that govt. proposed to open up a medical college in the hospital once the required infrastructure is created. He said that life expectancy ratio in state has increased by over 3-5 years on average compared to 1994. He said that state has achieved literacy rate of 82.2% and aims to achieve 100% literacy in 12th five year plan. He told that Chief Minister’s meritorious scholarship has been launched in the state under

which state govt. is providing monetary assistance for children to study in premier public schools within and outside the state. He said that target has been fixed to cover 1000 students under the programme and added that so far 350 students are being provided free education in premier public schools under the programme. He said that state govt. is providing cash award of Rs 1 lakh, Rs 75000 and Rs 50,000 to local students for bagging first, second and third rank in all three streams of science, commerce and arts at class 12 and matric level in C B S E examinations .He said that state govt. is sponsoring 146 young educated Sikkimese for undergoing extensive coaching for civil services examinations in top institutions of Delhi, Hyderabad and Tamil Nadu .

Sikkim Chief Minister Shri Pawan Chamling said that state will be fully organic certified by the year 2015 and added that out of total cultivable area of 58168 hectare in the state, 8168 hectare has already been certified and remaining 50,000 hectare is being taken for organic conversion in phased manner under which as on today 39,000 hectare land is under conversion and remaining 11,000 hectare will be converted organic by the year 2015. He told that total 830 youths have been trained and engaged in organic activities in the state through livelihood schools and requested for central assistance in form of alternative inputs and resources for constructions of rural compost and vermi compost units in the state to meet the growing demands of bio fertilizers and manure of organic farmers .

Sikkim Chief Minister Shri Pawan Chamling said that state govt. has engaged Singapore based consultants to devise urban development plans and added that comprehensive mobility plans have been drawn for state capital Gangtok in which co-sector such as water supply and sewerage have been included. He said that all bazaars in rural areas will be developed and beautified on the pattern of MG Marg Gangtok and central park Namchi by providing modern amenities to discourage migration to urban areas.

Sikkim Chief Minister Shri Pawan Chamling said that all kacha house in the state are being converted to earthquake resistant pucca houses under which till now 2000 new houses have been constructed with total cost of Rs 80 crore and added that 8300 new pucca houses will be constructed in the 12th plan period with estimated cost of about 332 crores.

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The Sakyamuni Project, an international Buddhist landmark in Rabong, South Sikkim, dedicated to the people of Sikkim is now complete and awaits formal opening.

While the Consecration/ Inauguration Ceremony to be presided over by His Holiness The Dalai Lama will be held in the third week of March, 2013, a curtain raiser to the main consecration, the Dzung Ceremony of The Statue and the official naming ceremony of the Tathagatha Preserve will be held between 21st to 25th February, 2013.

This was informed by the Committee to a gathering of people from different walks of life at a meeting held here at the Gymnasium hall of the Paljor Stadium on 5th February, 2012.

The meeting was presided over by Shri D. D. Bhutia, Hon’ble Advisor to the HCM and also the Chairman of the Mane Choekerling Development and Managing Committee (MCDMC). Also present at the meeting were Gangtok MLA,

Shri Dorjee Namgyal, Barfung MLA Shri Sonam Gyatso Bhutia, Mayor GMC, Shri K. N. Bhutia and former chief secretary T. T. Dorji, who is also the Vice Chairman of the MCDMC. Shri D. D. Bhutia thanked all those who have been helping mentally and physically with the project.

The MCDMC had taken up the Sakyamuni project in Rabong, South Sikkim for the construction of one of the largest Buddha Statue in the world made of metal repousse in 2007. The project was conceived as a vision after the state government decided to have a yearlong celebration of the 2550th birth anniversary of Lord Buddha in 2006.

The prayers for the Dzung ceremony will begin on 21st February at the Rabong Karma Thekchenling Donkun Duppai Gatsal monastery and the Dzung ceremony will be performed by His Eminence, Goshir Gyaltshab Rinpoche on the final day i.e 25th February at the Statue.

The committee also informed that Hon’ble Chief Minister Pawan Chamling has consented

to preside over as the Chief Guest for the curtain raiser and the naming ceremony of the park on 25 February, 2013.

With a view to make this a vibrant destination, the committee had solicited the presence of people from different walks of life in the meeting to seek their valuable advice and suggestions. It was attended by retired senior citizens, officers, wellwishers, people of the area and representatives of Buddhist associations. Shri C. Zangpo, Chief Engineer Buildings who is also the general secretary of MCDMC gave a technical report of the project while Additional Secretary Shri Rinzing Chewang mentioned the details of the project in his welcome address.

The committee has also invited those wishing to offer any help for the Dzung ceremony and installation of the Mane.

For further details please contact C. Zangpo, CE @ 9434022326 and

Mr. Rinzing Chewang, Addl. Secy. @ 9434186234

Dzung Ceremony, Curtain Raiser and Naming ceremony of Buddha Park

on 25th February

Rongli, 22nd January: Workshop cum Awareness Programme on Financial Literacy was organized by Youth Development Society of Sikkim (YODESS) with the support of National Bank for Agricultural Rural Bank (NABARD) in Regu Block Administrative Center.Regu Block Development Officer Dhiraj Pradhan was chaired as the Chief Guest while Resource Persons were Rongli ICDS Deputy Director Narendra Chettri, Rongli SISCO Bank Branch Manager Miss KC Lepcha, LIC Export/Teacher TN Poudyal and YODESS Executive Secretary Mani Kumar Gurung. Memers of different Non-Government Organisations, Self Help Groups, Rural Women and local gentry also participated on the Awareness programme.Similarly Awareness Programme was organized in Sudunglakha Gram Prasashan Kendra and was chaired by Sudunglakha & Tareythang Territorial

Zilla Member Parsuram Rai. The others present on the programme were Panchayat Secretary Tara Pradhan, member Pempo Dem Lepcha, Resource Persons, board members of YODESS, members of Farmers Club, Self Help Groups and local Clubs. The Programme Assistant of YODESS, BP Sharma highlighted the objectives of the programme.Deputy Director ICDS Rongli Sub-division Narendra Chettri in his address stressed on the concept and the importance of Financial inclusion while Rongli SISCO Bank Branch Manager, Miss KC Lepcha highlighted about saving, types and procedure to open saving account, remittance facilities/Credit facilities and the importance of Kishan Credit Card (KCC). LIC export cum teacher TN Poudyal delivered his speech on types/benefits of the Insurance. Lastly, vote of thanks was given by Miss Pooja Tamang.(Bhanuraj Thapa, Pub. Incharge YODESS)

Workshop cum Awareness Programme on Financial Literacy

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HE the Governor Shri Balmiki Prasad Singh presents the book to the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India

‘Our India’, the book written by Shri Balmiki Prasad Singh, HE the Governor of Sikkim, on India’s history and civilization for school going children and other young readers was presented to Dr. Manmohan Singh, Hon’ble Prime Minister of India on 29th November, 2012 at Parliament House, New Delhi. The book portrays H.E’s appreciation of India’s experience as a civilization and as a nation. Published by NCERT for inclusion in school syllabus, Our India is a synoptic narrative of India’s history which offers fresh perspectives in the evolution of India as a country of ‘hoary antiquity’ to a nation-state with exemplary institution of democracy and pluralism. It provides a brief account of the growth of India’s

rich civilization and great achievements – covering the initial phase of Vedic civilization, civilizational encounters, social reforms, nationalist consensus during 1820-1947, India after independence and thoughts on India of the future. It ends as follows:“I am still learning about India. At times, India’s history, its achievements and failings make me happy; at other times I feel angry. But I always feel proud, not in any ‘narrow’ nationalistic sense, which in itself is significant, but in the wider sense of values that India provides to her children: a simple living, family ties, tolerance for other points of view, spiritual quest and respect for ecology.”

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www.sikkiminsight.com42 www.sikkiminsight.com42 January-March, 2013

Gangtok, November 22: The Speaker SLA, Mr. K.T. Gyaltsen inaugurated the two days long SIKITEX (an IT exhibition and Conference) and e-North East Award Summit 2012 at Chintan Bhawan. The focus of SIKITEX is on showcasing and exhibiting best Information Communication Technology (ICT) solutions relevant for public sector programmes across departments in Sikkim and the North East. The SIKITEX has been launched

in the year 2009 as a flagship IT programme of Sikkim. So far in the past three editions with more than 200 exhibitors have exhibited and showcased innovative solutions. This year the fourth edition of SIKITEX and 3rd edition of e North East Award Summit 2012 (a flagship initiative of North East Development Foundation) is being organized by the Department of Information Technology, Government of Sikkim in collaboration with North

East Development Foundation, Guwahati, Assam. The theme of this two days session is ‘digital inclusion for inclusive growth in North East India’. The programme is scheduled into the power panel inaugural plenary, five special plenary sessions, the SIKITEX exhibition and the e-North East Award Summit 2012.

While addressing the gathering in the inaugural session, the Speaker mentioned that SIKITEX, an innovative initiative of the

Hon’ble Speaker, Mr. K.T. Gyaltsen inaugurates SIKITEX and e-North

East Award Summit 2012

www.sikkiminsight.com 43www.sikkiminsight.com 43January-March, 2013

State Government in IT sector provides a platform for exhibiting Information Communication Technology tools and applications and also provide a forum for healthy discussion, mutual experiences and interactions for the need based and sustainable solutions in IT Sectors. The Speaker further mentioned that Sikkim, though a small state is growing in every sectors under the dynamic leadership of the Chief Minister, Mr. Pawan Chamling. In Sikkim, every emphasis is now given to human development. Therefore he also urged the students to understand and learn Information Technology and advocated them to learn to move with time as the ultimate aim of knowledge is to be a good human being. He also highlighted on the State Government initiatives in e-governance which is an important component of good Governance and e-tendering which has already been implemented in the state.

The Speaker concluded his address by saying that the constructive use of IT has to be the theme of this two days event which could benefits the common man.

The Minister for IT, Mr. N.K. Pradhan, in his address spoke about the contribution made by the Information Technology in today’s world. In Sikkim, he added that the State Government has been planning to ensure that the population can get the latest technology in the field of IT. He also appealed the North eastern states to work together to further contribute in this sector.

Mr. K.K. Pradhan, Secretary, Department of Information

Technology and also the chairman of SIKITEX 2012 and 3rd e-North East Award Summit 2012 while presenting his welcome address informed that the Award Summit is about scouting good practices in ICT for development and governance in North East India. The focus is on citizen services delivery, health, education, livelihood, enterprise promotion and youth and women empowerment in the region. This year, the Award Summit will recognize and felicitate 27 innovators and best practioners from the NE India region whose IT and ICT applications and innovations have impacted the common people. Winners will be declared on the second day evening. Apart from that, three persons will also be felicitated with IT persons of the Year award, he added.

A brief introduction on e-North East Award Summit was also presented by Mr. Syed S. Kazi, Chief Executive, North East Development Foundation.

Prof. T.B. Subba, Vice Chancellor, Sikkim University, Brig. S.N. Mishra, Vice Chancellor, Sikkim Manipal University, Dr. Amir Ullah Khan, Dy. Dir. Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Mr. Osama Manzar, founder Director Digital Empowerment Foundation and Member of Working Group on Internet, Governance, Dept. of Electronics and IT, Ministry of Communication and IT, India, Mr Sushant Dwivedy, Group Director SMB, Microsoft, Mr. Subhasis Sur, Director SAAS, Communication Pvt. Ltd. also spoke on the occasion.

Earlier, the Speaker, the Minister and other dignitaries also visited the stalls being displayed and exhibited at the venue.

The inaugural session rounded off with a vote of thanks proposed by Mr. Rajesh Verma, Principal Director, Department of Information Technology, Government of Sikkim. - IPR

On the auspicious occasion of Republic Day 2013, the Sikkim Lepcha youth association had carried the cleanliness drive programme at STNM Hospital with the student of their in-progress Winter Coaching Class. Such programme is in consistent with their traditional practices of moulding the students of Winter Coaching Class equally in scholastic and co-scholastic behaviours. The main objective behind such exercise was to generate in the minds of these growing children the sense of social responsibilities and belongingness. Besides, the organisation also feels that such programme will also help them in identifying their fundamental duties enshrined in the Indian constitution, as a responsible citizen. Further the organisation also pays their humble gratitude to Ren. Thukchuk Lachungpa (CEO) Yamha Enterprise, Ren. Tensung Lepcha, Superintendent Engineer,RMDD, and Ren. Shakti Singh, Deputy Mayor, GMC, for their kind support in this noble endeavour.

Sikkim Lepcha youth association carries the

cleanliness drive programme

The 64th Republic Day was celebrated with great zeal and enthusiasm on 26th January, 2013 at Regional Office, Siliguri. The commencement of the event was made by unfurling of the National Flag by the Chief Guest Shri S.R. Roy, Executive Director, Siliguri followed by National Anthem. He inspected the Guard of Honor and delivered his Republic day speech which was accolade by the people present.Speaking on the occasion Shri Roy, elaborated the achievements of NHPC in making India a self sufficient Nation in the field of green & clean Hydro Power. He appreciated the efforts of the employees in the successful synchronizing of Unit-II of TLDP-III with the Grid on 16.01.2013 and also on concreting of RCC Dam by way of leveling concreting of TLDP-IV on 26.12.2012. He urged the employees to work with the same dedication & hard work in commissioning of TLDP-III & TLDP-IV. Finally he thanked the state & local authorities as well as local public for their support & cooperation.The veracity of programmes thereafter enthralled all present. Spectacular group dance performance on Independence struggle, patriotic songs presented by employees and their wards made a mark. The celebration was concluded with enthusiastic participation of children, ladies, gents in competitive fun games which were overwhelmingly enjoyed by all.The programme ended with distribution of prizes and sweets and wishing all a very Happy Republic Day.

NHPC Limited, Siliguri Celebrates 64th Republic Day

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KALIMPONG: (November, 2012) Local martial artist and former National Taekwondo Champion, Manoz Yonzone was recently invited to attend another Master’s advanced Taekwondo training course in Seoul, Korea. He trained for a month (October 2012), directly under Korean Grandmaster Chang Seong Dong, 9th Dan Black Belt, WTF. Grandmaster Chang who owns and personally manages the Sangrok World Taekwondo Academy, trains students / instructors from more than twenty overseas countries as diverse as Argentina, Brazil, USA, Canada, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Norway, Israel, Ukraine, India, Australia and New Zealand. He also travels extensively to conduct his much sought after Taekwondo seminars around the globe. Manoz Yonzone, a resident of Kalimpong, has been training regularly with Grandmaster Chang since the last seventeen years. At the conclusion of the recent intensive training course, he was certified to appear for his promotion exams through Kukkiwon, the World Taekwondo Headquarters in Seoul, Korea. Manoz Yonzone is now a qualified 5th Dan Black Belt in Taekwondo. During his recent visit / stay in Korea, Manoz Yonzone also ran in the Seoul city annual half-marathon (21 ½ kms) race. A multi-stylist, Manoz Yonzone has now been involved with the martial arts for more than thirty-five years. His initial training began while studying in St. Joseph’s College, Darjeeling. He first trained in the Japanese style of Budokwan Karate under Sensei Puran Pal Nepali.

Although he himself did not pick up Judo then, his association with Sensei Puran Pal Nepali, however, began during his senior years at Mount Hermon School, Darjeeling, where he introduced and taught Judo to many of the interested senior students there. In 1983, he chose to make the transition to Taekwondo in Kalimpong with Master Pasang Foning. Manoz Yonzone was also a member of the Budokwan Karate Demonstration team and Kalimpong Taekwondo Demonstration team and toured the country extensively. He won the gold medal in the 1986 National Taekwondo Championships held in New Delhi. Consequently, on the basis of his winning performance, he was invited to become a member of the Indian National Taekwondo team the following year. He is also a certified National level Taekwondo referee and has actively participated in numerous tournaments as a designated official and technical member. He has trained in the USA too with Grandmaster Kwang Jo Choi in Atlanta, Georgia and also has a 3rd Dan Black Belt in Choi Kwang Do. Manoz Yonzone, with his martial roots in Karate and his Master’s degree in Taekwondo, has spent over twenty years teaching, promoting and sharing the positive benefits of the Oriental martial arts in Mumbai, India. He is a registered senior instructor (Indian branch) of both the Sangrok World Taekwondo Academy (Korea) and the Choi Kwang Do Martial Art International Organization (USA).

(Hill Media Network)

Kalimpong martial artist Manoj Yonzone attends taekwondo training in seoul

Sports fanatics in Sikkim now have a new destination when that all important league match comes up. HomeGround is Gangtok’s first ever Sports Bar spawned out of the entrepreneurial mind of Sheela Chamling. Named in honour of the fans that support United Sikkim FC, HomeGround has all the amenities a sports lover could ask for. Inaugurated by Mr. Bhaichung Bhutia on the 5th of January, the sports bar has quickly found its share of steady patrons.

Food and Drink: Although there are no main courses on the menu, the snacks and appetizers will keep you going while your team beats the stuffing out of the opposition. Continental and local cuisines are available on the menu. I personally recommend pork/chicken sekuwa or the Dragon Chicken. The alcohol is also moderately priced so you can drink your sorrows away when your favourites go down in flames. There is also a smoking section for those who need their nicotine fix.

The cocktails on the drinks menu are innovatively named after sport jargons such as Golf course, Red Card, Starting Line Up, Victory, Free Kick, Straight Drive and USFC Special.

Timings and Location: Located at NamNang. HomeGround is a

HOMEGROUND - Sports Bar & Grill

- Avvantika Rajalim

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brisk two minute walk from MG Marg. Parking space is also available. The sports bar opens at 11am and downs shutters at 11 pm. However the diehard fan can watch late night matches here despite the 11pm closing time. The sports bar can seat 40-50 people at a time so expect good sized crowds on match nights.

The Sports fan will appreciate the multiple screens that will show different matches from different sports at any given point in time. A giant projector is placed right next to the bar, for fanatics to cheer and watch their favourite teams in action. A pool table and a

foosball table are also there to keep you occupied till game time. The posters of Famous EPL and La Liga teams decorate the walls but the sketches depicting different sports made by the famous cartoonist and artist, Pankaj Thapa are what grab your eyeballs.

Pocket Pinch: 1000 Rs is good enough to keep two people in high spirits for the evening.

Final verdict: HomeGround is a good joint to go to with your mates and will make match days that much more memorable

www.sikkiminsight.com 47www.sikkiminsight.com 47January-March, 2013


Method1. Take a heavy bottomed vessel and add butter to


2. When butter heats up, add turmeric powder.

3. Now add ginger garlic paste and onions and fry till onions are slightly brown in color.

4. Then add finely chopped tomato and fry for a minute.

5. Make a fine paste of cashews and milk by grinding it in a mixie.

6. Now add the tomato paste, cashew paste, red chilli powder and dhana jeera powder and fry for a minute.

7. Let this mixture cool for about 10 mins and then grind it in a mixie to a fine paste (This paste will be nice orange in color).

8. Take a vessel and heat butter.

9. To this add capsicum and fry for about 5 minutes.

10. Then add the fine paste.

11. Let it boil for a few mins.

12. In another tawa heat some butter and shallow fry paneer cubes.

13. Add this to the above mixture and fry for a few minutes.

14. Now add kasuri methi and fry for a few more minutes.

15. Add beaten cream to this mixture and garnish it with finely chopped coriander leaves.

16. Serve hot with rotis, naans and parathas.

Ingredients: Capsicum - 2 big ones cut lengthwise Paneer cubes - 100 gms Onion - 1 big one finely chopped Tomatoes - 2 medium finely chopped Ginger Garlic paste - 1 1/2 tsp Tomato paste - 1 tsp OR tomato puree - 2 tbsp Cashews - 2 tsp Milk - 2 tbsp Cream - 1 tbsp Dhana-Jeera Powder - 1 1/2 tsp Red Chilli powder - 1 tsp Turmeric powder - 1 tsp kasuri methi - 1/2 tsp finely chopped coriander leaves - 2 tsp Butter Salt

Paneer Capsicum MasalaBy: Rekha SastrySource: sify bawarchiCategory: Paneer, Paneer Recipes, Onion Servings: 2 Time Taken: 30-45 mins

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By: Mearl FernandesSource: sify bawarchi

Method1. Marinade the chicken pieces in well-beaten curd,

half the garlic-ginger paste, pepper & lime juice for upto 1 hr.

2. Heat oil in a non-stick thick bottom vessel, fry onions in it & then add the remaining garlic-ginger paste & fry well again.

3. Add the tomatoes and stir fry till the oil separates.

4. Add turmeric & stir. Add the chicken-marinade mixture & add salt to taste - toss well & fry for 5-6 minutes.

5. Add 1 cup of water, cover and cook till the chicken is cooked.

6. In a small tempering-pan, heat 2 tbsp oil & toss in the red chillies & curry leaves.

7. Toss in the mustard seeds & when they stop spluttering, remove and pour at once over the chicken.

8. Garnish with ginger juliennes, chopped fresh coriander &/or grated or dessicated fresh coconut & serve with rice or Malabari parottas.

Ingredients:1 chicken cut to medium pieces 1 cup curd/ yoghhurt 4 tsp - garlic-ginger paste 2 tbsp - fresh coarsely ground peppercorns A few drops lime juice Cooking oil 3 - large onions, finely chopped 2 - ripe chopped tomatoes 1/2 tsp turmeric pwd salt � to taste 2-3 whole dried red chilies (to taste) 2 sprigs of curry leaves 1/2 tsp mustard seeds For garnishing: 1/4 cup each of chopped coriander, ginger juliennes & dessicated/grated fresh coconut

A dash of pepper in your food can ward off winter cold

Pepper Chicken Chettinaad

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- Troy RibeiroSource: nowrunning.com

If the tsunami of Dec 26, 2004, which killed nearly a quarter of a million people in 14 countries, has not touched your lives, then “The impossible’ will definitely do that and much more. You are bound to be swept off by the emotional quotient of the killer waves. Urgent yet measured, like the onrushing tide, “The Impossible” is a real-life disaster film with scenes that would churn your stomach and wrench your heart. It is a true story, based on the experiences of a Spanish family. The film is deliberately one family’s perspective seen through the eyes of a British family of five holidaying at Khao Lak in Thailand. There is something symbolic, when the pages of the novel Maria is reading on flight to Thailand for a Christmas break along with her husband and three sons, keeps falling off. This slipping of the page from the novel the second time at the beach resort at Khao Lak again occurs just moments before disaster strikes, probably signifying her story be told. The day after Christmas, when the family is enjoying themselves at the resort, a massive tsunami hits the coast, destroying the beach and the neighbourhood. The family is separated. Maria and Lucas are swept far inland from the resort, but manage to stay together after

fighting surging waters. Maria is injured by the uprooted trees and violent underwater debris. Maria, bleeding from her wounds, desperately needs medical attention. Unknown to the two of them, on the other end, Henry survives the tsunami along with his youngest two sons and struggles on through the muck and debris, looking for the rest of his family. The film doesn’t build to the climax of the tsunami that ravaged, but essentially starts with it. In the long denouement that follows, one genre gives way to another, the disaster to a survival drama, and the suspense mounts over the looming question of who will survive this ordeal to tell the tale. The performances of the cast in this film are gripping, passionate and defenseless. Naomi Watts as Maria is twice transformed, first into a wild woman protecting one of her cubs, then into a victim of massive injuries. Watts takes on the burden of her ordeal with masochistic conviction, wearing each bruise and gaping leg wound like a badge of honour. Watts, and McGregor as Henry provide a haunting sense of panic and grief. But Holland as Lucas steals the show as the oldest son barely into adolescence, who comes of age in a matter of a few disaster-filled days. It is also heart-rending to see the youngest two, who desperately scream “Lucas Lucas” when they

The ImpossIble captures hearts with performances

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- Joginder TutejaSource: koimoi.com After lying low for over a year, Kangana Ranaut would be suddenly a lot active. So much so that she would now be enjoying a double bill, what with two of her films releasing in back to back weeks. These are I Love New York and Shootout At Wadala.“Her fortunes were at an all time high after Tanu Weds Manu. However post that, except for Double Dhamaal which was largely a male dominated affair, she couldn’t enjoy as many cheers. Game and Miley Na Miley Hum were flops but it was the debacle of Rascals that hurt her the most. Last year she was seen in only one film, Tezz, where she had a blink and you would miss role. The fact that it too failed commercially was a further downer,” says a source.She decided to take a mini break of sorts and gave her entire career strategy a rethink. This is when films like Shootout at Wadala, Krrish 3 and Ungli came into picture.“Even though Shootout At Wadala is a male dominated film, she knew that it was a massive project to be a part of. Ditto for Krrish 3. As

for Ungli, no one thinks twice when Karan Johar gives a call,” the source adds.In the meantime though, a much delayed film of hers, I Love New York, is finally being readied for release. “Fortunately for Kangana, not many are aware that she had started work on this film with Sunny Deol. Since not even a glimpse of it has been revealed so far, it is expected to come across as a fresh film. However its release would be just a week before Shootout at Wadala which has been confirmed for 1st May quite some time back,” an insider comments.Not that Kangana would be complaining after being MIA for so long!

Kangana all set to return with ‘i Love new York’ and ‘shootout at wadala’

find their older brother. It just seems very natural. Another strong point of the film is the outstanding work by the make-up department. Maria’s wounds and other injuries look very real. Less extreme, but just as convincing, are the fake injuries to Henry and Lucas made possible with make-up effects, including prosthetics and special contact lenses. The powerful visual effects convincingly simulate a disaster of sweeping proportions, but the film sticks to the family at the center of the story and never lets go of the human element. Director Juan Antonio Bayona manages to tell his story without it ever being gratuitous or resorting

to sensationalism. Each frame is brutally honest with impressive cinematic spectacle, with scenes of destruction and primal desperate survival writ large. However, while the concentration of the mud-and-tear-streaked faces is only on those of the leads’ and other white survivors, the Thai people are largely absent from their own tragedy here, visible only at the edges of the frame as helpful villagers or overtaxed nurses, thus not giving a holistic documentation of the tragedy. Nevertheless, “The Impossible” looks back at a natural catastrophe with unwavering sincerity. It sees horror and pain, it sees courage and valour, but mainly it sees life with a myriad of emotions.

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Sonam Tshering and Deep Dhar the brainchild of Kokkivo

In 2012, Gangtok based music producer Deep Dhar got featured in MTV INDIA and VH1 for the track ON MY OWN which received many appreciations. It already has 1.70 Lacs plus views in Youtube and Vevo and also got aired in many radio station world wide. Here are some of the excerpts from the tete-e-tete. BY SIKKIM INSIGHTDude you finally made it, so tell us about your journey?I have been in the underground scene for roughly about 4 years now initially I started off as a virtual dj, experimented with the sounds & realized that I was better off as a producer. It was only since 2010 that I started collaborating with independent artist in India and overseas. Okay, rewind the chapters of your life and play it for us?It wasn’t easy at all (Shrugs himself),My friends played different musical instruments, so they always got the chance to play in school and other functions while I was in the audience. I had no technicalities in music whatsoever. That actually attracted me to music and I framed my mind that I wanted to learn music which I believe I did and I haven’t looked back since (Smiles).How would you describe your work? I completely love what am doing. It’s my fuel, needless to say a feeling of contentment is what I work for, I am constantly flooded with ideas even when am dreaming (Laughs).

Okay, what are you listening to these days?Currently my playlist consists of Scorpions, Kanye West, Brodha V and Makyo.What’s your favourite sound?Its hard to choose one but I like the sound of a Violin.…your favourite website?Google.com(Laughs)…your favourite label?Zara, Levi’s, RBK Classic.…your worst fashion secret?Wore a torn shoe to attend a very important meeting like a boss (Haha).

Things you like about Gangtok?The climate obviously and also the drinks are very cheap.

We heard you are contemplating a clothing line? Is it true?I always have a hard time shopping, Very rarely do I come across clothes that can appeal to my fashion instincts and I also believe there are a lot of people like me who face the same problem. I love urban clothing but India has a very restricted market. So I along with my friend Sonam Tshering with a desire to expand our interest beyond music, Felt it was right to launch a brand that not only promoted our love for urban culture but also change the way people dress.

So what is the name of the brand?KOKKIVO CLOTHING it is.

Your future projects, anything you are working on currently?Right now, I am caught up with the launching of our brand “KOKKIVO CLOTHING” which is scheduled on the start of 2013. And about my future projects yes I will be working on a fusion track experimenting with Indian Classical, Rock and Hip-Hop and for the same I’ve already met with the guys from MANTRA. So hopefully we get to work together on a track soon.

Okay, before I go any message for our readers?There are very limited scope for the creative artists. We don’t get the platform that we are suppose to. It is inevitable that we are raised in an orthodox society, only off- late people are opening to try new things so i suggest all the people of my generation to “Respect Your Ability To Make Anything Happen “.

Many congratulations and wish you much success in 2013. Keep Rocking!Thank you for featuring me in your magazine, have a prosperous 2013.