JAN 2013-FN AKey

Post on 04-Jun-2018

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Transcript of JAN 2013-FN AKey

  • 8/13/2019 JAN 2013-FN AKey


    1(a) Draw the involute of the circle of diameter 40 mm.


    1. With O as centre draw a circle of radius 20 mm.

    2. Let point A be the generating point/starting point.

    3. Diide the circle into 12 e!ual parts and gie notations.

    ". #f a thread to be partl$ unwound from the point A upto 11% the point A will moe to the position 11

    such that 1&11is e!ual to the arc length 1&A and also the line 1& 11 is tangent to the circle.

    '. (o get the point 11through point 1& draw a line tangent to the circle. )ar* the point 1 1such that 1&

    11+arc length 1&A

    ,. -imilarl$ get the points 21% 31% "1..

    . oin the points 11% 21% 31 b$ smooth cure. (he cure obtained is an inolute.

  • 8/13/2019 JAN 2013-FN AKey


    1(b) (i) Differentiate first angle projection with third angle projection

    First angle projection hird angle projection

    Obect lies between obserer and the plane of


    lane of proection lies between the obect and the


    ront iew comes aboe the top iew ront iew comes below the top iew

    (he left side iew will come to the right of the front


    (he left side iew will come to the left of the front


    1(b) (ii) Draw the orthogaphic views for the given isometric views using free hand.


    1. ind the oerall length%width and height of solid.

    2. 4sing these alues draw the boundaries/rectangle for front %top and side iews as per the first

    angle of proection .

    3. Draw the isible and inisible lines of the obects in all three iews.

    ". Draw the centre lines for the circle.

  • 8/13/2019 JAN 2013-FN AKey


    '. Dar*en all the isible lines b$ thic* continuous line and hidden lines b$ thic* dashed line t$pe.

    !(a) (i) Draw the projections of following points on a common reference line

    a) P" #$ mm behind the %P and !0 mm below the &P

    b) ' " 40 mm infront of %P and #0 mm above the &P

    c) " $0 mm behind the %P and 1$ mm above the &P

    d) " 40 mm below &P and in the %P

    e) " #0 mm infront of %P and $0 mm below the &P

    Procedure (Point P)

    1. Draw 56 line

    2. Draw a proector at the left end of the 56 line

    3. )ar* point p&on it 20mm below 56% which is the front iew of the point p.

    ". On the same proector mar* 3'mm aboe 56 line which is the top iew

  • 8/13/2019 JAN 2013-FN AKey


    Procedure (Point ')

    1. Draw the 7$ reference line

    2. Draw a proector 8line perpendicular to 569 at middle of the 56 line 20 mm from the proection p.

    3. )ar* point !& on it 30mmaboe 56% which is the front iew of the point !.

    ". On the same proector mar* ! "0mm below 56 line% which is the top iew of the point !.

    Procedure (Point )

    1. Draw the 56 reference line

    2. Draw a proector somewhere in the middle of the 56 line

    3. )ar* point r& on it 1'mm aboe 56% which is the front iew of the point r

    ". On the same proector mar* r '0mm aboe 56 line% which is the top iew of the point r.

    Procedure (Point )

    1. Draw the 56 reference line

    2. Draw a proector somewhere in the middle of the 56 line

    3. )ar* point s& on it "0mm below 56% which is the front iew of the point s.

    ". On the same proector mar* s on 56 line% this is the top iew of the point s.

    Procedure (Point )

    1. Draw the 56 reference line

    2. Draw a proector somewhere in the middle of the 56 line

    3. )ar* point t& on it '0mm below 56% which is the front iew of the point t.

    ". On the same proector mar* t 30mm below 56% this is the top iew of the point t.

    !(a) (ii) he end P of a line P'" *0 mm long is 1$ mm above &P and !0 mm infront of %P its plan is

    inclined at 4$+ to the %P. Draw the projections of the line and find its true inclinations with the %P.

  • 8/13/2019 JAN 2013-FN AKey



    1. Draw the 56 line

    2. Draw the point & 1' mm aboe 56 and on the same proector 20 mm below of 56

    3. Draw 0 mm long line parallel to 56 mar* point !&

    ". roect !& till it meets the point !% which is proected from p drawn at "': to ;.

    '. )easure the true inclination.

    !(b) , circular plate of diameter *0 mm has the end P of diameter P' in &P and the plate is inclined

    at 40+ to &P. draw its projections

    (i) the diameter P' appears to be inclined at 4$+ to the %P in the top view

    (ii) the diameter P' ma-es 4$+ with %P.

  • 8/13/2019 JAN 2013-FN AKey



    1. Draw the top iew first a circle of radius 3' mm.Diide the circle into 12 e!ual points.Draw

    proectors from these points to meet 7$ at 1&&.oin all the points which gies the front iew.

    2. (ile the front iew *eeping the point 1&touching the 7$ inclined at "0 :to 7$

    3. Draw proectors from tilted front iew and hori

  • 8/13/2019 JAN 2013-FN AKey



    1. reliminar$ top iew 8he7agon9 is drawn first with the a7is of the prism perpendicular to the ground

    and one of the edges of the base perpendicular to the ;. ront iew is proected from it.

    2. (hen the front iew is tilted so that the a7is is inclined at 3': to 56. (he second top iew is

    proected from the tilted front iew

    3. (he upper end p1% !1% r1% s1% t1% u1 is isible and is drawn b$ using thic* lines. (he longer edges are

    drawn ne7t and other end is finished at the end. (he prism rests on the ground on the edge , 1of

    the base. (he longer edgesp1 and u1,1are hidden but parts of them coincide with isible edges.

    (he edges 2111%11,1 and ,1'1of the lower end are hidden.

    #(b) , s/uare pramid of base side #0 mm and height $0 mm rests on the ground on one of its base

    edges such that its ais is inclined at 4$+ to the ground and parallel to %P draw its projections.

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    1. Draw the top iew of the solid in simple position a s!uare of base side 30 mm.

    2. Draw the front iew in simple position with height of '0 mm.

    3. =edraw the front iew so that the a7is of the solid is ma*ing "': with 56.

    ". Draw ertical proections from the front iewpoints p1&%s1&%o1& to meet the hori

  • 8/13/2019 JAN 2013-FN AKey


    4(a) , clinder of diameter 0 mm and height 20 mm has a central heagonal slot of side !0 mm

    running right through the length. he clinder is ling on the &P with its ais perpendicular to %P. ,

    vertical cutting plane cuts the clinder in such a wa that it meets the base at mm from

    diametricall opposites end. Draw the sectional front view and the true shape of the section.


    1. Draw the top and front iew of the c$linder reconsidering the a7is is perpendicular to ; and showthe cutting plane b$ its >(.

    2. (he cutting plane cuts the bases at four points 1% 2% 3% ". All the inner edges at the corners of the

    he7agonal slot are also cut and the cutting points are numbered as '% ,% % ?% @ and 10.

    3. roect points 1% 2% 3% " to the front iew on the circle as 1&% 2&%..etc. proect points ' to 10 as '&% ,&

    coinciding with the corners of the he7agon. >atch the sectioned surface in the front iew.

  • 8/13/2019 JAN 2013-FN AKey


    ". roect the true shape on 71$1 drawn parallel to the >( and obtain the same 11&% 21&% 31&% "1& with an

    e7tended he7agonal slot'1&% ,1&% 1&% ?1&% @1&% 101&.

    '. inish the drawing.

    4(b) , pentagonal pramid" side of base #0 mm and height $! mm" stands with its base on &P and

    an edge of the base is parallel to %P and nearer to it. 3t is cut b a plane perpendicular to %P"

    inclined at 40+ to &P and passing through a point on the ais" #! mm above the base. Draw the

    sectional top view and true shape of the section.

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    1. Draw the top iew *eeping one of the base parallel to 56 line and nearer to it.

    2. (hen proect its corresponding front iew

    3. ame the points top and front iew

    ". Draw the cutting plane line ;( in eleation such that its inclined at "0: > and cutting the a7is at a

    point 32 mm aboe the base.

    '. (he slant edges o&a&% o&b&% o&c&% o&d& and o&e& are cut respectiel$ at points 1&% 2&% 3&% "& and '& in front


    ,. roect these points to the corresponding slant edges in plan

    . -ince the slant edge o&b& is perpendicular to 56. (he point 2& cant proected directl$. (o get the

    point 2 proect 2& on o&c& as 21& and then proect it to the plan and mar* 21on oc.

    ?. oin these points 1% 2% 3% " and ' b$ straight lines in proper se!uence to get the re!uired sectional

    top iew

    @. Draw a line 5161parallel ;( at an$ conenient distance. ow draw the proectors from 1&% '&% 2&% "&

    and 3& perpendicular to 5161.

    10. )ar* the points 11% 21% 31% "1% and '1 on these proectors with respect to 5 161b$ transferring in the

    ertical height of 1% 2% 3% " and ' from 56 in plan.

    11. oin these point in se!uence to get the true shape and hatch it.

    $(a) , heagonal prism of base side !0 mm and height 40 mm has a s/uare hole of side 1 mm at

    the centre. he aes of the s/uare and heagonal prism coincide. ne of the faces of the s/uare

    hole is parallel to a face of the heagonal prism. Draw the isometric projection of the prism with

    hole to full scale.

  • 8/13/2019 JAN 2013-FN AKey



    1. Draw the plan of the obect and enclose the he7agon in a bo7.

    2. Bonstruct the isometric iew of the bo7 with the two 30: ma*ing isometric a7is.

    3. )ar* the centre of the base plane and with respect to it draw the s!uare.

    ". -imilarl$ draw the isometric s!uare for the top face.

    '. -ince the top face of the s!uare is isible dar*en the same b$ free hand in continuous line t$pe.

    Draw the base of the s!uare b$ dashed line t$pe.

    $(b) Draw the perspective view of figure a shown below. &ere one end of the longer edge is in PP

    and is inclined at !$ deg to PP.he station point is 50 mm in front of PP and $0 mm above &P ling

    on a central plane through the right etreme vertical edges.

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