Jan 1-6-07 Prophecy Fulfilled In Jesus

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In 2007 the congregation read through "The Message" New Testament by Eugene Peterson. This lesson is taken from the assigned reading from Jan 1-6

Transcript of Jan 1-6-07 Prophecy Fulfilled In Jesus

Prophecy Fulfilled in Jesus

Prophecy Fulfilled in Jesus

Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

CEV John 1:1 The Word was first, the Word

present to God, God present to the Word. The Word was God, 2 in

readiness for God from day one. 3 Everything was created through him; nothing--not one thing!-- came into

being without him. MSG

Prophecy Fulfilled in Jesus

Isaiah 7:14 But the LORD will still give you proof. A virgin is pregnant;

she will have a son and will name him Immanuel. CEV

Matthew 1:22-23 This would bring the prophet's embryonic sermon to full

term: Watch for this--a virgin will get pregnant and bear a son; They will name him Emmanuel (Hebrew for

"God is with us"). MSG

Prophecy Fulfilled in Jesus

2 Samuel 7:12 I'll choose one of your sons to be king when you reach the

end of your life and are buried in the tomb of your ancestors. I'll make him a strong ruler, 13 and no one will be able to take his kingdom away from him. He will be the one to build a

temple for me.

Prophecy Fulfilled in Jesus

14 I will be his father, and he will be my son. When he does wrong, I'll see that he is corrected, just as children

are corrected by their parents. 15 But I will never put an end to my

agreement with him, as I put an end to my agreement with Saul, who was

king before you. 16 I will make sure that one of your descendants will

always be king. CEV

Prophecy Fulfilled in Jesus

Luke 1:26 In the sixth month of Elizabeth's pregnancy, God sent the angel Gabriel to the Galilean village of Nazareth 27 to a virgin engaged to be married to a man descended from David. His name was

Joseph, and the virgin's name, Mary. 28 Upon entering, Gabriel greeted her: Good

morning! You're beautiful with God's beauty, Beautiful inside and out! God be

with you.

Prophecy Fulfilled in Jesus29 She was thoroughly shaken, wondering

what was behind a greeting like that. 30 But the angel assured her, "Mary, you

have nothing to fear. God has a surprise for you: 31 You will become pregnant

and give birth to a son and call his name Jesus. 32 He will be great, be called 'Son of the Highest.' The Lord God will give

him the throne of his father David; 33 He will rule Jacob's house forever-- no end,

ever, to his kingdom." MSG

Prophecy Fulfilled in Jesus

Micah 5:2 Bethlehem Ephrath, you are one of the smallest towns in

the nation of Judah. But the LORD will choose one of your people to rule the nation-- someone whose

family goes back to ancient times. CEV

Prophecy Fulfilled in Jesus

Luke 2:1 About that time Caesar Augustus ordered a census to be taken throughout the Empire. 2 This was the

first census when Quirinius was governor of Syria. 3 Everyone had to travel to his own ancestral hometown to be accounted for. 4 So Joseph went from the Galilean town of Nazareth up to Bethlehem in Judah, David's

town, for the census.

Prophecy Fulfilled in Jesus

As a descendant of David, he had to go there. 5 He went with Mary, his

fiancée, who was pregnant. 6 While they were there, the time came for her

to give birth. 7 She gave birth to a son, her firstborn. She wrapped him in

a blanket and laid him in a manger, because there was no room in the

hostel. MSG

Prophecy Fulfilled in Jesus

Isaiah 9:6 A child has been born for us. We have been given a son who will be our ruler. His names will be Wonderful

Advisor and Mighty God, Eternal Father and Prince of Peace. CEV

Luke 2:14 Glory to God in the heavenly heights, Peace to all men and women

on earth who please him. MSG

Prophecy Fulfilled in Jesus

Genesis 22:15 The LORD's angel called out from heaven a second time:

16 You were willing to offer the LORD your only son, and so he

makes you this solemn promise, 17 "I will bless you and give you such a

large family, that someday your descendants will be more numerous than the stars in the sky or the grains

of sand along the beach.

Prophecy Fulfilled in Jesus

They will defeat their enemies and take over the cities where their

enemies live. 18 You have obeyed me, and so you and your

descendants will be a blessing to all nations on earth." CEV

Prophecy Fulfilled in Jesus

Luke 1:54 He embraced his chosen child, Israel; he remembered and piled on the mercies, piled them

high. 55 It's exactly what he promised, beginning with

Abraham and right up to now. MSG

Prophecy Fulfilled in Jesus

Hosea 11:1 When Israel was a child, I loved him, and I called my son

out of Egypt. CEV Matthew 2:15 They lived in Egypt until Herod's death. This Egyptian

exile fulfilled what Hosea had preached: "I called my son out of

Egypt." MSG

Prophecy Fulfilled in Jesus

Malachi 3:1 I, the LORD All-Powerful, will send my messenger to prepare the way for me. Then

suddenly the Lord you are looking for will appear in his temple. The messenger you desire is coming

with my promise, and he is on his way. CEV

Prophecy Fulfilled in Jesus

Isaiah 40:3 Someone is shouting: "Clear a path in the desert! Make a

straight road for the LORD our God. 4 Fill in the valleys; flatten every hill and mountain. Level the rough and rugged ground. 5 Then the glory of the LORD will appear for all to see. The LORD has promised this!“CEV

Prophecy Fulfilled in Jesus

Mark 1:1 The good news of Jesus Christ--the Message!--begins here, 2 following to the letter the scroll of the prophet Isaiah. Watch closely: I'm sending my preacher

ahead of you; He'll make the road smooth for you. 3 Thunder in the desert! Prepare for God's arrival! Make the road smooth

and straight! 4 John the Baptizer appeared in the wild, preaching a baptism of life-change that leads to forgiveness of sins.

Prophecy Fulfilled in Jesus

5 People thronged to him from Judea and Jerusalem and, as they confessed their sins, were baptized by him in the

Jordan River into a changed life. 6 John wore a camel-hair habit, tied at the waist with a leather belt. He ate

locusts and wild field honey. 7 As he preached he said, "The real action

comes next:

Prophecy Fulfilled in Jesus

The star in this drama, to whom I'm a mere stagehand, will change

your life. 8 I'm baptizing you here in the river, turning your old life in for a kingdom life. His baptism--a holy baptism by the Holy Spirit--will change you from the inside

out." MSG

Prophecy Fulfilled in Jesus

Luke 3:4 as described in the words of Isaiah the prophet: Thunder in the

desert! "Prepare God's arrival! Make the road smooth and straight! 5 Every

ditch will be filled in, Every bump smoothed out, The detours

straightened out, All the ruts paved over. 6 Everyone will be there to see The parade of God's salvation." MSG

Prophecy Fulfilled in Jesus

John 1:6 There once was a man, his name John, sent by God 7 to point out the way to the Life-Light. He came to show everyone where to look, who to believe in. 8 John

was not himself the Light; he was there to show the way to the Light.


Prophecy Fulfilled in Jesus

Malachi 4:5 I, the LORD, promise to send the prophet Elijah before

that great and terrible day comes. 6 He will lead children and parents

to love each other more, so that when I come, I won't bring doom

to the land. CEV

Prophecy Fulfilled in Jesus

Luke 1:17 He will herald God's arrival in the style and strength of Elijah, soften the hearts of parents

to children, and kindle devout understanding among hardened

skeptics--he'll get the people ready for God." MSG

Prophecy Fulfilled in Jesus

Isaiah 40:1 Our God has said: "Encourage my people! Give them

comfort. 2 Speak kindly to Jerusalem and announce: Your

slavery is past; your punishment is over. I, the LORD, made you pay

double for your sins." CEV

Prophecy Fulfilled in Jesus

Isaiah 52:9 Jerusalem, rise from the ruins! Join in the singing. The

LORD has given comfort to his people; he comes to your rescue.

10 The LORD has shown all nations his mighty strength; now

everyone will see the saving power of our God. CEV

Prophecy Fulfilled in Jesus

Luke 2:25 In Jerusalem at the time, there was a man, Simeon by name,

a good man, a man who lived in the prayerful expectancy of help

for Israel. And the Holy Spirit was on him. 26 The Holy Spirit had

shown him that he would see the Messiah of God before he died.

Prophecy Fulfilled in Jesus

27 Led by the Spirit, he entered the Temple. As the parents of the child Jesus brought him in to carry out the rituals of the Law, 28 Simeon

took him into his arms and blessed God: 29 God, you can now release your servant; release me in peace

as you promised. MSG

Prophecy Fulfilled in Jesus

Numbers 4:34 Moses, Aaron, and the other Israelite leaders obeyed the LORD and counted the Levi

tribe by families and clans, to find out how many men there were

between the ages of thirty and fifty who could work at the sacred tent.

Prophecy Fulfilled in Jesus

There were two thousand seven hundred fifty Kohathites, two thousand six hundred thirty

Gershonites, and three thousand two hundred Merarites, making a

total of eight thousand five hundred eighty. Then they were all

assigned their duties. CEV

Prophecy Fulfilled in Jesus

Luke 3:23 When Jesus entered public life he was about thirty years old, the son (in public

perception) of Joseph, who was-- son of Heli, MSG

Prophecy Fulfilled in Jesus

Isaiah 42:1 Here is my servant! I have made him strong. He is my chosen one; I am pleased with him. I have

given him my Spirit, and he will bring justice to the nations. CEV

Psalms 2:7 I will tell the promise that the LORD made to me: "You are my

son, because today I have become your father. CEV

Prophecy Fulfilled in Jesus

Mark 1:9 At this time, Jesus came from Nazareth in Galilee and was baptized by John in the Jordan. 10 The moment he came out of the water, he saw the

sky split open and God's Spirit, looking like a dove, come down on him. 11

Along with the Spirit, a voice: "You are my Son, chosen and marked by my

love, pride of my life." MSG

Prophecy Fulfilled in JesusMatthew 3:15 But Jesus insisted. "Do it. God's work, putting things right all these centuries, is coming together right now in

this baptism." So John did it. 16 The moment Jesus came up out of the

baptismal waters, the skies opened up and he saw God's Spirit--it looked like a

dove--descending and landing on him. 17 And along with the Spirit, a voice: "This

is my Son, chosen and marked by my love, delight of my life." MSG

Prophecy Fulfilled in Jesus

Psalms 36:9 The life-giving fountain belongs to you, and your light gives light

to each of us. CEVIsaiah 49:6 Now the LORD says to me, "It

isn't enough for you to be merely my servant. You must do more than lead back survivors from the tribes of Israel. I have

placed you here as a light for other nations; you must take my saving power

to everyone on earth." CEV

Prophecy Fulfilled in Jesus

John 1:4 What came into existence was Life, and the Life was Light to

live by. 5 The Life-Light blazed out of the darkness; the darkness

couldn't put it out. MSGJohn 1:9 The Life-Light was the real

thing: Every person entering Life he brings into Light. MSG

Prophecy Fulfilled in Jesus

Isaiah 53:3 He was hated and rejected; his life was filled with sorrow and

terrible suffering. No one wanted to look at him. We despised him and

said, "He is a nobody!" CEVJohn 1:11 He came to his own people,

but they didn't want him. MSG