J ramon

Post on 25-May-2015

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Transcript of J ramon

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Author: Juan Ramón Plana 

Theme: director general de la Asociación Española de Anunciantes 



I.- The rules of the game

If you're somehow near to ESIC dear friend, you’d better accept some ground rules before thinking about competing. Don’t worry, they will be useful in the long term and anyway, who only wants to win short term competitions?

Key rules: -Loyalty and openness towards your clients

-Responsibility in your actions


And that’s it, not too bad, right?

II.- 7 pieces of advice

Throughout my life I have been gathering a few pieces of advice here and there that have been very useful in order to “compete” in this “competitive” world of advertising - Here goes:

1.- Always be a salesperson, sell products, services, hope, whatever it takes, but always keep a seller’s spirit and stay animated; people want to be close to those that smile, that seduce. Be careful, though as some of these words are infamous: sales, seduction, why? if what you offer is quality and legal ... and with this we have set some principle rules of the game, right? -. Its possible that some wetblankets know their strength and are determined to discredit them.

2 .- Investigate, research, travel, get knowledge from books, from the Internet, from other countries. This will mean that you're always one step ahead in any competition.

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3.- Sleep in your client’s bed, take on their concerns, treat their money as if it were yours and constantly give them concepts and ideas, don’t be shy and don’t keep tricks up your sleeve, maybe when you use them it will be too late.

4.-Become part of a team – often two people are enough: your partner? -. If you need to create your team from scratch, study carefully who you decide to take on, first make sure they follow the rules of the game and then give them trust, ask questions and make them think and act like you in the previous section (Section 3)

5.- Define, specify your product, service and activity on three lines then memorise them. Always maintain the concept of synthesis and keep objectives focused on two main principles: Focus and Pocus.

6.-Be very rigorous in what you are doing, plan your day, your week, your next action. If you are nourished of all types of research and are not a cenutrio (don’t worry, if you are reading this it means that you are not), the fact that reason and order work for you does not mean that the sentiment has to go.

7 .- Strategy is everything but ground knowledge is essential: “the map is not the territory”, it descends, touches, feels the problem, you must know how to be pragmatic, manage accounts, budgets ... I can assure you that it is better that you do all of these “cumbersome” things yourself than have somebody do them for you.

Of course, there are more pieces of advice, but the golden rule is to not get bored and bite off more than you can chew. On the other hand, seven is a nice, rounded number. Hopefully all of this will help in some way.

Best wishes,

Juan Ramón Plana