It’s NOT About the Food!

Post on 23-Feb-2016

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It’s NOT About the Food!. What does “HEALTH” mean to YOU?. Being at a healthy BMI? Having normal blood sugar without being on medications? Having normal blood pressure or cholesterol without being on medications? Being able to fit into those clothes in the back of the closet?. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of It’s NOT About the Food!

It’s NOT About the Food!

Being at a healthy BMI?Having normal blood sugar without being

on medications?Having normal blood pressure or

cholesterol without being on medications?

Being able to fit into those clothes in the back of the closet?

What does “HEALTH” mean to YOU?

Could you dream about what you want your life to look like?

Feel like? Who would be with you?What would you be doing that you are

not doing now?What does “healthy” look like to you?What does “having more energy” feel

like to you?

Or could it Mean MORE????

Dieting is about running away from something……I don’t want to be fat!

Dieting is about a short term goal that has little or no meaning……I want to weight 130 lbs

When it is all about losing weight, what happens when you get there?????

When you hit your destination, where do you go next?

85% of people regain their weight!!!!!

Yo-Yo Dieting vs TSFL

Begin with allowing yourself to DREAM!Find your WHY!Intrinsic motivation!Deep reason for losing weight and

getting “healthy”What most excites you?????

Where do YOU start to begin the journey to create


It is NOT about “I should”, “I have to” “I aught to”

We all start at “dieting”Are you ready to go to the next step to

create success?You don’t have to believe that you CAN

do this, you just have to be ready, want it and be coachable!

Dieting….you have a conflict (daughter getting married in 2 months and you HAVE to lose weight)

You have immense willpower and do the best you can do (I HAVE to do this this time!)

You loose a little weight (I did my best but I had so much stress and so many temptations and I couldn’t pass up that wine!)

Wedding day comes (I did the best I could do and I am OK with that. I have a slow metabolism anyway!)

Wedding day passes and where is the goal? What happens to the weight?

You lost your destination!There was no change of mindset!There were no new healthy habits

created!Car analogy

What is your WHY? Your PASSION? Deepest reason for being healthy? What rocks your world?

Allow yourself to dream about what you wantYou may not be able to see that when you

start or may not believe it is possibleStart with a small visionTake the “not believing” out of the dream

How about a NEW Path?

Quiet the Monkey Brain!Your mind has FEAR! NEGATIVE



Is what your head telling you true? Do you really believe it?

How about choosing NOT to listen, NOT to believe it, NOT to listen!

We all have stuff going on are you going to let that stuff control your life?

How about loving yourself!Proverb….Be careful about what you

think because your thoughts dictate your life!

Do you find when you are in a good place you lose weight?

Do you find when you are in a bad place you gain weight?

You CAN choose to create your life instead of reacting to your thoughts and situations

You can listen to the voices in your head but are they speaking the truth?

Which voices do you CHOOSE to listen to?

Red light: You do not deserve this, you will always be fat, you cannot lose weight, you have a slow metabolism, no one loves you (food loves you), that pie will help you feel better, it’s only 1 glass of wine…….. I deserve it

Red Light vs Green Light Thoughts

Green light: I deserve this healthy choice! I can reach my healthy goals!

I can make healthy choices! I CAN do the things I WANT TO DO! What do I WANT??When we listen to our negative thoughts &

believe them………spiral down!!!!!That is an unhealthy mind!Getting healthy starts with the baby steps

to a healthy mind!

Listen to the Green light thoughts!

Make the decision you are ready to GET HEALTHY!!!!!

Connect with your health coach!Allow yourself to dream! Find YOUR WHY!!!!!! Create a dream board. Pictures

everywhere! Your phone, office, computer!

Be coachable!Lone Rangers rarely succeed!

Where do I start?

Pull out your Habits of Health and Companion Guide and DVD

Discover Your Optimal Health by Dr. A

Use your support tools (Support calls, nutrition support, Nick!, Wellness Wednesday, peers, FB support page, My TSFL, become a coach)

P 314 H of H, lesson 17Quiet placeClose eyes, let go of tension, toes to

headEnjoy the relaxation…..turn off your

thoughts or think of something relaxingI am loved, deserving, calmEnvision the new you!Use this tool when you are feeling

stressed/red light thoughts


Quiet those red light thoughts!P. 272 of H of HFind your passion: hobby, arts, walkingListen to musicHave a quiet place to goHave your visuals of your WHYWrite down what is TRUE!!!!!

Clear the Monkey Brain!

Focus every day on the successes that you have had!

Take the focus off of the challenges!Today is a new day, every 3 hours you start

over!Focus on what you want to create!

Follow your health program and the weight coming off will be the bonus!

The road not taken……..

“Two roads diverged in a yellow wood …”
