It Y COMPANY J.S.C. KISIVSKO PREIUZECE ZA SHAiDEVANJE ... · qellim te funksionimit te tij normal...

Post on 31-May-2020

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Transcript of It Y COMPANY J.S.C. KISIVSKO PREIUZECE ZA SHAiDEVANJE ... · qellim te funksionimit te tij normal...

KE.slco NIX\It El~ Lr~



KESCO SH.A. 2. -!S Nr. Ot Dt. ·2-f- 0 {- D

:Jta 1 FUR N I Z U ES I P U 8 L I K


(Procesi i Pershtatjeve te Rregu llta)

Janar, 2015



N i)f01 C ( let.I•Ciomo<OS Bul.,..,lltdl Bl11 Kltn1on nt 3

f'""'t 'n IOOUO • R I)Ul> h~ I(~

Hyrje ......................... ........ ... .... ................... ... .... .......... ..... .... ...... ................................................ 3

Shthurja ligjore dhe funksionale .............................. .................................. ............ ....................... .4

Balanca e Energjise Elektrike ..... ..... ............... .. ......... ............... ........ .... ............ ............................. 5

Pershtatjet dhe Perditesimet e Kost:Jve ......... .......... .. ............................ ...... ........ ... ........................ 7

Kostot operative OPEX ................................................................................ .... .......... ... ............. . 9

Pershtatjet ..... .. .. ....... .... .. ............ ...... ... ................................................. .... ....... ......... ............ 9

Pershtatja per OPEX .............. ................. ......... ....... ............................ .... ...... ... ................... 9

Pershtatja per Taksen e Licences ......................................................................... ............ 10

Perditesimet. ......................... ......................... ...... ... ........... .... ........................................ .. ... 10

Kostot e Personelit .. ......... ........ .. ................... ......... ................. ........................................ 11

Rritja e pagave .................. .. ........................................................ ....... .. ........ .................... 11

Kostot per sherbimet e perbashketa ..................... .... ................................ .. ....................... 12

Perditesimi i Takses pe Lice ce .......... ................ .............................. ...... ......................... 13

Kostot e zhvleresimit te lejuar DEPC ........... ... ... ... .. ....... .................... ..................... ............. .... .. 15

Pershtatjet ...... 0000 ................................... .. ..................................... ........ ........................ ...... 15

Perditesimet. .................. ...... ..... .......... ............ ............ ... ... ... ..... ... ........... ... ....... ..... ............. 15

Pershtatja per faturimin e humbjeve .... ............. ...... .. 00 0000 00 ....................................................... 16

Pershtatjet per kostot me shu mice ............................................................................ oo. 0000 ........ 16

Pershtatjet per KREV .......... oo ..................................... . ............................................................. 17

Komponentet tjera te kostove te Furnizuesit Publik 0000 000000 0000000000 ........ ........................ 00 .. .. ........ 17

Kapitali punues .... .............. ....... ......... ...... ........ ......... ... .. ... ............................... 00 ................. 17

Borgji i keq ....... ............. ........ ........... ........... .... ................... .. ... ...... .......... 00 .... 00 00 .............. 00.18

Margjina e shitjes me pakice .... oooooooooo .................. oo ............ oo .. . .... oo .............. .... ..................... 19

Kostot qe barten ........... .. ........... ................................ ............................... .... .......................... 19

Te hyrat e lejuara maksimale- MAR ..................................................... .................... 00 .............. 00.20

Shtojca A .. ... ...... ...... ...... ............ .... .. .. ..... .................................. .. ...... .......... .... ........................ 22

Shtojca B ........................ ............... ... ......... .... .......... .... ...... ..... ...... ... ... ...... .... .. ..... ........ ...... .... 24

Shtojca C ...................... ..... ............ .... .. .... 00 ......... .... 0000000000 ........... 00 ............. .. ... ....................... 26


KEslco N~~ t I ~1r~ f,, ,,, .. t /~1 lk.tlt l)ula\IO'Ird• 13•11 Krtn1on nr :i ! 1 ( ,..., H.u ~ t-'0 na .1

,., s11tl~' lt)()O() • '• ;./• I(U JOt..JOO ~ IJUI;hk.a ~ i< • t> "' .._


Furnizuesi Publik ka pergatitur propozimin per pershtatjen e te Hyrave te Lejuara Maksimale per vitin 2015 ne forme elektronike dhe ne leter, duke respektuar afatin kohore te percaktuar ne shtojcen 4 te Rregulles per Vendosjen e Cmimeve te FPEE-se, qe paraqet procesin e pershtatjeve te rregu llta dhe udhezimeve te ZRRE-se te dhena ne letren e dates 27 nentor 2014 per procesin e pershtatjeve vjetore.

FPEE-ja ne kete propozim ka perfshire te gjitha dokumentet dhe deshmite relevante duke perfshire vlerat qe kane te bejne me te gjitha komponentet e formulave te pershtatjeve te rregullta.

Ne kete aplikacion Furnizuesi Publik ka perfshire te gjitha kostot e arsyeshme te tij me qellim te funksionimit te tij normal dhe ofrimit me te mire te sherbimit per te gjithe konsumatoret. Duke qene se procesi tarifor eshte interaktiv ndermjet ZRrE-se dhe te licencuarave te tjere, ky aplikacion mund te pershtatet me qellim te reflektimit te kostove qe nderlidhen mete licencuarit e t ere.


KESICO N()(tll1 I l r~ ~'·

Bui""Olldl 1Jt11 Klln1on "' :<~ I~ "'ton 10000 ' r

A puDhl<a IC.~ •

Shthurja ligjore dhe funksionale

Ka pasur nje kerkese ligjore nga Zyra e Rregullatorit per Energji (ZRrE-se), sipas nenit 46 te Ligjit per Rregullatorin e Energj ise Nr. 03/L-085 dhe Marreveshjes se lmplementimit te nenshkruar ndermjet aksionarit KEDS, perkatesisht Kosova Calik Limak Energy sh.a. dhe Qeverise se Kosoves, per te bere shthurjen dhe ndarjen ligjore te funksioneve te shperndarjes se KEDS nga ato te furnizimit te pakten para 31 dhjetorit 2014.

Duke pasur parasysh kete kerkese, Bordi i Zyres se Rregullatorit per Energji me 29 prill 2014 ka miratuar nje Udhezues Ligjor per shthu rjen e KEDS-it, duke shpjeguar hapat e nevojshem qe duhet te ndermerren per te perfunduar shthurjen e funksioneve te KEDS Shperndarjes dhe Furnizi it. Ne baze te ketyre kerkesave Kosova Calik Limak Energy sh.a. ka krijuar nje kompani te rete quajtur Kompania Kosovare per Furnizim me Energji Elektrike sh .a (KESCO), se ciles do t'i transferohen funksionet e furnizimit nga KEDS.

KESCO ka pranuar vendimin e ZRrE-se V_670_2014 per transferimin e Licences se Furnizimit nga KEDS per te kryer funksionin e Furnizuesit Publik dhe ka filluar operimin nga 1 janari i vitit 2015. Si rrjedhoje, KEDS ka transferuar ne kete kompani te gjitha kontratat, pasurite, punonjesit dhe detyrimet qe kane pasur te bejne me biznesin e Furnizimit.

Shthurja e KEDS-it ne dy kompani, ne KEDS dhe KESCO, natyrisht se do te ndikoj ne aspektin e kostove qe asociohen me keto kompani . Bartja e funksioneve nga nje kompani ne kompanine tjeter duhet te asociohet edhe me shtim, perkatesisht zvogelim te kostove per kompanine perkatese. Me qellim te eliminimit te rrezikut per rritjen e kostove per te dy entitet ligjerisht te ndara, e qe d:J te rezultonte ne dyfishimin e funksioneve dhe respektivisht c;mime me ta larta per konsumatoret fundor, ZRrE me ane te vendimit V_619_2014 ka udhezuar qe sherbimet e perbashketa (si: IT, financa , c;eshtjet legjislative, etj) te kryhen nga OSSh, bazuar ne nje marreveshje ne mes te OSSh dhe Furnizuesit Publik. Ka disa perfitime nga zbatimi i konceptit te sherbimeve te perbashketa, se pari koncepti mbeshtet zbatimin e legjislacionit evropian per paketen e dyte dhe te trete te ndarjes se proceseve, se dyti siguron perfitime mbi centralizi11in e proceseve dhe ne kete menyre sjell perfitime si mundesite per te standardizuc;r dhe automatizuar proceset, perdorimin e perbashket te infrastruktures duke ndare keshtu kostot e tyre. Nje perfitim tjeter eshte ndarja e infrastruktures se Sl dhe IT te cilat jane shume te kushtueshme nese zbatohen vec;mas secila.

Ndarja e funksioneve ndermjet kompanive KEDS dhe KESCO eshte bere duke respektuar funksionet te cilat ato duhet ti kryejne sipas kushteve te parapara ne licence. Te gjitha funksionet, si: c;'kyc;je/ri-kyc;jet, leximi i njehsoreve etj, qe ne te kaluaren jane kryer nga Furnizuesi Publik dote kalojne si funksione te OSSh-se (KEDS) te parapara me licence. Ne ..

KESICO N~,, • EI 1•­LlU IQ\I;~tdt 13a11 Khn1o n Rl :-4-

1'1 "'toni! 10000 > ;.M RQS>ubh ~Yi K~ tlt

kete ku pti m viti 2015 do te jEte viti

parapara ne licencen e FPEE-se.

pare i organizimit te FPEE-se sipas funksioneve te

Balanca e Energjise Elektrike

Energjia ne dispozicion (gjenerimi i KEK-ut, gjenerimi ne nivel te transmisionit, gjenerim ne

nivel te distribucionit, importet dhe eksportet), humbjet ne sistemin e transmisionit,

shperndarjes dhe shitjet tek konsumatoret, te perdorura ne kete aplikim jane te paraqitura

ne tabelen 1. 2015 Balanca e Energjise


Gjenerimi bruto


Hyrja ne transmision


Ne disponim

Konsumatoret 220/110 kV


Shpenzimi vet. nga Transmisioni

Rrjeti Distributiv

Konsumi neto-max

Humbjet ne bartje

Konsumi bruto



Hyrja ne distribucion

Gjenerimi ne nivel te OSSH

Ne disponim

Humbjet dhe komerciale

Veri u

Shitjet ne OSSH

Total shitjet per FPEE

Tab 1. Permbledhja e Balances se Energjise Elektrike






6352 724



4743 5739


5853 515 -16

4743 47


1256 280

3253 39nl

Me qellim te balancimit ndermjet te konsumit dhe prodhimit sasia e nevojshme e importit te

parapare per vitin 2015 eshte 508 GWh. Duhet te theksohet se perve<; sasise se parapare

per import te rregullt mund te rezultoje edhe nevoja per import emergjent, sidomos gjate

sezonit dimeror, ndaljeve te shkurtra te paplanifikuara (renie te njesive gjeneruese), ndaljeve te gjata te paplanifikuara te njesive gjeneruese, remonteve dhe revizioneve te njesive

gjeneruese, ndersa eksportet kr;esisht do te behen ne rast se nominimi per diten ne vijim

rezulton te jete i ekzagjeruar, faktori kryesor i te cilit shpesh eshte moti.

KESICO NI)M I QI<l r~ ll ul'l'Vil/dl Bl11 Klln1on n• 3 ' , H_,. • , a no

• ..., .~• tine lOOoo , r•tJ.:'I u..• A J)Ubll K~ ., · r t HO!>OK•

Gjate pergatitjes se balances se energjise, sasia e nevojshme e eksportit kalkulohet si numer

balancues me qellim te balancimit te prodhimit dhe konsumit ne kohe reale. Sasia e

eksportit e parapare per vitin 2015 eshte 515 GWh, e qe eshte me e larte krahasuar me ate

te vitit 2014, ngase prodhimi i para pare nga KEK-u per vitin 2015 eshte me i larte. Duhet te

theksohet se eksportet nuk behen per te perfituar nga eksportimi i energjise me kosto te ulet

ne vendet e tjera.

Shitjet e paral logaritura per konsumatoret e rregulluar jane 3,977 GWh perfshire shitjet tek

konsumatoret ne nivel te shperndarjes prej 3,253 GWh dhe shitjet ne nivel te transmisionit

prej 724 GWh.

Shitjet e energjise elektrike dhe komponentet tjera te faturimit per vitin 2015 jane alokuar

neper kategori te konsumatoreve duke perdorur te dhenat baze te vitit 2014.

Parashikimi per alokimin e shitjeve ndermjet tarifes se ulte dhe tarifes se larte per vitin 2015

eshte bazuar duke perdorur te dhenat e realizuara per vitin 2014. Ne tabelen ne vijim shihet

raporti i konsumit ndermjet tarifes se larte dhe tarifes se ulte per kategorite tarifore me

njehsore dy tarifore.

Raporti i konsumit ndermjet tarifes se larte dhe tarifes se ulte

Janar Shkurt Mars Prill Maj Qershor Korrik Gusht Shtator Tetor Nentor Dhjetor

Grupi tarifor

TL 61% 62% 62% 61% 61% 62% 62% 62% 62% 62% 62% 62% 220 kV

TU 39% 38% 38% 39% 39% 38% 38% 38% 38% 38% 38% 38%

TL 60% 61% 55% 56% 56% 52% 54% 54% 55% 56% 53% 55% 110 kV

TU 40% 39% 45% 44% 44% 48% 46% 46% 45% 44% 47% 45%

TL 60% 69% 68% 68% 68% 68% 67% 68% 68% 69% 69% 68% 35 kV

TU 40% 31% 32% 32% 32% 32% 33% 32% 32% 31% 31% 32%

TL 70% 70% 70% 69% 70% 70% 68% 71% 69% 70% 70% 70% 10 kV

TU 30% 30% 30% 31% 30% 30% 32% 29% 31% 30% 30% 30%

0.4 kV me energj i TL 72% 73% 74% 73% 74% 74% 74% 74% 74% 74% 74% 73%

reaktive TU 28% 27% 26% 27% 26% 26% 26% 26% 26% 26% 26% 27%

TL 55% 53% 55% 54% 54% 53% 53% 54% 55% 56% 58% 60% 0.4 kV Komerci a I

TU 40% 39% 40% 42% 42% 42% 43% 43% 42% 40% 39% 40%

TL 48% 48% 48% 48% 49% 50% 50% 51% 53% 54% 54% 53% Sht[pi a k 2 ta rifor

TU 52% 50% 49% 47% 46% 46% 47% 52% 52% 52% 51% 50%

n 54% 54% 55% 54% 55% 56% 56% 57% 58% 58% 59% 58% Total

TU 46% 46% 45% 46% 45% 44% 44% 43% 42% 42% 41% 42% . .

Tab 2. Raport1 1 konsum1t ndermJet TL dhe TU

Sit; shihet nga tabela, ka nje zhvendosje ndermjet konsumit nga tarifa e ulet ne tarifen e

larte, kjo ndodh per arsye te zevendesimit te njehsoreve te thjesht mekanik me ata

elektronik, sidomos te kategoria e konsumatoreve shtepiak. Megjithate edhe ne vitin 2015, ..

KESICO NOOt·,~t) leklr~ ,.:: "-' "( .,. .ll1Al " Bulj)\(;IUSI I3 •JI Kl tn1on nr ~i- .9 l ,..., H~> • rhJ no.'f

,..,.,.t,nc toooo f, 11oo u.1 R publl i<a (! I<~ , r;; or ~<cww

raporti i konsumit ndermjet tarifes se larte dhe tarifes se ulte nuk do ta tejkaloje raportin 60% me 40%. Perpos komponentit te energjise, gjate faturimit duhet pasur parasysh edhe komponentet tjera te faturimit si ne vijim:

• Numri i konsumatoreve

• Fuqia (kW) per kategori me njehsore te ngarkeses

• Energjia reaktive (kVArh ) per kategorite perkatese tarifore

Percaktuesit e faturimit te realizuar per vitin 2014 dhe ata te parashikuar per vitin 2015 jane te paraqitur ne shtojcat A dhe E;.

Pershtatjet dhe Perditesimet e Kostove

Per te mbuluar kostot e Furnizuesit Publik duhet te behen pershtatjet dhe perditesimet e nevojshme te kostove. Si rezultat i ndryshimit ndermjet te Hyrave te Lejuara Maksimale te aprovuara dhe atyre aktuale per vitin 2014 jane te nevojshme te behen pershtatjet mekanike me qellim qe te merren parasysh kostot qe jane jashte kontrollit te FPEE-se. Kostot e aprovuara per periudhen rregullative per vitin 2015 duhet te perditesohen me qellim te reflektimit te kostove te cilat nuk ishin parashikuar gjate procesit te shqyrtimit periodik.

Gjate shqyrtimit periodik per periudhen e pare rregullative nuk eshte bere profilizimi i kostove, prandaj formula per parashikimin e kostove dote perdoret ashtu si9 eshte aprovuar nga ZRrE ne vitin e dyte te periudhes rregullative. Metodologjia e tille eshte aplikuar edhe nga FPEE ne shqyrtimin e funoit si pasoje e nevojes per perfshirje te disa kostove shtese si rezultat i procesit te privatizimit te kompanise.

Formula e pergjithshme per parashikimin e kostove per vitin 2015 e cila dote perdoret nga FPEE eshte:


K2o1s - kostot e vitit 2015

K2o14 - kostot e vitit 2014

CPI t-l- norma e inflacionit per vitin 2014

E t- faktori i efikasitetit per vitin 2015 -

KESICO N0$11C"So) C "-''0~ 1 ~~~ I~UIC¥01fdt 131!1 Kf tA1on nr 3 . f1 1 t:oiOfJ Ht; • r.'IJ no.

t.;utttlno tOOOO ' •f ru Jo R ~bhka ~ ~;r-, • I ()/ )l,c:.oM,t

K2o1s perditesuara- kostot e perd itesuara per vi tin 2015 (kostot shtese)

Faktori i efikasitetit nuk aplikchet per parashikimin kostove te zhvleresimit dhe kostot e kthimit. Formula e mesiperme dote perdoret per pershtatjen dhe perditesimet e kostove, si<; jane:

• Kostot Operative • Kostot e Zhvleresimit

Kostot tjera te cilat duhet te cilat duhet pershtatur jane:

• Taksat e licences • Pershtatjet per kostot me shu mice (WH PC t-1)

• Faktori i korrigjimit tete hyrave (KREV t-1)

Keto kosto do te pershtaten ne perputhje me formulat te cilat jane te percaktuara ne Rregullen e (:mimeve te Furnizuesit Publik.

Duhet te theksohet se perve<; perditesimeve te rregullta, te cilat dote shpjegohen ne secilin seksion ndaras, te dhenat e aprovuara nga ZRrE gjate shqyrtimit shumevje<;ar (OPEX, DEPC) do te perditesohen edhe per normen e perbere te inflacionit. Kjo norme perfshine normat zyrtare te BQK-se per vitet 2012 (2.5%) dhe 2013 (1.8%), respektivisht 4.35% .



Kostot operative OPEX

NI)Cwt • let<l• llulll'Vil/dt I'M I K~1nton nt 3

t:..11sl1l1nC toooo r R pubh~ t<._,

Kostot operative dhe te mirembajtjes per vitin e trete relevant llogariten si shume e vleres se lejuar nga ZRrE-ja per vitin 2014 te shumezuar me shkallen e inflacionit, plus kostot e parashikuara operative dhe te r1irembajtjes per vitin e trete relevant (2015).

FPEE per kalkulimin e kostove operative dhe te mirembajtjes do te perdore formulen e aprovuar nga ZRrE ne SHTE8, perkatesisht ne vitin e dyte te periudhes rregullative, e cila eshte si ne vijim:

OPMC = OPMCt-1 *(CPit-1) * (1- Et) + OPMCt

Duhet pasur parasysh se tani te dhenat per vitin t paraqesin parashikimet per vitin 2015, ndersa te dhenat per vitin t-1 paraqesin te dhenat per vitin 2014.


Pershtatjet per OPEX kalkulohen ne baze te pjeses se pare te formules se mesiperme, respektivisht sipas shprehjes:

OPMC = OPMCt-1 *(CPi t-1 )

Per te bere kalkulimin e pershtatjeve, norma e inflacionit te cilen do ta perdore FPEE eshte norma zyrtare e publikuar ne raportin e vitit 2013 te Bankes Qendrore te Republikes se Kosoves. Sipas ketij raporti norma e inflacionit e shenuar ne Republiken e Kosoves per vitin 2013 eshte 1.8%1

• Kjo eshte vleresuar si norma e pershtatshme nga FPEE per qellim te kalkulimit te pershtatjeve per kostot e perkatese.

Pershtatja per OPEX

Ne shqyrtimin e fundit tarifor SHTE8, ZRrE-ja kishte aprovuar nivelin e lejuar te shpenzimeve operative dhe te mirembajtjes per vitin 2014 ne vleren prej 13.9 min€. Me aplikimin e normes se inflacionit prej 1.8%, OPEX i pershtatur per vitin 2014 eshte 14.2 min€.

Pershtatja per kostot e operative

OPEX-i 1 lejuar

Norma e inflacicn it

OPEX-i i pershtatur

Dallimi Tab 3. Pershtatjet e OPEX-it per vitin 2014

1 BQK, Raporti vjetor 20 13, fq 33

VIera (€000s)






KESICO N.X.1 El 1•~

Meqenese me procesin e shth urjes kemi ndryshime ne kostot e personelit, respektivisht ka

ndodhur bartja e punetoreve nga FPEE ne OSSh, atehere duhet te barten edhe kostot qe

asociohen me bartjen e personelit, pershire edhe pershtatjen per inflacion.

Ne tabelen e meposhtme jane paraqitur kostot per pershtatjen e inflacionet qe duhet te

transferohen ndermjet KEDS dhe KESCO.

2014 2014 Me Diferenca Rialokimi

Kostot e Aprovuar inflacion

(min€) (%) rialokuara

(min€) (min€) (min€)

OSSh 18.63 18.97 0.34 80% 0.47

FPEE 13.94 14.19 0.25 20% 0.12

Total 32.57 33.16 0.59 100% 0.59 Tab 4. Alokimi i pershtatjeve per CPI per vitin 2014

Si<; shihet nga tabela vlera e pershtatur per inflacion per vitin 2014 e cila duhet te bartet ne

OPEX-in final per vitin 2015 dote jete 117 mije Euro.

Pershtatja per Taksen e Licences

Ne shqyrtimin e fund it tarifor SHTE8, ZRrE-ja kishte aprovuar kostot e takses per licence ne

vlere prej 99 mije euro. Keto kosto ne kohen e aprovimit jane kalkulua r si prod him ndermjet <;mimit per licence ndaj sasise se parapare per import. Per shkak se sasia e importit te

realizuar per vitin 2014 eshte me e madhe se vlera e lejuar, rezulton ne nevojen per

pershtatjen e ketyre kostove. Sasia e realizuar e importit ne vitin 2014 eshte 867,563 MWh,

duke aplikuar <;mimin prej 0.22€/MWh te takses per licence ndaj kesaj sasie te importit,

rezulton se kostoja e pershtatur per taksen e licences eshte 191 mije euro. Dall imi ndermjet

takses se aprovuar dhe takses se pershtatur eshte 92 mije euro, vlere kjo e cila duhet t'i kompensohet FPEE-se.

Nga ajo qe u tha me larte, kostot per pershtatjet e OPEX-it per vitin 2014, te cilat duhet te

barten ne OPEX-in final per vitin 2015 jane 209 mije Euro.


Ne shqyrtimin e fundit tarifor, ZRrE-ja kishte aprovuar nivelin e lejuar te shpenzimeve

operative dhe te mirembajtjes per vitin 2015 ne vleren prej 12.5 min€. Kjo ishte percaktuar

te jete shuma e nevojshme per t'ju ofruar konsumatoreve nje nivel te arsyeshem te

sherbimit bazuar vetem ne faktet qe njiheshin ne kohen e aplikimit tete Hyrave te Lejuara

Maksimale nga mbajtesi paraprak i licences se FPEE-se. Sidoqofte, per shkak te kostove

shtese qe kane rrjedhur me pastaj (si<; jane kostot nga privatizimi dhe tani edhe shthu rja) ,


KESICO N- ~Eik1r~ llul~llld t t:MI l<l tRton nt 3

f ell tlnt: 10000 ~ I 01

A ~

pershtatjet e nevojshme te OPEX-it per vitin 2015 jane perditesuar dhe jane pershkruar si me poshte:

Kostot e Personelit

Numri i punetoreve ne FPEE do te jete i ndryshem nga niveli i aprovuar nga ZRrE-ja per vitin 2015, kjo per faktin se ne vitin 2015 FPEE do te operoj i pavarur nga OSSh dhe nje pjese e punetoreve qe kane qene pjese e FPEE-se do te kalojne tek OSSh, ashtu sic; parashihet ne Udhezimin per shthurje ligjore te aprovuar nga ZRrE per ndarjen e funksioneve ndermjet OSSh-se dhe FPEE-se. Numri i punetoreve te FPEE-se dote jete 240 punetore dhe se se bashku me bartjen e tyre ne OSSh dote barten edhe kostot percjellese per punetor, andaj FPEE prite"" te kete nje nivel me te ulte te kostove operative nga ajo e aprovuar nga ZRrE-ja gjate shqyrtimit periodik shumevjec;ar. Ky zvogelim i kostove qe ka te beje me transferimin punonjeseve eshte ekuivalent me vleren e kostove te bartur tek OSSh­ja ne menyre qe te sigurohemi qe mas kete dyfishim te ketyre kostove. VIera e ketyre kostove qe barten nga FPEE tek OSSh eshte 7.6 min€, te cilat do te zbriten nga OPEX i lejuar nga ZRrE per FPEE-ne per vitin 2015.

Megjithate, duke u bazuar ne procesin e privatizimit, kur KEDS eshte ndare nga KEK, FPEE dote llogarit edhe disa kostot shtese, te cilat dote rrjedhin si rezultat i shthurrjes dhe jane te justifikueshme. VIera e ke-yre kostove parashihet te jete 250 mije euro, te cilat perfshijne kostot shtese per menaxhmentin e rite FPEE-se.

Kostot shtese te personelit te cilat nuk jane parapare gjate shqyrtimit periodik shumevjec;ar par qe jane marre ne konsiderate gjate shqyrtimit te fundit tarifor jane kostot e kujdesit shendetesor, e cila ka rrjedh si nevoje ligjore pas privatizimit te kompanise ne vitin 2013. Kostoja e sigurimit shendetesor per punetor gjate vitit 2015 dote jete 13.92€, ashtu sic; ka qene edhe ne vitin paraprak, dhe si rezultat kostot shtese per sigurim shendetesor te cilat do t'i shtohen OPEX-it te FPEE-se per vitin 2015 jane 40 mije euro.

Rritja e pagave

ZRrE, ne vleresimin e saj gjate shqyrtimit periodik ka vendosur qe kostot e personelit te mbesin ne nivelin e njejte, perkunder rritjes se shitjeve dhe rritjes se numrit te konsumatoreve. Gjate vitit 2014 ka pasur kerkesa te vazhdueshme nga sindikata e punetoreve per rritje te pagave, te cilat kerkesa shpeshhere jane shoqeruar edhe me protesta te punetoreve. Kerkesa per rritje te pagave eshte paraqitur pasi qe sektori Publik si KEK dhe KOSTT, kane rritur pagat e tyre pas kerkeses se qeverise per rritjen e pagave ne sektorin publik. Duke qene nen presionin e vazhdueshem te punetoreve per rritje te pagave, ne kete aplikim ne i propozojme ZRrE-se te merr parasysh nje nivel te arsyeshem te rritjes prej 5% te pagave e cila rritje dote ofroje motivim per ta. ..

KESICO NoXol e E lcl(l •~ I<'· &•~ BuiCViltd l l~h'U Klm1on "' 3 1':!' YJ HI. • oU1 no....)

f'f t~tene lOOOO t, ·'•

R t<~ :::u or~·

Rritja e pagave prej 5% perfshin te gjithe personeiin, i ciii i takon FPEE-se pas shthurjes. Viera e ketyre kostove eshte 85 mije euro.

Kostot per sherbimet e perbashketa

Ne udhezimin e ZRrE-se, per shthurje iigjore, neni 6, ZRrE ka udhezuar qe sherbimet e perbashketa te mbesin tek OSS1-ja, me qeiiim te eiiminimit te kostove te dyfishta:

"Sherbimet e perbashketa do te kryhen nga OSSH ose kompania e cila e ka ne pronesi OSSH, bazuar ne marreveshje per sherbimet e perbashketa ne mes te OSSH-se dhe FPEE­se".

Meqe nuk ekziston ndonje metodoiogji per matjen e kostove per ofrimin e ketyre sherbimeve, vieresimi i kostove per sherbimet e perbashketa nga KESCO eshte bere ne bashkepunim me KEDS-in, bazuar ne aiokimin e kapaciteteve njerezore dhe shpenzimeve tjera percjeiiese qe nevoj iten per ofrimin e ketyre sherbimeve nga KEDS. Ne tabeien ne vij im eshte paraqitur aiokimi per ofrimin e sherbimeve te perbashketa ndermjet KEDS-it dhe KESCO-s, bazuar ne pervojat e 'liteve te kaiuara.

Departamenti OSSh FPEE

IT 50% 50%

Zyra ligjore 40% 60%

Financat 50% 50%

Marketingu 30% 70%

Administrata 65% 35%

Burimet njerezore 90% 10%

Prokurimi 90% 10% Tab 5. Fak.c-ret e a loki mit te kostove per sherbimet e perbashketa

Ne baze te ketyre faktoreve te aiokimit rezuiton qe kostot per sherbimet e perbashketa per FPEE-ne te jene 2.9 min€, te cilat perfshijne kostot e iejuara nga ZRrE per FPEE dhe OSSh­ne2 gjate shqyrtimit shumevjec;ar te tarifave, dhe kostove shtese te njohura gjate procesit te privatizimit (aiokimi i HQ-se KEKIKEDS), te ciiat jane aprovuar nga ZRrE-ja gjate shqyrtimit te fundit tarifor, ashtu sic; jane paraqitur ne tabeien nr. 6.

2 MYT KEK-technical assessment final Vl (7)". ..


Kostot per Sherbimet e perbashketa (HQ)

OSSh aprovimi nga MYT

OSSh alokimi per HQ KEK/KEDS

FPEE aprovimi nga MYT

OFPEE alokimi per HQ KEK/KEDS

Total HQ per FPEE dhe OSSh

Net kostot e HQ-se per OSSh

Kostot e FPEE-se per pagesen per sherbimet perbashketa Tab 6. Kostal pi:'!r Sherbimet e pi:'!rbashki:'!ta









Kostot per sherbimet e perbashketa per FPEE-ne duhet te trajtohen site hyra per OSSh-ne.

Perditesimi i Takses per Licence

Neni 9 paragrafi 3 i Rregulles per Taksat percakton se: "Taksa vjetore e licencimit, do te

imponohet vetem ndaj prodhuesve te energjise ose importuesve dhe do te perllogaritet si

duhet mbi bazat e futjes se energjise neto ne rrjet".

Duke u bazuar ne dispoziten e cekur me larte dhe tregun aktual te energjise elektrike ne Kosove, importues i vetem i energjise elektrike ne Kosove eshte Furnizuesi Publik, i cili

pervec; aktiviteteve tjera eshte pergjegjes edhe per importin e energjise elektrike, andaj taksa vjetore e licencimit ngarkohet tek Furnizuesi Publik.

Perditesimi i takses per licencen e Furnizuesit Publik per vitin 2015 eshte 111.7 mije euro ,

e cila eshte llogaritur si ne vijim:

Taksa e pershtatur per licence= 507,960 MWh *0.22 €/MWh=lll.7 mije Euro;

Ku 507,960 MWh eshte sasia e parapare e importit per vitin 2015 dhe 0.22 €/MW eshte

c;mimi per taksen e licences.

Sipas sqarimeve te dhena me siper, OPEX-i i parashikuar per vitin 2015 eshte paraqitur ne tabelen nr 7.




OPEX-i i aprovuar per FPEE-ne

lnflacion i i perbere 2012 -2013

Kostoja e inflacionit

Pjesa e HQ-se e perfshire ne sherbimet e perbashketa

OPEX-i fillestar

Sigurimi shendetesor

Taksa per licence ----OPEX-i i FPEE-se Ra kostot e H -se

Transferimi i punetoreve per OSSh-ne

Sherbimet e perbashketa (HQ)

Taksimi ndermjet kompanive

Kostoja per rritjen e pagave 5%

Kostot shtese per shthurje

I Total OPEX-i (OPMC:)

NIX'<1- ~ I 1<1•­ll ui i)'Viltd l [~111 Klmton nt 3 f

Pto.r. tono 10000 • R lJU I> II~ I<C.SOVC'!>

Aprovuar Perditesuar

2015 (€)


2015 (€)














7,309,298 Tab 7. Perd itesimi i OPEX-it per vitin 2015

OPMC=OPMCt-1 *(CPit-d * (1- E: )+ OPMCt

OPMC =0.12 +7.30 = 7.31 min€

Dallimi ndermjet OPEX-it te aprovuar nga ZRrE-ja dhe kerkeses se FPEE-se per vitin 2015, eshte kryesisht si rrjedhoje e procesit te shthurjes ligjore dhe funksionale te kompanise.


Kostot e zhvleresimit te lejuar DEPC

NO)tlo1 oEI " ' ' ­ijuiQf.lllt dl 13•11 KUn1o n "' :•

·~ >llt lnc! 10000 ' • t R~l>hl<ll ~

Kostot e zhvleresimit te lejuar Jer vitin trete relevant llogariten si shume e vleres se lejuar

nga ana e ZRrE-se per vitin 2014 te shumezuar me shkallen e inflacionit, plus kostot e

parashikuara te zhvleresimit te lejuar per Vitin e trete Relevant, respektivisht vitin 2015. Pasi

qe kostot e zhvleresimit te lejuar nuk jane profilizuar, ZRrE ne vitin e dyte te procesit te

pershtatjeve te rregullta ka korrigjuar kete formule, andaj edhe FPEE dote perdore te njejten

formule me qellim te kalkulimit te zhvleresimit te lejuar, e qe eshte:

DEPC = DEPCt-1 * (CPi t-1) +DEPCt


ZRrE ne vitin 2014 ka aprovuar kostot e zhvleresimit te lejuar ne vlere prej 198 mije euro.

Me aplikimin e normes se inflacionit prej 1.8%, zhvleresimi i lejuar i pershtatur per vitin

2014 eshte 201 mije euro. Gjate kalkulimit te kostove perfundimtare te zhvleresim it te lejuar

per vitin 2015, vlera e kostove te pershtatura per vitin 2014 eshte si diference ndermjet vleres se lejuar dhe vleres se pershtatur per vitin 2014, ose si 1.8% e vleres se lejuar per

vitin 2014, e qe eshte 3,555 euro.


Pershtatja per kostot e zhvleresimit

Zhvleresimi i lejJar

Norma e inflacion it

Zhvleresimi i pershtatur

Dallimi Ta b 8. Pershtatjet per DEPC per vitin 2014

VIera (€000s)





Viera e kostos se zhvleresimit te perditesuar per vitin 2015 perfshine vleren e kostos se

pershtatur per vitin 2014, kostot e pershtatura per inflacionin e perbere (2012-2013).

Zhvleresimi 2015 VIera (€000s)

DEPC (min€) 276.5

lnflacioni i perbere 2012 -2013 4.35%

Total DEPC 2015 (min€) 288.5

Tc:t 9. Perditesimi per kostot e zhvleresimit 2015

KESICO N~ e E ICW.1t~ f •· 13UI'WiVdl B1 l l Kt iAton nr 3 '

•~•t~nc toooo ~­R~bh~o.<~ I<~

Kostot e totaie te zhvieresimit te iejuar pasi qe jane marre parasysh kostot e pershtatjeve te zhvieresimit te iejuar per vitin 2:114 dhe kostot e perditesuara per vitin 2015, dote jene 292 mije euro sit; shihet edhe ne ka ikuiimet e meposhtme:

DEPC = DEPCt-1 * (CPit-1) +DEPCt

DEPC=0.004+0.288= 0.292 min€

Pershtatja per faturimin e humbjeve

Si rezuitat i ndryshimit te kostove me shumice per shkak te shqyrtim it te jashtezakonshem, ka ndryshuar edhe <;;mimi me shumice nga 27.3€/MWh ne 29.5€/MWh3

. Nese ne vend te gmimit prej 27.3€/MWh dote apiikohej gmimi prej 29.5€/MWh per kaikuiimin e kostove te humbjeve per periudhen nga 1shtator deri me 31 dhjetor, viera e kostove te humbjeve per te cilen duhet kompensuar FPEE dote jete 1.30 min€.


KOSTI (Shtator- Dhjetor)

OSSh (Shtator- Dhjetor)

Norma e lnteresit


Dallimi c;:mimit €/MWh



Humbjet (MWh) Shtator-Dhjetor



520,932 Tab 10. Pershtatjet per kostot e humbjeve

Pershtatjet per kostot me shumice

Kostot min€





Ne menyre qe te kemi qasje te drejte gjate kaikuiimit te kostove me shumice si dhe pastaj per kaikuiimin e faktorit korrigjues te te hyrave, viera meritore e kostove me shumice eshte perdorur ashtu sit; eshte apmvuar nga ZRrE ne shqyrtimin e jashtezakonshem. Menyra e kaikuiimit per pershtatjet e kostove me shumice eshte e shtjelluar ne pjesen e pare te apiikacionit te dorezuar ne ZRrE me 9 dhjetor 2014. Viera e kostove me shumice e ciia duhet pershtatur per vitin 2014 pas perfundimit te vitit kaiendarik 2014 eshte 8.4 min€. Kjo viere duhet te zbritet gjate aikuiimit te MAR-it perfundimtar te FPEE-se.

3 Shqyrtimi i Jashtezakonshem i tarifav2 te energjise elektrike ne kuader te SHTE8-Pergjigjet ndaj komenteve

KESICO NIX'OI e E l .,.,lt~ '• • 1'"'"1"'8 l~ul qoyHrd • 1~1 ~ 1 Krm1on 111 3 H Cl\1"''~ H-uN • uJ no .::t

1"11511tlnf! 10000 1 ~. '•ru JO(XX) R' pubhkJI K~ t ':\JU 01 X~

Pershtatjet per KREV

Faktori i pershtatjes se te hyrave (KREVt), pas shqyrtimit te jashtezakonshem dote llogaritet duke perdorur formulen e viji :

KREV t = (MARt-1- ARR t-1) * 0+ It)

Ku jane:

ARR t-1 Te hyrat aktuale te rregulluara gjate vitit relevant t-1

MAR t-1 Te hyrat e lejuara maksimale sk; percaktohen ne vitin relevant t-1

Norma e interesit per Vitin Relevant t, paraqet vleren e percaktuar nga Rregullatori gjate Azhurnimeve Vjetore sic; perdoret per te gjitha pershtatjet.

Faktori i pershtatjes se te hyrave (KREV) duhet te pasqyrohet si ne vijim:

ARR t-1 = 219 min€ (sic; eshte dokumentuar ne shtojcen A)

MARt-1= 252.3 min€ (pas vendi mit per shqyrtimin te jashtezakonshem)

It= 13.14% (sic; eshte perdorur nga ZRrE-ja ne SHTE8)

Duke shfrytezuar kalkulimet e mesiperme pershtatja dote jete:

KREVt = (252.3-219) )*(1+13.14%) = 37.5 min€

Komponentet tjera te kostove te Furnizuesit Publik

VIera e kostove te komponenteve tjera te cilat do te paraqiten ne kete pjese kalkulohen bazuar ne formulate specifikuara ne Rregullen e Cmimeve te FPEE-se. Keto vlera jane vlera hyrese dhe ato caktohen ne fillim te periudhes rregullative, prandaj te njejtat vlera te vendosura per kete periudhe rregullative dote perdoren ne kete aplikim.

Kapitali punues

Pervec; kostove me pakice, Rregulla e Cmimeve lejon qe FPEE-ja te perfshije nje lejim te kapitalit punues ne tarifat me pakice. Baza per lejimin e kapitalit punues perfshine:

a) Kostot e shitjes me pakice b) Kostot e energjise me shumice c) Ngarkesat e transmisionit qe i paguhen OST-se ..

KESICO N""'1 ~Ei k1 •~ Bul ~Wo~-ardl Bt11 Kl in1on nt 3

t>tn11ttnC lOOOO ,. Rpul>hloolo K~

d) Ngarkesat e shfrytezimit te sistemit te shperndarjes qe i paguhen OSSh-se e) Taksen e licences se ZR rE-se

Kostoja e kapitalit punues bazua r ne Rregul len e Cmimeve llogaritet sipas shprehjes si ne vijim :

WCLC= (1 / 12} * It * (RETRt+ WHPCt+ PSTCt- NTFRt)

VIera e kostove te kapitalit punues per vitin 2015 eshte 2.7 min€, sic; eshte paraqitur ne tabelen ne vijim:






Borgji i keq

Kostot e kapitalit punues



KEK Gjenerimi (Fikse dhe variabile)





Margjina e shitjeve me pakice

Pershtatjet per kostot me shu mice 2014

Total (€)

Kostot e OST-se

Kostot e OSSh-se

Tab 11. Kostot e kapital it punues per vitin 2015
















Sipas Rregulles se Cmimeve per FPEE-ne, borxhi i keq eshte niveli i perafert dhe arsyeshem i borxheve te keqija qe mund t'i kete FPEE-ja gjate nje viti relevant.

Per percaktimin e kostove te borxhit te keq se pari duhet te llogaritet MAR-i fillestar i cili nuk perfshin borxhin e keq. Pas apl ikimit te borxhit te keq prej 5%, ashtu sic; eshte percaktuar ne baze te vendimit V_399_2012, caktohet MAR-i perfundimtar i FPEE-se per vitin relevant t. Ndryshimi ndermjet MAR-it perfundimtar (i cili perfshin 5% e borxhit te keq) dhe MAR-it fillestar paraqet kostot e lejuara te borxhit te keq per vitin relevant.



Margjina e shitjes me pakice

N0011 ' ( I 1<,1•-.....s BuiO\IOtf'dt 1~111 1 Kt1n1on nt :-1.

·~IJIJt l nC l()()O() R pubh""' ~

Margjina e shtijes me pakice dote jete nje perqindje fikse qe aplikohet ne kostot e lejuara te energjise me shumice dhe kostot e lejuara te kapacitetit me shumice. Ajo duhet te caktohet ne ate nivel qe:

a) T'i siguroje FPEE-se perfitim te arsyeshem qe ta kompensoje per rreziqet qe ndermerr gjate ofnmit te sherbimit standard per konsumatoret e rregulluar, dhe

b) T'i siguroje FPEE-se kthim te arsyeshem nga asetet fikse neto te saj te perdorura gjate ofrimit te sherbimit standard per konsumatoret e rregulluar. Kjo duhet te llogaritet duke iu referuar kostos se kapitalit tete licencuarve te tjere ne Kosove.

Me qellim te mos perfitimit nga kostoja e energj ise se humbur ne OST dhe OSSh, FPEE-ja nuk i ka perfshire keto kosto gjate percaktimit te margjines se shitjeve me pakice.

Kostot qe barten

Rregulla e Cmimeve per FPEE-ne specifikon tri kosto qe barten:

);> Ngarkesat e Transm isionit, );> Ngarkesat e Shfrytezimit te Sistemit te Shperndarjes );> T aksen e Licences

Sipas vendimit te ZRrE-se, kostJt e FPEE-se, qe parashihen per KOSTT per vitin 2015 jane 16,5mln€, ndersa kostoja e humbjeve per te cilen FPEE-ja duhet kompensuar nga KOSTT eshte kalkuluar ne baze te sasise se humbjeve ne transmision qe parashihen ne baze te balances se energjise per vitin 2015 dhe 9mimit mesatar me shumice. FPEE supozon se ZRrE-ja dote duhet te rregulloje ngarkesat per vitin 2015 te vleresuara me siper ne baze te vendimit qe dote merr per ngarkesat e KOSTT-it.

Vlerat e parashikuara te kostove te OSSh-se per vitin 2015 qe do te barten tek FPEE eshte 97.6 min€. t;do ndryshim i mundshem nga ana e ZRrE-se per OSSh-ne do te duhet te relektohet ne parashikimin e MAR-it final te FPEE-se.

Taksa e Licences qe u perket konsumatoreve te rregulluar eshte eshte 0.112 min€, perderisa menyra e kalkulimit te takses se licences Si9 eshte sqaruar ne kalkulimet e mesiperme.


KESICO NOt>o1o o I lo,lr~ Oul(tfo'Oltd t B1JI Kl iA1on nr 3 ""'

'f.., t,.,lttnC! 1()0()()

A pubh"-'<>~

Te hyrat e lejuara maksimale- MAR

Totali i te Hyrave te Lejuara Maksimale (MAR) per vitin 2015 qe dote mbulohen nga tarifat e rregulluara me pakice do perfshijne kostot e te gjithe te licencuarve ne kete sektor, si ne vijim:

a) Gjeneratori Publik

b) Kostoja e Energjise Elektrike me Shumice- e dokumentuar ne Perditesimin e t;mimit me Shu mice te Energjise Elektrike per vitin 2015

c) Kostot e Transmisionit, te cilat duhet te adresohen nga KOSTT-i, par qe ne kete dokument jane paraqitur si kosto te vleresuara, bazuar ne vlerat e aprovuara nga ZRrE-ja gjate shqyrtimit periodik shumevje<;ar

d) Shfrytezimi i Sistemit te Shperndarjes- te cilat duhet te adresohen nga KEDS, par qe ne kete dokument jane perdorud nga aplikimi i tij i titulluar 'Propozimi per te Hyrat e Lejuana Maksimale per vitin 2015", dhe

e) Kostot e Furnizuesit -qe jane dokumentuar ne seksionin e mesiperm te ketij aplikimi

Ne tabelen e meposhtme eshte paraqitur permbledhja e kerkeses se te Hyrave te Lejuara Maksimale per FPEE-ne per vitin 2015, pas njohjes se te gjitha elementeve te kostove sipas

perberesve ne shtojcen 1 te Rregulles se t;mimeve te FPEE-se












KESICO N~1 - ~ • 11<1• 9 uiQ4r.l/dt Bt I K tnton " ' 3

f'ml1t1nC 10000 R~l>h"" t<~

Kerkesa per te Hyrat e Lejuara Maksimale 2013




Kapi:ali punues

KEK Gjenerimi (Fiks dhe varia bile)





Margjina e shitjes me pakice RETMt

Pershtatjet per kostot me shu mice per vitin 2014

Total (€)

Kostot e OST-se

Kostot e OSSh-se

Hurnbjet ne OST

Humbjet ne OSSh

Gjeneratoret e tjere ne nivel te OSSh




Pershtatjet per lnflacion

Pershtatja per Taksen e Licences

Pershtatja per Koston e Humbjeve

Borxhi i keq perqindje

MAR Perfundimtar .. .. . .

Tab 12 Kerkesa per MAR-me v1t1t 2015


























Percaktuesit e Faturimit te vitit 2015 jane bazuar ne shitjet qe perfshihen ne Bilancin

Energjetik dhe jane paraqitur ne shtojcen B. Kur tarifat aktuale me pakice, qe jane ne fuqi

nga shtatori i viti 2014, aplikohen ne percaktuesit e faturimit, rezulton se te ardhurat e

faturuara do te jene 253mln€. Ne menyre qe te mbulohen MAR-i i kerkuar nga FPEE-ja

per vitin 2015 prej 305 min€, kerkohet nje rritje e MAR-it prej 52 min€.

Duhet te theksohet, se ndryshimet thelbesore qe sjellin dallime ndermjet MAR-it te vitit

2014 dhe MAR-it te vitit 2015, te cilat jane jashte kontrollit te FPEE-se, jane si ne vijim:

a) Hyrja ne fuqi me vonese e tarifave me pakice (Korrik 2014)

b) Shperthimi i termocentralit Kosova A, e cila ka ndikuar ne rritjen e vellimit te importit,

zvogelimin e eksportit dhe mos-aplikimin e plate te ketij ndikimi.

c) Konsum me i ulte ne vitin 2014 krahasuar me konsumin e aprovuar nga ZRrE-ja . ..


B1lhng Determnants

Tariff Group Descnpt1on o f IVonthly Bill Det (Jan- Bill Det (July-

June) Aug) 1\1\easured Un1t B1ll1ng Un1t

220kV Customer Bills € 6 2 HI/ KW fiJkW 345,000 160,00D

Industrial Summer Peak €/kWh 71,739,334 65,718,799

Off-Peak €/kWh 45,D64,368 4D,479,D8D Winter

Peak fiJkWh 64,248,199 D Off-Peak €/kWh 39,923,262 D

Viiiirhr ~kVARh

Total Tariff Category Revenues

D Customer Bills € 12 4 Hll KW fiJkW 98 ,002 34,142

Industrial Summer 110kV Peak €/kWh 13,5?1 ,979 8,361 ,169

Off-Peak fiJkWh 11,259,953 7,041,737 Winter

Peak €/kWh 1D,012,266 0 Off-Peak fiJkWh 7.417,329 0

Varhr fiJkVARh Total Tariff Category Revenues

1 Customer Bills € 118 40 (35kV) KW fiJkW 36,965 14,072

Summer Peak €/kWh 3,747,777 3,D89,122

Off-Peak €/kWh 1,773,978 1,498,943 Winter

Peak fiJkWh 3,882,136 0 Off-Peak €/kWh 2,119,650 0

Varhr 2,356,421 721,95D

Total Tariff Category Revenues 2 Customer Bills € 1,277 429

(10 kV) KW fiJkW 266,141 91 ,879 Summer

Peak €/kWh 34,144,377 24,046,151 Off-Peak €/kWh 15,D20,27D 1D,621,985

Winter Peak fiJkWh 34,835,596 D

Off-Peak €/kWh 14,979,797 D Varhr 16,257,497 7,468,435

Total Tariff Category Revenues

3 M.Jtti-Tariff category 1 Customer Bill € 11,208 3,813 (D.4kV) KW fiJkW 619,985 221,799

Summer Peak €/kWh 5D,D34,26D 37,199,231

Off-Peak €/kWh 17,666,084 13,253,992 Winter

Peak fiJkWh 48,432,220 D Off-Peak €/kWh 17,9D5,286 D

Varhr €/kVARh 28,819,058 13,316,307

Total Tariff Category Revenues

4 Single Tariff catergory II Customer Bill € 62,140 16,010

1 Tariff Summer €/kWh 3,921 ,643 2,5D9,966 W inter €/kWh 6 ,791,288 D

4 Customer Bills 348,126 119,218

~ category 11 KW €/kW

(0.4 kV) Summer 2Tariff Peak €/kWh 5D,463,129 36,2D9,D84

Off-Peak €/kWh 39,493,764 28,8D7.477 Winter

Peak €/kWh 61,D19,994 D Off-Peak €/kWh 44,59D,262 D

Total Tariff Category Revenues (1 Tariff and 2

NOOi~OS.) c El(! 13ulnvmdt 13111 Krmton nr 3

fl!llttnO lOOOO Jb l tk.<lo;l<~

Shtojca A- Percaktuesit e Faturimit per Vitin 2014

Bill Det (Sept- Dec) ~ Reve nues w 1th 2 01 3


4 € 182.53 € 190.87 € 200.75 € 1,095 32D,ODD € 14.44 € 15.1D € 15.88 € 4,981,800

30,637,800 € 0.0223 E O.D233 € 0 .0245 E 1,599,787 18,948,57D € D.D223 € D.D233 € D.0245 € 1,004,935

99,213,3D3 € O.D223 € D.D233 € D.0245 € 1,432,735 60,97D,D19 € O.D223 € D.D233 € D.0245 € 89D,289


€ 9 ,910,641

8 €91.27 € 95.44 € 10D.38 € 1,D95 66,891 €6.09 €6.37 €6.7D € 596,83D

4 ,196,011 € 0 0 ?.09 € 0 0?19 €oono € ?R?,609 3,390,185 € O.D172 € 0.0180 € D.0189 € 193,671

11 ,328,991 € O.D707 € 0.0739 € D.0778 € 707,867 9,402,155 € 0.0294 € 0 .0307 € D.0323 € 218,D69

€ 0.000 € 0 .000

€ 2 ,000,142

80 € 12.07 € 12.62 € 13.27 € 1,424 25,18D €6.33 €6.62 €6.96 € 233,991

1,294,993 € O.D320 € D.D335 € 0.0352 € 119,929 605,738 € O.D288 € O.D301 € 0.0317 €51,091

4,029,905 € 0.0739 € 0.0773 € 0.0813 € 286,890 1,843,970 € 0.0391 € 0.0409 € 0.0430 € 82,878 1,645,258 € D.0072 € D.DD75 € D.OD79 € 16,966

€ 793,169

861 €4.99 € 5.22 €5.49 € 6,372 252,237 € 5.45 €5.7D €5.99 € 1,450,468

11,67D,442 € O.D369 € D.D386 € D.0406 € 1,259,928 5,277,661 € O.D336 € D.D351 €0.037D € 504,681

38,754,454 € D.0828 € 0.0866 €D.0911 € 2,884,387 16,475,938 € O.D446 € D.0466 € D.0491 € 668,D99 18,817,657 € 0.0072 € 0 .0075 € D.OD79 €117,D54

€ 6,890,990

7,839 € 2.81 € 2 .94 € 3.09 € 31,494 636,692 €3.17 €3.31 € 3.49 € 1,965,352

17,223,375 €D.0511 € 0.0534 € D.0562 € 2,556,751 6,140,702 € D.0482 € D.0504 € D.0530 € 851 ,505

55,912,683 € D.0920 € D.0962 €D.1D12 €4,455,764 19,669,529 € D.0580 € D.0606 € D.0638 € 1,038,507 30,713,97D € D.OD72 € D.0075 € D.OD79 € 207,497

€ 11,106,871

28,074 €3.18 €3.33 €3.5D € 165,805 1,D87,089 € O.D733 € D.D766 €0.08D6 € 287.456 3,591,81D € 0.1133 € D.1185 € 0.1246 € 769.453

246,730 €3.18 €3.33 €3.5D € 1,107,038

17,523,489 € D.0894 € 0.0935 € 0.0983 € 4,511,404 13,322,815 € D.0446 E D.0466 € D.0491 € 1,761,422

62,039,862 € D.1364 € D.1426 € D.1500 € 8,323,127 42,120,182 € D.D682 € 0.0713 € 0.0750 € 3,041,056

€ 19,966,761

Re ve nues w1th 2 014 Re v enue s w1th 2014 To t a l Re ve nues

tanffs (4 5 7';. ) ex t o rd t a nffs {5 1 8% ) 20 1 4

€382 €803 E 2,280 € 2.416,DOD € 5,D81,6DD € 12,479,4DD

ED € 1,531,248 € 75D,626 € 3,881,661

€ 943,163 €464,24D € 2,412,338 €D

€D € 2,43D,726 € 3,863,461 ED € 1,493,765 € 2,384,D54 ED €0 €D

€ 4,890,792 € 10,221 ,760 € 25,023,194

€ 382 €803 € 2,28D € 217,486 €448,168 € 1,262.484

€D € 183,110 ¥ RflJiOR (i fiR?,??7

€ 126,751 € 64,074 € 384,497 €0

€0 € 881,395 € 1,589,263 €0 € 303,690 € 521,759

€0 € 527,729 € 1,794,638 € 4,322,510

€ 505 € 1,062 €2,991 € 93,157 € 175,253 € 502.4DD

€ D € 103,486 € 45,584 € 268,998 €45,118 € 19,202 € 115,411

€0 €0 € 327,631 € 614,521 €0 € 79,291 € 162,169

€ 5,415 € 12,998 € 35,378

€ 247,680 € 661,020 € 1,701,868 € 2,239 € 4,727 € 13,339

€ 523,71D € 1,510,90D € 3 ,485,078 ED

€ 928,181 € 473,820 € 2,661,929 € 372,832 € 195,273 € 1,D72,786

€0 ED € 3,530,531 € 6.414,918 €D € 8D8,969 € 1,477,068

€ 56,D13 € 148,659 € 321,727

€ 1,882,976 € 6,672,879 € 16,446,844

€ 11 ,210 € 24,223 € 66,927 € 734,155 € 2,222,055 € 4,921,562

€0 € 1,986.439 € 967,954 €5,511,143

€ 668,001 € 325,457 € 1,844,964 €0

ED € 5 ,658,364 € 1D,114,128 €D € 1,254,916 € 2,293.423

€ 99,872 € 242,64D € 550,010

€ 3,499,677 € 10,695,608 € 25,302,157

€ 53,313 € 98 ,259 € 317,378 € 192,263 € 87,619 € 567,339

€0 €447,540 € 1,216,992 € 396,996 € 860,055 € 2,364,D88

€ 3,385,549 € 1,722,559 € 9,619,512 € 1,342,428 € 654,150 € 3,758,001

€D € 9,3D5,979 € 17,629,1 D6 €D € 3,159,D14 € 6,20D,D70

€ 5,370,560 € 16,336,175 € 41,672,486

? <;


Domestic 2-rate mtr.

6 D o m estic

1 rate m tr .

7 Do m estic

Un-m etered


Publ ic Ltg

KESICO Custome r B ill € 2 ,321 ,803 789,168 1 ,609,899

< 200 kWh

Summer Peak €/kWh 96,4 17,348 69,7 25,369 37,266,629

O ff- Peak €/kWh 90,328,286 62,823,4 67 31 ,000,70 5 Winter

Peak €/kWh 91 ,566,438 0 108,54 4 ,1 56 Off-Peak €/kWh 88 ,174,301 0 85,893,611 200-600 kWh

Summer Peak €/kWh 100 ,045 ,491 69,166,24 9 33,922,387

O ff-Peak €/kWh 108,366,646 7 1 ,2 1 3 ,655 3 1,972,542 Winter

Peak €/kWh 107,786,595 0 123,216,581 O ff- Peak €/kWh 119,430,90(; 0 108,000, 17G

> 600 kWh

Summer Peak €/kWh 27,870 ,141 16 ,820,7 17 6,642,008

Off-Peak €/kWh 34,30 3,661 19 ,869,995 7 ,272 ,215 Winter

Peak €/kWh 52,780,50 3 0 45,292,493 Off-Peak €/kWh 65,84 1,451 0 45,650,872

Tota l Tari ff Category Revenues

Custome r B i ll € 99,372 28,896 46,663 < 200 kWh

Summer €/kWh 6,077,946 3,925 ,33 7 1,778,446 W inte r €/kWh 6 ,255,918 0 4,132,263

200-600 kWh Summe r €/kWh 4,036,825 2,632,0 8 7 1,0 25,940 Winter €/kWh 4,61 5,0 21 0 2 ,921 ,07 0

> 600 kWh

Summer €/kWh 768,3 2 1 3 5 6,99 6 123,325 Wint er €/kWh 1 ,278,630 0 519,977 Total Tariff Category Revenues

Customer Bill € 1 ,317 234 467 < 4 00 kWh

Summer €/kWh 141,768 9 2,66 4 4 6 ,332 Winter €/kWh 380 ,556 0 1 38,204 Customer Bill € 664 8 1 160

4 0 0-80 0 kWh Summer € /kWh 86,864 57,672 2 8 ,480 W inte r € /kWh 379,49 6 0 85,440 C ustomer Bill € 6 2 4 8

> 800 kWh

Summer €/kWh 8 ,449 4 ,828 2,4 14 W inter € /kWh 5 4 ,3 15 0 7 ,242 Total Tariff Category Revenues Customer Bills I € I 7 ,1901 2,6411 6 ,2291 Summer € /kWh I 4,611,9 12 1 1,297,751 3 ,346 ,380 1 Winter €/kWh I 4 ,611,91 2 1 1 ,2 97,7 51 3 ,3 4 6 ,3 801 Total Tariff Category Revenues

Total Annual Revenues for all Tariff Ca tegories Above


€ 0 .0363 € 0 .0 1 8 1

€ 0 .0505

€ 0.0254

€ 0 .0 501 € 0 .0251

€0.0700 €0.03(;1

€0.0727 € 0 .0365

€ 0 .10 16 € 0.0 507

€2.2 7

€ 0 .0322 € 0 .0 45 1

€0 .0446 € 0 .0624

€ 0 .0649 € 0.0 9 05

€ 23.4 1

€ 4 2 .37

€ 7 1 .40


€ 0 .091 7 € 0 .0917

N dl>flt!So\ 0 EI~~ ~·­Hui~Mdt flt11 Krtn1on rv :i

l 'nSiotln<! 10000 R'~Ohkb ('I K~

€2.37 €2 .50

€ 0.0380 € 0 .0399 € 0.0189 € 0 .0199

€ 0 .0528 € 0 .0 555 € 0 .0266 €0.0279

€0 .0524 € 0 .0 551 € 0 .0262 € 0 .0276

€ 0 .0732 € 0 .0770

E 0 .0367 E 0 .0 3 06

€ 0.0760 € 0 .0800 € 0 .0382 € 0 .040 1

€0.1062 €0.1 1 17 € 0 .0530 € 0 .0558

€2.37 €2.50

€ 0 .0337 € 0 .0354 €0.04 72 € 0 .0 4 96

€0.0466 € 0 .0 491 € 0 .0653 € 0 .0686

€ 0 .0679 € 0 .071 4 € 0.0946 € 0 .0995

€ 2 4 .48 € 2 5 .75

€ 44.3 1 €46.60

€74.66 €78.53

€ 3 .33 €3 .5 0 € 0.0 9 5 9 € 0 .1009 € 0 .0959 € 0 .1009


€ 5 ,270,493

€ 3,4 99,950 € 1 ,6 3 4,9 4 2

€ 4,624,105

€ 2,239,627

€ 5 ,0 12,279 € 2 ,720,00 3

€ 7 ,545,0 62 €4,192,237

€ 2,026, 1 59

€ 1,2 5 2,0 84

€ 5,36 2,499

€ 3,338,1 62

€ 48,717,601

€ 225 ,574

€ 195,71 0 € 282,142

€ 18 0 ,042 € 287,977

€ 4 9 ,864 € 11 5,7 16

€ 1,337,026

€ 3 0 ,831

€ 27,710

€ 3,713

€ 62,264

€ 2 2,864

€ 422 ,91 2 € 4 22,91 2

€ 868,689

€ 101,664,144

€ 1,870 ,304 €4,024,748 € 11,165,545

€ 2 ,649,564 € 1 ,4 86,938 € 7,636,452 € 1,187,364 € 6 16,914 € 3,439,220

€0 € 6 ,024,201 € 1 0 ,648 ,306 € 0 € 2,396,432 € 4,636,059

€ 3 ,624,311 € 1,869,124 € 10,505,714 € 1 ,865,798 € 882,442 € 5,468,243

€0 € 9,487,677 € 17,0 3 2,738 €0 €4,194,283 € 8 ,306,520

€ 1 ,27 8 ,37~ € 53 1,368 € 3,835 ,90 2 € 759,0 3 4 €291 ,6 16 € 2,302,733

€0 € 5 ,059 ,1 7 1 € 1 0 ,421 ,67 1 €0 €2 ,54 7,3 19 € 5 ,885,480

€ 13,234,760 € 39,412,231 € 101,364,682

€ 68,481 € 11 6,633 € 41 0 ,688

€ 132,284 €62,957 € 390 ,951 € 0 € 2 0 4 ,960 €487,102

€ 122,655 €50,374 € 353,07 1 € 0 € 200 ,385 € 488,363

€ 24,240 € 8,805 € 82,90 9 € 0 € 51,738 € 167,454

€ 347,660 € 696,862 € 2,380,638

€ 5 ,728 € 12,0 25 € 4 8 ,585

€ 3,589 € 7 ,456 € 38,755

€ 299 €628 €4,640

€ 9,616 € 20,109 € 91 ,979

€ 8,462 € 18 ,3 0 2 € 4 9 ,627 € 12 4 ,4 5 4 € 337,650 € 885,01 6 € 124 ,4 54 € 337,650 € 8 8 5 ,01 6

€ 267,370 € 693,601 € 1 ,819,660

€ 30,268,801 € 87,202,874 € 219,1 26,819

KESICO Shtojca B- PE!rcaktuesit e Faturimit pE!r Vitin 2015

Tan ff Bill ing D e t e rminants

Bill in g Determ ina nts R e v e nu es 2 015

Ex 1s t1n g

Group D escn p t 1c n of Monthly

fo r the Year 2015 tan ff s W1th Curre ntTa nff M eas ured Un1t Btl l• n g Un1t

220kV Customer Bills € 12 € 200.75 € 2 409

HV KW €/kW 960 000 € 15.88 € 15 244 800

Industria I Summer 0

Peak €/kWh 219 600 000 € 0.0245 € 5 380 200

Off-Peak €/kWh 97 254 000 € 0 .0245 € 2 382 723

Winter 0

Peak €/kWh 218 400 000 € 0 .0245 € 5 350 800

Off-Peak €/kWh 96 724 000 € 0.0245 € 2 369 738

Va r hr €/kVARh € 0 .000

Total Tariff Category Revenues € 30,730,670

0 Customer Bills € 24 € 100.38 € 2 409

HV KW €/kW 183 500 €6.70 € 1229 450

Industrial Summer 0

110kV Peak €/kWh 28 733 933 € 0 .0230 € 660 880

Off- Peak €/kWh 22 961067 € 0 .0189 € 433 964 Winter 0

Peak €/kWh 21380157 € 0.0778 € 1663 376 Off-Pe ak €/kWh 17 308 843 € 0 .0323 € 559 076

Va r hr €/kVARh

Total Tariff Category Revenues €4,549,156

1 Customer Bills € I 238 € 13.27 € 3158

{35 kV) KW €/kW I 76 217 €6.96 € 530 473

Summer 0

Peak €/kWh I 11298 233 € 0 .0352 € 397 698 Off-Peak €/kWh I 5 379 781 € 0.0317 € 170 539

Winter 0

Peak €/kWh I 11645 346 € 0 .0813 € 946 767 Off-Peak €/kWh I 5 724 694 € 0 .0430 € 246162

Va rhr I 4,723,629 € 0 .0079 € 37,317

Toto/ Tariff Category Revenues € 2,332,113

2 Customer Bills € I 2 567 € 5.49 € 14 093

(10 kV) KW €/kW I 610 257 €5.99 € 3 655 439 Summer 0

Peak €/kWh I 72 893 493 € 0.0406 € 2 959 476 Off-Peak €/kWh I 32 259166 € 0.0370 € 1193 589

Winter 0

Peak €/kWh I 80 390 825 € 0.0911 € 7 323 604 Off- Peak €/kWh I 34 362 525 € 0.0491 € 1687 200

Va rhr I 42,543,589 € 0 .0079 € 336,094

Total Tariff Category Revenues € 17,169,496

3 Multi-Tariff

Category I Customer Bill € I 22860 € 3 .09 € 70 637

(0.4 kV) KW €/kW I 1478 476 €3.49 € 5159 881

Summer 0

Peak €/kWh I 105 389 612 € 0 .0562 € 5 922 896 Off-Peak €/kWh I 37 395166 € 0 .0530 € 1 981 944

Winter 0

Pe ak €/kWh 104 312 278 € 0 .1012 € 10 556 403 Off-Peak €/kWh I 37 552 825 € 0 .0638 € 2 395 870

Va rhr €/kVARh I 72,849,335 € 0 .0079 € 575,510

Total Tariff Category Revenues € 26,663,141

4 Single Tariff

Cate rgory II Customer Bill € 96224 € 3 .50 € 336 784 1 Tariff Summer €/kWh 8126 805 € 0.0806 € 655 020

Winter €/kWh 11607 205 € 0 .1246 € 1,446,258

4 Customer Bills 713 073 € 3 .50 € 2 495 756 Category II KW €/kW

(0.4 kV) Summer

2 Tariff Peak €/kWh 112 539 665 € 0.0983 € 11 062 649 Off-Peak €/kWh 88166 198 € 0 .0491 € 4 328 960

Winter 0

Pea k €/kWh 136 958 500 € 0 .1500 € 20 543 775

Off-Peak €/kWh 96 511770 € 0 .0750 € 7 238 383

Total Tariff Category Revenues(~ Tariff and 2 Tariff) € 48,107,585

5 Domestic 2-rate mtr.



1 rate mtr.





Public Ltg


Customer Bill €

< 200 kWh


Peak €/kWh Off-Peak €/kWh

Winter Peak €/kWh

Off-Peak €/kWh 200-600 kWh


Peak €/kWh

Off-Peak €/kWh

Winter Peak €/kWh

Off-Peak €/kWh

> 600 kWh


Peak €/kWh

Off-Peak €/kWh


Peak €/kWh

Off-Peak €/kWh

Total Tariff Category Revenues

Customer Bill €

< 200 kWh

Summer €/kWh Winter €/kWh

200-600 kW h

Summer €/kWh

Winter €/kWh

> 600 kW h

Summer €/kWh

Winter €/kWh

Total Tariff Category Revenues

Customer Bill €

< 400 kWh

Summer €/kWh Winter €/kWh Customer Bill €

400-800 kWh

Summer €/kWh Winter €/kWh

Customer Bill €

> 800 kWh

Summer €/kWh

Winter €/kWh

Total Tariff Category Revenues

Customer Bills € Summer €/kWh

Winter €/kWh

Total Tariff Category Revenues

NIJI\01 F l nr-13UIMI'ilrdl l~'hJ I Kllfl10-n nr 3

f~t!.ll llnC 10000 R PUI>Io10 ~

4 720 860 € 2.50

219 279 602 € 0.0399

198 612 126 € 0.0199

225,714,97 4 € 0.0555

196 738 210 € 0 .0279

218 783 018 € 0 .0551

227 991557 € 0.0276


261030 039 € 0.0770

258 326 449 € 0.0386

55 473 820 € 0 .0800

66 379 054 €0.0401

111892 723 € 0.1117

127,471,219 € 0 .0558

174 920 € 2.50

18 336 471 € 0 .0354

17 546 221 € 0.0496

11929 816 € 0.0491

12 714 958 €0.0686

1931586 €0.0714

2,958,874 € 0.0995

2 018 € 25.75

2 484 439

2 273 479

895 € 46.60

1530 817

1794 429 64 € 78.53

139 281


14960 € 3.50

9 536 888 € 0.1009 9,536,888 € 0 .1009

Total Annual Revenues for all Tariff Categories Above

€ 11802 150

€ 8 749 256 € 3 952 381


€ 12,527,181

€5 488 996

€ 12 054 944

€ 6 292 567

€ 20 099 313

€ 9 971401

€ 4 437 906

€ 2 661800

€ 12 498,417

€ 7,112,894

€ 117 649 207

€ 437 300

€ 649111

€ 870 293

€ 585 754

€872 246

€ 137 915

€ 294,408

€ 3,847,027

€ 51964

€ 41707

€ 5,026

€ 98,696

€ 52,360

€ 962 272 € 962,272

€ 1,976,904

€ 253,123,994


KESCO N <M11 F l :t r~ llui ~""Voud t l:tiJ I Krmton nt 3 H

' ~""tone 10000 R pUI>h""' I(~

Shtojca C - Zhvleresimi Regulatory Asset Base (RAB) Used for det ermining allowed deereciation

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Pre-2012 assets Average life (years) 3.00

Opening value €mill ion 2.11g 1.4 0.] 0.0 0.0 0.0

Additions € mill ion 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Depreciation €million -0.] -0 .] -0.] 0.0 0.0 0.0

Closing value €mill ion 1.4 0 .] 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Mid-year value €mill ic·n 1.8 1.1 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.0

New assets

Average life (years) 5

Capex Depreciation -----

2012 0.4 0.04 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08

2013 0.4 0.04 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08

2014 0.4 0.04 0.08 0.08 0.08

2015 0.4 0.04 0.08 0.08

2016 0.4 0.04 0.08

2017 0.4 0.04

Opening value €million 0.0 0.4 0.6 0.8 o.g 1.0

Additions €mill ion 0.4 0.4 0-4 0.4 0.4 0.4

Depreciation €mill ion 0.0 -0.1 -0.2 -0.3 -0.4 -0.4

Closing value €mill ion 0.4 0.6 o.8 o.g 1.0 o.g

Mid-year value € mill ion 0.2 0.5 0 .] o.g 1.0 1.0

Total RAB

Opening value € mill ion 2.12 1.77 1.34 0.83 o.g5

Additions € mill ion 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40

Depreciation €million -0 .]5 -0.82 -o.go -0.28 -0.36 -0.43 Closing value €million 1.77 1-34 0.83 o.g5 o.g5

Mid-year value €million 1.g 1.6 1.1 o.g 1.0 1.0




KtStVSKOPftEDUZC~El.4~~~~A~~~KTRI~NOIIENERGIJOIID.J. puBLIc sup p L I E R Nr. 01-t 01. -21, 0 (. .zou~

·a_Hq, 1.


(Regular Adjustments Process)

January, 2015



Content Introduction ......... .. ...... .. ............. .... .......... ....... .. ....... .. ........ ... ....... ... ............ ... .... .. .. .... ................. 3

Legal and Functional Unbundling ...... ..... ........................ ... ... .. .......... .............. ... ....... ... ..... ............ .4

Energy Balance ............... ...... ... ...... ........... ... ........................... .. ..... ...... ... .. ............... ...... .. .... .... .... 5

Cost adjustments and updates ............................... .... ...... .... ........ .. ..... .............. ... ......................... 7

Operational costs- OPEX ... .. ...... ............. ................. ............... ......... ... ... ............. .. .... .. .... ... ........ 8

Adjustments ..... ..... .. .... .. ......... ...... .... .... ... ... ................ ..... ...... ....... .... ............ ..... .................... 9

OPEX Adjustments ..... ........................ ......... ...... .. ................ ..... ......... .............. ... .. ... ....... .... 9

Adjustments for Licensee Fee ....... ............ .. .... ... ........ .... ..... ...... ........ ....... ....... .. .. .... ..... ..... 10

Updates ..... ....... ..... ....... .... .. ............... ... .... .................... ...... ... .. ...... ............... ......... ............. 10

Personnel costs .... ...... .. ..... .............................. ... .... .............. ............. .... ......... ... ..... .. ... .... 11

Salary Increase .......... .. .... ......... ...... ... ... ... .. ........ ... .. .......... ..... ..... .. .... .... ........ ....... ......... ... 11

Costs for shared services .. ..... ... .. .. .... ....... .... .... ..... ........... .. .......... .. ... ........ ....... .. ..... ... ....... 12

Updates for the License Fee ............ .... ....... ...... ... .... ... ........... .. ........... .. .... .... ........... ......... 13

Allowed Depreciation Costs DEPC .. .......... ...... ...... .... .... ............. ... .......... ..... ..... ........................ 14

Adjustments ...... .... .... ........ .... ............................... ............ ..... ....... ... ... ........... ..... ..... ... ... ..... . 14

Updates .......... .......... ............ ... .............. ........ ....................... .... ... .. .... ............ .... ... ..... .... ..... 15

Adjustments for cost of losses .. .. ................ ................ ... .......... ...... .. ........................................ 15

Wholesale cost adjustments ...... .............. .. .............. ..... ..... .......... ..... ..... .. ... .. .......... ... ... .. ......... 16

KREV Adjustments ........ ... .. ... .. ..... ..... ..... .. .. ....... ........ .. ... ...... ...... ............... ... .. ... ... .......... ......... 16

Other cost components of the Public Supplier .................................... .. .............. .... ... ............... 17

Working Capital .. ............................................... .. ..... .. ............ .... ................. .. ... ........ ........... 17

Table 11 Cost of the working capital for the year 2015 ........ .......... .... .. ... ............ ... ........ .. .... .. 17

Bad Debt ....... ........... .... ....... .. ... ... ... ... .......... .... ........ .... .... .... .... ............. .. .. ....... .......... ......... 18

Retail Margin ........................... .... .. ........ .. .................................. ... .. .. .. ......... ..... .... ..... ....... .. 18

Pass-through costs .................................. ............... .. ....... .. ..... ........ .................. .. ..... .. ..... ....... . 18

Maximum Allowed Revenues -MAR ........ .. ........ .. .. .. ......... ............ ... .. .............. .. ...... ... .................. 19

Appendix A .. .... ....... ............... ..... ...... .......... ..... ...... .. ...... ..... ... .... .. ... .................... ... .... .... ..... .... 21

AppendixB .. .............. ......... ............................... ....... ................. .... ......... ................ .... ... ......... 23

Appendix C ........ ........ .... ........... ....... ..... ................ ........................... ..... ... ... .... ...................... .. 25


KESICO N C)C.Il• El k1r~.'$S .. ) q,,~. ltW BUII."VIUdl 13111 Ktln1on Ill 3 f G ~ · Ht. , 1 a 110 .J

~ ~ >11t1n 10000 "'""" JO<W A ;x.1 t> ll~ e I<~ , Of 1\.XOKJ


Public Supplier drafted the proposal for Maximum Allowed Revenues for the year 2015 both

in hard copy and electronic form, within the time-frame defined at Schedule 4 of the Pricing

Rule of the Public Energy Supplier, which represents the Regular Adjustment Process, and guidelines from ERO provided in the official letter dated 27 November 2014 regarding the

process of annual adjustments.

PES in its proposal has incorporated all required and needed documents and evidences,

including values regarding all components of the formula on regular adjustments.

In this application, Public Supplier has incorporated all its reasonable costs with the

purpose of its normal operation as well as offer better service to its entire customer. Given

the fact that tariff process is interactive process between ERO and other licensees, this

application can be adjusted with the aim of reflecting costs that are interlinked with other



Legal and Functional Unbundling

N<Jtwl e E leM.Ir~ I~UIOVilf rS I l3i:JI Kl IR10n nt :i

f ~·t•nc lOOOO ~ '• R pubh~ ~ 1 :vr ct

There was a legal requirement from the Energy Regulatory Office, based on the article 46 of

the Law on Energy Regulatory Nr. 03/L-085 and the Implementation Agreement signed

between shareholder KEDS, respectively Kosova Calik Limak Energy j.s.c and Kosovo

Government, for the legal and functional unbundling between Distribution System Operator

and Public Supplier before 31 December 2014.

Taking into consideration this legal request, ERO Board on 29 April 2014 has approved the

Guideline for Legal unbundling for KEDS, by explaining necessary steps that need to be

taken in order to finish the u1bundling process of KEDS, respectively the unbundling of distribution and supply functions. Based on these request, Kosovo Calik Limak Energy j.s.c

has established a new entity named Kosovo Electricity Supply Company j.s.c. (KESCO)

whom the supply functions will be transferred from KEDS.

KESCO has already received from ERO the decision V _670_2014 for transferring the supply

license from KEDS, to perforrr all the functions of the Public Supplier, and has started to operate from 1 January 2015. As a result, KEDS has transferred in this newly established

company all new contracts, wealth, employees and obligation that are related to business


Unbundling of KEDS in two companies, in KEDS and KESCO surely will affect the costs associated with these companies. Transferring functions from one company to the other one

will be associated with the increase, respectively decrease of costs per each respective

company. With the aim of elirrinating the risk for increased costs for both legal unbundled

entities, which would result in double functions and respectively higher prices for end users, ERO through decision V_619_2014 has guided that shared services (such as: IT, finance, legal issues, etc.) will be perfo rmed by DSO, based on an agreement wh ich will be drafted

between DSO and Public Supplier. There are several advantages from the implementation of

the concept for shared services: firstly the concept supports the implementation of the

European Legislation for the second and third package of the unbundling processes;

secondly ensures benefits from the centralization process and in this content provides

benefits such as the possibilities to standardize and automate processes, using the same

infrastructure and hence sharing its costs. Another benefit is the sharing the IT and IS

infrastructure which would be more costly if applied separately.

Functional unbundling between KEDS and KESCO is done by respecting functions that both

companies need to perform , based on the conditions set in the license. All functions, such as: disconnection/re-connections, meter reading, managing technical and non-technical

losses that previously were dcne by the Public Supplier, now will be transferred to DSO

(KEDS) as foreseen with license. In this regard the year 2015 is the first organizational year ..

KESICO N (lr0r-q014o E1~1 t~ t '•· .1 8v it""6 13ultWOltd l l;tUI K~m1on nr 3 fJ CM•' Y1 Hr. r uo no. 1

1-'ft s.htin«! 10000 1 T ,,,n:J JOU R pubhk.d~~ 'l:""CA ar ...... u

for PES, which is fully effective based on functions and processes determined in PES


Energy Balance

Available energy (KEK generation, generation in the transmission level, generation in

distribution level, import, and export) losses in transmission system, distribution system and

sales to customers that are used in this application are all represented in the table 1.


Gross Generation


2015 Energy Balance

Energy Entering in transmission



Customers 220/110 kV


Self consumption of transmission

Distri bution Network

Net Consumption-max

Transmission losses

Gross Consumption


Surp Ius/Deficit

Energy Entering in Distribution

Generation at distribution level


Technical and Commercial Losses


Sales in distribution level

Total PES sales Table l Summary of the energy balance


5760 84


508 6352





5739 114

5853 515 -16


47 4789 1256 280


With the aim of balancing consumption and production, the forecasted amount of import for

2015 is 507.9GWh. It should be emphasized that besides the amount of regular import, it

might result a need for emergency import, especially during winter season, due to the short

unplanned outages of the generation units, long unplanned outages of the generation units,

overhauls and revisions of the generating units, whereas exports will occur in cases when

nominations for the following day turnout to be exaggerated, mainly due to the weather conditions.

KESICO N00>1f'S;) o E lc\<1•~ ll ulrvot rd t t!h11 Kl 1R1 on nt 3

'" "'t'ne loooo ' . R bh~e t<~ 1 •XJDI

When drafting power balance . the needed amount for export is calculated as balancing

number, with the aim of balancing energy production and consumption in real time. Export

amount forecasted for -he year 2015 is 515 GWh, which is higher compared with the amount in 2014, because energy production from KEK for the year 2015 is higher. It should

be emphasized that export is not done to benefit from low costs of the electricity export in other countries.

In total forecasted sales for regulated customer are 3,977 GWh, which includes sales to the

customers in the distribution level of 3,253 GWh and sales in the transmission level of 724


Electricity sales and other billing determinants for the year 2015 are allocated into customer

categories by using historical data from 2014.

Forecast of the allocation of sa es between low tariff and high tariff for 2015 is based on the

actual data of the year 2014. The table below shows the consumption ratio between high

tariff and low tariff for customer categories with two rate meters.

Consumption ratio between high and low tariff

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Ta riff Group

HT 61% 62% 62% 61% 61% 62% 62% 62% 62% 62% 62% 220 kV

LT 33% 38% 38% 39% 39% 38% 38% 38% 38% 38% 38%

HT 6•) % 61% 55% 56% 56% 52% 54% 54% 55% 56% 53% 110 kV

LT 4•) % 39% 45% 44% 44% 48% 46% 46% 45% 44% 47%

HT 6.J% 69% 68% 68% 68% 68% 67% 68% 68% 69% 69% 35 kV

LT 4•) % 31% 32% 32% 32% 32% 33% 32% 32% 31% 31%

HT 7o)% 70% 70% 69% 70% 70% 68% 71% 69% 70% 70% 10 kV

LT 3•) % 30% 30% 31% 30% 30% 32% 29% 31% 30% 30%

HT 72% 73% 74% 73% 74% 74% 74% 74% 74% 74% 74% 0.4 kV with reactive energy

LT 2 3% 26% 26% 26% 26% 26% 27% 27% 26% 26% 26%

HT 55% 53% 55% 54% 54% 53% 53% 54% 55% 56% 58% 0.4 kV Commercial

LT 4•) % 39% 40% 42% 42% 42% 43% 43% 42% 40% 39%

HT 43% 48% 48% 48% 49% 50% 50% 51% 53% 54% 54% Households 2 rate meters

LT 52% 52% 52% 52% 51% 50% 50% 49% 47% 46% 46%

HT 54% 54% 55% 54% 55% 56% 56% 57% 58% 58% 59% Total

LT 46% 46% 45% 46% 45% 44% 44% 43% 42% 42% 41%

able 2 Consumption rat1o between HT and LT

As we can see from the table, there is a shift between consumption from low tariff towards high tariff, which has resulted so mainly due to the replacement of simple mechanic meters with new electronic ones, especially for the household category. However even in 2015 the

consumption ratio between high and low tariff is not expected to exceed ratio of 60%-40%.


















KES]CO N l)et, ;) • l~lr~ ~ r BuiQYotrdl Bil l Kllnlon nt 3 ' Q r. ·

I <>tot 1nC 10000 R b hk<t ~

Besides energy component, when billing we should take into consideration other billing components, such as:

• Number of customers

• Demand (kW) per category with load meter

• Reactive energy (kVArh) per relevanttariff categories

Actual billing determina ts for the year 2014 and forecasted ones for the year 2015 are

presented in the Appendix A and B.

Cost adjustments and updates

In order to cover the costs of the Public Suppl ier we need to do necessary cost adjustments

and updates. As a result of differences between approved Maximum Allowed Revenues and actual ones for the year 2014 we need to perform mechanical adjustments, in order to take into account additional costs that are beyond Public Supplier's control. Costs approved

during regulatory period for the year 2015 is necessary to be updated, with the aim of

reflecting real costs that were not anticipated during the process of periodic review.

During periodic review for the first regulatory period cost profiling was not done, therefore

the formula for forecasting costs will be used as it was approved by ERO in the second year

of regulatory review. The same methodology was applied by PES in the last review as a

necessity to incorporate some additional costs that derived as a result of the privatization process.

The general formula for forecasting costs for the year 2015, which will be used by PES is:


K2015 -costs of the year 2015

K2o14 -costs of the year 2014

CPI t -l- inflation rate for the year 2014

E t- efficiency factor for the yea 2014


KESjCO N (J(\11 e lek1 ,~ ' .,, .. J 81 '18 1Jul twr.~r11 t Bt l l Kttn1on nt 3 - t (' ':YJ Ht,'f ·, Jlr'J no. •

I-" !o11t1nC lOOOO 1 ··~ JQ(_U) R~l)fl"" " l(,_

K2o1s updated- updated costs for the year 2015 (additional costs)

Efficiency factor is not applied for neither for forecasted depreciation costs, nor for forecasted return costs. The above mentioned formula will be used for adjustments and updated of the following costs:

• Operational Costs • Depreciation Costs

Other costs which need to be ajjusted are:

• Licensee Fee • Adjustments for Wholesale Costs (WHPC t-1)

• Revenue Correction Factor (KREV t-1)

These costs will be adjusted based on formulas determined in the PES Pricing Rule.

It should be mentioned that besides regular updated, which will be further explained in detail in every section separately, the ERO approved data during the multiyear tariff review (OPEX, DEPC) will be updated also for the compound inflation rate. This rate includes official rates from KCB for the years 2012 (2.5%) and 2013 (1.8%), respectively 4.35%.

Operational costs - OPEX

Operational and maintenance costs for the third relevant year are calculated as the sum allowed by ERO for the year 2014 multiplied by inflation rate, plus forecasted operational and maintenance costs for the third relevant year (2015).

PES will use the same formula for calculating operational and maintenance costs as approved by ERO in ETR8, respectively in the second year of the regulatory review, which is as follows:

OPMC = OPMCt-1 *(CPi t-d * (1 - Et) +OPMCt

It should be taken into consideration that data for the year t represent forecasted data for the year 2015, whereas data fo r the year t-1 represent actual data for the year 2014.



Nocw~ e E1~1 r~ ; •· 13UIWolfd l !:SUI KLtn1on nt 3

h n l1t1MC H>OOO R(!IUUDhk.!l t<~ ' ·

OPEX adjustments are calculated based on the first part of the above mentioned formula, respectively conform expression below:

OPMC = OPMCt-1 * (CPit-1)

In order to calculate adjustments, inflation norm which will be used by DSO will be the

official inflation rate published in the 2013 yearly Report of the Central Bank of Kosovo.

Based on this report the inflation rate in the Republic of Kosovo for the year 2013 is 1.8%1•

This was evaluated as reasonable rate from PES with the aim of calculating adjustments for

relevant costs.

OPEX Adjustments

In the last tariff review ETR8, ERO has approved the allowed level of operational and

maintenance costs for the year 2014 in the amount of €13.9 mil. By applying inflation rate of 1.8%, adjusted OPEX for the year 2014 is €14.2mil.

Pershtatja per kostot e operative

Allowed OPEX

Inflat ion Rate

Adjusted OPEX

Dallimi Table 3 OPEX adjustments for the year 2014

VIera (€000s)





Since, as a result of unbundling process personnel costs have changed, respectively some

employees were transferred from PES to DSO, then also other costs associated with the transfer of employees should be transferred, including the adjustments for inflation.

The table below represented adjusted costs for inflation, which should be transferred

between KEDS and KESCO.

1CBK, Yearly Report 20 13, pg 33


2014 2014 With Approved inflation

(mil€) (mil€)

DSO 18.63 18.97

PES 13.94 14.19

Total 32.57 33.16

Difference (mil€)




Noon o Eli!l<lf-- '• . 1 Fi"'kt>fl8 13ul , r dt Bill Kf 1R1on JU 3 ' c. r-••;jtt tl.:. .- 1 1J na

f'n511 ton& 10000 '•n:J JU ~ .,uDhk.d e ~ .-?Ut\ o1 ., ...

Reallocation Reallocated costs (%) (mil€)

80% 0.47

20% 0.12

100% 0.59 Table 4 Allocation of adjustment for inflation rate

As we can see from the table above the adjusted value for OPEX for the year 2014, which

should be added to the f inal forecasted OPEX for the year 2015 will be 117 thousand Euros.

Adjustments for Licensee Fee

In the last tariff review process ETR8, ERO has approved the costs for licensee fee in the

amount of 99 thousand Euros, which in the time of approval were calculated as

multiplication of the licensee price and forecasted amount of import. Since the amount of

import realized in 2014 is higher than the allowed value, then these costs should be

adjusted. The actual amount of import in the year 2014 is 867,563 MWh, and by applying

the licensee price of 0.22€/MWh to the actual amount of import it results that the adjusted

costs for the licensee fee is 191 thousand Euros. The difference between the approved

licensee fee and the adjusted one is 92 thousand Euros, which should be compensated to


Based on the above mentioned data, costs for OPEX adjustments for the year 2014, which should be added to the final 20 ~ 5 OPEX are 209 thousand Euros.


During periodic review, ERO has approved the allowed level operational and maintenance

expenses for the year 2015 in the amount of €12.5mil. This was supposed to be the

necessary amount for offering customers a reasonable level of services based only on fact

that were known at that t ime of application for Maximum Allowed Revenues by previous license holder of PES. However, due to additional costs wh ich occurred later on (such as

privatization costs and now unbundling), updates for 2015 OPEX were adjusted and are presented as below:

.... /


Personnel costs

Number of employees in PES will be different from the one approved by ERO for the year 2015, this due to the fact that in 2015 PES will operate independently from DSO, and a part of the employees that used to be part of PES will be transferred to DSO, as it is foreseen in the Guideline for Legal Unbundling approved by ERO for the functional unbundling between DSO and PES. The number of employees in PES will be 240 employees, together with their transfer other costs related to employees will be transferred too, therefore PES is expected to have a lower operation costs from the one approved by ERO in the multiyear periodic review. The decrease of these costs, related to the employee transfer is equivalent with the costs transferred to DSO, with the aim of ensuring the elimination of any possible cost duplication. The value of these costs that will be transferred from PES to DSO is €7.6mil, which will be decreased from allowed OPEX for PES by ERO for the year 2015.

However, based on the privatization process, when KEDS unbundled from KEK, PES should account some additional costs, which will result with the unbundling process and are justifiable. The values of these costs are forecasted to be 250 thousand Euros, which include additional costs for the new management of PES.

Additional personnel costs tha- were not forecasted during the multiyear period review, but that were taken into consideration during the last tariff review are costs of health insurance, which has derived as a legal request after the privatization of the company in the year 2013. The cost of health insurance per employee will be 13.92 €/month, as it was in the previous year. As a result these additional costs for health insurance which will be added to the PES's OPEX for the year 2015 are 40 thousand Euros.

Salary Increase

ERO in its period review evaluation has decided that personnel costs should remain the same, despite the increase on sales and number of the customers. During the year 2014, there were continues requests from the labor union for increasing salaries, which often were accompanied with protest. The request for increasing salaries became an issue after the increase of salaries in public sector such as KEK and KOSTT, after governmental request for increasing salaries in the public sector. Being in a continues pressure from the employees for increasing salaries, in this application we propose to ERO to take into consideration a reasonable level for salary increase of 5% which would be a motivation for them.

Salary increase for 5% includes all employees that belong to PES after the unbundling process. The value of these costs is 85 thousand Euros.


Costs for shared services

N~~PIS-) llr~

I) UIPYilf rS I Bil l KUn1on nt :i f'f :.lltl nC 10000 •

R t;h kj l!'~

In the ERO guideline for legal unbundling, article 6, ERO has suggested that shared services should remain at DSO, with the aim of eliminating duplication of costs:

"Shared services will be performed by the DSO, based on the agreement, which will be bind for shared services between the DSO and the PES".

Since no methodology exist for evaluating costs of the shared services, the evaluation of the costs for shared services by . ESCO is done in cooperation with KEDS, based on the allocation of human resources and other associated costs that are needed in order to offer these services from KEDS. The table below represents the allocation factors between KEDS and KESCO for shared services, based on the previous experiences (historical data).

Department DSO PES

IT 50% 50%

Legal office 40% 60%

Finance 50% 50%

Marketing and PR 30% 70%

Administrate 65% 35%

Human Resources 90% 10%

Procurement 90% 10% Table 5 Cost allocation factors for shared services

Based on these allocation factors, results that costs for shared services for PES will be €2.9mil, which includes allowed costs from ERO for PES and DS02 during the multiyear tariff review, and the additional costs accepted after the privatization process (HQ allocation KEK/KEDS), which were approved by ERO also in the last tariff review, represented in table 6.

Cost of Shared Services (HQ)

DSO approved MYT

DSO HQ allocation KEK/KEDS

PES approved MYT

PES HQ allocation KEK/KEDS

Total DSO and PES HQ

Net DSO HQ cost

PES costs for the payment of shared services Table 6 Costs for shared services









Costs for shared services for PES should be treated as revenue for DSO.

2 MYT KEK-technical assessment final V1 (7)

KES!CO N ()C(!II)S.;) I) E J t... 1r~ 'r 13Uh}'\o'0U d l Bl11 KLtn:1on nt :i r t ,. ' "' l~t . h l 1) no

•"~~ sltttnn LOOOO ' $1'·'~ R b 1<..-- :

Updates for the License Fee

Article 9, paragraph 3 of the Rules on Tax determines that: "Annual licensing taxes shall be imposed only on the producers of energy or on the importers and shall be calculated properly, according to the net inclusion of energy into the network".

Based on the above mentioned article and the actual electricity market in Kosovo, the only

electricity importer in Kosovo is the Public Supplier, who besides other activities is

responsible also for importing electricity, therefore the annual license fee shall be applied to

the Public Supplier.

The update of the license fee for the Public Supplier for the year 2015 is 111.7 thousand

Euros, which was calculated as below:

Updated license fee= 507,960 MWh * 0.22 €/MWh=lll.7 thousand Euros

Where, 507,960 MWh is the forecasted amount for import in 2015, and 0.22 €/MWh is the

price for licensee fee.

Based on the above mentioned data the updated OPEX for PES for the year 2015 is summarized in the table nr.7.


Approved PES OPEX

Compound Inflation 2012 -2013

Inflation costs

HQ OPEX included in Shared Services

Initial OPEX

Health insurance


2015 (€)



2015 (€)








PES OPEX 2015 without HQ..-co:oo:s-.t ------~---------1:;.;:1:!Z,3oo::.84..;L,,_94.;..:2o..~

Licensee Fee -~---

Transfer of personnel cost related to DSO -7,563,712

Shared Services (HQ) 2,902,757

Intercompany charge

Cost of salary increase of 5%

Additional unbundling costs

Total OPEX-i (OPMCt)

Table? OPEX updates for the year 2015




7,309,298 i


OPMC=OPMCt-1 *(CPit-1) * (1 -Et)

OPMC =0.12+ 7.30 =7.31 mil€

N O(Wt •"' I 13uhl'V01ldl 13 111 KUR1on J11 3 f

I'< >ll tonc 10000 R pul>h ..._. l(os()o.-GS r n: or :;ot

The difference between ERO approved OPEX and OPEX request by PES for the year 2015 is

mainly due to the legal and functional unbundling process of the company.

Allowed Depreciation Costs DEPC

The allowed depreciation costs for the third relevant year are calculated as sum of the

allowed costs by ERO for the year 2014 multiplied with the inflation rate, plus the forecasted

depreciation costs for the third relevant year, respectively for the year 2015. Since the

allowed depreciation costs are not profiled, ERO in the second year of the regular annual

adjustments has corrected this formula; and as such, DSO in this application will use the

same corrected formula with the aim of calculating allowed depreciation costs, which is:

DEPC = DEPCt-1 * (CPit-1) +DEPCt


ERO in the year 2014 has app oved depreciation costs in the value of 198 thousand Euros.

By applying the inflation rate of 1.8%, the allowed depreciation costs for the year 2014 are

201 thousand Euros. When calculating the final costs of allowed depreciation for 2015, cost

adjustments for the year 2014 will be added as a difference between the allowed costs and the adjusted value for the year 2014, or as 1.8% of the allowed value for the year 2014,

which is €3,555.

Adjustments for depreciation costs

Allowed Depreciation

Inflation Rate

Adjusted depreciation

Difference Table 8 DEPC adjustments for 2014

Values (€000s)







NOOI1 I) I "It~ f 'r • 8uJJ&r • l~u i PVoUD I Bil l KLin1on nr :i l t_.. •::.1 f/.1 •. r Jo'rl flO.

I ~ 51Jt lnl! 1000() I .t irloJ lOt Ri!j)Vbhk.'l J<.osc

The updated depreciation costs for the year 2015 includes values of the adjusted costs for the year 2014, and updated costs for compound inflation (2012-2013).

Depreciat ion 2015 Value (€000s)

DEPC(mil€) 276.5

Compound inflation 2012 -2013 4.35%

Total DEPC 2015 (mil€) 288.5 Table 9 Updates for depreciation costs 2015

The total allowed depreciation costs, after taking into consideration the adjustments of the allowed depreciation costs for the year 2014, and updated costs for the year 2015, will be 292 thousand Euros, as it is shown in the calculation below:

DEPC = DEPCt-1 * (CPit-1) +DEPCt

DEPC=0.004+0.288= 0.292 mil€

Adjustments for cost of losses

As a result of changes in wholesale costs because of the extraordinary review, the prices of the wholesale costs has changed too from 27.3€/MWh to 29.5€/MWh3

. Instead of the price 27.3€/MWh for calculating cost of losses, the price of 29.5€/MWh should have been applied for calculating losses for the period 1 September until 31 December 2014, the value of cost of losses which should be compensated to PES is €1.3mil.


KOSTI (September- December)

DSO (September - December)

Interest Rate


Price Difference €/MWh



Losses (MWh) Sep- Dec



520,932 Table 10 Adjustments for cost of losses 2015

3 Extraordinary Review of the electricity tariffs within ETR8, Answers on comments.

Costs mil€





KESICO NOII<l ~ 1 <:1<1 •-.s 13ul 11rd1 13a11 Klln1on nt :i

...... ullt lnC 10000 J

r~ IJUI)hkb 1<~ .,..

Wholesale cost adjustments

With the aim of having the same and right approach when calculating wholesale costs and later on also for calculating the revenue correction factor, the merited wholesale costs which is used for adjustments is the same one approved by ERO on the extraordinary review. The methodology for calculating wholesale costs is explained in detail in the first part of the application submitted to ERO on 9 December 2014. The value of the wholesale costs which should be adjusted for the year 2014 after the end of calendared year 2014 is €8.4 mil. This value should be decreased when calculating the final PES MAR.

KREV Adjustments

Revenue correction factor (KREVt) after extraordinary review, should be calculated using the following formula:


ARR t-1 Actual Regulated Revenues in Relevant Year t-1

MAR t-l Maximum Allowed Revenues as determined in Relevant Year t-1

Interest rate for the relevant year t represents the value defined by Regulator during Annual Adjustments, as it is used for all adjustments.

Revenue adjustment factor (KREV) should be reflected as below:

ARR t-1 = €219mil (as it is documented in Appendix A)

MAR t-1 = €252.3mil (after decision on extraordinary review)

It= 13.14% (as it is used by ERO in ETR8)

Using the above stated formula, adjustments for KREV will be:

KREVt= (252.3-219) )*(1+13.14%) = 37.5 mil€.

KESICO Nocs1 _ J ttf l01o1.1 r~

ijUIO'VitH! I 13111 Kl 1A100 Itt 3 ' ......,tontl 10000 '

R pubh~ ~ XJ.I)',( r • ... ~,

Other cost components of the Public Supplier

The value of other cost components that will be explained in this section are calculated based on formulas specified in the PES Pricing Rules. These input values are set in the beginning of the regulatory period, therefore the same values will be used in this application as the ones set for this regulatory review.

Working Capital

Besides retail costs, PES Pricing Rule allows PES to calculate allowed working capital costs in the retail tariffs. Base of the working capital allowance include:

a) Retail costs b) Wholesale energy costs c) Transmission charges that are paid to TSO d) Distribution use of system charges that are paid to DSO e) ERO Licensing tax

Working Capital Costs according to PES Pricing Rules is calculated based on the following expression:

WCLC= (1 / 12} *It * {RETRt+ WHPCt+ PSTCt- NTFRt)

The value of the working capital for the year 2015 is €2.7mil, as it is presented in the table below:

Costs of the working capital (mil€)

RETRt OPMCr 7.31

DEPCt 0.29

KEK Generation (Fix and variable) 150.14

Ujmani 2.31

Import 33.02

WHPCt Export -14.43

Subsidies 0.00

Retail Margin 3.78

Wholesale cost adjustments for 2014 (8.38)

Total (€) 166.45

PSTCt TSO costs 12.89

DSO Costs 56.09

It 13.14%

WCLC 2.66 Tatle 11 Cost of the working capital for the year 2015

KESICO N\l011 !); •• Elek. lr OkOSCNOS t II '•• ..l Bl.Aikr. · But , rdt B131 KUR1on nr 3 ' c '''""" ~~~· ~ J no:

l.truhttnC 10000 ; t:•f•r.v JO(X..() 1~ pubhka ~ t<t o~ l;:i%.0K.•

Bad Debt

Based on PES Pricing Rules, bad debt is an estimate and reasonable level of bad debts incurred by the PES during a relevant year.

In order to calculate bad-debt costs first Initial MAR shall be calculated which doesn't

include bad-debt. After applying bed debt of 5% as it is defined with the decision

V_399_2012, the final PES MAR shall be calculated for the relevant year. The difference

between final MAR (which includes bed-debt of 5%) and initial MAR represents allowed bad

debt costs for the relevant year.

Retail Margin

Retail margin is a fix percentage that is applied to allowed wholesale energy costs and

allowed wholesale capacity cost. It shall be determined at a level that it:

a) Provides PES a reasonc:ble return, in order to compensates it for the risks it takes to

provide standard services to the regulated customers, and

b) Provides PES a reasonable return on its net fixed assets used when providing

standard service to the regulated customers. This shall be calculated by referring to

the cost of capital of other licensees in Kosovo.

In order not to benefit from the costs of energy losses in TSO and DSO, PES didn't include

these costs when calculating its retail margin.

Pass-through costs

PES Pricing Rules determines :hree pass-through costs:

~ Transmission Charges,

~ Charges for Distribution Use of System, and

~ Licensing Tax that belong to regulated customers.

Based on ERO decision, PES costs forecasted for the KOSTT for the year 2015 are €16.5mil,

whereas costs of losses for which PES needs to be compensated from KOSTT are calculated

based on the amount of transmission losses, foreseen in the energy balance for the year

2015, and the average wholesale price. PES assumes that ERO will regulate estimates

charges for the year 2015, estimated above e based on the decision it will take for KOSTT


KESICO -1os.> I lo.1•- ··' B"'*"rtB 8ulaV.UI11 13 111 Kl1R10n Ill :i ( l ''':>n Ht. . j •o ~

I t>lltonll 10000 ;t,'iTU lO< R ~l)hk ~ ~ :)U; Of~

Estimated DSO costs for the year 2015 that will be passed to PES are €97.6million. Any possible change from ERO for DSO costs should be reflected in the final MAR forecast for the Public Supplier.

Licensing Fee that belongs to regulated customers is €0.112 mil , whereas the methodology of calculating license fee costs is explained above in this document.

Maximum Allowed Revenues -MAR

The total Maximum Allowed Revenues (MAR) for the year 2015 will be covered from the regulated reta il tariffs, and it includes costs of the all licensees in this sector, such as:

a) Public Generator

b) Wholesale energy costs - documented in the Updates for the Wholesale Electricity Price Appl ication for the year 2015

c) Transmission Costs - which should be addressed from KOSTT, but which costs in this document were used as estimated costs, based on the approved values by ERO during the multiyear periodic review

d) Distribution System Operator - which should be addressed from KEDS, but which costs in this application were used from KEDS's application named "Proposal for the Maximum Allowed Revenues for the year 2015), and

e) Costs of the Public Supplier -which are documented in the above sections of this application

The table below represented the summary of the requirement for the Maximum Allowed Revenues for PES for the year 2015, after knowing all cost elements, conform all components in the Appendix 1 of the PES Pricing Rules.


N IM.'c1 •Eh: :1r~

llutc•r.u rlt ll t11 t< ltnton "':;J ' KESICO l'f<>l1ttnC IUOOO > '·"" JI)UJO R pubhk.a co J<~ , · t or litr"AKJ

Request for the Maximum Allowed Revenues Line Description €000s

RETRt OPMCt 7.31

DEPCt 0.29

WCLCt Working Cap ital 2.66

KEK Generation (Fix and variable) 152.78

Ujmani 2.31

Import 33.02

Export -14.43 WHPCt

Subsidies 0.0

Reta il Margin RETMt 3.86

Adjustments for wholesale costs for 2014 -8.38

Total (€) 169.16 TSO Costs 16.33

PSTCt DSO Costs 97.63

TSO losses -3.43

DSO losses -41.54

OTHER Other Distribution Connected Generators 2.04

MARt-1 252.39

KREVt ARRt-1 219.13

It 13.14%

Adjustment for inflation 0.12

ADJt-1 Adjustments for License Fee 0.09

Adjustments for Cost of Losses 1.30

BDTA Bad Debt as percentage 5.00%

Final MAR 305 Table 12 MAR request for 2015

Billing determinants for the year 2015 are based on sales forecasted in the Energy Balance

are presented in Append ix B. When actual retail tariffs that are on power since September

2014 are applied to the billing determinants, it results that billing revenues will be €253mil. In order to cover the requested MAR from PES for the year 2015 in the amount of €305 mil ,

the required growth for MAR is €52 mil.

It should be emphasized that the main changes between 2014 MAR and 2015 MAR, which are beyond PES's control , are due to reasons stated below:

a) The delayed entry into effect of the retail electricity tariffs (July 2014), b) Explosion in power plant A, wh ich resulted with the increased volume of import,

decrease of export and non-application of the total impact c) Lower consumption in 2014 than the consumption approved by ERO.


KESICO N~OS.) o Elclt, ltOio.OSO".ros flul ,...;u~l Bill KIIR!Q.ll nc :t '

f'lt slltmll lOOOO

Appendix A- Billing Determinants for the year 2014 ~

B illing Dcterrnnants Tanf f G roup Description of IVIonth ly B1ll Det (Jan- B1fl Det (July- Bill Det (Sept_ Dec) Revenues W t th 20 1 3 Revenues vv1th 20 14 Revenues w 1th 2 014 Total Re ve nue s

June) Au.e) Tar 1ffs tanffs (4 57'X. ) ext ord tanffs (5 18 ,) 2 014 Nleasured Untt 8 1JJJng Umt

~~~ H. KW I €/kW 345,000 160,000 320,000 '' k'\1\1 rEILt-\1\1 -::tAe;. nnn "''Rn nnn 'l:~n nnn € 14.44 € 15.10


0 HV

Industrial 110kV

(35 kV)

2 (10 kV)

3 category I (0.4 kV)

~Summer I Peak ____ -~/k\Nn

Off-Peak I € /kWh !Winter

Peak I €/k\/Vh f-Peak €/k\Nh

Varhr 1 €/kVARI

·otal Tar/" Category Custom or Bills I E

kw ----1 €1kW

!Summer PeQK I € /kWh

Off-Peak I €/kWh I Winter

f'ea!< I €/kWh otf- P&-.~o: 1 l.itk\l\n1

Varhr I €/kVARh Total Tariff Category

ustomor Bills I € _I<W . L__~kW

Peak Off-Peak

!Winter Peak

Off-Peak Varhr

Total TaJ

Customer Bills KW

!Summer Peak

Off-Peak !Winter

Peak :::>ff-Peak


Total Tariff I Multi-Tarif1 -~ustomor Bill

KW ISummc•

Peak ::>tf-Peak

€/kWh €/kWh

€/k\l\n1 €/k\l\n1

E €1kW

€/kWh €/kWh

€/k\l\n1 €/kWh

E €/kW

€/kWh €/kVVh

:>ff-Peak I €/kWh Varhr I € /kVARh

·otal Tariff Category

4 Single Tariff

71 ,739,334 45,064,368



13,521,979 11,259,95<

10,012,?66 ' ,"117 ,32g!

111 36 ,965

3 ,74< 1,773,971

3,882, 136 2,119,650 2 ,356.42 '

,27"; 266,141

34,144,37 15,020,270

_34,_13:!_5.,5_9_6 14,979,79"; 16,257,49";

-·~~_8_ 619,985

50,034 ,260 ",666,084

' ,905,286 28,819 ,058

!>5~718 ,799 40,479,080

0 0

4 :!_4._142

8 ,361 ,160 ',041,731

40 _14 ,01

3,089,12: 1,498,943


429 91,87

24,046,15 10,621,985

' ,468,4::

~.813 221,799

37 ,199,23 ' 13,253,99:


13,316 ,30


99,213,303 60,971


,106,01 3,390,185

I ,328,991 9, "102,155

80 25,180

,294,99: 605 ,738

4,029.~_1?~ ,843 ,971 ,645,258

861 252,231

,670,44: 5,277,661

38,754,454 16.475,938 18,817,65<

'.8~~ 636,69~

',_22~375 6,140,70::0

55 ,912,683 19,669,529 30,713,91

€ 0.0223 € 0.022<

€ 0 .022: € 0.022::

€ 91 €6.09

1.0200 e o .o17:

€ 0.0707 € 0 .029"1

€ €6.33

€ 0.0320 € 0.0288

€ 0.0739 € 0.039" € 0.00

€4.99 € 5.45

€ 0 .0369 € 0.0336 ----

€ 0 .0828 € 0 .0446 € 0.00

€2 .81 €3.

€ 0 .05' e: 0 .048::0

€ 0.0920 € 0.0580 € 0 .0072

€ 0.0233 €

€ 0 .0233 _€ __ _

€ 95.44 €6.31

)210 € 0.0180 ----

€ 0 .0 7 39 € 0 .030

€ 0.00

€ 12 . 6~

€ 6.62

€ 0 .0335 € 0 .0301

€0.01 € 0.0409 €

€ 5 . €5.

€ 0 .0386 € 0.0351

€ 0.0866 € 0 .0466 € 0 .00

€2.94 €3.

€ o:os34 € 0.0504

€ 0.096: € 0.0606 e: 0.007

€ 15.88

€ 0.0245 € 0.0245

€ 0 .0245 € 0 .0245

€ 100.38 €

)230 € 0 .0189

€ € 0 .032:

€ 0.000

E 13.21 €6.96

€ 0.035::< € 0.031 ~

€ 0.081 € 0.0430 € 0.00

€ 5.49 € 5.99

€ 0 .0406 € 0.0370

€ 0.091 € 0.049' € 0.007'

€3.' € 3.49

€ 0 .056 € 0.0530

€0 .1012 € 0.0638 € 0.007'


€ 1 ,599 ,781 € 1,004,935

€ 1.432,735 € 890,289

€ 9,910,641 € 1,095

€ 596.830

282,600 € 193,61

€ 707,861 € 218,069

€ 2,000,14:i

€ 1.424 € 233,991

€ 119,92! € 51 ,091

_€ 286,890 € 82,878 € 16,966

€ 793,169 € 6,37

€ 1,450,468

€ 1,259,928 € 504,68"

€ 2,884,38"; € 668,099 €117 ,054


€ 31,494 € 1,965,35:

€ 2,556 e: 851 ,505

e 4.455,764 € 1,038,50

€ 207.49<

€ 11,106,81

€ 2.4!6200Q

€ 1 ,531 ,248 € 943,163


€ € 38~

€ 217.486

183,110 € 126,75'

€ €

E 527,729 € 505

e 93,15

€ 103,486 €45, 1"

€ €


E 247,680 € 2 ,239

€ 523,

€ 928,18' € 372,832

€ € 56,

€ 1,882,9':j

€ 11,2" € 734 , 155

€ _1,!)f!6c439 e: 668,

€ €

€ 99,81


€ 5,08_1_._600

€ 750,626 € 464,240

€ 2,430,726

€ 1,49::::

€ € 81

€ 448

€ 06,608 € 64,01

€ 881,395 € 303,690

E 1,794,638 € 1,06~

e: 175,253

€45,584 € 19,202

€ 327,631 € 79,291 € 12,998

€ 661,020

€ € 1,51 0,900

€ 473,820 E: 195,273

€ 3,530,53 " € 808,969 e: 148,659

€ 6 ,672,879

€ 24,223 € 2,222,055

~_967,._954 e: 325 ,45j

€ € 1,254,9'

€ 242 ,640 E

€ 12,479,400

€ € 3,881,661 € 2,412,338

€ € 3,863,46 € 2,384,054

€ 25,023,194 € 2 ,280

€ 1.262.484

€ € 662 ,22~

€ 384.497 €

€ 1 .91;39 ,293 € 521,759

€ E 4,322,510

€2,991 € 502.400

€0 € 268 ,998 € 115.4'

€ € 614,52' € 162,16' €35

€ 1,701,86:

€ e: 3,485

€ € 2,661,929 € 1 ,072,786

€ € 6.414 ,9' € 1,477,068

€ 321,721

€ 1!

E 66,921 € 4,921,562

€ € 5,511,143 € 1,844,964

~.114, 12l € 2 ,293,42~

€ 550 € 25,302,15i

catergory II Custom or Bill € 28,074 € 3 . 18 E 165,805 € 53,313 € 98,259 € 317,31 ...... 1 Tariff Summer 1,087,089 € 0.0733 € 287,456 € 192,263 € 87,619 e 567,339

Winter 3,591,810 € 0 .1133 €769,453 € 0 € 447,540 €1,216,99::;; 4

category II (0.4 kV) 2 Tariff

Customer Bills I I 348,1251 119,2181 245,7301 € 3.181 € 3 .331 € 3.501 € 1 ,107,0381 € 396,9961 € 860,0551 € 2,364,088 KW

I Summer Peak

:>tf-Peak I Winter


€/kVVh €/k\1\/h

Peak I €/kWh f-Peak 1 €/kWh

Total Tariff Category ,

50,463, 129

61,019,994 44 , 590,26~

("I Tariff and



17,523,489 13,322,815

62 ,039,862, 4 2,120,18::;;

€ 0 .0894 € 0 .0441

E 0 .1364 €0.068::;;

€ 0 .0935 € 0.0466

€ 0 . 1426 € 0 .07

€ 0 .0983 € 0.049"

€ 0.1500 € 0 .0750

€ 4 ,511,404 € 1,761 ,42::0

€ 8,323,121 € 3,041,056

E 19,966,761

€ 3,385,549 € 1 ,342,428

€ E

€ 1,722,559 €654,15C

E 9,305,91 € 3,159 ,0'

E 14

€9,619, € 3,758,601

€ 17,629,106 €6,20

€ 41.672,486

5 D omestic 2-rate mtr.

6 D om estic

1 ra te mtr.

7 Domes ti c

Un-m etered

8 Publi c Ltg



Cust omer Bill € < 2 00 k\Ml

Summ er Peak €/k\Ml

Off-Peak € /k\Ml Winter

Peak €/k\Ml Off-Peak €/k\Ml 200-6 00 k\Ml

Summer Peak €/k\Ml

Off-Pe a k €/k\Ml Winter

Peak €/k\Ml O ff-Peak €/k\Ml

> 600 k\Ml Summer

Peak €/k\Ml Off-Peak €/k\Ml

Winte r Peak € /k\Ml

Off-Peak €/k\Ml Total Tariff Category Revenues

Customer Bill € < 200 k\Ml

Summer €/k\Ml W inter €/k\Ml

200-600 k\Ml Summer €/k\Ml Winter €/k\Ml

> 6 00 k\Ml Summer €/k\Ml Winter €/k\Ml Total Tariff C a tegory Revenues

Customer Bill € < 400 k\Ml

Summer €/k\Ml Winter €/k\Ml Customer Bill €

400-800 k\Ml Summer €/k\Ml Winter €/k\Ml Customer Bill €

> 8 00 k\Ml Summer €/k\Ml W inter €/k\Ml Total Tar i ff Ca tegory Revenues

Customer Bills I € Summer I € /k\Ml Winter I €/k\Ml Total Tariff Category Revenues

2 ,321 ,803 789,1 68

96,4 17,348 69,725,369 90,328,286 62 ,823,467

9 1,566,438 0 88,174 ,30 1 0

100,045,491 69,166,249 108,366 ,646 7 1,213,655

107,786,595 0 1 19,436,965 0

27,870,141 16,820,717 34 ,30 3,66 1 19 ,869 ,995

52 ,780 ,5 0 3 0 65 ,841 ,4 51 0

99,372 28,896

6,077,946 3,925,337 6,255,918 0

4 ,036,825 2 ,632,0 87 4 ,6 15 ,02 1 0

768 ,32 1 356,996 1,278,630 0

1,317 234

141,768 92,664 380 ,556 0

664 81

86,864 57 ,672 379,496 0

62 4

8 4 49 4 ,828 54,3 15 0

7 ,1901 2 ,6411 4 ,611 ,91 21 1 ,297 ,75 11 4 ,611 ,9 12 1 1 ,297 ,7511

NOO<t<!Q e Elclo.1 t­Bul("4111rdl Uill l<IIA1on "' 3

a'tt5~Jtme 10000 R~t>Ubh~o.&el<~

1,609,899 €2.27

37,266,629 € 0.0363 31,000 ,705 € 0 .0 18 1

108,544, 156 € 0 .0 50 5 85,893,6 11 € 0 .0254

33,922,387 € 0 .0 50 1 31,972,54 2 € 0 .0251

123,216 ,581 € 0 .0700 10 8 ,6 6 0 ,175 € 0 .035 1

6 ,642,098 € 0 .0727 7 ,?7? ,?1 5 € 0 0 :'\f\5

45 ,292,493 € 0 .101 6 45,6 50 ,872 € 0 .0507

46,663 € 2.27

1,778,446 € 0 .0322 4 ,132,263 € 0 .045 1

1 ,02 5 ,940 € 0 .0446 2,921,07 0 € 0 .0624

123,325 € 0 .0649 519 ,977 € 0 .0905

467 € 23.4 1

4 6 ,332 138,204

160 € 42.37

28,480 85,440

8 € 71.40

2,41 4 7,242

6 ,2291 €3.18 1 3 ,346,3801 € 0.09 171 3 ,346 ,3801 € 0 .09 171

Tota l Annual Revenues for all Tariff Categories Above

€2 .37 €2.50 € 5,270,493 € 1,870 ,304 € 4,024,748 € 11 ,165,545

€ 0 .0380 € 0 .0399 € 3,499,950 € 2 ,64 9 ,564 € 1,486,938 € 7,636,452 € 0.01 89 € 0 .0 199 € 1 ,634 ,942 € 1,187,364 € 6 16,9 14 € 3,439,220

€ 0 .0528 € 0 .0555 €4,624 ,105 € 0 €6 ,02 4 ,201 € 10,648,306 € 0 .0266 € 0 .0279 € 2 ,239,627 € 0 € 2 ,396,4 32 €4,636,059

€0.0 524 € 0 .055 1 € 5 ,0 12,279 € 3,624 ,311 € 1,869,124 € 10 ,50 5 ,714 €0.0262 € 0 .0276 € 2,720,003 € 1,865,798 € 882,44 2 € 5,468,243

€ 0 .0732 € 0 .07 70 € 7,54 5,062 €0 € 9,487,677 € 17,032,738 € 0 .0367 € 0 .0 386 €4,192,237 ~ 0 € 4 ,1!'14,28 3 € 8 ,386 ,520

€ 0 .0 760 € 0 .0 800 €2 ,026,159 € 1,278,374 € 53 1,368 € 3 ,835 ,9 02 € 0 O:'IR 2 € o 0401 € 1,25 2 ,084 € 759,03'1 €2~ 1 .616 € 2 ,30 2,7 33

€ 0 .1062 € 0 .11 17 € 5,362,49 9 € 0 €5 ,059 ,171 € 10,42 1,67 1 € 0 .053 0 € 0 .0558 € 3,338,162 € 0 € 2,547,31 9 € 5,885,480

€ 48 ,717,601 € 13,234,760 € 39,412,231 € 101 ,364,682 € 2 .37 € 2 .50 € 225,574 € 68,48 1 € 116,6 33 €41 0 ,688

€ 0 .0337 € 0 .0354 € 195,7 10 € 132,284 €62,957 € 390,95 1 € 0 .0472 € 0 .0496 € 282,142 € 0 € 20 4,960 €487 ,1 02

€ 0 .0466 € 0 .0491 € 180,042 € 122,65 5 € 5 0,374 € 353 ,07 1 € 0.06 53 € 0 .0686 € 287,977 €0 € 2 00,385 € 488 ,363

€ 0.0679 € 0 .07 14 €49,864 €24 ,24 0 € 8,805 €82,9 0 9 € 0.0946 € 0 .0 995 € 11 5,71 6 € 0 € 51 ,738 € 167,454

€ 1,337,026 € 347,660 € 696,862 € 2 ,380,638 € 24.48 € 25 .75 € 3 0,83 1 € 5 ,728 € 12,025 € 48 ,585

€ 44 .31 € 46 .6 0 € 27,710 € 3 ,5 89 € 7 ,4 56 € 38,755

€ 74.66 € 78.53 €3,7 13 € 299 € 628 €4,640

€ 62,264 € 9 ,616 € 20,109 € 91,979

€ 3.33 € 3 .50 €22,864 € 8,462 € 18,302 € 49,627 € 0.0959 € 0 .1009 € 4 22,912 € 124 ,454 € 337,650 € 885 ,016 € 0.0 959 € 0 .1009 € 4 22,912 € 124 ,454 € 337 ,650 € 885 ,0 16

€ 868,689 € 267,370 € 693,601 € 1,819,660 € 101 ,664,144 € 30,268,801 € 87,202,874 € 2 19 ,126,819


KESICO NcJI'< El ~t~ 13ul , rdl 13111 KIIB1on nr 3 •

•~tine 10000 > ~

AppendixB- Billing Determinants for the year 2015

Ta nff B i lling D e t erm inants Reven u es 2 01 5

Oescnption of M o nthly Bi lling D et e rmina nts Exi s tin g

Group for the Year 2015 t a n ffs With Cu r re n t Ta nff M eas ure d Unit Bil li n g U n it

220kV · Bills € 12 € 200.75 € 2.409

HV KW €/kW 960,000 € 15.88 € 15,244.800

Industrial I c. 0

Peak €/kWh ?10 "'"" ()()() € 0.0245 € 5,380,200

Off-Peak €/kWh 97, ?<;Ll ()()() € 0 .0245 € 2,382,723

I winter 0

Peak €/kWh ?1" L].()() ()()() € 0 .0245 € 5 ,350,800

Off-Peak €/kWh 96,724,000 € 0.0245 € 2,369,738

Va rhr €/kVARh € 0.000

I Total Tariff r• Ro € ~n 7~n,670

0 I Customer Bills € 24 € 100.38 € 2.409

HV KW €/kW 183,500 € 6.70 € 1 ??o "'"" Industria I ~. 0

llOkV Peak €/kWh 28,733,933 € 0.0230 € "'"'" """

Off-Peak €/kWh ?? Ot=;1 ()t=;7 € 0.0189 € 433.964

Winter 0

Peak €/kWh 21,380,157 € 0.0778 € 1,663,376

Off-Peak €/kWh 17,308.843 € 0.0323 € c;c;q ()7t=;

Varhr €/kVARh

Total Tariff· n. €" 0:.11.0 '"'

1 C"udnm .. r Bills € I 238 € 13.27 € 3.158

(35 kV) KW €/kW 76,217 € 6 .96 € 530,473 c. 0

Peak €/kWh I 11 ?oS> ?~~ € 0.0352 € 397,698

Off-Peak €/kWh I 5,379,781 € 0.0317 € 170,539

Winter 0

Peak €/kWh 11 "'·'" "·'"' € 0 .0813 € 946,76~

Off- Peak €/kWh 5.724.694 € 0 .0430 € 246,162

Varhr 4.723,629 € 0.0079 € 37,317

I Total Tariff € 2 .~~2.11~

2 · Bills € I 2.567 € 5.49 € 14,093

(10 kV) KW €/kW I 610.257 € 5 .99 € 3 .655.439 I c. 0

Pea k €/kWh I 72.Ro~4o~ € 0 .0406 € 2 .959.476

Off-Peak €/kWh I ~? ?<;o 1~>~> € 0 .0370 € 1.193.589

I Winter 0

Pea k €/kWh ""~on S>?c; € 0 .0911 € 7.~?~ ~>n•

Off-Peak €/kWh ~Ll ~!';? <;?<; € 0.0491 € 1.687.200

Va rhr Ll? ""'~ <;)'lq € 0.0079 € ~~f;()q,

I Total Tariff • Do € 17,1<;;Q L!.Q<;;

3 !Multi-Ta riff

Category I r. Bill € 22,860 € 3.09 € 70,637

(0.4 kV) KW €/kW 1,478,476 € 3.49 € <; 1 c;q ""1 Co 0

Peak €/kWh I 105,389,612 € 0.0562 € c; o?? S>o~>

Off-Peak €/kWh 37,395,166 € 0.0530 € 1.981.944

Winter 0

Peak €/kWh 104,312,278 € 0 .1012 € 1 n c;c;~> "'"~

Off-Peak €/kWh 37,552,825 € 0.0638 € 2,395,870

Va rhr €/kVARh 72,849,335 € 0 .0079 € 575,510

Total Tariff •r € ?t: t:t:2 111'

4 Single Tariff

Catergory II C"udnrro .. r Bill € 96,224 € 3.50 € 336,784 1 Tariff Summer €/kWh 8,126,805 € 0.0806 € "'"" ()"Ji

Winter €/kWh 11,607,205 € 0 .1246 € 1 "'"'"' ?<;: 4 Customer Bills 713,073 € 3 .50 € 2.495.756

Category II KW €/kW

(0.4 kV) Surnrne.

2 Tariff Peak €/kWh 112,539,665 € 0.0983 € 11,062,649

Off-Peak €/kWh "" 1 hh 10S> € 0.0491 € 4 ,328,960

;Winter 0 Peak €/kWh 1':>t=; O<;S> <;()() € 0.1500 € 20,543,775

Off-Peak €/kWh 96,511,770 € 0.0750 € 7,238,383

lTotal Tariff r, D. {l Tariff and 2 Tariff) € 4R.1n7.'iR'i -


Customer Bill € 4 720,860 < 200 kWh

Summer Peak €/kWh 219 279 602

Off-Peak €/kWh 198 612 126 Winter

Peak €/kWh 225 714 974 5 Off-Peak €/kWh 196 738 210

Domestic 200-600 kWh

2-rate mtr. Summer Peak €/kWh 218 783 018

Off-Peak €/kWh 227 991 557 Winter 0

Peak €/kWh 261030 039 Off-Peak €/kWh 258 326 449

> 600 kWh

Summer Peak €/kWh 55 473 820

Off-Peak €/kWh 66 379 054 Winter

Peak €/kWh 111892 723

Off-Peak €/kWh 127,471,219

Total Tariff Category Revenues

6 Customer Bill € 174,920 Domestic < 200 kWh

1 rate mtr. Summer €/kWh 18 336 471 Winter €/kWh 17 546 221

200-600 kWh

Summer €/kWh 11929 816 Winter €/kWh 12 714 958

> 600 kWh

Summer €/kWh 1931586

Winter €/kWh 2,958,874

Total Tariff Category Revenues

7 Customer Bill € 2 018 Domestic < 400 kWh

Un-metered Summer €/kWh 2,484,439 Winter €/kWh 2,273,479 Customer Bill € 895

400-800 kWh

Summer €/kWh 1,530,817 Winter €/kWh 1,794,429 Customer Bill € 64

> 800 kWh

Summer €/kWh 139,281

Winter €/kWh 201,350

Total Tariff Category Revenues

8 Customer Bills € 14960 Public Ltg Summer €/kWh 9 536 888

Winter €/kWh 9,536,888

Total Tariff Category Revenues

Total Annual Revenues for all Tariff Categories Above

N ()Or'1CS!l; I) l l: :lr~

I3UIIlVOlrd l Hill Kl!n1o n nt 3 f f>t otonc lOOOO o

Rcwbh kJJI.!! W~

€ 2.50

€ 0.0399

€ 0.0199

€ 0.0555

€ 0 .0279

€ 0 .0551

€ 0.0276

€ 0.0770

€ 0 .0386

€ 0 .0800

€ 0.0401

€ 0.1117

€ 0 .0558

€ 11,802,150

€ 8 749 256

€ 3 952 381


€ 12 527181

€ 5 488 996

€ 12 054 944

€ 6 292 567

€ 20 099 313

€ 9 971401

€ 4 437 906

€ 2 661800

€ 12 498 417

€ 7,112,894

€ 117,649,207

€ 2 .50 € 437,300

€ 0 .0354 € 649111

€ 0 .0496 € 870 293

€ 0 .0491 € 585 754

€ 0 .0686 €872 246

€0.0714 € 137 915

€ 0 .0995 € 294,408


€ 25.75 € 51964

€ 46.60 € 41,707

€ 78.53 € 5,026


€ 3 .50 € 52 360

€ 0 .1009 € 962 272

€ 0.1009 € 962,272

€ 1,976,904

€ 253,123,994

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Appendix C-Depreciation Regulatory Asset Base (RAB) Used for determining allowed deereciation

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Pre-2012 assets Average life (years) 3.00

Opening value €million 2.n9 1.4 o.y 0.0 0.0 0.0

Additions €million 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Depreciation €million -o.y -o.y -o.y 0.0 0.0 0.0

Closing value €million 1.4 o.y 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Mid-year value €milli on 1.8 1.1 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.0

New assets Average life (years) 5

Capex Depreciation -- ---2012 0.4 0.04 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08

2013 0.4 0.04 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08

2014 0.4 0.04 0.08 0.08 o.o8

2015 0.4 0.04 0.08 0.08

2016 0.4 0.04 0.08

201.7 0.4 0.04

Opening value €million 0.0 0.4 0.6 o.8 0.9 1.0

Additions €million 0.4 0-4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4

Depreciation €million 0.0 -0 .1 -0.2 -0.3 -0.4 -0.4

Closing value €million 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.9 1.0 0.9

Mid-year value €mil lion 0.2 0.5 o.y 0.9 1.0 1.0

Total RAB

Opening value €million 2.12 1.77 1-34 0.83 o.95 0-99 Additions €million 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40

Depreciation €mil lion -0-75 -0.82 -0.90 -0.28 -0.36 -0.43 Closing value €mi ll ion 1.77 1-34 0.83 0.95 0.99 o.95

Mid-year value €million 1.9 1.6 1.1 o.g 1.0 1.0