Isro(3) visual bee

Post on 20-May-2015

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Transcript of Isro(3) visual bee


Presented ByK.Sindhuri (1226113126)M.V.Karthik (1226113132)K.Neeraj (1226113137)Rajat Kumar (1226113144)V.Sree Vijetha (1226113156)R.Lakshmi Anvitha (1226213102)

Space research agency in 1969 First rocket in 1963 by

Dr.Vikram Sarabhai Communication

satellites,remote sensing satellites and launch vehicles

One of the seven nations to have satellite launching capability

INCOSPAR(Indian National Committee for Space Researh ) in 1962



Resources redeployed for the ongoing projects

Matrix management structure,optimum utilization of resources

Time and Cost limits Result oriented approach Two tier structure

PMC(Project management council) Lead centre director Technical and resource allocation

PMB(Project management board) Project Director Resolving the issues

India’s space program,two stages of development

• Infrastructure• Building and flight testing

Frameworks designed to provide effective user interface for the space programs.

• INSAT(The Indian national satellite system)• PC-NNRMS(the planning committee-National natural resource

management system)• ADCOS(advisory committee on space research

ISRO Decade profile

Five year plans and Annual plans

Lead centre Government of India

allocated an expenditure budget of Rs.57.78 billion(2010-2011)

Ground segments(3-5yrs)

Complex projects(8-10yrs)

Investment share Launch vehicles(39%) Satellite technology(19%) Launch support,tracking

network and range facility(9%)

Space applications(14%) Space sciences and


F o re ig n Tra ve l/IT A R0 1.07

F a c ilit ie s0 1 .06

R e v iew S up p o rt0 1 .05

P ro jec t P lng S p t0 1 .04

R isk M g m nt0 1 .03

B u s ine ss M g m nt0 1 .02

P ro je c t M g m nt0 1 .01

P ro jec t M a n ag e m e nt01

P ro je ct V & V0 2.08

L a un ch S ys E ng0 2.07

P la n e ta ry P ro tec tion0 2 .06

C o n fig M g m nt0 2 .05

In fo rm a tion S yste m s0 2.04

P ro jec t S W E ng0 2.03

M iss io n & N a v D e s ign0 2 .02

P ro jec t S ys E ng0 2.01

P ro jec t S ys E ng02

S W IV & V0 3.09

C o n ta m ina tion C on tro l0 3 .08

S W Q & A0 3.07

H W Q & A0 3.06

E E E P a rts E ng0 3.05

R e lia b ility0 3 .04

E n v iro n m e n ts0 3 .03

S ys tem S a fe ty0 3 .02

M A M g m nt0 3 .01

M iss io n A ssu ra n ce03

E d uca tio n & O u trea ch0 4.06

S c i E nv iro nm e ntC h a rac te riza tion

0 4 .05

S c i Inve s tig a tio & O p s S p t

0 4 .04

S c i Da ta S u pp o rt0 4 .03

S c ien ce T e am0 4.02

S c ie nce M g m nt0 4 .01

S c ie n ce04

P /L I& T0 5.06

C o m m o n P /L S ys te m s0 5.05

In s tru m en t N0 5.04

In s tru m en t 10 5 .03

P /L S ys E ng0 5.02

P /L M g m nt0 5 .01

P a ylo ad05

S p a ce c ra ft a sse m b lyte s t & ve rifica tion

0 6 .12

T e s tb e ds0 6 .11

S p a cec ra ft F lt S W0 6.10

G N & C S u b sys0 6 .09

P ro p u ls io n S u b sys0 6 .08

T h e rm a l S u b sys0 6 .07

M e ch an ica l S u b sys0 6 .06

T e le com m S u b sys0 6 .05

C o m m a nd & D a ta S /s0 6 .04

P o w e r S u b sys0 6 .03

F lt S ys - S ys E ng0 6.02

F lt S ys M g m nt0 6 .01

S p a ce c ra ft C o n tra ct0 6 .00

F lig h t S ys tem06

M O S V & V0 7.05

O p e ra tio ns0 7 .04

G ro u nd D ata S ys0 7 .03

M O S S ys E ng0 7.02

M iss io n O p s M g m nt0 7 .01

M iss io n O p s S ys tem07

L a u nch S e rvices0 8 .01

L a un ch S ys tem08

P ro je ct N a m e


SLV(satellite launch vehicle)

ASLV(Augmented satellite launch vehicle)

PSLV(Polar satellite launch vehicle)

GSLV(Geosynchronous satellite launch vehicle)

Lunar Spacecraft Program

Space Capsule Recovery Program




Experimental Satellite Programs

Operational Satellite Programs INSAT

IRS Oceansat series



Mars program

Human Spaceflight program

Solar probe program

IRNSS(Indian Regional Navigational Satellite System)


Project life cycle


Scope management- further development is not possible

Time management- 10years Cost management- 57 billion US $ Quality management- 89% assured

quality Integration management- all the

subsidiaries are well related and regularly updated with information

Human resource management- well trained

Communication management- all the institutes are well connected

Risk management - cant assess the risk Procurement management – procured

before time for optimizing the time taken


T h e P ro d u ct B reak d o w nS tru ctu re sh o w s th eco m p o n en ts fro m w h ic hth e sy s tem w as fo rm ed .

T h e P B S reflec ts th ew o rk to p ro d u c eth e in d iv id u a lsy s tem co m p o n en ts .

T h e W o rk B reak d o w nS tru ctu re sh o w s a llw o rk co m p o n en ts n ecessaryto p ro d u ce a co m p le tesy s tem .

T h e W B S reflec ts th ew o rk to in teg ra teth e co m p o n en tsin to a sy s tem .

S u b sys te m A S u b sys te m B S u b sys te m C M a na ge m e nt S ys te m sE n g in e ering

In teg ra tio n ,T e s t & V e rifica tion

L o g is ticsS u pp o rt

S ys tem



The WBS helps to organize the project costs. When detailed with cost information per element, WBS becomes the CBS - Cost Breakdown Structure.

• Well organised• Follows a decade

profile• Preliminary

designing• Co-ordination

committee, planning committee

• Project and mission mode

• Lead centre