Israeli Intelligence

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Transcript of Israeli Intelligence






Source: From Wikipedia.

The Israeli Intelligence Community (Hebrew: תילארשיה ןיעידומה תליהק) is the designation given to the complex of

organizations responsible for intelligence collection, dissemination, and research for the State of Israel.


Current Members of

the Israeli Intelligence


� Aman: the supreme military intelligence branch of the Israeli Defense Forces.

� Air Intelligence Directorate: the intelligence unit of the Israeli Air Force.

� Naval Intelligence Department: the intelligence unit of the Israeli Sea Corps.

� Intelligence Corps: the main intelligence collection and analysis of the IDF.

� Field Intelligence Corps: the intelligence unit of GOC Army Headquarters.

� The intelligence units of the four Regional Commands (Central, Northern, Southern,

Home Front).

� Mossad: the agency responsible primarily for overseas intelligence work.

� Shin Bet ("Shabak"): the organization responsible for internal security, including in the

Israeli-occupied territories.

� The intelligence branch of the Israeli Police.

� The Centre for Political Research: the intelligence branch of the Ministry of Foreign


Former Members

� Nativ. The organization responsible for bringing Jews from Soviet Bloc countries, a later

manifestation of the Mossad.

� Le'aliyah Bet. Following the dissolution of the Soviet Union, it was moved out of the

intelligence community and became a department within the Prime Minister's office.

� Lekem. The agency responsible for obtaining and securing secret technology. It was

dissolved, and its director, Rafi Eitan, resigned over the exposure of Jonathan Pollard, who

was convicted of spying on its behalf.

Parliamentary Supervision over the Intelligence Community is undertaken by the Subcommittee

for Intelligence and Secret Services, a subcommittee of the Foreign Affairs and Defense

Committee, which supervises the entire Israeli Security Forces.

Structure and Organization: The issue regarding the suitable structure of the IIC, and questions

as to dividing responsibilities and jurisdictions between Aman, Shabak, and Mossad, as well as the

format of work for the three in relation to Prime Ministers and Ministers, all of these became


agenda issues many times in the past. Various commissions and individual inspectors were

appointed throughout the years, whether due to traumatic experiences or as a matter of routine, in

order to examine the issues and propose recommendations. These were:

� The Yadin-Sherf Commission. (1963)

� The Agranat Commission. (1973-74)

� The Zamir Commission. (1974)

� The Commissions of Aluf Aharon Yariv. (1984, 1986)

� The Reports of Aluf Refael Vardi. (1990s)

� The Commission to investigate the intelligence network following the War in Iraq.


The government was tasked with the matter on a number of occasions and arrived at various

decisions. The State Comptroller made the issue his agenda and submitted to the Knesset his

findings and conclusions. In 1994, the Subcommittee for Intelligence also examined the questions

and brought its recommendations before the Prime Minister. The division of labour among the

intelligence arms, Aman, Shabak, and Mossad, in the current structure of the IIC, is usually

established upon a geographical basis. There are interfacing and overlapping segments, often

rather wide, among the organizations. The level of coordination and inter-regional cooperation has

suffered in the past from fundamental shortcomings, which has hindered the effectiveness of

intelligence work on several fronts. The organizations repressed the necessity for the mutual

sharing of intelligence information and in synchronizing some activities. There are still open-ended

issues remaining to be discussed, including disputed ones, as to the division of jurisdictions and

inter-regional sectoral boundaries. In a document known as the "Magna Carta," the heads of the

three services continue their attempt to arrive at agreements regarding these. The Intelligence

Subcommittee follows this discourse and examines the steps required to practically settle key areas

of dispute. If needed, the Subcommittee could become actively involved in the matter so as to

ensure appropriate and reasonable standards for overall intelligence work in Israel.

The Role of Aman - The historical development of the IIC destined Aman with a range of

activities and tasks that are conventionally outside the realm of military intelligence in the West,

such as the responsibility for intelligence research in political matters and other markedly non-

military affairs. This largely followed from the reliance by the State of Israel during its first years on

the IDF as an anchor and mechanism to fulfill national tasks, it being a system with organizational

capacities, resources, and available human resources. As such, Aman has assumed functions which

ordinarily would be handled by other intelligence agencies. Accordingly, some critics say, there is a

need to reexamine the position and placement assumed by intelligence bodies within the current

structure, and transferring certain strategic and political areas and non-military ones, from Aman

to a civilian intelligence authority.

Reforms - The Commission to investigate the intelligence network following the War in Iraq

maintained that, notwithstanding the historical consolidation behind the current IIC structure,

and despite the advantages gained by Aman's Research Department and Unit 8200 during many

years of service, it is finally time to restructure the IIC in accordance with a proper work


distribution, professional designation, as well as a correct constitutional and legal frame of


The Commission recommended on reforming the current IIC structure, ending up with three or

four independent intelligence services, alongside the National Security Council, with the

distinction between them being based upon the respective spheres of responsibility of each service:

� Aman (IDF): Its jurisdiction is to consist primarily of "military intelligence" - alerting the

political leadership and the security arms to the possibility of war and estimating the means

of the enemy, and identifying prospective targets during a war or a limited military conflict.

� Mossad: Charged with, in addition to foiling attacks, a strategic-political emphasis, which

includes evaluating the stability of regimes, and engaging in industrial-scientific-

technological and nuclear -related intelligence as well as against global terrorism.

� Shabak: Is tasked with the security of the State, its citizens, and organs, against Palestinian

and other forms of terrorism, and against internal subversion.

� National Security Council: Its function is to evaluate global conditions according to

overall intelligence, and preparing national and security responses.

� SIGINT: This proposed service would supply all the other services with SIGINT



The Spymasters

Efraim Halevy (Hebrew: יולה םירפא). See

Mossad Directors below Reference – Page 23.

Isser Harel (Hebrew: לארה רסיא, born Isser Halperin

on 1912, died 18 February 2003) was spymaster of the intelligence and the security services of

Israel and the Director of the Mossad (1952 - 1963). Childhood and Youth Isser Harel was born

in Vitebsk, Russia (now Belarus) to a large, wealthy family. The exact date of his birth was not

passed on to him because the book of Gemara in which the date was recorded was lost in the

migrations of the Russian Revolution of 1917 and World War I. The family had a vinegar factory

in Vitebsk. It was a gift of his maternal grandfather, who had a concession to make vinegar in large

parts of Tsarist Russia. Young Isser was five years old when the revolution broke out and Vitebsk

passed several times between the Whites and the Reds. On one occasion he saw Leon Trotsky give

a speech in the town. Isser and his family fell on hard times when the Soviet regime confiscated

their property.

In 1922 the family emigrated from the Soviet Union to Dvinsk in independent Latvia. On the

way, Soviet soldiers stole their suitcases, which contained the rest of their possessions. In Dvinsk,

Isser began his formal studies, completed primary school, and began secondary school. As he grew,


a Jewish national consciousness grew within him and he joined a Zionist youth organization.

When he was 16, Isser began preparations to immigrate to Israel. During this preparatory year he

worked in agriculture with the aspiration to join a kibbutz. With the outbreak of the 1929 Hebron

massacre, his friends decided to move up their immigration date in order to reinforce the Jewish

settlement in Palestine. Documents were prepared for the 17-year-old Isser stating that he was 18

and eligible for a British visa. At the beginning of 1930 he immigrated to Israel. He crossed

Europe from north to south to board a ship in Genoa, carrying a pistol that he concealed in a loaf

of bread. He had one child, a daughter, from his first marriage. She currently works for the Shabak

(General Security Service) in Israel. She did not serve in the Israeli Defense Forces but instead in

the National Work Program which is an alternative for women who do not or cannot serve the

mandatory 18 months in the I.D.F.

On September 22, 1952, Harel became head of the Mossad. Harel became the first man to be

given the Hebrew title of HaMemuneh (the responsible one), a reference to his unique position as

the head of both Israeli civilian intelligence services, Mossad and Shabak. Harel was the head

investigator in the 15 year manhunt for Adolf Eichmann. The hunt ended in May 1960, when the

Mossad covertly kidnapped Eichmann from Argentina to Israel. Eichmann was the man

responsible for technical coordination of the Final Solution in WWII, which resulted in the

systematic murder of 6,000,000 Jewish people. Harel documented his 15 year investigation in "The

House on Garibaldi Street". He was replaced as head of Mossad after it became known that many

of his agents had misappropriated funds. Since then, Mossad agents working on foreign soil have

to "earn" their money through business activities, which also enhances their cover.

After leaving Mossad, Harel turned to politics. He joined David Ben Gurion's newly created

National List prior to the 1969 elections, and was elected to the Knesset as the party won four

seats. However, after Ben Gurion resigned from the party it began to disintegrate, with two of the

MKs defecting to Likud and the other to the Alignment. As a result, Harel lost his seat in the

1973 elections.

Izi Dorot (1916–1980), born Isidore Roth, was an Israeli

military person, and director of the Shabak between 1952 and 1953. Born in Poland in 1916,

Dorot immigrated to the British Mandate of Palestine in 1936, and served in the Jewish

Settlement Police. In World War II he volunteered and served in the British Army. After his

discharge he was recruited to the Haganah Intelligence Service. Subsequent to the Israeli War of

Independence he was transferred to the Israel Security Agency (ISA, Shin Bet). After one year as


Head of Shin Bet, in October 1953, Dorot followed Isser Harel to the Mossad as Deputy Director;

he was replaced as Director of Shin Bet by Amos Manor. He served as deputy director of the

Mossad until 1963.

Amos Manor (October 8, 1918 – August 5, 2007), born

Arthur Mendelowitz, was a former Director of the Shin Bet, Israel's internal intelligence and

security service, from 1953 until 1963. Born into a Jewish family in M.ramarossziget, in northern

Transylvania Romania. Following the outbreak of World War II, he was drafted to the Hungarian

Army, but in 1944 was transferred to the Auschwitz concentration camp. Prior to his immigration

to Israel in 1949, he served as the secretary of the Bucharest, Romania branch of the Mossad

Le'aliyah Bet for clandestine immigration to Israel, under the alias "Amos", which he later adopted

as his first name. One month after he immigrated to Israel in 1949 he joined Shin Bet. Amos

Manor is credited with building up the Shin Bet as a national institution capable of handling the

many threats posed to internal Israeli security during that time.

In 1964 Manor began serving on the directorial board of several companies, banks and the stock

market. He also worked as a business consultant for various textile firms. He was also a partner in

the Atlas hotel management company. Amos Manor spoke fluent Hebrew, English, French,

Romanian and Hungarian.

Yossef Harmelin (1922–1994) was an Austrian-born

Israeli politician, serving as an ambassador in Iran and South Africa and as director of Shabak

from 1964 to 1974 and again from 1986 to 1988. Born in Vienna, Harmelin immigrated to Israel

in 1939 under the Youth Immigration program. Harmelin fought with the Israel Defense Forces in

the 1948 Arab–Israeli War. He became deputy director of Shabak in 1960, rising to his first term

as director four years later. In 1974, he left Shabak to pursue other interests, including his

ambassadorship, before returning to head the security agency again in 1986. He retired in 1988.


Avraham Ahituv (born Avraham Gottfried in 1930) is a

German-born Israeli politician, having served as Director of the Shabak, the Israel Security Agency,

from 1974 to 1980. Ahituv's family immigrated to the British Mandate of Palestine in 1935. In

1946 Ahituv, joined the Haganah while a student in the Kfar Ha-Ro'eh seminary, where he

completed his high school matriculation test. In 1949 Ahituv joined the Internal Intelligence

Service, (SHAI), founded during the Israeli War of Independence and later became the Israel

Security Agency (Shin Bet). It was during the conflict period that Gottfried changed his name to

Ahituv. Through the 1950s Ahituv was in the Arab division of the Shin Bet. Ahituv was

instrumental in adopting a policy of “practical moderation” in relation to the Israeli Arab

demographic. This policy was to enable full integration of the Israeli Arab population into Israeli

main stream society. Ahituv also authorized the use of lies in Israeli courts to cover confessions

obtained by torture. In August 1982 a report appeared in the Washington Star that Ahituv's

resignation was caused by the intervention of Prime Minister Begin in the investigations in the

bombing of Palestinian town Mayors by Jewish extremist groups. The allegation was denied by

both Begin and Ahituv. After Ahituv testified that his resignation had been submitted before the

spate of bombs, the Knesset defense dismissed the Washington Star report as "groundless" and

having "no basis in fact"

Yaakov Peri (born February 20, 1944) was head of the

General Security Service, the Israeli domestic intelligence agency (known in Israel by the acronym

Shabak) from 1988 to 1994. Peri introduced structural changes in the Shabak in order to address

problems that arose during the First Intifada and deal with the new situation in Israel in the wake

of the Oslo Accords. After retiring from the Shabak, he went into business. He was CEO of

Cellcom Israel from 1995 to 2003.


Carmi Gillon (Hebrew: ןוליג ימרכ; born January 1950) is an

Israeli politician, and a former Israeli ambassador to Denmark and head of Shabak, the Internal

General Security Service of Israel. After the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin, he attracted criticism

for failing to provide adequate security. Carmi Gillon is currently the mayor of the Jerusalem

suburb Mevasseret Zion and vice-president of external relations for the Hebrew University of

Jerusalem. Gillon was born in Jerusalem into a well known family of lawyers who resided in the

Jerusalem neighborhood of Rehavia. His grandfather, Gad Frumkin, was the only Jewish judge to

serve at the Supreme Court of Palestine under the British Mandate and was also a member of the

Hebrew University's Board of Governors from the 1930s until his death. His father, Colin Gillon,

was a state attorney, and his mother Saada Gillon (nee Frumkin) served as Deputy Attorney

General. He began his army service in the armored corps and was later transferred to the artillery

corps. He was released from the army in 1971. He graduated from the National Defense College.

He has a B.A. in political science from the Hebrew University where he was recruited into the

Israeli Security Agency and an M.A. in public policy from Haifa University. He is also a graduate

of the advanced management program at the Harvard Business School, and completed

management training at Harvard's Kennedy School of Government.

In addition to his official roles, Gillon has also been a member of a number of boards of directors,

including the Tahal Group, Danker Investment and the Arab Israel Bank. Over the years, Gillon

has written several books and a range of articles on the subjects of foreign affairs and security.

Gillon is married with three children.

Amihai ‘Ami’ Ayalon (Hebrew: ןולייא יחימע;

born 27 June 1945) is an Israeli politician and member of the Knesset for the Labor Party. He was

formerly head of the Shin Bet, Israel's secret service, and commander-in-chief of the Navy. He came

in second to Ehud Barak in a Labor party leadership election in June 2007, and was appointed a

Minister without Portfolio in September 2007. Ami Ayalon was born in Tiberias and grew up in

kibbutz Ma'agan. His parents moved to British Mandate Palestine in the 1930s. His mother came

as a young girl to study in Jerusalem; his father, Yitzhak, was one of the founders of Ma'agan,

where he worked until retirement as a carpenter. Ayalon graduated from Bar-Ilan University with a


Bachelor of Arts in 1980. In 1992 he received a Master of Public Administration from Harvard

University. He is married and the father of three.

In 2006, Ayalon was elected to the Knesset on the Israeli Labor Party's list, but was not given a

position in the cabinet when Labor entered a coalition with Kadima. At the end of May 2007,

Ayalon was one of two candidates for the leadership of the Labor Party in ongoing party primaries.

In September 2007, Ayalon was appointed to the Israeli cabinet as a Minister without Portfolio; he

is now a member of the security cabinet.

Avi Dichter (born December 4, 1952) is an

Israeli politician, currently Israel's Minister of Public Security and a member of Knesset from the

Kadima party. His parents were Holocaust survivors. As an adolescent, he joined Hashomer

Hatzair, the oldest Zionist youth movement still functioning. After graduating high school in

Ashkelon (where he met his wife), Dichter was selected to serve in the elite unit of the Israel

Defense Forces, Sayeret Matkal, under then Commander Ehud Barak. Upon completing his

military service, Dichter joined Shin Bet, Israel's internal security service, in 1974 where he

advanced to eventually become its Director in 2000. He began his career in Shin Bet as a sky

marshal for El Al. After becoming proficient in Arabic and completing field intelligence courses,

he began working in the Shin Bet’s Southern District—specifically in the Gaza Strip. In 1992, he

was appointed as Director for the region. The targeted assassination of Hamas operative Yahya

Ayyash — known as "the Engineer"— took place under Dichter's leadership.

The assassination of the late Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin in 1995 shed light on Shin Bet's

shortcomings. Aiming to improve the Shin Bet's protection capabilities, Dichter was appointed

Director of the Security and Protection Division. In 1999, he became Deputy Director of Shin Bet.

One year later, Prime Minister Ehud Barak promoted Dichter to Director.

During his tenure as Director, the Palestinians launched one of their most deadly campaigns, the

Al-Aqsa Intifada. Under Dichter’s leadership, Shin Bet changed its modus operandi and

restructured its mission and duties to serve at the forefront of Israel’s security and counter-

terrorism efforts. The organization spearheaded counter-insurgency and intelligence operations

deep inside the West Bank and Gaza Strip. In doing so, the Shin Bet is credited with drastically

reducing the number of attacks perpetrated against Israel during this time as well as helping to

restore safety and positive morale to the public. Another one of Dichter’s successful initiatives

included envisioning and planning with Prime Minister Ariel Sharon the controversial West Bank

security barrier.


In September 2005, Dichter left office and became a research fellow at the Brookings Institute in

Washington, D.C. Several months later, he returned to Israel and announced his foray into

politics with the newly-established Kadima party. On May 4, 2006 Dichter was sworn in as the

Minister of Public Security.

Dichter holds a BA in Social Sciences from Bar Ilan University ('86) and an Executive MBA from

Tel Aviv University (1999). He speaks Hebrew, English and Arabic. He and his wife Ilana reside in

Ashkelon, where they both grew up. They have three children.

Yuval Diskin (born 1956) is the 12th and current Director

of Shabak. In the Israel Defense Forces, Diskin served as deputy company commander of Sayeret

Shaked (the command Sayeret of the Israeli Southern Command). In 1978, he was recruited to the

Shabak and served as area coordinator for the Nablus district. During the 1982 Lebanon War,

Diskin operated in Beirut and Sidon. In 1984, he became the coordinator of Nablus District, and

by 1989, also the Jenin and Tulkarm districts. In 1990, he was appointed Department head in the

Shabak's Arab Affairs Branch. In 1994, he became the head of the Arab Affairs Branch. From

1997, Diskin was appointed as the commander of the Jerusalem District. From 2000 to 2003, he

was the Shabak's Deputy Director. From 2003, he was on a study sabbatical, during which he

became special advisor to Mossad Director, Meir Dagan. On May 15, 2005, he replaced Avi

Dichter as Shabak Director.


Mossad The Institute for Intelligence and Special Operations

Formed December 13, 1949 as the Central Institute for Coordination

Employees 1,200 (est.)

Agency Executive Meir Dagan, Director

Parent agency Office of the Prime Minister


The Mossad (HaMossad leModi'in uleTafkidim Meyuhadim or Institute for Intelligence and Special

Operations) is the national intelligence agency of Israel. "Mossad" is the Hebrew word for institute

or institution. Membership in the Mossad is very prestigious in Israeli society. The Mossad is

responsible for intelligence collection, counterterrorism, covert operations such as paramilitary

activities and political assassinations and the facilitation of aliyah where it is banned. It is one of

the main entities in the Israeli Intelligence Community (along with Aman (military intelligence),

OADNA and Shin Bet (internal security), but its director reports directly to the Prime Minister. Its

role and function is similar to that of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the Secret

Intelligence Service (MI6).

Prior to Israel's formation the "Mossad Le'aliyah Bet" was a small, unorthodox Zionist organization

whose mission in 1938 was to bring Jews to Israel. This was done to subvert the British quotas on

Jewish immigration. The Mossad's modes of operation, its ideology, and politics resulted in the

creation of the intelligence agency for the Israeli government once it was established in 1948.

The agency consisted of several of the existing members who had worked to establish Israel as a

Jewish nation and to bring the Jewish people to it.


From its headquarters in the Israeli city of Tel Aviv, the Mossad oversees a staff estimated at 1,200

personnel, although it may have numbered up to 2,000 in the late 1980s. The Mossad does not


use military ranks, although most of its staff have served in the Israel Defense Forces as part of

Israel's compulsory draft system, and many of them are officers. It is assumed to consist of eight

different departments. The largest is Collections, tasked with many aspects of conducting

espionage overseas.

Employees in the Collections Department operate under a variety of covers, including diplomatic

and unofficial. Their field intelligence officers, called katsas, are similar to case officers of the CIA.

Thirty to forty operate at a time, mainly in Europe and the Middle East. The Political Action and

Liaison Department is responsible for working both with allied foreign intelligence services, and

with nations that have no normal diplomatic relations with Israel.

Among the departments of the Mossad is the Special Operations Division or '"Metsada" (see

Kidon), which is involved in assassination, paramilitary operations, sabotage, and psychological

warfare. Psychological warfare is also a concern of the Lochamah Psichologit Department, which

conducts propaganda and deception activities as well. Additionally, the Mossad has a Research

Department, tasked with intelligence production, and a Technology Department concerned with

the development of tools for Mossad activities.

Organizational History

The Mossad was formed on December 13, 1949 as the "Central Institute for Coordination", at the

recommendation of Reuven Shiloah to Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion. Shiloah wanted a

central body to coordinate and improve cooperation between the existing security services – the

army's intelligence department (AMAN), the General Security Service (GSS or "Shin Bet") and the

foreign office's "political department". In March 1951, it was reorganized and made a part of the

prime minister's office, reporting directly to the prime minister. Its current staff is estimated at

1,200. Mossad's former motto: be-tachbūlōt ta`aseh lekhā milchāmāh is a quote from the Bible

(Proverbs 24:6): "For by wise guidance you can wage your war, and in abundance of counselors

there is victory" (NRSV). The motto was changed recently as part of the Mossad's public 'coming

out' to another Proverbs passage: be-'.yn tachbūlōt yippol `ām; ū-teshū`āh be-rov yō'.ts (Proverbs 11:14).

This is translated by NRSV as: "Where there is no guidance, a nation falls, but in an abundance of

counselors there is safety."


United States of America The Mossad informed the FBI and CIA in August 2001 that as many as

200 terrorists were slipping into the United States and planning "a major assault on the United

States." The Israeli intelligence agency cautioned that it had picked up indications of a "large-scale

target" in the United States and that Americans would be "very vulnerable." A month later, the

terrorists struck at the World Trade Center. Just prior to the 9/11 attacks a large Israeli spy ring

was discovered in the United States and was fully unraveled after 9/11. At least 200 suspected

Israeli spies were arrested in regards to suspected involvement in the 9/11 attacks and were

subsequently deported back to Israel.



In 1960, the Mossad discovered that Nazi war criminal Adolf Eichmann was in Argentina and

through surveillance, they confirmed that he had been living there under the name of Ricardo

Klement. He was captured by a team of Mossad agents on May 11, 1960, and subsequently

smuggled to Israel where he was tried and executed. Argentina protested what it considered as the

violation of its sovereignty, and the United Nations Security Council noted that "repetition of acts

such as [this] would involve a breach of the principles upon which international order is founded,

creating an atmosphere of insecurity and distrust incompatible with the preservation of peace"

while also acknowledging that "Eichmann should be brought to appropriate justice for the crimes

of which he is accused" and that "this resolution should in no way be interpreted as condoning the

odious crimes of which Eichmann is accused." Mossad aborted a second operation to capture Josef



� Operation Plumbat (1968) was an operation by Lekem-Mossad to further Israel's nuclear

program. The German freighter "Scheersberg A", disappeared on its way from Antwerp to Genoa

along with its cargo of 200 tons of yellowcake, after supposedly being transferred to an Israeli ship.

� The sending of letter bombs during the Operation Wrath of God campaign. Some of these

attacks were not fatal, although their purpose might not have been to kill the receiver. Some of the

more famous examples of the Mossad letter bombs were those sent to Nazi war-criminal Alois



The abduction of nuclear technician Mordechai Vanunu in 1986 after American-Israeli agent

Cheryl Bentov lured him from the United Kingdom.


The assassination of Fathi Shiqaqi, a leader of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, in 1995 in front of the

Diplomat Hotel in Sliema, Malta.


Lillehammer affair. On July 21, 1973, Mossad agents in Lillehammer murdered Moroccan busboy,

Ahmed Bouchikhi, whom they mistakenly believed to have been involved in the Munich Olympics


Bosnia and Herzegovina

Assisted in air and overland evacuations of the Jews from war-torn Sarajevo to Israel in 1992.


� Directed missions for Israeli spy Wolfgang Lotz in Egypt 1957-1965.

� Directed missions for Israeli spy Eli Cohen (was born and worked in his youth in Egypt but

spied on Syria) in 1964, who provided vast amounts of valuable intelligence. Eli Cohen

was, however, caught in 1965 in Syria while he was monitoring radio frequencies.


� Provision of key intelligence on the Egyptian Air Force for Operation Focus, the opening

airstrike of the Six-Day War.

� Operation Bulmus 6 - Intelligence assistance in the Commando Assault on Green Island,

Egypt during the War of Attrition.


1960s Prior to the Iranian Revolution of 1978–79 in Iran, SAVAK (Organization of National

Security and Information), the Iranian secret police and intelligence service was created under the

guidance of United States and Israeli intelligence officers in 1957 to protect the regime of the shah

by arresting, torturing, and executing the dissidents (especially Leftists). After security relations

between the United States and Iran grew more distant in the early 1960s which led the CIA

training team to leave Persia, Mossad became increasingly active in Iran, training SAVAK

personnel and carrying out a broad variety of joint operations with SAVAK.

In 2007 It was alleged by private intelligence agency Stratfor, based on "sources close to Israeli

intelligence", that Dr. Ardeshir Hosseinpour, a scientist involved in the Iranian nuclear program,

was killed by the Mossad on January 15, 2007. A US intelligence official told The Washington Post

that Israel orchestrated the defection of Iranian general Ali Reza Askari on February 7, 2007. This

has been denied by Israeli spokesman Mark Regev. The Sunday Times reported that Askari had been

a Mossad asset since 2003, and left only when his cover was about to be blown.


Assistance in the defection and rescuing of the family of Munir Redfa, an Iraqi pilot who defected

and flew his MiG 21 to Israel in 1966. Operation Sphinx - Between 1978 and 1981, obtained

highly sensitive information about Iraq's Osirak nuclear reactor by recruiting an Iraqi nuclear

scientist in France. On April 5, 1979, the Mossad destroyed 60 percent of the Iraqi reactor

components being built in France; "[An] environmental organization named Groupe des ecologistes

francais, unheard of before this incident, claimed credit for the blast." The reactor was

subsequently destroyed by an Israeli air strike in 1981. The alleged assassination of Canadian

scientist Gerald Bull, developer of the Iraqi supergun, in 1990. The most common theory is that

the Mossad was responsible, and its representatives have all but claimed responsibility for his

assassination. Others, including Bull's son, believe that the Mossad is taking credit for an act they

did not commit to scare off others who may try to help enemy regimes. The alternative theory is

that Bull was killed by the CIA. Iraq and Iran are also candidates for suspicion.

Palestinian Territories

� The assassination of members of Black September, who were responsible for the Munich

massacre at the 1972 Olympic Games, called "Operation Wrath of God".

� In July 1973, Ahmed Bouchiki, a Moroccan waiter in Lillehammer, Norway, was killed

while walking with his pregnant wife. He had been mistaken for Ali Hassan Salameh, one of

the leaders of Black September, the Palestinian group responsible for the Munich massacre,

who had been given shelter in Norway. The Mossad agents had used fake Canadian passports,

which angered the Canadian government. Six Mossad agents were arrested, and the incident

became known as the Lillehammer affair.


� The assassination of PFLP and PFLP-EO leader Wadie Haddad in 1978.

� The assassination of As-Sa'iqa leader Zuhayr Muhsin in 1979.

� Tunis Raid - The assassination of Abu Jihad from the Fatah in 1988.

� The assassination of Fathi Shqaqi, the head of Palestinian Islamic Jihad, in 1995.

� In 1997, two Mossad agents were caught in Jordan, which had signed a peace treaty with

Israel, on a mission to assassinate Sheikh Khaled Mashal, a leader of Hamas, by spraying him

with poison at a pro-Hamas rally in Amman. Again, they were using fake Canadian passports.

This led to a diplomatic row with Canada and Jordan. Israel was forced to provide the antidote

to the poison and to release around 70 Palestinian prisoners, in particular the Hamas leader

Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, in exchange for the Mossad agents, who would otherwise have faced the

death penalty for attempted murder.

� The assassination of Hamas leader Izz El-Deen Sheikh Khalil in Damascus in 2004.

� The sending of letter bombs to PFLP member Bassam Abu Sharif.


The provision of intelligence and operational assistance in 1973's Operation Spring of Youth.


Assistance in Operation Moses, the immigration of Ethiopian Jews to Israel in 1984, and has a

relationship with the Ethiopian government.


According to Time, the Mossad was involved in what is known as the Ben Barka Affair (see Mehdi

Ben Barka).


The provision of intelligence regarding Entebbe International Airport and grant of refueling rights

in Kenya for Operation Entebbe in 1976.

New Zealand

In July 2004, New Zealand imposed diplomatic sanctions on Israel over an incident in which two

Australian based Israelis, Uriel Kelman and Eli Cara, who were allegedly working for Mossad,

attempted to fraudulently obtain New Zealand passports by claiming the identity of a severely

disabled man. Israeli Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom later apologized to New Zealand for their

actions. New Zealand cancelled several other passports believed to have been obtained by Israeli

agents. Both Kelman and Cara served half of their six month sentences and, upon release, were

deported to Israel. Two others, an Israeli, Ze'ev Barkan, and a New Zealander, David Reznick, are

believed to have been the third and fourth men involved in the passport affair but they both

managed to leave New Zealand before being traced.

Soviet Union

In February 1956, a friendly member of the Politburo provided the Mossad with a copy of Nikita

Khrushchev's speech denouncing Joseph Stalin. The Mossad passed it on to the United States,


which published the speech, embarrassing the USSR. This was a major intelligence coup that

raised the prestige of the organization.

Mossad has often come under criticism for perceived excessive actions against Israel's many

enemies. It has been criticized for carrying out assassinations, abductions and torture.

Mossad Le'aliyah Bet

The Mossad Le'aliyah Bet (literally Institution for Immigration B) was a branch of the Jewish

Defense Association (Haganah) in the British Mandate of Palestine that operated to facilitate

Jewish immigration to Palestine in violation of unilateral British restrictions to Jewish

immigration. It operated from 1938 until the founding of the State of Israel. The name's origin is a

play on words: The Yishuv (Jewish Community in Palestine) referred to legal immigration as

"Immigration A," and therefore called illegal immigration "Immigration B" (Aliyah Bet). Even

though the Mossad Le'aliyah Bet was officially founded on April 29, 1939, it had began operating

during 1938. The reason for its establishment was the increasing limitation on legal Jewish

immigration by the British Mandate authorities. The Mossad was founded on the basis of the

Ha'apala movement. Its activity was initially centred in Athens and later on its centre moved to

Paris. In the first years after it was created, the Mossad achieved a certain measure of success.

Operating primarily through the sea, in fifty cruises it was able to bring as many as 20,000 Jewish

immigrants to Palestine.

When World War II broke, the Mossad became virtually paralyzed and its activities were only

renewed by August 1945. Since that time and until the founding of Israel, the Mossad was able to

bring an additional 64 ships with over 70,000 Jewish immigrants (many of whom were Holocaust

survivors). In addition to the sea, although in a much smaller scale, the Mossad also brought

immigrants via land, from the Arab world. Overall, the Mossad was able to bring about 100,000

Jews into what was to become the State of Israel. The most famous ship used by the Mossad was

Exodus, which brought 4,554 Holocaust survivors.

Throughout most of its years, the Mossad was led by Shaul Avigur (Meirov). With the founding of

Israel, the Mossad served as a basis for the agency Lishkat Hakesher (Liaison Bureau), codenamed

Nativ ("Path"), created in 1953 and also headed by Meirov, which brought Jews from Soviet bloc,

the Arab world, and other countries.


Mossad Directors

� Reuven Shiloah. 1949-1952

� Isser Harel. 1952-1963

� Meir Amit. 1963-1968

� Zvi Zamir. 1968-1974

� Yitzhak Hofi. 1974-1982

� Nahum Admoni. 1982-1989

� Shabtai Shavit. 1989-1996

� Danny Yatom. 1996-1998

� Efraim Halevy. 1998-2002

� Meir Dagan. 2002-present

Reuven Shiloah (December 1909-1959) was the first Director of

the Mossad from 1949 to 1952. Born in Ottoman ruled Jerusalem as Reuven Zaslanski, he would

later shorten his last name to Zaslani and use the codeword Shiloah. From an Orthodox Jewish

family and with a rabbi for a father, Shiloah abandoned the religious life of his family at an early

age. In the mid-1930s he met Betty Borden of New York and the two were married in 1936.

Shiloah was involved in Israeli political and defense matters since before its creation, and was a

close friend of David Ben-Gurion. Before the 1948 Arab-Israeli War Shiloah obtained the invasion

plans of the Arab League, and he began building relationships with other intelligence agencies,

particularly in the West. At the urging of Shiloah, Prime Minister Ben-Gurion created the "Central

Institute for Coordination" (Mossad) in December of 1949 and appointed Shiloah as its first

Director. However, it was not until April 1, 1951 that the Mossad became operational under

Shiloah because bureaucratic fighting had delayed Ben-Gurion's initial order. After his tenure at

the Mossad Shiloah worked in the Israeli Embassy in Washington DC and continued serving as an



Isser Harel (Born Isser Halperin on 1912, died 18 February

2003) was spymaster of the intelligence and the security services of Israel and the Director of the

Mossad (1952 - 1963). Isser Harel was born in Vitebsk, Russia (now Belarus) to a large, wealthy

family. The exact date of his birth was not passed on to him because the book of Gemara in which

the date was recorded was lost in the migrations of the Russian Revolution of 1917 and World

War I. The family had a vinegar factory in Vitebsk. It was a gift of his maternal grandfather, who

had a concession to make vinegar in large parts of Tsarist Russia. Young Isser was five years old

when the revolution broke out and Vitebsk passed several times between the Whites and the Reds.

On one occasion he saw Leon Trotsky give a speech in the town.

Isser and his family fell on hard times when the Soviet regime confiscated their property. In 1922

the family emigrated from the Soviet Union to Dvinsk in independent Latvia. On the way, Soviet

soldiers stole their suitcases, which contained the rest of their possessions. In Dvinsk, Isser began

his formal studies, completed primary school, and began secondary school. As he grew, a Jewish

national consciousness grew within him and he joined a Zionist youth organization. When he was

16, Isser began preparations to immigrate to Israel. During this preparatory year he worked in

agriculture with the aspiration to join a kibbutz. With the outbreak of the 1929 Hebron massacre,

his friends decided to move up their immigration date in order to reinforce the Jewish settlement

in Palestine. Documents were prepared for the 17-year-old Isser stating that he was 18 and eligible

for a British visa. At the beginning of 1930 he immigrated to Israel. He crossed Europe from north

to south to board a ship in Genoa, carrying a pistol that he concealed in a loaf of bread. He had

one child, a daughter, from his first marriage. She currently works for the Shabak (General

Security Service) in Israel. She did not serve in the Israeli Defense Forces but instead in the

National Work Program which is an alternative for women who do not or cannot serve the

mandatory 18 months in the I.D.F.

On September 22, 1952, Harel became head of the Mossad. Harel became the first man to be

given the Hebrew title of HaMemuneh (the responsible one), a reference to his unique position as

the head of both Israeli civilian intelligence services, Mossad and Shabak. Harel was the head

investigator in the 15 year manhunt for Adolf Eichmann. The hunt ended in May 1960, when the

Mossad covertly kidnapped Eichmann from Argentina to Israel. Eichmann was the man

responsible for technical coordination of the Final Solution in WWII, which resulted in the

systematic murder of 6,000,000 Jewish people. Harel documented his 15 year investigation in "The

House on Garibaldi Street". He was replaced as head of Mossad after it became known that many


of his agents had misappropriated funds. Since then, Mossad agents working on foreign soil have

to "earn" their money through business activities, which also enhances their cover.

After leaving Mossad, Harel turned to politics. He joined David Ben Gurion's newly created

National List prior to the 1969 elections, and was elected to the Knesset as the party won four

seats. However, after Ben Gurion resigned from the party it began to disintegrate, with two of the

MKs defecting to Likud and the other to the Alignment. As a result, Harel lost his seat in the 1973


Meir Amit (Born 17 March 1921) was the Director of the

Mossad from 1963 to 1968. Born in Palestine during the British mandate, he fought for the

Haganah during the 1948 Arab-Israeli War. In the late 1950s Amit studied in the United States,

earning a business degree from Columbia Business School. After returning to Israel, Amit entered

the Israeli intelligence community, first as a Major General at the head of IDF Intelligence in

1961, and then as Mossad Director in 1963. As Director, he orchestrated some of the Mossad's

greatest successes, including the spy Eli Cohen who penetrated the highest levels of the Syrian

government. It was also during his time that the Mossad engineered the defection of a Maronite

Iraqi pilot who flew the then new Mig-21 from Iraq to Israel. Amit is particularly known for his

success in expanding Israel's human intelligence (HUMINT), especially in the Arab world.

During the lead up to the Six-Day War in 1967, Amit had a network of informants that permeated

the entire Egyptian military, providing key details for Israel's pre-emptive strike on Egyptian air

bases and subsequent ground offensive. Amit also built close personal ties with the CIA. Since his

retirement from the Mossad, he has continued to be an active voice in the intelligence community,

and done work for the Israeli government. Following the lead of other former generals, Amit

joined the Dash party and served in the Knesset. He is currently the chairman of Israel's Center for

Special Studies. In a recent 2006 interview with reporter Aaron Klein, Amit assessed the current

problem of Islamic terrorism. He said that he views the conflict as World War III, a widespread

attempt to impose Islamic beliefs across the world. He has also called for the assassination of

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad who has repeatedly threatened to destroy Israel. In a

2008 interview with Klein, Amit advocated military action to stop Iran from obtaining nuclear

weapons. The comments from Amit were considered significant since, until the interview, he had

refused to support an attack against Iran.


Zvi Zamir (Born Zvicka Zarzevsk, 1925) was a Major

General in the Israel Defense Forces and the Director of the Mossad from 1968 to 1974.

Born in Poland, Zamir immigrated with his family to the then British Mandate of Palestine when

only seven months old. At the age of 18 Zamir began his military career, first as a soldier in the

Haganah's Palmach, a unit that included future Israeli leaders among the likes of Moshe Dayan

and Yitzhak Rabin. During the 1948 Arab-Israeli War, Zamir fought in the newly created Israel

Defense Forces. After the war he continued climbing the chain of command, eventually promoted

to the Commander of the Southern Command. His final IDF post before being appointed Mossad

Director came in 1966 when he was appointed the military attaché to London. During his tenure

at the Mossad, he helped carry out Operation Wrath of God, the Israeli response to the Munich

Massacre, and dealt with the lead-up to and aftermath of the Yom Kippur War in 1973.

After the German government refused to accept an Israeli team during the Munich hostage crisis,

Zamir was sent to observe the activities at the F.rstenfeldbruck airbase the night that the failed

rescue attempt left all nine remaining Israeli hostages dead.

Zamir was interviewed about the incident in 1999 when he spoke with the producer of One Day in

September, a documentary on the massacre. In it he strongly criticized the German rescue effort for

its complete lack of coordination. He had previously been interviewed on this subject for an NBC

profile during their coverage of the 1992 Barcelona Olympics, and he has discussed the massacre

several times since. Zamir currently resides in Zahala, Israel, just north of Tel Aviv. Zamir was

played by Ami Weinberg in Steven Spielberg's 2005 movie Munich.


Yitzhak Hofi (born 25 January 1927) was the director of

Mossad from 1974 to 1982. Hofi was born in Tel Aviv. He joined the Haganah in 1944 and

commanded a company in the Arab-Israeli War in 1948. He continued to serve in the Israeli

Defense Forces in a variety of command, staff and training posts. He headed the Northern

Command of the IDF during the Yom Kippur War in 1973. He was Acting Chief of Staff for a

brief period in 1974, before retiring from the military and taking the post of director of Mossad.

Before that he was a general in the Israeli Defense Forces in charge of the Northern Command. In

July 1976, Hofi lobbied strongly for a rescue mission to be mounted to save the large number of

Israeli passengers on a hijacked Air France airliner flown to Entebbe International Airport in

Uganda. In order to facilitate the resulting Operation Entebbe, Hofi directed Mossad katsas to

survey the airport, and used contacts in Kenyan intelligence to allow the refueling of Israeli planes

in Nairobi on the return journey.

Nahum Admoni (born 1929) was the Director of the

Mossad from 1982 to 1989. Born in Jerusalem to Polish immigrants, he fought in the 1948 Arab-

Israeli War in the SHAI, the Haganah intelligence branch, and later in the newly created Israeli

Defense Force Intelligence. After the war he went to the United States and studied at the

University of California, Berkeley, returning to Israel in 1954. There he rejoined the Israeli

intelligence community, working his way up the chain of command to be Mossad Director Yitzhak

Hofi's deputy. During his service as Mossad Director, Admoni watched over the Jonathan Pollard

affair, in which it was revealed that Israel was spying on the United States. He also endured the

revelation of Israeli involvement in the Iran-Contra Affair and the public abduction of Mordechai

Vanunu, who had revealed secrets of the Israeli nuclear weapons program to the British press.

Along with a number of other embarrassing incidents involving careless mistakes by Mossad

agents, Admoni retired in 1989. On August 28, 2006 he was appointed by Prime Minister Ehud

Olmert to be chairman of an investigation committee, charged with investigating the actions of the

government during the 2006 Israel-Lebanon conflict.


Shabtai Shavit was the Director General of the

Mossad from 1989 to 1996. Shavit first joined the Israel Defense Forces, where he served in the

Sayeret Matkal and from 1958 to 1959 he was the Military Governor of the Southern Command.

He then joined the Mossad in 1964, where he worked his way up to his appointment as Director.

After retiring from the Mossad he spent five years as CEO of Maccabi Health Services Group.

Thereafter he became the chairman of the Institute for Counter-Terrorism at the Interdisciplinary

Center in Herzliya, Israel in 2001, and also President and CEO of EMG Israel and Chairman of

Athena. Shavit has also continued to work in government roles, including as Advisor to the Israeli

National Security Council, Advisor to the Sub-Committee on intelligence of the Knesset,

Committee on Foreign Affairs and National Security, and as a member of the N.Y.F.D. Task Force

for Future Preparedness against Terrorism.

Danny Yatom (Born 15 March 1945) is a former Israeli

politician who served as a member of the Knesset for Labour. Before that he was a Director of the

Mossad security service. Yatom studied mathematics, physics and computer science at the Hebrew

University of Jerusalem, gaining a BA. From 1963 to 1996 he served in the Israel Defense Forces

and worked in the Sayeret Matkal anti-terrorism force, rising to the position of deputy

commander, after which he moved to the Armor Corps and then became the head of the Israeli

Central Command, ranked Major General. Between 1996 and 1998 he served as head of the

Israeli Mossad, and between 1991 and 2001 he served as Prime Minister Ehud Barak's, Chief of

Staff and security advisor. He then became a Knesset member and served in the 16th and 17th

Knesset, from 2003 until June 2008, when he resigned from the Knesset and from Israeli politics.

In 2003 he was elected to the Knesset on Labour's list, and served as head of the committee on

foreign workers, as well as chairing the lobbies for enlisted soldiers and the West Bank barrier. He

retained his seat in the 2006 elections and served as head of the West Bank barrier lobby. He

retained his seat in the 2006 elections, but resigned from the Knesset on 30 June 2008, stating that


he was "not willing to be part of a political reality in which basic values are trampled upon, such as

leading by example, ethics, and integrity". He was replaced by Leon Litinski.

Efraim Halevy (Born 1934) is a lawyer and an

Israeli intelligence expert. He was the ninth director of Mossad and the 4th head of the Israeli

National Security Council. Above all, he is remembered for his part in bringing about the peace

treaty with Jordan. The special relationship he developed with King Hussein made it possible for

Halevy to open Jordan to the awareness that only a peace agreement with Israel would extricate the

Hashemite kingdom from the crisis after the Gulf War. Halevy was born in the United Kingdom

to an established Orthodox Jewish family. He immigrated to Israel in 1948. He attended Ma'aleh,

a religious high school in Jerusalem, and later, graduated (with commendation) in law.

Between 1957 and1961 he was the editor of the journal Monthly Survey, published by the Chief

Education Officer. In 1961, he began his work in the Mossad. In 1967, he was selected to the

Chief Branches Forum. Halevy remained in the Mossad for the next 28 years, heading three

different branches throughout. Between 1990 and1995, under the directorship of Shabtai Shavit,

he served as deputy director and as head of the headquarters branch. In March 1998, he became

the director of Mossad following the resignation of Danny Yatom. In 1996, he became the Israeli

ambassador to the European Union in Brussels. Halevy served as the envoy and confidant of five

Prime Ministers: Yitzhak Shamir, Yitzhak Rabin, Benjamin Netanyahu, Ehud Barak and Ariel

Sharon. He took an active part in a special mission by Rabin in forging the Israel-Jordan Treaty of

Peace. After the failure of the Mossad operation to assassinate Hamas leader Khaled Mashal in

1997, he took an active part in Benjamin Netanyahu's mission to return the Mossad men captured

in Jordan, and to settle the crisis with the King of Jordan. On October 2002, he was appointed the

second head of the National Security Council and an advisor to Prime Minister Ariel Sharon. In

June 2003, he resigned from this position after Dov Weisglass, the bureau chief of Prime Minister

Ariel Sharon, isolated and neutralized him and Prime Minister Sharon refrained from accepting

his recommendations on a host of issues and went to teach at Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

He is the author of the book ‘The Role of the Intelligence Community in the Age of Strategic Alternatives

for Israel’. He is known as a hard-headed pragmatist on issues involving the Israeli-Palestinian

conflict, willing to ruffle feathers on the right and the left, unlike many others in the intelligence

establishment who are known to take more extreme ideological positions on these issues. Halevy

believes that Israel should take up Hamas’s offer of a long-term truce and try negotiating, because

the Islamic movement is respected by Palestinians and generally keeps its word, he said. He

pointed to the cease-fire in attacks on Israel that Hamas declared two years ago and has largely


honored. “They’re not very pleasant people, but they are very, very credible,” Halevy said. In 2006

he published the book Man in the Shadows, covering Middle Eastern history since the late 1980s.

Meir Dagan is an Israeli military officer and current

Director of the Mossad. Born Meir Huberman in the Soviet Union in 1945, Dagan is the son of

Holocaust survivors. Dagan's family immigrated to Israel in 1950 and settled in Bat Yam, a coastal

city south of Tel Aviv. In 1963, Dagan enlisted in the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and served in the

paratrooper brigade. In the 1967 Six Day War, he commanded a company which fought in Sinai,

and after that he participated in the fighting in the Golan Heights. Dagan was decorated with the

Medal of Courage in 1971. In the early 1970s, Dagan commanded a temporarily-formed

undercover commando unit, known as Sayeret Rimon, whose task it was to combat the increasing

insurgent violence in Judea, Samaria, and Gaza. It was the forerunner to other IDF Mistaravim

units that were formed in the 1980s such as Sayeret Shimshon and Sayeret Duvdevan. The latter

unit is the only one of its type that is at present still in operation. During the 1982 Lebanon War,

Dagan commanded the Barak Armored Brigade, and after that served as the commander of the

Israeli unit with a connection to Lebanon. As the commander of this unit Dagan learned of Unit

504, an Israeli intelligence unit which operates agents, and founded a similar unit in connection to


In 1995, Dagan retired from the IDF. A year later, he was requested to return to public service by

then Prime Minister of Israel, Shimon Peres. He was added to the Israeli Headquarters for

Fighting Terror as Ami Ayalon's Deputy. When Ayalon received the position of head of the

Shabak, Dagan became head of the Headquarters. At the end of the 90s, Dagan joined the Israeli

General Staff, as head of the operations division and special advisor to the head of the General

Staff. Dagan was appointed Director of the Mossad by Prime Minister Ariel Sharon in August

2002, replacing outgoing Director Ephraim Halevy. He was reconfirmed until the end of 2008 by

Prime Minister Ehud Olmert in February 2007, and in June 2008 Olmert again extended his

tenure until the end of 2009. In mid 2007 Dagan had a "spat with the Deputy Director N, who is

thought to be a candidate for replacing Dagan in late 2008. Dagan restored his former deputy T to

the post and Dagan is likely to recommend T as his replacement. During his military service Dagan

was injured twice, and also won a decoration for his service. Dagan holds a B.A. in political science

from the University of Haifa.
