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ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 73 (2012) 58–67

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ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing

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Shanghai subway tunnels and highways monitoring through Cosmo-SkyMedPersistent Scatterers

Daniele Perissin a,1, Zhiying Wang b,⇑,2, Hui Lin a

a Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, Hong Kongb Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy

a r t i c l e i n f o

Article history:Available online 6 September 2012

Keywords:Persistent ScatterersUrban subsidence monitoringSubwaysHighwaysShanghai

0924-2716/$ - see front matter � 2012 International

⇑ Corresponding author.E-mail addresses: (, (Z. Wang).1 Institute of Space and Earth Information Science

Hong Kong – CUHK, Fok Ying Tung Remote Sensing ScNew Territories, Hong Kong.

2 Received her Ph.D degree in mechanical engineeriMilano in February 2010 and mechatronics from Beijiand Aeronautics in July 2010. She is now working on I

a b s t r a c t

Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry (InSAR) is an alternative technique to obtain measurements ofsurface displacement providing better spatial resolution and comparable accuracy at an extremely lowercost per area than conventional surveying methods. InSAR is becoming more and more popular in mon-itoring urban deformations, however, the technique requires advanced tools and high level competenceto be successfully applied. In this paper we report important results obtained by analyzing new high res-olution SAR data in the Shanghai urban area. The data used in this work have been acquired by the ItalianX-band sensor Cosmo-SkyMed. About 1.2 million of individual and independent targets have beendetected in 600 sq km, revealing impressive details of the ground surface deformation. Using the SAR-PROZ InSAR tool and integrating the results with Google Earth, we were able to track subway tunnelsrecently excavated and several highways. Tunnels are visible due to very localized subsidence of theabove surface along their path. On the other hand, highways, standing over the ground, in most casesshow higher stability than the surrounding areas. The density of targets is so high to allow studyingthe profile of the tunnel subsidence, which is very useful to predict building damage. Finally, the identi-fication of targets on high buildings helps checking the stability of high constructions along the subwaylines, highlighting possible risky situations.� 2012 International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Inc. (ISPRS) Published by Elsevier

B.V.All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

1.1. Shanghai subway development

Shanghai, as one of the most populated cities in the world,made an enormous effort in expanding its underground railwaynetwork. In particular, in the six months leading up to the openingof the Expo on May 1, 2010, the Shanghai Metro has undergonemajor expansions (Miller et al., 2010). Three new lines, one tempo-rary new line and two extensions became functional before theExpo event. The incredibly rapid development generated also crit-

Society for Photogrammetry and R

D. Perissin),

– ISEIS, Chinese University ofience Building, CUHK, Shatin,

ng system from Politecnico ding University of AstronauticsnSAR and Robotics.

ics concerning safety, strengthened by the accident happened onSeptember 27, 2011 along line 10 (Mu, 2011).

From 1995 to April 2010, Shanghai has increased the subwaynetwork from one single line to 12, 268 stations in total and420 km in length. Moreover, the system is still under development.According to the last reports, by the end of 2020 Shanghai plans toextend the subway network to a total number of 22 lines, spanningalmost 900 km. The ambitious project awakens big expectationsfor the population, but at the same time it rises concerns aboutsafety and possible subsidence risks.

1.2. Subsidence monitoring in Shanghai

Shanghai is located on the deltaic deposit of the Yangtze River.Compaction of the 40-m-thick, upper Shanghai soft clay contrib-utes to land subsidence in the Shanghai region (Gong et al.,2009). A lot of attention has been paid to the subsidence causedby the groundwater pumping since 1921 (Damoah-Afari et al.,2007, 2008; Hu et al., 2004; Monjoie et al., 1992; Shi and Bao,1984). However, the subsidence in urban area could also becaused by many other anthropogenic factors, such as construction

emote Sensing, Inc. (ISPRS) Published by Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.

D. Perissin et al. / ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 73 (2012) 58–67 59

of high rise buildings, subways excavation and so forth. Alarge amount of people (Shanghai population is more than 18million) travels by metro and moves via subways everyday. Theterrain surface is disseminated of high-rise sky scrapers, thatpierce a network of highways and bridges. Subsidence caused byexcavation could thus cause disasters endangering the life ofmany people.

The bury-depth of most metro tunnels in Shanghai is limitedbecause of the special soil condition. Most tunnels pass throughvery soft clay and very soft silty clay levels. Such kinds of clayhave properties as large void ratio, high water content, highplasticity, poor permeability, high compressibility, low shearingstrength and low modulus of deformation (Hu et al., 2003),which lead to high probability of subsidence (Tang et al.,2008; Wei et al., 2011; Yang et al., 2010). Shanghai’s responsi-ble offices spent a considerable amount of money for installingdifferent kind of instruments to monitor the stability of theterrain in construction areas (, 2007; Waternews Online, 2007). Even though, it is impractical to installsensors along all tunnels, and thus it is impossible to have adetailed and global vision at the same time with commonsurveying methods.

Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry (InSAR) can providealternative measurements of the surface displacement with betterspatial resolution and comparable accuracy than conventional sur-veying methods, allowing to study vast areas at once (Osmanogluet al., 2010). In particular, the Permanent Scatterers InSAR tech-nique (PSInSAR) (Ferretti et al., 2000), which was introduced anddeveloped at Politecnico di Milano (POLIMI) in the late 1990s, isa highly efficient tool for investigating the subsidence pattern ofstable radar targets. The aim is achieved by processing series ofimages and reducing, in this way, the effect of decorrelation (whichmakes the interferometric phase random) and atmosphere (whichbiases the movement estimated from the interferometric phase).InSAR has already been applied in different sites in China, as Tianj-ing, Shanghai, Suzhou, Wuhan (Damoah-Afari et al., 2008; Li et al.,200; Liu et al., 2009; Perissin and Wang, 2010). As an example, in(Perissin and Wang, 2010) we published a PSInSAR analysis inShanghai carried out with 40 ESA-ERS images acquired between1993 and 2000. The results were compared with optical levelingmeasurements collected from 1990 to 1998, showing a goodagreement.

Meanwhile, new high resolution satellites (like the German Ter-raSAR-X and the Italian Cosmo-SkyMed) have been launched in or-bit, opening to new horizons in monitoring urban areas with InSARtechniques. The availability of archives of X-band data makes itnow possible to apply successfully multi-image processing analysisfor high resolution land subsidence monitoring. In particular, inthis work Cosmo-SkyMed data acquired over Shanghai and pro-vided by Eastdawn, Beijing were processed with the PSInSARtechnique.

1.3. The SARPROZ InSAR tool for urban subsidence

Different software tools are nowadays available for applyingmulti-image InSAR techniques. In this work we make use of SAR-PROZ, a program developed by Perissin. SARPROZ (Perissin et al.,2011; Perissin, 2011) is a versatile software for processing SARand InSAR Data. Programmed in Matlab, it offers easy ways to ex-tend the existing library of functions. At the same time, it is basedon graphical interfaces and it can be used without coding knowl-edge (examples in Fig. 1). Moreover, it is completely parallelizedand, thanks to the powerful Matlab libraries, it can run automati-cally on multiple processors or computer clusters. The tool imple-ments various kinds of multi-temporal techniques, as PS andQuasi-PS (Ferretti et al., 2001; Perissin and Wang, 2012), and any

kind of multi-master interferometric combination and stacking.The software provides modules for coherent–incoherent processing,including multi-platform data combination, time series analysis(both of phase and amplitude data), DEM–DSM analysis, targetcharacterization and classification, change detection. The softwareoffers also several tools for data analysis, data plotting and dataexporting in different formats including Google Earth (GE) (Perissinet al., 2011).

The advantages of using GE are its being free, its high browsingspeed and its big images archive, with even historic information.However, when dealing with huge numbers of points (as in a PSIn-SAR analysis), some smart solutions have to be adopted in ordernot to overload the GE memory. SARPROZ implements two waysof results exportation to GE. In the first one, PS results are re-sam-pled on a uniform geographic grid, to give an overview of the esti-mated parameter without overloading the GE memory. At a secondtime, results can be displayed on a point-by-point basis, to make itpossible browsing into all estimated details. Examples are reportedin Section 3.

SARPROZ is not a commercial software and the source code isnot public. The interested reader may contact the author (Perissin,2011) on how to get the code for research purposes.

2. Data set and methodology

Thirty-three scenes acquired by Cosmo-SkyMed betweenDecember 2008 and June 2010 along an ascending orbit were usedto carry out a PSInSAR analysis with SARPROZ. The processed areacovers around 600 sq km, acquisitions are in Stripmap imagingmode (3 m resolution). The scene on 10th, October 2009 is chosenas reference (Master image) to minimize the effects of normal andtemporal baselines (the higher the baseline, the higher is the im-pact of de-correlation (Zebker and Villasenor, 1992)). The interfer-ometric configuration is shown in Fig. 2, where each pointrepresents an image in the normal baseline/temporal baselinespace and each link an interferogram. All interferograms are gener-ated with respect to the Master image.

The technique used in this analysis is a classical InSAR multi-temporal processing, in which the adopted model of the deforma-tion is linear in time. The only advanced options we selected arerelative to the urban character of the analysis with high resolutionSAR data:

1. Identification of independent targets (discarding dependentpixels) (Perissin and Rocca, 2006). This option is particularlyuseful to avoid ghost mislocated targets.

2. Estimation of double scatterers in a single resolution cell(Ferretti et al., 2005). The skyline of Shanghai often causes themixing of reflections from building facades and ground targets.Without considering double scatterers, several buildings wouldnot match the classic model for PSs and would be interpreted asnoisy reflections.

3. Estimation of a seasonal trend for targets lying on highbuildings (Perissin and Rocca, 2006). Long vertical structuresare affected by thermal dilation. Without estimating andremoving seasonal signals from phase series, the classic modelfor PSs would fail and high buildings would appear as noisytargets.

4. Estimation of target life time to detect also temporary targets(Colesanti et al., 2003). Though the time span of the analyzeddata is short, Shanghai is developing at a very fast rate andnew constructions would not be accounted as Permanent Scat-terers without estimating their actual life time.

Beside the common results of the processing (average grounddeformation trend and terrain height) it is worth to mention the

Fig. 1. Examples of the interface of the SAR processing tool SARPROZ.












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Images Graph, Img. Nr: 33 Conn. Nr: 3 3



































Fig. 2. Cosmo-SkyMed dataset analyzed in this work. Each point represents a image in the normal-temporal baseline space; each line represents an interferogram. Theconfiguration corresponds to the single master PS analysis.

60 D. Perissin et al. / ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 73 (2012) 58–67

Atmospheric Phase Screen (APS) that we estimated in the area. It isknown that Shanghai is characterized by strong humidity and Xband is particularly sensitive to atmospheric delay due to

the short wavelength. Strong turbulence has been detected andremoved by the multi-temporal processing, providing very inter-esting details of the concentration of water vapor in Shanghai.

D. Perissin et al. / ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 73 (2012) 58–67 61

The topic deserves further studies that we will report in futureworks. The estimated APS has been removed from data forobtaining time series of the displacement of targets.

3. Results and discussion

3.1. Overview

About 1.2 million independent targets have been detected inthe studied area processing the Cosmo data-set with the techniquementioned in the previous section. Fig. 3 reports the main result ofthe work. In Fig. 3 two subsidence maps are presented: the firstone, on the top, was estimated with ERS data acquired between1993 and 2000; the second one, at the bottom, has been retrievedfrom the Cosmo data described in this work. In the first plot, thecolor scale is [�40 40] mm/year, while the second one movementsare displayed in a scale [�25 5] mm/year. The two maps, reportingthe average linear deformation trend, cannot be directly comparedfor several reasons: time span and time spacing between subse-quent image are quite different, the displacement is measuredalong two different looking directions (ERS data are ascending,while Cosmo data are descending), reference points are different.

Fig. 3. Average deformation trend estimated by processing ERS data (upper image) andscales are [�40 40] and [�25 5] mm/year respectively. (For interpretation of the referenarticle.)

However, the comparison gives an idea of the evolution of the ma-jor subsidence centers passing from year 2000 to year 2010.

From Fig. 3 we can firstly notice that the two main macro-areasof subsidence are north of Hongqiao airport (on the left) and westof Huangpu river (Zhabei district, in the middle). The subsidingareas appear in red in the ERS map and in yellow/red in the Cosmoone. The subsidence is affecting the same macro-areas in the twomaps, however, its magnitude and extension consistently reducedfrom year 2000 to year 2010. The Shanghai government is in factspending great efforts in controlling ground movements, and it isknown that the overall sinking is decreasing progressively (,2011).

At the same time, Fig. 3 highlights a big difference between ERSand Cosmo data. While the ERS result is based on a quite sparse setof points, the Cosmo subsidence map is an almost continuous dis-tribution of PSs. The increase of resolution of X band is generating adensity of targets about 20 times the one of C band. It is nice toappreciate the precise alignment of PSs around features like waterbodies, vegetated areas or airports.

The high density of detected PSs can be better observed fromFig. 4, where targets are displayed on a point-by-point basis. InFig. 4 PSs are displayed in 3D and the color is proportional to the

Cosmo-SkyMed data (lower image) over Shanghai with the PS technique. The colorces to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this

Fig. 4. 3D representation of PSs in Shanghai in Google Earth, together with 3D models of buildings. The color is proportional to the PS height, ranging [�5 60] m. (Forinterpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

62 D. Perissin et al. / ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 73 (2012) 58–67

estimated height, in a scale [�5 60] m. Yellow-red points are tar-gets located at high level, and they reveal the vertical dimensionof buildings in the image. The building models available in GEare displayed as well for the sake of comparison.

3.2. Subway tunnels identification

By looking at the subsidence overview estimated from Cosmodata in Fig. 3, one can start noticing several yellow linear features.In particular, we will focus the attention on a close up reported inFig. 5, where the linear features have been made evident by colorlines. To investigate the origin of the strips of subsidence, we re-trieved from the online information of Shanghai Metro Company(Shanghai Metro Company, 2011) the location of the subway sta-tions in the area and we placed corresponding marks in GE (theprecise geolocation of the subway tunnels has not been releasedto the public). In Fig. 5a marks are labeled according to the line Land to the station sequence x as L.x. It is easy to notice that themarks plotted in Fig. 5a (corresponding to metro lines 7, 9, 10and 11) fall exactly along the subsidence strips.

As a further cross-check, we analyzed the Shanghai subway net-work from the information we found online, as Google Maps(GMs). An example of comparison is shown in Fig. 6. What is veryinteresting to observe are the relative locations of the tunnelscrossing the Huangpu River. In GM (image in Fig. 6a) the FuxingEast Road tunnel seems coinciding with the subway tunnel. Fromthe optical image in GE (picture in Fig. 6b) one can see that thetwo entrances of the Fuxing East Road tunnel are in agreementwith the tunnel location in GM. From the PSInSAR result (Fig. 6c),it is evident to observe that on the right side of the river the sub-way tunnel is north of the Fuxing East Road tunnel, revealing aclear error in GM. The reason is easily found by considering thatthe actual subway path is not known, so GM is only reporting linesconnecting the subway stations.

By comparing the subsidence rate of different subway lines inFig. 5a, line 10 stands out as the one with strongest movements.

In particular, the subsidence along line 10 increases whileapproaching the west side of Huangpu River. Even though we haveno proof that any connection with the detected motion exists, it isinteresting to mention here that line 10 had several problems ofwater leakage, as reported in January 2011 (Wang and Zhuang,2011), and a collapse between two trains happened in September2011 (Mu, 2011).

Along line 9 we note a particularly strong movement in corre-spondence of Dapuqiao station (9.4 in Fig. 5a). The border of thesubsidence bowl is clearly identified, while in the middle no PS isvisible. The middle of the subsidence bowl is in fact affected bynoise derived from surface scattering changes, and no reliabledeformation can be extracted. At the left of Station 9.4 along thesubway path we have a lack of PS points. The reason for the ab-sence of radar targets in that subway section is that the road rightabove, Zhaojiabang, is more than 60 m wide, and it is not offeringany relevant reflection of the radar signal in the used Cosmo acqui-sition geometry.

It is now meaningful to analyze other subway lines in Shanghaito assess the actual probability of having targets along their path.Fig. 5b shows a close up taken from Fig. 5a around lines 1, 2 and8. Such lines are not easily identified from the surface subsidence,however, the reason is not the lack of PSs but the absence of signif-icant motion. We further investigated the remaining lines and wefound that, in the analyzed area, the only tunnel section lackingof radar targets is the one below Zhaojiabang road. The outcomeis quite important and it strengthens the InSAR reliability for urbantunnels monitoring.

Finally, we carefully examined the detected motion of the sub-way lines in the analyzed area and we tried to investigate whysome tunnels are subsiding and some others not. It is difficult togive an exhaustive interpretation of the result since no groundtruth is available, however, we started analyzing the opening dateof each subway line (the dates of tunnels excavation are not pub-lic). Fig. 7 lists all lines in Shanghai together with the date of ser-vice start. Leaving apart the subway lines not included in the

Fig. 5. Close up of the subsidence map in Shanghai. To highlight the subway pathand other detected linear features, two color strips have been added at the sides ofmetro lines/roads. Placemarks are plotted in correspondence of subway stationsand numbered in sequence according to the corresponding metro line (L7, L9, L10,L11 and L13). The red vertical strip of subsidence in (b) corresponding to line 10appears evident. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend,the reader is referred to the web version of this article.) Fig. 6. Tunnel crossing the Huangpu river. From Google Maps (a) it seems that there

is only 1 tunnel, shared by a road and by subway line 9. From optical data (b) we canassess that the tunnel position matches the road crossing the river. From thesubsidence detected by PSInSAR (c), we see that the subway is crossing the river in adifferent position (Northern on the East side of the river).

D. Perissin et al. / ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 73 (2012) 58–67 63

analyzed area, it is evident to observe that tunnels operative since2007 or before do not show particular motion, while those openedfrom 2009 on appear clearly subsiding. It is important here to re-call that the period we are analyzing with Cosmo spans one andhalf year from December 2008 to June 2010. With the current data-set, we cannot know if the old tunnels were affected by the samesubsidence soon after the excavation and then stabilized in a cou-ple of years. What we can state clearly is that all newly excavatedtunnels are subsiding.

3.3. Highways detection

By looking again at Fig. 5a, other strips of subsidence betweenline 7 and line 10 can be noticed, which we did not mention yet.The one on the right, starting from Station 10.3 and moving toSouth, is line 13, which is still under construction. Right to its left

Fig. 7. Opening timetable of metro lines in Shanghai. Lines opened before 2009 are now stable, while new lines, opened from 2009 on, appear as subsiding during theanalyzed time span.

64 D. Perissin et al. / ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 73 (2012) 58–67

we notice another series of slightly subsiding areas displaced ver-tically in the figure. By observing in detail the corresponding opti-cal image in GE, one can realize that those points are aligned besidethe South–North elevated Road. However, the elevated road itselfappears as blue in the subsidence map. What is subsiding are thebuildings aside.

Several other similar behaviors can be noticed in the South–West part of the analyzed area, reported in Fig. 5c. In Fig. 5c,starting from the right, we firstly see the subsiding tunnel ofline 10, passing the whole picture from East to West, and split-ting up into two different branches on the left, one headingwestward to Hongqiao airport and the second one to the South.Then, still on the right, we see two sections of lines 11 and ofline 9. Next to them we have two vertical linear features, cor-responding to line 3 and to the Inner Ring Elevated Road. Bothstrips show up as blue, in neat contrast with the surroundings,which appear between yellow and light blue. As for the South–North elevated Road in Fig. 5a, we are in front of linear struc-tures that are more stable than the surrounding areas. All thesestructures (both road and metro lines) have in common to beelevated.

Fig. 8. Idealized transverse settlement profile induc

Next to the middle of Fig. 5c, vertically in the image, we havethe Middle Ring Road. Its track appears in turns stable (blue) ormoving consistently with the terrain around (yellow). Such roadis in fact partly at ground level and partly underground. Mostunderground sections appear as subsiding. Finally, at the left ofFig. 5c, before Hongqiao airport, we can distinguish the S20 OuterRing Expressway, which is clearly affected by subsidence at inter-vals. In this case, the road is at ground level, and we did not find yeta clear explanation for its motion, if not the soft clay characterizingthe Shanghai substratum.

3.4. Subsidence profile of metro tunnels

The density of PSs in X band in urban sites is so high to make itpossible distinguishing the displacement of single roads, highways,subway lines. Even more, by observing accurately some subsidingsections in Fig. 5a–c, one can clearly distinguish the progression ofcolors from blue to red, passing from yellow and intermediateshades. We decided then to try to estimate the subsidence profileof some segments of the Shanghai metro tunnels, to gain moreinformation on the ongoing settlement.

ed by tunnel excavation (Mahmutoglu, 2011).

D. Perissin et al. / ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 73 (2012) 58–67 65

This study is quite unique in its nature. Usually, settlement in-duced by tunnel excavation is analyzed either as a function of thetransverse coordinate (settlement profile) or as a function of time(to study transients and stabilization). In our case, we have anaverage deformation trend (a linear transient) as a function ofthe transverse coordinate. We approach it starting from the exist-ing literature.

The analysis of the settlement transverse profile induced bytunneling has been considerably simplified by (Martos, 1958)and (Peck, 1969), who proposed to approximate the subsidence de-rived from a single tunnel excavation with a Gaussian curve.(O’Reilly and New, 1982) related the subsidence to the ground con-ditions through an empirical ‘‘trough width parameter’’ and got anidealized settlement curve, shown in Fig. 8 (Mahmutoglu, 2011). InFig. 8, the x axis is the transverse distance from the tunnel centre,the z axis is the normalized subsidence S/Smax and Kz is the ‘‘troughwidth parameter’’. Smax and Kz are the two key parameters thatmodel the shape of the idealized subsidence curve, and they de-pend on tunnel and terrain characteristics, as well as on the exca-vation technology. Finally, in the case of twin tunnels, if thedistance between them is higher than the diameter of the singletunnels, the profile is still gaussian and the settlement troughcan be approximated as the sum of two troughs.

As far as the time coordinate is considered, the settlement trendinduced by tunneling has often been approximated with hyper-bolic models (Hwang and Moh, 2006). However, recent studieshave shown that the settlement can be far more complex, but wellapproximated by linear segments (Hwang and Moh, 2006). In par-ticular, during the excavation and in the subsequent days the high-est displacement takes place, and then the slow terrainconsolidation can last till one, two or even three years.

In our test-site we chose as best cases a section of line 9 close toXiaonanmen Station (9.1 in Fig. 5a) and a section of line 10 close toLaoximen Station (10.4 in Fig. 5a). In the extracted sections (about200 m long) the subway goes straight and the deformation patternis homogeneous, so that we can observe the transverse subsidencecurve by stacking the deformation trend along the main tunnelaxes. Fig. 9 shows the two analyzed sections along the transverse

Fig. 9. Subsidence trend profiles of metro lines 9 and 10 in Huangpu District. The verticalaxis is expressed in meters in UTM coordinates. (For interpretation of the references to

coordinate, together with a Gaussian curve fitting the data points.The profile shape is quite in accordance with the theoretical model.

To quantify the expected width of the profile, we base our anal-ysis on the tunnel information we found in the literature. Yang(Yang et al., 2010) studied several tunneling cases in Shanghai,and he found an empirical relationship between tunnel radiusand the trough width Kz. Reference (Fu et al., 2010; Hu et al.,2003; Lu et al., 2007) published some numbers relative to lines 9and 10, which have very close characteristics. In particular, thetunnel diameter is given as 6.2 m, and an indicative distance be-tween parallel tunnels is said being 19 m. According to the givennumbers, the profile of the surface deformation should have atrough of about 20 m and consequently an overall width of about80 m, which is in good accordance with the profiles shown in Fig. 9.

To conclude, the maximum deformation trend measured fromFig. 9 is in the order of 20 mm/year for line 10 and 18 mm/yearfor line 9 in a time span of about one year and half. Even withoutknowing precisely when the tunnels were excavated, being themetro lines operative since April 2010, we can reasonably assumeto observe their very first year of life. The linear approximationholds and we can in this way assess the descriptive parametersof the linear subsidence profile.

3.5. Tunnel subsidence and high buildings

The study of the transverse subsidence profile carried out in theprevious subsection is extremely important to assess buildingdamage in the areas close to the subway path. Moreover, retrievingthe subsidence model parameters, even if with approximation, isvery useful to predict movements where PS targets are missing.No serious consequences should happen if a road overlaying a sub-way tunnel subsides. However, if buildings lie over the settling ter-rain, it may suffer damages, and authorities must be able toquantify the risk and take appropriate decisions to protect the pop-ulation from possible accidents.

The work here conducted should bring enough arguments toconvince about the convenience of using multi-temporal high-res-olution InSAR analysis for monitoring urban sites, in particular for

axis as well as the color display the settlement velocity in mm/years.The Horizontalcolor in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

Fig. 10. 3D location of PSs (plotted with dots, color proportional to height, [0 60] m) integrated with subsidence map (bottom layer, the color showing the subsidence rate[�20 5] mm/year). (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

66 D. Perissin et al. / ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 73 (2012) 58–67

fast developing environments like China. Before concluding, we ex-ploit the capabilities of the technique here described to highlighttwo possible risky situations.

As previously shown, the PS technique is able to estimate boththe deformation trend and the location of the targets. We can com-bine the two estimates, together with the subway tunnels analysis,to identify high-rise buildings affected by movement on the sub-way path. Fig. 10 shows an example along line 10 in the Huangpudistrict. In Fig. 10 we displayed at the same time the detected sub-sidence map (as GE ground overlay) and the 3D location of PSs(plotted with dots). The color scale of the ground overlay showsthe deformation trend, while the dots color is proportional to theirheight. In this way, we can observe that, close to station 10.3 andgoing to the North, we have a couple of 40m or more buildings af-fected by about 15 mm/year displacement.

Another example of building affected by the subway settlement(not reported in Fig. 10) has been identified in the South East of theanalyzed area. By looking at Fig. 5c, the building is located after theY splitting of line 10 approaching the airport, North of Yan’an ele-vated road.

4. Conclusions

In this work we have shown the great performances offered bythe PS technique applied to an X band SAR datasets in an urbanarea like Shanghai to monitor with unprecedent details ground set-tlements. In particular, 33 SAR images acquired by the Italian sen-sor Cosmo-SkyMed have been processed with the SARPROZsoftware, and more than 1.2 million of independent PersistentScatterers have been detected in Shanghai in about 600 sq km.The displacement trend estimated from the targets reveals the sub-sidence of Shanghai with impressive details, making it possible totrack the path of newly excavated subway tunnels by looking atthe overlying surface motion. On the other side, elevated highwaysstand out showing higher stability than the surrounding terrain.The density of detected targets is so high to allow studying thetransverse subsidence profile over metro tunnels, which is useful

to predict possible building damage. The targets estimated heightis then used to identify high buildings close to the subway path af-fected by settlement and to identify possible risky areas. High-res-olution multi-temporal InSAR analysis show in this way to beextremely useful to detect and to predict urban surface displace-ment for civil protection purposes.


Cosmo-SkyMed data used in this project have been provided byEastdawn, Beijing. Part of the costs have been covered by the CUHKDirect Grant fund, Project ID 2021066, ‘‘Subsidence analysis andDEM estimation in China by means of repeated X band Cosmo-Sky-Med images’’. Hardware was supported by Spatial Technologies,Hong Kong. This work was partially supported by the ResearchGrants Council (RGC) General Research Fund (GRF) (Proj. Ref. No.415911) of HKSAR.


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