Isometrics Nutrition Plan

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isometric nutrition plan

Transcript of Isometrics Nutrition Plan

Isometrics Nutrition 1

Disclaimer !Copyright Isometrics Strength 2014. All Rights Reserved. !No part of this ebook or any of its contents may be reproduced, copied, modified or adapted, without the prior written consent of the author, unless otherwise indicated for stand-along materials. !Commercial use and distribution of the contents of the ebook is not allowed without express and prior written consent of the author. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Table of Contents !


Chapter 1 - Nutrition Plan 4

Plan 1 Overview - Fat Loss 5

Plan 2 Overview - Muscle Growth 6

Chapter 2 - Plan 1 Fat Loss 7

Plan 1 Rules 9

Vegetables to Consume 11

Proteins to Consume 13

Three Important Keys to Success 14

Chapter 3 - Plan 2 Muscle Growth 17

5 Rules for Building Mass 17

Rule 1: Eat More Protein At Every Meal 17

Rule 2: Eat More Calories 19

Rule 3: Eat Carbs After Your Workout 20

Rule 4: Eat More Fat 20

Rule 5: Meal Planning 21

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Chapter 1 - Nutrition Plan

!Food is the fuel that will drive your workouts and help your body rebuild. !It is vital to have a clear food plan. Whether you are trying to decrease body fat and get lean or build muscle mass, knowing what to eat and when to eat is half the equation. !This part of the program is designed to teach you how to eat. Your body will need nourishment, in order to fuel itself properly, for muscular development, fat loss and optimal living. !If you follow the guidelines you will see amazing results in 8 weeks. !I have been helping people achieve their ideal body for a long time now. I used to try to force people to eat “perfectly” in order to get the body they want. !This strategy rarely worked. !First, we live in a world with social events that we have no control over. Unexpected events, work demands, and celebrations are just a few factors that prevent us from sticking to a regimented diet plan. !Secondly, we are human. Our body craves certain foods so strongly it can be difficult to control. Have you ever noticed your body doesn’t usually crave something healthy like broccoli or zucchini. When our diet plan is so regimented that we have to rely on self will over our taste buds, we are bound to fail. If we are really determined we may overcome food temptations the first few times but eventually we are going to cave. It just gets worse from

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there. Once we fall off a little it feels like we have fallen off all the way. In which case, we give up and throw everything out. Instead of eating one bowl of ice cream we say, “Heck, might as well eat the whole carton.” !That’s why in both the Fat Loss/Lean Gains Plan and Muscle Growth Plan I have specially designed cheat days/meals. !If you have created the habit of healthy eating already then you may not need these cheat days. However, if you are used to weekly fast food runs than this plan will help you ease into healthier eating habits without becoming a different person (like in the Snickers commercials). Since I want you to succeed, I’m offering some flexibility. !!Plan 1 Overview - Fat Loss !For those of you that need to lose body fat and still want to gain lean muscle mass you will be following Plan One. In this section, I teach you the exact diet program to follow in order to achieve this. !As mentioned above, there are “cheat” days that are worked into the system so you won’t feel like you are going crazy. !But I promise you that if you follow this system, you will see an astounding difference in 8 weeks. !And the best part is you won’t be counting calories or macronutrients. !Who actually likes to count other than Count Dracula? !!!!Isometrics Nutrition 5

Plan 2 Overview - Muscle Growth For those of you that are considered a “hard-gainer” and find it super difficult to pack on muscle, I have a plan for you. !You will be following a diet regiment that is designed to feed the muscle with high quality nutrients and enough calories to grow bigger. !Included in this program is a recipe guide that can be utilized on both programs. !Let’s get started... !!!!!!

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Chapter 2 - Plan 1 Fat Loss

!Losing body fat is simple once you understand some basic concepts about macronutrients. !Macronutrients are the foundation of nutrition. They are fats, carbs and protein. !Manipulating them in a certain way has a direct impact on your body physique. Most of the professional body builders and athletes know the exact quantities of macronutrients they need every day down to the calorie. Professional body builder, Jay Cutler spends over $100,000 a year to make sure his nutrition supports his goal of being the top body builder in the world. !That’s well and good for Jay but what about the rest of us? I don’t know about you, but I don’t have that kind of cash to spend on food. !There are many programs on the market that ask you to count calories or even grams of each macronutrient: carbs, fats or protein. !Some say you should eat 40% carbs / 30% fats / 30% protein. Others say 50% fat / 25% carbs / 25% protein. If you want to be a slave to counting macros than be my guest. However, there is a much easier method of losing body fat and getting lean muscle that supports optimal vitality as well. !Here’s the plan: 5 days a week eat ONLY meat and vegetables. 2 days a week eat whatever you want. !

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The basis of the plan is a technique called, Carb Cycling. Carb cycling has been used by professional fitness models for dropping body fat quickly. !Several weeks before a photo or video shoot they drop their total carbohydrates in their meals to very low amounts. They then have 2 days a week where they eat high carbs. !On the days that you are not eating large amounts of carbohydrates your body will be rely on stored fat for fuel. This is a good thing! !Then on the days where you eat whatever you want you will naturally choose meals with high carbs because you are craving them. These carbs help boost the metabolism back up and allows you to continue to burn fat even while enjoying a bowl of ice cream. !“But Todd, don’t I need carbs to fuel my body for my workouts?” !Your body DOES need carbs for fuel. First, your body looks to the muscle which stores glycogen (sugar) and will utilize that resource. If the muscle cells are depleted than it will look to the liver. If the liver is depleted than it will burn stored fat. By eating low carbs for 5 out of the 7 days, you deplete the muscle and liver storage tanks allowing the body to burn fat. BOOM. Lower body fat = better muscle definition! !You will be eating a different type of carb. Vegetables are made up of mostly carbohydrates. And they are the healthy kind. Not the kind that spike blood sugar and make your body store the sugar as fat. Vegetables can be eaten in full abundance. !You can choose your cheat days however you want, but keep them consistent over the next 8 weeks. !Isometrics Nutrition 8

For example, you can have both Saturday and Sunday be your cheat days and eat only meat and veggies on the week days. !If you think it would be too hard to go that many days on only meat and veggies than do 3 days meat/veggies, 1 day cheating, 2 days meat/veggies, 1 day cheating. !!Here are some sample options: Mon: M/V Tues: M/V Wed: Cheat Thurs: M/V Fri: M/V Sat: Cheat Sun: M/V !or !Mon: M/V Tues: M/V Wed: M/V Thurs: M/V Fri: M/V Sat: Cheat Sun: Cheat !!Plan 1 Rules !1. 5 days out of 7 will be just consuming meat, fish, eggs and/or a

PROTEIN supplement (as long as the carb content is low) with a NON - Starchy vegetable. (See the list on the following page for acceptability. If it’s not on the list it’s most likely too starchy for our plan.)

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!2. No dairy on your meat & vegetable days with the exception of

your protein supplement. !3. No fruit on your meat & vegetable days. !4. Every day try to drink half your body weight in water. Often, we

feel hungry when our body is just dehydrated. !5. Eat 4-5 meals a day even on cheat days. If you open your

mouth, it’s a meal. ;) !6. You will have 2 cheat days. This is your day to eat whatever you crave: dairy, alcohol, pasta, fruit and sugar. Obviously, I recommend still making healthy choices, but I am putting zero restrictions on you. !7. I am not requiring you to keep track of amounts of food unless

you choose to do so. However, I do want you to write down what you are eating so that you are aware of WHAT you are consuming. !!

One last step…the most important !I also want you to take it a step further. After each day or throughout, jot down a quick note about how you felt. Did you feel hungry? Did you overcome temptation? Did you notice sudden tiredness or grogginess? Pay attention to headaches, skin rashes, fatigue, bloating etc. these are all symptoms of your body reacting to food. The point of this section is to have you become aware of the physical, emotional, and psychological effects food can have on your bodies and certain triggers that may be putting your body in the negative.

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Vegetables to Consume

!• Amaranth or Chinese spinach • Artichoke • Artichoke hearts • Asparagus • Bamboo shoots • Beans (green, wax, Italian) • Bean sprouts • Beets • Broccoli • Brussels sprouts • Cabbage (green, purple, bok choy, Chinese) • Carrots • Cauliflower • Celery • Chayote • Coleslaw (packaged, no dressing) • Cucumber • Daikon • Eggplant

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• Greens (collard, kale, mustard, turnip) • Hearts of palm • Jicama • Kohlrabi • Leeks • Mushrooms • Okra • Onions • Pea pods • Peppers • Radishes • Rutabaga • Salad greens (chicory, endive, escarole, lettuce, romaine,

spinach, arugula, radicchio, watercress) • Sprouts • Squash (summer, crookneck, spaghetti, zucchini) • Sugar snap peas • Swiss chard • Tomato • Turnips • Water chestnuts • Yard-long beans !!

Enjoy other vegetables such as potatoes, corn, sweet potatoes, on your cheat day along with your favorite grains. Grains to enjoy on your cheat day are rice, quinoa, buckwheat, couscous, and wheat. !Although, beans are a great source of nutrients they are both high in protein and carbs so they would also be an excellent choice to enjoy on a cheat day rather than a “Big Mac.” The same is true of peanuts and other nuts. !!!Isometrics Nutrition 12

Proteins to Consume !• Eggs • Tofu (Organic Only) • Beef • Turkey • Ham • Chicken • Cod • Tilapia • Tuna • Salmon • Shrimp • Sausage & brats (No added sugar & dairy) • Protein Supplement (Low in carbs and no sugar. May contain

dairy.) !!Let’s Set A Few Ground Rules For Cheat Days: !Cheat Days are not designed to give you the liberty to gorge on pizza and ice cream 5 meals a day until you’re about to throw up. Yes, you can have pizza and ice cream if you desire. Yet, the goal of the Cheat Day is to restore your liver and muscles with glycogen (sugar) and allow you to partake in the joys of eating foods you love. !It’s about making you sane again after just consuming meat and veggies on the other days. !We have included a recipe book that leads you through lots of healthy options to eat on your Cheat Days. Some of them are low carb. Some are high carb. Use these days to explore. Eat fruits you haven’t tried before. Consume nuts and seeds. Make a

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burrito with black beans and chicken and have a second helping. It will still help with your fat loss. !Three Important Keys to Success !You may have thought that a rule that says, “eat only meat and veggies” didn’t need explaining. However, there are some other important issues to address: !!Key 1: Eat Mostly Organic/Free Range Meat !This diet requires a lot of meat. If you are eating low quality meat and eggs than this will cause problems. Most of the meat you find in the super market is filled with hormones and antibiotics. The animals were fed corn or other grain that was genetically modified. These added chemicals can cause inflammation in your gut and harm you in other ways. !Strive to eat organic, free range meat. It will be a little more costly but it IS worth it. Try to make sacrifices in other areas in your budget so that you can abide by this rule. There is a reason, I placed it in the number one spot. !Key 2: Eat Even When You Are Not Hungry !Decreasing total caloric intake does not cause fat loss. In fact, it causes fat retention. Why? The reason is because your metabolism slows down. !You must eat regularly in order to keep your metabolism burning fat. !Isometrics Nutrition 14

Key 3: Eat An Assortment of Veggies !In this diet, veggies are your best friend. The list above gives you many options to choose from. Don’t get stuck in the same eating routine day in and day out. !Many different types of vegetables contain lots of different types of nutrients that your body needs. !!What Exactly Should I Eat? !!On your meat and veggie days there is a list above. I want to mention that this list IS exhaustive. By that, I mean: EAT ONLY WHAT’S ON THIS LIST. !I don’t want to hear, “But Todd, potatoes come from the ground. Aren’t they considered vegetables?” or “What about XYZ? Can’t I eat that?” !No. Just stick to the list. !Well, there you have it. If you eat just the above foods for five days out of every seven over the next 8 weeks I guarantee you’ll see a significant drop in body fat. !!How many meals should I be eating on my meat/veggies days? !!Try to eat 4-5 meals per day. The meal will consist of a meat and vegetables. That’s it. No seeds. No fruit. Nothing else. Save anything else you can imagine for your cheat days. !Isometrics Nutrition 15

How do I cook for my family when I’m eating like this? !!You’ll have to make the sacrifice of cooking separate meals for them on your meat/veggie days. True change in physique takes a change in eating. Your family can still eat the way they choose but five days a week you’ll be sticking to a very simple meat/veggie diet.


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!Chapter 3 - Plan 2 Muscle Growth

!Nutritionally, the key to building muscle is getting enough protein and calories. You need to eat in excess in order to make gains in mass. !I am going to repeat that for emphasis. !YOU NEED TO EAT IN EXCESS IN ORDER TO GAIN MASS. !You need to eat until you feel like you are going to throw up. And then eat some more. !You need to teach your body that it requires more food. Physiologically, it is impossible to gain mass without having an excess amount of calories. !Now, that I have that on the table, let me teach you the 5 rules for building mass. If you follow these rules you’ll see an increase in size. !5 Rules for Building Mass !Rule 1: Eat More Protein At Every Meal !How much protein should you get? !You should strive to get about 1gram of protein per lb. of bodyweight. !For example, if you weigh 150 lb. than you should be getting at least 150 grams of protein. You’ll want to break it up into 5-6 meals. So each meal you’d be getting about 30 grams of protein.

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!If I told this rule to myself a long time ago my jaw would have dropped. “What? How can I eat that much?” !Its not really that hard. Here are some easy examples. !Eggs: Each egg is about 7-8 grams of protein. Make yourself 4 eggs for breakfast and top it with some hemp seed and you’re already over 30 grams. !Turkey Burger: My wife and I get turkey burgers from Costco. They are 33 grams of protein per burger. Fry it up in the pan and in 8 minutes you have your protein content. !Tuna: I don’t advocate eating too much tuna because of the potential heavy metal content but each can contains 33 grams of protein. Dump the can on your salad and you have met your protein quota. !As mentioned before, in Plan 1, for Fat Loss, here are some other great protein examples: !!• Eggs • Tofu (Organic Only) • Beef • Ham • Chicken • Cod • Tilapia • Salmon • Shrimp • Sausage & brats (Free of sugar &

dairy) • Protein Supplement (Low in carbs

& free of sugar. May contain dairy.)

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!Rule 2: Eat More Calories !I have already highlighted this a little in the intro for this section. However, I need to touch on some other points. !When you are a hard gainer eating should be your main job. You should feel like you are “always eating.” !I’m not a big believer in counting calories or macro nutrients. If you are eating 5-6 meals a day and hitting your protein requirements than this will be a good starting point for gaining mass. !Also, the scale can be a friend when trying to gain mass. !“What?! Todd, I thought the scale was a horrible way to measure fitness.” !It is true that the scale only measures weight. It doesn’t take into consideration body fat, lean muscle mass, etc. For this reason, if someone is trying to lose weight/fat the scale is a horrible measure. How clothes fit and how someone looks are much better tools. !For the hardgainer, the scale can be a great tool. Hardgainers typically don’t easily see an increase in fat. So, if they start seeing the scale go up than they can almost be sure that it is muscle mass. Add to this fact with how clothes are fitting and seeing a more impressive physique when looking in the mirror equals the three tools for measuring how your building mass is going. !If you are noticing that the scale is not climbing, eat more. If you see the scale creeping up just a bit, keep eating. Eating is your ticket to mass and growth. !Isometrics Nutrition 19

!Rule 3: Eat Carbs After Your Workout !It’s important to eat carbs after your workout. The isometrics program is intense and thermogenic. You will be draining your glycogen and liver storage tanks when going through the workouts. !When you are done with your workout eat some healthy carbs. !Here are some examples: • Sweet potato • Oatmeal (not instant) • Steel cut oats • Buckwheat • Brown rice • Yams • Quinoa • Cous Cous • Any time of beans • Fruit (simple sugar, limit these because they spike blood sugar) !How Many Carbs Should I Eat? !Carbs are considered your tool for bulking. You need to eat them in excess just like protein and fats. Remember that protein is still your constant for your 5-6 meals. In the below “Meal Planning” Rule, I’ll walk you through exactly how to create your meals. !Rule 4: Eat More Fat !Healthy fats increase testosterone levels. This is one reason why hard gainers need to eat them in excess. !Testosterone is the male sex hormone that is a huge contributor to muscle growth.

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!You should be eating the following foods in abundance. !!!!Healthy Fats: • Avocado • Sunflower seeds • Pumpkin seeds • Flaxseed • Hemp Seed • Olive oil • Coconut oil • Coconut butter • Grape seed oil • Brazilian Nuts • Cashews • Almonds • Pecans • Walnuts • Peanuts in moderation (known as an high allergy food) !How Much Fat Should You Eat? !Simple answer? More. Honestly, when you are bulking you can’t get enough healthy fats. !Seeds and nuts are great for snacks and preserve very well in cold and warm climates. !Rule 5: Meal Planning !Your two foundational food groups for EVERY meal you eat will be: protein & vegetables. !Isometrics Nutrition 21

Salads, steamed vegetables, fried vegetables in oil, cooked vegetables, raw vegetables are all great options to use as your base. !The nutrients that vegetables provide the body will help accelerate muscle growth. Include them at EVERY meal. !Protein as mentioned above is also a “main stay” for each meal. Get about 1 gram of protein per lb. of body weight. As your body weight increases so should be the amount of protein your eat. !Since you’ll be eating 5-6 meals a day, you can break half of them into “carb meals” and the other half into “fat meals.” This is an option just to make sure you are not loading up on one more than the other. !How much should you be eating? !Remember that this plan is not about counting. For your carb meals make sure you are getting enough protein/vegetables then eat carbs (healthy ones from the list) until you are stuffed. That stuffed feeling will be your barometer. As your stomach expands, the “stuffed” feeling will expand and you’ll be able to eat more. !For your “fat meals” make sure you are getting enough protein/vegetables than eat fats (healthy ones from the list) until you are stuffed. !Pretty simple. !-Todd

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