ISO/IEC 17024: 2012 - ·...

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Transcript of ISO/IEC 17024: 2012 - ·...


Presentation on the new standard

ISO/IEC 17024: 2012

Conformity assessment – General requirements for

bodies operating certification of persons

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This presentation has been developed by the Convenor of ISO CASCO WG 30. The aim is to support all interested parties concerned by the implementation of this new standard, ISO/IEC 17024 Conformity assessment – General requirements for bodies operating certification of persons. This is an open presentation without any copyrights and can be used by anyone. ISO CASCO Secretary ISO CASCO Convenor WG 30 Sean MacCurtain Dr. Cynthia D. Woodley


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Purpose of ISO/IEC 17024

Standard for Certification of Persons

Official Title – General requirements for bodies operating

certification of persons

Introduction – “. . . Has been developed with the objective of

achieving and promoting a globally accepted benchmark for

organizations operating certification of persons”

Introduction – “. . .This international standard can serve as the

basis for the recognition of the certification bodies for persons and

the certification schemes under which persons are certified, in

order to facilitate their acceptance at the national and international



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WG30 – Revision of ISO/IEC 17024

ISO/IEC 17024 originally published in 2003. Due for

systematic review in 2008 (usually every 5 years).

ISO member bodies voted down ISO/IEC 17024 for

systematic review.

ANSI introduced a New Work Item proposal to completely

revise ISO/IEC 17024.

October 2008 member bodies voted in favour of the New

Work Item proposal to revise ISO/IEC 17024.

Based on New Work Item, a working group (WG30) was

formed to revise ISO/IEC 17024.

Slide 4 6/19/2015

Timeline of Revision ISO/IEC 17024


Activity Date(s) Output Participants Results ballot

1st WG30 meeting-

terms of reference,

scope and structure

9-10 February 2009 16

2nd WG30 meeting 22-24 July 2009 WD1 17

3rd meeting (DG

meeting) 28-29 September 2009 WD2 5

4th WG30 meeting 22-24 February 2010 WD2 22

5th WG30 meeting 22-24 June 2010 CD1 16

6th WG30 meeting 18-20 January 2011 DIS 18

7th meeting (DG

meeting) 26-27 September 2011 12

8th WG30 meeting 5-6 December 2011 FDIS 19

FDIS out for ballot 1 March 2012

95% approval of

ISO P-members

and 97% of IEC P-


Standard Published 1 July 2012 Published

Slide 5

Goals of the Revision

Repair/rewrite areas of the standard that needed clarification or

had been confusing.

Incorporate all appropriate guidance from the IAF Guidance

Document (GD24) into the standard.

Add additional clauses in some areas.

Make the standard “look” like the other ISO standards (use

standard ISO/CASCO format).

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Most Problematic Areas of 17024 as Reported on a Survey of ABs and CBs conducted by IAF*:

ABs reported:

‒Development and Maintenance of a Certification Scheme



‒Organizational Structure

CBs reported:


‒Organizational Structure

‒Development and Maintenance of a Certification Scheme

‒Other (write in)


*Reported as results from IAF survey of ABs conducted in 2009 6/19/2015

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Major Discussion Issues for WG30

What to do about schemes not owned by CB:

‒ Government owned

‒ Third party owned


‒ Not really being followed

‒ Not always needed depending upon the recertification period

Separation of Training/Certification Functions

‒ How far is that separation?

‒ Can a training organization be a CB for persons?

‒ Can trainers serve in any role in the certification program?

‒ Can a trainer be an evaluator?

‒ Can a CB require candidates to complete their training



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Major Issues for WG30


‒ How assured?

‒ Is an Impartiality Committee required?

‒ Or can impartiality be demonstrated some other way?

Measurement rigor

‒ How much science of measurement should be added to the


‒ How much documentation is needed in the development of the


Level of detail

‒ What is the appropriate balance between being too

prescriptive and providing enough information to help those

who do not understand the science of measurement?

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Major Issues for WG30


-What are the mandatory components of a scheme versus what

are process requirements associated with the implementation of

a scheme?

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Major Sections in the New Revision


Slide 11

1. Scope

2. Normative references

3. Terms and definitions

4. General requirements

5. Structural requirements

6. Resource requirements

7. Records and information requirements

8. Certification schemes

9. Certification process requirements

10. Management systems requirements

Annex A - Principles

Major Changes in the New Revision


Slide 12

Change: Refer to the “Certification of Persons” instead of “Personnel Certification” and “Certification Body for Persons (CBP)” instead of “Personnel Certification Body (PCB)”.

Reason: “Personnel” is defined and translated as employee so Personnel Certification and Personnel Certification body were interpreted as certification of one’s own employees. This is not correct. New term Certification of Persons and Certification Body for Persons is so everybody will understand that this is certification of people (not employees).

Major Changes in the New Revision


Slide 13

Change: Added new terms for Certification Requirements, Scheme Owner, Certificate, Assessment, Invigilator, Personnel, Applicant, Impartiality, Fairness, Validity, Reliability, Interested Party and Surveillance.

Reason: Several of these terms were misunderstood or confusing to readers of the standard and needed to be defined.

Major Changes in the New Revision


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Change: Added a more detailed section for Management of Impartiality (4.3). Impartiality may be achieved through the use of an Impartiality Committee or through other methods.

Reason: Impartiality and objectivity are the cornerstones for the certification of persons. If the process for verifying the competence of persons and certifying the competence of persons is not impartial and objective then there is no value to the certification of persons.

Major Changes in the New Revision


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Change: Added a new section with more information about the Structure of the Certification Body in Relation to Training (5.2).

Reason: Training is a threat to impartiality (5.2.3). Therefore the Certification Body for Persons must demonstrate the independence of the certification activities from training activities to ensure the confidentiality, information security and impartiality of the certification activities are not compromised (5.2.3.b).

A trainer may not serve as an examiner of a specific candidate they have trained for a period of 2 years (5.2.3.e) unless the CB can demonstrate how it does not compromise impartiality.

Major Changes in the New Revision


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Change: Added more detail to section for personnel:

-General Personnel Requirements (6.1) Clauses pertaining to competence, training and signing of conflict of interest and confidentiality agreements added.

-Requirements for Examiners (6.2.2) Clauses pertaining to competence, impartiality, and declaration of conflicts of interest added.

-Requirements for other personnel involved in the assessment (6.2.3) (new section added) Added requirements for invigilators and examination administrators.

-Outsourcing (6.3) Includes contracted and subcontracted services. Note that Personnel definition (3.12) includes individuals internal or external who carry out activities for the certification body.

Reason: The competence of personnel is important to ensure that certification activities are carried out correctly and impartially.

Major Changes in the New Revision


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Change: More detail added for Records and Information Requirements:

Applicant, Candidate and Certified Persons records (7.1) – describes what persons records must be stored.

Public Information (7.2) – describes information that must be available both with request and without request.

Confidentiality (7.3) – provides clauses relating to confidential data including candidate data and examination data.

Reason: A certification body for person must carefully balance information that should be available to the public with and without request and information that must be kept confidential.

Major Changes in the New Revision


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Change: New detailed section pertaining to security (7.4).Includes clauses pertaining to the security of confidential candidate data (personal information, etc.), and clauses pertaining to the security of examination data (test questions, answers, exam papers, etc.). Requires the CB to develop security polices and procedures that includes consideration of the location of the materials (transport, storage, exam centres, destruction, digital, etc.), the nature of the materials (electronic, paper, test equipment, etc.), and the steps in the life cycle of examinations (development, administration, results reporting, etc.)

Reason: The release of some confidential information (such as examination information) could result in the invalidation of the entire certification program. It is important that all confidential and secure information is kept confidential. Many CBs are unaware of the security threats associated with their certification programs.

Major Changes in the New Revision


Slide 19

Change: More detailed description of certification schemes. Now recognizes an external scheme owner. Provides clauses detailing the requirements for the contents of a scheme (8.2), detailed clauses for certification requirements that must be in a scheme (8.3), and detailed requirements for the development and review of the certification scheme (8.4). The requirement for a Job Task Analysis is now included in the standard (8.4). Surveillance is now “if applicable” as based on the scheme. Requires that the scheme be reviewed and validated on an ongoing, systematic basis.

Reason: Development of the scheme was cited as one of the problematic areas in the survey of ABs and CBs. The new standard provides additional information to clarify scheme requirements.

Major Changes in the New Revision


Slide 20

Change: More detail provided for the Certification Process Requirements (9) including the application process (9.1), assessment process (9.2), examination process (9.3), decision on certification (9.4), suspending, withdrawing or reducing the scope of certification (9.5), recertification process (9.6) and the use of certificates, logos and marks (9.7).

Reason: IAF survey showed confusion for many of these processes. Additional detail was required to help make the clauses and requirements clear.

Major Changes in the New Revision


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Change: New appeals section (9.8), new complaints section (9.9), and new management systems requirements section (10).

Reason: Required PAS documents.

Major Changes in the New Revision

The mandatory PAS documents were incorporated into the revised



Slide 22

1. ISO/PAS 17001 on Impartiality included in clause 4.3

2. ISO/PAS 17002 on Confidentiality included in clause 7.3

3. ISO/PAS 17003 on Complaints and appeals included in clauses 9.8 and 9.9

4. ISO/PAS 17004 on Disclosure of information included in clause 7.2

5. ISO/PAS 17005 on Use of management systems included in clause 10

Major Changes in the New Revision


Slide 23

Change: Principles section added in Annex A. Includes principles associated with impartiality, competence, confidentiality and openness, responsiveness to complaints and appeals, and responsibility.

Reason: The revised standard cannot give specific requirements for all situations that can occur. The principles are designed to be applied as guidance for unanticipated situations. The principles serve as the framework for the entire standard.

Cross Reference 17024:2003 to 17024: 2012


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ISO/EC 17024 2003 ISO/IEC 17024 2012 Differences/Comments

Introduction Introduction Same

1. Scope 1. Scope New note added regarding reference to

Certification Body in this standard refers to

Certification Body for Persons (CBP).

2 Normative references 2 Normative references Changed normative references.

3 Terms and definitions 3 Terms and definitions Changed normative documents for terms

3.1 appeal 3.19 appeal Same

3.2 candidate 3.14 candidate Slightly reworded

3.3 certification process 3.1 certification process Slightly reworded

3.4 certification scheme 3.2 certification scheme Slightly reworded

3.5 certification system Deleted and combined with Certification Process

3.6 competence 3.6 competence Reworded

3.7 complaint 3.20 complaint Slightly reworded

3.8 evaluation Deleted and removed from the standard (replaced

with “assessment”)

3.9 examination 3.9 examination Slightly reworded

3.10 examiner 3.10 examiner Slightly reworded

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ISO/EC 17024 2003 ISO/IEC 17024 2012 Differences/Comments

3.11 qualification 3.7 qualification Slightly reworded

3.3 certification requirements New definition

3.4 scheme owner New definition

3.5 certificate New definition

3.8 assessment New definition

3.11 invigilator New definition

3.12 personnel New definition

3.13 applicant New definition

3.15 impartiality New definition

3.16 fairness New definition

3.17 validity New definition

3.18 reliability New definition

3.21 interested party New definition

3.22 surveillance New definition

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ISO/EC 17024 2003 ISO/IEC 17024 2012 Differences/Comments

4 Requirements for

certification bodies


4.1 Certification body Deleted

4.1.1. Clause deleted

4.1.2 Clause deleted

4.1.3 9.4.3 Slightly reworded

5 Structural requirements New section

4.2Organizational structure

5.1 Management and

organization structure

4.2.1 5.1.1 Slightly reworded

4.2.1.a) Clause deleted (added impartiality section)

4.2.1 b) 4.2 Slightly reworded

4.2.1 c) 5.1.2 Reworded and additional parties to be identified


4.2.1 d) 4 General requirements

4.1 Legal matters


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ISO/EC 17024 2003 ISO/IEC 17024 2012 Differences/Comments

4.2.2 4.3 Management of impartiality



4.2.3 Deleted. New section on development and

maintenance of a scheme was added. CB does

not have to appoint a scheme committee.

Scheme owner can be outside of the CB.

4.2.4 a) 4.4 Slightly reworded

4.2.4 b) Covered under new section on impartiality (4.3)

42.4 c) Covered under new section on impartiality (4.3)

4.3.2 New clause

4.3.3 New clause

4.3.5 New clause

4.3.6 New clause

4.3.7 New clause

4.3.8 New clause

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ISO/EC 17024 2003 ISO/IEC 17024 2012 Differences/Comments

4.2.5 5.2 New section covers old clause 4.2.5 and adds

additional requirements

5.2.2 New clause

5.2.3 a) New clause

5.2.3 b) New clause

5.2.3 c) New clause

5.2.3 d) New clause

5.2.3 e) New clause

4.2.6 Entire sections for appeals and complaints added

(see sections 9.8 and 9.9)

4.2.7 See new section on personnel (6.1)

4.3 Development and

maintenance of a

certification scheme

See new section for certification schemes (8)

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ISO/EC 17024 2003 ISO/IEC 17024 2012 Differences/Comments

4.3.1 See new section for certification schemes (8)

4.3.2 See new section for certification schemes (8)

4.3.3 9.2.2 Reworded and placed in new section on

assessment (9.2)

4.3.4 Deleted clause

4.3.5 4.3.4


Split into two sections (Impartiality 4.3 and

Structure of the certification body in relation to

training 5.2)

4.3.6 9.3.5 Moved to a new section on examination process

4.4 Management system




All of Section 10 All of Management System moved to a new

section 10.

4.5 Subcontracting 6.3 Outsourcing Changed subcontracting to outsourcing

4.5.1 6.3.1


Reworded and put into 2 clauses

4.5.2 6.3.2 Reworded

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ISO/EC 17024 2003 ISO/IEC 17024 2012 Differences/Comments

4.6 Records 7 Records and information


4.6.1 7.1.1 Same

4.6.2 7.1.2 Same

4.7 Confidentiality 7.1.3 Reworded and entire new section on

Confidentiality added (7.3)

7.2 Public Information New section

7.2.1 New clause

7.2.2 New clause

7.2.3 New clause

7.2.4 New clause

7.3 Confidentiality New section for confidentiality added

7.3.1 New clause

7.3.2 New clause

7.3.3 New clause

7.3.4 New clause

7.3.5 New clause

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ISO/EC 17024 2003 ISO/IEC 17024 2012 Differences/Comments

4.8 Security 7.4 Security New Section for security added

7.4.1 New clause

7.4.2 New clause

7.4.3 New clause

6. Resource Requirements New section for resource requirements added

5 Requirements for

persons employed or

contracted by a

certification body

5.1 General

6.1 General personnel


6.1.1 New clause

6.1.2 New clause

5.1.1 6.1.3 Slightly reworded

5.1.2 6.1.7 Reworded

5.1.3 6.1.4 Reworded

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ISO/EC 17024 2003 ISO/IEC 17024 2012 Differences/Comments

5.1.4 6.1.5 Reworded

6.1.6 New clause

6.1.8 New clause

6.2 Personnel involved in the

certification activities

New section for personnel added

6.2.1 General New clause

5.2 Requirements for


6.2.2 Requirements for examiners

5.2.1 Reworded New clause


6.2.3 Outsourcing New section for outsourcing added New clause New clause

6.4 Other Resources New clause

8 Certification Schemes New section for certification schemes added

8.1 New clause

8.2 New clause

8.3 New clause

8.4 New clause

8.5 New clause

8.6 New clause that allows a scheme owner to be a body

other than the certification body for persons

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ISO/EC 17024 2003 ISO/IEC 17024 2012 Differences/Comments

6 Certification process 9 Certification Process


6.1 Application 9.1 Application Process

6.1.1 9.1.1 Reworded

6.1.2 9.1.2 Reworded

9.1.3 New clause

9.2 Assessment Process New section for assessment process added

9.2.1 New clause

9.2.2 see 2003 version, clause 4.3.3

6.2 Evaluation

Section deleted

6.2.1 Clause deleted

B) covered by new clause 9.2.5

6.2.2 9.3.1 Reworded. Added language to address equating

of exam forms and comparability of the pass/fail


6.2.3 9.2.3 Slightly reworded

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ISO/EC 17024 2003 ISO/IEC 17024 2012 Differences/Comments

6.2.4 Clause deleted

9.2.4 New clause

9.2.5 New clause

9.2.6 New clause

9.3 Examination process New section for examination process added

9.3.2 New clause to address exam administration


9.3.3 New clause to address exam administration


9.3.4 New clause

9.3.5 Reworded from 2003 version clause 4.3.6

6.3 Decision on


9.4 Decision on certification

9.4.1 New clause

9.4.2 Reworded from 2003 versions clause 4.5.1

9.4.3 Reworded from 2003 version clause 4.1.3

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ISO/EC 17024 2003 ISO/IEC 17024 2012 Differences/Comments

6.3.1 9.4.4

9.4.5 New clause

9.4.6 New clause

6.3.2 9.4.7

6.3.3 9.4.8 Slightly reworded

9.4.9 New clause

6.4 Surveillance Section deleted

6.4.1 Clause deleted

6.4.2 Clause deleted

9.5 Suspending, withdrawing or

reducing the scope of


New section

9.5.1 New clause

9.5.2 New clause

9.5.3 New clause

9.5.4 New clause

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ISO/EC 17024 2003 ISO/IEC 17024 2012 Differences/Comments

6.5 Recertification 9.6 Recertification Process

6.5.1 Clause deleted

6.5.2 9.6.1



Reworded and split into three clauses

9.6.3 New clause

9.6.5 New clause

6.6 Use of certificates and


9.7 Use of certificates, logos and


6.6.1 9.7.1 Same

6.6.2 9.7.2 Same

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ISO/EC 17024 2003 ISO/IEC 17024 2012 Differences/Comments

6.6.3 9.7.3 Reworded

9.8 Appeals against decisions on


New Section for appeals

9.8.1 New clause

9.8.2 New clause

9.8.3 New clause

9.8.4 New clause

9.8.5 New clause

9.8.6 New clause

9.8.7 New clause

9.9 Complaints New section for complaints

9.9.1 New clause

9.9.2 New clause

9.9.3 New clause

9.9.4 New clause

9.9.5 New clause

9.9.6 New clause

9.9.7 New clause

9.9.8 New clause

9.9.9 New clause

9.9.10 New clause

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ISO/EC 17024 2003 ISO/IEC 17024 2012 Differences/Comments

10 Management system


New section for management systems

10.1 New clause

10.2 New section

10.2.1 New clause

10.2.2 New clause

10.2.3 New clause

10.2.4 New clause

10.2.5 New section New clause New clause New clause

10.2.6 New section New clause New clause New clause New clause

10.2.7 New clause

10.2.8 New clause

Annex A – Principles New Appendix (Principles)