Islamic Knowledge And Importance Of Tawheed

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Islamic Knowledge And Importance Of Tawheed By Abu Ammaar Saeed Ahmed From Abu Ammaar Saeed Ahmed Dear Readers, My purpose to write this book is to encourage you to gain more knowledge of Tawheed directly from original sources and do not just believe anyone. Spread knowledge from this book knowledge to others who are busy in their lives or just following any group blindly. Especially for those people who has less knowledge and following blindly and joined any sect of Islam with intensions that it is pleasing Allah (swt) but in reality it is just stopping you at a point whole life. Example if you are in the 5th grade of Islam joining group will make you spend entire life staying in 5th grade without moving ahead to gain more knowledge in Islam and become good knowledgeable person to teach others Islam. Remember it is shaitan’s tool to stop you moving ahead, Because if you move ahead studying more, technically you will get more knowledge and with more knowledge you will teach others and this is what shaitan is doing to stop spreading Allah’s Deen and making you just stay where ever you are. Because spending time in gaining more knowledge is getting close to Allah and Jannah. Islamic Research Foundation New York

Transcript of Islamic Knowledge And Importance Of Tawheed

Islamic Knowledge And Importance Of


Abu Ammaar Saeed Ahmed

Date: Ramadhan 29, 1433, August 19, 2012

Edition: 2012

Author: Abu Ammaar Saeed Ahmed

Copyright: Free to republish with authorization

Islamic Research Foundation New York

2 About Author

Abu Ammaar Saeed Ahmed Founder of IRFNY Islamic Research Foundation New York

A businessman by profession and student of international Dawah program and training who choose to spread the word of Allah, who’s journey into the world of comparative religion and Dawah started at the age of 30 started in 2007 as a participant of the Dawah Training Programme conducted by several international orators.

The desire within him in clarifying misconceptions about Islam was kindled by Sheikh Ahmed Deedat & Dr. Zakir Naik and this exposure to these world renowned scholars resulted in him choosing Dawah over business. Being a passionate fulltime Daee since 2007, specializing in inter-faith dialogues, Saeed has participated in numerous one-on-one sessions & group discussions with non-Muslims as well as Muslims and, has clarified a number of misconceptions about Islam with non-Muslims as well as Muslims amongst television viewers

3 as well as live audiences in various parts of the USA.

He has been delivering talks on Islam and Comparative Religion for the last couple of years and some of his topics which are popular amongst Muslims are Islamic Theology, Tawheed, Imaan, Innovation and with non-Muslims are Is Jesus God, Is the Bible Word of God.

He is also an accomplished trainer with experience in imparting Dawah training to students of comparative religion and is a founder of IRFNY Dawah training programme. Over and above the numerous lecture tours, talks, dialogues and discussions to his credit in states in USA he has also delivered lectures across over the internet in several Islamic websites.

Saeed Ahmed became a founder of IRFNY Islamic Research Foundation New York in 2010, to help other Muslims to join Dawah training programme and learn doing Dawah with non-Muslims as well as Muslims to

4 remove misconceptions about Islam. Currently Saeed is attending Islamic education conferences and discussions from international orators, to gain more knowledge and heading towards higher education in Islam and comparative religions.

Saeed has dedicated himself studying fulltime completing in every year, Tafsir Ibn Kathir, Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, Sunan Tirmidhi, Sunan Abu Dawood, Ibn Majah, fiqh by four Sunni schools.

Currently Saeed is a student of Christianity on the topics “Is Jesus God or Son Of God”, “Is The Bible Word Of God”, “Was Jesus Crucified”, “Trinity”.

Remember Saeed in your prayers, May Allah increase our knowledge of Islam. Ameen

Abu Ammaar Saeed Ahmed


حيم ن ٱلر ـ حم سمم ٱل ٱلر

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful

Indeed, all praise is due to Allah. We praise Him and seek His Help and forgiveness. We seek refuge in Allah from our souls' evils and our wrong doings. He whom Allah guides, no one can misguide; and he whom He misguides, no one can guide. I bear witness that there is no god except Allah and I bear witness that Muhammad (PBUH)is His Messenger. Quran 20:25-28

ر لى أمرى (۲٥رب ٱشرح لى صدرى ( ) وٱحلل ۲٦) ويم

ن لمانى ( )۲۸) يفقهوا قولى (۲۷عقدة م

"O my Lord! Expand me my breast;" (25) "Ease my task for me; (26) "And remove the impediment from my speech. (27) "So they may understand what I say: (28)

This book will be covering an informative message for those who are busy in daily lives

6 and not trying to give some time to Allah’s Deen and those who are following the teachings of a group involved Shirk, Kufr or Bidah. By reading this booklet, may Allah (swt) encourage you and give you more Hidaaya towards Islamic knowledge and proper understanding of Tawheed. There is a difference between a person following someone blindly only based on having faith on someone with the thoughts that specific personality is pious and righteous person and whatever he is saying is true and because he has more knowledge than you do, based on his pious appearance with wearing and big beard and wearing white clothes and also he is a good speaker on Islam, and talking beautiful attracting things about Islam and beautiful teachings on how to live a life..

It is a personal view about someone without investigating the background of the particular person or his teachings. But another way to save yourself from diverting towards wrong way is to have authentic material with you to verify from

7 original sources and compare to what you have listened. One wrong step will take you away from straight path but for upcoming generations will be on more wrong way.

The authentic material which should be followed is,

Quran and Tafsir

Hadith Books

1. Sahih Bukhari

2. Sahih Muslim

3. Sunan Tirmidhi

4. Sunan Abu Dawood

5. Sunan Nasai

6. Sunan Ibn Majah

NOTE: Do not read any books other than mentioned names above, usually by reading other materials other than authentic source can

8 start building your faith on false information and also can take you out of Tawheed and also can lead you towards Bidah, Kufr, or Shirk which is not forgiven by Allah (swt). Still in above mentioned names has Dhaeef and fabricated Hadith need to be verified with well known international scholars. But most trustable book to be read after Quran is Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim. Every Muslim’s responsibility is to study material and become professional in order to be strong in faith and not fooled by so-called scholars belong to a chain whose innovator was passed away years back. Instead to learn about professional knowledge, the best way is to contact international scholars not scholars belong to particular group.

It is strictly instructed not to follow any other books or follow any groups of Islam who is educating other than mentioned sources and strictly instructed to just hold the book of Allah (swt) and Hadith.


The most powerful tool of shaitan to fool innocent people towards Shirk, Kufr or Bidah is that he fool innocent people in the name of Allah and very hard for an innocent or people with less knowledge to understand that where they are heading towards Allah (swt) or Bidah.

Shaitan can also come to you along with a pious person to teach you Islam. The only way to save your self is only if you have strong knowledge of Tawheed from Quran and proper understanding of Hadith.

Example a big beard elderly person wearing white clothes and wearing turban comes to you to teach you Islam. If you are common Muslim then surely you will be deceived because naturally you will trust him based on his looks and will have faith on whatever he is teaching. Even common Muslims don’t realize or investigate that where the teaching coming from is it from Quran or Hadith or it was from some

10 elder personality passed away 100s of years back and his teachings are continued.

Now let see, an elderly person goes to a Muslim to teach Islam, the common Muslim turned out to be a very knowledgeable person of Islam who has direct knowledge from Quran and Hadith. Will he be deceived by shaitan? But instead the knowledgeable Muslim will take out the points and errors from elderly person’s teaching of Islam and will correct him.

Usually people belong to some group continue teachings of Islam what they hear from their leaders and other group members remember by listening and sitting in the gathering but they do not verify or investigate the teachings to make sure if it is authentic what they hear. Personally I have experienced this many times by asking group members many questions that I hear in the speech but couldn’t get proper answer but they have justifying answering to hide the truth but don’t stop spreading false, because himself he never verified, he just heard same things

11 from other leaders and keep passing it on. Because shaitan has strongly drilled in their mind and hearts that it is the job from Allah (swt) and was done by Prophet (pbuh) and Sahaba bringing people towards Allah (swt). But the group’s intentions are to gather people to do good deeds and stop sinning, but not realizing it is based on false information, false stories and fabricated Hadith, is a trick and tool of shaitan to spread false that’s the reason so many sub-groups are in eastern countries like Pakistan among them there is not unity just only because of having arguments on little things and breaking the Ummah into sub and sub sections and each group following their own leader and each leader trying to gather more and more people to join their group.

Surely who read this book and are from Pakistan or India or Bangladesh they will understand what are the biggest groups has millions of people joined, but the question is who was the founder of the movement, was it prophet

12 Muhammad (pbuh) or some pious person, or righteous person or some Maulana who started the movement, Don’t they realize the books they carry contains Shirk, Kufr and Bidah information still they continue and not stopping and not even speaking truth about the books contains false teachings. The leaders are hiding from new comers. This is simply a false teachings and gathering people to join the group. But the true way is invest your time learning proper Deen and then teach others, save yourself from Hell and save others. Teaching false will end up yourself in Hell and will be putting others in Hell also.

So let us look ourselves in a mirror and see where are we standing, are we teaching Deen of Allah or are we carrying books written by some Maulanas years back. If it is not Quran and Hadith then fear Allah (swt) and his punishment and let’s go back to Quran and Hadith and hold them with strength and pass the teachings of Quran to Hadith others.

13 According to Hadith there will be 73 groups of Islam and 72 will be thrown to hell except one. So let us look at ourselves where do we belong. Every group says they are right, but let’s test ourselves according to Quran and Hadith and the method of teachings is it from Prophet (pbuh) or the teachings came years back from some Maulana or Imam belong to particular chain innovated years back.

Strictly instructions to everyone, if you want to have proper understanding of Islam, then only contact international scholars or scholars from Saudi Arabia. If we realize Islam was started from Makkah and then spread to the world. But then many countries in East, like India, Pakistan and Bangladesh started many innovations later and kept spreading more and more. So the best thing is to open Quran, read the translation and make your self addicted to it by reading every day. Because reading every day you will have different understanding day by day, then open the Quran Tafsir for more understanding and

14 then read the authentic Hadith books and then compare to the books of new groups and yourself you will be able to find the truth.

This is exactly the Islam teach to read yourself with the name of your Lord (swt) and with his help to brighten your heart from errors and mistakes.

The shaitan’s biggest trick to deceive and lead you to shirk is, he whispers in your heart to do some act to please Allah (swt) and the way of worshiping will bring you close to Allah (swt) but unknowingly he is making you to start Bidah, Kufr or Shirk because none of them is accepted by Allah (swt).

By looking at the story Prophet Aadam (AH) and Prophet Hawwa (AH), shaitan appears to them as well-wisher and asked them to eat the fruit which was forbidden by Allah (swt). What did shaitan told them?

15 He (shaitan) told them to eat the fruit. Allah (swt) has forbidden this fruit so you won’t be closer to Allah (swt) like angels do and don’t you want to be close to Allah (swt) like Angels do? These words made them feel that he (shaitan) is right, and of course anyone would do anything to go close to Allah (swt) and please Allah (swt). Well on the other hand shaitan made them forget about the actual commandments of Allah (swt) and they didn’t realize that it was Allah’s commandment not to go close to the tree and do not eat forbidden fruit, but they ate the fruit with the thoughts that this act will bring them closer to Allah (swt), listening to shaitan and leaving the commandments of Allah (swt) behind.

If we compare this story to nowadays groups, we will realize 100s of years back some leader of any group founder innovated something new in Islam to make the teaching of Islam easy and help in spreading Islam more.

16 Also thinking that Muslims are getting away from Deen and the leaders started a new method of teachings of Islam and new ways to make the Deen easy for people to understand and bring them back to Deen and gather more and more people, but on the other hand not realizing that to bring back people to Tawheed not just good deeds because even non-Muslims do good deeds also, but the difference between Muslim and non-Muslim is the Kalimah. The Muslims should be perfected in Tawheed to understand the rest of the Deen.

I have seen people at mature age, while praying Salah they are moving their eyes around and keep moving their body, while fasting they don’t control their tongue, eyes or stop sinning. The reason behind is, when a person born in a Muslim family, his parents teach praying fasting etc. By reaching at elder age he becomes use to it and never leave his pray or fasting. As the age moving on he becomes addicted to his worshiping and continue till end of his life with

17 his good deeds and worshiping. But till the end of his life he never learned Deen or gets deep knowledge of Kalimah or even read translation of the Salah. But he kept doing what he learned in his childhood from his parents.

According to Imam Bukhari, on judgment day, Allah has the right to destroy all deeds and Ibaadah of Islam if everything is done without knowledge and with no proper understanding of Tawheed.

Many things the groups has created in Islam, we realize doesn’t even exist in Islam, for example the public speakers take advantage of innocent listeners because they never opened the authentic material and just accepting whatever the speaker is speaking about and the innocent new comer join them without having knowledge.

By looking at the leaders, for example they use false stories of pious people passed way 100s of years back. Telling fairy tales and false miracles

18 of some pious and Sufi people’s miracles are all false written in their books. Because of lack of knowledge, make common Muslim believe all this, and whatever makes them happy internally then the listeners pass on same stories to others and the falsehood keep spreading around the world and the new listeners keep passing on also start doing same act what they hear from leader that some pious person passed away 100s years back was doing this act of worship and Allah (swt) was very pleased with him and this falsehood continue to others who doesn’t have proper knowledge of Islam and start following their books without verifying information. This is what shaitan is doing making you to start joining the group based on false stories and which making you happy internally for the sake of Allah (swt) or going in the path of Allah (swt). Naturally if we realize false stories always makes person happy that’s why people spend wasting time in reading newspapers, magazines, jokes, useless talking keep them

19 happy and this way shaitan keeps you away from authentic material to know the truth of life.

Example quoting Dhaeef and fabricated Hadith to people, the book has false sayings of Prophet (pbuh) and Sahaba stories. If a person doesn’t have knowledge of the history of Hadith then by only hearing this kind of Hadith he can be misguided, it is leader’s responsibility to get knowledge first and get classes from international scholars to understand properly before teaching others they are misguided and also misguiding innocent people because they never spend time in studying first but only passing the teachings what they hear from their leaders. It is not recommended to sit in the gathering of innovators if you do not have the knowledge or always verify information you hear from the group. If a person has the deep knowledge of Tawheed and Hadith and knowledge of narrators and if anyone speaking Dhaeef or fabricated Hadith, it will be easy for

20 him to recognize the Hadith is Dhaeef or fabricated.

The leaders and the members of the group gathering Muslims away from Deen to join their groups bringing people to Allah (swt) based on lies. Prophet (pbuh) or Sahaba never used false materials or use this kind of teachings to bring Allah (swt) based on lies. But they used the pure word of Allah (swt) and true teachings to bring people to Allah (swt). Early times Prophet (pbuh) use to send Sahaba to different cities to teach Deen.

If a knowledgeable person will argue with some group leader asking about details of the innovation, the leaders or group members will have explanation like shaitan did to Allah. Any type of argument with them should be avoided.

Quran 109:6

)٦لكم دينكم ولى دين (

To you be your Way, and to me mine. (6)

21 It is only Allah (swt) who will decide on judgment day who is right and who is wrong. But it is important for every Muslim to find the truth and he should be careful what he is learning and who he is learning from. What is the teacher’s Aqeeda and from where did the teacher learned the Deen from and also make sure the teacher is not involved in particular group and following particular group’s teachings and he is teaching others the material belong to particular group but not from Quran and Hadith directly.


Muhammad Bin Seerin said, if it is related to knowledge of Deen then you must look at a person from who you are learning Deen from.

(Sahih Muslim, Urdu Trans, No 26)

The above Hadith means do not just believe your teacher based on looks or degree in Islam

22 but make sure his teachings are directly from Quran and Hadith.


Narrated By Ibn Abi Ataab, I met Muhammad Bin Yahya, asked him about Hadith from his father Yahya Bin Saeed Qataan. Muhammad Bin Yahya said according to his father about Hadith, his father said to his son Muhammad Bin Yahya that you will not find worst in lying in saying Hadith by pious and righteous people more than in other things.

(Sahih Muslim, Urdu Trans, No 4026)

Above Hadith gives warnings about those people who don’t have knowledge of Hadith but will be keep spreading false Hadith without having proper knowledge. According to him they do not lying on purpose but they do not have correct education of Hadith and will continue spread fabricated Hadith. By looking at these days we realize many groups has

23 teachings doesn’t exist in authentic Hadith books and many pious, righteous people and some Maulanas books has false Hadith used by group members and it is keep spreading falsehood.

Many Ahadith by Prophet (pbuh), anyone saying fabricated Hadith and passing it on let him make his seat in Hell.

Because when Allah (swt) asked shaitan to prostrate Aadam (AH), he started giving details and explanation rather than just following Allah’s commandment to prostrate without even bringing doubt in heart.

If we take a look at non-Muslims, they also do acts like helping poor and homeless, saving lives, like Red Cross organization and many non-Muslim organizations doing things to help other human kind. But are their actions are accepted? They are completely vain if not done right way. The first understanding every human should have that there is a creator and we

24 worship One True Creator Allah (swt) and whatever we are doing is to please God.

The first thing every Muslim should know is the basic fundamentals of Islam which is Tawheed. It is like a base of building. If the base of the building is weak then one day it will collapse no matter how hard we try to save it. Even if you try to repair the top floor to save the building from collapsing, it will not stand and one day it will collapse. Same way if a Muslim is least knowledge of Tawheed let say about 5% and rest deeds involves Shirk, Kufr or Bidah no matter how good pious person is he or spend whole life in doing good deeds for the sake of Allah (swt) will be wasted and he will be among losers.

Every Muslim should get education of Tawheed from scholars at least to understand the basics of Islam is

1. Shirk in Ruboobiya

25 2. Shirk in AsmaWa Sifaat

3. Shirk in Ibaadah

Doing any actions to please Allah (swt) doesn’t mean Allah will accept and whole life worshiping will be wasted he will be among losers.

Shaitan has a tool always to fool innocent and illiterate people in the name of Allah (swt). There are many actions are currently done in Pakistan, India or any other currently but mostly have seen in Pakistan. People are doing five times Salah, reciting Quran, Quran memorizers and very pious people. But personally, I have seen many people going to grave with hope to get help in problems, wearing talisman, going to fortune teller and prostrating to old age person or grave with hope to get help and remove their problems.

The problem is, it is like chain how the wrong knowledge spread years back. Probably some

26 elder was deceived by shaitan 100s of years back and started Shirk, Kufr or Bidah in act of worshiping with true worshiping together going along giving people false hope in heart that they are on right track and they are praying and reciting Quran also but not realizing that they are being backstabbed by shaitan because their act of worshiping includes Shirk.

Example given below, years back someone was targeted by shaitan to destroy next coming generations until later, in later generations someone will get Hidaaya and will go back to original scripture and stop Bidah.

Son Father Grand Father Grand Grand Father Grand Grand Grand Father +Shaitan Whisper

It is a like a train at the front has engine to pull the rest of the train, so if the engine took a wrong track the engine will end at dead end or will fell into well, the whole train behind will be with the engine also. Same way if one person is

27 misguided by shaitan with wrong teachings of Islam the rest followers will end up in hell also. It is a shaitan who will end up in hell and will pull others with him also in hell means all the followers of such teachings are not from Quran or Hadith will end up in hell also with shaitan.

In early years, between Prophet Aadam (AS) and Prophet Noah (AH) there were generations of people that remembered the laws taught by Aadam (AS) to worship One God. The years passed and the people forgot at that times, the righteous men amongst them reminded the people of their obligations to God. As time continued to move on, the righteous men began to die, and Shaitan came whispering to the people who had looked up to them, putting thoughts into their minds in his sly, cunning way.

Shaitan inspired the good people to make statues of the righteous men. In this way, Shaitan said, they would remember the righteous people and thus remember to worship

28 God. The good people built statues in their meeting places and their homes, and shaitan left them alone until everyone had forgotten the reason the statues existed. Many years later, the devious shaitan appeared amongst the people again, this time suggesting that they worship the idols directly.

Shaitan does not plan for just one generation but he always plans to target upcoming generation starting from just a tiny point of Shirk. Example he (shaitan) told first generation to keep the memories in good way to remember the elders who passed away. After many generations we realize are many are directly into Shirk and shaitan is succeeded in his mission. It all starts from one seed and that small tiny seed builds a huge tall tree of generation involving in Shirk.

Same way by reading books from some leaders of the groups, we found false stories of people who saw dream of grave and that in dream he went to grave and slaughtered goat for the dead one and his Dua is accepted by Allah (swt).

29 Basically this is shaitan tool to whisper in heart and giving hint to innocent person that by going to grave the prayer his Dua will be accepted and slaughter goat in the name of dead and his prayers will be accepted. Let say if he go to try something like that next day and shaitan make it true his faith builds more by doing this kind of act but along that shaitan is whispering that this act is pleasing Allah (swt). After he dies his children will do same and it will continue to next generations.

Another example, an astrologer will tell a person he will have car accident tomorrow and next day if he really gets into car accident his faith builds more on astrologer or psychic. Because this is the tools of Jinn and Shaitan to make it true to build your faith on other objects. This is contradicting Kalimah, because the Kalimah is “La Ilaaha Il Allah” means “No object in the universe except One Allah” to obey and worship. That is the reason no one has

30 proper knowledge of Kalimah but only keep doing act of worship learned from their parents.

Another example, I use to eat food at restaurant and after food I use to get packet of cookie, inside there used to be a piece of paper to read something lucky information. But as Alhamdulillah Allah (swt) increased my knowledge, I realize its trick by shaitan. Never involve in any game of luck or lucky draw games. Because let say I open the cookie packet and found a piece of paper inside it is written that tomorrow I will find $20 on floor and next day I did found $20, what will happen my faith fill naturally start believing this and I will start using same method to know my future. This is the way shaitan makes it true and whisper in your heart and also shaitan use hidden information from Allah and spread among people to change their faith and start believing on other objects. It is strictly prohibited to involve in any lucky draw or lotto and trying to know your future is Haraam.

31 Hadith

Narrated by Abdullah ibn Umar, Allah's Messenger said, "If anyone drinks wine Allah will not accept prayer from him for forty days, but if he repents Allah will forgive him. If he repeats the offence Allah will not accept prayer from him for forty days, but if he repents Allah will forgive him. If he again repeats the offence Allah will not accept prayer from him for forty days, but if he repents Allah will forgive him. If he repeats it a fourth time Allah will not accept prayer from him for forty days, and if he repents Allah will not forgive him, but will give him to drink of the river of the fluid flowing from the inhabitants of Hell." (Sunan Tirmidhi No 3643)

Also there is Hadith the Prophet (pbuh) said, “Whoever goes to a fortuneteller and asks him about something, his prayer will not be accepted for forty days.”

(Sahih Muslim, No 2230)

32 We see this problem everywhere even many Muslim countries getting help from shaitan and trying to get information about unseen is Shirk.

And nowadays, if we look around and will realize that after so many generations shaitan is successful leading innocent and illiterate people to Islam and Bidah together and Allah (swt) doesn’t accept that and people will be among losers.

What is the root cause? Again the proper knowledge of Islam and just following blindly and joined any group thinking that they are going in the path of Allah (swt). Shaitan always wastes people time in reading timewaster materials and never want people to read Quran, translation, or Hadith books (only authentic). Because shaitan knows very well that if people will get knowledge of Allah (swt) in right way, so they will leave Bidah, Kufr or Shirk.

33 Quran 16:43, 21:7

كر إن كنتم ال تعلمون ( )٤۳فمـٴلوا أهل ٱلذ

So ask the people (having the knowledge) of message, if you do not know.

The above verse gives indication to go to those people given knowledge of Deen and don’t just follow particular group with intentions to please and going in the path of Allah (swt). It is an instruction to people with less knowledge to go the people who are scholars and has more knowledge than just following a group leader of spreading false information about Islam without knowledge.


Aisha (ra) reported: The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said, “Whoever performs a deed that is not in accordance with our matter will have it rejected.”

(Sahih Muslim, Book 18, Number 4266)

34 Hadith

The Messenger (pbuh) also warned against the People of Innovation, from befriending, supporting or taking from them saying: “Whoever innovates or accommodates an innovator then upon him is the curse of Allah, His Angels and the whole of mankind.

(Sahih Bukhari (12/41) and Sahih Muslim (9/140)

If we read Quran we get clear answer,

Quran 5:3

ٱليوم أكملت لكم دينكم وأتممت عليكم نعمتى ورضيت لكم م دين ا ...( ـ سل )۳ٱإل

This day have I perfected your religion for you, completed my favour upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion.

The above mentioned verse from the Quran clearly gives signs to adhere with what has

35 commanded by Allah (swt) and Muhammad (pbuh)

Now days there are many groups in Pakistan, India and Bangladesh, some group’s ways of worshiping is contradicting Quran and Hadith should not be followed and should not prayer behind such a Imam that has different Aqeedah or different teachings other than Quran and Hadith.

Following blindly and accepting what a person says could change your track of Tawheed and could lead you to Bidah, Kufr or Shirk, and end up in hell, by only following anyone without verifying.


When Allah (swt) created Aadam (AS), the very first thing which was given to him was knowledge. Allah (swt) says

36 Quran 2:31

ٮكة فقال أنبـٴونى ـ وعلم ءادم ٱألسماء كلها ثم عرضہم على ٱلملدقين ( ـ ؤالء إن كنتم ص ـ )۳۱سأسماء ه

And He taught Adam the names of all things; then He placed them before the angels and said: "Tell Me the names of these if ye are right." (31)

The first knowledge which was given to Adam (AH) was the knowledge of names. According to some scholars the names were of difference things in universe and according to some scholars it was about coming of next generations. (Allah Knows Best)

But anyways, that knowledge was about worldly things. As mentioned above, When Allah asked the angels "Tell Me the names of these if ye are right." The Angels replied

37 Quran 2:31

نك ال علم لنا إال ما علمتنا إنك أنت ٱلعليم ٱلحكيم ـ قالوا سبح)۳۲(

They said: "Glory to Thee: of knowledge we have none, save that Thou hast taught us: in truth it is Thou who art perfect in knowledge and wisdom." (32)

The knowledge that Allah had taught to Aadam (AH), the angels does not have that knowledge. Because of the knowledge Allah (swt) asked angels to prostrate Aadam (AH) and bow down to him. The superiority of Aadam (AH) over the angels was because of knowledge.

Then Allah (swt) tested Aadam (AH) to not to go close to tree and do not eat the forbidden fruit. But shaitan was succeeded in his mission and made both couple to eat the fruit.

From this story we realize, worldly knowledge is not enough for us to save ourselves from shaitan tricks and deceiving plans.

38 So when Allah (swt) sent down Aadam (AS) and Hawwa (AS), He said

ى فمن تبع هداى فال خوف عليہم وال هم نى هد ا يأتينكم م فإم)۳۸يحزنون (

and if, as is sure, there comes to you guidance from Me" whosoever follows My guidance on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve. (38)

For a person to be successful, knowledge of guidance is very important. Example a person, to live in this world needs knowledge about things in this world. A child is born on Fitrah, at child age when he starts talking. He asks his parents and he is always curious about knowing the names of the things and that’s how he starts learning the names of the things in this world. Because Allah (swt) has put in his Fitrah to get knowledge about things but with that, for a person to have peaceful life, good living life, to have good transaction with another human, to understand the rights of Allah (swt) and rights

39 of other human being should have to have knowledge of guidance which is in Quran.

Allah has sent many messengers, Noah, Ibrahim, Ismail, Ishaac, Yaqoob, Yusuf, etc (pbu them all)

There wasn’t any area on earth left where no messengers have come to give guidance to their Ummah. Allah (swt) has always sent messengers to guide their people of their time. Allah (swt) has sent Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) to guide entire world, Allah(swt) gave his Messenger (pbuh) more knowledge than anyone else, but with more knowledge Allah (swt) has instructed His (swt) Prophet (pbuh) to recite always, which is always should be include in our Dhikr, which is, O Allah increase our knowledge.

Quran 20:114

ا ( ب زدنى علم )۱۱٤قل ر

O my Lord! Increase me in knowledge." (114)

40 In this verse it is a instructions to Muhammad (pbuh), besides having knowledge given by Allah (swt) also frequently recite Dua. If we realize that Allah (swt) is instructing Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) to recite Dua even after given special knowledge directly from Allah (swt) through angel Jibril (AS), how important for us to learn more and more knowledge of Allah (swt).

The first revelation from Allah (swt) to Muhammad (pbuh) through Jibril (AS) in the cave of Hirra was

Quran 96:01

﴾۱اقرا ساسم رسك الذى خلق ﴿

Read! in the name of thy Lord and Cherisher, Who created― (1)

Above verse explains in long details, it is kind of instructions to human being to get knowledge by studying more and more and do not stay illiterate, but not just get a knowledge also get a

41 knowledge with the name of your Lord (swt) who created you to worship as he wanted and obey his commandments and remember him in your life and get knowledge with the help of your Lord (swt), because He created human and Jinn to worship him alone, He is sustainer. He is the One who created everything, it is His given power in body of human that a person use day and night. He is the One who gave a breath and He is the One who provide Rizq for all his creation, so remember Allah (swt) always.

Looking at modern world we see that majority has taken worldly education and made importance to their lives to survive in this world and put Islam as part time and don’t waste their times on learning Islamic knowledge and if they do, they just listen to any Islamic speaker and follow teaching of some group without getting proper knowledge from authentic material.

Shaitan always try to keep human away from Allah (swt) and put them in useless things like reading newspapers, wasting hours and hours in

42 watching TV, that does not bring peace in mind and life. In order to have peace in mind and life, the person has to submit his will to Allah (swt) and follow Quran and Sunnah.

By looking at the history all the great Islamic scientists passed away use to gather in the class of Quran and Hadith to learn and get more knowledge of Islam.

We also see that the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) made it obligatory upon us to seek knowledge: Anas Ibn Malik reported that the Prophet (saw) said, “Seeking of knowledge is obligatory upon every Muslim....”

(Ibn Majah 1/224 and Tirmidhi 218)

Even its man, woman, child, teenage, young or in old age it is very important and obligatory to get education and as well as Islamic proper education by going to school and have proper teachings of faith and not just following blindly any group. Usually people go and join some

43 groups by thinking they will learn proper Deen but due to lack of knowledge they stuck in wrong hands and with wrong groups and start learning and start believing the act of worship which is not mentioned in Quran or Hadith, which lead them to Bidah and next generations will fall in Shirk and end up in hell, and the root cause of all this is not having proper knowledge of Islam.


Narrated Muawiya: I heard Allah's Apostle saying, "If Allah wants to do good to a person, He makes him comprehend the religion.

(Sahih Bukhari, Book of knowledge, 71)

The above Hadith means if Allah (swt) wants to do good with a person, He gives that person a proper knowledge of Deen, not just following blindly but struggling to get proper understand of Islam. Naturally a person will have hunger and thirst of gaining more knowledge, he will

44 always spend time studying hard getting more knowledge in Deen on what to do and what not to do and how to please Allah (swt).

Example a boy loves a girl, he will always think to do something to please her and what makes her happy and what she likes and what she don’t like, he will always think and understand her properly. Same way when a person has true love in his heart for Allah (swt) he gives his life to Allah (swt) and spend more time in learning on how to please his Lord.

Another example if a person found a good income sources either thru job or will have good business deal next day. Surely he will not spend night sleeping but will wake and keep thinking about it that once he will get job or business deal and get good financials he start imaging future plans and will think to have good relationship with his boss at job or in business deal he will think to have good relation with business partner.

45 Now ask yourself a question, you weren’t able to sleep whole night because of imaging good plans for future after good or business deal. How much do you thankful to Allah for providing you breath. Did you ever thought each breath is priceless given by Allah (swt) Did you ever spent night waking thinking about it? Or did you ever bring a tear from your eye from depth of your heart thanking Allah (swt) for providing you a one single breath. Look at a people who carry oxygen cylinder just to live and look at a people doesn’t have arms, legs and eyes but still thank Allah (swt) Now imagine yourself like them and surely you will realize how they feel and how much you thank to Allah. Never discriminate anyone for any defects.

No what are the ways of thanking Allah verbally and practically. Here is the shaitan’s tool again to drill in your heart by saying that you always thanking God great job you are very thankful person to Allah (swt). Well this is same a

46 Christian say we believe in Jesus (pbuh) and love Him and believe Him to get salvation to Paradise. But there is a difference between claiming and showing practically. If the Christians truly love Jesus (pbuh) they would follow his teachings not only by claiming.

Same way in order to truly thankful to Allah (swt) is, submit yourself completely not partially by learning and giving your time towards Allah (swt) about Allah (swt) that what He likes and what he doesn’t like. This is lack of knowledge of having proper knowledge of Allah (swt) because more time you spend for Allah (swt), He will surely light up your heart with more Hidaaya. Sacrifice your time and love for Him because He provides you everything less or more, still always thankful to Him. This is the difference between having power of the knowledge of Tawheed and only worshiping.

47 Quran 2:165

)۱٦٥( … ا ل …وٱلذين ءامنوا أشدح حب

But those of faith are overflowing in their love for Allah

If a heart truly loves Allah (swt) then how it is possible that heart doesn’t want to learn and get knowledge more about Allah (swt) by studying authentic material to read about his commandments, proper way of Ibaadah and proper way of having transactions with other Muslims, the rights towards Allah (swt) and towards his creation.

If a person truly loves Allah (swt) he should have to have proper understanding on how to please Allah (swt). Sometimes a person praying day and night just only to get close to Allah (swt) but doesn’t have proper knowledge on how to do worship, his whole night worshiping is wastes without proper knowledge.

48 Same way if a person following a particular group with intentions of pleasing Allah without proper knowledge of Tawheed could lead to Bidah, so the whole Ibaadah is wasted if not done right way.

Lets take an example, if a person praying Tahajjud and praying five times a day and not missing his prayers and extras with Nawafils to go more close to Allah (swt). But he has not done proper Taharah and hasn’t done proper Wudhu or missing part of Wudhu and part of the body is left dry. If the base of the Ibaadah is not properly done or did wrong way how can the whole Ibaadah will be accepted. So he wasted day and night to go close to Allah (swt) but due to lack of knowledge it went wasted. Sometimes we see people missing or not washing upto ankles properly or do not have knowledge and sometimes the elbows left dry without proper washing. Even mentioned in Hadith these parts of the body must be washed properly in Wudhu else the reward in the prayer

49 will be very little or may be nothing depending upon Allah (swt).

If there is no proper Taharah then no proper Wudhu how the Salah can be accepted, so everything is wasted. That is why the knowledge is so important in order to do proper Ibaadah to please Allah. Same way when we read Quran, the Quran should be read with proper understanding, what’s the benefit on reading and wasting time on something which is not read with understanding. This problem mostly in people is, whose language is not Arabic, and they don’t spend time in learning Arabic or atleast read translation to understand the proper commandments of Allah (swt).

The people have more knowledge and proper understanding of Deen has more reward than the people who has less knowledge or have no proper understand of Deen.

50 Quran 39:9 ر أولوا قل هل يمتوى ٱلذين يعلمون وٱلذين ال يعلمون إنما يتذك

ب ( ـ )۹ٱأللب

Say: "Are those equal, those who know and those who do not know? It is those who are endued with understanding that receive admonition." (9)

So when prophet Muhammad (pbuh) started preaching and calling people towards Islam, everyone including, children, young, man, women, elders everyone has desire to learn more about Islam. Even people in very old age didn’t made excuse of their ages and also has desire to learn about Islam to have clear understanding of Deen.

Looking at modern time, we are full of excuses, about job, tired, school, outing, dinner party, family gathering, spending hours on phone with friends, games, video games, wasting time in reading comics, useless books, newspapers and

51 false stories false miracles. Even in the market there are so many Islamic books has so many false stories false miracles of some pious old people passed away, the books written by some Maulana or some Sufi by group leaders has different Aqeedah or some elders passed way 100s of years back, or written by some scholar who’s education of Deen belong to some group. But a person has no knowledge of Deen can be easily misguided without verifying from authentic materials.

The right and perfect way to learn and get more knowledge in Islam is pick up, the titles, Quran, Translation, Tafsir, six Hadith Books, four Fiqh books by four Imams rest are not trustable and cannot be 100% true Islamic teachings. Else everyone will be accountable for their own deeds on judgment day. We do not have desire of learning Deen of Allah, because we forgot that we have to go back to Allah and answer everything and every moment we had spent in our lives, that did we spent in learning Deen of

52 Allah (swt) or waste in worldly materials, will we be able to face Allah (swt) with empty hands. The worldly life is very less and we have to go eternal life it can be Paradise or Hell. (Allah Knows Best)


Abu Hurairah reported Allah ‘s Apostle (may peace be upon him) as saying Allah (SWT) has mobile (squads) of angels, who have no other work (to attend to but) to follow the assemblies of Dhikr and when they find such assemblies in which there is Dhikr of Allah (swt) they sit in them and some of them surround the others with their wings till the space between them and the sky of the world is fully covered, and when they disperse (after the assembly of Dhikr is adjourned) they go upward to the heaven and Allah (swt), the Exalted and Glorious, asks them although He is best informed about them: “Where have you come from?”

(Sahih Muslim, Book 35, No 6505)

53 Early days, there were brilliant scholars who has desire to teach and there were people has lot of desire to learn Deen. Nowadays majority are busy in worldly things but didn’t realize the life can end any moment without notice. Because we do not give importance to Allah’s Deen and kept on a side as a part time or freetime job to study and do not invest our time on reading the authentic books. All they doing is just joining groups satisfying and pleasing own soul.

We have to sacrifice time and money and should have strong will for the sake of Allah to learn his Deen and spread. How can we spread if our self don’t have much knowledge about it. The way of spreading Deen during Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), was He send his Sahaba to other places and teach Deen to that area. We spend money on useless things, buying electronics, games, magazines, and books or partying. But investing money for Allah (swt) seems to be wasted by buying original sources from Islamic book stores and invest your money

54 in buying Quran, Translation, Tafsir, Hadith books which will help us guiding us more towards Allah (swt)

Not trying to criticize any group, but my personal experience I had with many leaders of some groups, so called good speaker of Islam.

Here it goes

What are basic categories of Islam, and he kept quite couldn’t answer instead trying to divert the conversation. According to him he spent 10 years in path of Allah. Calling people towards Allah means he would have strong knowledge of Islam but not that calling to Allah (swt) with proper knowledge but spreading innovations in the name of Allah.


Q: Are you Hanafi?

A: Yes

55 Q: What is Hanafi, Why you are Hanafi, Why was Imam Hanifa named Abu Hanifa what was his real name.

A: I am not scholar

Q: You ever read Sahih Bukhari.

A: No

That’s it.

Lets take a look, a person in elder age, spent 10 years in path of Allah calling people towards Allah (swt) doesn’t know anything about Islam basics properly. The root cause is they are deceived by shaitan and they continue with their act with hope they are pleasing Allah (swt), but forget about the right proper way like Prophet (pbuh) did. So when a person says he is calling to Allah (swt) with what knowledge is he giving to others that’s the problem himself he is misguided by shaitan and misguiding others also with wrong teachings of Islam following the

56 books written by group leaders 100s of years back.

It is obligatory to every Muslim to have atleast basic knowledge of Tawheed, which is a base of entire Islam, the entire Islamic way of life, is based on Tawheed. If a person is not perfected in basic teachings of Tawheed, his life can make a wrong turn and divert from straight path and will be misguided by false teachings by following wrong group.

Example I gave read numerous newspapers from Pakistan with advertisement contains shirk. On the top of the ad it has Kalimah. Also saying some verses from Quran and may be some Hadith also. But below there I read many things saying.

In the name of Allah (swt) we guarantee you, you will get lucky numbers, your desires, your dreams, your demands, your financials, your spouse problems, family problems etc. And more things saying, we guarantee everything by

57 doing “Istikhara” and give us a call we will solve your problems 100% guaranteed by communicating thru “Istikhara”.

Let us go back to early mentioned information about shaitan’s tricks and tools to fool people in the name of Allah (swt). This is one of the examples of that lead people to start having faith on other objects other than Allah (swt). The people who started this new Fitnah are shaitans behind them who are fooling leaders to fool people with the name of Allah (swt) and by their appearance.

What will people think when reading the Ad, thinking of problems they have, especially women are the victims of shaitan since they always find short cuts to find solutions to their problems. Who has the more right than Allah (swt) giving 100% guarantee to solve problems. Who knows more than Allah (swt) about unseen and future?

58 These people are claiming to know the unseen and future by meditation and doing Istikhara. Behind the stage it is shaitan that is doing to lead people towards shirk by believing on these people more than Allah (swt). Example if anyone call and mention the problem and next day the so-called pious person will tell the solution of the problem and later the problem is solved so his faith on this pious person will be build this is remove their attention from Allah (swt) towards these people. The so-called pious people behind curtain get help by doing magic or with the help of Jin or shaitan. The common Muslims don’t understand these tools of shaitan and usually are involve in these kind of shirk.

The root cause is not having knowledge of Tawheed and only worshiping learned from Masjid of parents. But every Muslim is responsible to learn about basic fundamentals of Islam and also responsible to teach others. The people have knowledge of Tawheed will be held responsible for not spreading the teaching the

59 proper understanding of Tawheed. Same example given in the book, if the base of the building is not strong it will collapse, this is exactly happening here due to weakness of the knowledge of Tawheed the base is weak which is leading common Muslims toward shirk and bad luck they are not even aware of this issue that are involve in shirk. Usually people deceived by the appearance of pious people.

The only and only power is Allah (swt) even if you have minor or major problem, never lose hope on Allah (swt) that’s Imaan and power of Tawheed. Wakeup in the Tahajjud time making two Rakah Salah with Niyyah called Salah Haajat and make Dua to Allah (swt) for your problems and continue with your Duas every night. Never step back after sometime with shaitan whisper that forget it, it is not accepted because you are a sinner and Allah will not listen to such a person. Never bring these thinking because it is from shaitan.

60 Muslims are instructed to becareful with these kind information found anywhere should be avoided and also it is a reader’s responsibility to spread all information in this book to warn other Muslims from shaitan tricks. It is reader’s responsibility to spread the knowledge of this book to all Muslims. May Allah reward you for passing on the knowledge of this book. Ameen

The common Muslims who just join the groups blindly with no proper education of Tawheed are wasting time in path of Allah (swt), with intentions it is pleasing Allah (swt) it is not pleasing Allah (swt) but pleasing themselves and it keeps them happy what they doing forgetting about proper Sunnah way, they are deceived by shaitan and keeping them same way as they are whole life just because with lack of knowledge and ignorance and stubborn about their path with false details and arguments. They are spreading Islam having their books written by some Maulana, or scholars, who’s teachings will be same as the teachers the group leaders

61 learned from, it is like whole chain coming from 100s of years before, also their books contains so much Bidah, Kufr and Shirk and using Dhaeef Hadith and fabricated Hadith including false miracles, false stories, cures treatments, but none of the information exist in Quran or None of the Hadith Books. There are many innovation founded 100s of years ago by different group leaders. Most of the groups are found in Pakistan and have their own way of teaching Quran and Sunnah with their own interpretation.

I read their books and found some or many cures. Example, Read Kalimah so and so many times you will enter Jannah. I read entire Hadith books and couldn’t find the mentioned Hadith in third party books. Next example, some person saw dream and Prophet (pbuh) came in his dream to start this act of worshiping in religion. Again this is lie because it is contradicting Quran 5:3 and straight Bidah.

62 Next example, a person saw dream, in his dream, he went to Prophet (pbuh) grave asking food at night and slept, next morning he woke up and found food in his hand. Again lie, On the War Khandak day, Muhammad (pbuh) and Sahaba were so hungry they were unable to find food. A Sahaba came to prophet (pbuh) raised his kurta (shirt) and show a stone binding around waist to stop hunger. Then Prophet raised his kurta also and showed two stones around his waist.

What does this proof, it proves according to authentic Hadith, that you have to ask food and ask help from Allah (swt). But by looking at third party books, its shaitan again deceiving innocent and illiterate people to go to pious and righteous person or some Maulana’s grave or even prophet’s grave and you will get help. This is what is happening in some eastern countries. Anyone can be pious or righteous person also he can be non-Muslim also. The person who does not sin is a pious and righteous person. But what

63 is actual commandment from Allah (swt), it is Tawheed the proper understanding of,

“I bear witness that there is no god except Allah- alone without any partners. And I bear witness that Muhammad is His 'and (servant) and Messenger.”

Also If we read entire life of Prophet (pbuh) never visited any grave for help nor any other previous Prophets (AS) and nor Prophet (pbuh) instructed any Sahaba to do that after His death.

Quran 3:132

سول لعلڪم ترحمون ( وٱلر )۱۳۲وأييعوا ٱل

And obey Allah and the Messenger; that ye may obtain mercy. (132)

The verse shows in order to get salvation on the judgment day, a person has to follow the teachings of Allah (swt) and His Messenger (pbuh). The first message on earth is to follow commandments of Allah (swt) alone which is

64 Quran and follow the teachings of His (swt) Messenger (pbuh) only which is Hadith. A person cannot get salvation on judgment day by following teachings or books of some Maulana, Sufis or some pious righteous groups.

I myself avoid and also instruct you to stop reading other books and buy authentic Hadith Books to get salvation and get Shifaat on judgment day, also sacrifice your time and money for sake of Allah (swt) buying authentic material, because shaitan always want you to buy something useless keeping you away from Allah (swt)

Do you want Shifaat from Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) or from some Maulanas or pious righteous person passed 100s year back whom teaching you are following, He is not even guaranteed either that he will get salvation on judgment day.

So if you have Quran and Hadith in your hand Inshallah you will be blessed and guided by

65 Allah(swt) and will get Shifaat from Messenger on the Judgment Day. Ameen

The person who truly loves Allah (swt) he will have desire to study and learn about his Deen. Whoever has desire to learn about Deen Allah (swt) open doors towards Jannah.

Quran 29:69

لمع ٱلمحمنين ( هدوا فينا لنہدينہم سبلنا وإن ٱل ـ ـ )٦۹وٱلذين

And those who strive in Our (Cause) We will certainly guide them to Our Paths, for verily Allah is with those who do right. (69)


Prophet Muhammad (saws) said," Whoever goes down a path/road searching for Knowledge, Allah will make it easy for him the road to Paradise."

(Sahih Muslim, Vol.3 Hadith No. 99)

66 When a person travels to find knowledge, Allah (swt) gives him patience in hard times, searching for knowledge and striving in the path of Allah (swt). It is only Allah (swt) who encourages him to strive hard in path of Allah (swt) searching for knowledge of Deen. The power he receives through knowledge he feels the burden very light. This is the way where group of shaitan attacks him from everywhere to remove him from receiving knowledge and spreading knowledge. Because shaitan knows if the person receives more knowledge, he will also teach others and less people will be victim of shaitan. The person with more knowledge is less victim of shaitan and person with less knowledge is more victim of shaitan, it will be easy for shaitan to divert a person from Tawheed towards Shirk, Kufr or Bidah.

The pure knowledge is from Allah (swt) is Quran and Sunnah of Prophet is in Ahadith Books. A person has to understand the Tawheed from Quran and Sunnah. It was the same

67 message from other messengers about Tawheed to follow the commandments of One God.


The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said: "The best among you are those who learn the Quran and teach it (to others)." (Sahih Al-Bukhari, Volume 6, Hadith 545)

A person who is busy in materialistic world, he is far away from Allah (swt) blessings, and a person who is busy in learning and teaching knowledge is very close to Allah (swt) blessings.

Quran 58:11

سما ت وٱل ـ ـ ٱلذين ءامنوا منكم وٱلذين أوتوا ٱلعلم در يرفع ٱل) ۱۱تعملون خبير ( …

…Allah will raise up, to (suitable) ranks (and degrees), those of you who believe and who have been granted Knowledge: and Allah is well-acquainted with all ye do. (11)

68 Hadith

Narrated By 'Abdullah bin 'Amr bin Al' As : I heard Allah's Apostle saying, "Allah does not take away the knowledge, by taking it away from (the hearts of) the people, but takes it away by the death of the religious learned men till when none of the (religious learned men) remains, people will take as their leaders ignorant persons who when consulted will give their verdict without knowledge. So they will go astray and will lead the people astray."

(Sahih Bukhari, Book of Knowledge, No 100

We look at above Hadith and compare to modern time scholars, the scholars are having huge debates just on little things. Muslims with least knowledge in Islam following their group leaders and speakers but in reality doesn’t have knowledge or proper understanding. That’s what the Hadith means, there will be leaders of Islam so-called knowledgeable people of Islam but


69 will not have knowledge and will give Fatawas without even consulting with other scholars. So their all preaching and callings towards to Allah (swt) is vain and will go astray. A common Muslim have a problem of not verifying information he heard from public speaker or leader. Because he doesn’t invest his time to find out the truth or atleast verify what he heard was true.


Narrated by Kathir bin Qais I was sitting with Abu Darda’ in the mosque of Damascus, when a man came to him and said: ‘O Abu Darda’, I have come to you from Al-Madinah, the city of the Messenger of Allah (saw), for a Hadith which I have heard that you narrate from the Prophet (saw).’ He said: ‘Did you not come for trade?’ He said: ‘No.’ He said: ‘Did you not come for anything else?’ He said: ‘No.’ He said: ‘I heard the Messenger of Allah (saw) say: “Whoever follows a path in the pursuit of knowledge, Allah will make easy for

70 him a path to Paradise. The angels lower their wings in approval of the seeker of knowledge, and everyone in the heavens and on earth prays for forgiveness for the seeker of knowledge, even the fish in the sea. The superiority of the scholar over the worshipper is like the superiority of the moon over all other heavenly bodies. The scholars are the heirs of the Prophets, for the Prophets did not leave behind Dinar of Dirham, rather they left behind knowledge, so whoever takes it has taken a great share.”

(Ibn Majah, Book of Sunnah, No223)

In eastern countries like Pakistan, India or Bangladesh, some people think studying and learning about Deen is part time job or to do in free time or just listen to Friday Khutbah. But in early times, we have had great scholars who invested their time and money and traveled without plane train or car and if we look at Islamic knowledge is alive just because of their hard working and striving in the path of Allah

71 not by joining particular group and wasted time. They spent day and working in the night under candle lights to keep the Deen of Allah (swt) alive. And by looking at modern time scholars there are so many group scholars argue on small topics and differ just to prove they are correct about Hadith and everyone is wrong except their group.

We have great four scholars passed away

Imam Hanifa

Imam Shafi

Imam Ahmed ibn Hanbal

Imam Malik

If we look at their teachings they didn’t contradict Quran or Sunnah or created new group or sub group. Today we have so many sub groups in the name of Ahle Sunnah mostly found in Pakistan. But are those sub group names exist in Quran or Hadith? Where it came

72 from? Who was the innovator? Who is responsible? It is the leaders who passed away 100s of years back and their students who started the movement and after they passed away, their students took it forward for next generations and they are the one who starts the whole new branch from Sunnah. This is the reason the Ummah is dividing and e have to go back to Quran and Hadith.


Abu Huraira (ra) reported Allah's Messenger(SAW) as saying: When a man dies, his acts come to an end, but three, recurring charity, or knowledge (by which people) benefit, or a pious son, who prays for him(for the deceased father). (Sahih Muslim; Book 013; Number 4005)

Above Hadith mentioned tells us how important knowledge is. Usually we see speakers they keep spreading same words they hear from other speakers without verifying and it is keep

73 spreading not even realizing that, it can be false, edited, fabricated Hadith. If a question opposed to them about information, the answer will be, they read in some Maulana book. It is like giving superiority other books over Quran and Hadith, I call it as third party books.

1. Quran

2. Hadith

3. Anyone

The biggest punishment of those people behind the microphone, who never encouraged audience to open Quran or Hadith book to read authentic and genuine information, but instead they encourage to read this and that books written by some Maulana and the their books are full of false stories, here is the shaitan trick to keep you away from real message of Allah. I haven’t found a particular group leader ever who encourages buying Quran Tafsir by Ibn Kathir or buying Sahih Bukhari or other Hadith

74 books. Because Sahih Bukhari has large volumes to read and no one wants to waste time. Here is the shaitan trick again put you to read small stories, doesn’t matter it can be fabricated. But if we realize, sacrificing time and money in the path of Allah (swt) is not wasted instead it is investment in the Jannah than the people striving for this world. I always encourage my students to always verify information you hear about Quran or Hadith and be careful from Dhaeef Hadith always adhere to authentic material and not to waste time in reading books from leaders of some groups.

Learning and teaching proper knowledge of Allah (swt) builds a chain even after a person’s death. When a person dies, whatever he learned from his teachers, the teachers get reward as well as the student. So the knowledge you have learned you spreading with others and they are spreading with their students. So you are building huge investment to make your ways easy towards Jannah. If you have clothes in the

75 cabinet, it will be hanging there forever and not benefiting anyone except bugs. If you have build house and you have left behind you, will not benefit you or will increase your deeds till judgment day. It is only a knowledge of Allah (swt) which will be keep adding to your deeds for giving others knowledge of Quran and Hadith. Even if you have big treasures of money, gold and silver and its sitting there behind you will not benefit, unless you invest in the Deen of Allah (swt) atleast you will have part of the reward for spending in spreading Deen of Allah (swt).

I heard in speech a scholar telling personal experience, went to someone house where there was someone died, saw many certificates no wall and degrees on wall. I said to myself, spending so much time in studying in college, spending money to achieve something in life has good education. These all degrees are useless and zero to save from grave and Hereafter. A person spend so much investing

76 time and money to get degrees to have better position in life and big house and good car and beautiful family. But on the judgment day its zero so its all wasted. Those degrees are nothing but a paper printed and it is called a degree or certificate. With this kind of knowledge that a person spends whole life, can benefit others financially or other things and probably have good income also. But can this help at the time of death or will it help in the grave to save you or will it help you from judgment day.

So are we a winner or among losers. Even spending so much time of our life and invested so much money for so many years resulted in zero. Even if we have invested our money and time to get degree to get job in some field but the first intention should be to utilize the degree and education that can benefit Islam and make intention that you are doing for sake of Allah that when you will get degree this is how you will get reward from Allah (swt) and will help in Deen.

77 Quran 2:218

ٮك ـ أول هدوا فى سبيل ٱل ـ ـ روا و ـ إن ٱلذين ءامنوا وٱلذين هاحيم ( غفور ر وٱل ون رحمت ٱل ـ )۲۱۸ير

Those who believed and those who suffered exile and fought (and strove and struggled) in the path of Allah,―they have the hope of the Mercy of Allah; and Allah is Oft-Forgiving Most Merciful. (218)

The above verse is a glad tidings for people who strive in the way of Allah (swt) and what kind of people can expect mercy and love and forgiveness from Allah (swt) are the people who go in the path of Allah (swt) to learn Deen and teach Deen and striving day and night with the intentions to get reward from Allah (swt). Looking at the example our Prophet (pbuh) spend day and night to give Dawah to people calling to Allah (swt) and also have spent days and nights in hunger with his companions.

78 The best excuse people make is about job and surviving that how would they survive if they spent time get knowledge of Deen. Well it’s not like you have hold book in your hand 24 hours. But setup a time job hours, family hours, and time for Deen more the better toward Deen.

Majority of the people thinks it is really hard to going in the path of Allah (swt) which make them lazy stay home or do something else wasting time with worldly materials. To go learn Deen it is not necessary to travel to moon to learn. We are in this world and this is the place we have to go to learn Deen with intention to please Allah (swt) and gain more knowledge and the best job Allah (swt) likes is the job of Dawah.

Now how can we do Dawah? If we do not have knowledge about our Deen how can we give Dawah to non-Muslims and about what? The particular group doing Dawah may ask non-Muslim to join the group but does the new person will be learning about correct Deen or

79 will he be following blindly with group. This is mistake of the group members who doesn’t even have much knowledge technically but just asking new comers to join and will be responsible on judgment day.

By looking at these days, I realize the new converts have more knowledge than the one by birth because Allah (swt) gave them Hidaaya to learn about Deen. Looking at new converts and by birth Muslims, we feel new Muslims living more peaceful life than by birth, because Muslims by birth who became scholars busy in debating and arguing each other to prove their group are right others are not, while the new converts become scholars stay away from this mess and just teach others about Deen. As it said in Hadith that Allah will remove Deen from you because of debating, creating Fitnah and dividing the Ummah and Allah (swt) will bring new people will be better with more knowledge. The below Hadith has example of people with

80 less knowledge and creating Fitnah among the Ummah and diving the Ummah into groups.


Abdullah ibn Amr ibn al-’As reported: I heard the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, saying, “Indeed, Allah does not take away knowledge by snatching it from people but He takes away knowledge by taking away the scholars, such that when He leaves no scholar left, the people will turn to the ignorant as their leaders. Then they are asked to give religious judgments without knowledge, thus they go astray and lead others astray.”

[Sahih Muslim, Book 34, Number 6462]

But everyone has to go back to the Quran and Hadith and stop creating sub divisions. And the people has the knowledge has spread the proper understanding of Tawheed.

81 Quran 3:103

عليكم قوا وٱككروا نعمت ٱل ا وال تفر ميع ـ وٱعتوموا سحبل ٱلا وكنتم إك كنتم أعداء فألف سين قلوسكم فأصبحتم سنعمتهۦ إخوٲن

تهۦ ـ لكم ءاي نہا كذٲلك يبين ٱل ن ٱلنار فأنقذكم م على شفا حفرة م)۱۰۳لعلكم تہتدون (

And hold fast, all together by the rope which Allah (stretches out for you), and be not divided among yourselves; and remember with gratitude Allah's favour on you; for ye were enemies and He joined your hearts in love so that by His Grace, ye became brethren; and ye were on the brink of the pit of fire, and He saved you from it. Thus doth Allah make his signs clear to you: that ye may be guided. (103)

That’s the light of guidance, new Muslims gets light of guidance and getting close to Allah (swt) and on the other hand Muslims by birth, become scholars tearing the religion and breaking into groups and sub sects. Because a Muslim born in a Muslim family doesn’t make him a Muslim until there is proper knowledge of

82 Tawheed and action. That’s the difference with new Muslims they learn everything properly because of education and knowledge.

A difference between common Muslim and knowledgeable Muslim is, common Muslims could be living daily regular life like, having job, and watching TV, dining out, driving out, and wasting time in useless things. But a knowledgeable Muslim knows what makes a person to succeed in this world and judgment day and his internal feelings are different than the common Muslim.

When a person start getting knowledge, example when a person reads the Quran, he has regular feelings, when he read couple of times then his feelings changes and have better understanding and when a person read the Quran with translation he gets more clear understanding feelings of actual Word of Allah (swt). When he read the Tafsir he gets more understandings and understands the scripture better than before. When a person gets

83 references and matches the Quran and Hadith, then he is at a stage where he understands Quran more than a common Muslim. That’s what this verse means in Quran 58:11 mentioned above. His grading becomes higher than other Muslims compare to common Muslims in the eyes of Allah (swt) and have better reward than others in Jannah. The higher in knowledge a person goes the higher grading in Jannah he gets.

When a person gets more knowledge his Ibaadah gets stronger and he is becareful from making mistakes. He makes sure that his daily life is according to Allah (swt) commandments and Sunnah. He understands how to raise his children is also Ibaadah, giving them proper education in Deen is also Ibaadah. Studying and teaching others Deen is also Ibaadah. The income he makes from his job or business and using that money in benefiting Deen and other creations of Allah (swt) is also Ibaadah. But he did all this with no intentions to please Allah (swt) it is all wasted without Niyyah for sake of

84 Allah (swt). All this hard work will not help you in the judgment day. In every step of life we have to keep Allah (swt) in our mind.

If the money earned is used in proper way to please Allah (swt) with intention to get reward and benefit other creation, for example building Masjid becomes a continue reward in your book of deeds even after his death the reward stays alive. But if he uses this money in worldly matters or to make it as income source and invest somewhere, then after his death it stays as it is and there will be no continue reward but to benefit the world only.


Narrated By Umar Bin Al Khattab

I heard Allah’s Apostle saying, “The reward of deeds depends upon the intentions and every person will get the reward according to what he has intended. So whoever emigrated for worldly

85 benefits or for a woman to marry, his emigration was for what he emigrated for.”

(Sahih Bukhari, Book of Revelation, No 1)

People come back from work, spending time on reading false materials like newspapers, magazines, catalogs or jokes, and specially most of the time is wasted on mobile phones talking unimportant things wasting time, wasting in backbiting, cursing, talking about movies, talking about planning to outing, touring or some nonsense. But never realize what he did whole day and how much percentage he gave to Allah (swt) in learning in Deen in 24 hours daily life. Shaitan makes them forget that he has to stand in front of Allah one day to answer their deeds. What a common Muslim do is spend 7 days in busy in his daily life but didn’t realize he is only giving 10-20 minutes for Jummah running at last moment at Jummah time. But didn’t realize the breath he is taking belongs to Allah (swt) and he is giving only 10-20 minute. Surely there are many people giving more time

86 for Jummah also but still it is Jummah only. Our daily life should be in Ibaadah (life according Quran and Sunnah) to go maximum towards Allah (swt) not only Jummah.

But the point is whatever time he is giving for Allah (swt) is it accepted or not, or is it even the right way of act of worship or not or is it even proper according to Quran and Sunnah? Is there anything that could be out of Quran and Sunnah? He is so busy in life shaitan made him forget all these things and majority just continue and wasting time but not doing anything to save more for Hereafter life. Then the life becomes same as non-Muslims like they are living their life. But a true Muslim life is well programmed, how much hard work he has to do for this world and how much hard work he has to do for judgment day which is eternal life. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) use to recite Dua after Fajr prayer.


87 O Allah, I ask You for knowledge that is of benefit, a good provision, and deeds that will be accepted.


The first thing prophet asked in his Dua is knowledge that will benefit others. Not the knowledge that benefits to increase income or wasting time in reading or watching useless materials, especially wasting time on phone. If a person waste five minutes, in five minutes he can memorize verse from Quran, can read Quran, can read Hadith Book. So the knowledge he gets in five minutes, as more reward than worshiping. Because five minutes worshiping can benefit him only, but gaining knowledge and increasing knowledge benefit others and gets more reward. And if the five minutes wasted for the world, he is in loss, he wasted his five minutes of his life doing nothing, and he cannot get his five minutes back. Shaitan makes it look boring reading Quran or Hadith book that is not entertaining to him. That’s what shaitan

Ibn Majah No. 925)

88 wants exactly so that you won’t increase more knowledge and make it look boring or not entertaining. Like if he watches TV, internally makes him happy, he will do what makes him feel happy. So its like entertaining himself. But wait, the first thing he said was the Kalimah that, O Allah (swt) I submit my will to You and I will life my life according to Prophet (pbuh).

There is no god but Allah, Muhammad (pbuh) is the messenger of Allah

But on other hand he is still doing what he wants according to where his will takes him.

Quran 12:53

وء إال ما رحم رسى إن ارة سٱلمح ئ نفمى إن ٱلنفس ألم وما أسرحيم ( ى غفور ر )٥۳رس

Nor do I absolve my own self (of blame): the (human soul) certainly prone to evil, unless my Lord do bestow His Mercy: but surely my Lord is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful." (53)

89 So that means we are not really following Kalimah 100% and some of part of we are following and some of the part we are following our own will that parents taught them to do Ibaadah. How will make it possible? It is that to surrender ourselves to Allah (swt). The best and perfect way is to sacrifice our will to Allah completely by setting up schedule and give more time towards Allah (swt) by spending time with scholars and reading authentic materials which is Quran and Hadith and try spending more time in Masjid.

Quran 2:208

لم ڪافة وال تتبعوا خطوٲت أيحها ٱلذين ءامنوا ٱدخلوا فى ٱلم ـ يبين ( ن إنهۥ لڪم عدو مح ـ يط )۲۰۸ٱلش

O ye who believe! enter into Islam whole-heartedly; and follow not the footsteps of the Evil One; for he is to you an avowed enemy. (208)

90 In the verse Allah (swt) says to surrender yourself completely on the commandments of Quran and do not give any percentage to shaitan and do not even take one step towards shaitan. Because shaitan always wants you to take one step, because he is smart, he knows if you take one step, it will automatically take you to another step. Its like planting a seed which will become big tree. Same way Quran tells us to don’t even take first step and will take you to another step and then third step. Opening door of one sin opens another door to another sin.

Quran 24:31

)۳۱( رهن … ـ ت يغضضن من أسو ـ وقل للمؤمن

And say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze….(31)

Example above is if a man or woman looks at opposite sex and if it attracted to eyes the internal feelings will make you look again and again and then shaitan start playing with the

91 mind brining sexual desires and brining imagination day and night. That’s what the verse says having first look at opposite sex then bow down eyes so shaitan will not get chance to play with you mind and recite.

“I seek refuge in Allah from Satan the accursed one”

The verse has a sign how we can save our self from doing sin is to not to take first step because taking first step will make us go to next. That’s what Quran says submit to Islam completely not just partly. Therefore the Quran should be read in proper understanding rather than just reading fast without understanding. We waste our times in useless things which are not helping changing life. When a person reads Quran with understanding he gets encouragement to stop sinning and go more close to Allah (swt). First we have to understand the Quran properly then change our life practically according to Quran and Sunnah. This will help fighting shaitan and building power and encouragement inside.

92 The more knowledge a person has, it builds more fear of Allah’s anger and builds more close relationship by following the commandments in right way and he gets more reward than others.

Getting knowledge in Islam should not be with intentions to get popularity. The main goal for getting knowledge and education in Islam is to make your life according Quran and Sunnah, and change other’s lives and benefit others, helping other’s solving problems which is way to Jannah.

A person with intentions to get popularity in the world, on judgment day, he will not be able to even go close to Jannah and will be thrown to Hell. The intention should be only and only to please Allah (swt) and get reward from Allah (swt). Also the intention should not be to make your gained knowledge, a good income source. All these intentions are not accepted by Allah (swt) on judgment day and all efforts and

93 striving to learn Deen and spreading Deen is wasted and end up in hell. (Allah Knows Best)

The intentions should be pure towards Allah (swt) only. It is only a people of knowledge who truly fears Allah.

Quran 35:28

م مختلف ألوٲنهۥ كذٲلك إنما يخشى ـ واب وٱألنع ومن ٱلناس وٱلد عزيز غفور ( ؤا إن ٱل ـ من عباد ٱلعلم )۲۸ٱل

And so amongst men and crawling creatures and cattle, are they of various colours. Those truly fear Allah, among His Servants who have knowledge: for Allah is Exalted in Might, Oft-Forgiving. (28)

Because on each step of his life he always make sure that he is not doing anything which is not permitted by Allah (swt). Because they truly understand the power and mercy of Allah (swt) and he recognize Allah (swt) more than just a common Muslim with less knowledge.

94 Also the intention should not be to make business and make big income of it but again the intentions should to please Allah (swt). According to Hadith, a person who has intentions of popularity and make it as income source or business, on judgment day he will not even able to smell scent from paradise and will be thrown to hell fire. Same way in Hadith a person who gain knowledge just to argue with other scholars and debating other scholars or trying to get attentions towards him from public, he will also be thrown to hell. The purpose of learning Deen is to please Allah (swt) and to forward the knowledge to others with intentions to get reward in this world and Hereafter.


On the authority of Abu Hurayrah (ra), who said: I heard the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) say: "The first of people against whom judgment will be pronounced on the Day of Resurrection will

95 be a man who died a martyr. He will be brought and Allah will make known to him His favours and he will recognize them. [The Almighty] will say: ‘And what did you do about them?’ He will say: ‘I fought for You until I died a martyr.’ He will say: ‘You have lied - you did but fight that it might be said [of you]: ‘He is courageous.’’ And so it was said. Then he will be ordered to be dragged along on his face until he is cast into Hell-fire. [Another] will be a man who has studied [religious] knowledge and has taught it and who used to recite the Qur’an. He will be brought and Allah will make known to him His favours and he will recognize them. [The Almighty] will say: ‘And what did you do about them?’ He will say: ‘I studied [religious] knowledge and I taught it and I recited the Qur’an for Your sake.’ He will say: ‘You have lied - you did but study [religious] knowledge that it might be said [of you]: ‘He is learned.’’ And you recited the Qur’an that it might be said [of you]: ‘He is a reciter.’ And so it was said. Then he will be ordered to be dragged along on

96 his face until he is cast into Hell-fire. [Another] will be a man whom Allah had made rich and to whom He had given all kinds of wealth. He will be brought and Allah will make known to him His favours and he will recognize them. [The Almighty] will say: ‘And what did you do about them?’ He will say: ‘I left no path [un-trodden] in which You like money to be spent without spending in it for Your sake.’ He will say: ‘You have lied - you did but do so that it might be said [of you]: ‘He is open-handed.’’ And so it was said. Then he will be ordered to be dragged along on his face until he is cast into Hell-fire." (Muslim, Tirmidhi, Nasai).


Narrated 'Abdullah and Abu Musa: The Prophet said, "Near the establishment of the Hour there will be days during which Religious ignorance will spread, knowledge will be taken away (vanish) and there will be much Al-Harj, and Al-Harj means killing."

97 (Bukhari, Afflictions and the end of the world,184)

According to above Hadith mentioned, the knowledge will be taken off after the death of real scholars in early years, and the knowledge will be forward to so-called scholars and they will issue false Fatawas without proper understanding of Quran and Hadith. They are misguided by their own interpretation of Quran and Hadith and because of their wrong teaching many innocents will be misguided also and whole chain will end up in hell just because of not verifying information by the followers.

Getting knowledge is not only for a man but also for a woman. A man is responsible to forward his teachings towards his family he learned from scholars. A woman is allowed travel for the sake of Allah (swt) to learn Deen, if her husband doesn’t allow her to go anywhere, then he will be responsible on judgment day. Either he has to teach his wife

98 knowledge or grant her permission to travel and gain more knowledge of Deen.

4TQuran 66:6

ا وقودها ٱلناس أيحہا ٱلذين ءامنوا قوا أنفمكم وأهليكم نار ـ ي ما أمرهم ٮكة غال شداد ال يعوون ٱل ـ وٱلحاارة عليہا مل

)٦ويفعلون ما يؤمرون (

O ye who believe! save yourselves and your families from a Fire whose fuel is Men and Stones, over which are (appointed) angels stern (and) severe who flinch not (from executing) the Commands they receive from Allah, but do (precisely) what they are commanded. (6)

Since Allah has created us a human being we should be very thankful to him, especially born in Muslim family. What if we were born in non-Muslim family we were probably have died as non-Muslim. Allah (swt) has completed his favor on us and rest it is our duty to sacrifice our time towards learning the Deen not only spending time in job or running after money.

99 We have to spend time on reading Quran the Hadith books and look at the life of prophet (pbuh), we will be able to find all our answers rather than just wasting time in useless things.

If a person learned how to pray Salah properly then he moved the knowledge ahead then every time that person prays you receive the reward. Allah is generous. If a person wrote a book and people read and following the teachings from the book, the reward goes to the reader as well the writer. If a person teaches anyone any beneficial knowledge of Deen and anyone does any good deed, the rewards remains even a person die. Imagine the great rewards the scholars of Islam will have.Their names are still alive and will stay alive till the day of judgment. Imagine people like Imam Bukhari who lived 63 years and collected Ahadith in the famous book Sahih Bukhari which is considered to be most authentic book after Quran. Also take a look at Imam Muslim collected Ahadith in this famous book “Sahih Muslim” which is also considered to be most authentic book after Sahih Bukhari.

100 Every single time someone quotes a Hadith and says quoted by Bukhari and every time his name is mentioned, he is accruing reward. It is one life multiplied into billions because he dedicated it to Islamic knowledge. This is the power of Islamic knowledge when it is truly acquired and given to people. Like in this book if anyone reads it will see many Hadith were took from Sahih Bukhari and Imam Bukhari gets reward, the writer and the reader. (may Allah (swt) bless all scholars) Ameen Hadith

The Prophet (pbuh) prayed for the one who seeks knowledge and acquires it. In the ḥadith of the blessings of knowledge in At-Tirmidhi, the Prophet(pbuh) said: “Whoever undertakes a journey to study knowledge (travels to study knowledge), Allah will make the journey to Jannah easy for him. The angels lower their wings upon the student of knowledge out of pleasure and happiness for what he is doing. And as for the ‘aalim, each and every creature in the oceans and the lands ask Allah to forgive him, so much so that the ant in its ant hole and

101 the whale and fish in the oceans ask Allah to forgive the ‘aalim. The superiority of the scholar over the worshipper is like the superiority of the moon over all of the other stars.” The abid is not just the average Muslim but is the person who is praying qiyam al-layl, fasting and giving a lot of charity. (Tirmidhi 2835) The person with knowledge can benefit the Ummahat large through writings, and CDs, and DVDs. We have seen in our generation one person going to a place to place and resurrecting Islam completely. One human being can revolutionize Islamic academics. People go to lands where we thought there was no hope for Islam, but these lands became shining beacons. This is what knowledge does it benefits you and humanity around you. Merely worshipping Allah (swt) only benefits you. Let us try to understanding and imagine the situation and look at ourselves where are we standing. What is the percentage of knowledge of Islam we carry and what are we teaching our families, our community or non-Muslims. How

102 much are we following Islam asking ourselves. If we cannot face ourselves in mirror how we will be able to face Allah (swt) on judgment day.

Imagine there is a stairs starting from zero up to 10. The person standing at zero is with zero knowledge of Allah (swt) which is shirk and at the stair 10 there reaches higher grading close to Allah (swt). Let say you got out of shirk by reciting the Kalimah now you are on first step of stair. Now shaitan will try on each step either to stop you at same step for whole life or you move on by studying more and more and keep getting higher in knowledge which is going towards Jannah and closer to Allah (swt). On every step shaitan try hard either to make you stay at same step till you die, or make you fell down back to zero which is hell with putting you with many major sins. His main purpose is to put you in hell or giving you less reward if you get out of Shirk. Let say a person start making 5 times prayers. Shaitan will whisper in

103 heart by saying. Mashallah this is great you are praying 5 times Inshallah you will enter Jannah, and look at the person who doesn’t even pray so you are better. But because the lack of knowledge, shaitan will make him forget what sins he is doing even he is praying five times and what Haraam he is committing which will keep wiping his prayers and also will make him stay at same step or back to zero wiping all his worshipping and will not let him think more to get more knowledge and move on to next step. So its like a balance one side he is praying other side its keep wiping because he doesn’t have knowledge the mistakes he is making and bringing back to stair one, the sins and prayers are equal and also sins can exceed the Ibaadah which can also lead to hell.

Lets say he moved to second step a person gets out of shirk, then shaitan will put him into Kufr. Only a person has knowledge would have clear understanding of Kufr and will be becareful. If a person still gets out of Kufr he will lead a

104 person to Bidah which is hidden attack of shaitan unless only knowledgeable person will be careful with this trick which is best and easy for him which is done by shaitan in the name of Allah (swt). Like if a group leader tells a new comer to recite this verse from the Quran and you will get salvation 100% guaranteed. If the innocent person with no knowledge start doing it, he is involve in Bidah and if he moves on this act he is spreading falsehood without verifying himself from authentic Ahadith books.

This should be stopped by the people has knowledge to stop the groups and teach the leaders to stop spreading falsehood in the name of Allah (swt). If a common Muslim read any third party books after Ahadith books it must be verified. Myself I have read so much Bidah information in books by the different group leaders are innovators so-called scholars, Maulanas, pious people passed away years back, with false Ahadith doesn’t even exist in authentic books.

105 It is same as mentioned earlier in the book, one side you are fulfilling requirements of Islam by worshiping Allah (swt) obeying Prophet (pbuh), but the hidden part is he will lead you to Bidah which is most dangerous is done by shaitan in the name of Allah (swt). It is every Muslim’s responsibility whenever they read books written by group leaders must be verified before passing on to another Muslim else you will be held responsible for spreading falsehood for not verifying from Quran and Hadith.

As I have seen this mostly, a person is completely religious but again the lack of knowledge shaitan make him start something in Islam and spread the lie makes him strongly think that it is pleasing Allah (swt) as a group started in Islam calling people towards Allah (swt) but in reality they calling innocent people towardsBidah. Yes it is a person becomes very religious but again its hidden attack of shaitan making a person commit Bidah. Because again

106 the problem is no one has the time to verify how authentic the teaching of particular group is.

Mostly innocent people are deceived because of the appearance of the group members. Making a person religious by appearance makes the innocent people join the group and going in the path of Allah (swt). Also I have seen people with more religious appears are still attacked by shaitan by looking at common Muslims with lower eye and some religious leaders adopting appearance of Prophet (pbuh) becomes arrogant and thinks common Muslims as illiterate or ignorant people, and thinking they have more knowledge and they are more closer to Allah (swt). Everyone will get the result on judgment day according to Niyyah of act they doing either it is intentionally or unintentionally. Unintentionally might have minor punishment but person who is doing intentionally will face severe punishment.

Everything should be done with pure intentions to please Allah (swt) and with 100%

107 humbleness with fear that may Allah (swt) accept my Ibaadah and forgive my sins and save me from any kind of arrogance in me, like shaitan was rejected first day because of his arrogant act towards Allah’s commandment that he refuse to prostrate Aadam (AH) and started giving details.

The group leaders or group members call common Muslims to Allah (swt) to make 100% perfect Muslim living life according to Sunnah, but the group doesn’t realize what are their teachings about, is it even from Quran or Sunnah, limited teachings to certain level that a person spend whole life just doing same thing without moving to next level and also teachings with Bidah that common Muslims just believe based on the group appearance. Its so illogical, how can a new comer can call another new people towards Allah when in his lifetime he never read Tafsir , or Hadith books or took classes from scholars to have clear understanding Tawheed. That makes a strong

108 base of his faith and Tawheed to teach others and then call towards Allah (swt).

Example I have seen very old age people joining the group for what? Calling people towards Allah (swt) even they cannot even move out of bed because of his health. The leaders of misguided group teaching innocent old people to Bidah and innocent people doesn’t even realize what they doing because in their life they never spend time to learn proper Deen and blindly following the group. Majority are old age people and minority of young talented educated students in these groups and wasting whole life or young generation forced and taught by parents to go to path of Allah (swt) by joining group also. But the parent should send their children to scholars with proper teachings of Deen

As mentioned earlier the example of stairs, the group leaders are stopping people from moving ahead in Deen from gaining more knowledge and having relationship with scholars to learn

109 more instead the group leaders don’t even encourage group members to study more and travel to learn more about Deen that makes a person’s status higher in knowledge in the eyes of Allah (swt). But remember Allah (swt) raised the respect and honor in this world and life Hereafter of the people has more knowledge. So the leaders make the people to stay at same step of stairs whole life by worshiping and that’s all and no need of more knowledge.

According to the leaders they are making the Deen easy for people to understand but this is just their own philosophy not recommended by Quran or Sunnah. Instead the proof is that if we look at the Ahadith books, Prophet (pbuh) has entire way of life taught to people. During Prophet (pbuh) people were ignorant and He (pbuh) would have said that people are ignorant and Islam is not easy to teach them so lets just forget other complicated matters and make it simple and easy. If the prophet (pbuh) had followed the philosophy of today’s group

110 leaders then the Islam wouldn’t have reached till today. So should we work hard ourselves to study from authentic books buying from stores or just follow blindly with others groups that involve Bidah. These kinds of groups are mostly available in south Asian countries like Pakistan, India and Bangladesh.

What is a correct and perfect path? The correct way of Sunnah is spending time in understanding Quran and Tafsir and Hadith. Spending a very few years will make a person perfected in Deen to teach others whole life.

For example let say my knowledge is, I don’t know Arabic and never read Quran translation never opened Tafsir, never read Sahih Bukhari. If I joined some group to call people to Allah (swt) and let say somewhere while on travel anyone ask me about Islam technical questions, by looking at my knowledge level what will I answer? Keep quite or I will just ask him to join the group? Same chain will keep moving on to next generation and one day there will be people

111 without proper knowledge of Islam and will be blindly following and who will be responsible for me to go to hell that started the chain 100s of years back including me will be thrown to hell.

Other way to save myself from hell and save others and next generation from hell is to spend time in studying Deen and then move to next level, according to my level of my knowledge I will forward the knowledge to other, which will reward me and my teacher and if my students will continue teaching next generation it will build a chain for me and I will continue get reward even I am not alive. If I just follow blindly doing good deeds everything will be zero if I don’t know what is Tawheed, because Tawheed is the root of the tree Islam, the strong our faith on Tawheed is, the stronger the tree will be which is our practical daily life. If the root is not perfected our life will take turn to wrong way and can end up in hell.

Shaitan has deceived these groups by whispering, calling people towards good deeds

112 and become a good worshipper, pious and stop sin and making them good character person and get respect in society.

Well its same thing with non-Muslims, I have seen many non-Muslims very good character, pious, don’t commit sin, no adultery, no alcohol giving good charity. Then what is the different between Muslims and non-Muslims, no difference both are good character. The big bar that separates the Muslim and non-Muslim is the bar of Tawheed.

When Prophet (pbuh) used to send Sahaba to other cities or countries He (pbuh) used to teach Sahaba to go there and the first thing to call the people is towards Tawheed then the Ibaadah comes after that once they perfected in Tawheed. He (pbuh) didn’t ask Sahaba to go and call people towards good deeds and make them good pious and righteous person. That is why I recommend my students to learn about Deen and teach others rather than just joining groups and wasting time or just staying at step

113 of stairs whole life is not much reward as much as a person who has knowledge does.

It is only knowledge of Islam which brings a person near to Allah (swt). If a person thinks he is dumb and doesn’t have good memory, well there is good news that a person with less capability and striving hard to learn Deen of Allah (swt) has more reward than the person has more memory strength. There is more reward for a person who is studying Quran and Hadith and understanding Islam, studying and learning one verse at night has more reward than praying 1000 prayers whole night. Because by learning and getting knowledge of Islam benefits others that he will teach, but if he prays whole night will only benefit him and also teaching knowledge to others he will get reward even after his death, it stays alive and will continue benefiting him which will be added to his deeds.

And Allah Knows Best

114 Conclusion

The point of writing this book was to encourage Muslims to spend time in reading authentic materials and do not waste time in worldly things. It is suggested to follow the group if you are sure and has good knowledge of Tawheed and Deen. The more knowledge you have of Deen and spend time in learning Deen the more reward from Allah (swt). Ask the leaders where did the teachings come from, does the teaching exist in anywhere Quran or Sunnah or does the method ever being used by any prophets or it was started by the group leaders who passed years back and innovated new way of teaching of Islam. Who started the innovation in Deen? Joining any group will be a waste of time without proper knowledge of Islam and just because some elder or Maulana or some pious or righteous person started this new group can take you off the straight path. Do not disappoint yourself by shaitan that you are not capable for that. But yes you can strive to learn Deen.

115 Early years after Prophet (pbuh) many scholars came and learned Islam spending time at nights and investing time and money just for the sake of Allah (swt) and if we realize their knowledge is still alive today and they continue getting reward till the end of the world.

Dua requested, may Allah (swt) remove my worries and problems and send His blessings as well as to all Muslims, Ameen

May Allah accept my work and increase our knowledge, Ameen

Quran 2:127

ميع ٱلعليم ( )۱۲۷رسنا تقبل منا إنك أنت ٱلم ..…

"Our Lord!accept (this service) from us, for thou art the All-Hearing the All-Knowing.”


From Abu Ammaar Saeed Ahmed

Dear Readers,

My purpose to write this book is to encourage you to gain more knowledge of Tawheed directly from original sources and do not just believe anyone. Spread knowledge from this book knowledge to others who are busy in their lives or just following any group blindly. Especially for those people who has less knowledge and following blindly and joined any sect of Islam with intensions that it is pleasing Allah (swt) but in reality it is just stopping you at a point whole life. Example if you are in the 5thgrade of Islam joining group will make you spend entire life staying in 5th

grade without moving ahead to gain more knowledge in Islam and become good knowledgeable person to teach others Islam. Remember it is shaitan’s tool to stop you moving ahead, Because if you move ahead studying more, technically you will get more knowledge and with more knowledge you will teach others and this is what shaitan is doing to stop spreading Allah’s Deen and making you just stay where ever you are. Because spending time in gaining more knowledge is getting close to Allah and Jannah.

Islamic Research Foundation New York