Is your resume hurting your job search

Post on 26-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Is your resume hurting your job search

Your resume has one job

To get you an interview

- Many people believe that a resume gets them a job, but that is not exactly true. A resume is simply the first introduction of you to a potential employer. People are rarely hired on the basis on a resume alone.

There is one thing that could be standing in your way - Like it or not, the game of job hunting has changed. More people than ever are looking for same job as you .

And you may not even realize it

- Understanding the barriers can help you move further along in the job interview process

Before your resume can be reviewed it has to get past the “NEW” gatekeeper


- Gone are the days when you could go door-to-door and drop off a resume. And unless you have a contact that works there, you’re almost always restricted to applying from behind a keyboard.

Hundreds of people are applying for the same jobs you are - The marketplace has changed, and while technology is helping move things forward, it does make the market place even more competitive. Anyone with computer access can apply for a job.

Making the process of finding “the one” even more difficult for hiring managers - Imagine having to manually sort through hundreds of resumes everyday, and if it were several different jobs, that task would be nearly impossible.

Companies have to use technology to “pre-screen” candidates - Otherwise, they would spend too much time looking at candidates that simply are not qualified for the job.

For job seekers – it’s totally frustrating

- You have the right qualifications, the right experience, the best references, and you apply for jobs, but no one calls back, and it stinks.

So … how do you make it better?

- You have to look at this like a hiring manager does and see your resume from their point of view.

Put that same technology to work for you

- So that your resume can get past the pre-screening process and move you closer to an interview.

Are you ready to make a few changes that could make all the difference?

Setup your resume to WIN with a few simple tweaks - These tweaks should help you get past the pre-screening process and have a better chance at getting a job interview, if you’re qualified.

Create a resume for the SPECIFIC job you’re applying for

- Don’t use a generic resume across the board when applying for jobs.

Study the ad and match the keywords in the ad to your resume - This does take some time to do, but remember, finding a job is your full time job right now. Invest in yourself and take the time to complete this critical step.

Know the company you are applying to

- Go to the company website and look at its mission statement. Check out and like their Facebook page, follow their LinkedIn Page and learn the company’s activities. Many times companies look to see if you’re “following” them online.

Seek out a contact at the company

- Create a LinkedIn account if you don’t have one already, and learn how to market yourself. Networking on social media is key when seeking employment. Remember to have a professional photo on your LinkedIn profile.

The key to success is the follow-up

- A follow up letter outlining why you want the job and what you can do for them allows a generation of interest in you. Tell them why they want you for the job. Want to really stand out? Handwrite your note and use snail mail instead of email!

You are creating a personal brand and marketing yourself to employers

Don’t let the online application process detour you or frustrate you. - Follow the process and take the additional steps.