Is your PERFORMANCE parked at parking lot? your PERFORMANCE parked at parking lot? ... Core values...

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Transcript of Is your PERFORMANCE parked at parking lot? your PERFORMANCE parked at parking lot? ... Core values...

Is your PERFORMANCE parked at parking lot?

|JAYA BHATEJA Executive Coach

Drive your PERFORMANCE to work for higher results!


Introduction 1

Gift Voucher for you 2

About the Author


What's latest?

Additional Reading 14


How to drive your performance to work?


Tool for you to �ind your internal GPS

Personal effectiveness a waste of time!




Dear Reader,

I am Jaya Bhateja and my endeavour is to continuously support leaders to become highly in�luential and effective in their roles. My belief is that Authentic Leadership positively impacts the lifestyles and economies around us.

Core values of my practice are :






These values are the foundation of everything I do for Leaders. My Leadership Development philosophy is "Leadership is about leading yourself �irst before leading others"

This e-book aims to support you with the simple analogies, tools, tips, case studies and examples to positively in�luence the way you lead your people and your self.

In case you are interested to work on yourself to become more in�luential and highly productive at your work, you can leverage the Gift Voucher to experience an hour of complimentary individual coaching session with me.

By downloading this e-book, you are automatically entitled for future posts along with this Gift Voucher.

Forever in the best interest of your Leadership & Life!

Jaya Bhateja Executive Coach Certi�ied by Marshall Goldsmith Stakeholder Centric CoachingProfessionally Certi�ied Coach (PCC) by International Coach Federation (ICF)


One hour coaching session with the

globally recognised and experienced

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Looking forward to support you in

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Contact no.: +91-9953003775


· Have you ever felt that your potential is not fully leveraged at work?

· Have you ever been at a juncture in your career when you felt as a mis�it in the organization in terms of culture?

· Do you try �itting into organizational culture even if that doesn't resonate with you as an individual?

· Have these feelings lingered with you for a long time and you don't know what's wrong and what to do?

This may feel as if not only your performance is parked in one spot, but it is in the wrong one too! Let me explain. Our values drive our actions. When we feel that there is a con�lict of values between you and the organization, you feel that you do not belong, that you are stuck in the wrong place. You cannot focus on work and that slows down and halts your effectiveness and performance! Ignoring this con�lict and continuing without resolving it might get you results in short term; however, it is not a great strategy for sustainable leadership.

So what's the solution?One of the most commonly seen reasons for leaders to feel frustrated and lost is the lack of conscious awareness of their own Core Values. In the effort to build teams they continuously try to live and propagate organizational values without knowing/believing/living their own values.

The reason I say conscious awareness is because even though values seem to be a very basic tenet, how many of you really know your top 5 values and live by them every day? Or how many of you consciously refer to your values for decision making?

Do you know that each and every decision that you make is deeply connected to your values?

This brings us to the question:

What are values and do they change with time?Your values are the intuitive clues that help you make decisions at every step of your life. These clues are installed in your subconscious and work like an internal GPS (Global Positioning System) to guide you through your life everyday.

Values are not only ingrained in us through our upbringing and our environment, we also learn and imbibe values through our education and environment. Together, these form the basic cornerstones that guide our behavior and life-choices.

The bene�its of re-de�ining Values of OrganizationsExtrapolating the same to your workplace, when you emphasize organizational values on your team, they try to live by that and hence every initiative in the organization is around its core values.

Values help manage the successions, transitions, mergers and acquisitions,

They guide you through cultural transformations and change initiatives or your own career journey.

Values are mandatory as they help you stay focused upon what the organization or you as an individual stands for.

Once established, Values can be emphasized upon the employees to maintain the organizational culture or can help you stay on your path as an individual.

It is important for every leader to keep visiting and rede�ining their own set of values.

Most of the times the key reason for people to be in con�lict with their work environment, bosses, peers or teams is connected to their own values.

Let's look at these two examples to make it clearer

How to drive your performance at work?


A very senior leader was feeling confused about why he thinks differently from his environment? Why is he not able to make sense of a lot of things that people in his team think are the right thing to do?

There came a time when he started doubting his own self and an inner dialogue started within him saying “something is wrong with me”, “ I guess I am crazy”.

Do you know what he was dealing with?

He was dealing with con�lict of values which he couldn't understand straight.

His value said “Think before you speak”

Environment demanded “Prompt participation in the group discussion”

His value said “Talking less helps you listen and analyze more”

Environment interpretation “If you are not participating, you are not focusing”

As a result, he started noticing perceptions and judgments forming around him and there came a day for feedback when all these perceptions were on table eye to eye.

The thought process started con�licting slowly as he was trying to understand why is this happening and what to do next?

The pattern repeated for several years and �inally hit the rock of frustration. Fortunately, he got the opportunity to participate in coaching conversations where he discovered that it was just a con�lict of values and environment, which could be easy solved by accepting and adapting. This conversation gave him the opportunity to work on his perception and adapt to the organizational environment.

This leader is very explorative in nature. She has been into several ro l e s i n h e r c a re e r t r y i n g to understand which role helps bring out the best in her.

Her value says: “Do only meaningful and transformational work”

Environment says: “You can't choose all the elements of your job”

Her value says: “Your work should speak for you”

Environment demands: “What is visible is acknowledged”

Similar to the earlier case, she was being herself but the environment i n t e r p r e t a t i o n a n d d e m a n d s con�licted with her basic values. This made it dif�icult for her to perform.

Several coaching sessions brought the issue to light for her. She was then able to make the choices that worked in favor of her as well as the organization. The choice �inally made her more productive at work and gave her the awareness to manage her perceptions.

There are several such stories existing in each organization, affecting the individual's performance, motivation, team performance along with organization's culture, performance and productivity. Since the organization's goal is to be pro�itable, the base line gets affected by the chasm between personal and organizational values, questioning your effectiveness as a leader.

So are you ready you ready to drive your performance at work?

Let's start by de�ining your values !

Example 1Example 2


Isn't it better to have clear minds at workplace than stressed and confused people?

You would have come across high potential employees who frequently give you the expression 'I am different' or 'I don't �it here'. Actually most of the high potential people go through this syndrome some or the other time in their career.

Like organizational values bring clarity and direction for organization, individual values bring commitment, clarity, motivation and purpose. It is worthwhile to help your team know their individual values so that they can understand where the organizational values were born from. They will also be able to resonate a lot with organizational values once they have their own values in their conscious awareness.

So, are you ready to discover your own values to begin with?

VALUESDening Our 5

Glance through the sample value listed below to make a list of values you think most resonate with you. Follow the instructions as given.


· Your Values are what is important to you in life. Knowing your Values helps you understand what drives you – what you enjoy, what inspires you and what would like more of.

· Values change over time, and deepen, as you understand yourself better – they are always moving. Your Values can also be situational - so what is true for you at work may not be true for you at home.

· Finally, the Values listed below are ONLY indicative: to give you some idea or sample values. We are all unique, so there will undoubtedly be values that are missing from this list, and different ones that sum up your Value better. If so, feel free to add those words to the list below.


1. Accomplishment2. Accuracy3. Acknowledgement4. Adventure5. Authenticity6. Balance7. Beauty8. Boldness9. Calm10. Challenge11. Collaboration12. Community13. Compassion14. Comradeship15. Condence16. Connectedness17. Contentment18. Contribution19. Cooperation20. Courage21. Creativity22. Curiosity23. Determination24. Directness25. Discovery26. Ease27. Effortlessness28. Empowerment29. Enthusiasm30. Environment31. Excellence32. Fairness33. Flexibility

67. Peace68. Presence69. Productivity70. Recognition71. Respect72. Resourcefulness73. Romance74. Safety75. Self-Esteem76. Service77. Simplicity78. Spirituality79. Spontaneity80. Strength81. Tact82. Thankfulness83. Tolerance84. Tradition85. Trust86. Understanding87. Unity88. Vitality89. Wisdom90. _________________91. _________________92. _________________93. _________________94. _________________95. _________________96. _________________97. _________________98. _________________99. _________________100. _________________

34. Focus35. Forgiveness36. Freedom37. Friendship38. Fun39. Generosity40. Gentleness41. Groundedness42. Growth43. Happiness44. Harmony45. Health46. Helpfulness47. Honesty48. Honour49. Humour50. Idealism51. Independence52. Innovation53. Integrity54. Intuition55. Joy56. Kindness57. Learning58. Listening59. Love60. Loyalty61. Optimism62. Orderliness63. Participation64. Partnership65. Passion66. Patience

Remember: When it comes to Values, there is no right or wrong – only who WE are! 6

Re�lect on the times in your professional and personal lives when you were happiest. · Notice, which are the values that were present in that environment? · What contributed to make that moment happy?

Re�lect upon the times that made you feel very proud about yourself· Notice what made you proud?· What feeling contributed to your pride?

Identify the times when you were most ful�illed and satis�ied· What need or desire was ful�illed?· How and why did the experience give your life meaning?

Finalize your top 5 values that appeared repeatedly during this exercise of re�lection.· See what are the values that you live everyday through most of your actions.





Was it insightful? Great! This was meant to be a self-exploratory exercise. If you are done with your activity, send your

values at

I am happy to offer you a complimentary coaching session as a next step of your discovery or if you are interested to discuss your results and observations. 7 8

Personal effectiveness is a waste of time!It was a Monday morning in the beginning of 2016. Shekar and Dipti, who have just started working together as a team walk into the cafeteria for the morning coffee.

Shekhar: (Bringing Dipti a cup of coffee and sipping his own)So, are you signing up for the LDCP program? HR wants con�irmations by this afternoon.

Dipti: Actually, I don't dig these “Developmental Programs”. As if we are not developed enough!

Shekhar: Why not? There's always room for improvement. Plus, it is good for our personal and professional development.

Dipti: Maybe I'm a skeptic, but why would any organization spend time and money on our development? That's all crap and merely a tick in the box.

Shekhar: I don't feel that way. I believe that if I develop as an individual I in�luence my team and colleagues positively, it works like ripple effect. In the long term it is for my own bene�it AND the organization bene�its from it too!

Dipti: Doubt it. It is just an addition to your LinkedIn pro�ile like “PHD from Harvard” and anyway, who has the time for it? I don't think it is worth it at the end of the day!

Shekhar: (Smiling)

I am a believer. I think Personal Effectiveness leads to better time management, crisp goals, more time for yourself and family; and eventually in the long run, better career opportunities, as you are more productive and can do more in less time! There is clarity of thoughts and better self-management.

Dipti: But why would I want that because staying in of�ice all day long saves me from all the home troubles, am I mad to create more time? At least in of�ice I get paid, what am I getting at home?

Shekhar: You have lost it lady!

Dipti: I am being practical. Listen, I work hard and by putting in more hours at work I can impress my boss. Ultimately, it is about how much he sees me in of�ice. These trainers and coaches give lots of gyan. Who has the time for it man? I'd rather get the work done! If I want to do “team building” I go and have dinner with my of�ice colleagues. Let's not complicate life! I get salary to work in of�ice, why should I waste time going to trainings and coaching!

Shekhar: But it is not a sustainable solution. You would feel exhausted one day and would need to pay attention to your health and well-being. It's like you are running at 100km/hr. But the question is how far can you go like this? I would say that this is crazy, not practical.

Dipti: Looks like you haven't met much success in your career. Perhaps that's why you are talking like this. And what is this “improving myself” stuff?? I am talented and studied from top grade institute. That's why I am successful and here today! I can't keep studying the whole life. Give me a break!

I get motivated by what my boss says about me in front of the client. My boss is happy if I am in of�ice and continue showing him results in front of the client, life is set! Plus, no one tells Me that I need to learn to self-manage. Without that, I wouldn't have come so far! So, while I know that you mean well, I would not waste my time and focus on client meetings?

(She starts to get up but then stops and says)

This is what I think:

One: This “people development” stuff is just a fad created for lazy people. Whoever has to leave will anyway leave so what's the point of giving salary to HR and Training professionals. Organizations should instead divert that budget to us who create business and run the �inancials!

Two: Goals that are set in the beginning are never achieved at the end of the year because they change along the way as the environment changes and the leadership changes and the priorities change. So what is this big deal about goal setting? 9

And third: Performance management is one more time waster…when you have limited money and when it is about being in of�ice then the matrix is de�ined already. Why to spend so much time and money on appraisals? Have you ever seen anyone coming out happy after a performance management discussion? Why keep processes that are bound to fail?

Shekhar: There are multiple things that you are connecting. Let's pick them separately.

As far as my success is concerned, believe me, I have been fairly successful. Staying busy in the of�ice all the time doesn't guarantee success.

As far as the organization processes are concerned let's talk about them separately. It would be a great way to start looking internally and then looking at the processes (which is external). Do you agree?

Dipti: (Sitting down again)Ok! As you say.

Shekhar: So when I say I am successful, I meant that I have been very successful in managing my life.

Dipti: What do you mean? We are talking about work here.

Shekhar: Yes I know that. It's also about how you de�ine success for yourself. For me my success is de�ined by 4 drivers instead of 1. Work is one important part and to stay on top of your game, it is important to keep a balance of other drivers too.

My 4 drivers are my Work, Family, Health and Finances. I have been devoting time and energy in these areas equally and they work like a charm for me at all times! The result is that I feel motivated to come to of�ice and feel like contributing more. It is not about staying more in of�ice, but doing more in whatever time I have! So I enjoy my Work and my Life. My team looks up to me for advice and my clients love my cool head and problem solving skills. I have been doing this from last 10 years. I consider this a success and achievement in my own way.

Dipti: Really?

Shekhar: Also, let me tell you about the power of setting Precise Goals. Since I adapt well, I have learnt how to frequently change and set precise goals which keep my pace with the dynamic environment. Goal setting has helped me plan my days better and use my time ef�iciently. Many a times during crunch, I �inish an hour's job in minutes without any stress. I just love the way clarity of thoughts helps me reach my goals slowly and steadily throughout the year!

We have just started working together. You may want to have a word with our boss Mohan about me. While this conversation is soundly like blowing my own trumpet, I don't intend to. This is just to share how self-development has helped me lead a worthy life!

Dipti: That's wonderful! I'd love to chat more, but I guess it is time for us to get back to our work. I must say I haven't been given this perspective about self-development ever. I have never seen my boss going for any self-improvement programs and now I can re�lect upon that. I �ind myself shaking in all the stressful and complex situations. May be I have more to learn from you. Let's chat during the lunch time.

Shekhar: Sure any time! You are welcome!

Dipti being a critical leader reaches Mohan for a discussion while her underlying agenda is to validate what Shekhar has said to her. During her conversation with her Boss, she tries to ask him for some feedback about him!

Dipti: Mohan, there is a new telecom client that has reached out to us for a query. I am currently running out of bandwidth and hence was thinking to put Shekhar on job. It is a very critical client and I can't take any chances. Could you tell me about his strengths and weaknesses to help me make a good decision?

Mohan: (Laughing) Well, Shekhar has been with us from 15 years or so and the only thing I can say is that he handles stress really well! He has a very calm demeanor and manages his clients and teams very effectively. His team loves him and he has always been an ef�icient person. I like the guy. You can take the call. I am okay if you chose to deploy him.

While Mohan was saying all this, Dipti was re�lecting upon her own behavior. She realized how she is just the opposite in comparison to Shekhar and how dissatis�ied she is emotionally. She has complaints with her family including children, partner and in laws. Her team likes her only on the face and �inds her abrasive. On top of it, she has never got such kind of reviews from her boss.

This feedback about Shekhar was like a revelation for her and encouraged her to learn from him. May be a ripple effect had started. Dipti then catches Shekhar at lunch table and probes him to share more details about his life and performance.

Dipti: Hey, it was an interesting conversation in the morning. I have few questions. Can you help me with them?

Shekhar: Yes, of course!

Dipti: When you devote time on you other 3 drivers isn't it a waste of time when you can devote that time to make your clients happy?

Shekhar: Dipti, one thing that's different here is that if you are clear about who you are and what your values are, you won't face this issue. So if I have to ask you what your top values are, what will you say?

Dipti: Well.. Values are basic stuff right? What does it have to do with work?

Shekhar: Yes it is basic. However, it needs to tie into our work because work is one of our basic need, wouldn't you agree?

Dipti: Aahh.. I never looked at work that way!

Shekhar: So tell me.. What are your values?

Dipti: Ok, let me think.. I guess.. Honesty, Integrity, Value Addition, Time with family…….(She falls silent)

Dipti now realized how she was living in imbalance with herself which made her so rough at work and at home. While one of her basic value is 'Time with family' she is not doing that. While another value says Value addition, she has been taking her team has a burden and not spending anytime to add value to her own skills, attitude, behaviors and hence she doesn't consider adding value to her team.

Shekhar: I can see some bits of learning in form of re�lection coming your way at this moment.. I suggest you spend sometime with yourself and think little more about this and we can talk further.

This 2 hour conversation was like a wake-up call for Dipti about how she is managing her career and life as whole, and what impact it is bringing to her health, family and well-being. 4 major lessons that she learned that day were:

· Having a one-sided short term approach toward work is not a sustainable way in any context

· Sooner or later the impact is seen in other parts of life and at times they are irreversible. In fact, the short term approach impacts productivity at work.

· Progress is success only when it is holistic. Running on a highway at 100km/hr speed cannot help you focus on the passengers travelling with you.

· Being a leader, you are responsible for the people working with you, they become who you are and hence focusing on your own development is not optional

Dipti then started having conversations with Shekhar more frequently to learn how to unlearn some of the things she has been conditioned to. Investing in herself became one of the consistent goal year on year. And yes, she signed up for the LDCP!

So, what did you learn from this article?

Send us your questions! 10

Visit my blog sites for more reads:

Are you a leader by luck? ''2 Realities & 3 Myths about Coaching thats blocking your leaders growth Learning is Real Engagement Disruptive Leadership

VideosTeaching Leaders what to Stop- FULL SERIES by Marshall GoldsmithThe Best Of Marshall GoldsmithBelief vs. Values Decision Making Bringing Personal Values to Work

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visit my website:



Jaya is an Executive Coach with a result oriented and measurement based approach. She has worked for 11 years with Fortune 500 companies like Accenture and Siemens to support Senior Leaders enhance their individual performance. She believes in deriving business outcomes by helping Leaders adapt or change their bottleneck behaviors for Organizational Growth.

Her coaching approach blends the best concepts from business, positive psychology, neuroscience, sports, management and spirituality making it a unique experience for her clients. Her clients bene�it from personalized attention and complete partnership while working with her.

She has worked for IT and Consulting Organizations, leading their Training and Development verticals globally.

JAYA BHATEJA Executive Coach, PCC

LinkedIn: www.abhyudayacoach.comContact no.: +91-9953003775

· Coached and Mentored 350 HIPO (Hi-Potential) executives and middle level management executives.

· Logged over 1500 hours of coaching and mentoring experience in diverse Industries across India, Philippines, US &UK

· Enabled launching the Global Coaching Network in Accenture in 2014· Concluded a short research of coaching competencies with ICF fellow coaches in

Accenture.· Personality and Leadership Pro�ile (PLP) based coaching for senior leaders· Subject matter expert for building coaching skills for manager and supervisors


· Certi�ied Coach - Marshal Goldsmith Stakeholder Centered Coaching, USA· Certi�ied Assessor - 360 Degree Assessment, Global Leader of Future, Marshal Goldsmith

Stakeholder Centered Coaching, USA· Professional Certi�ied Coach - ICF (International Coach Federation), Lexington, KY· Certi�ied Assessor - Personality and Leadership Pro�ile (PLP), by Accenture· Certi�ied on uBalancer Coaching, a life balance tool for professionals


· Founder of Abhyudaya Youth Coaching, A social initiative to support teenagers through life coaching.

· Board of Directors at ICF Hyderabad Chapter· Associate Coach with Youth Coach Global· Volunteer Coach for One to One Woman Coaching Woman (a Non-Pro�it Organization

based in USA)


What I have been up to lately..December 2015 presented two wonderful opportunities to

add value to two organizations.

Here are some pictures from the workshop.

The �irst one A workshop on creating personal brand for young professionals. Idea of the work was to create awareness about the importance of personal branding and its impact.

The professionals spent the whole day in three areas

1. Re�lecting about their existing personal brand through personal SWOT exercise 2. Learning about what is Personal Brand, its bene�its and impact on their careers 3. Creating a image of desired personal brand. They made their personal branding cards which captured the 5 words that describe their personal brand and the actions they would be taking to create their brand

The workshop was full of learning and fun and we all had a great time ! 13

The second This opportunity was with an a u t o m o b i l e c o m p a n y . T h e organization is going through leadership crisis. We were invited to a: Discuss and help in under-

standing the root cause.b: To initiate a positive thought

process through the two-day workshop.

The workshop employed Blende Approach around understanding the leadership mindsets and then supporting them with some quick tools to get started.This was followed by a focused module of rede�ining values of leaders which created the 'aha' moment for the team. 14