Is there a role for Homeobotanicals in Conventional Medicine?

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Running Head: Role for DP Therapy in Conventional Medicine?

Is there a place for Dynamic Phytotherapy in Conventional Medicine?

Kimmer Collison-Ris, MSN, FNP-C, WOCN

Homb 501


December 31, 2012


Running Head: Role for DP Therapy in Conventional Medicine?


Effective treatments for medical conditions like the common cold and seasonal flu have been

difficult to develop due to the number of viruses that are responsible for these conditions.

Complimentary Alternative medicine has begun to influence Conventional and Integrative medicine

practice with the use of botanical treatments that have been validated through clinical studies. DP

applications (Homeobotanical remedies) have been researched extensively in New Zealand (Hirt,

Nobel, and Barron 2000) and were clinically evaluated in this paper as a means of preventing or

alleviating illness and injuries with good results. This paper explores the types of medical treatment

and introduces Dynamic Phytotherapy applications. Recommending DP applications: Hb C, #3 First

Aid, and Hb X as effective treatment in the management of cold and influenza symptoms. Other

health conditions were evaluated and treated with DP applications and similar positive results were

demonstrated. This clinical evaluation was conducted at two (2) sites over a 3 month period of time

using persons between the ages of 15-70 years. The cold/flu sample group consisted of sixteen (16)

individuals with recent onset of cold and flu virus symptoms. Six (6) individuals received only

supportive therapy. The DP clinical evaluation patients received either Hb C, #3, or C and #3 alone

or in combination with Hb X. All patients were assessed and a symptom interview was used to track

the duration and the severity of symptoms. At evaluation’s end, the average duration of cold and

influenza symptoms was approximately 26.7 hours in the DP application group compared to the non-

treatment control group with an average duration of 164 hours (6.8 days)—a significant difference.

Patients assessed for other conditions such as myalgias and neurological symptoms reported swift

symptoms improvement after receiving DP applications. This paper suggests that DP remedies might

serve as a viable complimentary treatment in the management of resistant medical conditions and

should be explored for incorporation into Conventional and Integrative medicine practice.


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Modern medical providers must assess, diagnose, and treat many individuals who suffer with

acute or chronic illness while required to perform abbreviated exams and contain costs. Many of

today’s illnesses have treatments that are expensive and often inadequate. Dynamic Phytotherapy

(aka DP or Homeobotanical therapy) offers scientifically based formulas that could solve these

dilemmas. DP Therapy (Hb) is the modern use of botanicals involving the extraction of natural

and active agents from plants for the purposes of treating health. DP appears to boost the

immune system and rebalance homeostasis. Through clinical evaluation there is enough evidence

to suggest that Dynamic Phytotherapy could be incorporated into Conventional medicine to

strengthen weak medical treatments. DP applications appear to reduce or reverse the severity of

illnesses, where modern medical practice falls short. Additionally it offers treatment options for

infants, children, elderly, and chemically sensitive individuals; where synthetic medications are

too harsh. This paper explores the possible role DP applications might serve if incorporated into

Integrative and/or Conventional medicine practice.

In New Zealand Dynamic Phytotherapy has demonstrated solid patient treatment solutions in

situations where Conventional medicine fails; among these are reducing the length and severity

of common cold and flu viruses. This novel and fairly new alternative medical practice shows

promise and should be explored further. Conventional medicine is actively seeking evidence-

based treatments to offer patients in the management of acute and chronic illnesses. Aggressive

viruses and resistant bacteria coupled with nutrient poor foods have created weaker immune

systems and treatment resistance. Individuals are becoming more susceptible to aggressive

illnesses resulting in unusual debilitating medical as well as chronic health conditions. DP is a

scientifically based treatment solution that blends the principles of plant based medicine,


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homeopathy, and molecular medicine (Bone, 2003).

The mounting cost of healthcare along with community viral and bacterial resistance has

become a worldwide health concern. Modern Healthcare still lacks reasonable treatment options

that are cost-effective, readily available, scientifically based, well regulated, amenable to special

populations, easy to use, and have low side effect profiles. Consequently, this Integrative

medicine provider, impressed by the results of DP therapy applications, is proposing Dynamic

Phytotherapy applications as a viable method of complimenting Conventional medicine practice.

Modern Medicine is struggling to provide adequate symptomatic treatment for patients

overcome by viruses, non-addicting/non-sedating pain management, pediatric ADD/ADHD,

non-toxic pediatric parasite/infestations treatment, as well as pediatric and adult anxiety and

depression. Management of these problems remains expensive and plagued with side-effects,

and treatment failures. DP applications appear to resolve and/or ameliorate many symptoms in a

non-toxic manner due to their bioavailable botanical components and do so for significantly less

expense. Current Conventional medicine tends to suppress symptoms and disease; instead of

addressing individual chemistry and underlying causes of illness. Homeobotanical therapy

addresses underlying disease/illness causes while presenting as a valid science.

Because DP remedies are comprised of familiar traditional herbal treatments, many of the

world’s population might be amenable to adopting the use of these remedies. The World Health

Organization (WHO) estimated, that as many as 80% of the world’s population is dependent

upon traditional herbal medicine. Even in developing countries like India, 65% of the rural

population use traditional medicine (from

An Australian Documentary reported that multidrug resistance is rampant in both India and

Australia due to overuse of antibiotics in the community and new affordable and alternative


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medical treatments are needed to decrease the rise of the “superbugs” (2012). Homeobotanical

remedies could offer solutions to the problems experienced worldwide in conventional medicine



People are dynamic beings, characterized by energy or effective action. Every individual is

unique and their body systems though similar; all handle stress, injury, and illness differently.

Likewise, age and gender along with environmental and genetic influences play a role in a

person’s recovery from illness and injury. Add emotional, psychological, and spiritual

dimensions and their ability to adapt changes once again. Conventional medicine relies on

diagnostic tests, brief exams/medical histories, symptoms, and medical algorithms. Gaps in

healthcare and recovery can be the result of only addressing the physical aspect of a person

without incorporating these other areas.

Conventional Medicine

Conventional (Allopathic) medicine is an expression commonly used by homeopaths and

proponents of natural medicine to refer to mainstream medical use of pharmacologically active

agents or physical interventions to treat or suppress symptoms or pathophysiologic processes of

diseases or illnesses. Using synthetic drugs and surgery to treat health conditions, this medicine

is exclusive to westernized hospitals and clinics. Often expensive and invasive, it is ideal for

handling emergency conditions like massive injury or a life-threatening stroke. (retrieved from

Conventional medicine relies upon evidence-based practice, which is a process of turning

clinical problems into questions and then systematically locating, appraising, and using

contemporaneous research findings as the basis for clinical decisions. Critical appraisal is used


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to determine the validity and applicability of the evidence, which is then used to inform clinical

decisions. Conventional practice is largely influenced by pharmaceutical industry, where

validation comes from randomized controlled trials (Rosenberg 1995).

Complimentary Alternative Medicine

Complimentary Alternative Medicine (CAM) is a group of diverse medical and health care

systems, practices, and products that are not generally considered part of conventional medicine.

As the name implies, therapies are used to complement or enhance conventional medicine

practice (retrieved from /National Center

for Complementary and Alternative Medicine website. These therapies

often include the use of vitamins and nutrients to control heart disease, hypertension,

hypercholesterolemia, edema, digestive problems, prostate enlargement, and a myriad of other

health conditions. Complimentary therapies work with conventional medicine to help restore

balance to an individual’s health; where many “folk wisdom” practices have been clinically

tested, validated, and incorporated into CAM practice.

Integrative Medicine

Integrative Medicine blends the best of both CAM and conventional medicine (retrieved from /integrative-medicine) and combines the practices and methods

of alternative medicine with evidence based conventional healthcare practices (retrieved from This practice also affirms that healing-

oriented medicine takes account of the whole person including all aspects of their lifestyle;

emphasizing the therapeutic relationship while making use of all appropriate conventional and

alternative therapies (Rakel 2007).

Integrative Medicine practitioners combine CAM treatments with Conventional medicine


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therapies. They never encourage patients to abandon conventional therapy, but utilize

complimentary alternative therapies alongside conventional medicine. Integrative medicine

emphasizes the difference between 'healing' and 'cure' affirming that healing can take place in

absence of cure (retrieved from

Conventional, CAM, and Integrative Medicine all attempt to utilize best practice standards of

care. This the generally accepted way of providing patient care and refers to a specific treatment

for an illness or disease that has been judged optimal after weighing the available outcome

evidence. (retrieved from Evidence-based

practices eliminate subjective professional judgment when developing appropriate plans of



Unlike westernized medicine, Homeopathy is well known and practiced in Europe and Asia.

Homeopathy is a therapeutic method using preparations of substances whose effects when

administered to healthy subjects correspond to the manifestations of the disorder (symptoms,

clinical signs, and pathological states) in the individual patient. Samuel Hahnemann developed

this method which is now practiced throughout the world. Homeopathy is based on two main

principals: the first, ‘like cures like’. Here patients with particular symptoms can be treated with

homeopathic remedies that produce the same symptoms in healthy persons. The second principle

is that homeopathic remedies retain biological activity after repeated dilution and sucussion even

when diluted beyond Avogadro's number (Ernst 2002).

Homeopathic remedies are prepared through a process called potentization. This involves a

series of systematic dilutions and succussions (forceful shaking actions). Homeopathic

practitioners report that these actions eliminate chemical toxicity and enable the therapeutic


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effect. Homeopathic potencies are designated by a combination of a number and a letter (for

example, 6X or 30C). The number refers to the number of dilutions that the tincture has

undergone in series to prepare the remedy. The letter refers to the proportions used in each

dilution of the series (the Roman numeral X means 10 and the Roman numeral C means 100)

and the number of succussions that the vial of solution undergoes at each successive stage

(Oberbaum, Yaniv, Ben-Gal, et al, 2001).

The law of infinitesimals in homeopathy states that dilution increases the curative power of

homeopathic medications. This means that a 1-part-per-million solution of a substance is more

medicinally powerful than a 1-part-per-thousand solution, which in turn has more curative power

than a 1-part-per-hundred solution. In contrast, many modern drugs are ineffective at low doses,

with their efficacy increasing with increasing dosage.

Dynamic Phytotherapy/Hb

Dynamic Phytotherapy (Homeobotanical) is a careful balance between herbalism and

homeopathy that draws upon and combines the benefits of both fields (ACHS HomB 501, 2012).

Phytotherapy is an age-old tradition, yet new research is being generated and published;

demonstrating how plant molecules act to balance hormones naturally. Phytocrine is a term that

refers to biologically active plant molecules and they share several key features with our own

hormones (Oberbaum et al 2001).

Hb Remedies (DP) consist of unique blends of organic and wildcrafted herbs that naturally

have more balanced constituents when compared to cultivated plants. DP applications are

biologically active plant constituents; which are potentized via succession to magnify their

synergistic effects (Blomgren 2003) in treating symptoms of imbalance and illness. Hb

concentrates are classical blends of herbal extracts and tinctures that have been prepared to cover


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common problems; then diluted and potentized in the homeopathic manner.

These remedies are held to stringent standards and could bridge the gap in the treatment of

cold viruses, emotional and psychological stresses, hormone imbalance, and drug resistance

(Oberbaum et al 2001). Hb remedies are classed as Dietary Supplements, designed for use as

part of a comprehensive health care program. The classical and traditional indications arise from

herbal or Homeopathic literature and were supplied for academic interest (ACHS HomB 501,


Developed by Dr. Brian Murray in 1984, Homeobotanical Therapies (DP) involves the

application of natural plant extracts for symptom control, health treatment and immune system

restoration. The term “homeobotanical” was coined by a team of natural health practitioners and

is a combination of Homeopathy and Botanical Therapy. The remedies in this system consist of

blends of Botanicals which are diluted from concentrated fluid extracts to mother tincture

strength. Each of the primary remedies is organ or system specific (Blomgren 2003).

Research involving DP applications have identified active components that quantify and

qualify therapeutic effects and are deemed comparable to pharmaceutical results. This suggests

that Hb remedies may provide specific alternatives or adjuncts to conventional medical

treatment, in both dosage, and the management of adverse reactions. DP technique additionally

combines practices from both herbal and homeopathic medicine in patient treatment (Bone


Hb remedies are supplied as a concentrate of blended herbal tinctures to be diluted and

manually potentized by the specialist consultant and these blends (unlike homeopathic tinctures

have only one potency). The 1V potency means the original blend is diluted to one in five.

Unlike Homeopathy, further dilutions are not carried out; otherwise, the delicate balance of


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physical and dynamic properties would be lost. Every remedy in the range stimulates healing in

either an organ or a system of the body and each primary tonic is identified alphabetically

(ACHS HomB 501, 2012).

Dr. Murray and colleagues conducted a DP/Homeobotanical research program involving

hundreds of patients and whole staff practitioners. The relationship between herbal indications

and their corresponding references in Homeopathic literature was researched extensively. All

remedies within the range were found to be mutually compatible and dosages varied from 1-40

drops three times daily; the liquid remedy ingested either sublingually, or added to tea, fruit

juice, or water (Blomgren 2003 and Murray 2009).

Therapeutic Action

Through homeopathic potentization, each DP application is found to be capable of selectively

stimulating homeostasis. Hb therapy is a “mix and match” philosophy where the Consultant

addresses the holistic symptom picture presented by each client on an individual basis. A typical

blend contains a combination of three or four primary DP remedies to reinforce the natural

efforts of the body to restore health. The physical action that occurs is a physiological affect of

the remedy on the body (Murray 2009). An application, may dry up mucus, or slow heart rate, or

decrease spasm. Hb remedies stimulate the removal of toxins from the various organs of

elimination. A DP remedy can provide nutritional support on a physical level, enhancing the

assimilation of nutrients. The components possess synergistic action thus amplifying other

healing techniques or remedies. According to homeopathic principles, the low potency adopted

produces a gentle, sustained response resulting in remarkably few problems in sensitive clients.

Components from these botanical extracts and tinctures are often employed in both herbal and

homoeopathic manners. Indications for the botanical components are determined using both


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homoeopathic and botanical indications for therapeutic purpose (Peterson 2012).

Homeobotanical remedies are made from herbal tinctures that are supplied to the Practitioner

in liquid concentrate. The formulas are prepared by stabilizing various components with ethanol,

glycerol and purified water. Concentrates are then blended into various combinations with

several different solvents which are used to prepare an integrated “remedy” that is stable and

fully dispersible in water.

During a clinical consultation, the DP Practitioner determines which of the 42 Hb formulas

are needed to rebalance and reinforce the healing activity in the patient. A selected Hb

concentrate is then diluted 500% and potentized in the classical Homoeopathic manner through

succession. The resulting remedy produced is considered midrange of herbal and homoeopathic

medicine but retains the unique clinical combination of both the physical and dynamic chemical

action (Murray 2009).

Liquids that are used to dilute Hb concentrates are called "bases". When using DP

concentrates, one volume of concentrate is diluted into four volumes of finished remedy and then

potentized by succussion. Several bases are often used for different applications depending upon

the specific use. The solvents that are used in making up the variety of bases are comprised of a

combination of ethanol, vodka, glycerol, acetic acid, and/or purified water (Peterson, 2012).

Conventional Medical Treatment Challenges

Conventional medicine faces many challenges and has numerous treatment gaps that do not

address or fail to restore an individual’s health. Moreover, conventional medicine is expensive

and plagued by side effects, chemical sensitivities, and age related contraindications. Standard

medicines are powerful and often interact with both food and nutritional supplements that are

aimed to restore homeostatic balance. Persons suffering from multiple chemical sensitivities


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and/or allergies often react to conventional medicines and must have alternative choices.

Infants, children, elderly adults, and immunocompromised persons are often not candidates

for taking certain standard medicines deemed appropriate for adults. Although many

medications are useful in eradicating symptoms or disease, there are numerous medical

conditions where treatment is inadequate or put the client at risk for adverse reactions. Among

those named are anxiety, Attention Deficit Disorder, chronic ear infections, chronic yeast

infections, depression, Dysmenorrhea, Fibromyalgia, gluten intolerance, infertility, influenza,

migraine, irritable bowel, insomnia, perimenopause management, post-concussive inflammation

with headache, post traumatic stress, restless legs, stress induced myalgias, tension headaches,

and the common cold.

The common cold is caused by a viral infection in the nose. Its symptoms vary in severity,

including sneezing, rhinorhea, nasal congestion, sore and/or itchy scratchy throat, cough,

hoarseness, and mild general symptoms such as headache, fever, and body aches. The lack of

effective treatments of the common cold is of concern because adults contract an average of

approximately 3 colds per year and children experience twice as many. The number of work days

lost per year is substantial (Hirt, Nobel, and Barron 2000).

The use of DP supplement remedies for boosting the immune system for the treatment of the

common cold and flu viruses has been studied in New Zealand by the formula creator, Brian

Murray, DO, ND, PhD with great success. DP remedies continue to be fairly new but are

increasingly being used by some Integrative medicine physicians and Naturopaths around the

world. Unlike medicines, they are considered only food supplements. Because the U.S. has no

viable treatment to decrease the duration or severity of the common cold and because the only


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treatments for seasonal influenza are an injection and/or an expensive antiviral medication,

Tamiflu; other affordable remedies and treatments need to be explored.

Materials and Methods

This researcher utilized the following Hb applications on human subjects in this informal

clinical evaluation from October 2012 through December 30, 2012. Employed in this evaluation

were the following DP Remedies: Hb A, Hb B, Hb C, Hb E, Hb F, Hb H, Hb I, Hb J, Hb M, Hb

N, Hb Q, Hb W, Hb X, and Hb #1.

Symptom control was assessed on individuals who had either early onset of viral cold and

influenza, symptoms, respiratory allergies, topical dermatitis, chronic reoccurring headaches

related to neck and shoulder tension, restless leg syndrome related to nerve compression, restless

leg syndrome related to Multiple Sclerosis, stress induced myalgias, anxiety, post-concussive

syndrome with headache, and premenstrual tension. Findings were based upon observation of

symptom resolution or improvement or patient report after administering Homeobotanicals (DP)

utilizing custom patient Hb remedies over a course of a few hours to a few days.

The methodology involved recruiting family members and friends who complained of

specific symptoms and with their consent, provided them with Hb applications. The study

consisted of 12 total subjects in the Edmonds, WA and Lake Forest, CA area. They were

assigned Hb remedy drops or lotions based upon their symptoms and given instructions on

dosing and frequency. Only subjects who manifested symptoms within the first 24 hours were

utilized in this clinical evaluation. Cold and flu symptom subjects were required to have at least

three of the following complaints: cough, headache, soreness, myalgias, fever, nasal drainage,

nasal congestion, scratchy throat, sore throat, or sneezing. None of the clinical evaluation

participants were pregnant, immunocompromised, had symptoms prior to 24 hours, or were


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undergoing medical treatment with Tamiflu or antibiotics.

The Hb Remedy bases consisted of either an Herb Water Stabilizer or a Non-alcoholic

Acetract. Hb remedies were created utilizing 1 part concentrate to 4 parts of base. DP remedies

that were mixed into an aqueous base were blended in at 1 part concentrate to 10 parts aqueous

base. Only subjects presenting with cold and flu symptoms were placed in treatment and control

group .

Patients receiving Hb remedy formulas either received them alone or in combination based

upon their presenting symptoms. All patients were interviewed twice daily by researcher who

documented the severity of their symptoms based upon patient report. Twice each day (morning

and evening) patients were queried on the severity of their symptoms and placed on a graded

Likert scale 0 (absent) to 1 (present) scale. The initial symptom scores were added together. The

primary endpoint for cold and flu symptoms was the complete resolution of symptoms. The

primary endpoint for patients experiencing non-influenza type symptoms was their self-report

and satisfaction of significantly lessened or absent symptoms. Subjects were interviewed by

researcher for verification and follow up to validate resolution or improvement of symptoms.


The duration of each patient’s symptoms was defined as the number of days from the

evaluation entry to the improvement or resolution of symptoms. Hb remedies had significant

effect upon the improvement or shortened duration of symptoms. The average cold and flu

severity was 8.1 (SD 1.44) and resolution time was 26.7 hours (SD 13.08) for the 10 Hb remedy

patients; compared to 6 controls with a severity average of 10 and duration of 164 hours (SD

16.39). This difference is striking (see Table 1).

Subjects did not report any unusual side effects to the Hb treatments which could have


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included nausea, rash, bad taste, odor, dizziness, or drowsiness; and asked during the evaluation

and at the end whether they had experienced any of these symptoms or others.

Patients receiving Hb remedy treatments for other conditions reported overall improvement

via interview and described their symptom improvement through remarks (see Table 2).


DP Therapy is about balance between herbalism and homeopathy (from http://www.examiner

.com). Conventional Medicine is an evidenced based practice that is relied upon in most of the

western world and throughout Europe. The improvement of patient reported symptoms in this

preliminary broad clinical evaluation highlights the need for a more formalized clinical study on

the use of Hb remedies in patients with common cold and influenza symptoms, myalgias, restless

legs, post-concussive headaches, and attention deficit or Fibromyalgia.

Clinical Observations

This researcher observed resolution or improvement of specific patient symptoms after

administering customized Hb remedies over a course of a few hours to a days. Early onset of

cold and flu symptoms within a 2 to 24 hour period of time was tested on 10 individuals utilizing

remedies prepared with Hb C , Hb C and X, Hb C and #3, or Hb #3 (First Aid). Cold and flu

symptom resolution was directly observed by the researcher and reported as significantly

improved or resolved by 26 hours in patients receiving the Hb Formula. Severity of symptoms

was subjective per patient report and this may account for the difference in severity between the

treatment and control groups. Length of illness in the control group averaged 6.5 days.

Five individuals with chronic muscular pain and spasm in the shoulders, neck, and upper back

were treated with 10% Hb EIN and EJM formulas mixed into an aqueous cream base and

massaged into the affected areas. Patients reported muscular relaxation with decreased spasm


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and a calming response. One female suffering from Fibromyalgia type headache with

inflammation of the neck, shoulders, thorax, and lumbar back was given a formula containing Hb

F, M, I, and B and mixed into an aqueous base solution and massaged into the neck, shoulders,

arms, and back; reported decrease in spasm, pain, headache, inflammation, fluid retention, and

tension. She further reported a loss of 2.5 lbs of water retention in the area of the thoracic and

lumbar back with extensive relief the following day and a total cessation of headache within 24

hours of the Hb formula massage.

Two male individuals, aged 46 and 75, previously diagnosed with neurologic pain from

restless leg syndrome, and previously unresponsive to conventional medicines received a 10%

Hb NZ formula mixed into an aqueous cream base and were instructed to apply the cream into

the calf muscles of the lower extremities before bed. Both clients were told that the cream may or

may not help yet they both individually reported a decrease in burning pain significant enough to

allow them to sleep soundly. The researcher verified improvement with a daily observations and

patient interviews.

Based upon observation, documentation, and patient report; the researcher concluded that the

various DP treatments administered had merit and appeared to be effective in decreasing or

ameliorating symptoms in a timely manner. Further clinical trials involving larger treatment

groups and crossover studies are recommended for comparison and future evaluation.

Mechanism of Action

The precise mechanism of action of specific Hb remedy applications upon common

complaints such as cold, influenza, myalgias, mood, or restless legs has yet to be elucidated but

this preliminary clinical evaluation suggests that an individual’s immune system is enhanced.

Dr. Murray suggests that in using low potency Hb remedy formulas, the body is able to drain and


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eliminate viruses, inflammation, and toxins leaving an absence of illness or disease to treat.

Murray reports that by stimulating homeostasis a healing cascade occurs in the patient. The

underlying principal is that the body has an innate intelligence and Hb remedies provide it with a

wide range of choices to cause a therapeutic response (Murray 2009).

Although Hb remedies are considered nutritional supplements not intended for use as

prescribed medical treatments the dramatic patient reports and swift resolution of cold and

influenza symptoms indicate that these nutritional supplements are underestimated and

underutilized. Further study and evaluation by independent Conventional and Integrative

medicine providers utilizing larger groups of study subjects is warranted.

Summary and Recommendations

Alternative and Complimentary Medicine is practiced worldwide. A study published in 1995

in the Journal of the American Board of Family Practice, reported 69% of family practice

physicians expressed interest in learning about Homeopathy. Increasing public and professional

use calls for further research to study and validate Homeopathy, folk medicine practices,

botanical medicine, and Dynamic Phytotherapy. Systematic quantitative and qualitative studies

on these practices can influence their incorporation and standardization into Conventional and

Integrative medical practice. Currently, there is a growing number of CAM centers affiliated

with major medical teaching institutions. All of this helps to merge evidence-based medicine

with emerging Complementary Alternative Medicine modalities (Merrell and Shalts 2002).

Dynamic Phytotherapy is a new CAM treatment that is practiced by numerous Naturopathic

and Medical healthcare providers around the world. Despite the fact that it is considered a

nutritional supplement, it appears to be a solid complimentary therapy with promise and could

offer patients expanded and specific treatment options if incorporated into an Integrative or


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Conventional medicine. Larger formalized double blind and crossover clinical studies are

needed to consider utilizing Hb remedies with modern medical practice. Formalized clinical

study is the standard by which new therapies can be introduced into Conventional and Integrative

medicine practice.

Validating DP therapy application as useful treatment options for symptom management and

resolution of viral illnesses and influenza may be part of the solution to curb the overuse of

unnecessary antibiotics. DP treatments have other indications for health applications as well, and

may bridge the gap for clients experiencing minimal conventional treatment success or offer

therapy for age-related contraindications. Additionally, because these therapies are cost-

effective, they may offer both successful treatment options and cost-containment of medical care

to poor and impoverished communities. Clinical trials could start with local Community Health

Centers which are already underfunded and overburdened.

Further areas of study could include investigating the effectiveness of DP remedies upon

individuals with post concussive inflammation, early onset dementia, anxiety, and migraine

management. Substance abuse and mental health practitioners may find their patients benefit

from non-addicting treatment alternatives for balancing out mood, cravings, physical withdrawal

symptoms, and anxiety.

Additional inquiry could explore the use of DP therapies as complimentary treatment for

clients with Fibromyalgia, restless legs, neuropathic pain, and arthritic pain. Because DP

Therapies have a gentler action, young children might respond positively to remedies verses

standard drugs for the treatment of ADD/ADHD, Autism, Anxiety, Depression, food allergy,

Hypoglycemia, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, Post Traumatic Stress, sleep disorders, and

learning disorders.


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This informal clinical evaluation of Hb remedies upon a wide variety of medical conditions

and illnesses, demonstrates convincing evidence that DP formulas offer treatment options for

several modern medicine challenges. Having treatment alternatives that work with western

medicine for persons with standard treatment contraindications is exciting. Although

conventional medicine has historically been resistant to naturopathic solutions; the strict

standards of DP concentrate preparation and quality may appeal to evidenced based medicine

values. This may open the door to unbiased conventional medical inquiry. These remedies,

despite being classed as food supplements could be utilized as complimentary therapies or stand

alone in certain medical situations; offering a wider range of treatment choices to patients young,

old, and immunocompromised.

If formal research trials with larger populations of patients can be conducted and verified;

then DP therapies might be the missing treatment option for boosting and enhancing an

individual’s immune response. Perhaps the United States in its endeavor to provide cost effective

evidenced-based practices to address nationalized healthcare needs, will consider Hb therapies.

In the future, perhaps Hb remedies will offer the solution to reversing or reducing the severity of

symptoms in the common cold and influenza. Perhaps DP remedies will be the new treatment

that conventional and integrative medicine providers can offer patients in place of supportive

care or inappropriate antibiotic use. For our future, this could potentially reduce the worldwide

problem of multidrug antibiotic resistance.


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TABLE 1: Cold & Flu EvaluationAge Sex Initl Complaint Symptoms Hb Tx Directions Results/Report46 M DG Cold/Cough Sudden onset cold, chills,

cough, fatigue, Cognitive Fogginess, congestion, myalgias

Hb C Take 5 gtts 5x daily Start 10/17 12 @1700Finish 10/19 10A

1 Score: 7 Duration: 40h48 F KCR Cold/congestion Sudden onset cold, chills,

cough, fatigue, myalgias, HA, cognitive fogginess, congestion

Hb C Take 5 gtts tid Start 10/28/12 8Afinish 10/28 10p

2 Score: 8 Duration: 14h*“ “ “ Sinusitis Sudden onset

Periocular edema, facial px w/palp, fever, congestion, dizziness, cognitive fogginess, myalgias, HA

Hb #1 Take 5 gtts q1h x 5 then qid till sx abate

Start 11/26/12Finished 11/29/12

3 Score: 10 Duration:48h“ “ “ Influenza Sudden onset

Cough, congestion, fatigue, Headache, myalgias, Fever, anorexia, nausea, Cognitive fogginess

Hb #3First Aid

Take 10 gtts qh x 5, then qid x 2 days, then bid x 1d

Start 12/25/12 @1700Finish 12/26 11A“dramatic difference w/in 1h!”“felt almost normal”“wears off at end of day if >4h gap ininitially”

4 Score: 10 Duration: 18h15 F LCR Cold/Congestion Sudden onset cold, chills,

cough, fatigue, myalgias, nausea, HA, cognitive fogginess

Hb C Take 5 gtts q1h x 5, then 5x daily till sx abate

Start: 10/30/2012 12NFinish: 10/31/12 9A

5 Score:8 Duration: 21h“ “ “ Cold/Congestion Sudden onset cold, chills,

cough, fatigue, congestion, myalgias, HA, cognitive fogginess

Hb C & X

Take 5 gtts q1h x 5, then 5x daily till sx abate

Start: 11/20/12 Finish: 11/22/12“feel a lot better”“less congested & hoarse”“I can sing”

6 Score: 8 Duration: 30h“ “ “ Influenza Sudden onset

Cough, congestion, fatigue, Headache, myalgias, runny noseFever, anorexia, nauseaCognitive Fogginess

Hb #3 Take 10 gtts qh x 5-6, then qid x 2d, then bid x 2d

Start: 12/28/12 10AFinish: 12/28/12 12MN“felt better w/in 1h of first dose”“way better than tylenol cold”

7 Score: 10 Duration: 14h12 F RB Cold/Congestion Sudden onset cold, chills,

cough, fatigue, myalgias, HA, Cognitive Fogginess

Hb C & X

Take 5 gtts q1h x 5, then 5x daily till sx abate

Start: 11/16/12 9PFinish: 11/18/12 1800“feel a lot better”“less congested & hoarse”“I can sing”


Running Head: Role for DP Therapy in Conventional Medicine?

8 Score: 7 Duration: 45h70 F JG Cold/Cough Sudden onset cold, chills,

cough, fatigue, HA, myalgias

Hb C Take 3gtts 5x daily while symptomatic

Start: 10/20/12 1800finish: 10/21/12 1200N“worked great, noticed a difference that first day”“I need my own”

9 Score:6 Duration:18h48 M DCR Cold/Congestion Sudden onset cold, chills,

cough, fatigue, congestion, myalgias, HA

Hb C Take 5 gtts qid while ill

Start: 12/1/2012 1900finish: 12/2/2012 1400“symptoms went away fast!”

10 Score: 7 Duration:19hAv Severity: 8.1SD: 1.449137675

Av Duration: 26.7hSD: 13.08986037

15 M DR Influenza Sudden onset cold, chills, cough, fatigue, congestion HA, myalgias, runny nose, Cognitive Fogginess

Supportive care Start: 12/23/12Finish:6.5d

11 Score: 9 Duration:156h62 F SW Influenza Sudden onset cold, chills,

congestion, fatigue, fever, diarrhea, vomiting, HA, myalgias, Cognitive Fogginess

Supportive care Start: 12/23/12Finish:6.5d

12 Score: 10 Duration:156h19 F AM Influenza Sudden onset cold, chills,

cough, fatigue, fever, sore throat, congestion, runny nose, HA, myalgias, Cognitive Fogginess

Supportive care Start: 12/25/12Finish:7d

13 Score: 11 Duration: 168h19 M JS Influenza Sudden onset cold, chills,

cough, fatigue, fever, sore throat, congestion, runny nose, myalgias, HA

Supportive care Start: 12/25/12Finish:7d

14 Score:11 Duration:168h46 M DG Influenza Sudden onset cold, chills,

cough, fatigue, fever, diarrhea, vomiting, HA, myalgias, Cognitive Fogginess

Supportive care Start: 11/22/12Finish:6d

15 Score: 10 Duration: 144h70 F JG Influenza Sudden onset cold, chills,

cough, fatigue, fever, diarrhea, vomiting, myalgias, HA

Supportive care Start:12/1/2012Finish:8d

16 Score: 9 Duration: 192hAv Severity: 10SD: 0.894427191

Av Duration: 164hSD: 16.39512123

Table 2: General Problems


Running Head: Role for DP Therapy in Conventional Medicine?

Age Sex Initl Complaint Symptoms Hb Tx Directions Results/Report46 M DG Insomnia Freq night awakening re:

restless legsHb Q Take 5 gtts at HS “Improved sleep w/o

night time awakening x 5 nights”

“ “ “ Restless legs MS, burning pain Hb N Take 3 gtts at HS “no problems at night”“slept well”

“ “ “ Allergy congestion Irritant, sneezing, nasal congestion, post nasal drip

Hb A Take 3 gtts bid “Its better”“barely noticeable”

48 F KCR Allergies Congestion, sneezing, post nasal drip

Hb A Take 3 gtts tid Oct-Dec 2012“no am congestion”“no am phlegm”“no am forehead HA”

“ “ “ Hyperglycemia FSBS>120 Hb P Take 3 gtts tid Oct 2012No change noted

“ “ “ Muscular Tension Trapezius, SCM w/palpable inflammation

Hb N Massage into affected area prn

Oct-Dec 2012“Noticed relief within 30 min, less tension”“less edema next day”

“ “ “ Dysmenorrhea “8-9” pelvic pain w/first 2d of menses

Hb F Take 3 gtts tid Oct-Dec 2012“mild premens cramps”“1 day of cramping”“no mid cycle cramping”

“ “ “ Post concussive inflammation w/Headache

Injury site HA, palpable inflame at sutures, dizzy, word finding diff, irritability

Hb Cerebra

Take 3 gtts tid Dec 2012“HA resolved slowly”“no HA next day”“felt clearer, less foggy”

62 F JB Immune dysfunction Food sensitivities, skin breakouts, ruddy skin

Hb I Take 3 gtts tid Oct-Nov 2012“skin less red, feel less tired, less breakouts”

“ “ “ LymphedemaAbn Labs

Chronic venous stasis, edema, abn blood work

Hb B Take 3 gtts tid Oct-Dec 2012“improved”“Abn bloodwork resolved”“BP decreased”

“ “ “ Reoccurring Tropical wound

Hx of wading thru monsoon waters & obtaining sores

Hb W Place 3gtts topically in wound x 3d bid

Oct-Nov 2012“slowly healing”“new tissue & healthy granulation not seen before”

“ “ “ Allergies Chronic conjunctivitis, erythema, eczema, dry scaly, erythemic skin; mult food allergies

Hb A Take 3 gtts tid Oct-Nov 2012

“ “ “ Wound & Lower extremity Pain

Burning, deep aching,Stretching, topical

Hb N Take 3 gtts tid & place 1 gtt in wound w/dsg changes

Oct-Nov 2012

“ “ “ Varicose Veins Tortuous lower extremity from pedal to groin varicosities

Hb V Take 3 gtts tid Oct-Nov 2012

15 F LCR Stress/Emotions Hb EQ Rub cream into affected area tid & prn

Oct-Nov 2012

“ “ “ Muscular Pain-upper back

Hb NJ Rub cream into affected area

Oct-Nov 2012


Running Head: Role for DP Therapy in Conventional Medicine?

prn“ “ “ Tension Headache low

gradeNeck/shoulder pain

Pressure behind eyesTense neck & shoulder muscles

Hb M Massaged cream into shoulders, neck, temples, forehead

“Relief w/in half hour”“able to relax”“decreased discomfort by half-nearly gone”

“ “ “ Premenstrual Mood Swings

Irritability, short temper, sadness, frustration, inability to concentrate

Hb FQ Take 3tts tid x 3d

“eased frustration”“less irritable”“not as upset & sad”“felt calmer”

70 F JG Anxiety/Depression Tension, suspiciousnessPersistent sadness

Hb EQ Massage cream into affected area at HS

“felt relaxed and slept soundly, didn’t wake up in night”“felt peaceful”

“ “ “ ForgetfulnessShort term memory

Easily lost in familiar placesForgets recent conversations

Hb Cerebra

Take 3gtts tid Oct 17-23“don’t notice big affect but I do feel clearer”“less distracted”“interrupts less freq”

“ “ “ Muscular Tension Upper neck, shoulders, arms, full back tension, achiness

Hb JM applied cream into affected area prn

“dramatically calmer and relaxed with short application”“noticed muscles hurt less within minutes”“could tell the difference between side not applied to”

75 M DLG Restless legsInsomnia

“Legs feel hot & jumpy,Burning lower leg pain at night, Wakes me up from sleep, Sleep interrupted, can’t go back to sleep once I wake from sleep”

Hb NQ Rub cream into affected area at HS & prn

Oct 2012“worked great”“really helped take symptoms down”“didn’t go away completely but really helped”“I was able to sleep through the night”

23 F NW Depression/AnxietyDysmenorrhea

TenseChronic anxietyPainful periods

Hb EQF massage lotion into shoulders, neck, feet, and arms at HS

Nov-Dec 2012“relaxed & calmed me”“less irritable next day”

“ “ “ Muscular Tension / Tension Headache

“band like pain around head”“pressure behind eyes, temples, cheeks”Tight neck/shoulder muscles, tender forearms, scapula

Hb NM massaged lotion into shoulders, neck, arms, hands for relief

“improved significantly on face, head tightness”“Noticed difference right away-weird!”“it really helped, nearly gone—wow!”

52 F MC Low grade whiplash2--MVA

Neck/shoulder pxMyalgiasHA

Hb N, Trauma

Rub lotion into affected area

12/20/2012“really noticed less pain”“really experienced relief right away”“didn’t feel I needed to take strong medication because of it”“less stiff/sore next day as well”

49 F MS Muscular Bandlike tension around Hb ME Had friend 12/24/2012


Running Head: Role for DP Therapy in Conventional Medicine?

Tension/Tension Headache

head, neck, shoulders, upper back swollen, inflamedLower back tight, full, inflamed, tender to touch

lightly massage lotion into neck, shoulders, upper & lower back

“Wow, noticed a big difference in relaxation right away”“next day dropped ton of water weight and inflammation gone from neck, back, shoulders”“Noticed a HUGE difference—what did you give me it was AMAZING!”

“ “ “ Upper/Low Back Px “ Hb BJ “ ““ “ “ Dysmenorrhea “ Hb F “ “

“ “ “ Premenstrual fluid retention

“ Hb U “ “

48 M DR Chronic red eye Chronic eye strainChronic erythemic conjunctiva & sclera

Hb O (mixed w/distilled water only)

Place 1 gtt in affected eye

12/13/12“felt & looked better overnight”12/14/12“remarkable improvement w/in hour

50 M RR Focus/ADD Depression/Anxiety

Hb cerebra Hb Q

Take 3 gtts tid Oct-Dec“noticed I felt less anxious”“I really think it helped me be less grumpy”


Running Head: Role for DP Therapy in Conventional Medicine?


American College of Healthcare Sciences (2012). Preparing Dynamic Phytotherapy Blends. Module 3, HomB 501 Dynamic Phytotherapy. Portland: American College of Healthcare Sciences.

Bone, K. (2003). A Clinical Guide to Blending Liquid Herbs. Missouri: Churchill Livingstone. ISBN: 0443066329.

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Running Head: Role for DP Therapy in Conventional Medicine?

MacIntosh, A. (1999). Understanding the Differences Between Conventional, Alternative, Complementary, Integrative and Natural Medicine. Townsend Letter, July 1999.

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