Is Mobile Money Bandit A Scam?

Post on 30-May-2015

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Presentation answers the question, "Is Mobile Money Bandit A Scam?'

Transcript of Is Mobile Money Bandit A Scam?

Is Mobile Money Bandit A

Scam?Brought To You By:

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, then you know mobile is one of the hottest topics in marketing. 

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, then you know mobile is one of the hottest topics in marketing. 

There have been over twenty mobile products released just in the last year alone.

For instance…

These product claim that the keys to profit from mobile are to:

• Sell SMS (text) marketing to Joey’s Pizza who doesn’t even have a website yet… or the time of a day to listen to your sales pitch as he struggles to keep up with orders…

• Create costly Iphone apps… like your somehow going to make millions when you’re going up against big companies with millions to spend on promotion and development…

Use expensive mobile banner ads to drive traffic to affiliate links. What they DON’T tell you is that mobile ads are even harder to make profitable because so many clicks are accidental due to “Fat fingers.”

For the average marketer, this stuff just does not work as easily as the “Gurus” tell you.

For the average marketer, this stuff just does not work as easily as the “Gurus” tell you.

So… it’s no one wonder you’re asking yourself if Mobile Money Bandit is a scam just like the vast majority of other mobile marketing products?

Well… here’s what makes Mobile Money Bandit different…

Well… here’s what makes Mobile Money Bandit different…

Mobile Money Bandit wasn’t developed by one of these “Gurus” who put out a product every few months.

It was created by an underground expert, Justin Elenburg who makes his living from mobile marketing. Last year alone, he generated over $500,000.00 with mobile.

It was created by an underground expert, Justin Elenburg who makes his living from mobile marketing. Last year alone, he generated over $500,000.00 with mobile.

And… Mobile Money Bandit is his first information product.

But, here’s the real game-changer that sets Mobile Money Bandit apart…

But, here’s the real game-changer that sets Mobile Money Bandit apart…

Justin made that kind of money with a completely new type of affiliate marketing called “Pay Per Call.”

Pay Per Call is totally different from old fashioned affiliate marketing…

Pay Per Call is totally different from old fashioned affiliate marketing…

Because instead of promoting affiliate links… you promote toll-free affiliate phone numbers.

Pay Per Call is totally different from old fashioned affiliate marketing…

Because instead of promoting affiliate links… you promote toll-free affiliate phone numbers.

Best part is…

You get paid without your referrals buying a thing.

You get paid without your referrals buying a thing.

All they have to do is just stay on the line for a couple of minutes. Usually, just 2 minutes. 

You get paid without your referrals buying a thing.

All they have to do is just stay on the line for a couple of minutes. Usually, just 2 minutes. 

And just to be clear… you’re not talking to anybody.

Just like affiliate links, your only job is to distribute your tracking phone numbers online and off.

Just like affiliate links, your only job is to distribute your tracking phone numbers online and off.

So, for instance, you might get a phone number from Allstate’s insurance pay per call program.

Whenever someone calls your toll-free number, they’re connected to Allstate’s call center where you get paid simply for your referrals staying on the line.

Whenever someone calls your toll-free number, they’re connected to Allstate’s call center where you get paid simply for your referrals staying on the line.

It’s the perfect way to profit in this economy when sales are so hard to come by.

Now… Mobile Money Bandit not only shows you how to profit from Pay Per Call… but Justin shows you how he’s been using mobile to promote the phone numbers.

Now… Mobile Money Bandit not only shows you how to profit from Pay Per Call… but Justin shows you how he’s been using mobile to promote the phone numbers.

He calls this combination of mobile and pay per call “Tap N’ Talk” marketing.

So is Mobile Money Bandit a scam?

So is Mobile Money Bandit a scam?

My answer is Mobile Money Bandit is different… and will be one of the most popular products of 2012. In fact, we’ve personally used to generate sales really quickly.

To see screenshots from our test results, just go to…

There… you’ll find free training and a full review of the “Mobile Money Bandit” video training course.