Is Fashion Becoming Seasonless?

Post on 12-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Is Fashion Becoming Seasonless?

is fashion becoming seasonless?

alyssa green

seasonless blending and blurring of periods marked by weather and activities

factors economy

climate change

environmental awareness


environmental awareness

climate change

color forecasting


runway analysis


“However broad the theatrics, very often a show will contribute something to the changing way we see fashion and the way we are likely to be seeing fashion in the future. Somewhat less frequently, it even tells you something about the way everyone will dress and look and feel about what they wear at some point twelve to eighteen months in the future.”



“These days it is commonplace to say that consumers taste must be followed rather than dictated. Some argue this is because contemporary consumers no longer have time for browsing in shops and must simple be catered to. In addition, the internet has facilitated comparison shopping, bulk-buying, discount bidding, and auction shipping, empowering consumers in new ways… a plethora of goods on the market means companies must work harder to carve out new markets”

dress study


window shopping


October 2009


what are the new rules?

who are the new rule makers?

how does it affect retail and runway?

what is the new pace?

new trends:layerskey piecesunique uses of colorconscious materialsattention to accessoriesall season items


Fashion is…

more versatile within seasons

reliant on classics

driven by the economy

rooted on stability

adaptive to trends

affected by the weather

becoming universal

determined by consumer